HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-6-6 ,". . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building'Division 726~375J 'I EO-216\ "_~ I Job L.oc.:tion: 4397 Hollv Street ABaeSGorz Nap .Ii 18-02-05-25 Subd-{.i.lisicn.: Lucerne Meadows SPRINGFlEl.D . Sorinqfield. Oregon Tc:r: Lot # 4000 ( e>'T' /~ Add."e'3: 895 Country Club Rd A-200 ~~er: Empire Financial Services, Inc. Phone: 686-8081 City: Eugene, Oregon ~ n n n 'l~"J Zip: 97401 Descr-:-be flot'/.:.: Addi tien NEW SINGLE GARAGE FAMILY RESIDENCE W/ATTACHED Harsch Construction and Development Company Alert Plurnbinq 10 Van Buren Euqene. Oreqon Peter Stoooani 987 Favette Ave. Eugene, ORe9on NIA R.zmoce Z .'tobf. t.a F!oma [Ya~e of Applicaticn :,:ont:rcct"orS . d-??-R1 GeneraL PLumbing i EZectrical. I I Nechar.ic:: Z Constro..lC:t-ton L~"lC.'er Va!ue SS6.dFlO . ?-tv Addres3 .=!cce:':J: ,iJ. (olouL/ .... c' . ....t.ar.ea: tG l n ~l 0 -I{ '6 00-:03: Gi.ac.i! C=?ires Pr.onfZ 484-2405 345-3055 688-8720 ft. is :hs responaibiZity of ths permit hotdsr to see that at! irwpectio1tB are .~ade at ~he proper timc~ t,'I-.at cu:ch ::ddress is rea:iab:e from the street, and that the permit card is "l.xated at the front of the property. ~~ui!di:",.g i'Xvi.::io:,: ap;roved ;Za.n sheLZ. I'elr.ain on "t;...;; S-....:Zdi1tfl $i.t~ at aLZ. times, P.'?OCEDfJRE POR INSPECTION RSQUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.a.ted J'ob nur.:beI'~ iob ~"CSS~ type of ir.3pec~icn r~questcd a~~ when you wilZ be ready for ir~pcction~ ContractOI'8 or ~~e~s r~e cr~ phone numbcr.~ Requests received cefcre 7:00 ~ :..'iLt be rr.ade the same dc.y, requests mc.ae afti:.I' 7:()O ern !JiZZ b~ made the next :.>orking day. . '. ~;-) Il.oE7 ~~rru1.':"1 r'1.~"..~t:~:r.r",~ O C:l"Tt' I..SP::",......."I'. T' . ...~_ .f _,,__'J.. 0 De r.r:zae e:rcavati.::n~ .;ut prier tc sat fo1'!Tls. o after up of UND~Rs[,:..a ?[,[}.'.fBT.YC. El-2C"N?IC,IL 1 ,~!Ecr.A;Jrc.;,[.: To be r.-.ade befoI'iJ work is ~ovcred. any ~ PCOTD'C 1 FOWlDAT:Ctl: '!'o oe ~ after trenches are exclrJated and f~1'!TI3 are arected, but prier to pouring c~nCTe to;. UNDZRCF!QU.'!D p~w.mD'G. SE'.JtR. W.1T!.!., DRAI~AG2: To oe ~e ?r-~cr ~o fiL- Zir.g r;rer.ch.es. ~r ~J UNDE.f?FWO.9. p!.w.."EnC ~'J'" 1_, ._. To be made prier :0 in3~al~tion of floor insuk:::ion or decking. MST AND 3EAU: To;,e made prior to inat:alkzticn of {Zoor i~at.:Za::ion or deckins . [!]' [l] ROfJCH. ?!..,Lr.!l!T"IC, E:.r,EC':'.'?!C),[, 1 .'.fECH- ~NICA~: ~o ~ork ~J :0 ce cO~2rea ur.til tr.es9 :r~=ec:ior.s ~v~ ~eer. made cr4 ~or?~~~. FT?::?!..~Cc: - - Prior' ;0 ?k:cir.g feeing mc.t~rial..s ar4 acjore [rar.nr.g inapec- tior.. ~ ~ PRA.'!I:JC: ,'.fttst ~e r'Gt;"..t63:ed aft'll' approu~l of rough ?l~hing. aZectri- caZ & mecr.ani::::::.l.. AZ!. l"Oofir.g bracing d chi:r.1tl:ys~ ilt~. m'''st: :,e . corrrole:cd. "'0 ~r,'c is to be con- ... ceaied ur.::iL thi3 i~soectien ras 'b6en mad~ end approced. [!J Your City. Desigr.atcd Job Number !o: INSULATION/VAPOR 2ARRIEa I.'ISPE:C'!'ION: To oe made after aLZ inS'"Z..:;:ti..?n w.d l'aau.il'ed \JaDor bzrZ"iers are in "[)Zace but cefol'6 any Zath, gypsum bca:rc or wz.z rXJvering is cppZied~ c:r.Li befol's ~y ir$U~twn is concMl~. o D.9.'!'.JAL& INSP=CTIO,V: To be t:'.a.Ce ::::'[;61' all. &:;Il.XZU is in pZace~ bue prior to any taping. ,'1ASO!lRY: Ste6Z z.ocation~ bona beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance ~~th u.a.c. Section 2415. ilOODS'!'OVE: After instaZZation is ccmp le t.;d. [)2UO[,ITIOH OR ;',:av:::; 3UILDI,7CS =:J Sani~d S~Jer ~ap?ed ~t ~~p~r~i Line ~ Septi~ tank ~~~ed ~~ :~zza~ ~~th ~r~~e: :J Pinal - [Tnen abcve ~te~s are cc~Zee€d ar~ when ie~L~tior. is comple:e or st7~=- tu.....e r.:oved ar.c Fr....,,;aes ~Z.eOted U='. !.!ooiLe Hcmes ::J BZockir~ ~~ Sat-~p ::J PLumbing connec=i~ns s~er ar4 water ::J Elect~;caL Ccn~ect~on - Blockina~ set-u= and pZumbing connections ~~st t~ G?pro~ei be;orc request~ng eZec:rical inspec~io~ ~ ;4c::es3c.,",;' 3uil.d.~r.g :J Final - Aft~r ?orcr.es~ etc. are cc.mpZ~=~d. akirtin(i~ cec;';3, o o [J] CUP3 & A.I'PRCACP. .4pr-:ON: Aj'te:' fo'I'ms ~e erected but pr-;or to pO"J.r1.ng ~o"'..::rete. SIDEW/J.LX & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete ?aving wir;hin street right- ol-I..:C.Y~ to be made aj'ter atZ e::ca- vatinQ comvZete & fo~ ~rk & =ub- base ;'.cter1:al. in p~e. o AlZ pl'oject cor.a~=~ons~ ~uc~ as th~ ins:alZation of str€er; :rees~ ~~.~lec~on of thE required landscc;r;r..g~ etc. ~ must .;e satisfied bc,;''ore tr.e 3UILDD'C ?I::A.L ~a.n be r2q''''~s=.2d. i.~ . L.Ll.J FIlIAL PLUXBI.'/G ~. FI:1AL ".fE~EA.'JICA[' C!J. FINAL ELEC:'RICriL i::J <J) PINAL BUILDINC: The Find Building Inspection .~st bliJ reque3ted:::fter tr.e .:'ir.al PZw::bing Elecr;rica?'~ aJ"lli Hecha.....icc.Z Inspectien::; have been ,,!ade ar.d approved. [J o 7E::VCE: Wher.. Co,'iTDZote -- ?rouide ga~es or ~ovabZe' 3ecticns through P.U.E. .ALl, NANHC[,ES AND CLE;NOUTS .'fUST BE .iC~ESSla['E. ACJL'S7;'!::.~"!, TO 3:: ,'.::leE I!T ;'.'0 :::-5': T'J CI':''! I :J....~e of:1 o I JOB NoS-,i6"2.7 SOLAR.CESS REQ~=ge;~~ O-A';. L-coc'" I i :cr.a: R~ l GcC""=anc" Gl'C""=~ J?-"3 ~ /-1-/ / T,oe/Cor.u: t::=-N 3edrooms: J i ILot Sq. Ft;. _796 <<,1_ lOT TY?S ' I Lot Faces. Nc>RTN I I Snera" Souroes 1"=e I " f 1" ...___ I Setbaoks I I ,i'eat ,..~ FC.,: c."'-~. I \' 0 .ot .overag< -....., Tntericr I I I I' I lit P. [;. House Caraae I Access. ! I Wat.;!!'~I'!r..<;P.r' "t : ,i oj Stor-f.es ~ Corner lIo!,";/1 /~ ' ':2. I I j Range " I !:otat Heighr; ~' Panhandle I~:~h 114',,1 I : :kl ~~~:~~~~: C ,c.~RA-#CE : I Topography ~."2~... Cut-de-sac I"'est i I ~?' I I I I Fees .- I I !:E.~J 1,'l::in I~xa i I C..n>==l"'t I. I .-ic:!esso'!'"I I I I I SQ.fTG /4./ 1M3 1/'10 7'O~AL ;'ALl.!!' Is.D.c. 1.5 z I r:;c.!.uc) Euil.dir:g Per'm"';: Sta te SurchJr'ge :"otal :r.a:>ges II':'!.\{ ,I NO. I I E'L-:;-.;.res 1.l?esid211tial (1 bath) , j Sa:r.it.:r.'1"'J Sewer I :Jet€!' bPlT..-N....' ~,...I_, Plumbing Pard. t Seats Surar.arqe Tota.l Chc:rooes IJI'Df I..t?es. Sa. fta./'ISB I';" NGUIErtend Circuits Temporary Ser"'Jice I EZe~trical Pe~t S~te Surcharae To~at C'tra.::!'ces I.,'" ;::~"e ?TV'S I F.::hau.st Hood I Vent Fcm I ' I iloodsto-.;e ::C. , I 13" 3:""'" I I" Co::: C=-HAA-HGEt I' ~~ Perrrd-t I3su::::n.ca Mec"'.ani,,:;,l pemr{.t State Surchc:ra~ '!'n ~~ 1 ~.c:r~""!J -- E:lC:~CACHg'E:!': -- Se~~~;tu D2=031.t Stor'2qe I Ma";n.tencr~e I PC:t'r1r':'t I I Cur.;C'~t I Side.xz!< I ?n:e I E!.zccl'ica.l. , ! Nobile Heme Total C"r'lC.l''7CS 1- <,6' /~I ' Cc!;el. ! ~.p.<. FJIiIbNI ~""E ITOTA~ ANOU.'1T DUE:" F=:: ;;"':'t' x Value I I I I I I S6. '1~ I I 8'17. ~.". I . 26/."" I .8.~o/l :<"9~'t , . Cl!ARCE I 1 ~s: ..1 I I ~. ct:> I ~-I I.~&>I ~.~~I' CHAR.GE I 4-1 I I I I J.c~1 e9to . () q . CHARGE I I iI.$"O I .,. ~C> I I .~ ...... I /t>.ot:> i ~.3. S"c:> 1 / ,/'1 I -:z<J. 6'1 I 1'/. ~~j I"? ~~ I I I I ~97- ~ I ,,:)'?:lLJ.80 B.uilding Value & Permit This pCI"m"':'t is granted on the e::pr€ss condition that the said. constZ"".Ic:::ion shalZ, in aZl respects, confor.m to the Drdinance adopted by the Citj of Sp1"ir.g.f:.eld. incZuding the Zoning Crd:.nance, retplc.tir:g the ccr.st~/.c::..;r:. ar~ use of buildings. and m~y be dusper~ed or revokec at cr.~ t:.me ~;Qr. uic- Zation of 'J1".y ?rQvisions of said. Ordir.cnces. Iplan Check F~j ,_J6QI3? Date Paid: qJ.' ~ - ~,~ IRec""pt #: (d') 1'<'(,,<':'" I Signed: A J ~ Plumbing Permit No pereon Dhall construct, instal!, aZter or change any r~W cr e:isting plumbing 01' drainage systen in whole or'in part, ur.less such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a pe~son ~~~ d.o pl~bing ~ork to proper~~ which is ~~ed, l2ased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrica I Permi t Where State LcLJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Cont:ractor, the electrical por~ion of this permit shall roOt bs ualid until the label has been signed by the Elect:rical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~ ~'%? ~ -, ~.., "t..q1f Z==n rler r'p_ ~v8 '3' /,/a-ca I HAVE CAREFULLY ::XANItlc;O ~,t..e corr.pleted application [01' permit, end do hereby certify that all info~ation. hereon ~s true ar~ correct, ar~ I f.a>-;her ceZ'tij"y that any ar.d an ",'ork ;srlor;ned shan be d.o~e in ac~or- dance :.Jith the 01'din::rnces of the City of Spr'":"ngfiel.d, and thz Lc:..;a ot th3 .. State of Oreg,:m pzrt.;;:ininq to the work desc:-ibcd hel'ein, cr.d. tha= NO OCCU- PANCY wilL ba ma=e of any structure without permission of the Euildir.g rr:..- vision. I furthel' ~ertij~ tr~t only contra.ctors ar.d. empZvyess wr~ are in c~pZiance with CRS 701.055 will be used en this pr~jzct I, ~ /pY~ ~~/!3 Date Sign2d