HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-2-25 .. ,..~ .r.., .. >. . . , - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 ISFOR~TIOS: 726-3753 CITY OF 5PRISGFIELD SIGS CON5TRUCTIOS ~~D ELECTRICAL ISSTALLATIOS CO~IBINATION APPLICATIOS/PER'IlT I~~PECTIO~ REQUESTS; 1~6.3769 LOCATICl~ OF 5IGS(ADORESS) ? III LEGAL DESCRtPTIOS Ol'SER OF PROPERTY 1!:-:CI/o 11/1/./1) Nf7K(/,/l/1 -!6rJO ADDRESS ..JIll ')J/.ch t:<XG.4 . O\;)iER OF SIGS(tF O11lER 11lA.~ PROPERTY Ol<NER) PA-nrjJ{) i/;/(~ S ADDRESS (7C,I,t:>uJCU-( \1)11~d~8() tt.?\rf) I~ I\.) TAX LOT It PHONE ZIP Y71L'77 ~ I I I (CHECK APPLICABLE ITE~IS): NON - I DESTlTY SECOSDARY SINGLE FACE ~A.\tE OF BUSIXESS. FlR.'I, PHONE ETcJJMr/MIIII/IA-S /fC'W{'(i1t ~ofYPE OF BUSINESS /p.1ku.J/'f'Vt-.C TYPE OF h'QRK: ERECT RELOCATE ~ ALTER O11lER TYPE OF SIGN: WALL ~,FREEST~~DING -"- ROOF PROJECTING MARQUEE READER BOARD O11lER BILLBOARD SIG:-.I CHARACTER -,t: IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDENTAL OOUBLE FACE MULTI-FACE mooRS. CO,,.RACTORS: '(')OO/J LJe1'/6Ft.! I fl1t??S ..5/h/U5 SIGN ERECTOR I Y'JIJlj I/t!' JIG It 9 ADDRESS Z9., S- t,) ~ / 7~ ,./- Z//'1I?J1.f /))1_ '77~u.u CITY LICESSE NlJ)IBER StGN f1A.~UFACTURE~ (IF OTIfER TIIA.~ ERECTOR) ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR t?v.u. 1...Ia..u-'c;., i51L~~: t ADDRESS L/fYtU</ /'Y.// fI f PHONE At.P'Lf - ( ilJ4 EXP. DATE PHONE PHONE LICENSE NUMBER OINE!\SIO~;S. I:-;STALLATIO~ ..\.'..:0 CO~STRUCTION tNFOR.J\LUIO:-l: Q" TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 7;;" ,-/) " VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN ~" - (') II DIlIESStON FRO~I GRADE TO Borrml OF SIGN THICK.'ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOSD PROPERTY LINE YES ~NO IF YES, DI~ffiNSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE )iOTE: IF PROJECTtOS IS :.IORE TIlAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIle SIGN ERECTOR MUST FILE WInI THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~~D PROPERTY'DAlIA.GE INSURANCE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL WIRING? vY"ES ~O IF YM, WHICH APPLY?, ~ECTRICAL SIGN _ILLUMINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGHTED) DESC~tBE TYPE llF ~_'THIM?\l S19~ IS CO~!ST~!!CTED O!' /'1' d~ _ 177& - /czPl / /?y/?;"h.l?q ~()/P - 61JX~ -~//7 /.J/U t,JOoct PROVIDE UL NU~IBd IF APPLICABLE ' VALUE OF SIGN ~ 25'00 dO SITE INFOR'~TtON (WC'D USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR U.~D (OR LAST USE IF VAC~~): . ~Ol'1A.~J'"'<:Ao.....(l - r",.::. ~. ,. ", HORIZONTAL WlDnt OF SIGN ff-(jd Ik,'" PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ?CL "'^-ll... CHECK ONE .IF APPLICABLE:;r..INDOOR BUSINESS _OlITDOOR MERCH~'DISING EXISTING SIGNS (SlG.~ CODE):. _ ARE ntERE E~ISYNG SI7fr?G.~S~ )(..VES NO_ IF YES/ D~CRIBE. ALL EXI~NG SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC.: /?/I"O-7"/C(l( - JderlfYC;<l1. ...c /"/J/lr-tfofll//93-H .H'H ... . .. / ; ... ... ... .. ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREMISES (SAME. TAX LOT): t HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9_1_20(21. I will request :~E;:::::dp:;:) i;0;;;;"VILedi k70ved permi:;GNATURE/~/~/ ~ ....DATE: Z~2~-,;r/ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SIGN DISTRlcrJlt"". 6z.t.~ ZONE DISTRICT (!. - -<I TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED:~:. ..SiTE/L~CATlON ~FOOTtNG OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT ,&(LECTRICAL .a& ,.t.FINAL "J 0/ i1:1 I _OTHER FEES: SIGN PE~: CHARGES: .29. on ELEcrR ICAL PERI-liT: C!IA.RGES: STATE SURCHARGE: 1/01)1> .LlD . .. ~ TOTAL FEE FOR PERI-liT:." ~4 . . ".' PLEASE h.c:AD 1) Seo~r~te Si~n ADolic~tion: A separate application is required for each separate Slgn as defined in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wir- ing in or on sign structure. the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made oniy by 3 St3te Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9~7-4 (4)&(5) and 9-7-13 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets at plans drawn to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising ~ess3ge on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to property lines. structual details of support framing, bracing and footings; materials of construction for sign and sign structure; elec. trical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the same business, all as required to determine compliance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also. show the following information on the plat plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well. a~ proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) I~hen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must he prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Division Office. , 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap. plicant with no permit being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as "described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. .7) SOTE: So sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or-Yertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. . 3) If 3 si;n is not inst311ed \.flthin 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void. 9) Insoections: a) Site Inscection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footln~ Inscection (if applicable) may be Dade at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to. be ma~e after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Fin~l Iosoection - to be made upon completi~n of all work. c) Electrical - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hook up 3fter"the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIlE 24 HOU~ INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: 'S1-t(.htJ).__of Sc'q (iL - h~. - lOLl ~. " ADDITIONAL INFO~'tATION NEEDED 3EFORE PERMIT ~tAY 3E ISSUED: Pu.~S REVIEWED BY: ..fa..AIA .L/AA I ) , , ., . . PtR~IIT \'''\LlD''\TIO~ CLERK DATE ., DATE 3 - 3 -9/ .- - -\ .~; ,- ',i.""::''l~',;~~ '~~~?";~~~~~ '" 1;' ~ . . CITY dF"SFRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 t~FO~~TIO~: 726.3753 CIlY OF SPRIXGFIELD SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ ~'O ELECTRICAL I~STALLATIO~ cmlBINATIO~ APPLICATIOX/PER.\iIT I~PECTIO~ REQUESTS: 7:6.3:69 LOCATIO~ OF StG~(ADDRESS) S /(( ,. , LEGAL DE5CRIPTIO~ O"~ER OF PROPERlY M/lCIM 1//II.-/7~ #1',((1';;/1 -It'JoO ADDRESS )'/(1 0/~l~ OliliER OF SIGli(IF O1lIER 11lA.' PROPERTY O'I'NER) /./-I-nr./70 1/;((<<- 5 ADDRESS PHONE ~~\IE OF BUSIliESS, FI~\I. ETC.//fllr//IJ$ I/II/AS HC'IJ/ullt Jf!?ofyPE OF BUSINESS /PlkU)/t2A./; (--;u,y ItJCU-! TAX LOT . I I~ 10 'I~ I I PHONE ZIP '7'7/177 TYPE OF ;~ORK: TYPE OF SIGN: SIG, Clu\~\CTER rCHECK APPLICABLE nelS): ERECT ;( ALTER WALL ~ FREEST~'DI~G .jIDENTllY NON - I OENT ITY RELOCATE O1lIER - ROOF PROJECTING PROJECTING SECO~DARY MARQUEE READER BOARD INCIDE~TAL SINGLE FACE OTIIER BILLBOARD DOUB LE FACE fruLTI-FACE mOORS. CO~"R.\CTORS: !-)OOO (Je'r/6J1.f / /l1t!.i-S SIGN ERECTOR I J/';(J/J Clr? S-1,f7. /( 5 ADORESS 7. 5? ') S- t,) . / /iU- ,-/- Z//f ~J1 f /M~ CITY LICEXSE ~tr..lBER StGN fL\,'UFACTURE~ (IF OTItER TIlA.' ERECTOR) ADDRESS n" I ELECTRICAL CONTIUCTOR !'"l'U /,./ IlJr <:.. t=:'." r.:n- : " ADDRESS , J/h/U5 .orYl-U</ /W.//flr PHONE //-FLf - f iL/4 97"1-u.u ... EXP. DATE PHONE PHONE LICENSE Nlr.-IBER DI;\IEXSro~;s. r:-;STALLHIO:-; ;\'\D ca~STRUCTION INFOR..\t.l..TIO~: a..... TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE;;t, '-/)" VERTICAL DHIE~SION OF SIGN ~ / - /J If DnIE~SIO~ FRO~I GIUD!: TO BOITO~I OF SIGN THICKXESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYOXD PROPERTY LINE YES ~NO tF YES, DHIENSION BEYOND PROPERlY LINE ~OTE: IF PROJECTtO~ IS :.:ORE TIlA.' 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERlY TIlE SIGN ERECTOR ~IUST FILE 11lTIl THE BUILDI~IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~'O PROPERlY. D~lA.GE INSU~'CE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IHRlliG? L/v"E5 ~O IF W, WHICH APPLY?,~ECTRICAL SIGN . _ILLUMIN~TED (INDIRECTLY LlGHTEO) DESC~.IeE TYPE CF ~_\TF~L\1?iJ SI.9~ IS CQ'!ST"!lCTED 0" / r dt2.F. h7t/ - /4:/77 / /!yr"?;//HCI /'{)/P - .6tJ)G~d-.(J? /.)/7-1. t.JtJoct PROVIDE UL NUflBd IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN t:' 25'00 c" SITE INFO~\~TIO~ (L~'D USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR ~'D (OR LAST USE IF VAC~'T): . . G P~~n:.A........(> - V",...~ hLLLlr(LlAX . II ..-' HORIZO~TAL WIDTH OF SIGN",-rJd Ifr/' PROPOSED USE OF BUILDIXG OR LAliD: Sk ~ CHECK ONE .IF APPLICABLE:/L-INDOOR BUSINESS _OlITDOOR ~IERCH~'DISING EXISTING SIGNS (SlGN CO.lDE):. _ ARE THERE EX.,rs;;.r~G SIlffGNS1 )(..YES -YO. IE YES, D~CRIBE. ALLEXI~;;.r.N.GSIGNSF9R BUSI~ESS, FIRM, ETC.: /!/,or:/-//CCZ( - Jdz:nf'/C/.1 ..Co /A-/lDtO plu::T ... . .. J ; ... ." ..." ." ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREmSES(S~\1E TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINED the comple~ed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9.1-20(21. I will request :~E;:::~:dp:;:) i;0;;;:/;ed; ;Z70ved P"rmi:;GNATUREA~ / ~HHDATE: Z~25'-"Y/ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SIGN OISTRICTfflM'. .C;Y', ,. 1/1,q ZONE DISTRICT e - '-I TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUtRED: .SITE/LOCATION -YOOTlNG OR METHOD OF ATrACHlIENT ~LECTRICAL -":~_~ ? 9 f1J ..t:,FINAL _OTHER FEES: StG~ PE~'I1,"': ~ /J OiARGES:' .;z.,.. Ct') ELECTRICAL PERl-liT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: 1/01J1J .LlD '40 TOTAL FEE FOR PERl-liT: ,,~4. ~ ....-' ." . ,..-. . ,,,~"';..tr__'.. :....~::.. ~ " ~ ~~~.~ .; \lw~..G:.:.."t,.l...~~.u::~~''';:o('''''''' _':... ..... . . . , ' ."' .........l>-_.. _~......~.;-.;:""::,:;~.'.'.... ,'"... - " e"' ;,' PlEASE 'tAD 1) Seoarate Si~n AD~lic3tion: A separate application is required for each separate Sl~n 3$ Jetinca in the Sign Code. Electrical: Any permit .issued under this application will include wir- ing 1n or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made oniy by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intern.:J.l1y and extern.J.lly) must conform to Sections 9~7' . 9-7~lS of the Sprin~iield Sign Ordinance. 2) 3) Plans Required: This application is to be submitted wi sets or plans dra_n to scale. showing dimensions and he vertising cessage on sign; location of sign on property to property lines. Structu31 details of support framing footings; D~tcri~ls of constructio~ for sign and sign s' tric~l equip~ent and lighting; size and location of exi. property for the same business. all as required to dete: with the SpringfielJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the S; Code). Also. show the following information on the plo" showing property lines and location of signs): . il) Sho.... the loc~tion of all existing sign(s) as ....ell a: b) Sho.... the length of the street frontage taken up by ; building. c) Sho.... the location of entrances open.to the public ~ 4) \'then required. bec~use of design. size, etc.. engineerec calcul~tions ~ust be prepared by a licensed engineer or to design standards on file ~t the Building Division Of: S) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail ....ill be returne< plicant ....ith no permit being issued. 6) SLgns must meet corner vision clearance requirements as Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive ?oning Code. . 7) KOTE: ~o sign o~y be erected which is less than 12 feet ~ertic31lY fro~ overhead electrical conductors in ex( volts. or less th~n S feet in any direction from overhei lines which ~re energi:ed at less than 750 volts. . 0) If 3 si;n is not installed within 60 days after the datf this permit. the pe~it shall be void. 9) Insoections: a) Site Insoection - to be made before the sign is plac the Footln~ Insoection (if applicable) may be ~ade a time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection ma~e after hole(s) is excavated. but prior to the pI concrete. b) Final 1~5oection - to be made upon completio~ of all c) Electrical - All electrical signs ~st be inspected cal hook up ~fter the sign is erected and before the turned on. CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED I~SPECTIO~S ON TIlE 24 HDUI!: INSPECTION J- 726-3769. :' " , (" CITY . f <l. .~ '. ~~, /' ""' }..tK,\lll ...H.lJ).'\IIU.... OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield, Oregan Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ( No. B 55 9 6 3 ( 19 R\ ri Q J\lCY'f\J~ /:JbS S (A-) l'~ Date\. :\m \ Rec'd Fra~ ~\ " 4. ~~, Address €r;- Received Far: ~. ( ~ri (" '. ( ~k ~.. " ii- " ,~.. /' , .'. SPECIAL CO~DITIO~S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIO~ OF SIG~: 5u.r,{LL--of $,t'q tL - h~, - [0-0 ~. ADDITIONAL INFO~\~TIO~ NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~~Y BE ISSUEO: P~~S REVIEWED BY: {(lAu A_MA- l I ) ., ( ( U lCJ.-..r\ UJ)~~+- C\J+ CD /6.00 4Q?) ,1f) , '. ( / ( (t ~\ 4U~YA- Amount Received ~ --r-r \....-)L-/ ( 'U"O""~'----f . ...I:LTa..Tu.....ULL ~1I'Nnll. I:UIII:NI all .'.0' ...".. \ ( ~. :1 . DATE 3-3-f! I -'