HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-4-9 .:' BUILDING DIVISION JOB# 920561 ". -. .. FINAL .' . . ,. -ADDRESS- -LEGAL- -VALUE- 7290 HOLLY ST LOT 127 BLOCK 118166 MCKENZIE HILLS 1 DESCR:S.F. RESIDENCE 1802021203100 920421 / 921002 -STATS- BLDG ZONE LDR STORIES FLOODPLAIN BEDRM OCC GRP R3 UNITS SQ FEET 1840 CONST TYPE VN -CONTRACTORS- GENL-STEVE WILLIAMS CONTRACTOR PHONE-746-0954 PLMB-TONY CROSS ELECT-BILLS MECH-MARSHALLS DESGN- -OWNER- HARVEY WILLIAMS 746-0954 1299 SOUTH 79TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 -ENERGY- HEAT1-HP 2- H20- E RANGE-E INSULATION PATH- 1 1 3 1 -INFO- NEW RESIDENTIAL 1111 QUAD AREA 4RSE 001-061-RES PLAN CHECK 207.35 0.00 920409 4278 002-002-BUILDING PERMIT 406.00 20.30 920420 4379 003-005-PLUMBING 160.00 8.00 920420 4379 004-006-MECHANICAL 37.50 1. 88 920420 4379 005-087-MECHANICAL ISSUAN 10.00 0.00 920420 4379 006-013-SIDEWALK 38.35 0.00 920420 4379 007-012-CURBCUT 13 .90 0.00 920420 4379 008-061-RES PLAN CHECK 56.55 0.00 920420 4379 009-003-TEMP ELECTRICAL 40.00 2.00 920420 4379 010-004-ELECTRICAL 160.00 8.00 920420 4379 011-070-SDC/STORM 460.35 0.00 920420 4379 012-071-SDC/SANITARY 732.45 0.00 920420 4379 013-072-SDC/TRANSP 390.55 0.00 920420 4379 014-073-SDC/ADMIN 79.17 0.00 920420 4379 015-055-REGIONAL SEWER 224.86 0.00 920420 4379 016-061-RES PLAN CHECK 45.34 0.00 920615 5123 017-002-BUILDING PERMIT 69.75 3.49 920615 5123 018-005-PLUMBING 32.50 1. 63 920615 5123 019-006-MECHANICAL 3.00 0.15 920615 5123 020-071-SDC/SANITARY 269.85 0.00 920615 5123 021-073-SDC/ADMIN 13.49 0.00 920615 5123 022-055-REGIONAL SEWER 102.75 0.00 920615 5123 SEQ-REQUIRED PERMITS----------------FEE--SURCHARGE--DATE--RECPT--CAT-------VALUE o 101 90,488 510 0 520 0 o 613 0 612 0 o 500 0 500 0 o o o o o o 601 27,678 510 0 520 0 o o o SEQ-MINIMUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENTS--------------------EXP DATE---ACT DATE- 001-001-SITE 002-040-TEMPORARY ELECTR 003-002-FOOTING 004-003-FOUNDATION 005-005-POST & BEAM 006-009-INSULATION FLOOR 007-026-SANITARY SEWER 008-027-STORM SEWER 009-024-WATER LINE 010-023-ROUGH PLUMBING 011-031-ROUGH MECHANICAL 012-042-ROUGH ELECTRIC 013-0~4-ELECTRIC SERVICE 014-006-FRAMING 015-009-INSULATION SUPER GOOD CENTS o 16-011-DRYWALL 017-090-DRIVEWAY/CURBCUT 921001 920521 920526 920521 920610 920609 920716 920623 920710 . . 018~09~-?IDEWALK 019-029-FINAL PLUMBING 020-049-FINAL ELECTRICAL 021-039-FINAL MECHANICAL 022-019-FINAL BUILDING " 920713 920716 920811 920716 SEQ--INSPECTIONS---------COMMENTS----------------------------DATE---RSLT--INSP 001-001-SITE 002-002-FOOTING 003-003-FOUNDATION 004-026-SANITARY SEWER 005-024-WATER LINE 006-041-UNDERGROUND ELEC 007-027-STORM SEWER 008-044-ELECTRIC SERVICE 009-042-ROUGH ELECTRIC 010-042-ROUGH ELECTRIC 011-044-ELECTRIC SERVICE 012-023-ROUGH PLUMBING 013-031-ROUGH MECHANICAL 014-006-FRAMING 015-009-INSULATION 016-006-FRAMING 017-0 11-DRYWALL 018-090-DRIVEWAYjCURBCUT 019-091-SIDEWALK 020-091-SIDEWALK 021-029-FINAL PLUMBING 022-019-FINAL BUILDING 023-039-FINAL MECHANICAL 024-049-FINAL ELECTRICAL 025-009-INSULATION 026-027-STORM SEWER 027-021-UNDERFLOOR PLUMB 028-049-FINAL ELECTRICAL 029-049-FINAL ELECTRICAL 030-049-FINAL ELECTRICAL 031-003-FOUNDATION 032-019-FINAL BUILDING PLANS NOT COMPLETE NEED ENG. APROVAL S.U.B. SER. LAT. 920421 920430 920504 920521 920521 920521 920526 920609 920609 IRC 38 NOTOK 38 NOTOK 38 OK 28 OK 28 10 50 OK 28 OK 50 NAPP 50 PARTIONED DOWNSTAIRS WjO PERMIT?? HOLD ON INSPECT SUBJECT TO:210-8(A) (4) & SMOKE DET. 920610 OK DOWNSTAIRS LOC 1 & 2ND ONLY 1ST & 2ND ONLY CjN POST AND BEAM INSP. OK EAST OF DjW EAST OF DjW CjN UNDER HOUSE-OK FOR PARADE OF HOMES GFCI AND LITE BY FURNACE ENGINEER REPORT RECEIVED ON FOUNDAT ION SUB. REPORT ON SIDING INSTALLION 50 920610 OK 50 920610 OK 28 920610 OK 28 920611 NOTOK 38 920616 OK 09 920619 OK 38 920623 OK 38 920710 OK 43 920710 POK 43 920713 OK 43 920716 OK 28 920716 NOTOK 38 920716 OK 28 920716 NOTOK 50 920716 OK 38 920716 OK 28 920716 OK 28 920724 NOTOK 50 920811 WIR 50 920811 OK 50 921001 OK 38 921002 OK 38 .. -7 ~e .,: DEVELOPMENT SERVICE" DEPARTMENT December 5, 1997 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726,3753 FAX(541) 726,3689 Ron Frieh 7290 Holly Street Springfield, OR 97478 RE: Reply to letter dated November 24, 1997, regarding siding installation at 7290 Holly Street I am writing this letter in response to your correspondence dated November 24. 1997, The following will correspond with your letter, L Face Nailing: '\". The uncaulked face nails that you refer to should have been caulked as required per L-P installation instructions. Any face nails that may have been installed by the contractor at the time home was built, or at later date should have been caulked, In your letter you ask me to reevaluate the issue of face nailing, I don't believe there is anything to reevaluate, I agree it appears there are face nails that have not been caulked, I was not aware the siding had decayed around nails that were not caulked at the time of my inspection, If there arc other properties that have similar problems, our department would be more than willing to discuss them with the manufacturers representative, and the siding installation contractor, 2, End Joints: ,':; I have no research information regarding siding moisture content As I stated in my previous letter, contractors have contended that atmospheric moisture absorption was causing the siding to expand, There may be statistical information available on this issue, but I have no knowledge of where this information may be obtained, I need no calculations to state my observation that a percentage of the end gaps appear to be correct The failure of caulking products should be discussed with the manufacturer, 3. Overlap: If indeed the overlap on your siding is incorrect, no one allowed it to be installed incorrectly, The contractor is,responsible for installing the siding to a standard that meets the manufacturers installation requirements, Mr, Puent's copy of the installation instructions you fOlwarded to him are dated 1996, your siding was installed in 1992, To do a accurate evaluation of your siding installation we would need installation instructions that were in effect in the year 1992, Please have your manufactures representative. you have been working with forward us a copy of the 1992 installation instructions. .",' :~.;,:',j . :<:;::~ :;~\t~ ;~; :: 4, Roof Rake: I find no reference to the roofrake in Mr, Puent's siding documentation, Again, siding installation instructions need to be reviewed that were in effect at the time the siding was installed, t~{ ~F1 ...:.; '."-.: ::..i~ '~;..' .,..':,1 ',' .','- ~.... . .:.\~ ,. , ';-". ':-;'! :':~'1 ri~ .,,;' :<::. '-'," "{~~ :;:.:.: ," .,; ,: ~ '::1 ~'.~'.~l S~~i ...., <~::: ::~:: ,~.'~ I:::. ,.'. ~..-, .,.~, \'. '~~1 :f\ .;.... ,', :;'. ".:' '2.~ '" " '" / 5, Nail: 8 ,it A non-galvanized nail is not an acceptable fastener for siding installation. 6, Sealant Failure: I agree that sealants should not fail within two year period, but, I do believe the caulking on your house would now be well over five years old, 7. Warranty: Our office is well aware of the warranty issues surrounding L.P siding products, We include with each set of plans a notice explaining how important it is to install siding according to the manufacturers installation requirements, The L.P representative is welcome to contact me to discuss siding issues, If you have written documentation from a manufactures representative that would void the warranty on your home, please forward it to our office, I appreciate your concern regarding warranty issues, but city staff is more than aware of the problems surrounding L-P siding. and the warranty requirements, I would appreciate a call from your L-P siding representative to discuss siding issues, Sincerely? ----- TO~ Building Inspector I^y cc: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager/Building Official