HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-12-21 h .'.......' .... '- . . .". " ,\ . CIT"Y- OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 INFO~~TION: 7Z6.3753 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIG~ CG~STRUCTION ~'D ELECTRICAL INSTALL\TIO~ CO~I8INATtO~ APPLICATIO~/PER.\HT r~PECTIOS REQUESTS: 7~6-3769 , LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ OWSER OF PROPERTY LOCATIO' OF SIG~(ADDRESS) :!,Ii' c;;.A-re:vvAY ~p' /7 tP ~ '2 a , IfIUDOt( WAn:;:a.s INlIt::.<;71fl'E.IJTS TAX LOT' :!il I 0() PHO~E 74-1- /) :;.:::. v ZIP J 'd1 S ~ '~ ADDRESS Oh'l'ER OF SI"(IF OTIIER TllA.' PROPERTY O\,~ER) ADDRESS ':? 171 c3:/4TfZJ/IJA V /....n':J P ~'\"IE OF BUSISESS. FIR.'I, ETC. KAA-i-r<.. PHONE 1+&. - f 60 ~ TYPE OF BUSI~ESS ,II ~Ac::rJ1:J..h I I I \ SrG~ CHARACTER (CHECK AP?LIC\3lE ITE~!S): V IDE~ITY NO~-IDE~TITY TYPE OF ~"'ORK: ../ ERECT RELOCATE Al.TER OTIIER ' TYPE OF SIGN: \IALL VFREEST~'DI~G ROOF PROJECTISG ~IARQUEE READER BOARD OTHER BILLBOARD PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE _ )ECOSDARY .Y SI~GLE FACE ~ruLTI-FACE VESOORS. CO''TR,\CTORS: SIG~ ERECTOR ~Jh~Ir::;. ":;fptJ~ ADDRESS 2a"!y> fA). "VI=. GJ~FAVJ1E..a<, CITY LICE~SE NLr.-IBER ~/n ~G:f I 1 SIGN ~IA.'UFACTURE~ (IF OTIlER TILo\.' ERECTOR) ADDRESS PHO'E 413.r:J -z:;5""1- b t:1T741? Z- EXP. DATE ELECTRICAL CD~RACTOR ADDRESS AI/D I PHD~E PHO~E LICENSE NUNBER OI.\rE:-':SIO~:S. C~ST;\LL\TIOS :\:~D CO~;STRUCTIO,'l INFORHUIO:-l: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE .2-4" VERTICAL DBIENSIDN OF SIG~ /2" HORIZONTAL WIDTIl OF SIGN ,3/ OWENS ION FRO~1 GRADr. TO BOTTO~t OF SIGN fblr, TIlICK~ESS OR DEPTIl OF SIGN ~-4' u DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES V NO IF YES. DIHENSION BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTlD~ IS :,:ORE 111AN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIlE SIGN ERECTOR ~:UST FILE WInI THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY '\"0 PROPERTY D~IAGE INSU~'CE POLICIES, WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL WIRING? YES _NO IF YES. WHICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLU~IINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGHTED) DESC~IeE TYPE OF ~_\TF.!U..'LS SIIj~! IS CO~!ST~~'.!CTED O~ . 5J":df/flf ~n PROVIDE UL ~1J"'8ER IF APPLICABLE SITE INFO~'~TION (LA.'D USE)..EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LA.'D ~~~<; VALUE OF SIGN \I (OR LAST USE, IF V A{A.'IT) : \\44 c:'-,(J PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: F;16m~S' ~t:!~ CHECK ONE, IF APPLICABLE: _INDOOR BUSINESS _OlrrDOOR ~IERCH'\"DISING EXISTING SIGNS (SiC.' CODE): ARE TIlERE,XISTlNG SIC.'S? YES NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EIISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, F1~~, ETC. :_r/) .3' XfI' f12!J.~~F.lACfEJ) ~~"57tO 1A1W{) ;s(.6"".., ," ," '.., '.. '" .... ,.. , ~ ICIrJt5IiV-.PtZV"!&:'- /A)t:;,. C!) COlJfVr!: ~F-otA~f) .96~ / .2-'>C4' ) , , , ':;'/L. Po 'U..A . ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREmSES (S'\"IE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is true and correct. and I further certify that all \o'C.rk performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield 5ig'1. Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City cf Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9.1-20(21. I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. NAME (PLEASE PRWT)' 'J"1I ,,;...~ 1f....."I!..d... ,~k~ "''':DATEj.i../~/Xl SIGNATURE 41"""/.,: I FOR OFFICE USE O~Lt I SIGN DISTRICT Non, PJeEe ZONE DISTRICT ~ - :2 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: __SITE/LOCATION ___FOOTING OR ~1ET110D OF ATTAO>'~NT ___ELECTRICAL t( rft , '1/ VFlNAL __omlOR FEES: SIGN PER/lIT: CHARGES: .. ~oo ELECTR ICAL PERmT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: ~~ -/ -e-- TOTAL FEE FOR PE~'IIT: S.oD +----.~-,--- -- ---__~......__o--- --~':.~~~ ~. ... . , ' -;., PLEASE :"-:..\0 1) Seou:tt:e Sie:n ..\!)~l iC:ltion: A separate :lpplic.:ltion is required for each sep:lr:lte >l~n ~s uetlnca in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: ,\1\y per:':!!t issued under'this application will include wir- ing 10 or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection ~ust be covered on 3n electrical permit. Electrical connection must be. made only by a State Licensed Electric:ll Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intern~lly and extern:llly) must conform to Sections 9-7-~ (4}e(S) :lod 9-7-13 o~ the Sprin~rield Sign Ordinance. . ." . " 3) P13ns ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with two complete .sets Ot plans dra~n to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad. vertising ~ess~~e on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to prorerty lines, structual details of support framing, bracing and footings; D~tcrials of constructio~ for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equip::lent anrJ lighfing; si:::e and' location of existing- signs on . proper:y for the s~~e business. all as required to determine cocpliance wit~ t~e Sprinsii~IJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield. City Code). Also. o;j,(1\J chI' fnllClwi.tle infol-:,:.atio!1 cn th.:' plot. .pl>ln .(pl:!!1. showing property lines and location of signs): '3) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s)~' b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bui lding. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) lihen requi:'e~, becJ.1Jse of design. si:::e, etc., engineered drawings and c3lc~lations ~USt be p:'cpared by a licensed engineer or shall co~form to desi&n standards on rile at the Building Division Office., S) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plicant wit~ no per~lt being issued. 6) Signs ~ust ~eet corner vision clearance requirements as 'described in Fi~. 9 of the Springiield CODprehensive Zoning Code. 7) ~o~: ~o sign ~3y be erected which is less than 12 feet hori:ontally ~ertic~lly fro~ overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or less tn3n 5 feet in any direction f~om overhead electric~l lines which 3re energi:ed at less than 750 volts. ' 0) If:1 si.;n is not inst~lled liithin 60 days after the date of issue of this pe~it, the pe~it shall be void. 9) Insoect ions: a) Site lnsoection to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, tne Foo: \:i~ 1:1~oection (if applicable) r.lay be llladeat the same ti~e as tne Si~e Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be maJe after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the place~ent oi concrete. b) FinJ.1 r~soection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electric31 - All electrical signs ~ust be inspected for electri- cal hoo~ up after the sign is 'erected and before the sign is turned on. CALl- FOR TIlE REQUIREO ISSPECTIOSS OS TIlE 24 HOUR ISSPECTIOS LINE AT 726-3769. ~ SPECIAL COSOITIOSS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIOS OF SIGN: AODITIOSAL INFO~'~TIOS NEEDED'BEFORE P~~IT f~Y BE ISSUED: ' PUNS REVIEI~ED BY: s.{-~ , .. . "I J ~--. .' "I I F'::R:'-HT \'.\LlD:\rrO~j " ~ v . , !. CLERK DATE DATE 1.2-1 ~ -B / . . .. . . , ./ J - ~r , 7- 7 T - K/f/111Z.:nI ~ Il' ~ oI=-~6 r ~& ,- ,,'~jf I ;m:]1 "nIP I-~~ I . -. _I &Jdlj" I ., if(U)l \... " I ( ~ ------ ,-., ~.. ~-. r /\ - I[ I r , I !~,W A ') .- /v/. t- ~~ :..'flI6tIJ I I I I ! I ! ~c;~ , , , ! -- ~ ~~~ '" ~'"'( (;) 0 p ~-=;-:~: iit'l~ti :.-- p~ ;;:OVE~9 "f: I . S. d c- /lJ~~ Igne /" iI ':,:.. ,:, /' . . . ~-.:.' '\ . . ",.J,J~~!i':]~1 ..~ :;/' / ...--- ..- _..,// . --..-........-- k~~~~t~:,:;~ /' CITY 'OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 INFO~~TION: 726-3753 I~SPECTIOS REQUESTS: 7~6..3709 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIGS CONSnUCTION AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CO:,'BlNATION Al'Pl[CATIDN/PE~'IIT LOCATION OF SIGS(ADDRESS) 2.rll GA-TEWAY LQ::)p , LEGAL DESCRIPTION /7 cP'8 ':2-2. Ol'SER OF PROPERTY t;)UDOt{ WATE.f2,.s INflJ=:~77f1'EIJTS TYPE or: ;"'ORK: L ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OTItER' TYPE OF SIG:-.': I'ALL V"FREESTA.SDING ROOF PROJECTISG ~ ~~RQUEE READER BOARD OTHER BILLBOARD !c8 ZIP I <::) , J ~ PHONE 74~ - (6o~ I ,~ TYPE OF BUSI~IESS IV ~(1A<::;rJ!1.h "0 I I , SIG~J CIL\fU.CTER (CHEC;': APPLIC.\3LE [TE~!51: i/' IDENTITY NON- IDENTITY TAX LOT' a /cro PHONE 74-/ - () .::>.::> (..J ADDRESS OliSER OF SIGN(IF OTIIER THA.~ PROPERTY OlI'NER) ADDRESS -::?/7/,'&A~/Av t....n?P SA.'IE OF BUSINESS, FI~'f, ETC. J<(M -r'-r<.. PRDJECTISG INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE _ }ECCNDARY Jt!' SISGLE FACE MULTI-FACE VE~OORS. CO:\"TR.\CTOilS: SIGS ERECTOR G1lh EA)'::;_ ~1~;tJ-:; ADDRESS 2a.$'") W. 1/ I1:1= GJt;PAIll!E.az. CITY LICESSE Slr.IBER A//') :; q / 7 SIGN lIA.SUFACT1JRE~ (IF OTItER TIL'-' ERECTOR) ADDRESS EucrRlCAL CONTRACTOR PHOSE 4135.-z:;o-'1-h t:?/741? 2- EXP. DATE ADDRESS AIle. I , PHONE PHONE , ,LICENSE NlDfBER DB!EXSIO~;S. (:~5T.UL\rrc:~ :\':0 C8~SI:WCTION I~FORH.\TIO>:: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 24" VERTICAL DDIENSION OF SIGN /21' HORIZONTAL WIDTIl OF SIG~I 3/ DHIENSION FROll GRADr. TO BOTTO>! OF SIGN tf;>/r, TIlICKSESS OR DEPTIl OF SIGN ~Al " OOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOSD rRDPERTY LINE YES /' NO IF YES. DllIENSIDN BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTION IS :,:ORE TIIA.' 11" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIlE SIGN ERECTOR :,:UST FILE I<lm TIlE BUILDI~G DIVISIO~ COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY A.'D PROPERTY lJAHAGE I~SURA.SCE POLICIES. WILL SIG~ HAVE ELEcrRICAL IHRI:IG? YES NO IF YES, ~1HCH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIG~ _ILLlDlINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGfITED) , DESC~leE TYPE OF ~\TF.~L\LS Slr.~! IS CCl!ST?n~F.D O~ '5j?{t/ftr PL~~" PROVIDE UL ~~MaER IF APPLICABLE SITE INFO~'~TION (~'D USE)--EXISTI~G USE OF BUILDING OR ucsD ~~E:.." : ' VALUE OF SIGN V COR LAST USE ..~F VACA.'IT): I\..I.~ ~() PROPOSED USE OF BUI LDING OR lAND: o\l5INr:P,<; ~t':! r:::o. CHECK ONE, IF APPLICABLE: _INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTOOOR MERCHA.~DiSING EXISTING SIG:<S (SiGN CODE): ARE TIlERE J,XISTI~G SIGNS? YES NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS. m'l, ETC.:_ft) 3'xr;' Cl::iut!~~E.O-~t=3ut-"iTF.n "'Iemf) 9"";;"--:, ,,' ..,..", ,', .." '" , ~ 14~-Pf2J{'"!':; 1^-JC.: C!) COtJp./t: F=1l<:€..()jAv.>>n 516--1 (,2.JX:4-') MIL 0. Lt. A . ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PRE.'lISES(SA."E TAX WT): I HAVE CAREfULLY EXA.\lINEO the completed a:?plication for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is true and correct, and I further certify that all ~)rk performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sig~ Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City .,f Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wor'( described herein. I further certify that ray Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in Cull force and ~ffect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9_7_20(2}. I will request all required sign inspections listed on t~e approved pe~t. NAME (PLEASE PRI~.T)' 'J"vl.;"",<.. 1:!""'''Ld.'1 SIGNATURE d~ K p~k t FOR OFFICE USE ONLt SIGN DISTRICT H t) n,' PKEC': ZONE DISTRICT f? - :; TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION _FOOTING OR ~IETlIOD OF AlTACH.'IENT _ELECTRICAL . DATE 'ti/~h!1 -. . <11 i.' VFINAL OTIlER FEES: SIGN PE~'f1T: CHARGES: . ~OO EUCTRICAL PER.'IlT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: -!1- -e-- TOTAL FEE FOR PE~'IlT: 5.0D ..~..,.. ".---::-;.---,.---~~ '. [ ..1'1",-'~'. ;-,~ ' ./ . .... PLE,-\SE :"'c..\U 1) SeD.1r:He Si~n Aool iC:lcion: A sep.J.r.J.te application separate jl~n as uet1nCa in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any per~it issued under' this 3pplicat ing 1n or on sign structure, the supply wires for covered on 3n electrical permit. Electric.J.l conne only by J. State Licensed Electric.:ll Contr.1ctor. I intern~lly .1nd e~ter~ally) ~ust contoro to Section 9-7.lj o~ the Sprin~tield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans ReQuired: This .1pplic.1tion is to be submitt sets Ot plans dra~n to scale. showing dimensions a vertising ness~~e on sign; location of sign on pro to property lines. structu31 det.J.ils of support ir. footi~ss; n3teri31s of construction for sign and 5 trical equip~ent anJ lighting; si:e and location o. pro?er:y for the s~~e business. all as required to with the Sprin~ii~lJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of ~ Code). Also. ')(1(\.... th.. f.,ll('lloli!"lO' in fOl":':.at i 0", (On tho showing property lines and location oi sign~): 'a) Show the lccation 0: all existing sign(s) as WI b) Show th~ length of the street frontage taken ul buildi:\&; c) Show the location of entrances open to the pub) I) h'hen required. bec.1use of design, size, etc., engir. calc~latlons nUSt be pre?ared by a licensed enginee to deslin st3ndards on file 3t the Building Oivisic S) Plans of insuf:icient clarity or detail will be ret plicant wit~ no ~er~lt being issued. 6) Signs nust meet corner vision clearance requirement Fi;. 9 of the Sprin~iield Cocprehen~ive Zoning Code , 7) ~OTE: ~o sign D.1Y b~ erected which is less than 12 ~ertic31ly fro~ overhead electrical conductors i volts, or less th3n 5 feet in any direction from ov lines which are energi:ed at less than 750 volts. 8) If 3 si;n is not in:ot.J.lled liithin 60 da.ys. after the this pe~it. the pe~it Sh31l be void. 9) Insoections: i l- ( . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ./ ~-.:::- .::::.: , City Hall Springfield. Oregan Department of Public Work. OFFICIAL RECEIPT c' B 57789, G ,...\" _ No. Dote~. d \ 19~ \ Rec'd From f!q~",~.,. &~ AddresA9\UO lD. \ \d(l\ \ ~ (5 (. Received For: c ( b,~ \) t.;:;;ct) ~ 'J (l " ~.ed €"d ( Amount Received ~) r:::I.-J cr -, ~ -"J"C1fH-,'ZIEO SIGNATUlltE: SW[lTO,,'TU.WIUU ~.'''T[.'' IUGI..I. O. .T.O' af,. ot: "' ( t. c ..S"., 3) Site rns~ection . to be made before the sign is placed. Usu.J.lly, tOe Faa;: t,,~ i~~oection (if applicable) %:lay be made at the sa::te ti~e .15 toe Sit~ Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be m~Je .J.ftef hol~(s) is excavated, but prior to the p~acement oi concrete. CLERK b) Fin31 !~so~ction - to be made upon completion oi all work. DATE c) Electrical. All electrical signs ~ust be inspected for elect~i- c~l hoo~ up .1f:er the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR lHE REQUIRED I~SPECTIO~S ON THE 24 HOUR lNSPECTIO~ LINE AT 726-3769. !l SPECIAL CO~DITIO~S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIO~ OF SIGN: ADDITIO~AL INFOR.'lATlO~ NEEDED' BEj'-ORE PERMIT ~IAY BE ISSUED: -~ PLAIIS REVIEliED BY: S.CJrlv~ i DATE 12-1&. -Bf r:'.. '-" ( c ( ( ( c <. ( (' ( ...\ ,- I I -I I i f I