HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-7-9 .... ... SPRINGFIELD~ I_.'~'''~h ' ~~... Cily of Springfield COIr.:~u:1i~)" :;~""':':~!t Div:::;vil 22S Fifth Stri:c, Springfield. OR 97471 Telephone: (541) 726.3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Special Inspection And Testing OJ - 00S82. -ot Building Permit # Da,e Si;#..rMR!'./)ilt!.m~A~,J,;,;, (;C/l..'SiP,. R~.sI~""o.v'ft.Jii./ :';~lCCr ; .::;: c.. t: -' I o \0 I o ... 302.6 GA""'(E.vJA""; STt?fEr; Si~j""6F1e.Lr;,6~. Projecl Address ' o ... ... o il To applicants of projects requiring special inspection or testing as per Section 1701.5 of the Oregon StructUral Specialty Code. Please review.the information below, When you have finished, acknowledge an understanding or the infonnation by signing below, and roturn this form:o the City. BEfORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED: Tho owner or owner's ropresonlative, on the edvice afthe responsible Projeel Engineer or Arcnitect, shall complete, sign, and submit ro the City for review ond approval this form completed on both the fron' and back. The Owner and General COnlnclor, where applicable, shall also acknowledge the following condilions applicable to Special Inspection andlor Testing. I. Contraclor is responsible for proper nOliticalion for the Inspecllon or Testing of items listed. 2. Testing laborntory shall take appropriate samples and transport them to their laboratory for proper evaluation or te~ting. Copies of nil laboralory reports nnd inspections are to be senl to Ihe Cily by the Testing Agency. 3. Sped" r I nspeclion Agency is to sohntit names and qualifrcations of on-site Special Inspectors to the City for approval. 4. Spel:inl Inspector shall provide inspection reportJ to the building official of all inspection activities. S. Contractor is responsible to review the City approved plans ror additional inspection or testing requiremenlS that may be noted. . . BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED: The Special Inspection Agency'shall submit to the Building Omcial a staternenl thatali items requiring inspection have been fulfilled and reported and were 10 the besl of the inspector's knowledge, in eonronnance with lhe approved plans. specifications and applicable workmanship provisions. Those items not tested and/or inspected shall be n.oted b the statement. The report is to be submitted to the City prior to a request. for fir.a) inspections. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 6.,w",l ~"()JAJ~1t 1f'..-!erl.{ej; r;.c. OwnCl Name (printed) Owner Signalm SSI W, lWe;., . - P.'1tn(uf; Engineer or Arr.hitcct Finn (Printed) Engineer or Architecl Signature rEI "1~rlA.J61 IAJS!Edr..yV, !.u:~ O~ Testing Laboralory Name (Printed) Tes,ing Laboratory Rtp Signalu!. l3ufSE;,,",~ S,4.VO 16tC-WC:l- Q:-: )~________ Gen. Contractor Firm Name (Printed) Ge\1eril Contractor Signature FEI TiOb\l/'/6-I/!./sPecTloIJ.r:Alt:. ~ O~ Special Inspeclion Agency N~?rinted) , (;:\' :g:iYA:~7~ : \d~ffici'IN Beilding Offiei~~~'~~ (l\ -,- . . -. . GRADING, EXCA V A TION. AND FILL ~ Acceptance te51' . -1>5E L PSF MTt: Eltablish final grode Fill placement inspection/continuous Soil Density L C ... I o \0 I o ... 'Reinforced Conncle, Gunile, Grout and Mortar: SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE Concrete ~ I I Gunit~l (jrnur I I I ---1-- +- I r-- MOTTi!( All{Jreg,ate Test of Mi~ De<;icn R l~infnrcinfY Te'\t 1'l_~~~2n-Wei~rl . Reinfocin" Placf>ment rQlltinuou~ I1a.1.ch Plant IrUP t,,<"nec! ~t ra~1 S~m{llf"!\i SamnJes (PickI.!P/Delivererl) c.o~(',n Test.M r I -I l I I I 1- I ,_. PrecasVPre-stresscd Concrete: ..fikL-f'~1Lj Pre-Tens I I I 1_,_._ J I ~-- I I I 1/ 1/ ./1 I LClnddino I 1 ./ I 1."'Qre9~ft": Tf"."'." ~ ././ I ~~~;::;?~SU ./ f--- Reinforcing..~"t /'" I rno;crt Plflcemenr ,I' I I rn~ Batchino ./ ~ . I Conn""t!'" PIS!J'Ipnr [--' --r-J I""oll.tion In'pect;nn I I I r.;:).l;! S~mnLr~ I I Pick-liD Sarnnl~" I J 1 rnmnre.."iQn..Ic.s.r.. SMOKE CONTROL: ,::::1 . _ Lcal\.age testmg _~Gntrol verification / /- ROOFING/ , _/lnsulation installation/R.vnlllc. resl slripslsC'ilillS ( FIREPROOFING:/ Placem~nt'jnspection De ./ mIl)' Tests - / Thickness tests /rnspcct b;]lching ~Ltiu ' K o ... STRUCTUllAL STEELlWEl.IIING'/ Sample and test (list spccilj{membcrs helnw) Shop material jdentiticati~n (mill ccrt) Weid inspection / _ Shop ___ Ultrasonic: inspection' Shop High lIrenglh bolli~S Shop A325 -.::: N X A490 / N X ,- Metal deck welding inspection Reinforcing Steel wt:Jding inspection Rcinr~rcing steel mill certificate _ Metal5tud welding inspection _ /Concrete insert welding inspection _ / Moment resisling s(cel frames "" o "'0 Field Ficld Field F F STRUCTURAL WOOD: Shear wall nailing inspcCliun Shear wall anchors Inspection of Gill-lam fab... Inspection aftmssjoist Cab_ ,Sample and test componenu _" ./ Fabrication welding, ofslccl accessories TIC psi MASONRY: Special inspeclioD stresses used. rm _fg Preliminary acceptance tests (masonry unilS, wall prisms) Subsequent rests (mortar, g:-O\ll, field wall pri!;1ll5) Placcmeni inspccrioll or units. om.:! rcinrorccfllcnl Musonary, mortar, grout, n.nd reinforcing steel ~crtificJtcs / . ~// / /!~} / - IZ--/Z--O/ Form COflll,tctcd hy;_~~ ~a:e~,I_& A. D~TIONAL lNSTRUCTIONS, OTHER TEST, & lNSPECTIOl'lS: . . E-F€ J! . "70, 1/0TE c tI..Jtt':'At;,.. /Nvt67i) r,"1fOI" 6-1- f'l>u M/ P 1;'>'1 ,ff;'Ji .~ee vjY>1 A ;;4.-& M (....,..-1. I . ?V6 I _J 'PROVIDE STRENGTH HEQUIRED BY AHc'~lITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT DOCUMENT LOCATION OF VALUES "1l o ~ _....... .-'f CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAL INSPECTION SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND WHEN THEY ARE REQUIRED . A special inspectioll is the mooitoring of the maltriaJs IIIId " . :....... ship wbieh aru crItk:a1to the integrity oflhe building structun:. Many buildings and stnu:lUres use specialiud materials or methods of <OIISlruCliOD which "",uire specially trained inspectors to monitor the various phases of CO...truClion. This is in addition to the standard inspections perfonned by our City in..r.~d (i.e. foundationa. framing, plumbing. mechanlcaJ, electrical, insulation, sheetrock, final, etc.) . The use of special L.r ...... is Dol diS- ...:__ j. The OregOn Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) Chapter 11, Section 170 llim the conditio... when speciaJ in..,.--... mllSl be U3Od. Gellerally sped8J i~ln Indude: Grading. exmvatioD, and liD; PiIillgs; Cancrete and reinforcillg; SlruduraJ .. .. .,.., wood, or steeI;. Welding; Higlulrmth, slip critical, _..._..:..~ or epoxy la1sion bolting; Single ply roofing; Spray- applied::' _... .fmg; and Smoke colllroJ. What is a spedal inspector and who Is qualified? A special illspector is a persou who has been approved by the building official to, ., ;:.,' , certain types of inspections. The special inspector is reserved fur <emplex lnstaUations lha1 require highly developed m"JlOCtion skills, llormaJly a penon ....pJcryed by a private testing laboratory. The special inspector shall be a qualifted person who shall ~emonstrale competence. 10 the satisfaction of the building official for ill5peClicn of the panicular type of cons1nK:tion or operation requiring special inopeclion. lbe ICBO certification is recognized by the bUilding official as having met those requirements. The holder of the certification will have salisl8ctorily passed a written examination, IlI1 oral ullerviow, and having a review of their relevant education and work experience.. A list or individual will be maiotained by the City of Springfield of those persons who have been accepted as special jn..t'.....~....... and in what pani.uJar disciplines they have been approved. WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER, ARCHITECT, COMMUNITY SERVICES, SPECIAL INSPECTOR, AND CONTRACTOR? TIlt Own". The owner, or a person acting 115 the owner's agent shall sela:! a qualified special iospe<lllr and ....ploy them to conduct the required special inspections. Th~ A.rdrIUiT.lbe architect or engineer of re<:ord assistB the owner with the selection of a special inspector. The Architect or engineer shall specity types of spcciaI inspe<tions required in the eon..... .._:...11 docmnents. CnmmllftlJp S~1V~ Dlvlvnlf~ The City reviews the <onstruction document> fur compliance with special :~r..~..... rcqain:mcnts. The division "+ r. ..' ...,l the special illspec:tor and mcnito", the special inspector and the special inspectioo activities. 77r~ CO""IId-. In additiun to outiljriog Community :3 - , :._ that the ..011< iJ read)' fur regular inspections, the conl1'Ulor shall notify the special inspector when work is ready fur special iospcctioll. 77r~ SouI.1 '''W"'d': The special inspecto", observes all worlc for ..hich they are responsible for compliance with the approved design drawings and speciftcation.; identifies oon-<:onfonnmg work immediately; provides timely in., ..~. _ rcpom on a regular basis indicating the inspections conducted IIIId test __ iu....ed, lisls of any oonconfonnity and t C how they Were resoived, and any autho~ changes by the mhite<lleogineer; submit dis..__~_, reportJ listing lII1l"eSolved items, plDtiC3 notified, times and methods; and submits a fmal sicned SllDUDary report. , C ~ , C .. If you have further interest in the ...~..._. or would like additional infonnation about special inspections, this office has a cupy available of the ICBO Special Inspector Prognuo Booklet, which outlines the program requirements in more .omplete detail. c .. c " .\ It is the responsibility of the.appli<:anl and their designaled representatives to understand when special inspections are ~ Before a penn it can be issued, the owner sha11 complete, sign, and submi, to the City for review and approve the special inspection and lest agreement and ..hedule. W. encourage the dosignlcontmctor loam and speolal inspectors to refer to the Oregon Slrw:turaI Specialty Cede OJapler 17 and review the ~Special Inspectioos" section. If th= are any questions about the program or lbe requi. _ of !be special inspection contact the Develcpment Services, Community Services Division for clarificatiuns. ~ c c