HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-3-11 :'. "" ,,"" '''''''' ,:., '->c' 7'1" I"', ,uI,cAL """IT ",ueA nON'.... "J' ISPRINGFrELD',OREbcn,i97477: .J I · .... ~1 I' _', I". ", TR/:iN%,o{0008?67 ':::. ! ~INSfECtIQ*R, EQUS:~1: 7~6.:~~69-. !'.*l ' :ciiy Joh N. umherO ~ .00 d-1~~TfBlAR -11-2002 \.. '~I OFFlCE:726-3"(59 " 'I' i: I!'rd' J I J, I' . .,' AMT RECD . \, d.C L~Q)I~~~~lf+I~.~~I;::!~i~"'1S;"';t;JL;",;mY ..' " 'HH!;~ '-S')~n ., .' ~,:;;;.~, T' ~-:-Ne""Residential-Singleor ._,. --CASHIER: 001 {J;Jtld/u/ /'- ......,,,___ '101 '. SIJbrnitted ~ Multi-Family per dwelling unit. -, " LEGAL DESCRIPTION Z '.qulre spe~;~~ :he rO/f~iee Included: ~l\.' " DB.o Ontn9...........7~_ anduse 9 Items Cost Slil)1 A-~~ .' JOB DESCRlPTIONuTo",oo Sl~f'd' '- : o..:?-- q ft. or less $106.00 _12 I1~LAJ FJtA.Shf.uran ~ ltY/S ch additional 500 .: .~ I _______ sq'l'i or portion Permits arc non-transferable and expire ~of if work is n~tlstaned.within 180 days Each Manufd Home or of issuance hi'ifwork is suspended 'for Modular Dwelling 180 days. "':( Service or Feeder . .. . , . ' ~ '\', ( ;,.. ~. ~ .', ... ,. 2. CONTRAcTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Services or Feeders /.. "',..;;\. ~.,;;;'. " Christenson Electr.:l.c, Inc. D.B.A. Installation, Alteratioris or ,; ',.\ tt ."! '.., " . Electrical'C.ontiaclof' PhiliDs Electric Relocation: /"', . :":., . ,'" "'''', ':., f, ':"., .;~1:':" }';c !:\ ),/!~ /],. I~:': ~ , ";4", ~ ~.. ~': I' . ; r' , " "-. ' . In,,--i. t I Address-fl7.q~ R,i>thE'l DrivE' .. . " 200 an.:ws,Qr.J~ss . .. . '. ~$ 6~.00 ~) ;':" ' . \ I '. 16' ,; ~ 2d'JlQ;JjJ~It0t400 amps , 1 =,~i?'~'" J ; , ATT5WtQ~';'QI,e!:lV\i!""~i~ljJri~eNt?1~~?~AA2~i21" ' ". 401H1'EJ1lt!illM1Q.5lTtjJStIfExP RElr 1I1"'~W:5.'@. '" 1 l<'i fO!I?wru~~ re~,: ."6Qlp'l~~d~~jge.'1'~ER'THISPERM\I!fim:l0---'-':': 1(;" ~~~~J]~dA~~~~IfQ~~~~'oe1 "'~~~'~ ~,~~~~~~i$'~(lf#{\~~B!,N60hlED.Ff~g:gg~: I;., ' 'OO90t'(~\HTlmr oote~l!~ru~~.~y," ,.. :" '. ,"'ANY fsP'o~'(PSBI()Q!~ ,.~,c ,; ,(" ~~ '."~ c~~tt~~~n::~ri~'{lt:\III\'l~~~~ti6ri" ,;;C,T~mp?rary Scrviceso~Feed~r~" " ....,...",t,'~,...',.,.~.'.,',;...,.:,. ''''.'';,' l~ .. ~ nU"L"OJIc~k~~~=r~o(,(.!Q7~ .. "~;z.;~nst~,ilat!On,,~lte;'atio~ofRelitc:atiOn~,> ,:. uS k... . .'">:Expiration Date ~bl~/0~c{:: ',..;;;;, :;2}?&ba'1!~~:"r Je~s.:tJ':i;~;:~2: ' '". )~~~O.b';;,t., ' ",:'. '.' '0-...... ~.~ ',\ ,.20Ia!TIpsto400amps ""'i!';Sp9.00" I Sign',ltii'e'of Supervising Electrician --""_Over 40I.to 600 amps ' $'ioo:oo ." ' ":(k'. '. ;~~k o'v;;;:-600 iimps or 1000 volts see';.\.,, """'~,;t,; ,~. . < . .... .........._ liB" b ~,"."< ,'.. '>,'1' .?c7,Y :,t' " I - - --... a ove -____....,. ,;~-T' ,': "~., ...,:,'N..ath.an,philiDS B hC/"\' "\ ":,,~~ !'}~:-'~\~:_,:t,:_:i:",'j_~ . D .rane ITC\!lts ~..' {. 'ow;;ersNam,eTa(,"~hl1r t:(/;'.' None!e'l~,/cfj, 'l.~rtceurl~t:\,'o,\n, o;rl,,:.;X,iltenSion p,e,(..r:..pa,.n!.',el;;J~ 06 Ad~~e~s3/.iio>;i./,;Y7J.~T;-;' &c:. 1$4300 .7.;;1~' i C'itY&,?AI1,f~~,CIIPh.'~. ne '.,';.J, ~~1:~~~;tidiJ1{di;~u!t orwith\~rV;i )~;~/..;~:o6' , .' .' ".1,::1865 j or'FeederPerini(!'::'f~,\ ~.;$(3.00'-J, ~ OWNERINSTALLATION:> (( !ir.~':,!:'..eo"':':j~ '{,::~;" '-'i.:"\ The,'i!lSlallation i,;,bb!lg mad~ 'on. ,~ E. Miscellaneous' (Service/feeder not included) ;.;'" ':,', ,;,:v;' property I o\YII'whichis not intended Ii I-Encl; i~sthllatibh"':; 1\ \ ':.,.', :..' ~:'.', for sale, 'leas'e or reriL~-. -~."~- ~ ~lI~lP '~rX~j-igati~~ "" J:1 ~1$50.00 ' -:?.. . ";.'l.~^::.\'.j.:,.". ..' ,. q ~\gnl9tit}ineLig~titig,l{! _$5000~" 'O,vlli:rsSig.na~u~e:.""-;' 'l: LlIl!lle~E~ergyQt7s, ;,!.f, $25.00 ,.' ';'.. ." .' , " f ' " '.' \ ; :bil~i,t~d~~~ergy/C~ll1!l}' ;: $4500.~' ., -.,. ";.' . ','. (::Z");I i~' :z~>).,. ~:'{"\;;1': " ,. Minimum Elec(i-ic Permit InsJleetion Fcc is $45.00 + Surcharges , . - \ \-;,/ J. .;' "..' ., " ~ '. > ."" ':' 4. SUB~M~~OF:Aliot{;' ' , ~ S8~ '" .,.' 7% State S~~charge > ", ~ ~l.j.orO . ,,-,," ", 8% Administrath'eFee;' ..?~ Y,b'1 ,,':~':,\ ",.:'l:;'~'" ~~~:"~~,'.~\ .- ,'f/":"'! . Y.~ ,,'" TOTAL- ,.-' 5~...{'6,.lO ':,)',. ::.; :..,,__. ~ "_~ ::-.:...:.:.... .:........ ':t fl .~ v C'.~'...' ;-. f '.~ , , . C.' " ft,' 1 l~\,' , ," .:" I,..' ,~ C , ,i . H i i j' . f-""",- l ~ ... J. . I " /','" 1..:.;,: , '. . ,,t" k:. " t-: ~. '.... . , ' I' s, " r ! " '.. l;'~ ,<~.~>;j,: $ 19.00 ,'.: '< $ 50.00 ':1"',:' .,'<,--i"i ~:",.... .~ T' . .. .. ."i ';, , ,. y i" ,.' ".,', ~1~:'L~. 225 FIF1H STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 . ELEAI\L PERMIT APPUCATION City Job Number ();)., bU '3;:;l."3 - b I . . -. . 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW I. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION , 30.30 &x/ell_aM Leo If) A New Residential-Single or . (;. Multi.Family per dwelling unit LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 '2. ~ 11'7"1. Service Included: .J10-:z,~J::JO ~uu , lIt" 'VIIV"'''''~ 1-" vJ........t as submittl?ci has thp. following zoning ana does not require specitlc lana use JOE! DESCRIPTION approval, /l /1 / )000 sq.ft. or less /n.<.,fIJ// ,5erl.lri+J 7"";__ ~/.i~5Eachadditinn.1500 J , '3-, z. 2. - 0 2r sq. ft or portion Permits are non-transferable dff/f'bcprre =r5 t<J tnereot if work is not started within 180lllaYsed Signalure BJeh Mmmf'd Home or of issuance or if work is suspended for Modular Dwelling 180 days. Service or Feeder Items Cost Sum S106.00 S 19,00 S 50.00 2. CONTRAcroRINSTALLATIONONLY B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: Electri~ Contractor /5onifl1}) :'Yrur/t:) Address_ '74--,'? f-,;;zdtZ/,<,!rArp Island 111 I ATY' . II'MflIlrefhuu !fXo..:zZ' follQ't'rules opted t>>y the Oreg91l!,Jtili\Y - Notifi/;'Hlf~e ~~p~t~ in OJY3 95!1.,-9.9k001 0 th~~ OAR 952-001- 009<t~8ifWt'lIIaffiaiA s ~ An~I"" hv t'..u;Bm~n~~. Note: tenb.o~e """CI . n{J{r;l~ttnn num . r.enter is 1-600-332-?3.44). ExpiilltionDate fa -JX" 0 d 200 amps or less S 63.00 201 amps to 400.amps S 75.00 401 am~ to~9.AJIlPs _ S125.00 _ 601 amPn~ 16bo'imps' _ S163.00 _ Over 10fi'dlampsIVbltS SHALL EXPID~ !F-f;l.,1M,O"",,--<- Reconnect0~R' $' ~1:l'~ ,,-"'~ IZEDUNDERTHISfi::HMITiSNUT'" C. Temporary [~~~~Fg~9ISABANDONED FOR Installation,tAitemlioMlrIReI~ti@, ~4/ ~,4/-,,- 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps aver 401 to 600 amps aver 600 amps or 1000 volts see '"B" abovC S50.00 S69.00 SIOO.OO Signature of Supervising Electrician , D. ' Branch Ciicuits ' Owners Name FOtxi rndusfr.'t'.s Cn7d,r tlmOI] New Alteration or Extension Per Panel Address 3o.-3n G~j{'''n11 L.,n One Circuit S43.00 City -<, 1111/ LtI'IJ ~/-iICIPhone '14/- 2i:d5 Each Additional Circuit or with SeIVice o~INS'rALLATION or Feeder Permit S3.00 The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent Owners Signature: E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) .Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited EnergylRes Limited Energy/Comm S50.00 S50.00 S25.00 ----L- $45.00 4-)00 !\flnlmnm Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 8% Administrative Fee 4-5 DO ~.I t) B.r;,n TOTAL 5 {. '7,j , " : ...... . I Job# 02-00323-01 I . Page 1 of 1 TRANS#:01-0008377 DATE:MAR 22 2002 AMT RECD:2 $ 103.50 CHANGE: $ 51. 75 CASHIER: 011 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON COMMERCIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Job Number: 02-00323-01 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Location Of Proposed Site: 3030 Gateway Lp Spr Assessors Map#: 17032220 Lot: Block: Addition: Tax Lot #: 03500 Subdivision: Owner: Food Industries Credit Union 3030 Gateway Loop Phone Number: 541-741-2605 City/State/Zip: Springfield, OR 97477 New Value: $0 Address: Scope Of Work: Electrical Only Low voltage - Security system Contractor Type Contractor Electrical C~WENTI~f6NR! securWreqUlfes you to follow rUle5a(jClD~U~~Re~l 9fflity Notification Center. 1 hOse rules an" ,;~~W;" I U in OAR 952.{)O1-O01 0 through UAH i:1oc-ucif.!l se Quad A6Wo. You may obtain copies ofUllDdllJseby # Of Units:calllng Ihe center. (Note: them!lmli!jl'Cbde: Constr. T~ber for the Oregon Utility tl!ltHifi8ffi~ Water Heater: Center is 1-800-332-23Mihge: Registration # Expiration Date Phone 65149 6/28/2004 541-461-5678 NOTICE: I nlo;, rc.rUVIl'1 ~nA~~ C^~ ;;1: ;;--;: :: \VDRK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT cor$rv9J~C'~tl~~.~S ABANDONED FOR Occupanc~ Group: ANYH~ljJPS~'Grte~IUU. Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? 0 [Ar~a (Sq. r, , t) _ Main: Accessory: # Of Stories: Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): Proposed Units: Total: Fee Paid On Receipt# Electrical 03/22/2002 8377 03/22/2002 8377 03/22/2002 8377 03/22/2002 8377 Value/Quantity Fee Amount Minimum Electrical Permit Fee Restricted Energy State Surcharge - Electrical 8% Admin Fee - Electrical Total Electrical Grand Total 1 $.00 $45.00 $3.15 $3.60 $51.75 $51.75