HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-8-8 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street . SPRINGFIELD ~ ,.IIolI_II" II .,'11...........1...... I. I .,11 ,I "i INFORMATION: 726-3753 . ." '.11", ,.. I INSPEC'TIONS: 726-3769 ?/~;tf @ SIGN PERMI T APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION (T A-iPt-L\'/:l\\ rn A-[ I ~AS.f-- b/~v-P+,o;';" ~3"o h,7/CW/~ TAX LOT't 1 It) ~ d 'd-O()- CldSO- OWNER OR PROPERTY r>- J2.-?..... -4 <L \ C- ~ ,-,,>olo-l. PIIONE ADDRESS \ S-~ ~ l \) ~<-<..,,... \I:, \ v-I), . E h (; rl () ,c.A!\ OlINER OF SIGN (IF OTIIER T\lAN PROPERTY OWNER) <:::::,~~ ADDRESS '.'7..,'!l~ C~~..u.J A-J, S~.s, ZIP PIIONC ~1'A OFBUSWESS....E~~.; ~ 'S~e.., .' .... NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC. TYPE B. TYPE OF WORK: -..l.ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTlt!::R C;. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN: ~LL FREESTANDIllG ROOF PROJF.CTING _MAR(!UEE _UNDER l1AR(!UEE _OTHER D. USE AND CEARACTER OF SIGN: ~ENTITY INCIDEtlTAL DOUBLE FACE LSINGLE FACE Mt1LTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: ' " " SIGN ERECTOR "'\'':' Ae::, So\ ~Y"> <;'1' +~ n'" f.DD~.ESS I (n J <6 I {) ,,-\>' ~ i=:.(Aj-Ul~ n rL. CITY LICENSE II1mBER <2, R 0 I 0'1 SIGN 11ANUF ACTURER (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS mONC LlfL{ - \.j o"l d.. ZIP 017 C(O d. EXP. DA Tdl!' ':>,{) -~'i_'Xp'~~ ~:<:..' . PHONE F. Dll1F.NSIONS, UlSTALLATION & CONSTRUCTION . I ~ I<X - 0 . --c;/- 0 I( -d'J'-O" J?:, '-0" . " 9' -X,NO TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTII OF SIGN DUlENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIIERE ANY EXISTHlG nGNS? _YES JJLNO mlltBE? SIZE IN SO.FIG. ALL F.XISTING SIGNS FOR r.USINESS, ETC. TIlICKNESS OR DEPTII --- -- '.- ----- DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? ___YES IF YES, DINENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOlI IS !lORE T\lAN 12" OVF.R PUBLIC PROPERTY TEf. SIGN ERECTOR l.ruST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/IIER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAl-lAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. H. m~L SIGN \lAVE ELECTRICAL IHRING? l..!.lJ) IF YES, WHICE APPLY? X ELECTRICAfI SIGtI _ILLlJ!lINATED (INDIP.FCruIlLIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COllTRACTon Q I C\.ol\~ ADDRESS ' I LISC. NUMBER PI:ONE I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. ',./ _ /J ~..?-' (Yl.J"LcP e'&/M {~ -6-rJ..f ~. V\ J.&'- i Jiv ~~ ' J'SITE INFOPllATIOH (LAND usn -- EXISTING USE OF ~UILDIN? OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) v'Jl"ta.:t.il S"..\-m'L Jj; "\ (d K. VALUE OF SIGN: d./;)q / ....0NDOOR EUSINESS aUTDOO~ l,fERCHANDIS ING PROPOSfiD USE OF RU~DING OR LAND, ilL P+ru.'O ~+ayc:> ~ L'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAl-IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I further certify that all work ?erformed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield.and all other Ordinances of the City of SprinRfield and the laws of the State of ~rcgon pertainin~ to t~e work described n~L~ln. I further certify that MV ~:~~ Co~tractor Li- c~n~e with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as- required by Sprinp.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. NAME (PLEASE P~~ ,s., ~ (\ C)'I ~ P .A-Wif SIGNATURE ~ " ~ . c.B _ f:.. d!J J , "- !lATE I/".--J '!./L:t - - " PLEASE R-:.a . 1) A separate application 1s required for each separate sign as defined 2) Separate Sign Apolication: in the ~ign Code. Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor, Illuminated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be subrndtted with two complete sets of plans showing di- mensions anO neight of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing. bracing and footines; materials of construction for sign and sign structurej electrical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the same busienss. all as required to determin~ com~liance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs); a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). , ~)"Show ~he,~~ength of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall --- -stgns~rshow the length of the building frontage. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required, because of design, size. etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Divi- sion Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. Inspections: 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Insoection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footing Inspection (it applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The rooting Inspec- tion is to be made afeer hole(s) is excavat~u. but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final Inspection,- to be made upon completion of all work. c) ~lectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. . " CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT fit / FOR OFHCE ZONE DISTRICT~) }'hf) SIGN PERMIT FEE: ~ S- a::> ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: k<)7- us]:; ONLY , ~00 '7'J b JOB Ii TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN v REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: ___SITE/LOCATION )(FOOTING ORCMETHOD OF ATTAC~ . pELECTRICAL ~FINAL ___OTHER ~ ...- ~7. STATE SURCHARGE: .7S- TOTAL: 0_ '2~ ~ 1/ [(VI RECEIPT (<J-~ ~ ~ . I _1'~ ri DATE CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISF1ED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY: ~7>>t1 /%:0'10 (c,) ./ <i5h/71 - / I llATE SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDINANCE . SECTION: J~..... I JII....h..,"~ ,II 110.11 I III ..........__..~...,I I. , , , ll.~.-r...., city of springfield 225 n. 5th street . SPRINGFIELD . INFORMATION: 726.3753 . INSPEC'TIONS: 726-3769 5/~// @ SIGN PERMI T APPLICATION Mcl'/..!--'I, E/p 11.4-~"Dr'I - 5e.A<.,,> <6e:::>;:s /./ G~/,..;,'d-?- TAX LOn I703;>~tJ()-~\OO A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS).J'~.*I'.lA')<:I,'I~1 I C~..c2N'~ (.,...(f)1A"'~ LS){~\ V-V"-tv...(,.<lo ~lu(i~(l;"'D OlINER OF SIGN (IF OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER) ~s "J~ G-~-\-e.<.-u'A-'\; NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC. ~ LECAL DESCRIPTION OWNER OR PROPERTY PHONE ADDRESS ~ ZIP ADDRESS PHONE Nltt- TYPE OF ,BUSWESS IL.cl/:l ~ I '\-We.- B. TYPE OF WORK: vE'RECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C;. STRUCTURAL TYPE "LL 'OF SIGN: D. USE AND CEARACTER OF SIGN: ~ENTITY . FREESTANDlllG ROOF PROJECTING INCIDEHTAL _D..0(lBLE FACE ~INGLE FACE _HAR(1UEE _UNDER 11AROUEE _OTHER !-!ULTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: ' SIGN ERECTOR ~~ ~ >, '0Y' <.,u~ ~~.s - u, .t.DDP.ESS Ila"'l'il c.v. ...,,-1'- ~ F4.1J1". {"YR. CITY LICENSE lTU!1BER W nllJl ' SIGN 11ANUFACTURER (IF OTIlER THAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS mONE U'i(L( -I.{ 04. 'd. m Cn'{o'J. EXP. DATE.6:~O-i''i ~~I;~~".. PHONE F. DIHENSIONS. U1STALLATION Eo CONSTRUCTWH . ,e- ,-", " TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE ~ ~ VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN C; ( - C> " HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN .:d:::i- 0 " DUlENSION FROM GRADE TO I BorrOM OF SIGN '--"'/-0' (FII TlllCKIlESS OR DEPTIl b DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES ....:hNO IF YES, DUIENSION BEYOND . PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOlI IS !lORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR truST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA}tAGE INSUPJ\NCE POLICIES. G. EXISTING SI(;NS ARE THERE ANY EXISTING ~IGNS? _YES LNO m}!,1BE? SIZE IN SO. FTG, ALL EXISTING SI(;NS FOR BUSINESS, ETC. ,~--.... ~ H. HI~L SIGN IIAVE ELECTRICAL IHRlllG? ~,A/> IF YES, WHICH APPLY? 'I. ELECTRICALOSIGH ILLll!IlNATED (INDIRPc'fi:Y LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL CotlTRACTO~ ~rn~, ADDRESS ' LISC. NUMBER PI:ONE 'I J'SITE INFOPltATIOIl (LAND U~F.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) lL-e> h.J S +ov- -€_ I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR ~ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTEjD O~. '/ n (vvO.-u _ ~n-i-l:.u: LJ f~fl~ (~. (\.]~ .Jf)V,~.L.in, \.1 K II- '1. I"q. ~] . VALUE OF SIGN: '-'(,.-.,/ ....L ......trNDOOR BUSINESS aUTDOO? 1,'ERCHANDISING PROPOSED USE OF RUILDING OR LAND, f7 n b0 ""fDfL . L. I HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I further certify that all work ~erformed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield.snd all other Ordinances of the City of Sprinp,field and the laws of the State of ~regon pertaining to t~e worl~ described h~L~Ln. I furt~cr certify that MV ~:r.~ Co~tractor Li~ cense with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as. required by Sprinp.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. '(2 NAME (PLEASE PRINT' 5-8", l): D..e.A-Ve-r SIGNATURE <"",,':"'1......: rG J tLIAJ>-- -=- '- DATE 7/ d7!rq '- - PLEASE R-:..e . 1) Seoarate Sign Apolication: A separate application is required for each separate sign as defined in the Sign Code. Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will includ~ wiring in or on ,sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electric~l connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 2) 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submdtted with two complete sets of plans showing di- mensions and height of sign; advertising message on sign. location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines. structural details of support framing, bracing and footin~s; materials of construction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the same busienss. all as required to determin~ com~llance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also.. show the follow- ing information on the plot pl~n (plan showing property lines and location of signs): 4) a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. Inspections: 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footing Inspection (it a.pplicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The ,footing Inspec- . tion is to be made after hole(s) is cACavateci, but prior to the placement of concrete, Final Inscection:- to be made upon completion of all work. Electrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on, b) c) " CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FOR OFFIC~ US~ UNLY ~qO 7r:i SIGN DISTRICT t{:) I'll JOB If ZONE DISTRICT l"h~ SIGN PERMIT FEE: 3f5-[;-O TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN I ~ - REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: ___SITE/LOCATION ~FOOTING OR(METHOD OF ATTACHME~~ -L:ELECTRICAL _ )LFINAL , ' OTIIER ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: /cS" : if!ii STATE SURCHARGE: .7S- C;; c;.. 2r q.~ ~ ~~m v I~ " TOTAL: DATE CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY ::Jk./11 1L-,TJq~~/ 1{".090 U~) UATE~ SPRINCFIELD SICN ORDINANCE . SECTION: I'll." II II II I ," I ~ , .. , .. II '.".. INFORMATION: 726-3753 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street . SPRINGFIELD . . INSPEC'TIONS: 726-3769 .~/qJf./ @ SIGN PERMI T APPLICATION AJ1\f.u.Ef",".v1'M .(L"jn(en.~ '5"/O-=3/.:> h#"7?"=~#P TAX LOn~J70s;;).;)t')() -C&SC>D /nil-- ( ( A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION r }.--(l--t e.w 'A-~/ 1 ADDRESS l':>D~1 r~~cU U~ C---rb WJ....h 8Vl..C-~ C44 ~" PHONE o~rnER OR PROPERTY ZIP DlmER OF SIGN (IF OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS ~ o18D (,...M~ J NANE 'OF' BUSINESS, FlRN, ETC. c..,{!A.f~ PHON!: N 1(4 OF BUSWE"S ~l "5\{}cre TYPE B. TYPE OF WORK: ~CT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C;. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN: V11ALL FREESTANDING _____ROOF PROJECTING _____I1ARC!UEE _____UNDER 11ARC!UEE OTHER D. USE AND CP.ARACTER OF) SIGN: IDENTITY t-H'iCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE ~NGLE FACE _NULTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS~' C' C" SIGN ERECTOR 2eI\~ =>L-~ .J..1<"~~ f.W.ESS l \P l't W -I +- ~ EL<.~ ~ .ndL CITY LICENSE N\P.iBER ' <l'r n I a.., I - SIGN 11ANUFACTURER (IF OTHER TP.AN ERECTOR) ADDRESS mON!: 4JL{ -CfotJ:J :m q 7<.f9~ ,:<.<f EXP. DATE (0' ~D-lq P1;:.".....,~, PI!ONE F. DD1ENSIONS. IlISTALLATION & CONSTRUCTIC>!1 TOT~L HEIGHT AGOVE GRADE ::r'5,'-O (/ YERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN ~'-lo /.1' HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN ....D-c" DIMENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN G. EinsTING SI(;NS ARE THERE ANY EXi:STI!JG ~IGNS? ~YES 1.)10 IlUl-lBEP. SIZE IN SO.FTG. THICKNESS OR DEPTH ..aiP'-(o" L;::) " ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, !:TC. ------ - ------- DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? ___YES ~NO IF YES, DUlENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS llORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TI!E SIGN ERECTOR IruST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA}~GE INSURANCE POLICIES. H. HI~L SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IIIRING?l''''S IF YES, I/HIC!! APPLY? VELECTRICAl SIGll ILLU!lINATED (INDIRFCID J.IfI!TED) ELECTRICAL COnTRACTOr: ~_<(, Uy()Wn..~ ADDRESS 'r (j, LISC.NUMBER PEONI: I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR fo'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. ~.A..i-\ Lc)I_~V~^~~, Cl...t -t-\-, h..^ J. SITE INFO~}~TIOH (LAND U~E) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) \2.-~: ( ~~ K. VALUE OF SIGN: ~ "/s:D.:>O vINDOOR BUSINESS ()UTDOO~ !.fERCHANDISING PRopnSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND, n.-Jh:1 <.+ere...... L'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}lINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct. and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield.and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of ;)regon per"taininK to t:1e warl;. C1escribe<.l. nt:1.eJ.n. I further certify that; my ::i.z,!". Co..tractor ~..i- cense with the City of Springfield i.s in full force and effect as required by SprinRfield Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) <\ ',~ '" ~ ~ LA~ /' SIGNATURE ~~tCl~--::S....l"lrtU:- DATE 7/;)'7(<t,q , - - PLEAS E R-:At . 1) Seoarate Si~n Aeplication: A separate application is required for each separate sign as defined in the Sign Code. Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must'be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intern311y and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 2) 3) Plans Required: This application is to be submdtted with two complete sets of plans showing di- mensions and height of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and footings; materials of construction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the same busienss, all as required to determin~ com~liance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also._ show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. Inspections: 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Insp~ction - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin~ Inspection (it applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The rooting Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is eAC8vateu. but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final Inscection;- to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign is erectea and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY gqIJ 1- CCJ SIGN DISTRICT /I/' / ~- ~ JOB II ZONE DISTRICT /7.lo SIGN PERMIT FEE: , ere> //)'- ' TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _SITE/LOCATIOlI ^ FOOTING O~OD-OF ATTACHMEND ~LECTRICAL ;>C'FINAL \1 n, '~.r(~ '. ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: /:5: ==- ~TATE' SURCHARGE: _')8 ; OTHER TOTAL: ~O-7c5'--- ~l(j. ~ ~, I~ DATE RECEIPT CLERK v SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SICN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY: "'- SECTION: ~1)/Ad it,OqO--; 1/7 1M I lJATE SPRINCFIELD SICN ORDINANCE city of springfield 225 n. 5th street , ,...... , .t.. SPRINGFIELD . . I... ..... jhllja_,w~ ~., . . " ...111 I I.". I 11ll~""'*~1 jl I,; INFORMATION: 726-3753 INSPEC'TIONS: 726-3769 '3/ t9-' N (i7) SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION We..s+ Gft'.uM;M-Se.tws ~6';?d' 0-4/ Ef_,/;" TAX LOT -!.'J:7()~~;:).OO -l\~ A. LOCATION OF SIGN <ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION t~JJ.+e..lAJ'A.U (/hr.J..// , O~1NER OR PROPERTY C J-€.n.R 1"0....-\' G- [0 LJ.H'''' ADDRESS (<:\&~ I lJ~.\.U-.I"-_ F./h(;V\ [\ riM PHONE ZIP NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM. ETC. OTHER TItAIl PROPERTY OWNER) '2., O~ (1)4.te..u., ~-'-I ~ <"J~ OImER OF SIGN (IF ADDRESS PHONE N[ A TYPE OFBUSWE5S_f2_i"~1-IL~ I ~la"~ B. TYPE OF WORK: XERF.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE OTHER C;. STRUGTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN: V"llALL FREE5TANDllIG [). USE AND CP~RACTER OF SIGH: V;-DEHTITY _ROOF PROJECTING _MARqUEE _UNDER 11ARqUEE OTIlER INCIDEtITAL DOUBLE FACE ~INGLE FACE ~ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD BILLBOARD E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS,-\,"", ' <. . . SIGN ERECTOR ,,'\r\<\....8. S, t v\ C'>-r<::+-<..i'\.<; .t.DD~.ESS II~ ') X' (,\: ,+;. k FA-. r'A1P OR. CITY LICENSE !lUMBER ~ c::, 10', I SIGN 11ANUF ACTURER (IF OTIlER TItAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS PIlONI: '-{g<l- lfOCf~ ZIP q 7lf()f;J. EXP. DATE!,,- ~O-~<l Ilf.t;;.:",,~: PHONE F. DIHE!lSIONS. 1I1STALLATION & CONSTRUCTI0n . ,V~O.II TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 0 - VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGNC;'-a t I HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN ;)7'- ()" DIHENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN G. EXISTING SIr.NS ARE THERE ANY EXISTInG ~ICNS? _YF:S 1...)10 Hln,1BE!\ SIZE IN so. FTG. THICKlIESS OR DEPTH p,1-O" g I' ALL EXISTINC SIGNS FOR EUSINESS. ETC. ~ ----------- DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES"f..- NO IF YES, DUIENSION BEYOND PROPI:RTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOtl IS llORE TItAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TP.E SIGN ERECTOR I.IUST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAl'lAGE INSUP.ANCE POLICIES. H. \n~L SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IllRlllG?J4..11U IF YES, .IHICP. APPLY? 'f- ELECTRICAL SIGn ILLU!fINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGP.TED) ELECTRICAL COllTP.ACT0rt P'-i" f) 1 I ~ ADDRESS LIse. NUMBER PI:CNC I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR !'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. ' (h...(p 0 OJ';f'h,~ rhllil;;, . ~ Il f\1 ~ ;ol,w.v--'crr,",.",.., J'SITE INFOPllATlDrl (LAND IISE) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) (Le-r-.t0..P s ~ K. VALUE OF SIGN: (jJ dl/:R. W ..b..INDOOR BUSINESS OUTDOO~ !.'ERCHANDISItlG PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ~ dfll 0 >:. </p.r~ L. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAHINim the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I further certify that all work ?erformcd shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of ~re~on pertaininR to t~e work described n~Le~n. I further certify that my ~~[,~ Co~tractor Li- cense with the City of Sprin~field is in full force and effect as required by Springfield Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. NAIlE (PLEASE PRINT) S ; n \)', R..e.~ SIGNATURE $.. ,~~, -6 p,;(J ~ ,c;- DATE ?N7/~tj APPROVED BY: r~ SECTlON:--1 ~ oqO . . PLEASE R-:At . 1) SeoarateSign Application: A separate application is required for each separate sign as defined 1n tne ~lgn code. Electrical, Any permit issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. '. 2) 3) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submdtted with two complete sets of plans showing di- mensions and height of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and footinfs; materials of construction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the same busienss, all as required to determin~ com~liance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as ~ell as proposed sign.(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required, because of design, size, etc. I engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction frorn overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void. , Inspections: 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the' Footing Inspection (it applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The root~ng Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is eACavateu, but prior to the placement of concrete. Final Inspectio~:- to be made upon completion of all work. Electrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign is erectea and before the sign is turned on. b) c) CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT tb FOR OFFICE/USE ~tJ ONLY 7(ttO 1 q<; JOB If ZONE DISTRICT, ' ), 1, < SIGN PERMIT FEE: -Z~- DC> TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _SITE/LOCATIotl AFOOTING OR<J1ETHOD Of ATTACHME~ ,)<ELECTRICAL ~FINAL _OTHER ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: ~;;-: - y;:;: STATE SURCHARGE: _ '/S- ~c.;. 25 11rl <i('} RECEIPT .1~~ Y"Lv I) TOTAL: DATE CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: DATE~ SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDINANCE .. . ll~,,~. city of springfield 225 n. 5th street ~/~@ A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION o~rnER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS I ,1..:J l ~ I, I , I ,," I II " I I BI... ".,"'" . , I . ~... INFORMATION: 726.3753 SPRINGFIELD . INSPEC'T10NS: 726-3769 . - . . SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATION\ , IAk,-4-13"nJ..I-,~ -P"t-l5-~/I):(. (' H:lA .eLLi'A-'1 In IV f ( <'Co"3r:::> G~ /<:=r~"'/ ; TAX LOn~.L76..~~;}CJ{\-()J.X(JC fJr~.erJ ~ I ) J?~ .l-u............. . (l-'fD u U--h r::- A'lL.-<'4-. () ,A..@-.... ZIP PHONE ADDRESS '""2..otiG - :::;:' OIINER OF SIGN (IF OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER) <:.." ~....." NAME OF BUSINESS. FIRM, B. TYPE OF WORK: .r-fRECT _ALTER RELOCATE OTHER (' ---o..A ~\ ETC. C:::;~" PHONE N J JlI TYPE OF BUSIt!ESS 12.L--kl.; I ~ ~~ C. STRUCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN:, ~L FREESTANDING _ROOF PROJECTING _IlAR('lUEE _UNDER 11AR('lUEE OTHER D. USE AND CP.ARACTER OF SIGN: IDENTITY vtNCIDEtlTAL DOUBLE FACE -SINGLE FACE MULTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD E. VENDORS, CONTRACTOR~ ' SIGN ERECTOR . Jf1r..e....'S ~l :- r-\ ~w~.{-e~'h.~ C=u p.~., Q(L v mON!: Lfr L( - '-f Q 'l d.. ZIP ,q7<.{()~ EXP. DATE l,'~-T"1 ~~~,t'" CITY LICENSE NIP.1BER ( I" If U.l. ., of'-- Au.., <1:-'0 tJ icy, ./.DD?.ESS SIGN 11ANUFACTURER (IF OTHER TF.AN ERECTOR) ADDRESS PHONE F. DD1ENSIONS. UlSTALLATION & CONSTRUCTIOIl TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN DUlENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TllICKNESS OR DEPTH iO'- t:- ,;; I ( -L'7~ 3;;'- I I If ,-v; Id (/ G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE MlY EXiSTl!IG '-lGNS? _YES j.. NO NUHBE~ SIZE IN SO.FTG. ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS. ETC. ~----- " DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES ~NO IF YES, DIMENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE '. NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS llORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TP.E SIGN ERECTOR 1.IUST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAtUlGE INSURANCE POLICIES. H. HI~L SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL lURING? S)AO IF YES. \JHICI~ APPLY? V"ELECTRICAL' SIGll ILLWlINATED (INDIRfCT~ LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COllTRACTon '~()UJ.A"..L/ ADDRESS ' " LIse. NUMBER PI:ONE ., J'SITE INFOP!UlTIOll (LAND USF.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (nR LAST USE IF ,VACANT) (] p f:a LP <.y(r"ll.9, I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR ~ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED or. . I _~ht P ~DY' (;.J i(tr~~ .fJ,~ . K '<$ :J<l . VALUE OF SIGN: /50. _rlNDOOR UUSINESS OUTDOO?, 1.'ERCHANDISING PROPOSE91USE OF BUILDING OR LAND, uuT..u:} ~J I L'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}1INED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of ~regon pertaining to t~e work described h~Le~n. I further certify that ~y S~r,~ Co~tractor Li- cense with the City of Sprinp.field is in full force and effect as required by Sprinp.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). ' I will request all required sign insoections listed on the approved permit. '0 ' NAME (PLEASE PRINT) .--. S-, h n; ~t9 A41,<.(r / d/~L6~~'~- !lATE 7p-zLt:( SIGNATURE '- PLEASE R-:Ae . 1) Separate Si~n Apolication: A separate application is required for each separate sign as defined in the Sign Code. Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wiring in or on-sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical1connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illumdnated signs (both intern311y and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-1B of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance: . 2) 3) Plans Required: This application is to be subndtted with two complete sets of plans showing di- mensions and height of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and footings; materials of construction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lightingj size and location of existing signs on property for the same busienss. all as required to determin~ compliance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also.. show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the location of entrances open ~o the public and driveways. When required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign ~ay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit. the permit shall be void. ' Inso'ections: 4) 5) 6) 7) B) 9) a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually J the' Footing Inspection (it applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. lbe rooting Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is eACavateu, but prior to the placement of concrete. Final Inspection:- to be made upon completion of all work. Electrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1s erecteQ and before the sign is turned on. . b) c) CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FOR OFFIC~ US~ ONLY I SIGN DISTRICT C/ --- I'i"; JOB 11 r;001C{'6 ZONE DISTRICT 1,4 e. SIGN PERMIT FEE: /S:~ TOTAL SQUARE FOOTACE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _SITE/LOCATIOtI L(FOOTING ~ELECTRICAL ~FINAL _OTHER 01fl:iE';:1I0D OF ATTAC~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: je;;;-: ~ ~ STATE SURCHARGE: ~ -76 ". TOTAL: -<'to,/~ )11:( 8'~ RECEIPT GO AJ--' [' J4)~ DATE CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY: ~~,/ ~A , DATE 1 {, 04V ..$I~SPRINCFIELD SICN ORDINANCE sp / Ir1 SECTION: .