HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-5-1 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00422 ISSUED: 05/01/2008 APPLIED: 03/28/2008 EXPIRES: 11/01/2008 VALUE: $ 10,000.00 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Lme SITE ADDRESS 340 22ND ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO' 1703361303100 Sprmgfield TYPE OF WORK Smgle FamIly ResIdence TYPE OF USE Remodel ResIdential PROJECT DESCRIPTION Intenor remodel Owner FENSTERMACHER ADAM M Address 340 22ND ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Electncal MechaUlcal Plumbmg Contractor OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER License ExpiratIOn Date Phone BUILDING INFORMATION' # of UUltS # of Stones Pnmary Occupancy Group. R-3 HeIght of Structure Secondary Occupancy Group Type of Heat Pnmary Construction Type VB Water Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type Range Type # of Bedrooms ATTENTION: Orego!Ela'WIg~es you to nent Path follow rules adoptecSj)Ylthae@~~~hty n/a t !:t~l:l!!:':~ ':''.:'m.... ThQSo Fllloe ~r~ ~pt fOJ1b in OAR 952-0PDmVlElm!JP~poo.MA-rION I 0090. You may UULi:l1l1 ",up'''';:> \,I' ..... ...1",... h, calling the center'iote: the telephone number for the Ore ~tlt\litI}INotlflcatlon Center IS 1 5t800-!M4)~qd Paved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Coverage. Gas Lot SIze Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load Frontyard Setback SIde 1 Setback SIde 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks REQUIRED PARKING Total Handicapped Compact I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements Storm Sewer AvaIlable SpeCIal InstructIOn. SIdewalk Type Notes No new surfaces addmg 1/2 bath Downspouts/Drams NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Page 1 of 4 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00422 ISSUED: 05/01/2008 APPLIED: 03/28/2008 EXPIRES: 11/01/2008 VALUE: $ 10,000.00 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme I ValuatIOn DescriptIOn I EstImate EstImate $ Per Sq Ft or multlpher $100 Square Footage or Bid Amount 10,00000 Value Date Calculated DescnptlOn Tvpe of ConstructIon Total Value of Project $10,000.00 $10,00000 03/28/2008 ~ Fee DescnptlOn Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number Plan Review ReSidentIal $77.12 3/28/08 2200800000000000370 -Mech Iss 2+ Apphances- $40 00 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee $31 26 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 + 12% State Surcharge $37 52 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 + 5% Technology Fee $15 63 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Add, Alter, Extend CIrc $48 00 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Ea Add $16.00 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Apphance Vent $7.00 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 BuIldmg Permit $118.64 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Dryer Vent $700 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 FIXture $80 00 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Gas Outlets 1-4 $500 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Miscellaneous Mechamcal $24 00 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Plan Revlew/ResldentIal Hourly $100.00 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Samtary Sewer - Improvement $81 62 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Samtary Sewer - Reimbursement $10733 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 SDC Samtary/Storm Admm $945 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Vent Fan $700 5/1/08 1200800000000000420 Total Amount Paid $812 57 I Plan Reviews I ImtIal Review 04/01/2008 04/01/2008 APP NJM Pubhc Works Review 04/01/2008 04/03/2008 APP LKW No new surface addmg 1/2 Bath Plannm2 Review 04/01/2008 04/07/2008 APP TAJ No Plannmg Issues Structural Review 04/01/2008 04/11/2008 WE DLM Met w/ owner, discussed several Issues requmng changes to the drawmgs Owner to revise and resubmit 4/13/08dlm Pa2e 2 of 4 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00422 ISSUED: 05/01/2008 APPLIED: 03/28/2008 EXPIRES: 11/01/2008 VALUE: $ 10,000.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection LIne Structural Review 04/18/2008 04/29/2008 APP DLM Resubmitted plans Add'l changes reqUired 4/17/08dlm See document' for Plan review comments 4/29/08dlm/ To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All mspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. ~eouireCUnsnections . FootIng After trenches are excavated Post and Beam. Prior to floor InsulatIOn or deckIng Floor Insulation Prior to deckIng FramIng Inspection Prior to cover and after all rough In InspectIOns have been approved Wall Insulation Prior to cover. CeIlIng InsulatIOn Prior to cover. FInal BuIldIng: After all reqUired Inspections have been requested and approved and the buIldIng IS complete Underfloor Plumbmg Prior to msulatlOn or deckmg Rough PlumbIng Prior to cover and Includmg reqUired testmg Fmal Plumbmg When all plumbIng work IS complete Underfloor Mechamcal Prior to msulatIon or deckmg and mcludmg reqUired testmg Underfloor Gas' After hne IS Installed and reqUired testmg and capped If not attached to an applIance Rough Gas After hne IS mstalled and reqUired testIng and capped If not attached to an applIance Rough Mechamcal Prior to Cover Gas Service After lIne IS mstalled and lIne has been connected to a mmlmum of one apphance mcludmg reqUired testIng Presure test done at thiS pomt Fmal Gas When all gas work IS complete Fmal Mechamcal When all mechamcal work IS complete Rough ElectriC Prior to Cover Fmal ElectriC When all electrical work IS complete Pa!!e 3 of 4 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00422 ISSUED: 05/01/2008 APPLIED: 03/28/2008 EXPIRES: 11/01/2008 VALUE: $ 10,000.00 225 Fifth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIon Lme By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed applIcatIOn and do hereby certIfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further certIfy that any and all work performed shall be done m accordance With the Ordmances of the CIty of Sprmgfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY wIll be made of any structure Without permissIOn of the CommuDlty Services DlVlslOn, BUlldmg Safety I further certIfy that only contractors and employees who are m complIance wIth ORS 701 005 wIll be used on thiS project. I further agree to ensure that all required mspectIons are requested at the proper tIme, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans wIll remam on the sIte at all tImes durmg constructlO/1 a~7Jr~f-~ '5-I-o~ Owner or Contractors Signature Date Page 4 of 4 ZON '" D (2.-> INITIALS ~ ~ ~ DATE 5.Z'(:)~ .,, SOURCE \.)\ ~( Date $~~~ ii ~ " %\ .... wm<j~1 i~~W ~~~ COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW ~ w ~ 0 "">>.. 225 J<ll' ul STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATIO~ CIty Job Number (.0.....-( ~07 - 0 0 l( Z- '- 1. ,LOCATION OF INSTALLATION;" '3l10 2'2:: ct S~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION 17D 33 6t J 34 0 2.,(.,~ Sf D3/ D C JOB DESCRIPTION G-(~.".C(V (m\ltr>'l1't\,I k\h~ ~"-el Permits are non-transferable and expIre If work IS not started wlthm 180 days of Issuance or If work IS Suspended for 180 days. 3 A. New Residentla] - Single o~M'i.'rti-Family per dwelling unit / "dO <" ServIce Included 1000 sq ft or less Each addItIonal 500 sq ft or portIon thereof Each Manufact'd Home or Modular DweIlmg ServIce or Feeder $1l7 00 $ 2] 00 $55 00 2. H" _ x i~~~ ~~ <<<", ~ ~~ ~ "~lll"<'~f ~~~i~ CONTRAl,.l vR INSTALLATION ONLY B ServIces or Ireeders -Installation, Alterations or,RelocatlOn: ~~!f ""Jt;!-'P i \'1 <<i,....;!~~t ~i ~ ~~~~~~i~ ~~ ATT~NTION Oreg<2.~ law r.~~guires you to fnll \\, I rules a38a~1J'ilVh~~regon Utility $ 7000 Notl! cation Ceamr ~J'U}@~fset forth $ 83 00 In OAR 952-00140Vmtuoo9tl<OMpS52-001. $13800 UU8U You maY~t~~MI~~<Sijtftp~leS by $18000 calling the ce:Q'fer. R~th~th~ ~phone $413 00 ~er for thEYt1fet Y V N'6llllcatlon CenterIJscp~t 32344). $ 55 00 Phone ElectrIcal Contractor Address CIty SupervIsor LIcense Number l:vt rI/ Constr Contr Number I t // C ~ ~ ~ j 1 '^ ~ 1 Temporary Semces or Feeders ,,, ~"" ~ ~ t. " ! ^ / wrr EXpIratIOn Date InstallatIOn, Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps 401 Amps to 600 Amps $ 55 00 $ 76 00 $110 00 EXpIratIOn Date SIgnature of SupervIsmg ElectrICIan Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above D. Branch Clrcluts Address l( 6 I Each AddItIonal CIrCUIt or WIth"> I -z.. Ad I J::::" t:::" J ALL-.. ~ O~e or Feeder Penmt $ 4 00 Owners Name It ,. "'^- I ~"> ~ IVI. T IS RMIT SHAll EXPlB~f THE WORt< 3C1fO ZZ..J S t- AW;i.im!6"Otft>m~~tiS~td~-EachlnstaDatlOn 51>~ ~ Phone ~) -c..UJ , COMM6~P~l!mu~~BANDONED fOR $ 55 00 AN~Id&QJ?t~TItg\1lmg · $ 55 00 Lumted EnergylResldentIal $ 28 00 Lumted EnergylCommerCIal $ 50 00 Mmlmum ElectriC PermIt Inspection Fee IS $50.00 + Surcharges 4 SCmTOT1i::OFABOVE' \lnllh,'w bO ~ ~,~!m"i::~,"mWd ,l,'i ~~^'<~n~ 12% State Surcharge 7Z- 10% AdmmIstratIve Fee b 5% Technology Fee :J 7 I:!-- The mstallatIOn IS bemg made on property I own WhICh IS not mtended for sale, lease or rent CIty OWNER INSTALLATION Owners SIgnature A ~ 'hr~~A:---- ~- t" ~ Inspection Request 726-3769 TOTAL Shared Dnve(T )lBuddmg FonnslElectncal Pennlt ApplIcatIOn 1-08 doc Construction Contractors Board 700 Summer St NE Suite 300 PO Box 14140 Salem OR 97309-5052 Phone: 503-378-4621 Web Address: www.ccb.state.or.us Address Perrmt # CO ~""" 7.00 g-- - c> () q -z... L 3L{ 0 Z -Z ~d.. --r:::>~ ~f- 5//ltDP I I Issued by Date Statement: Information Notice to Property Owners , About Construction Responsibilities Note Oregon Law, ORS 701 055(4) requzres reszdentzal constructzon permzt applzcants who are not lzcensed wzth the Constructzon Contractors Board to szgn the followzng statement before a buzldzng permzt can be zssued Thzs statement zs requzred for reszdentzal buzldzng, electrzcal, mechanzcal and plumbzng permzts Lzcensed archztect and engzneer applzcants, exempt from lzcenszng under ORS 701 010(7), need not submzt thzs statement Thzs statement wzll be filed wzth the pennzt FIll In the appropnate blanks and InItIal boxes 1 and 2, and eIther box 3A or 3B ~ ~ I own, resIde In, or wIll resIde In the completed structure I understand that I must become lIcensed as a constructIon contractor Ifthe structure IS sold or offered for sale before or on completIon .. " o 3A My general contractor IS (Name) (CCB #) I wIll Instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be lIcensed wIth the ConstructIon Contractors Board ? OR I wIll be my own general contractor If I lure subcontractors, I wIll hIre only subcontractors lIcensed WIth the ConstructIon Contractors Board If I change my mmd and lure a general contractor, I wIll contract WIth a contractor who IS lIcensed WIth the CCB and wlllllnmedlately notIfy the office ISSUIng thIs bUIldIng permIt of the name of the contractor I hereby certify that the above information IS correct and that I have read and do understand the Information Nou;;:~wznst: Responsibilities on ilie reverse;~ ;t;:: I I ~ (SIgnature of permIt applIcant) (Date) (Whzte copy to zssuzng agency permzt file, pznk copy to applzcant) Property_owner doc 06-01-04 '\ . -::::-\ -. '\.. \-:;" .... _; .. \t,... . \ ~ as INFORMATION OWNERS AB~~UT~bNSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES ... NOTE This Information Notice to Property Owners about ConstructIOn Responsibilities was developed by the Construction Contractors Board In accordance with ORB 701055(5), passed by the 1989 Oregon Legislature are as your own contractor 10 construct a new you can many problems by bemg aware or a substanhallmprovement to an eXIstmg followmg responslbI1Ihes concem~ You m most mstances, you use contractors not constructIOn or ruled to an "employer" WIth the ConstructIOn of a reSIdentIal structure Ail the the contractors you c<:mtract WIth wIll be "employees" If to do labor m constructmg or to aSSIst III the you must comply with the following: Ta"l!: Law: As an employer, you must \'Vlthho1d mcome taxes from employee wages at the tIme You wIll be lIable for the tax even you don't actually Withhold the tax from your more mformatIOn, call the of at 503-378--4988 As an employer, For more mformatIOn, are reqUIred to pay a tax for unemployment m<;urance purposes Employment Department at 503-947-1488 on (BIN) IS a number for both Oregon Wlthholdmg and 503-945-8091 or \vv-,rw do! st1itc 01 us/formsnav htmJl for the IdenhficatlOn Number Unemployment Insurance Tax To file a approprIate 'Workers' Iusurance: As an employer, you are and must obtam workers' compensatIOn msurance for your msurance, you could be subject to penaltIes and for Job l<or more mformatIOn, call the Workels' ServIces at 503-947-7815 to the Oregon \V or1..ers' CompensatIOn you fad to workers' compensatIOn costs If one of your employees IS mJured on the at Department of Consumer and Busmess u.s. As an you must Withhold federal mcome tax You w1l1 be habIe tax payment even actually WIthhold the tax For a at 1-800-829-4933 or V1S1t web SIte at Vi\\!" us_goY employees' wages EIN' the Code A<; the may be you are for any faIlure to meet code and husurance: and omISSIOns such as your msurance to see If tools, over spray, water damage adequate Insurance pIpe punctures, fire or sure you suffiCIent tlme to supervIse your Make sure you have the SkinS to act a<; your OvVTI to as to the work of rough-m tImes so they can perform the reqUIred m~pectlons the ConstructIOn (503-378--4621) or wnte agency at PO doc 06~O 1-04 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER COM2008-00422/Intenor remodel NAME OR COMPANY Adam Fenstermacher LOCATION 340 22nd Street TAX LOT NUMBER 1703361303100 DEVELOPMENT TYPE Smgle Family ResIdence NEW DWELLING UNITS 0 BUILDING SIZE (SF 0 LOT SIZE (SF) I STORM DRAINAGE DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSTEM I IMPERVIOUS S F x COST PER S F CHARGE I 0 00 $0 346 = I $0 00 RUNOFF ROUTED TO DRYWELL DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CITY STANDARDS I IMPERVIOUS S F x I COST PER S F x I DISCOUNT RATE I I I 0 00 I $0 346 I 50% = I ITEM 1 TOTAL - STORM DRAINAGE SDC '$000 I DISCOUNT $000 7405 $000 r/) ~ ~ o u ~ ~ . r-< 'VJ ...... o ~ 1070 2 SANITARY SEWER - CITY A REIMBURSEMENT COST I NUMBER OF DFU's I x I 4 I B IMPROVEMENT COST NUMBER OF DFU's x 4 COST PER DFU $26 83 COST PER DFU $20 40 ITEM 2 TOTAL - CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC = , $18895 3 TRANSPORTATION A REIMBURSEMENT COST I ADTTRIP RATE . x I 957 B IMPROVEMENT COST ADT TRIP RATE x 957 I NUMBER OF UNITS I x I I 0 I I COST PER TRIP 2043 x INEW TRIP FACTOR I 100 I NUMBER OF UNITS x I 0 ITEM 3 TOTAL - TRANSPORTATION SDC = I COST PER TRIP $9010 $000 x NEW TRIP FACTOR 100 $107 33 $81 62 $000 $000 1091 1092 1093 1094 4 SANITARYSEWER-MWMC A REIMBURSEMENT COST INUMBER OF FEU's x I 0 ICOST PER FEU I $95 35 B IMPROVEMENT COST INUMBER OF FEU's x I 0 COST PER FEU $990 39 MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE ITEM 4 TOTAL - MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC = I $000 ~~. -- ..-- . SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, & 4) = I $18895 = $000 11054 I: 1055 jlO54 1056 = $000 $000 $000 5 ADMlNISTRA TIVE FEE_ I SUBTOTAL x I ADM FEE RATE , $18895 I 5% TOTAL SANITARY ADMINISTRATION FEE TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE CHARGE $945 945 $000 Kaye Wilson TOTAL SDC CHARGES 1079 11078 .. - .- - 4/3/2008 PREPARED BY DATE =, $198 40 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUN ALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE FOR REMODELS CALCULATE ONLY TIlE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES) NO OF FIXTURES DRAINAGE UNIT FIXTURE FIXTURE TYPE NEW OLD EQUIVALENT UNITS IBA THTUB 0 0 3 = 0 IDRINKING FOUNTAIN 0 0 1 = 0 IFLOOR DRAIN 0 0 3 = 0 IINTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE / OIL / SOLIDS / ETC 0 0 3 = 0 I INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH / ETC 0 0 6 = 0 I LAUNDRY TUB 0 0 2 = 0 ICLOTHESW ASHER / MOP SINK 0 0 3 = 0 ICLOTHESW ASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) 0 0 6 = 0 IMOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (1 PER TRAILER) 0 0 12 = 0 I RECEPTOR FOR REFRIG / WATER STATION / ETC 0 0 1 = 0 IRECEPTOR FOR COM SINK / DISHWASHER / ETC 0 0 3 = 0 ISHOWER, SINGLE STALL 0 0 2 = 0 I SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) 0 0 2 = 0 I SINK COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN 0 0 3 = 0 SINK COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 = 0 SINK WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY 0 0 2 = 0 I SINK SINGLE LA V A TORY /RESIDENTIAL BAR 1 0 1 = 1 URINAL, STALL / WALL 0 0 5 = 0 TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 = 0 TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION 1 0 3 = 3 MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NUMBER OF EDU'S 20 = 0 TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS 4 *EDU (Eqwvalent DwellIng Umt) IS a dIscharge eqUIvalent to a smgle famIly dwellmg urnt (20 DFU's) set at 167 gallons per day - MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED BEFORE 1979 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 CREDIT RATE/$I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE $529 $529 $519 $512 $498 $480 $463 $440 $407 $367 $322 $273 $225 $180 $159 $145 $125 $109 $092 $072 $048 $028 $009 $005 IS LAND ELGIBLE FOR ANNEXATION CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) IS IMPROVEMENT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) BASE YEAR 2 2 1979 CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) VALUE / 1000 CREDIT RATE $0 00 x $5 29 = , $000 CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) VALUE / 1000 CREDIT RATE $0 00 x $5 29 o TOTAL MWMC CREDIT $000 = 225 Fifth Street SprIllgfield', Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Sprmgfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 COM2008-00422 Payments Type of Payment Cred 1tCard cRecemt1 RECEIPT #: 1200800000000000420 Date: 05/01/2008 DescnptlOn SanItary Sewer - ReImbursement SanItary Sewer - Improvement SDC SanItary/Storm Admm Plan Rev1ew/Res1dent1al Hourly BUlldmg PermIt FIxture Vent Fan ApplIance Vent Dryer Vent Gas Outlets 1-4 MIscellaneous MechanIcal ~Mech Iss 2+ Appltances~ Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdmInistratIve Fee Paid By ADAM FENSTERMACHER Item Total Check Number AuthonzatlOn ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How ReceIVed dJb 044361 In Person Payment Total Page 1 of 1 11 26 47AM Amount Due 10733 81 62 945 100 00 11 8 64 8000 700 700 700 500 2400 4000 4800 1600 1563 3752 31 26 $735 45 Amount Paid $73545 $735 45 5/1/2008