HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-2-16 . , ......~;' . . ... . ", ;.{j ,,' ~pnINc."ICLO lOnlOg, and d~roJect as SUbm/lta epproval es not re~;re d has the fOlio specIfIC land ./."onlO EI'.~I'I1ICAL PF.RXIT APPLICATION 97 4 7 fJete s;5;J. 1ft tJ. po 726;;.3769 Jou No..ber~1J tf J 0 uUlorlzed S' Ignature 1000 .q.ft, or less E~ch additiull.,l SOU :;Ij. fr or !Jortion thp'r~o ( ^~<j~rHanuf'J 1I0me or r. 116dtryt;r DII~lling HltSfI':\f.;i;. or Feeder S "0,00 AU ~qlV/lrs _....-, r/:(no/",. HAL' c-. " 1(;0 ,.crvl'!;,~}{lZ.;" Feel:l;e,J!.("" Mr n'sltalla tilon"',9 A~ to l;,Ifi;Ql\C5l1-; Electric"l Contractor Winner Electric ANI, o('tiiill,ka'.ti~n:' iSP"'R'M 'c OR'" ,,-.-...- -4,." ':'f~('l:,;"'''1J,8IJ,ND c, Iris NO"''' Add"'"o,.5.~ 5 0 SW Pro s oer i t '!....E.~r: ~_ ~d'o//o 1'S-JV2,OO am'ps''?6t'I),leos ONE:O J:;,,_ $ 50.00 , I. Olli;' /1.-r" ~v,amp" to 400 amps -q S 60,00 City_lualatln, OR Phonc503/63?,~AA~~/lo~f\!Qt'G:,nJ's to 600 amps _ S100,OO 97062 ~O .9.s: >'i0~{j'9'0.ilP.f~~to 1000 amps___. $130.00 Supervisor Li(cnse Number 28255 , E~M" Yo" I?-oO!~~ ~""ilf:'1l!1',P.,s/vol t$ $300,OU rJ"060!) IIl0qy t:ct1'V/fl'cJi:l 1.<Yg.ll'Yl";r. ..._ S 40,00 fir/, fie 06l,Oll} fir. OrE> E>&y, -. . eE> or 0f!E>I}4Jirt(l~~~!;lt(@.r ~f@e'tiOo'r-o r e e de,' S >'i/E>r; Orbn(.J\til;"~;,D.!;>,(Qq;Rl~tw~Jon or Relocatio'l ;s- '.&'{)Ol}u~'II}E> OFII} BS.? FOil ~.i~ ~E>r-c"% 00//1 S 40,00 40,00 201 i?na>.;>tv03/,~ JfrtfP.s ,--- S 55,00 Over I,O'l~;o/~~E>amps S RO,OO Oyer Goo amps o'r 1000 volto ,.ee "B" above-' 225 PIFTR STREET SPRINGPIRLD, OREGON INSp~CrrON !tEOIlP.ST: OFFIG~: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTALI.ATlON :l4fi:l ~':..:t.tO.n..5.rr; nnfipl r\ - Oil - 97477 \CW'~G-..CO~l\~- JOll D~SCRIM'ION __.N.e',' O'ltb'r~ Doctrwni... Permit::: are llor\~tt'an$ferab!~ nno c":"pirc if lIork is not starteJ vithin 180 days of i$~uance or if vork 1S suspended fot 180 .Iays, 2, COIITRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Expiration Datc 1 n_()l -01 Cons t r Con t r. Number ~.l5..o.r Expiration DHe 10-01-99 ..---- Signature of Supervising Electrician '""'" ~~ ;;n~~___ Add r,,", 3'fd- &,-(,(., ...____ Ci 'Y C;f1~ t,uf/ Ph~n~ 7C{6 - fl(lfr OVNER INSTALLATION "ne in~t(1.11ation is being m.J.de 011 property I ovn vhich is not Intcnd.J [or sale. lease or rent, Ovners Signature: ------------~-[~-~;------------------- DATE:~'1 /I RECEIPT #: _ 6;;> 'q- 7f -4. 1 ( 1--:" RECEIVED BY: --"u;;~T/ (.,J{/'\../ . .. 20'd 'OtlPI.f.TE FEE SCUEOULE BELOII A, N~w Residentlal-SinKle or Hultl-Famlly per dv~lling Servic~ Included: llllit. I t eJn~; Cost Sum S 85.00 S 15,DU , ' . . 0, Br311ch C.ircLJits Nev, Al[et';allon or F.xtens\on Per P3nel One Circuit Each Addition31 Circuit or vith S~rvicc or Feeder Permi t $ j J . 00 $ 2.00 \" Miscollaneou. (Service/feeder -~ach Installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limi ted Energy/Res _._'u_ Limited Energy/comm no t i tlclL,JeJ) s ,,0,00 S 40,00 S 20.00 S 3G.OO '. \~ ." 5, SUBTOTAL OP ABOVF. 5% State Surcharge TOTAL 40,00 '--'-2-:-00-- - !U-.-tttr J. u. . c{~.~ . .'.,' . '. ~2E:Ot 66-2t-qa~ ~. ~