HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1982-1-15 ';","-~""-_..~'.' ........:. ,- .'. ,,- .--.' "~. ."--..;....,.."'...-..~",..:._'''"'..:;.;;.;..... .'...-..' .. . ,.....,:_. ." ........'.-. '.-~' ..'-.'.=.'_.. ....:_ .,c!...." ...Xi_ ~.' ..:.~",,:,,'~..:;;'.' ~..,.;.",:::".-~.;."..:..~.._":~',"-;;;",\L';"";:"'''':''l , ~. , RECEIPT # \."') '} X'} I , -- RESIDEJIIIo, -- COMBINATION/APPLI~ibN PERMIT erry 0.':' SPRINGFIELD 2~S :",'O.rmI SiH 57.'1EET SPRI,'fGFIEl-DJ OREC-ON 97477 auiZdi~4 Divisi~ 72S-J753 Job Location: l0~f\S "~ll1 -3;tOQT) (j [)JJ '*', tG ~ ~ QJn.r~~~l\C\o\L ~, \\)\~ --'i-1110 &-l (0 A 0 . Subd:.vt. sion: .4.883S80l'S Uap II !~.r-Oy -07" -;2...;S AddroDS \ (\ ~ '\ CS City ~h~ (1 '(J I n N.." n Addi tion n .qemod. . Ta:: Lot N J It> /J1) Phone Nf)L/f0335 ql'}t.;1} I} Zip {)Qsczoi.bs Work 7o~M c9rr 0.uRD Q..~ Co~tractors NarM Address GilMra1. llilD0.l^- Plumbing !Zscmca1. Ullc1raf~:i.caL CCM~tion Lcndar Usc>> ~!\,2Agcnt E:r:p{.res ~.\~~ IJ .. Phone 11- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsi~iljty of the permit holder to see th3t al1 i~spections are made at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, and that the pe~mit card is located at the front of the property. 6 All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City o SITE UlsprcrICN: To be made after excavation, but prior to set u~ of forT"..s. o o UNDttStJ\B PLUMBIN13. Et!CTRICAL & 0 MECHANZCAL: To be made before any work: is covered. o FOOTInG & FOUUDATION: To be made after trenches are e::c:avated and forms are erect~d, but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SrwER, WATER. 0 DRAWAGE: To be made prior'to fil- ling trenches. o o UNOtRF!.OOR PLUlmING ~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insu13tion or decking. o POST & BtAM: To be r:ade prior to installation 0: fl~or insulation or ~ecking. o o ROUCH PLUHB!NG. ELECTRICAL 6. MECR- AMCI~L: Uo ~ork is to be covered ~these ins;ectior~ have been . made and approv~. o FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing 0 materials anc1 before fra.'Ding im.pe'.:- tion. WOODSTOVE5: After installation ~ is completed. f'RAHI!{G: Must be requested after 0 approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal 6. mechanical. All roofing, bracing 6. chimoeys, etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- 0 cealed until t~is iaspectio~ has been made and approved, CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIvr~AY: For all con- crete paving within street right- ~f-way, t~ be cade a~er all exca- vating complete 6. form work 6. sub- base materi31 in place. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and befC~_U any insulation is concealed. OTHER INSPEC'I'IONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indicatee in ;la~~ or by ~o- tice from Building Inspec~or, DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mde after all drywall is in pL:lce, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel loc3tion, bond be3mS, grouting cr verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2"'15. All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, completion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before 'the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. D FINAL PLUMBING 0 FINAL ELtCT~ICAL 0 FINAL MECHANICAL ?~ge 1 of 2 D FINAL BUILDING: The f"inal Building Inspection must be requestod a:'ter ~he Final Plumbing Elcc~ical, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een made and approved. No occupancy of the premises C3n be made until the final Building Inspection has been mad~ and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS B~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED ON THE PREMISES. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE9UEST: Call 726-3769 (recorder)state your City designated job number, job address, type or inspection reques~ed and when you will be ready for inspec- tion, Contracto~9 or Owners name and phone numbers. ~equests received before 7:00 a.m. will 'be ~Adc the sa~e day, r~quests made after 7:00 ~~l~~made the next working day. YOUR CITY OESIGNA~EO JOB NUM~ER IS: ~)~( l--)I~~ . ~ ~::"':,: : c,",,~~~:'fX:3~:;}T;:.q.?;-:::'0:;:;;;~~~:f:-:::-~;;:;-.~::::'_r-.,;;:;::.:r~?;:;':?:~!.,::::::~:::F:.;;;',~.;:r~;;:;,'2-C:'~';'::::~::7::?"':;; ;-:;':;,'"f-:--?~~:.p;'~'';';'\.:'~': ;;~';~f""~"':~:;'7":~W,;~c:'::.:.'~~!~"'.-S-7-E';,~/;",'~':.'~~',--.....~.~.;:~>-:,:>,.:...-,-"..... ~ . . . . --- -. ... _.. -. ...--- .~. ... -....- . ."., "-. :.~...,.- , ~ . ~. '~r.. :,....: .,. 1\ ... ':=~."_'--:'::::."'l:: -~ ~::L.",,{~""::,:\.~;{~,,~~;~i~:-::r..-6;~; ~ ~;'i I JOB mJl-!EER I ZONE 5 @OO::53 , I P.::lge 2 I . REFERENCE Nl'!!BERS L-CrJr: if OCCUPANCY C-ROUP TYPE/CrJ"'ST~tJCTION BEDROOMS , LOt Squars !'tg. ~. of r.at Covered ~ of StoM.68 fotal. ,qt1igh~ ';'O?og:oap~y Lot Ty?e lr:teM.01" Lo~ Cor1tf!r I P.L. par..handlel Not":h Othgr Eas t ISoo.J.th I West Setbacks I: I f.' eotn, ~.r.": ,. .' Ftg. C-azo::"3tl .q, !Sq. Ftg. Car;ort ISq, Ft;!. A::::cflcso:-y Sa. F<I;a. ValU6 Faees: I House '.ia1'!lf1E AaC",SJ I I I I I FEES I El~Brqy 5o:...;~es I ~il11: I ;:"atBr Hea.ter I ,~a.nge I Fool. I .~~'!"i~~C~8 ;'o~.;, S;~",)a . ':'0.";:' BUILDII/I) VALUE/PER!fIT :: g Th,ts permi. t is grarttStf on the e.rpr6&S c:mdi.:-::on ehat the said construction shaU, in alZ res,;sau, aanfo-r.-:: to tlle O!'di:'lQr.~ss adopted by ths Ci.:-; o:~ Spl-:.ngfisld, including tr.s Zoning Ordinance, reg-.i.tat-;ng -;i'.s ",on" stro.lCtion and uss of lr",ildings, ani."!ay ~e B".i.B';:flr'.dsd or rrJoksd a~ any time U?Qn violati~n of a7ri provi- sions of "aid Ozodinancss. z - z :: TOTAL CH.4RGES / I j I l'ZaPt CMak Fss !Ja~e !'trid Rcceip~ ,~ Pll'~t ~BB /:;t::."tl/f S,D"f!"trf'"f1t:f. IS~/stem Dltv~l.ceng"t Cht:u-:1lJ 11.5.:: Va!u:. - I PI,U/(lJING PERHIT I NO: fEE CHARGE ~L-tuI-tz8 No pwsan shaH aonstruot, -::nst::ZZ, Cl:L~ar or chanJe any nstJ or ~Bt:ing p'Lw:rbing or dr:::-jrags 8Y,:sm in whet. or ir: part, unUS8 such peso'!: is -:ns ~.gal. possessor of a vaLid plumber's 1.iesr.s., t%a'~t that a pGrson may do ptumbing l..'01'k to prc,?sr~ tJ.:':~h is or.mad. z.a.ed or opercrted by the ~E=t. r/atsr Service Sarti taro.J Stl'JtI1" r SUBTOT.4L State SJaochaJ'ge TOTAL CHARGES I I NO. I I I I FE. TOTAL CHAl/f:ES rflunts Stat. Laz.t "quiZ's. that the .~.ct:-i.ca~ lJOrk b. d01Ul by an Elactrical C'71ItraDtozol t;.,g .i.8Ct:"'":.caZ por- tion of t1ri.s pumit shatt. not bs vaZid unti.~ eha 1a.. bot has been 3igned by the ~ZsctM.c.:;Z COntr--....1:or. Th& n.cmaal Safsty LabJ does not requ~r. .:: ?,,'!"son to obtain a liaens. as an 9 wetrici:::n ar.d.l:J!" tlLe,,- meal CO"'ftra.ctor to nxzks an s14ctr..cal -::nB,:.:llation on property ~hich ill or.mad by himse,( or a ".-.be,. of his inmediau famiLy lUJri.ch is not -:..r:t~ed .-~;r sate, lease or zoant. s~. FootaDS !/IN O't" E."':tsnsitm/Ci.~i t T ...........~ ...... oJ Ct7.":Bt:!*u.a:ian SUHTOTAL set%t. Szaecharas I...'~. FIT ~!'1'If-'9'ftl'.c; Ezhaust Hoed Vmrt Fan Wood StDvs/Heattll' SUBTOTAL Stata Sw-cha1"t1C TOTAL CHARGES I i I j I i I I .NCROACHNE!/T ISe~~ty Oeposit ISt.?mge IUainc1U%'ZCs II''''''''t I TOT:1L AHOU!lT DUe I I I I/Lf.lnL./. q 0(,;) PLan Emm:."'lBJ' Oats I HAVE G.4REFUUY F::wtINf:D the completed appUcation for p""",t. and liD -= her-aby aflrtify that azz. i1Iformat'i<Jn MrS07'l is trua and aorrfJet, and I ~ flao~her certifY that any and alt "",rk porf"""ed ehalt be ao.u, in """or- t danae L1tih ths OrdinancflB of ehs City of Springfield, md the LazJs of tM " _ State of Oregon pertaining to the "",,.k deecribed herein. and tha~ NO OC- ~ CUPANCY L1il.l ba nrIcUi of any si:r'.i.oturQ taJitkout permission of tM Building : Division. I i".aotntll" all%"tify that only eon'tractors and en:ploytasB who are _ in aompliance r.ri.~h ORS 701.0SS wilt. bs ussd on :hi3 proj6ct. lc-...I1.beut ISid"""'lk I Ff!ncg 1,lect>ieaZ Gabel I ',OTAL Al-lOUNT DUE , , ' '! ~/~/,jJ h ~tLJ c-iJ~ U J , A~ Division app1'O'Jed p!.a>l shalt r"""':n on the W, ,_ ttmes. f ~: , - ~ - \&m .. ua:;s Bu1.ldt.ng Sits at all ---"'"7';~~.~."~..:'C'.T-';"~'~."."'-;.-'::. ::::::T"'~:;O::~~.."" .~.I'".,.t';......"'?'... -:;r.._:,.,_:,;;.,_:;:;.,.-..:::;::.~,., ,--:~"~,_.__'~;":,::,,,,,,:,.~",,-".";-"',;r,,',~."""'~,:,..,,.,, ,.-~.;... ......"'''"''".~-..,.,.''_......,.....,.~.-._,;....~,~='1:..,~=::'!'I:''.F~::.U!._..",.,.,.