HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-8-21 . .. RESIDEtrIAL" . APPLICATION/PERlfIT i 225 NOJ'th 5th StJ'eet . ,. Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .'obLoeation, ~62 y ,(I/t5# 13:f#A'.5 ,'iez:>. ABoeBDor. Nap # 17."2.-29.(J" Ta Lot # -?::?g~ Subdivision: Q.mer, tfA-2<<p E. J;?,,<:.~ Addre.", .':/~3S C. G.6wE.FAM"M b PhonD' 72~.7~S'6 Ci t>J , SF?-?/~P/G;'lJ) _ 6A=>_ Zip' 9'/ Sf?? # QNm. n Addition /#';/""~l.. 78xS~' /??~,/C.€ ./y-~ n'. e:># tt:'"~t97r ~PHP4?T6h Remoc.e! T e> ~/' f,;... ~ ~~t$ i :t~ '~;:::!'::::ion~~~~~ l?~ ~:.i~;'1 ~::~ ::. . . Li3C..~~~.~ZG~iI':2S ~-~X?- 2.-:0r..: ~t!SHr7ff~i....-~ ~~ ~c..~ ..G. - 7S1~-3c?~ ~"r.J;rcc:o!'s Genera! I~~ ~1~~E"5 PLumbing " :::lc~tricaZ. ....'c::;...zr:ic.:! Co"st~~etion Lender Describe l,lork: Add......cns 'Ieee:" · 13 6~ ~ YO ffJ Siqr.ad'~,,:, -.~4- Data: .Ir~:2I-.a::: -,. !; is ti16' 1"esponcibility of the permit hoz.dar to Bee that al~ inspections ewe r.:ade at the proper tim~, tJ-:at c:::ch =ddress is 1'e....:,.,;..:.; . ....rom the Btl'eet. and that the permit ca:rd is l.:x:ated at the [rent of tr.e proper'ty. .3ui!di~~ Divi~io~ a?p~oved plan snell pemain o~ th~ BuiZding $it$ a= all times. ?'.'C;,-:;!:'~;.~f: FOR I~'lS?E~TIOlJ RE"QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcc:orderJ state your City desigr..:==ed ,job n~berJ ~~~was=eQ a~d u~en yOU wi~Z De reaay for innp=ctionJ Cont~actcrs 0:1' Vwne:r>s ncme cr.d pr~ne r.~~cr. '_'i~l be made the same dc.YJ requests mc.cie eft.:::!' 7:00 am will Ix: made the nc:ct :JOl'kir..; d.:::.iJ.. ~~~ii~rj T~~~r~~ir.r~ ] ;;~~;:~;~::-;~;:p,J~rb~= m::~ :;t~; forms. ] UilDE.f?SLI..3 P!.U.'BItlC. ELE::TPIC,iL c1 ;':::Ci:'.~,':IC;'L: ~o be made before any work is ~otJ~red. 4- JII( .. r'" . '. .... , J FCOr.rNG ~ FOUND,1TIOll: T~ oe made - afte;'" trenaizes are e:rcavat(i!d and form;) are erectedJ but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. ] U!.'DSRC.r?OU.',!D ?rrU!-fEII1G, SEIfER. F,I.1TERJ DRAIl1/iCE: To be made prior ~o fil- .Zir.g trenche:::. ] ] UflDErWLOOR !'Llj.'.~INC I: t-:ECHANICAL: To bo made prier to in3ta~lation of j100~ inauZation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installaticn of floor insl,;latior. or decking. r;;(lTlr;l/f'JLlP.!BI:.'G F'LECT.T?ICAL ''p' UECH- AJijCAL:' i,'o work-is to oe cOL'cred . untiL these inspections have beer. made ana' ~pproued. FI.~EPLACE: Prior to pl.ccir.g facing mcterial.s and before framina inspec- tion. FR~'!INr.: Must be l'cque3ted after approv~l of rough pZ~~ingJ eLectri- cal & mecn.:mical.. At! roofin(} bracing t chimncysJ et~. nr~st bc' . compl.eted. !/o IXJrk in to be CDn- . ceGl.ed until thiD inspection has 'be~n made and approved. ] ] ] Your City Decigr~ted Job Numb~r Is: . O n:Si..'LATIOll/VAPO.~ P.4R?I~R I!}SF~C'!'IC:,~: To be rr.ade after aU insut..:;r;wn ar.d required vapor 1:C11'1'iers are in place 1:ut cefore any lathJ gypsum bcOX'd. or uzl.Z coverino is c::J;:;i.ied. and before any in3uZat~n is cOT:cealed. . -- """I:.~-.~ ,'_-.. O DRJIIALL I,'!SPECTIO.'.': !Tc be made aj~cr all drywaZl is in placeJ but prior to any tapir~. job adiressJ t~?e of ~n$pec~icr. Reques=s recei~e~ ce:c~c 7:DD ~ R6~..s58 I :JE:::X.I'Z'IO;'/ c,~ :-:J,,~: E'JIi.D::::~.s ~ Sani:a:t"J se'Jer capped ::t p:op~r::-~' li~e , , ~ Septic tank p:",,,?;;d tr.".a fiZ-1.ed l...-:.th ~:J.~;;!Z I ~ . I - i --, Pinal - rlher. ahcve ite:ns are cc:-::pleted 1 ---1 ar:ci uhen ier.zelitior: is co.-;.p'ie=c 01' s=~...:- t ture moved and premi3es cle.:;nei up. I o D MASONRY: Steel bean:3J aroutina accor~ce !.Jith 241E. WOODSTO~'E: After instaZlation is ccmpleted. IN:;bile Hc~es ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbir~ connections scuer ar.d wa:er ~ Electrical Connection - Blockir~~ set-u~ -!..J and plwnbing ccnr.ections TT:"...st tc C??r:n:2'; before requesting e2ec;rical ir.s?ec:io~ ~ Accessor;' Building . . ~ Fina.l. - After p:Jrcr.esJ sk~rt~ng~ decksJ ~ eta. are cample=;;d. o All project conditions~ ~uc~ as the installat~on of street trees, ca~lc~ion of the required Zandscapir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before tr.e BVILDIl:C FIl/AL can be raquestsd. ] FIliAL PWI.IBIIIG ] FINAL /.fECHANICAL ] FINAL EU:CT.qICAL .J o FINAL BUILDING: The. Final. Building Inspcction must bo reque3ted after the Pina.l PZwr:bina ElectricalJ and Mechar.ical Inspection:J have been made and approv.:!d. _ locationJ bond or vcrticals in V.B.C. Section .ALL f.1ANHCLES AND.CLEANOllTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLEJ ADJUS7'!!2:IT TO BE t:.1DE I'.T /.'0 r~ST TO CI'!'Y ,f'J......e! of 2 o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:o forms are crected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK ,P, DRn'EToJAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcYJ to .be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material in pZa.ce. o o ~: M'her: compl<;te -- Provide gates Or movable sections through P.U.F:. o JOB NO~~ SOLAR A<iaESS REQ.- '<mO: JI / acCUDO"CU G1'O'.~4""/C" h~~ T,pe/Cor.3t: I :.at Sq. Ftg. LCT TYPE I Lot Faces - I : ~f lat Caverag~ Interior I P.L. j of &tories. Corner INorth ....otaZ Height Panhandle lEast ISOl.ith IWest Topogl'l1?hy :':'::.'.1 I SQ.F'J'G I ,',I::::..n '::a>ace -::ar::crt 4ccessoru r~T/~1 TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. ILlCl.IJ.C) 1.5 := Euilding Permit State Swocn:rrge Totar Cha.:oges ,','0. I FE~ ~i.=-::'..a'es I ....es~c:ntiaZ -(1 'bc:.t]:) I' :::r.it::1""':;! 5e!..'H' ::::te!" _1t~Bu,~~. ~~ Pl.c:b-:.r.; Pedt Eta=e S:ooc;-.ar.ae T~t::! Cr.::::>ccs - ~ .. I::.". i I I I €Z~T ~A"'d)"'1 ":8. :::. ft=. ~J/~=ter~ Cir~~its .--.---....-~:. S(;r"'J:"cc . . EZe=t:,ical Pe~t St::.te Szao::rzm.ae TataZ Cr..::.!"ces -:-., 1""(}'1-1 I I .. :<.rr..:;:ce ETU' 5 =r.aust Hoc': !!71tFan ,ods to:.le Perr:it Issuanc~ Ne::;...::::.r.ic::l Permit State Surcharae TcrtcZ. Cr.arot?~ -- D.'CROACHJ.!E!.'T -- :C'"..lr-:. tu DZi.'c:::i:: ~orc.ce -in tenar::!~ ,~t Tct:aZ C'nG'J"t7c:; ::-:'C".J.t d€'...1.:1.lk '''::!e ect:l"ica l Labd bile H:me .~I' ~~ Cu:l-de-saa x Value I II_.,~ ~ I j 1.114. I. I 2-::;:- ;.- 2~.4IC1 . C;-:ARC~ j 2~.-j /'r. -I /$;Pbl ;)~-I <..~I ,os-=< . ....., I I I /5: -c I i,): ~ I ~-I I /.2~1 I :3/. =<'~ I . _7"I~ .' ....::,~-._~ I. -'-1- .. I I I I I I I , . . ":s':~OO ::AL ANOU."/7 DUt:" iii / "'~. '<~. . L-COG~ Setbacks I Hou.se I Caraae I i I I I I be6>o~s : I I En21"(1;J So:;rc(!s I h'ea;; , I Water' Hratr" I I Ha~c II II II T;I~(' ~, II'.cceS3. I I i I FircDi..acc Waoa:;tot;e Fees , Building Value & Permit I This pernrit io gmntcd on the express condition that the s.:iid. constnlC'tion ! shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the Ci:y of I Sppingfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the censtr~~ticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upor. vie. lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt #: ISigr.ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon ahall construct, instalZ, aZter or change any r.eu Cr' e=istir.g plu~bing or drainage syste~ in whoi..e or in part, ur.less sucn peraon ia the. legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except tr~t a pc~son ma~ de pZ~bing work to property which is ow~ec, leased or operated by tr.a GFpZi- cant. Electrical Perm it wnere State Law ~eouires tr~t the electricaZ wor~ D~ do~e b~ er. ELc~:r:c~i Con;!'ac;c!', the eZec-:;riceL pO!'-:;i01: ct -:his pe~i: sr.cLZ r.ot'::e :.:~ii.C w::iZ the ~eL r.cs b~en aigned =y the EZcc-:rical ~on:r~c:c!'. --- - -, .- - MechaniCal Permit I I I I I. I './7;,~ ~s-"? ~~; - 'S-~/-3~ I..'atc I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for perm:t, en.d do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true and correct, end I further certify that any ar~ all work perfo~cd shall be do~p. {~ n~~or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th= Lc:..:s of tr.c State of OregDn pcrt~ining to the work described hepein, end ti~t ~o OCC~- Pl-liCY will be made of any structure without p2rmissio~ of the 3uiZd~ng Di. vision. I furthcp ce~tif~ that o~ly contractors a~d cmplDyecs who are in c~pliance with CRS ?Ol.05~ will be used on this proj$ct -zz;~~ Signed .~y 2j /;&