HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM ARC 5/2/2008
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Rowell Brokaw
, Architects
Develooment Issues Meetina Reauest
Project understanding and DIM Questions
Date Received:
Springfield Relief Nursery
Peter King
Rowell Brokaw Architects
rYui 4- - 2008
'Rev'''J?d Submittal
Application & Site plan
The Relief Nursery IS a nationally recognized non profit organization with a
mission to prevent the cycle of child abuse and neglect by early Intervention that
focuses on building successful and resilient children, strengthening parents and
preserving families Relief Nursery has a variety of programs that work to stop
the cycle of child abuse and neglect with a blend of therapeutic early childhood
services and comprehensive family support, including alcohol & drug recovery
support services. Programs focus on serving low-income multi-stressed families
with young children between birth and six years of age, who are at-risk for child
abuse and neglect
Project Description
The proposed Springfield project IS based on the successful facIlity In Eugene,
and will enable the Relief Nursery to more effectively serve clients In Springfield.
The bUilding Will have 5 or 6 classrooms, playgrounds, meeting and counseling
rooms, a commercial kitchen and administrative spaces The bUilding Will be
approximately 14,000 gross square feet The parking load Will be between 50
and 60 vehicles, serving both staff and clients A safe drop off area for busses is
also desirable.
The 1 32 acre site at 870 South 42nd St was purchased in November of 2007
from the City of SpringfielCfwith the intention of bUilding a new facility. Initial site
and building concept schemes indicate that the proposed site is small for all of
the desIred features of the program. A 20' setback along 42nd Street, and a
pedestrian path along the south edge constrain the use of the site.
Rowell Brokaw Architects, P.L
One East Broadway, SUite 300 0 Eugene, Oregon 97401 0 VOice (541) 485-1003 0 Fax (541) 485-7344 0 www rowellbrokaw com
Proposed Property Line Adjustment
Relief Nursery has explored options for satisfying the program reqUirements on
the eXisting site, Including a two story option The preferred strategy IS to obtain
60' of additional property to the west to allow for safe drop off, safe, an efficient
one story bUilding and flexibility for future expansion The property to the west of
the site, zoned Community Commercial, IS owned by the Springfield School
Distnct To our knowledge the School District does not have speCifiC
development objectives for this property Retaining flexibility and enhancing
potential for public, commercial or reSidential uses is deSirable
Proposed Property Access Easement
Relief Nursery would like to approach the Spnngfield School District about the
pOSSibility of obtaining additional property. The orientation of the property at 870
South 42nd St effectively blocks access to this School District property to the west
from South 42nd St Relief Nursery IS proposing that future access to the school's
property to the west be through a 40' stnp ,along the north edge of the 870 South
42nd st property Access to the Relief Nursery would share this access pOint The
form of the access is to be determined (easement, public nght of way, etc) If
deemed appropriate, the Spnngfleld School Dlstnct may grant Relief Nursery a
lot line adjustment that adds 60' to the west side of the Relief Nursery's property.
This proposal IS to result in a Win-Win for both parties and might allow for
cooperative development of compatible programs on the school district property
Purpose of the Development Issues Meeting
The Relief Nursery IS requesting this DIM to clanfy Issues that Springfield
Planning, BUilding, or Community Development might have with the proposed
site plan or lot line adjustment The goal IS to proceed with the lot line adjustment
as soon as possible, and proceed with the deSign of the Relief Nursery project
based on accurate site information Below are the five questions for the meeting
1. Lot Line Adjustment
Are there any zoning, Metro Plan Designation, overlay district, or access
issues that may complicate a simple lot line adjustment between these two
2. Access to the School District Property
To our knowledge the School Dlstnct does not have speCifiC development plans
for the property to the west of the Relief Nursery site The goal is to retain
flexibility for a range of uses, including school, social-service, commercial or
reSidential uses A 40' wide access and utility easement IS proposed that would
allow future access between 42nd Street and pOSSible future development on the
School Dlstnct's property The proposed easement IS along the north e!Mt~ ~ceived:
Relief Nursery site, adjacent to property zoned single family residential. The
_ f110Y 2 2008
Re.\JJ9d', Submittal
Relief Nursery access driveway IS also proposed in this location The driveway
and access easement would be shared in future, and could be re-built to support
Increased demand The access road Will serve only the Relief Nursery until the
any future development occurs, and is proposed to be constructed to City of
Springfield parking lot standards. In addition to future vehicular and pedestrian
access, the proposed easement would serve as a utility easement to connect to
utilities at 42nd Street
Is a 40' wide access and utility easement, in the location shown in the site
plan, sufficient to accommodate proposed Relief Nursery uses, and future
uses related to the potential development of the School District Properly?
3. Relief Nursery Access and Parking
The City's parking reqUirements Will require interpretation due to the mix of uses
In the facIlity. If the entire bUilding use is considered child care, 60 spaces would
be required If the uses are divided between office and child care 53 spaces
would be required The proposed site plan shows 60 spaces for cars, and 4
spaces for the facIlities mini-buses
The proposed layout is conceptual, but the configuration smd overall dimensions
are critical to determine an appropriate property line adjustment
Does the proposed curb cut location, access drive, parking lot and bus
drop-off layout satisfy City requirements?
4. Walking path
The walking path on the south edge of the property, connecting 42nd St and the
school, IS not recorded as an easement In the property deed. The understanding
is that the City Will require an easement for this eXisting feature '
What is the required width of the easement for the walking path, and are
there other requirements we should be aware of?
5. Permitting
What is a possible permitting timeline for a project like this? Will there be
any permits from other jurisdictions required with this project (ie. ODOT,
County, DEQ)?
Date Received:
M'Ag ~.jJ 2008