HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-3 r - ._~ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 GATEWAY BUILDING PERMIT. APPLlCATIOtj MAL L TEN ANT IMP R OV E MEN T SON L y. . " ' . .. .. .. .DEVELDPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT City Hall Buildino BUILDING 5AFETY (503) DIVISION 72.6-3759 --0 - oJ z Nature of Work: Value of Work: Telephone: (618) 907-3400 Job Site: (503) 746-4707 Fax:r (816) 9.07-8641 ! Application fee: $200.00 - r~ Owner: General Growth of California Addreaa: 15821 Ventura Blvd. Suite 525 Encino, California 91436 TENANT1MPROVEMENT Name of Tenant Business: Size of Tenant Space: ~ :-b~fu.j ~\<-~e\\~R.. Describe Business: ~E\P-.\L Job Site Addreaa: .. 3], 0: 1 Mall Space No. 3000 GATEWAY STREET SUITE: loL DESIGN TEAM (Name) PrimBr:JS.~\W ~IIS1... Mech/Plumb: c:; A."^-.c <..f:I~\..~ (Aridresa) \ ~\) &~ N\~. t\l~..) ~\\\ \. i N11 DC! \ I (Phone No.' Electrical: CONTRACTORS Ge~er~~ (Name) (Address) r-...\' I \. /~ t:J ...a ...". '0\\\)'<.' ~l ~",(,~,h (Lic." (Exoires) (Phone No.) ~rT" V",Y7 7V/-77fY~ p~~;.,<", 6.1 t:; V~ _,<-r~P/ Electrical : *Suoervisor's Sionature Plumbino: ~O-"\\)~, ... ~\'-Le ',:11;)\2> ~"?(fJt. \.J"i, ZlAi~"''L jO'l-. ~1l\Cl j Hechanical: 7L1b-J (" 2 ( AGENT (CONTACT PERSON) (Name) (~ddresa) (Phone No.) . WHERE STATE LAW REQUIRES that electrical work be done by a licensed electrician, an electrical permit shall not be issued without the name and signature of the Supervising Electrician and his/her valid license information. FurtherlDo~9." _~~,~J.ectrlcal permit is issued, it shall not be valid until the electrical. label has been ~d~l~'~gneij'by the Supervising Electrician and poated on the switching equipment for the tenant 8oace. (See instructions O~ ~~V~~q~~~11~ f~r furthe~ ~or~~B~ion) I have .ca~efully examined this completed ~l'rc8tibn for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is,..lrue.. ,.",j ._.,....._ .'U;-al~.ftft'thft >i:er~tfY."that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance ..ith the Ordinancea of the City of t1!W!iiQnelil:8n~i the La..s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the ..ark daacribad.here:. , .,...;, .".,j~C'{'llf"fHE 'PREMIStS WILL NOT 8Y UNDERTAKEN ..ithout the permiasion of the Building Safety Oiviaion in the form of a GERtltftATE OF OCCUPANCt. ._. ~'~.a'. -. _.....ii.'" \' . . ,,~~,/., h! /,J,~,_ f) /: / ~ /.~ (~). <_ ~e( olesse orint) I ./' ... # ~j.':n8~.ure ~ /o-..:T-po Date INSTRUCTIONS -: Hall perBit""DlicBtiDn The tenant or his duly suthorized sgent must complete all required spaces on this application form. Incomplete forms will be held without further procesaing until the required informstion is provided, .resulting in unnecesssry delsys in issuing the permit. THE APPLICATION MUST 8E ACCOMPANIED 8Y A $200.00 APPLICATION fEE WHICH WIll. BE APPLIED TOWARO THE PROJECT PLAN REVIEW fEES. Note: _ PLANS & SPECIfICATIONS and other construction documents ahould not be included with this applicetion (the construction documents should instead be submitted to the mall owner for review snd scceptance). The owner will forwsrd the sccepted documents directly to the City for Plan Review and Permits. This application will be mstched with the sppropriste plans when they are received from the owner. Plans not having evidence of the owner's acceptance will not be accepted for review by the City. Plsns which are - received before the permit spplication will be held by the City until the spplicstion is received, snd they will be reviewed for Code complisnce in the order thst the Aoollcations are received.' The following informstion will assist in filling out tha Applicstion form: PERMIT # - will be sssigned by the City upon scceptance of the spplicstion. VALUE Of WORK - should include ell costs for msterisl & lsbor (including contrsctor's OH & p) snd the cost of sll sdditionsl instsllstions by the lsndlord which are being chsrged to the tensnt (eg. sdditionsl roof curbs, etc.). NAME Of TENANT BUSINESS - Include the nsme of the business 8S ~t will appear on the storefront, and the name of the company, individual, partnership, etc., if it is different from the business name being used. SIZE Of TENANT SPACE - Indicete the totsl. floor sres specified i~ the le8s8 for your business apace. '. DESCRI8E BUSINESS - Indicete the type of.merchandise and/or service to be provided to customers/clients. SUITE - this is the tensnt lease spsce number. DESIGN TEAM - Include the requested informstion for the design professionals who prepared or participated in the preparation of construction documents. If all or any.portion of the project is being designed by the contractor(s), please so state in the appropriate spaces. CONTRACTORS - Include the requested informstion for the general contractor & subcontractors. Note: Effective January 1, 1990, the State of Oregon requires all contractors to be licensed through the Construction Contractors Board, In addition, persons instslling or modifying electricsl or plumbing work must hold a valid Journeyman's license for these trsdes from the Stste. .. AS Of JULY I, 1989, Oregon law requires that s aupervising electricisn shsll sign the permit spplicstion, or the electricel portion of this combinstion building permit will. not be isaued. TME--ElECTRICAL PERMIT HAY BE OBTAINED SEPARATELY BY THE ElECTRICIAN.. AGENT - The spplicstion must be signed snd dsted by the tensnt or. his/her duly suthorized representstive. fOR ~ f ICE , USE APPlICATIlJI RECEIVED: VALUE Of WORK: - - - - - - - - $ ,- f" ~1~Ia:.n DEV. DIARGE: Cl.5~ of Vslue) $ .. BlIILDIN: PERIlIT: Surcharge: $ SUBTOTAL: $ .. ,/. PlAN REVIEII fEE: less Application: $ (-) 200.00 SUBTOTAL. $ .. PlIIIIINC: fixtures. Surchsrge: ?-... CI ~cO $ C:O.Q5 , :SO $ . 31 .'E().. SUBTOTAL: ELECTRICAL: feeders: _Gl_amps " amps Wiring: 2 or more cir. Surcharge: $ 22.50 " SUBTOTAL: $ .. IIDWllCAL: Alc units or heaters: less than 100 HIlH_1I$6.50 $_ Vent fsns (lductl_CI 3.00 Other vent eyat. or exhsust hood _CI 4.50 fuel gas piping Surcharge: SUBTOTAL $ .. lIT1EIl: PERIIr IIIUAICI -&.nr '-!~ ,""'- 7.'') KtGl:lPr i h-*-h _.-UUN.'~"1 ) . ~ 6'\ .. .. .. -.-~