HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-4-30 KEATING ENGINEERING L -L.--c 159 E SIXTEENTH AVE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 VOi~E - - (~415 24i-0613 F~'L _ J~41l?4?.:-O~~4 erna" keatJngeng@msn com c1' - / ( 2--2- Aprr130, 2008 Salvadore Assael 1085 F Street Sprrngfleld, OR 97477 Re Foundation system at fire damaged house I vIsited the site and Inspected the eXisting foundatlon~ as requested by the City " Some changes to the eXisting system must be made to ensure compliance with code Attached please find a detail of the foundation perrmeter stem wall showing these changes, as follows 1 The top of the eXisting CMU webs must be cut down approximately 2" (this can vary somewhat) so that you can Install a continuous #4 rebar around the top, as much as possible It will have to be Interrupted as access pOints and vents as they are eXisting already 2 After the rebar IS Installed the entire CMU spaces must be filled with concrete level to the top Use 2500 PSI 3/8" aggregate miX, either pumped or wheel- barrowed to the wall Do not use hand-mixed concrete 3 Install W' X 10" J-bolts at 48" 0 c being careful to ~ave a bolt In each end of each mud-sill A sketch of the bolting pattern IS on the detail . II 4 Replace the eXisting 2x4 floor JOiStS with new 2x8 floor JOiStS at 24" 0 c Mamtam the eXisting underfloor beams to support the floor JOiStS at mid-span, and frame the pony wall over the new Interror strrp footing per the details I provided earlier (also attached here) Please call If you have any questions Sincerely, I V\ v v ~I Steplien- i Keating PE SE I ) tl /~~w ~n)LU , '~ ,1 -:E' -- --- /l~/' /'1 --~!: ./~_ __Id~'=__- - - - -- / -1,. " ______..~____ ':o-~~:;-~.::::...;:. _...-....-- J l~---- ~.- - " _ - -'.~,;~' -,f- I_::./.'t \:",....1--., .)t.r:K - -:~ -! ,. " /--1;, --~ ~tt; ~dl;:ivvtn1\}.~ ....T~ r ~'V ....--~-., - l _ .,__ ___ _ ~'- --=-r- d,~~~ '4' j',:r; :+ \ j;\'1 -._~~_.. 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" " , , ---1- VJ:;'~~tLp-11 j_~ l?l~ l~- ~f~ O_"~J _ _ -, --.- - -~- -j- SALVATORRE AS5AEL DRAWING TITLE 1005 F STREET - SPRINGFIELD - OR C-Mv ~l~lOJJ~ I PROJECT NO 0<) 10) I 'DATE 060r:TO'? I I SCALE ~Jcrw I I DRAWN BY ~f,\,lNU I I CHECKED BY ~:Ofll SHEET NO , t!~~:'''' -_ -j" J~j K EAT I N G . 1~8 WEST B ST - SLDG P I !.---',-':-:~;:!jENGINEERING SPRINGFIaD, OR 97477 I , -~, 1_/ / VOICE (541) 726-99951 2A I PROJECT NO 0:;:'-10;;) DATE 060CrO:;:' SCALE NOffD . DRAWN BY KEAllNCi I CHECKED tN 5-:;orr l SHEET NO ,.--) ~ /' 2X4 OR 2X" INTERIOR FRAMING AT I'" 0 C / NEv.. PLATE NAILING I"'" AT IG" C) C .~. i , / X , \ EXJS1TNG SUBFLOOR I L- l~! EXISTING FLOOR JOISTS - R-25 INSULATION IN FLOOR ;;::><: d> . I " MIL POLY GROUND COVER \ 24" EXISTING GRADE \ /' -\ CONTINUOUS FOOTING rrn (2) #4 REBAR CONTINUOUS SALVATORRE ASSAEL DRAWING TITLE INTERIOR BEARING ft~~~_-- - KAT I. G 188 WESTB ST - BLDGP Wr-:--- ENGINEERING SPRINGFIeLD, OR 97477 . t. -:.---=:~- -. ---I I VOICE (541) 726-9995 1085 F STREET - SPRINGFI~LD - OR r 'oq .'VU' l 2