HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-9-1 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 rt/~ Af IJ rhck1~.(~ /ktA; o C'.Jner' (~I-'>L- ~l.'. 0) - w.ud~ C oxoiN."ct7~ Adilress:'U'IO:ifl r>7~..JI Phor..: 7'17-917/ },01./.1 , I rl Job Loc::.tian: 7;).;J.. q As.aeSDOl'"3' .'.!ap /I Subdivision: City: D,~" f/t~dditicn SPR/NGFlE1.C , Ta;;: Lot # . rr /: "" '.J . I u Cf ct::<.A:L""-' Ol.e lI,n......- () Up: Q7'177 .~cce:pt .~ 'P.--,c"tCo.6 S" D6scribe rl'ar": f~ /O.C'l Q 5/0 'K~/~e-d<,:'" te- /0,0 iJ .- ()o,LlD n n Q~V~ . , f~~7~r')Rk~ 9. /- Sf' '3 Value Remode! ,'-!()bile :~om(J Dcrt.a of A?pLicaticn :.:on:rac:ors Cen.e.roa.L Plumbing r!:;I-, ~ .;\ ( " pP,,_l~ IJ j),n.d ,I uu j I ELectricaL I. MG::har.ic.::. L CO'lBt1"'.JCti011 !.cndlll'" Addres3 Sigr.ed: /-c-- 9-1-1S-3 Oate: Lisc. ." E::-ircs Phon~ !t is the responaibiZity of the permit ho~4r eo see that aZ~ inopectians are. ~ad~ at the proper :im€~ that ~h ~esB is re.~~:a from ths street, ~nd that the permit card is ~ated at the front of the property. "Eu.i!.di!"'.g Divi:io!": ap;:rot:ed plan shcZZ rer.;a"':n on tha au"':Uiing S"':t:; at aZZ times. P!?QCSDUP.E FOn INSPECTION R!"C'UEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City desigr..:xted job nun:ber~ J'ob ad6ocss~ type of in3pec-;icn I'squ.estcd a:"".a' w.~en you. :JiZZ be ready lor inspection, Cont:ractcrs or Ow'ne:'s ncme ,znd phone number. Requ€s~s received befere 7:00.:.: :-'iZZ be made th~ Barns d.t.:dJ requests mcde aft~ 7:00 a:n will be r:ru1e th,e ru:=t :.JOrkin.; da-:i. Qp.mr:"&'~ rl'"~e:"'p..ti~,,!: O ""TO ["5--'""'""'0'" ". 1.. . ~.1. - :1 r.:.....L ... ..0 >.Ie nx:rce ezccwat::';'n, ,:,out priCI' :C se: lOrms. o afteI' up of UllD2Rr;LAB P!.l':.tgI.'IG, ZL2C'?QIC.E. ~ 1'.fECP.A:JTC.tL: ":0 be made ber"ore uork is ~ovcred. . o FOOTING j FOU:!D,1TIO:l: To be ,~de after ~rench8S ~9 e:cavat~d and ferms are erect~d, but prior to pourir.g ccncrflt... D U.'.'DZRG.-:;ou.~ro ?~lJ,\f2;:IG. St'ffTR. ';I.ITER, DRA.t;1JAGE: To be r:r.J.:i~ ?rior ;0 /il.- l.i.7".g ::rer.cr..as. o UUDE.r~FU)C,9 pr:,U,'.Sr..'G 1 :'.fEC!!ANIC:"!.: To be mads prier ;0 ir'..1taLZat-::on of noor -insuZc:ticn or decking. P'JST .4ND 38A:.{: To b6 r.o~ ;:lr-ior to insta.~lat"icn of floor ir'.3z.:k.:ion or deckin,;. Af{:,CH ?r:,[r.fBI:.'C, Er.2~F~!C),!. 1 .~fEc.q- ANICAL: ~o 4o~k is ~o jc co~e~ea ur.:il thcs~ ins~ec:icr.s ~~v~ =eer. made and Z?pr?ve~. E'I.~F:PL,J.C!: Prior to ?k:.cir.g facing mc.t:eriai.a and b~jor8 jrcr.ting inspec- tior.. [] G:] o [] PP..4....~INr;: MU3t bfl reqo.4e3ted ar';~r apprcva! of rough pZWT~ing~ z!ectri- cal & mecnani.:::al. Al.Z :'Ool~ng bra~ng & chimn~ys~ et~. ,~~sc be carrrolatad. ;'.'0 :JOri( is -:0 be ~cn- -cscied until this insvecticn r~s 'be~" made and approved. 1~'"I"Ar p'U'.tnr"G ~ :.......... ..,.a~.. Your City. Desigr.ated Job Nwnbe...'" 13: o INSUL,J.'!'IONIVAPO.J:? BARRIER n!SP~CTION.. To be made ~fter aLL i,..suL.=twn w.a required vapor b~ers are in p Zace but before any t..cth. gyp8'tlm board or uzz.z c:ov6ring is cpp~ied~ ar.d befor6 any inDul.ation ~s concealed. ~ 3031( Dn:or...iTIOH OR .::Ov=; 3UILiJI;ifJS 1 =:J Sani taro. s",.oer :ap?ed :t rn:.oP'"=-' U"e' I ~ S6ptic ~k F~~€d ar~ filled uith ~~8~ I Pinal - [then c:.bcve ite:,:;s are c:;..:ro7.et~d ~ ~d when d~cl~tior. is compLetB or st~~~- ture moved IZ1'1C ;'Jl'~3eS clea.ned tip. Nobi La Hc,-r:e8 =:J 3locking and Set-dP =:J PZurr.hing connec;:::ms saJer cr.d wa-:ar --, ElectricaZ CC'11r.ec~~on - Blocki7".g, 8et-l.I.:' ~ and plumbing canr.ections r.r...S'C ~B ap?r::r,;ed before reques;::ng e!ec~ricat "':nS?9c;::C~ ~ Accessor-;i 3ui!.i-ing --, Fina.t - Aft;;r ;~r>cr.es~ s;drt::r.1J~ dec.;,...s~ --.J etc. are c~le=~d. o AZl project cor.di=::ons~ J~C~ as ~he ~ns=aiZat::on of s~reet =r2es~ ~~~!ac::~~ 0; :ne relfwlired Zand3ccpir..;, etc. ~ :nust :;e satisliad. bcrors :r.e 3l.'ILDI,','C ?I:!AL ~an be r2q".J.est$d. i:=] FI:IAL ,''{E~HA,'IICA[, o PINAL !LZC':'RICAr. CJ o 2rNAL BUILDING: Tr.6 Pinel Suil.dinq !ns?ec~io" ,-ust be requeared c.~~=er :he :~inal ?Zur.:bing Elec:rical, and Mechar..ic::::.Z Inspec:ion.3 :uzva been ma.de and c.ppro:;ed. c:ny o DRyT.JALL IUSP!CTION: Tc be .'t!ade after au.. a:z...dtJail is in pZace~ but prior to any tap--':'ng. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam3, grouting or verticc.Zs in accordance with lj. a. C. Section 241$. O ;.x)ODSTOYE:, After i118talZction is ccmp~ated. ... o o CURS ~ A1'P.~OACP. AP.o/.),,: Afte.... forms are erected but prior to PCUZH;ng .xl7L.."Tete. SIDEWALj{ (1 'RF:FJ.lA?: For all con- crete paving w-':thin stref')t right- of-wc.y~ to be made a:~ter al! exca.- vating cc:nrp~et2 & lom work & ;:;uD- base material. in place. .tALL .'-!ANP.CLES AND CLEANCUTS .'.'US':' Be .J..CCF:SSI3[';;~ .4E.iC'S'i'.':!:/T ':0 BE ,'.~IjCE ..!T .'.'0 ~~-:ST TO CITY I ?=-:e oj 2 o D :ENCE: rlher. compl..te -- Provide gates or movabloz sections through P.U.E. o I I JOB NO. ~ ;D~ /I !':::.7":C: l.:ot $q. F:.;. 1: jf ~: C.j'.Jerc.q~ !,~ of Sto'1*'i.ss ! :o:al H.r;gh: I I :cpoqra;: hy I , O"~" I;~:~ 1="", SOLA4cESS Cct:"J.:;ar.c-J :j~J.:::: I 5;. F:C j ::.:r:-c!"':: I. t :.C::C3S:J!"J I , ~T...t!: '1AL.!':E' 15.0.c. , :,':::.:.tCI 1.5 = ;lJ,itdir.g Ped.t Stat;a Surcn.:rrge I I !:I.~ I !'i--:-o...res I Residential. (1 bath) I S(Ir.it::r:! Se'..Jel" :."oe.:::Z C1-.a:-ge3 ,'l0. ;'cto?1" Pl:mlbir.g Perr:':"; t Stat" Surc;..::zoge ~.:ta! cr.C'!''.18S I ::I.'.I I Res. Sa. fJ:a. l.'iO'1 I I I i I I ,V3lJ/E-.-trmti Circ:'.J.i t3 1'empora:ry Se.l"Vic6 Z!actl"ica! Per:r.it St.::t8 Su:rc;..a:roe TotaL O.c:rces I ITI.V Fo..a-"'::Cil ?:!J'S I F.::~Bt !lood I Vomt F'=n i . I 'iI::>odstc:Je '" I ..(,.;. I I ?6I'r!r;t 13su.=11C2 .l,fflcr.anic.::.Z Peror:r;e StaJ;e Surchc:1"ac I 1"'.,~~l. ~,,!~g I Z:ICRCAC'=:.~!E:l'1' I SeC".a'";~J 'z:;c3it I Stor~e I ,\!a:int~""'~1iI! I Pc....",,;. I 7o:cL C"....a!"'1CS i ! ~,.U"=C"'.J: Is" o. r t..::e:Ja'-< I ,or..::. , 1 E1ec:l"icaZ r..zbel. ! .\lobi Za j{~8 !f(Q, "^-'J'~;;-A.'::' <-t-U-/ ; I "^O" ".~U'~ 'U~" ......r!... "';1.' '" .... ... r.C'!' ':'JPr Ir.:encr" Corne:" pczr..;..andle CUl-de-sac x ~"-:ILue FEE CE..-t.~GE /0.00 1.(0 I I o. L/D I. I I I I I C.~';_='GZ :;'1;"':" :;H;.R':E /0.00 I I /!J-o. VV I P=ga 2 . L-COC-{> REQ.- T~'?e/Ccr.s:: 3eaoor.:s .' I Let Faces . I I P. GoI House INor>t'h: .IEas" I ISouth Iw.st Setbacks I I ~J'!er>alJ SO'...U'ce8 I I Hea" II II II II II rU'CB I r:arc:.ae I I Access. ilcter> ,Ut'.r1":fU' Rartqe F-:.reDLcce ilaoa:;;ot:e Faes Building Value & Permit This pel'r!ti.t i;; granted on the express condition tr.a.t the s,aid. conscl'Uction shall, in ~ll r>es?cats, cor.fcnm to the Or>dinanae =dopted by the :;ity of SD~;r~field, includ-:.na ;he 20nina Cr>dinanc8, reaulc:ir.a ;he ccr.st~~ccicn ~ U~~ of buiZdings,~ar.d m=y be~suzpended or r~voked;: cr.y time u~or. vic- lation of any pr::wisior:s of sai.c 01'dir.ances. IPlan Check. Pee: I Date Paid: !Rea<':pt #: IS,:g,:.d: Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct, instc:.l!, alter or change any r~ er e=istir~ pl~4ing or drainage 8yst~ in ~hole or in part, unless sucn Ferson is tr~ Zegal possessor oj a valid plumber's license, e::cept tr.at a pe:"son may do plur.:bing work to pr>opert::J which is owned, leased at' opemtaa ~y the appli- cant. .' Electrical Permit Where State La:u requires tr.at the electncal work be dcne by an Ele::trical Con.tmctor, the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until tha Zabel has been signed by the E1.ectricaZ ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~ '.' P tan E=crm,ner vcra I I I. I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.\fnlED t.luJ comp~eted appZication for ?e!'mit. and do hereby certify that aZZ i~fo~~tion hereon is true and correct, and I f\.I.!'ther cer:if'y that any ar.d all /.lX)rk p9rfo-r.'ned shall be do~e in ac::or. dance :.Jith tna Ol'din:mces of ti-.s City of Springfield, and rh;: Lc'.,:s o[ ti-:a State of Oreg~n p$r~ining to the work des~;bad here~n. cr~ =r~t YO OCCY- PJ.!ICl :.Jizz. be :ra.:e of any at:ouct'...U'e witheu: peror.risJion :J[ -;he 3u.i!ding Di- vision. I ;i:.r=her certif:j tr.at onZy ::011t;ra=~rs ar.d ~Z~yees r.,;r.tJ ars in ~liance with CBS ?Ol.05t will be used or. this projzct: /1;14- ~ -~-:--. ea=eC;-/- ~\