HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1993-2-10 'Tho lollo'..~g project as submittedhao the following 1JA.l~. ;,Zr. r '( tn':l does not reqUire specific land use ':,,!' appIOV&i. (\ ELECTRICAL rmtHIT APPLICATION 97/, n Zoning_ Q\~~_I (" q? 1\\ 'f'-.. \ 7'J.6-J'/69 n _I ~V~t$ - Ci ty Job' Numbcr ~A .J\l...J Oate 0... () . Authorized Signature 1. rI1HPLl(TII P-BB- SCnEDULE llELOI/ 01' INSTALLATION (,) Ct. Ie wo...H r \..., 225 I'IFTIl ~TRlmT SI'IUIlGFIELIJ, OIll':GON INSPI!CTION REQUI(~T: OFI'ICE: 77.6-:1759 1. LOCATION 3/&/ .', .1 'l~~ ~fdl1t1u P:) \CX') \ JOll DESCRIPTION I::j-a h q <:; / c:uv ; I I I , I Permits are non-transfernb~e nnd eKplre if york is not stnrted viihln 100 days of i ssunnce. or 1 f yorK is suspended for 100 days. / 13 ) - , 2. CON11tACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLY- "ledrical contractor~\ll'.s ('~;f. Adcl1:ess '{, 1 0 LV. II e - ' Ci ty ----1d.c. _ Phone 1'1 '3 13 S: 3 Supervisol' Lcense Number q ~ 0 5 Ey.pir~t ion Dntc; .~ 1- 1" Y' Cons t r Con t l'. Numbe r ::1 D FJ t./ C Ey.pirntion Datc / 0 -/ - 9 c.j ~~'. r u~~sinr, Rlectrician G ' _! /, K . ovn~ame ~~~^ ~ Add~ess~\~\ -~d1-~ Citys9a~~ rA. 'rhon~141--oQJS ~~E\ ~S'l'ALLATION ,! ..,. " \ Thc installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intcnded for sale, lense or rent. r Ovncrs SiltTlatllre: ~~~;~-----~~j~I~-~-------------------- RECEII'l' A: I '-IS '7 HECETVEIl IlY: .P.~ ' A. /Nev Residential-Single or Hulti-Family per dvelling Service Included: Items 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanu f' d lIome or Hodular Dvelling Service or Feeder ll. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only uni t. Cost Sum $ B5.00 $ 15.00 $ 1,0.00 ,~ $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 1,0.00 , , t " ~ \~; '. " C. I~' ';" Temporary Services or Feeders ~,., Installation, Alteration or Rel6cat~on ' . 200 amps 201 amps Over 1,01 Over 600 or less to 1,00 amps to 600 amps amps or 1000 nranch Circuits volts $ $ $ see linn . . ( . ' l! , ;\~ , ~l . 40.00 55.00 BO.OO , above ..~ ... ' Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One CI.rcui t Each Additionnl Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ J5.00 S 2.00 not included) Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation. Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting .-;I . Limited Energy/Res Limited. Energy/Com~ E. 5. SunTOTAL OF AllOY! , 5% State Surcharr,e , '\ TOTAl. '. s s S $ J6.00 f:O . cO - '"t .U(;) M4 (L) 40.00 40.00 20.00 4( ) r;.