HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-7-26 .. .. RESIDENTIAL" AFPLICArION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street S . ..' 7' 0 97 '77 ?l'"_r4j~e_a, regon g BuiLding Division 726-J75J . t, Q-tJc;4 f1cLL'! LIJT*?v *(om~ \~G\1.. Co~"~ Sri (J 7'# 1-1/ L 7 J:. A JrJ>e lJf- Ri'Jbu4 ~(I 0 ~ f\..d,-, lo~gl.\ .\..h-a 0 ~.L SP((IAJG. FI b"l...D Job !.cC:l:i.:J'11: ~tJ:U1aOO"3 .'-!:zp SlJ.bdi:n.sic": ~""'''h?l'': AC.C.rflU: C~:-1: [Xl n n [J . .::cce'f.;,<; ::! :II- 0"102 7 9 J rP 74> <'/)>tj '~M) 77f HILL C; JJ rJ"R. IT+- Tc: !.at /I l.C)\ ~ ~ Pr.or.i: 7 Z 6 - 2t(j3 Zip: f?71.177 Add.i :icn I~b~ ']"", R~lll .'!abile ,~(y,'I3 [)crf,.~ of A?ptiea~ic" :An':;r-:1c:o:rs ~- ;1- N .';;;.~ ~ AI e;e r i2fbJip I ~ . i. )6"1JG Lendo" ....f! /I S J/. Cenel"'O.t Pl:.an~irtg I !!ece,..:cc! UIl:Jtar.icct COILSe1"".Icti"" ? c. /.) iJ1 f1. !AI Go. l?L I--c rtl2/ c Value '7 oS' () CI7J Si<rr.ed: l.f). ~.J--c./ -,.J~ i /~</ " Date: , Add.-es3 L....:;c..' E~i!'os Phone: i", 'h'.~ \~~1 3\S- ~~S If) ,IIIAl P"R1:;-Jo/ f"t)(d,)Jb ~~-'l- C/OI..c- Mfi/N <:.ePD. A, '.-:>~?:l\ 10'-1 IJW AJIdiL !~ ill en. l"f!:sp07lc";biH:y of" the perm: holddr' to sss :ha: aZ! i1Wpect;ions are r..ade at :h. ;;roper tim~~ that t:t.:.ch =.ddrsstJ is r8a3..:t~:.. ;i-om tM strest, end thet the permit caN i. l.xated at the f1"07lt of the ?TOPerty. .;lAi.!di~4 :r;lJi~io'!': C?;rot:ed ;k:n shc.ZZ, rena~n on thi; 8u~tdinf1 Eit:; at aLl" times. f.~CS!)UP.~ Fon i....SPE(;'!'!~l1 R!'~l.'=S7':CAll 726-3769 (recorder) state you:r City desig-ro..::ted .fob number~ job adizocss. type of in::pBa:icn r!U?Uestcd a....a: :....~en ,you :.1i.n "e ready jor ir.3pcetion.~ Can'trectors or OL.."n6:'S nc:ne end pr.or.e nuwcr. Requ~s;s l'lZcei:;ed ester" 7:00 ~ :.:iz.z. be rraae t~ same deb reques:s :':Ic:ie clta 7:00 em rJiLZ be made tr.e nt::: :..JOrkin.; da:J'. rJ~U:"n~""eo..l r"If-"'.r:t:':r.?Jq SITE 1,"lS'?!C::D.'!: To be rrr::.dB cf:471" e:cavat::.:m. .;ut prier to:: SBt u? of IOmS. fr.1DERS!.A.3 ?~l':~I.'lG. ~~2C":'.'?IC.:!. ~ j'{ECHA:li.';.U,: 70 DB r.r;,aB beford eny wr.ic :'6 ~olJcred. :--t;';;;;;;:,.c ! FOU:!D.1TIC:I: To bs r:JU!e ~ ~;.;~; :.rertChas erg c.=ccvat.zd cr.d ferms ae erect.a. but pri.:lr to pourir.g canere:.;:. ~~S?;c.~!J""D ?:'~'H3:."~. su=.~, ;l,l::::.=?, ~ D~,E.'1~C2: ro ae r.r:..;.-e pM-or =0 /i;.- UrJ} :rer.c;..ilt. ~E.~F:'CC.~ ?r.U.~9r::C ~ .'€CEA.'1[C~!.: l!:::J ~;I,. be rr.ac.'B pri..;l' :a l.nst.::a:.at:.on of !toOl' ~,..suW::ticn or deci<.ir.g. . ~ .J,N!) 3~:"".{: To b; rr.a.ec pr-:.cr t:Q ~ ~';:aL.:-=:...;cn oll?oor i,..st.:latiOJ1 or tUck,,,,. /' , rv~"'!';;" ?:..~.rf3r:.'C. ~!.Z~_O!,~,:,: ~ :,ECT/-_ ~ ANi~)L: JO ~~~ ~a :0 be cove~ec ur.:.-:: L :i-:es.:J ~r..spe.c:icr.s ;'''-:':.14 ,;eer. r.JCCa :r.:i =??n:.uz::. o F'7RE:?!..J.C2: Pr-ior:o ':,t..c,:-;"..g ~c:iT'.a . ~;.::' :::oO:~O::~:::~a;:::e~- : C?Pl'ClJ~~ of rough pl~hi,.~. ~tec:ri_ cczL & ~ec;...::mi.::J.z.. AZ.! :"Oof~'1'14 br-:z.~T'4 & chimn'::Y3~ 8t.=. .':":"..:s: .;e comol~:cd. ::0 ~r~ is ~o be ::'C1t- . Clte:l."'; untiZ :his inspec:icn r.as . b~B7I mad~ and cpprot.'ed. o o " -7- ''"/1 ,I"." ~r'"mr"G ~ ..~~ r_~,~... . ....(;;~L :'!!o,'iA:/IC'L ~<" ----01-" ~'''I::,.IoI':':''':'.....",..... YCU!' City. lJesigr.ated ,Job Nwnbu- I:J: ./ r::yt!lSUL"\T.!O'v/VAPC8 BAHHIER D!S?=C'I'ION: L::J To be rr.ad.s after all insukti.::m lr",d . required lJapor CGI!'!"iBl"S ars in pZacs Cut' eefore cr.y l.c-:h. gypS"Jr.! board 02" T.XZtz covering is G?pli.ed~ and belors any ir,$'.,(Z.ation ~s concealed. $?LJ 0) 3:;2. I !)r.\'O['iTIO.~ OR .~:QV='; 3!.:II..DliiCS . =:J Sa:n.i taroJ seJe:o ::cpped ::t rr:.OP;;l"t"i 1.i~e .=J Sspti:: tank f'"....r.:p;;d w..d fiZ1.~ LJirh ;;rT..:aZ I Final - rlhen c!:J...--VB ite:::s are c~....r:;~e-:ed . ---J ar~ when demcZ~tior. is ~ompLetB or s~~::. ' tur. ",.oued ~ pr0=:3.. de"",,:! "po . j NobiLe .1c..r:.es Tc be made after a~L CrJ'.,;az.L is in pZace~ but prior to any tapir.g. O MASONRY: Stee~ beam3, aroutina ac::'or&mce !&lith 2415. ~DSTO'l:':: Aft"" installation i. ~ ;;;,q,let6d. .... ,.--,~ & APPRCACl! AP.t:!ON: Afts:, forms. ~ :;~.::J .erected but: prior to pcuZ";ng . .::on::re.t6. . r-J...Sm:;;;ALX & :JRI!-'C'''/AY: For aU ~07l- L!::J crete paving !J"'':thin street righ:- of-wc:y, to be ma:16 a:~:er aU e:cca- lJatir.g ccmplete j fom !.XJrk t ~uD- base materiaZ in. pZa::e. Zocation~ bo7td or lJertic.::: Ls in U.B.C. Section :=J Blocking and S.et-::..tp :=J P1..umbi~ connec=~s Bt:'.;)11r ant! 1Ja:2r ---, EZectric~t Ccnr.Bct~on - Blocking~ set-u? --1 and plumbing connections nr..st ~e appr=l.'zi before reque8~~r.g etec~caL ir~?sc=i~ .=J Accessor~.. 3ui?.::ing ::J Fi~~L - Aft~r F~r~r.Bs, s~rtir4~ decY$. etc. are c~~e=~d. o ?!NCE: When compl.;:te -- ?rovUIa gates or movable sections t;..rou.gh P.U.E. o o ~lL pro;se: cor.di:ions, JUC~ cs the i7ls=qLZat~cn of s:reet :r6es, ~~.'.~Laz~n of :rte req'J.ired ~and:;cC?ir..;, ~:c., ..rouse be satisfied .;.:f'ore :r.il 3l!ir.:I::C ?!.':.J.L ozan ~6 1'2'iJ.9se.::d. r"\~:IAL aUILDI.VG:. T1:~ F;na~ Build;r~ !ns?ec,ion .=t b. requeoted "..,.. '!o.e .";na.! P!=bi". 0" ~~~ccl"'t..:'al~ (I7'IC .'1ecr.ar:....c::a. Ir.sFec:;icn3 :-:aua been made ar.d r::.pp:ooIJ2d. .~ AEji.'S'i'::!:."!' ::0 SE ,'.~1CE ..~:' "0 '-S"T' ~,., I'"r"V I ='....... ". .. ~ . .,; .. .. . -~~ oj 2 . "A':': :.!A"IE':~2S AND CLEANOlJ'!'S .'fUS':' 3E .~C=rS$:3LE. SOL.CCESS REQ~~Fs.. ()\c.- L-COC-l} ,} __L _ . t"~.:ar.~, ';-7.0: V - ~ . _ . ,,'=e/e,,",,: \l-\. \ 3_"-.-'="''' 1.. ~f f'~I~ :'C':':!F~ I ~Oe ~~CR3 ~ ~~ 11 J....z!'':'!'.J SC""l,.~tJs Tu:'a !r.:.ricr. I 3.:oco;.,s o'ea' r-t R'\ r~~ I ?[,.. IHo-':'S;J I';~c.~e !Aace'ss. I i/(:'<;2r ;"~~~::>.,.f~__EC'_r lUo=:" I. I ?(.... I I. 3a",," Fe j;;c.\ IE.,," \ OJ, \.;\\1\ I I I ,;=eo(ooe ISO'.=h I \?t I l?J _ooa:;,,"e IWes' '1 I r I I JOB No.<?L]()232_ !--.. V-I . v_ .",. _ r.ot Sq. F~. (.0% ~\l}.., "2... '7.-0 : jf ~: C.:ue~;. ~ of se"r"":S3 :o:aL =.r;Gi:: Topo~r.t 1::-3.'./ Lt:;" I ~" ~" _.... . 'oJ l\\ \~tl. \~~ '2.....a OW f'Oi1.. ~C~1I :'.:r:-cr': 1.~CCC3S":'""'" I I I,.D.C. ~!'.~~ VA!.::':- /.'!o./ i'fZ I'L ?s.- I I I ~oo.~'<<>.I ~~ 1'2. I V).f:O I 'L.a. co Pl"",bing Pe"",;- I '10. co I 12..~ I ~'2. ceo I;O'I~~I ~~ I t: r--- CJO I :"?'ao I 6?oD ,r, I I I I Ve>l' F=>I I g;1"3.~ I I";"c:s'o~e I z 1\5. 00 I ~~ ~\G\.'l:'b '-2...I~oo I Perrri t I3su.:nca I:"'::":.,,::) 1.5 = Bkild::"4 Pem.t Se.::.:B Surciur<;!e '!'ot.:l C1-.a..-ge3 II;'~.\f I!'L~tlS I Re3-::dZ71tial (1 bath) I Sar.it:..::r! SI!'.Jel' I ;rete...... Statn Surcr.'2_~e T~ta! Cht:.'!'!U18 I iZ'E:.J 'Re!t. Sa. f":a. t NGJJ/E...-tJnd Cir':'.rt. ts It .....~.... .....:1 Scrvico I I. I. Et.s~tncat Permit st::t4f SIa':ha:rcs Total C1-.c::r".:es I:~c. ~lj'S ,." I ..t,;. E='hc:Jst Hood .'fe:r.an.ic.::l P2rr.rie Sta~e Sur~~c "'~~=l CJ-.cr":"'!t J -- E;".::':;~CH.~!E:::' -- I Sec-..u-:C"J !)e,::o3it IStor=.;s 1.~1'Ie~~..:'~ I p"-"",,. I Ta"':t':? .~.c!"-:cs ... ...- C!a-::c-., '2"V2. ...... \?~ ,,, ~ ..lL CernEr.' ?:mr.a~lc Ctl.t-de-sac: x I ~'aLuo! l '1hn- ~ I <.,'2..<.1. I~ :.fie') I.\'ii<o ~\U. I I I I I I I I ~ ~('('f")1 1\. \2..,". - I- I ~~,- I q.'4~ I 7..l\~. ~q-I' H? ...\ C'::.A.~SE ~ .0::::> C.l!Ai?~! \~.co ~.eo Co . C:C> 5\.00 ?~ 5~.~ Si.de:.Jal< 1.~I!,.~e I !'Zo!c:r-.:c.:t L.':;'IlL I .. ! .\Iobi:..! l{:;ms L__.. "~u'~ cur.. I.:J':"'" .....;.... .'. -. I I I j- tu.. c;<{ I i \':1.'0'-\ I I j I I \.\~C\ \.(5) I. :;':}8S Building Value & Permit This perrrr~t io grcn:2d on the erp1'tJss condition eJu:: e;.'s said. ~l1struc:io1'l sha~l, in ~Zl ~e8?CctsJ conrCMrn to the Ordinance =do~t8d cy the Cit~ of Spr":n.g/,ieldJ incZw:Eng ~n.e ':on:.ng Crdi'1'.ar.eeJ l'egula:~r:g :he ccr.st~.J.::;icn. cr.d use of ;uiLdingsJ and m~y be suoper4ed or revck5i at cr.y :~me ~;G~ ute. Zation of any pr~ui3ior.s of said Ordir~es. I Plan Chock Fee~ I "- .c::[) ICa:. Pa'-d: 4-2-- 84 IRoc.~pt H: (oUogq IS;g,:ed: (' . _1- III'\('J,' I Plumbing Permit No person chall constructJ instaL!J a!ter or chango any r~w cr e--is:ir.g plwr:iJing 01' d:r.zinag6 syste:n in :unole or in part, w:less such person is tr.s ugal possessor oj' a valid plumber's liC:e7l8sJ e=aept tr.ct a ps:'son rr.a:J do plur.:bing work to 'p1'oper"t':I which is o:.med, Leased OT' opsratsd ~y tho app,-i- cant. ...- " I- Electrical Permit Where State La1J roequires tr.at ths eZec:tri.caZ wrk be dene by em Sl~!:!tM.cal ContractorJ tns elea:rical. por:ian of thi..1 pe:'m'it shall r.ot be valid w:tiL tM label has b.en signed by the Et.ecmcal ~ontrac:tor. . I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit ~ ~~K\E\'\\ L\. \'\ - t1-\ tfa:. r HAVE CAR.SFUU.r ELt'!ItlF:D t,~ comp!.lted appl:"c4tian for perrrri:, end de hereby certify that all t:-:fo:"f':".a.tion hsreon is true and ccrrcc::, :md r !,.L1'tr.lU' certify tr..at any a:r.d all 1.:01'1<. Fe1'lor.'f'led 3ha.ll be do:-:e in ac:ear- da,..ce :.lith :n. Ordin.::nces of :;'4 City of' $pringfidd, and :Ju: ~s of ti:3 Sta.ta of Oregon pzr~.:ning to the wo1'< described hcrr~1'IJ end :;..a: ,vo acc)- FJ.!ICl :Jil~ b. .7C.:!e of a:ny 3t:-uc:t'.a'a r.Ji.thcu: parmi.s3ion of thli 3u:.~ding Di- tris:.on. I fu:r:ho!1' ~ertif:j er-::: o~z.y ::on.tra:::ors cr.d e::~tvYQe3 1.,;r.t) as il': ~L~anca wi:h CRS 101.0S5 wiLL 00 used 01'1 this ;roj2e~ 4u~ Z:26'-~y Si;1':3a