HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2004-3-16 V /;-02~~eI04 , ~~.VQ CnA v.~ I.' VOV' . FRI 09:11 FAX 5417411rS9 Ln ll1V.l'\.l'\~.:J ~ rv.l'\!~V urrlv~ IBIVVJ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~OOl ,', submitted has the following quire specific land use (1(' . 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97417 . PI:t:(541)n6-3753 . FAX; (54!1.'l'!i!9-<I6ti~ ,f ELECTRICAL PERM:IT APPLICAIION Date -1/, - 0, J City Job N~ - f'()? ~atJ: 2,.-( \ - 0 l( Authorized Signature ~ ..'1'.w';'" ":~-:-~""""'.I':~~~ ~\~J-';' ',' -:.":", ~ .;:......==-.:.;~-~ .'";'.l~..,..~~~...:t.... 1. ;,lLQ~Ol't'\Qg~~~>(;t~i!I'I!Wi~ .":,..;="i.l:~'.:''''.:''',:'''-.'":::._._ .~.=.:-~.....~ ". ".' ~"".~_:-"';';:~==.:O"_~ 3491 HUTTON STREET LEGAL DESCRIPTION il03 d-.'J. ~O Lx"! xn4 JOB DESCRIPTION PROVIDE CIRCUIT & TELCO CABLE .. Permltll are non.rran:rforabJe and expire if work is Dot 9torUd within 180 clays of issuance Dr if work Is S""peI14.<I for 180 <lays. ~~7'~~~~~'~~~~~~'~~:f~~~~~1 2. :1}:::~~~~!r-~,:..-....~,... .......:""'-"::'. ...iL'"....... .. ~ ..~i~..:.y~...;:t;.::r:ti..~-::~ ....................__~, Elecai...:J Conlnlclm' L.H. MORRIS ELEC. Addr~~ 7051 SW SANDBURG ST City NG1>lR'm:: l'hc ~O) H~;;:2,l34 IHI:> t't~IVIII ",nALLcgXr".t I. ,..~ \/:.JHK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT Supervi.!l~m~~e't1R IS J\ij;MsONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD, ~tlatiOI1~ 10-01-04 CODStt. Centr. Number 1838 10-01-04 Expiration Date ~~:~;:- ownersNameS..XCI1'0 G ~rp,' .. ."<!dress <;<46 ~oJ-\-\'0e...Qo. ~2.0L Ci1:':l~~ ,_ Ph.cm.o , -- OWNER INST.A.LLA.nON TI1e iIlstaIlatiOtl is being made Oil. propeny loW!! which is not .wrended for sal=. lease or r'eI1t. Own<ts Signature: Io.spection R.equest: n6-3769 3~ ~&a~~i:~;~rb;~'.~6~:.-~':~ '\"~~"";'~~~~;:;~~::~~'}.:e;': :~.i~!; ~ '~;:-;.', ~i..:.~.m~bi(.u."""l;:J:!~-:;,,:...~:.:..~;.:<...,,:~~,.;rl\l"..Jt~~~ ~~~~~:r,;.":,...."!...' ,.:':,'- 7'" .".:... ,i' A.. ~~~;"r.~~~i~~~~$i~r~7~~kt~;~~~~i- '~?ef~,~~ri~t ~mt~~"'~~". ~~~r.~~~~.~~..'II-:'<.oI;r:.~l~~~.:.i.n:~~f,~F, ....", .....':J. "'_"~'.:. ," Service Inc:lud.d 1000 sq, ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft. or pDrtion thereof .(p.v(":t...~(4r,l~ ~vu ......1 ......j.-j.v Each Miuitifact'd,Home'o. 0 aliI Jbl Jaqwnu UC"!'-1~'IJ'lV"1 I\""~H , .......,q.....:.I '1, MoCiiJarDWe1liiig Sorv,co or '5ulll~~ aF&!d2r'31al aLII :".IuN) J",ua:> a,~1 . ~~ S50.oo, ....,r'>. ."", I~ t., e~~,r-l HiF:T€ie-,;,;:;'~no^ '0600 P;'I~~~"''''''1"5,:<,,,,~,-;x<:J!'''''''l "'''!<'l<i'~j;<!ii'''''''''''''~'' ,. -.,.,;. B., ~'''o ':" ':: '~' ,,~~ifS~,RiJ~~Oll:'\. ;~ ~a~~~; s~if1T'~~l';~U1f5~fflMjf)tjf~J"-" ,.-,~", ,.,',',. , IilllOO Amps,or.less'lliq paldop-e ~alnJ MOIIS'.63.00 I'HI..........,:Jv:..u....'1 . 0:,qb,~p~\f!1J~/~s)5aJo:Whll r,I:'l1 [$75.00 401 Amps to 600 Amps I Sl2S,OO , 601 Amps to J 000 Amps I S163.00 Over 1000 AmpsIVolts I 5375.00 ~ecolll1ect OJ'll' I S 50.00 . I ' c. ii.'~q7'.~~.a-~~~"r<~~"~~R~.~~c:""".,''?fm':! :~. ~~~~~.=' .. ~~~.:.~~:;~M~~~~~~}...:~';' $106.00 S 19.00 ImtaJJatlmr. Alteratlon lOr ReIotllr:ion 100 Amps or I... 201 AmpS to 400 Amp. 40 1 Amps to 600 Amps . S 50.00 5 69.00 S100.00 Over GOO Amps or 1000 Vollsseo ~Bft .be"... D ~~..-~~; .>:;~h...;~"&f;!Wi'l'~~~~9r\.a~~~Ji~;.;s.S~~~!~~}-{:e~:{~p~6..~ ":'~!j!f.!~,.~ . l~ ,:~a:c: ;''';If,:..~' "."~~MX"*-i?.:~....;~~.~..,..,lI-j,.'"-~':>O;.,~....",.-"'''''' I" . :- " .. .,----__.._ _~~_;:.'H ...-=..~",....t_"-. ~,v.;:!<.._~, !..~.'.",J..:;".::I,"_.;-.::...,.,..., "~'l' .. .. I . _~ ::-"""-:_.=_ ~..M'....___oo;~__.. .' , ' ...._.. _ _.~_, .< New Alteration er ErteIlslon Per Panel , On. Circuit 1 :Eecl1 Additional Circuit or with Servic:o or Feederl'c:nnic 5 43.00 41.00 $ 3.00 E~ ~M~}~~~:r~[~1!~~~~~~~it~~~~:~., Pump orimgalioIl SignlOl1tl.ine Ughling T ;~lONl.l!nergylRe:lidelltial L1mlred. Energy/Commm:ial S 50.00 S 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 45.00 1 45.00 Minimum Electrk Permlt Inspection Fee is 545.00 + Sarcl1>rS.. 88.00 6.16 8.80 102.96 7% State S=:hMgo 10% ."dmiDistrative Fee TOTAL Sk\red Drivc(T:)JBuild;na FormslElcar1~ PmTlit Application l~O>.dot 02/06/04 FRI 08:09 rTX/RX NO 63291 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Wit...,;~.:.;~.',.,'.,' o.~.< . '., , ; , ,.. _m_."_ .., "'-~ ' " City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Date: 03/16/2004 9:58:54AM Amount Paid 8.80 43.00 45.00 6.16 $102,96 '" Receipt #: 3200400000000000003 Job/Journal Number Description + 10% Administrative Fee Add, Alter, Extend Circ Low Voltage - Commercial Indus + 7% State Surcharge COM2004-00286 COM2004-00286 COM2004-00286 COM2004-00286 Item Total: Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By L.H. MORRIS Received By njm Check Number Batch Number ? Authorization Number How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid 1318 $102.96 $102,96 . . " ~"\ L