HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-9-24 ., .' -- " 1"-:225 FIFfH?TREET~~i~~t_:~~~~~~f;~~i:i!~ep~~~i~ t~:n~I~~~ing ELE(~ttAL PEJUVjIT,APPLlCATION, , \ NGFIELD' 0' nm""""'._ ' , 1 'II Ii'" " ' '. ',' , : -,:, ,SPRI. . , """",-"",,,,,4771 , I c;c. r I Ii. ' i < ;' . , \.' ,'";' l'1INSPEcTIQNREQlJi?ST: 7ironlrilli6::''':/,-, ;I/'DI Ii I' ;'E\ ~oh Nunilier, ,!;J/-fYO/0""~/' \.:.." OFFICE: .726-3"(59'0 ,! Ii. n. ':' :~rr , 1\: i 'I ..,' , " , r-:::::.,.hr-' i (",,:1 i,;\ a.\"r. J i1..: tN1!M...G,1..tC<;JMPLETEFEE'SCHJ,OULE.BEEo\V ,." \; .) L!I LOC-,\TIOJ?F~S't'~\~~tjeEJl.\jL:;:: ,I,""', ,,', . .. ~92 C-F,4kwl4~' ~OO,/I1 A, NewResldent"'lcSmgleor'.-'.~..- " I' Multi-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Service Included: 17~~ 2..2-Lo 02)"()2- 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion ), Permits arc non-transferable and expire thereof \ / '. if work is no['started within 180 days Each Manurd Home or /" " of issnance ,ol'if work is suspended for Modular Dwelling " .;",. \: " 180 days. :',l, , Service or Feeder .!- ' . <" ','. ".""" $ 50.00 .,',':: .:. ~'. . \ , ,'). /'., ...,-.-,,~\ 2. CONTRAc::TOR ~.ST ALLA TION ONLY B. Services or Feeders /-;, \,.." . J \ i.. ", Installation, Alterations or . Electrical',coilti;lcto;~WcuJ ~#-Vtl<"> Relocation: j.' ...', ,. .. rO:::i Address iP.h,'.l5ok '~OS9..i' /..~, 200 amps or lest;' ',:. f:' '; 'I: \ I \ /- ,"' ':\'... 20 I amps to 400 ii,np~' ,. CityEw9,i...'c..J .PhoneM7~/'e9z:.;;;;. --';.,401 amps t<}lSOO anlps": i' (II i /.,..... ' '60lampstol000amps ~ super\'ir Li~eitsdNnmb~:.?,/ '? ~ ~','. ~~~~~~~ ~~fvsl\'o:ts , , i':1 Ex~irationDate...li;__~a,...",:j/',.;....>....:t~ .... ....\~;-Jf':- i,,' ,'~ 4J:nstr.c~nfr. Nu~;;'eilJ.i :<ft),~';;' '.. .\;",(,';.F'flf:~~~~::~::~,s~~l~Aii~f,r~~:I':c'itio'll t ' ~ ~ ~. . - .',,:,:.'d"';,i-,:,ij\<, .,:,',-/<"t:,:~r", :. " "-:........Expirmion Dat:kb~-~_ " L, . ...', ' " 200 amps 01 less ....,' " .-,,"'- -..'.' .' '. ." . ...', " i-:' . ",;,-,>;--,. ~'",~ 201 amps.to400,m,vps ;.",:: .: ,Signature'of Supervising Electrician ----...c..Oyer 401 to 690 amps. , , r .... ....'(... ". '....... ---., ',-,",:, ".",.'~ \, ..:.c~;."..;,.. '. "_'....: Over 600'amps,orlOOO voltssee , - ,-, ' " ~',,~..... liB" r1bo,'e -"'-'---. " . ':: ,. ':":..,-~,, ,..;.....> Brancllc'.irt\,'cu'ils' '-1',:."" ~ ,,', . ,~<'~~:r"'~'" 1<\" -",,' ...- " . f~',' ,,' " :':,"" ',', :" .-"'" D. : ,Owners N~me h1/~j, '-(LL ',; c;,-,/uu4"+4 Ne,,!, Alteration or,Extension PerPanel . ' : A~,dre~s ..:i/t}~f'f!F.~f;lA.'~ ~at1"p Ole/Lcuit\ F> r ":~"$1300 .~ _~, ~;t.J~f~;Ph~n~' ~zf- ~ r. ( Ja~'A~'dition~(t~uit or Wiil:~ervi~e'r:-~' . .' .'; .... "''; 6r'Fc'ede'rPerir'i!c:'..f'~:.f\ \l~ 3.0q ~';: . ,. . i IlJ _ Jf -; )"., . ........,.. . .).-' :,,:: OWNER INSTAJXATIOr; fi. . .' . i~' .";'''' . ;, \ ";' . ,. The'installation is.be.i!lg made 011 . E, Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included)'" . ,'>";property I o\vnwhich is notintended'< P !-Eacl1-insiallati~h . '~.. ~ ;'. \"~' .., ~ . ~ ., .". ~ j. .'. r<...t ~. -, :: ... , '/1 \ ,.., , . for sale, lease ortent:~'~.' ..;: i.' . ".-^' "'o '-i pump 'or,;iipgatioh'~: ,.:,. : ;. , ------2.:$50.00 ~, ' .:', 'j::':, "c,.~:<:> ,.-' ~Sign.(qlltii1'el;iglltipg::' i _'$5000~ ': r ,:.. .",-.Owne.:s S.gnature: :":''''-~ , \:.., tin.l!te9.Energy(Re,.s",:',' ,...' _ $25.00,~.'- ') c"i':;'" " ... ... -, . '. . . . , ,,'i~,~} ,,<i:'., ;;.- , . ,,\ p~iil;~t? :.ner'?'!:T;f,: , $45"O?~ ~, mo :mIHS\i3 . .' , Minimu'.:n Elcct;:ic Pei-mitl~s'pection Fee is S45,OO + Surchal'~es ~~~~~H~~:a33H 1\.1\1" ...,.-". \:, ,".\ 4, su~\~+lLoF ~Botit \ ,:",:;- lOOZ 8Td3S:31~a.,.. " ",' \ 7% s'ta,ieS~n'hi.rg~ ,t;" -, m..9ooo~tO:;#sNe.~1:" ;, 8'/, Ad;"ini~traih'e lide; .,' . ' ~: .. ---, " , ':.'" .' " ':.-" .' TOTAL "'<~j """'" -::,,::-' -'~.-. " - ,--.- ...!_~~..~~.~ :'; ,:'" ."~ ~ "~'. -,,: f"; r'." I, I,. \;;, ',. , ! ~',1 ,\':,;_' JOB DESCRIPTION 7? p _trd ~ L b""u ,# /tJ..-I.~J.;o '" '- ,.' l'.:: [': I' ~ _ I'" ,!}: ::\, ~ l-i l. ~':' . ;'. " ~: - , I'.: "'.,'''' ~ - . . ... __ 4""'-"----'_.,_' " ~ ..' Items Cost j! .; "-1 ,~~, ."~. S\I1)~"; ::'",:,,":^ $106.00 . ,""...~ $ 19.00 , ." ~', : ~:' .",' , ~ /,\ :-- _"~1~ ,... <!.""". \ ... -" ~ , . . . '~':.,$,63:00\' . ',: '.. ',; ".";$'75 00 ~; '- ~$125',OO~; ----:--..' - \ -- ,$163.00 " ; - . .,---1 . " ,j 'I ''''J ,.- ~ .'j ., " "