HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/31/2006 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Time Ext~nsion Request F;nAI PI...; Case #: PRE "LOOG:, -00<:1' 2. Date: I understand that City Subdivision Plat Pre-Submittal procedure stipulates that the applicant must submit a complete application to the City within 180 days of the Pre- Submittal date. PRE2006-0092 was submitted 10/31/06; the deadline was 04/29/07. . I had a verbal understanding in November 2006 with planning staff, Kitti Gale, that due to the death of my husband, Steve Jokinen, there would be additional time required and allowed by staff to complete the Final Plat process. Staff did not specify a timeline nor request a signed affidavit from me; however, the records indicate that both my representatives and those of the co-owner of subdivision have dutifully and in good faith continued to resolve the myriad of issues surrounding this project. Unfortunately, there is one more unexpected obstacle: my mortgage holder Beneficial Finance, home-based in Chicago, has challenged Oregon's law ORS 92.075. 92.075 Declaration required to subdivide or partition property; contents. (I) In order to subdIVIde or partItion any property, the declarant shall mclude on the face of the subdIvIsIon or partItion plat, If a partItion plat IS reqUITed, a declaratIOn, taken before a notary pubhc or other person autbonzed by law to admmlster oaths, stating that the declarant has caused the subdIvISIon or partItion plat to be prepared and the property subdIVIded or partItioned m accordance WIth the provIsIons of thIS chapter Any dedIcation ofland to pubhc purposes or any pubhc or pnvate easements created, or any other restnctlOn made, shall be stated m the declaratIOn (2) lfthe declarant IS not the fee owner of the property, the fee owner and the vendor under any mstrument of sale shall also execute the declaratIOn for the purpose of consentmg to the property bemg subdIVIded or partItioned (3) lfthe subdIvIsIOn or partition plat contams any dedIcation or donatIon ofland to pubhc purposes, the holder of any mortgage or trust deed shall also execute the declaratIOn for the purpose of consentmg to the property bemg subrmtted to the provIsIOns of thIS chapter (4) Notwlthstandmg the proVISIOns of subsectIons (I) to (3) of thIS sectIOn, the fee owner, vendor or the mortgage or trust deed holder may record an affidaVIt consentmg to the declaratIon of property bemg subdIvIded or partItioned and to any dedIcation or donation of property to pubhc purposes The affidaVIt must mdlcate the recorded document by whIch the mterest m the property was acqulTed and all mfonnatlOn reqUITed by ORS 93 410 to 93530 and must be recorded m deed records at the same tune as the subdIvIsIon or partItIon plat The county clerk shall note the recordmg mfonnatlOn of the affidaVIt on the ongmal and any exact copIes of the subdIVISIOn or partItIOn plat [1991 c 763 ~3, 1995 c 382 ~8, 2005 c 399 ~9] To allow Springfield planning staff more time to address the above, I give this extension freely and without compulsion. Staffhas advised me that this extension is given freely and without compulsion by the City and is not a condition of the City for the taking of any action on the above-referenced pre-submittal plat application Applicant: sfpup ... I"" 1::1 ~PY1 Signature - ~'_ ;; cJ~J~A- Print / - ~L<:- f;/ C lr2J!~AWAA- Signature /- " T ex; L. J c kl n e JI\ Print -> I ,t--P ACCEPTED (~!t- J/1L ~ .7a:Vl;J Signa.tur~ Date: 3-d.~-t)8 ( ~~~ /J,U~lj~ ~//1r7 Owner: Date: 3-~&-o~ Date: t Mdt l\ ,)i1 ~ 0) Z-C'J()??' City of Springfield Planning Division: K,tft Print JV\, G.aff' THE EXTENDED PERIOD GRANTED BY THIS REQUEST AND WAIVER WILL ELAPSE ON ~e.D'fe tv>.ber G~ 2-668 . u tt :ltl}.,t) \i;tr<}:, ~1irtx:Y~~r!~j~'" ~\t r.tf,~l~,/~! _....~*..Fi::~li '~t.}'!~:7 4:tti~~rye"'~1".fffr~f$.f Sp. ~~~~l"t,fiN J ",1.iT ~'~i.(!;.t.t:?-I>'F' ~;:~;,,.:;;_(, "'It?'_~~"ir-:: L'_;~~J~T:t~ff$~~r;l":$:,:~{!y~~j''''- ~~~'i{Jt:J:-f;'~-Ji?'-!J Jyj:T'-f"';~~4~~?fin