HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1999-07-19 Z25 Firth Sr...~~t Springfield. QR 97477 ALLSTAR SIGNS PAGE 02 em IJI: srR1Ncml~:BNUMB_~q JO~~ In~pc:etion Une; 726.J769 Office: 726.3759 07/21/1999 15:12 5419578803 SOI~~/;~R:~Tl~;p:~.~66' ""',- SIT~ "OORES': ..301 'i? (~~ ~w.:A.J..1 .s+((_~~ ASSESSORS M~P; 1''10- D () ()J 7. ., n,.., OWN'.':.J~ 'kCYJdhorJ<:e qr-i I} AOPRESS:. ,&)'1~ c; f) ~ I ~ Y.l F+ . CItY: n Sr-unj.fi eJ,rf STATe: nt<... BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC.: On;:pr-.a.J ':KrYJdbnO.<;e., G~;J) TAX LOT: ~ e. r- PHONe: ZIP: Q7<.f17 OESCAIPTIOf\ OF PROPOSED SlGNt$); IpJ~;c:' ~t1l:Ok (lnl1 complete 011 opproprlate infotMetionl 2-s~ns X W.II X Shgle Face Double Face Billboard Other ) /.q '9/' SQV;lrc F,otage: d.. '? 7 {,23_c;D each $:71 Total HeiQItt tlbovlJ Gr.de: I VertM;11 Dimension of iign at QI1c;!O$U'C: 51 II .-----Rj'";....dW: , f !Iign Of encloJ,ure: .2.L,' Oin'\en$ion flom Grade /5' E1cctricil1lnl1;:t.llotlol'1; X Yeti _ No VALuE 1_. I ~ to bQuom of Sign Enclo;ure; {If yes additional electrical permit 18 required} OF SIGN: ~OO . v- _ Fruuanding _ Projecting ~OOf MiltQuae M"teri~1 sign is constructed of; _ (~r>\) . . L1s1 ALL existing liignaoc and ltt:ach a Dnotogr.ph or eeen .1911; lal Ty!)e Sq. Ftv. IbJ Typs (dl Type Sq. ftg. lel Typo Sa. Ft;. Sq. Ftg. CONT.AC1'O"/INST"LLER:~1 Sfjh ~ A...H,ilrlj G->, APPRESS' 1141../5 MAJ.). qq N. cln 'KffiwlI vr;"J STATE' OC CONS~AUCT")N C.ONT.drORS A~GIST""TION NVM~"', I ~34o 2- . CIT\'8USINESS LICENSE NUMBER: PHON.JJilf/) CJ57-P.5'jo EXPIRES: ~IP: 17470 3-22-01 EXPIRES: OFFICE use ZON"O: Sign Pe((J"\it Fee; ,kc;t).- c.~ Cod. S,c1iol'1: b3O-U ~ , ~4 'l II \ ~. L J.&l~ o QUlId Are~: 1 l!.kllJ. I Sign DistriGt: p-^IUII...I (lno.......d.Jlaod Uoo: Approued By: OATe:__1-,)fl-'l. <1 REQUiRED INSPECTIONS: Site to be rnade priOt to $ign placement Foodog ptlor to placement of conc;rete V":ll8~nment after fUtet181lli iilrC Installed/prlot to cover /E1eCtliCal ~el'lCfOllinO e1ec1rical installation ~nal comDletJon of sign installatiOl'l Additional Comments and/or Condifions: By signature. 1 $t()tc ;1M aaree, that I heve C8r~lurtv e:uminad ,he complettd application and do hereby cllrtifv that all h"lfounatlon herein is trUB and eM'eet. and I further certify that any aM aU work !)l!fIO'Mea $r.ell be aone in accor(lance with the Orginanc;:s& of the City 01 Si=ltinglietd, ,In:i thlJ Laws of tI'1c St.to of Oregol'1 pertelnlng to the work described herein. 11urther l:ertHy thn OI\ly contl',ctO's 8no employees who are i(l complionce with ORS 701.056 will be usad on I~i:!l projeCt. I further Z1g'ee to ensure that all required iru;PfJctloNi are rCQuoited " tl'lc prOper time, thllot pfOjoct addre$(l ie tudablo from the street, that tile pellTllt c;,rd islQCoted at the 'tont of the proport.,.. eod the approved lli91 of pliJ,N will remain on the ,1tC; llit 011 tlm~ during the lnstallatlon 01 the sign(sl. S;'N"U";'A,~ ~ 0.,. 7-/2:::!l..Q Valida lion; Amount Received: dt ?,l>, - "0 l;"6 ., L- Dale Paid: Rllceipt Number; Received By: q;~c, ""I Oi/19/99 ~O~ 12:38 FAX 5417263689 SIGN PERMIT APPLI<eON en\' DF' srRI",CFIEl.Il JOB NUMe G!loo, Q~ IO~Io_ 225 Fifth Str.~et Springfield, C'R 97477 Inspection Une; 726-3769 Office: 726.3759 ~.t@ SITE ADDRE:iS: 3 r>ll? [;.'0 iflJlCI.L1 o3+;'t(',1- ASSESSORS MAP, no"i:i:; n nnl?? ,., rl OWNER -1~ 'kOl.lo.bOJ 1'0' ADDRESS, '2n'1P, (;11.JtH VII f S+. CITY_Sf-tmj-A eJ t1 ..J BUSINESS NAME. FIRM ETC.: OrijirvA.! TAX LOT: Sri 'VJL A- U Arill PHONE: nR.... 1(()('KlhnII.Se.. GtLL1 STATE: ZIP: Cf7'-f17 DESCRIPTIO,... OF PROPOSED SIGN(S): lplease check and complete all appropriate informationl 159ns >( Wall X Si 19le Face Double Face Billboard Other () /.C,/9" Square F:lOtage: ~7 /23.5D eadl StJf1 Total Height above Grade: I V"tica' Dim,,,sion 01 sign 0' coclos",,: 51 "_ Hmi,c"", Widlh 01 sign m ooclo,",. :2 (" I Dimension from Grade /5 I r'E1~:.tricalln:tallation: X Yes _ ~ VALUE 1_ to bollom of S,ign Enclosure: '-!!!!es additional electrical permit is re~ir~ OF SIGN: LV j <-JOO. aD Material Sign is constructed of: AlII vni hi f YV"'\ - _ Freestanding _ PrOjecting Roof Marquee (~ns). list ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sIgn: la! Type. Sq. Ftg. (bl Type Sq. Ftg. Ic) Type. SQ. Flg. (d) Type Sq. Ftg. CONTRACTOllnNSTALLER..fiI.abn I .3i~h 1. A.vn/~ G..,. . J ( J ADDRESS,1l/LlfS HrLlJ - qq (1./ . cln "Kffi("nll YC< STATE: DC CONSTRUCTION CONTRJTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: /-,,3'-102. PHONEIcs.tIlJ QS7-P,SQo ZIP, q747D EXPIRES, 3 -22 -0/ CITY BUSINES S LICENSE NUMBER: EXPIRES: OFFICE USE Sign District_L ~"'IIrUU" fj ~ c....Q Land Use: s ~o-o Codc Section: f'_.J ~ ~ <KL.. ...... ~ Quad Area: \ c100 Zooin9: (I,Q.. Sign Permil Fee: ~ ~(). Approved By: (, \ kJ,~ DATE: __,-a '/:_"1 "i _ REQUIRED IN~PECTIONS: __Sitc 10 be made prior to sign placement _ Footing prior to placement of concrete ~achm'nt after fasteners are instaJled/prior to cover /Electrieal prior to energizing electrical installation ~na] completion of sign installation Additional Comments and/or Conditions: -. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and eouect, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, anj the laws of the Stato of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who) are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projeCt. I lurther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the propc:rly, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation ot the sign(s\. . Sign"",,I%i~ ~ D", 7-/~Q tJ Validation: Amount Received: 1I><f..0 Date Paid: <ih:l-4~ q(,u) Receipt Number: '3<;0 '7 ..., _RecciveclBy: