HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 4/24/2008 ZON2008-00017 Development Issues Meeting - Scott McKee Proposed 2 Lot Partition -1742 Delrose Avenue (Map 17-03-24-31, TL 1300) 01 Does the enclosed preliminary partition plat include enough information for a partition application to be initiated? ,A: Sort of At a minimUm, a site assessment plan and a tentative partition plan Will be required for the submittal (sometimes a separate utility plan IS submitted With the plan set) The submittal shows a combination of Information from these required plans on a Single sheet On the site assessment plan, adjacent parcel information and site features should be proVided for all properties contiguous With the development site including the location of the nearest fire hydrant, location and sizes of adjacent utility lines, etc Right-of-way dimenSions for the frontage roads (Delrose Avenue and Grand Vista Dnve) Will be required on the tentative plan Show eXisting and proposed easements on the plans The parcel dimenSions and proposed property lines are shown on the tentative plan However, the partition plan does not show the eXisting or proposed water and electncal services for the two parcels. The proposed sanitary sewer connection for Parcel 2 IS not shown Details on proposed stormwater connections for Parcel 2 Will be required Show the building envelope area for Parcel 2 on the tentative plan The partition plan does not need to show features that are to be removed pnor to plat, such as the SfiWef J.erf,.t- S(j S f~ 02. Does the enclosed construction drawing for Grandview Estates Public improvements contain enough information regarding storm water to meet those requirements for a partition application? It is my understanding that when the streets were developed, it was understood that these lots could be partitioned and that streets, water, sewer and stormwater systems were designed to accommodate the anticipated buildout. ,A Public Works Englneenng to comment 03 Does the City have a tv record of the sewer line within Del Rose [sic] Avenue? If so, how far is it from the manhole to the lateral which serves tax lot 1300? A: Public Works Englneenng to comment 04 What is the process for hooking up to the sewer system for the two proposed parcels? Also what is the current layout for water service within this area. A Public Works Englneenng to comment. POSSibility of tying Into the eXisting 6" lateral With a Y- connection for Parcel 2? A pnvate sewer easement may be reqUired to extend a service from the stub on Parcel 1 across to Parcel 2 At ..,j~-l- ~1^+ d,,~ +1....- J~iAoJ .Ae C-D~ f:>~v.....;te. -: A + t-k. .. Y" Or ....~ i + 0-P SS"~ s -/-LG 7>vE;" ? SUB Water adVises the eXisting water main runs along the north side of Delrose Avenue and the west side of Grand Vista Dnve Water service can be prOVided to Parcel 2 Without cutting Into the street. . Heads-up Issues: · The eXisting house Will have to hook up to City sewer prior to recording the plat II EXisting septic tank and drain field Will have to be appropnately decom'mlssloned pnor to plat · Show all setback dimenSions for the eXisting house on the tentative plan. · Show centerline and nght-of-way dimenSions for Grand Vista Dnve on the tentative plan. · Show Sidewalks, ramps, curb lines, dnveway curb cuts and other features along property frontage on the site assessment plan It Street tree replacement may be reqUired depending upon location of driveway for Parcel 2. · Show the location of any trees larger than 5" diameter on the site assessment plan and tentative plan Date Received: 'f/;'1/.7Dof Planner: Al / /