HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-4-26 .. RESlo.NTlAL" APPLICA~N/PERlIIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building' Division 726-3753 ,Job Locatio,;: '303.> G.cieu-f v' I ADceDcorc Map H "/"1 0 "32-2-2-0 Subdiviaiml: #- i1;-( Ne [iN J,lld( ) T,,", Lot II (')?-, () () U Q.mer: \]JY{'(ll~;lltl" Addracc: P,O. Rurl. 10 5? City: Rl.&Uu I , "~n Date of Appl.ication Contractors General. , P l,umb:i.ng i Hcchalllcal I E~ectri"al C, ItS; e{....,,1"'~ ]:A..<-' ;?.; -"'l.t:. :3 8"1' 'Slloc;:v,,"'Sil.!lL.Il.l.ectr,iciilll ()..-.,,"t/., 4 ~Th..._i/ lJ, '{(. &: . h 'b . L ., . h Ld h I L I .' . It 1.8 t e reSpOnD1- L 'tty OJ the penm.t 0 P-J' to see t at a ... UWP,]ct1.0n:; aI'e r.;aaii; from the otract, and that the permit card in located at the f1'ont of Ole propf!J'ty_ -tBuiZdina Divi::ior. appz'oved plan (;Jv~lt l'cnnin on [;11.;. Bu-f-ldi/l(l S[..L; at aU timer:. n n '11"1.1 i,. r /"./1 /-,,, ""7:"" ,1ddi ticn f//t-;emodel n ,'-fobi le lIoma l'hOlle:(1..oH) 343-(04-3~ zip: <6.1'10 I Describe fl'or!.:.: IV~"" ~"_"'c.I,"'., ~n" w.......+, ~ h',:'.:.:r::~l,. 'f IlD f?&D Value Address Li sc. 1/ HId n.: HI_';l rd pp~:, :::i(l'-:edo'~ Va tr,: t./ - 2-{p ...q D I~;.;:n:~ :~ps Pilnnt" q~/r tl ?'1I-:J.:2.JI. at t;he proper' t;imc, U;.r.t ';I.:ch .-:dlires3 is rea~a2;:e P,70CEDURE FOR TNSPF.CTroN REpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccord~r) rotate YOUl' City de:n:u/'wted ;iot; l1:o;;hcr', l'equcstcd ar:d /Jhmt you wiU be r'eady for inr;pcction, Cont1"nctcrs 01' (fiJne1~:; n..::ne ,;'Ild i=hOI:'; I!U:~bC1'. ;..'iZl be made the same dc.y, 1"equests mc.dc aft;;1' 7:00 a:n /Jill b;; rmde the next :JOl'X,:'I..7 dai." R(>n,Jliyo~.-i TI1f:r)",('fJr.I1.r: O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but p1"ior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,lL & MECHANICAL: To be made beJoI'e any work is ~ovcred. o roOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forma are erected, but prio1" to pouring ccncret.;. ij,Io.roSRGROU,~,.ro PLUMBING, SErlER, fv,1TEH, DHAIr/AGE: To be made priOl' to fU- lir.g trenchec. o o UNDERFWOR PLUf.:BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatal~tion of f100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation 01" deckiYl(j . ROUGl! PU/"!BTllG_ FT,ECTRICAL r. NECff- ANICAL: No work is to be covered- ur:til these inspectiona hav~ beer. made and approved. FIRF.PLACE: Prio1" to plc.cir.g facing mate1"iaZs and before framing innpec- tior:. FRAJ~INr.o' MUst be requested after approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roaring bracing & chimneys, et.::. m"..J.st be ,completed. No LKJrk is to be con- , coaled until thia inspection has . bf>en made and approved. o o D D Your City Deaigr.ated Job NW7IDCJ' II;: o INSfJLATI0NIVAPOb' lJilRRIF.R I,"ISP!X'FJON: To be made after all inGul.;tJ:.m (1.':.-i required vapo1" ba1'J'ierf: ill'f] bl place but beforc any ~th, aypr;wn bCGJ'd 01' wll covering is appliedJ mvf be.ro~'e any insulation i3 concealed, ,joh ac:cycr;:;, ti!pe of in:;pec~iclj R.c:que:lt:$ l'<zceived befcl'!] 7:00 ,:-~ 0f)rhl L/ ... I Dr:t,~I}[J'fr(1.l,1 OR :..':Jl/E.~ ':;UTi'J,lJt:,'(;S ~ ".'1'''"'''''' "C' Ie" "G"')e.; "I- /)"0"-".1-" -1 "'" ,,~, :, ".>~ , ~ et ,',..L> '.. 1'''''' ":1 Zir.e o DRYf,ALL I/ISPtXTIONo' Tc be rnade after all drywall. is in place, but p1"ior ta any taping. =:J Sr.pt.ic tad: p:,,'",?cd mui /"::Zlod z.:ith Jl'a::ei I Pinal -- l.'her. (:b.;ve ita:,,:s m',: cc,-npletc::. ~ m:d when :!e.-nci;,.tior.i:; cor.:plete or st;~':...:- tW'1l moved alLi pl'.;;~i3elJ cleaned up. 'Mohil.] lIeme:; :::J Rlockill(J and S<Jt-:lp ~ Plumbill:7 c01l1lect;i::::ns scwm' and wa;er :::J F:Zcr:tl'1:Cc.l Ccru:ectioll - Blockin.?, set-Ii:; Old pZwnhill(l ecm;ect.ians nr"';'3t !;~ ap?ra;;~(: beroN; l'equest:'llg eZec;I't:cal illspec;io:: ~ ,1cCCJ:::Ol'.;,' B14ilc;"Il{! t Fi~'ll - A~~;;r r:~c.t:(!S, ~ qtv. arc c~~pZe~~a. r;k~l.ting, deckn, D MASONRY: Steel locatioll, bond beam3, groutillg ar vert-ic::.;.l" ill aecordmzce wi th U. B. C. Sec t1:all 2415. (IOODSTOVE: After installation if; ccmpleted. D A'll pro,ject conditiolUJ, such. as Om -:,'.,w~(1ilatiuJ1 oj' n:'l'cdt tree:;, i.!..J::-;pl.ct;;,..:m cJf' t;w required landscc.pir.g, etc., mllst he satir,ficd br:/ore the BUILVIl;C FI;:AL Cr.Il bl] r>2l1ucst.:d. D FIIIA~ l'LUMBIIlG o FINAL MECIIANICAl. o FINA~ EU'CTRICI.L o o PIN,1D BUIU)ING: Tha Fbtal BuiZdill[J !It:-:F,,:(:tiOll r.:ll:>t. b,! l'flqUIJI.:tcd ,:,:'t'",;l' th.: Fi'tf1.l Plur.:bilz:y Elactr'icaL, and Mechnr.ic(~l IIF,{',wtiolll1 halJ,: b,zm: /';ad,] (/Iul app'cV';;;', , .t, D o CURB & Al'PROAr:1! APRON: Afte;' fa1'J~:: are f3rected but Pl'ior to pOUl'in(l .::!o~rete. SJUEIIAf.K & DRIL'l:,'W/,;y: Fa!' all 1.:{;I1- crete pavino within st1"ect right- of-wc.y, to be made aftel' all e,T.ca- vating canpleta & fo~ work & ~uh. baae material in place, *AU, l.fANlIO!.ES AN/) CU;;I1NOUTS HIlST fiE ACCESilIBLr, AD.rlJS7'!!X,"iT TO n;,,' :.:,lt1f: ,":" :'.'0 :-'.'s'r ;~(I ('1':'Y I n.,,~.~ of:; D o !"'ENCE: r..lhar. compl,;te -- ProlJid('! gates or movable r;actio/1:; thl'cugl; 1'.U.E. o lIII'/ '"I JOB NO. I.. l.:.iJrlC: 'ILot Sq. peg. Iz ~f lot C~verag~ Iii of Storiaa Total Haight I Topography I In'EM l.vaill I G.-:.race I CarVOl't I/ke-esSOI'II I I Is.D.c. SOLAR ACCESS Oecupane" Gro:~ fLY'!' TYPE [r:tCl'"iCl' Corrler' PanhWldle CuZ-dc-sac SQ. FTC TOTAL VAW/." (UCWC) 1.5 :r: Bu.ilding Pcrmi t State SUY'charge Total C}za:-gc;; x Value Ft'E I I1'[N I Fw:tw'cs Residential (1 bath) sanitary SeLJer I./(:ter' Plumbing Pel~i t State Sarcr.n.r'ge Tota! ChcT'[!cn II'I'I.N I Hcs. So. rta. l N;;wIExtend CiT'Cld tn !TempOl'ary Seruiee I Elc:Jtl'ilJrzl Permit State Sur::lull'ae Total C}Ull'CCt: lITEM I F'urn:lca HTU'S E:::hmUl t Ilood Vent Fan I I W:JOdsto:Jc I Pel'mit [S[JuancQ Me::hanica 1 Pelwri. t State Sw'e!u:,'oc Total C],artHw -- E.'t.'CROACHNEf.'T Sc~~rit~ DZpOoit St01'a{Jc I Main tenan.:Je Pcrmi t Total Charncs I eurb<-out ISidew..'1.Zk l.r;ocn:.:c I Electrical j Mobile Home I Label I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" NO'1 I I I I CIlAlH,'E' i NO. r Ft'E 1/ I';;l~ I I I 1/r:~ :,,'UilUGt,'. Ne. f'~'~> I I 'J/.~ I I.~ I ::1<'1 ~. I .~ I C!IARCE pagc z R EQ.- L-COC-t;<' . I T;'pe/Cor:s t: Bedrooms: En2ray SO:lreJes Heat Watm' .'lea tel' Range Fi l'CD laca Wood:; toz,'e Tm1e I Dot Faces - I I P./'. INOl'th IPast. ISodh If/ant SetbaeJks "ouse Cm'aqe Access, I I Fzes B~ilding Value & Permit This pcmrit in granted on the express condition that the :laid corlDtrueJtion shan,~ in all l'e[JpectD~ conform to the Ol"0inance adopted by die city of Springfield. inc!uding the Zoning Crd~nance~ regulating the ccnst"lcticn and ww oj" buildings~ and m:;.y be suspcmded 01' revoked at ar:y time upon vic- lation oj" any provisions of said Ordir.anccs, I Plan Check Date Paid: IReazipt II: j Sigr:ed:. Fee: Plumbing Permit No percon shall const1"Uct~ instal!~ a!te~ 01' change any neW cr e:isting plumbing or drainage systa~ in ~hole 01' in part~ unless sUeJh person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's licen[]e~ except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned~ leased 01" operated by the appli- cant. Electrica I Permit l{}Wl'C State f.aLJ requir.es tr.at the electrical !.JOrk be done by an Ele~trical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I. I Plal1 Excmt.l1el' vaw I IJ.1VE CAREFULLY fo.:XAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all info~mation hereon is true and correct~ and I further cel.tify that any ar.d all /JOrk per[ol>:ned shall be dO:1e in ac~or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of sprinafic~~ and th~ LT~s of tho State of Oregon p$rtaining to the work described herein~ end that NO OCCU- PANCY wiU be foode of any structU1'2 without p2rmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certiFY that OYlly cont1'a:.!tors and e.~pbyees who are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proj$ct Signad Date