HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 4/23/2008 Page 1 of2 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Glover, Ron [Ronald Glover@ggp com] Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008420 PM To: L1MBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James, GRILE Bill Subject: FW Event Inquiry Attachments: request for overlapping events pdf Andy, we understand and appreciate the requirements outlined In the attached letter At this time we are stili Just exploring the option of this Idea, and the Input from the City of Springfield IS very helpful accordingly because It provides us with the approval contingent upon the scope of requirements well ahead of time In the event we deCide to attempt this plan I will be In Chicago all next week for meetings and upon my return we hope to have more of a definrtlve direction on this Idea wherein, If we determine to move forward we will proVide the necessary requirements as outlined from your office The hold-up at present IS the fact that we are stili awaiting and remain hopeful that Target will grant us the approval for use of their back lot for the carnival Also, we appreciate and support the speCifics denoted below regarding the fireworks tent, and we will reiterate this same direction with the contact who IS Aaron Taylor of Crossfire Outreach Ministries, so he and hiS staff understand the requirements agreed upon and directed for thiS occupancy Thanks, Andy Ron Glover, CSM General Manager Gateway Mall 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 o (541) 747-6294 F (541) 747-5897 ThiS communication IS for diSCUSSion purposes only and does not create any obligation to negotiate or enter Into a binding agreement J:i Please conSider the environment before printing thiS e-mail From: UMBIRD Andrew [mallto:alimbird@cLsprlngfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 20082:43 PM To: Glover, Ron Cc:i DONOVAN James; GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Event InqUiry ROFil Attached IS the City'S response to your request for holding two overlapping speCial events In the mall parking lot An Original Will follow by mall Approval of the request IS granted, subject to conditions as outlined In the letter The fireworks permit applicant (Crossfire Outreach Ministries) has requested the period of June 19 to July 31 for fireworks sales, which IS not consistent With the mall's speCial event request Additionally, there IS a 30 day limit Imposed on fireworks sales For these reasons, I have adVised the Springfield Fire Department to limit the fireworks permit for the Gateway Mall site from June 12 to July 10, 2008 as stated In the mall's speCial event request - and consistent With the prOVISions of the attached letter Please let me know If you have any questions Slnferely, Andy Llmblrd City of Springfield Date r(6Celved:. PjhtJol' Planner: Al 4/23/2008 Page 2 of2 From: Glover, Ron [mailto:Ronald.Glover@ggp.com] Sent: Monday, April' 21, 2008 10:57 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Event Inquiry Andy, due to some unusual circumstances we have a special request for your conSideration We are seeking approval from the City to conduct both a fireworks tent sale and a carnival In the highlighted area of the attached site plan The furthest east section of this parcellS already approved by the City for placement of events, etc , but we are looking to Include the entire highlighted area Both events overlap In occupancy and all total the time line would be between June 12-July 10 for the fireworks tent, and June 9-June 27 for the carnival Upon your approval we will agree to no other mall administered events m any other areas of the parkmg lot dunng the' penod of June 9-July 10, 2008 In order to Insure a balance of parking availability for our patrons Please advise Thanks, Andy Ron Glover, CSM General Manager Gateway Mall 3000 Gateway Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 o (541) 747-6294 F (541) 747-5897 This communication IS for diScussion purposes only and does not create any obligation to negotiate or enter mto a bmdlng agreement .,.~ Please conSider the environment before printing this e-mail 4/23/2008 Date Received: ~/2ftJdr Planner: AL