HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-7-7 """""'" ." ,."..~.,.. ""'~'. ~'~~I~,i~';~'~.~.~".N~.'.-..~ ,-, '^""-""'. . . \ APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 n /( -:.L tl . iClbtttf( I~~.J . //13 7J(J~aJij- Phone: rJt/0 ;;2297 '. It is tho responsibility of ths permit holder to Bee that aU 1.ntJpections are r:;ade at the proper tim&, tr.at each .::ddres8 is readaD'Z.e f1"Ofll the street, and that the permit card i8 'Located at the front of the property. "'Bui!ding Divi::ior: appl'01:ed plan shall remain on the Building Sit$. at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:aUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nwnber, job address, type of in:;pea-;;icn requested ar:d when you 1Ji7.1, be ready fol' inspection, Contractors or OlJnezoB ncme end phone number. Requests received befcre 7:00 a::; 1J.~lZ. be made the Bame day, requests made a~tao 7:'00 (t1l will be m:uie the next :.JOl'king ooy.__ 7 q3;2- , . fiT' . Your ~ty Desigr.atcd J.I!..b Numba' Is: 3 0 Reau'Ll'ed InsvP-C't1..cns1.d,) ~. J Y 1'\71 SITE INSPECTION: To be TTrlde after I'vt INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION:. DEUOLITION OR noVE;; BUILDIiiCS ~ excavation, but prior to set up of ~ To be made after aU insulati::m w.d . forms. '. required vapor barriers ar'e in place D. UNDERSLAB PLUl.fBING. ELECTRICAL & '. but before .any .lath~ !f.IPSUllJ board 01' . J.!ECH;l.NICA~: To be made before any wU .COVeM-'!!l 'L~ appZt.ed.. and before - ._wor~ is covcre~ . aT!Y 'iuZation 1..8 concealed. ~ POO'i7NC & FOUNDATION: To be made ~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made !~ after trenches are excavated and ~ after aU d.:rytxzU is in place, I . form~ are erected.. but prior to but prior to any taping. pounng ccncret.. .., <4 ;)'-\ -; I :l.() .; ~ MAS6NRY: Steel "location, bond ~ UNDERGmDmJ PLUMBING. SEWER. W.4TER, ~ beam3, grouting or verticals in I~ DRAINAGE: To be rrn:ie prior to fil,- acaordance with U.B.C. Seation Ur.g trenches. 2415. :' ;).\ i 1'\71 UIiDERFLQOR PWI.fBIIiG & MECHAIiICAL: l~ To be made prior to installation of j 11001' ins~Lation or deaking. . . ,~ POST~ND BEAM: To be made pPiOI' to I~ instaUation of floor instoZation or '1 decking, l./:l . ; I ~ ROiJG~PL[JNBI!lG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOL'ered , until .these inspections have' beer. 'made and approved. '0 FI.~F:PLACE: Prior to pZc.cir.g fa~ng I rrn:;teriaZs and before framing inspec- t't.on1.... I.~ FRANnie: Must be requested aft.er :~ approval of rough plwr.bing, electn- I cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing a chimneys, etc. !1l'..lst be I : completed. lIo work is to be CGn- . "....cealed until this inspection has 1 ~ b6~n made and approved. , AU project conditions, such a8 the i.nstaUatipn of street trees; c;'":1plction of tile required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r2quest~d. . '. Job Location: ;,;gfof' 1% 1)2-0z. Tc:J: Lot # f) -? ()() 0""" ~L/ :2---'2- tI A8aeSaOl'~ Map # Subdivision: tlJner: Address: City: .~ .---;;;~ /llill/A--./ ~ I jJ A'dJ- M.m,' n Additicn DescPibe fl'ork: SFR\\ ,- " n n Remodel .. b ~;((-f1. Value 6<(,s7V !;Z,~) () Nobile 80m3 Date of Application Cont:l'act:ors General Plumbing Electrical /.fechar.ical Construction Lender ;} A/A ;; _Address / '//?n<J_ /J....Ol.LLJC..;(.... lJ iJLunOAJ . DU/Vl 0 A ) D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccrrrpZeted. . qo "il ~ CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afts:- forms ~ are erected but proior to pouring . c:orwrete. . ~ SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY: For aU cOrt- ~crete paving ~thin street right- of-l.JC.Y/ to be made after all, e:cca- vating ccmpZete & form wrk & sub- . base material in pla::e. D PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . D i~ I~ :~ .=:J ~ FIliAL PWI.fBIIIG :f) FIliAL MECHAIiICAL L{"1 FINAL ELECTRICAL \'1 ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated alter the F:inal Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiono halla been made and appl"ovad. .. ,~-.-.'-"....._,'~'-. .. . .'.-"'-'. -.., Rccdpt # t~f7,~~q DJ OfG ~.....--:---,. ."'5\ .,~\ . . r_ ~. ............. \. ..J.' '._\..:(.': \ \ \ \ , \ 0 \ , .j\ ~ '11i7l , . Signed: Date: .: f!t!- /j- //-if'l Lisc. #_ Expires Phon€: . , =:J :ani tCU'y Sf!'..)er oapped at p:.opt:r~' line ~ Septic tank p'....""':':pcd and fi lle~ LJi th gra;;e l I FinaL - r;Then above items are ccmpleted ....::J and when demolition is complete or st~~- tu.....e moved and prarrises c leaned up. .' I Mobi le Hcmes "~:~lOCking and Set-up =:J Plumbing connections -- sauer and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up --.J and plwnbing conr.ections ,""...sf; ce approved . before requesting olec:rical inspec:io~ =:J AecessoJ""d aui le.ing :J Final - Aft~r porches, skirting, decks, etc. are completed. D .. -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS }WST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS7'!fEl;T TO SE 1.~t1DE AT 1.'0 COST TO Crty I Page! of 2 I JOB N.O. f1Ot/31~LAR A_ESS REQ.- I Zona: L 7>R Oaauoanau Gro'P R 3 t924n ,$ f; % I '?I ' N, <;f41l ~; I Value I ;1~..Jc:l1 b'l~~ IOIMI '1-130 I I I I I I I I I I ~69~ I 96~,sSl.-d--;). I 3~2J,<<J 1- d- (9 I~. i.c? ~/3,/2> -31-~311,12 FEE I ,/,50 :i!>2,SO -L. e I I, I I I I HA VE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit, and do I hereby certify that all ir:fO':'1Tl(ltion hereon is true and correct, and I furthe1' certify that any ar.d all LJOrk perofor;ned shall be do:1e in aC~ol'- I dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of SpPingficZd, and th:: La..;s of the A State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU. P/:llCY will, be rrad.e of any st:ructura without permission of the Building Di- )4 ~ a ) "). vision. I further certify that o':'lly contractors ar.d e.'1Tpu;yees who are in /~ I() .,; compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project 1 ~~r1/ .9'O_~~r (i', f'l'Av ~'~;ZlJ,2" .!j"9,$" I 23, -10 :: f,1nruJ-b: Ul~ ,3'/S~5,~g~ ' Lot Sq. Ft,;. S of lot COlJe"ag< ii of Stories j Total Height , TopoS""" hy ITEM I SQ. FTC l/b9~' 1#3', I Main Gc:race I Carvort IACceSSOl'U TOTAL VAWE Is. D.C. (val.UC) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha:>ges lITEM I Fixtures I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitar-y SelJar I Water I liil I I <16l"1 . < I5"D'1 <15pr Plumbing Perrd t State SW'cr.arge Tota! Charaes I!TE,'.! I Res. Sa. fto. )/"l?'') ING1.J/Extend Cil'cuits I I Temporary Service I iiO'1 I I I I I I EZe~tricaZ Pe~t S~te SUI'~harae Total Charces lITEM jllO.1 I Furn::.ce PTU'S 6otJlJcJO rM' I I E=haust Hood I I I Vent Fan :3 I I F:1:: CffllN<.lh. I I t~l?r tal:J~ --, I Permit Issuance Mechanic;'ll Permit State Surcharae Total Charmm -- ENCROACHMENT -- r Sec-.lnttj De"P03it Storage Maintenance Permit Total Chal'oCS Cu:rbC'.lt "2e I :]2./ IO"~ ,is/J.,r. /() '0 ....,,5"/<:'1": l 2> 4<f.-f!... \-.?'-t U> D t'!J~AJ"a:2 Sidewalk Pen::c Electrical Label Mobile Home 7'OT AL ANOU.'lT DUE:" 4~ 4?. 4?' ~o "2....0 ,..., ) '5' d-<I I 20 <h!) 1/37:5'0 _5"' 1 /" .oct ". .,.. SGJ (;;,;. "I.:;;J, hi Ii' J g-?f ' I {3 ~() I CHARGE I 137 fE I I I Il5~. I I I I ,t;2,5'<::> I r ZIO I I 5-1 Go I, II CHARGE I G!!E I 4~ I I 9~ I I 4~ I I I I I I I WT TYPE /Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-saa x CllAP.GE FEE FEE zi-t?O 9" 2-4 '7t. L-COG~ 9-N I I Ene1'ou SO:.4'f'(!€S I i Heat I I Water HMtm' II I Range Fi"colace PREi"'A R I I Wood~toJ,;e II TU~e r;,peICor:.st: oS Bedrooms: Lot Faces - ~ Setbacks I HOlise CarQpe I Access. 25,S' I i ;;.0' I I 24-d,' 1 15,0'1 P.L. North lEast ISouth IWest Fees Building Value & Permit This pernr:t is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieLd, inc!uding the Zoning Ordinance, regulcting the ccnstrdcticn and use of buildings, and m:zy be sUGpended or revoked at c.r.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. ")..I"~O IPlan r.hP.ok Fee: / J? ~ !?() 11 ~ t./ -8''1 /.:j b-Y .511 f'I__ Pe r m it I IData Paid; - /Rec::ipt #: I Signed: Plumbing No perean ahall construct~ instalZJ a~ter or change any r~~ er e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plwnbing work to property which is oLJned, leased 01' operated by the appZi- cant. ~ Electrical Permit Where State La1v requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the EZectrical ~ontl'actol'. y i9 Mechanical Permit ,- pk1/ /?77t7J/U iffR/7 LJate --1 l fI