HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-6-8 l.. -;.'~., ~" \-\. ":.11.'.:-. EO'-217 ' .. RES,INTIAl': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd,' Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ,,rob !.ocation: 4401 Hol~y Street 18-02-05-21 AsoasGorz Nap ./1 S1d:Jdi:Jisicn: T,ll("!PYnp Meanows "'" L- Springfield Oregon Tc: Lot # 6800 Lor ~~ Add......OS3 : ~"71er: Empire Financial Services, Inc. PhOTleo' 686-8081 Cit',: Eugene, Oregon 895 Country Club Rd. A-200 97401 ~ n n n Vt:r'., Zi?: Descr":'be fl'ork: Addi ticn NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE w/ ATTACHED GARAGE Remodel ,'!ob~:' l.2 Homo ..J Date of Applicaticn :::om;rac~ors 4122/83 Vatue $61,820 Addres3 Genera Z. Plumbing electrical. NB::har.ic:;l Harsch Construction and Development Co. Alert Plumbina 10 Van Buren Eugene Peter Stoppani 987 Fayette Eugene N/A Conse1"'..lc~ion l..:ndol' .. '..:~30 .~cce~:i:; ."- (j,1{)0~ .l ~ ~ Siqr:ed: ~ 1()-g~~.3 Date: Giac. " E:::=-ircs Phon.: 484-2405 345-3055 688-8720 It. is the reaponoibitity of ths pen1fit iwl.dsr to see that aZZ incpectio718 are ,-;-:ade at the proper tim€~ that iJcch ddr'iSS is re""':('/:':.. jrom ehe street, and that the permit c:ll'd is l..xated at the f'rcn.t of the propert;y. .3ui~i~~ Diui=io~ ap~~'ed p~ sh=ll remain on tr~ BuiZding SitG at all times. PROCEDURE pon INSPECTION RECiUEST:CALL 726-3"769 (recorder) state your City desiqr:.::.ted job nur.;bel'~ JOG accrcss~ type of ir.:1p8c=icn l"aquested a:,,:d when you !Jill be ;oeady for i7tspcction~ Contractors or O!.me:,s r.c:ne c.r.d ph.or.e numbcr. Requests received cefcr~ 7 :00 c::i :..'iLl be made th€ same dcy~ requests mcie aft;;::r 7:QO a'7I tJiU b3 made the next :.Jarking day. Rp.aui~~1 Tn1.r~~t~r.~~ O (,""""1:' ~1S?-~......,.,. T' . ....J..l~..:.. .:......;.Vl.. 0 oe maae excavation, but prior tc set forms. o after up of UtIDERSL~a PLW.fB[;'IG. ELECT.9ICAL ~ ;~!'ECr.:";IIC,;.i.: To be rr.ac.a befo:!'€ any work. is coverea. ~ PCOTI:/'C !: FOUNDAT:CN: To be ~e atter trenches are ;;xcCI"Jated ar.d forms are arect2d~ but prier to pourir.g ccnc:oet..;:. UNDZRC.~U.',rD F~UMBn;G, SE:.re:R. ;';,1TE.~, DRAINAGE: To oe rr:a::f.e prior :::-0 [il.- lir~ r:rer.d:e$. lJ] ~. ONDERF'WCR !?!.W.'E DC .; NS':Y.A.VlCAL: To ce maCe ~ricr to in:1taL~t~on of 11001' insu~r:ion or decking. . ?'JST AND 3EAU: To be r.:adc p~:'Ol' :0 insr:a~z...:~icn of floor ir.a..ia=icn or deakin;. [E o RO'JGH ?!..lr.!BI:IC. E!.EC'l'P!CA.!..J, ',fECH- ANteE.: ::0 '.jork -::3 =0 be ~01.:erea ur.ti~ ;r.cse ~r~~ea;ior.s hcv~ beer. rna.ie (;1".d c:ppr::l:Je.=. FI.=:::?LACE: mer to pi.a.a~r.g ,f'c:.cing mct2ria:.s ar.d b~"~:'e fra::Tir.g inspec- tior.. o 00 FR..4"~I.'IG: Nust be '!'eq-iA.e:lted after cpprov.::! of rough ;;~wr.bing, oil'~ectr-::- ca~ .j mec;..ani.::a~. Al! "t'Ooj:.r.g brccir.g & chiT.ncys~ 6t~. ,~~St be . col'1Tt1~e;;cd. ;'10 '..;arK. is to be con- ~ eea-led ur.:il this ir.soec=icn r.as . b6en trlade end approved. Your Ci~~'Desigr~tcd Job Numb€r Is: ~ INSVf..ATION/VI1.POP. EARRIER IHS?=CTlO!l: To be l'l'tade after all insu l:;,ti.:m cr".d reauired vcwo!' l::arrie1'8 are in 0 lace but before ~y lath~ gypsum bcdrd 01' loXIU covering is cppZied, cr.d he{ore any ir.aul.ar:ion is ~oncealed. ~3Ilo~CO I DEl!OLITION OR ;~:QV;:; 3UILDIi;'GS ~ ScmitCU"d se-Jer ~:;:pped =.t p:.:;lpc!'~' lir:.e ~ Septi~ tank p:.i..-::pcd and ,f':'.U..d :.nth ;zo:::-ul. :J Final - [!her. abC-VB ":'::e:::8 are cc.'m:IZe~€c ar.d when d~ol:.tior. is c~?Za=e or st~~:- ture moved ar~ pr~...;3es =le~ed up. Nabi re Hc..::es =:J Blocking ~4 Set-~p ~ PLumbing connec:;ions a~er ar~ wa;er ---, Electr':'cal Ccnr:ecti.on. - 8lockir-3~ set-up ---1 and pLwnbinq connections r.r'-^st =6 crpp-:,:;n.;.;zc before request~ng ~z.ec~ricaZ ins?ectio~ ~ .4ccessc,;~' BuiZ..:::.r..q :J Fin::z Z - Jlftcr ;::;l"cr:es. etc. are C~F~~;~d. aK-:'l"~-:.ng, dec;:.sJ ~ DRTl'IALG INSPE:CT!ON: Tc be .~.ade ~lter a ~ ~ drytla l l is in p lace ~ but prior to any tapirtLJ. o AlZ projec: cor.ditior.s~ 5ua~ as t;.~ ins:;aLla:icn :;If streee ;raesJ :c~ta::.~n af thE required !-an.dsccpir~~ etc. ~ must be sarisfi.ad ba[ore the BUlLDI.'.'r; FI::AL ~an :;e l'eq'J.~s:3d. 00. FIlIAl. Pl.UXEI.'IG [!J. FINAL MF:~P.A:IICAL CXJ. Fl.'IAL El.EC':'RICAL ,0 (g; PINAL BUILDI.'IC: The Final BuiZdirtLJ Ir.spection ,~t 013 requested c.f;el' :r.e. :"'ir.al ?Zu-::binq Eleccrical~ and Necr~~ical Ir.speccicns have been made ar4 c~orc:Jed. o ,~SO~RY: SteeZ Zocatior.~ bond o~s~ grouting or verticals in accordance ~~th V.B,C, Section 241&. tiOODSTOVE: After installation is cc,-npZe'Cf."d. .AL~ MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS NUS':' BE .J.CCESSIBLE, ADJUS'j';'!~::T TO 3E' ,~~!(DE !IT no ~::S'I' T? CI'::! I ?=;2 of:2 []] ~ CUPB & APPROACH A?r:DN: A-[te-:o forms a::re erected but prior to pcu.rirr.g .:!On.:::rete. SIVgr..lALX & DRDT..!A?: For all con- crece paving wir:hin street right- of-wcy~ to be mde aj";er aZ! exca- vatina ccr.roZete & {om :JOrk & ::;ub- base ,:;'.ateriaZ in pl.a::e. 00 o ?ENCE: ~er. comDl~te -- Provide ga~es or ~ovabZ.e' sections through P.U.E. o I JOB NO.B3/~~S:- SOLAR.CESS REQ~=;;;~ ,o.K.. 1,1 , . /. i :C7':e: R-l.. CCC"J..:Ja.r!.C'J Gro'J..:;J: R- -=? ~ ..AI')-/ T:roe/Cor.st: Ir<>t Sq. Ft;. 7'::~ LOT T'f?E 'I Lat Foces - Nc.I:r'1'"Y'+ J"" I 5etba~,":s I~ ~f ~a: ~~6raq~~~ Ir.reriar I. P.~. I Ho~se I Car~ce 'Access. I,.i of S'tOl""'A1S ~ ...If..- Corner UOl',,;n. I 2'CI' l'ota~ Heigh: <.1: 3" Panhandle East ~?' I I - South -/c:::)' I Tepogra;;hy C.<~ C-",Z-de-sac IWest i '28' i I I ITE:./ ,~k:~n 1~':Ce i ! Car:,:;-:,: I 1.-lcceSSOl':J SQ.FTG /~~ '1841 7'OT.!l!r ;!ALiJE Is.D.c. 1.5;:: ( :,IC:'UC) Zui t.dir.g Perm-'; t State Surch.:zrge ~o:al :r.a...-ge3 , I:'::;'./ ' ,'to. I F!~ I Fi...-::ures I Residential (l bath) I I Scr.it..:rr'_-! Sewer I :.Ie::e.... 1/k:JpITUI'~ I~ I~- Plumbing Perr::it Stats Surcr.arge Tetal Charaes 11:'EN 1.'iO. I I.~.s. sc. rta. /~:?& I ( I I N;:wIErtend Cil"CUi ts I I Temporary Service I I ElectricaZ Pe:r%t State Sur::,..aroe Total C'Mrces 117'2.'1 I F':a7..::ce ?TV 'S I E=haust Hood I Vent Fan. I ' I iloodsto:;e I ;iC., c" I I If I :?.- I I I Perrrrit Issuance Mf1::;.,a71ic~Z Permi t Statt'3 Surchc:::-ac ,!,,,~I'1'l ~fI?"~P.,'J -- Z:ICRCACSNE.'!'I' -- 1< ' . . I_ec:.cr;.tu De::o:n.t . I Storaqe I Ma~ntenar~e I Parmi t Total. C"flal"''Zes CUr';C'..I: ,~ ::<0' I~o' x -- F$es I I I I I I I ~J,~,I I 9<7."C> I. I ::U.r. -I B.~C> I ~~. 6c='1. VaLue I I ~.~. cD. I I I CHARGE 2~ coO ys. .- 1.Sc>1 v~.8Co1. C.1;J3GE I '<.-r:-I I I I 2s:,-I' I. ....., ::<60. ....1 ' I 1(.6"01 1=-,.-1 5'. ......1 I / If>. CO '31. SO I j.:c, I I 3.<.7'-1 CHARce I~. yo /9.~C SidS!Jal.~ I F."",. j EZ,zctrical [,c:;el. I ! .\fobile l!cme . ! ~z::>c:::.~ ..#l!CVG' 9 <'7. ~ I ~",.'- ~,.?' r::-~-..;> ~";:. ~ I TOW; "",.>o;.vT DUE:' 1<9t:>.~6 'L-COG~ 5'-# 3edrooms::3> I r2ner~ :our~es I .,ea. ~/ ,.-c::r. I I ;./atel"'~'p'('!-:;tl"-" I I Range , # I I ! Fil"'eoLace : :XI Weoa";o,. "T:JrYe c:: C~ . Buil.ding Value & Permit This pel'm'i.t ia granted on the e--press -::onditi.::m that; the s~id. constl'"'..Ic::i:on shaZl., in ~ZZ l"'espccts, -::onform to the Ordinance adopted by the City vf Spl"'ir.g.f:.eLd. incZuding ;ne Zonir.g Crcin.anc6, l"'eq-..It.ati'~g the CC1"lSi::':".4C't::cr. GrA use of buildings, and may bc ~u3?ended or revoked at cr.~ t~me u;~r. vie. lation of :zrr.y ?r:Jvi3~or:S of' said Ord~r.l:ltCes, I Plan rhP.ok I Date. Paid: Rec~..?t #: ISig>:ed: Plumbing .oR., $63.27 , 4-ZC,-?f3 &;cnQ0 rL J Permit lIo person shall construct, instaZZ, aLter or c:hange any r.sw cr e=istir.g pZumbing :Jr drainage system in ~hoZe 01' in ~t, unZess suc:n person is the ZegaZ possessor of a valid pZwnoer's Zicense, e=cept that a p8:"SOl1 :r:a"'d co plur.:bing ~or.1c to propert-~ which is cn.."I".ed, laased or opercted by the appU- C<ZrIt. ,/ Electrical Permi t WhBre State l.aw requires tr.at the elecw;ca~ !JOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eZectricaZ portion of this permit shal.l. roOt ba vaZid until the Zabel has been signed by the Elect;ri.caZ ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit I I r I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA"fINED th.e compZeted cppZication for permit, c:nd do I hereby c81'tify that aZZ ir:.fo':'r.7IJtion hereon is trua and cor!'cct, ar.d I f..lI'ther certif~' t::hat any c:r.d aU t.:ork ?erio~ed shaZl 09 do-:1e in ac~or- I dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of Springficld, and ;h~ iG..:s of th3 4 State of Drec:Jn o~rt.:inino to the uork desc'!"i..bci! herein, cr.c. ~hc::; NO OCC!J- ?J.!lCY wiZZ 02 rrr:z.de of any'" struct:a-Ol' without p~rmis3iort of the ELI.~ldir.g !'J"'~- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t onZy con.tra~tors ar~ ~Zvyees who are in. o~pLian.ce with CRS 701.05E wiZZ be used en this projzct P uzn E=c..nl.r:er t..'Gc:. lw hC/J Sisnsd / -fo (;/111