HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-9-29 , SQP-Ol-9B OB'~ RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Il'laP9cUons: 726-3769 Ollie.: '726.3759 .- '.. . , . LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: _.!L~-?.9 -1I..1)1/Y ASSESSORS MAP:...J5i.JI A. 0..'5 Z-I _.-__ LM. BLOCK: . OWNER:__i2e.nl~p fA Jash,'njil1o ADDRESS' __..'1~ I-InILy gf: , .. CITY. ;"in....., 'n, ~ ..! f rJ . _ STATE' i'JR DESCRIBE WORK:.... Jaffa II.....;?'\ ;;-;-'/l... /1 /{'~ NEW -X- REMODEl. _. ADDITION _ DEMOl.ISH __. . P.Oz q'i W~~ JOO NU""'RM./<t& 225 Flllh S"~ClI Sprlr,gll..-lrJ, Oregon 97477 TAX LOT: o U!:JK> SUOt)IVISION: _. PHDNE.J:..lf(- 7'1.&-/</&.. ZIP: 'q7l/7~~ OHI~~___._.. CONST. CONTRACTOR'S NAM:a.oLVI'B ctYMiL,u:.. HEATINt'N.Q~'( C. GENERAL: -.. JU;fU \NOLING .. ,.- ".. .. PLU~Nt:1. ( ~lCHANI~ 2305 r~bLJ'.. Ru: ,:)~ 1/(;"'__._ fs'lityF CR.~-=-, ELECTRICAL: ~ V".II'/lSU'" ,D3-:35L-DK'/9 o -'Z o ~ 0 - OUAO AREA:..,.. =>"<00_0)> 3 Q> 0 )> :3; ~ ~ OF tlLCGS: ",=:' :D!;l:Em". en ::J ~ (C e: ... Z~c:v GIlOup; _....cccU1Oc:-l, \,J - - N:J CD OF SIDRIE9: ~Q~36_(J)n . - - 0 P> 0 m Pl ~TER HEATl:R: ~;:rCD'<""":Jc.." _.CD::SOI_OV en 0 - C" 8: CD '0 avo rcquCSI an Inape-OUon, you mU:H COlli 726.3715!). thIs Is 0 24 hour rer.onJlng, Alllnspc:!,:llo/lS reqUC:llod bclor~ ";00 Ll,m. ~ = ~ 6i -. ~ m ranad~ Iho S.ClrtlO workIng dl'Y. InspeCllon:l rOl1u....t~a nfter 7:00 8.m. will bt' m...tI", tho fOllowlnll ......ork day. CD'~":""::'O"""ClO . :3 '0 ~:i ;:; s: 5' =- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS w ::l St..g a ~ '< ~o Tompo,nry I!lllctrlc 0 Rough Mechllnlcal _ PrlC)r to "., C CD -. C < t:c.>Yer. --:::!:"CDtO~CD~ f}>=-en c: CD I\) -< =r =r CD .cD su. Inepocllon _ To ba mlll:lo c.> Z CD 2. 0 en CD c: "rt., e,l(cavlltlon. bUI prior 10 t CD - )> Q;l to::;;' ..,lIIng '()1'lns. ;-g..mffi:DCi) 0 m ::::!:l"C CO en :J ~ Undoralab Plult1blnglEloclrlclIlI o ::r 2 0'1 CD 0 MechanIcal _ Prior 10 cover. DlO;;:I\)_ c: -::l..... I - c5" CD en 8 0' - C[] Footing - Alter trenches llre ::l C" ...... ;:1 OXCGv.lIlad. '<.::T - OFF"CE USE _ LAND USE: _.. /I OF UNITS: CONSTn, TVPE: HEAY SOURCE: _ RANQF.; __. . RxrlllES ... ~9c; rHON~ FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: _.... " Of OORM~: SECONDARY HeAT: _ _ SCUM-iF. FOOTAGE: ..__,_. D Meunry - Sleel IOClltlon, bend beam., grouting. o piI'oundat'Dn - AflQr forms ant erecled but prior 10 concrele placamonl. :t> C'l )> ...... :z o Undlrground Plumbh1g - Prior ~ 0 C :J: ~ s: ...... en 0 10 (1Il1ng lrench. s: :J: " -f .", 0 (') o Underllool PlumblnO/Mer:hanlcul C-, IT! ::0 m - Prior 10 InsulatiOn or deck.lng. -. ::0 ::J <- hi I'T1 '" C'l s: < m =i o Poe' and Seam - Prior to fI"or CJ 0 InlJultltlon or dDcklng. '0 0 C fJ) ." ::0 Z :J: o Floor InsulaUon - Prior 10 :0 0 :I> <5 en r- tJOl;ldng. m r- :::l :I> ::0 m o San1tM)' S.wcr - Prior 10 flJllnq ~ ~ X Ireneh, . " Z en :D D SIDrrn S._r - Prim :0 IiIU"!l 0 0 " m hunch, Z m "ii m ::0 o Wale' Llno - Prior 10 fIIllll!'J . 0 s: ~ trench. es =i m en ~ o Rough Plumbing - Prior lel ::0 cover, 2: 0 ::0 ...... ^ o Rough Elcctrlc.l - Prior 10 cover. o Eloctrica' S....lc. - MU:l1 Dc approvld to Clbt.oin pe,man"nt Oloclrloal poWl::r. o Fhoploco - Prior to facing malerlala ""1'1CI 'ramlng lnsp. o FraminG - PriOr t~ c.:~vcr. o W~IICcnrno '"cUI.tlcn - Prior 10 c.:ovcr. o OrywnU - PT~Qr 10 taping. o Wood Stovo - After In~IIlUalltln, o Inaoll - Allor rr'II~IMCe ApprOVe' ana Inslallllllol1 01 unit, D Curbcul & Approach - After f",'mll ere erucled bul prl"" In pl3CtllTlOllt of r:oncrele D Side-walk & Otlvow:aV - Aller ~xcavlltlon 18 complete. fOIlIl:> and aub'~a'lu milled,,! II'I ploco o Faneo - Whon r.o"1(1lelr,(1. o ~lr..t rr... - Whon ell rCtQulrltd trees aro planlod. will hp. o FInal. PlumbinG - Wilen .!Ill plulJlbing work Is ~omplelc. D rlrlo.l Eh:glrle..I._ WnCrl all eleclrlclIr wurk IS complcl". ~"I Mcch.3nlo.1 - When 0.1/ HlIlr:hanIcal wo,k 1:- r.ornptete. o Final buildIng - WhOll all required InGpec.:lIons hQve blttm IBpprOv(ld IIrtd bulldll'Q Is e()fnpl~ltfd. OOth",. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o BlockIng IInd Set.Up - Whe" ArI - l)rockln~ Is COrnplCle. I:::J Plumbing ConnQctlon. - When . h()me 110l~ boon eonnaclccr 10 w.IIler :'Inti SOwur. o EI~ctrlc.' Connection - 'Nhen blocklo!J. ""I.up. 3nd pJul'I'btno In1'.pl!r.lll)nO h;.wC! bllf'" A...rHI)Vn(1 ant.! 1I11t tlornl! ill> conncctlld 10 lIu'! ,;enllt:e panel. O Fin...1 - Aft!}r all rcqLtI(~" lnepcclIOr'l:lllro appmv~ lInd porches, Skirting. doe"", oIIn<l vOntlntl hn",,, been 1"IOI01/lotJ.. , . S.p-Ol-9a oa,. ,. ''-~ . '.1 LoI fllt.os Lot "ype lol sq, fig. Lot cavarao" Imerlof Corner TOpoor.:aphy TOlal htlght Panh:!ndro Cul'do'~::lC BUILDING PERMIT ITEM sa. F'l. )( s/sa. FT. Moln GIU.lI.l.lU C<i'I1(,lrl 101.:11 Vo1rUQ OulhJing Pe"nil Foa Sl31e SurcharQc 'Iul.l Fuv (A) ....il:\.;;:..,: . P.03 Setback:. ~'"~~: =1 E I VALUE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM FllllurGS R~~PCIcmlial Bathls) !'!' Sdnilllry S~wcr t:T:.. f\ EI~. _ Wator S/orm Sewer . MOblh: Home PlumbIng Pormtl Slate Surchargo 101al Cl'Ulrgu lei MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnaco Exhaust HO<JQ Vent Fan ~~. . IIJQod Stove/lnserl/F1rop'ar;tI Unil 0,,., VWnl.y fA/. 1I1"i?~ /Wn.p 7iff'm Mech.:lnlc.l:ll POtrlll1 . FEE /c;; u:E. ~Hal. Surcn3rgu "iO LQ-=:- o.'1~O. 7~ ~Q Issuance TOlill Permit ID) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS MobilCl Homp Slalc taaU3.nce S'.IIl" Surcharge Sldi';lw41lk " CUlbeul " Oemollllon Slal.5urChargo To/III Miec:aJlaneous. PormilS (I!.) TO"AL AMOUNT DUe (CllCludi.,g CICt;I,'c;Jtr) (A.' a. C. 0, and E COl11blned) ,- ~..- 'S THl:. PHOPOSED WORK IN THE. . l-II~ lOAlCAL DISTRICT. OR ON THE HISlORlCAL REGISTER?__ II Ylls. lhla .ppllcatlon must be signed .:IlId OlpprO\letl by Il1e HistOrical CoordlnOltor prlo, 10 permit Issuanco. APPROVED: _. _ BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permif I~ gri:lnllHl on the 1J1lpro~s eonrJlUun thallhe ,old constructlun .liih~II, in .all rClipCCIS, conrorm to U"e Ordinance adopted by the City ",f Spring1lold, InCluding the DOvQlolmlenl Code, rcgulaOrlU {lOlC construction a"'<l vile 01 Oulldlngs, and may h~ sU"'lJetlded or rovok$d ..I any timo upon vlo,.,Uon 01 MY provl!llonll '01 said oRllnOlnces, PIon Check Foo: DUllI Paid: RO.COIIJI Nurnbor:_. Atll:~Jveu By: Pians-ncvlc...;mJ~iY. DBIO Syet"ms Ocvoleprllonr C"arge Is due on all undO\loloPCd propc'liet: within tlu; City limll:> whlel, ,,-re being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Byalgllalure, J SI.1I1l ~')(,I Hu'ee, thai' have C;u.refully oxamlneCl Itl., comploted alJ~lication IiIn" CIa hereby certify thilll all I"tormlltlon hor..on is true .mCl Corrwcl, Wld J !urlher cenlly Ihat.1ny .1od all work performc'>d l;h;11l be cooo in aeeor(l.anc:e wllh Ihe OrC1inolllCu:> 01 the Cily of $pnngllofcf. and the I.aw. of thO SUlIe 01 O:c:gon pertaining to Iho Work de~crlbud herein. Dnd that NO OCCUPANCY wHl be made of any .lruchJ... wlthoul ~Jimnil6ion ~f the Building S.'e'y Dlvlaton, I further ClIrlily In:l.I Ollly contrlllctors .r"J employ.e~ who aro In Compliance with OAS 701.0~~ will be uSlIcf on this project. I funhor agn:e 10 on:JUHl 111.1.1 all rOQulred InsPOctlona are rlaue.led al the propor Um., It..leach acJdr... ,. rNclabl. from IhO &lreel, HHiI the permit card 1& lacato(J at Iho fronl ollho prOpOrly. .1nd tho approvO(l sel 01 plans will remain on the silo at all limes during construction. Slgnalu.. ~" ~ ,1.1 ~&.&...c- Oat8_. U VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER '.. ,;31'5 7C? DATE PAID Q-:,cJ..1- 1'f AMOUNT ReCEIVF.D --JI. d),(" cro . .~~~CEIVED BY _ ~ . \~P\I01J~ JOB DESCRIPTION ATTENTION:Oregon law reqll:i.~OWC;>ft. or less "'TD" ~ If' "'IT'" follow rules adopted by the Orl!ileH 41ijid\i tional 500 Notification ljemer. I hose rules %f~.SEl!lo~1jI portion permi t s are non- trans fltr~9aM~~1Q,through OI1ffi~~~l9P1- if \lork is not startedaOOt/:1:\t\)ulrtltly~ncopiesOElhfurl.H\1mll'f'd Home, or of issuance or if \lork i~a1l~,;,..t.,l..&p~Note: the tiMollbllin'D\lelling 180 days. number for the Oregon Utility ~iziUi@j'l or Feeder Center is 1-800-332-2344). 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY ,B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: ZOning.\.d 11'_,." . Da~ ~~-<Z\ ~ Aulh_ $ignaIwu...J;"\ ""^. _..;_ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION 4439 HOLLY STREET Electrical Contractor "'RT f'T"'V InEe.. CO. , , -B=:CTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Job Number, Q~\\~Lo 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOY A. Ne\l Residential-Single or Multi-Family per d\lelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost Sum $ 85.00 $ 15.00 . $ 40.00 AddressP. O. BOX #68797J1ie._ 200 amps~~:{ess $ 50.00 . . '~.i I tCE. 201 amps to. 400 amps $ 60.00 Ci tY_MILW~KTF: Phone ('in1 )F;qCl'i.tR'~22: 401 amps to 600 amps $100.00 , AI' '>''1MI''' 601 amps to 1000 amps $130.00 Supervi~or License Number 2405S Jrfl()~j~" SH/fl!(ef:,200~ amps/volts $300.00 lJU1i1Mfi, ''''7D/jNrJ;.e~1. Only $ 40.00 Expiration Date lO/Ol/Cl8 .4"'- ~/G~D ~R'TJ.JI t:rJtEw ., ItjO fJ C'J.f:/ l!Je'iJ~~~;f1I!R&.er"lralfrr or Feeders Constr ContI'. Number 3-214(' 4'fP~RlnDI~'S'tIltt!1latl~r\(SM:>t.eration or Relocation ulVED FOr> r Expiration Date 10/01/98 200 amps' 'or "less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps $ 55.00 Over 401 to 600 amps $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see "B" above Signature of Supervising Electrician . ~ ~A"'4~ V O\lners Name DENISE WASHINGTON . . Addres~ 4439 HOLLY STREET City SPjHllilFIELD PhOne)'i41 1'74fi-1488 .f.' OJ/NER INSTALLATION , The installation is being made on property I o\ln \lhich is"not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: ,l~ DATE~=--------~----~~~~-~J'-- RECEIPT II: U-H\,\;'J \~I - RECEIVED BY: 0'--T;"JW0 LJ\~ D. Branch Circuits .' Ne\l, Alteration or Extension Per Panel $ 35.00 3S: () tJ / One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or \lith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation' Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm not' included) , ' $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL . 3....-.60 J. "7~- J, 1:)- ,. J. '? W- JOB NO. q \ \ 6 \ ~ CITY' S"NGFIELD SYSTEMS DEY,E_MEt CHARGE WORKSHEET II (COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL) NAME OR COMPANY: c.A:p'?"'\o\..lE: \-\ot-\'C-S. T\..l<.. . 01"- ,O~of..\ LOCATION: <+4?;,q l--kt.-t.-Y ?". 1<(,0"2- oS-:2--1 - 0/000 DEVELOPMENT TYPE: l,ne..-Nf:1N .BUILDING SIZE: 1. STORM DRAINAGE IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT. 2-'2::.>110 X $0.186 PER SQ. FT. ~ 4-~o74 (See Reverse For Runoff Coefficients If Actual Imperv. Area'Is Unknown) LOT SIZE SQ. Ft. 2: SANITARY SEWER-CITY NO_ OF PFU'S ~~ X 538.55' PER PFU (See Reverse To Determine Total PFU'S) 5 BB<,,"'2... 3. TRANSPORTATION NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP \ X \ .<:>oS X $388.61 ,S;~C>~ X X 5388.61 s H X X 5388.61 S (See Attachment C To Oetennine Trip Rates) SUBTOTAL (ADO ITEMS 1,2, & 3) S; \lol~ ' 4. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .05 s ~.,,~ TOTAL-C TY SDC S 11",\,,:>:.--1 5. SANITARY SEWER-MWMC NO. OF PFU'S '2-? x S13.25 PER PFU + SIO I1wr.1C A!)~:IN. fEE S ~\~lS (Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) V'_~~~L~ ~ Kip Burdick: SOC Coordinator \ - '7:, -"1"2- S '?\ 'i2. TOTAL-MW~lC SDC S 2..e-:,'Z-8 TOTAL SDC S '2.011, '-~ FIXTURE UNIT CALCU~IO.ABLE: Number of New Fixtur.Unit eivalent = Fi).1ure Units (NOTE For remodels, calculate only the NET additional fixtures) . NUMBER' ~F UNIT FIXTURE FIXTURE TYPE NEW FIXTURES EQUIVALENT UNITS '? 2 t 2 3 6 2 6 6 1 3 2 l/Head 2 2 1 6 4 '-I Bathtub...................................................................... Drinking Fountain................,.............,...................... Floor Drain.......................................:.....................:.. Interceptors For Grease/OU/Sofids/Etc................. Interceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc....:............. Laundry T ub/Clotheswasher................................... Clotheswasher . 3 Or More............:........................ Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Trailer).................. Receptor For Refrigerator fWater Statiorr/Etc........ Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc.. Shower, Single Stall................................................. Shower, Gang.......................................................... Sink, Bar, Commercia!............................................. Urinal, StallfWal!....................................................... Wash Basin/Lavatory. Single............................._.... Water Closet, Public lnstallation........................_.... Water Closet, Private.....................................--..-.. Miscellaneous: ?~ '2.- '2- '? "'" \'2- TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS = 2::. CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. If improvements occurred after annexation date in table. calculate credits separates. 52.66 2.64 2.53 2.41 2.i9 2.04 Year Annexed 1985 1986 1987 , . 1986 1989 1990 Rate per S1,OOO Assessed Value I L Year Annexed 1979 or before 1980 1981 '; 1982 1983 1984 Rate Per S1,ooo Assessed Value S1.69 1.35 1.15 0.92 0.59 0.23 I i _I Credit for Parcel or Land Only If Applicable '2- . (,. c.. X S I I . S ~ ~ l 'B- (Rate X Assessed Value) Improvement (If after annexation date) X S (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL = s ":Z,\ '-1-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAtNAGE Residentia!......... ....... ........................................ 0.4 CommerciaL................................................... 0.9 I ndustrial............ ....... ........... ........... .:...... .......... 0,45 GovernmentaL................................................ 0.5 IMPERVIOUS AREA = TOTAL LOT SIZE X RUNOFF COEFFICIENT