HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-19 . .. RESIDEDiiIAl" APPLICATIO~RMIT 225 NO"f'th 5th St"f'eet Sp"f"i>1gfield, Ol'egon 97477 13uilding Division 726-3753 . ..rob Loc::.tion: 5541 \-HG;;..4 '?-:>~~"-..s 1'1 en_ -z..~ 4- ~ Ta Lot (/ 'Ro~O or~o4 Ao.:;:es:>or': Map N Subdivision: 'PICb,U,..)T L.OT .24 \~c..a:\MA.t-J i-\\~ \-A. r.,A.~5 amc,': ?c.. Me.~o.. Address: ":Ie:> 41 '::ity:Sf'elr-l~~ \ E.\.....IJ Phone: 11..(".. QO\4. Zip: q/41~ l-l n rl n N('I,I .1ddi ticn HefT/odel l<E.\-\ ~6 .'!oll~l.r: !10m,,! Value ..4J 5()()"' II BJ.drs Board v12.~C/ Dat.e of Applicaticn ~011rr~IC[(Jrs Describe fl'ol'l,: T:> \"'\.- - \ 'Z. - "Z. , 'V General ~..lt;:L'" ^rldre~R Li~c_ ~"E~""U:.s il4 e. ~'"r p1.ul1lbing Th:.:chanlc...:~ll T~L~c[r U~i.l ( SUDL.t;......t;n;;,..lg _ Elec t r ,ie ian - - I -tj'oeiPt " '.~~~J -. .\' - 1 ~~~,~~, Dato: I (j.!4 ,'-1/) K~h' ( Q Tlll'asl , Phnnp /4<o.C,lQA It iB ~he l"'c.!lponnibility of the permit holder to see that all inspections are made at the proper tim&1 that each .::ddresB is readabZe . Jrom the atrcct, and that the permit oard is located at the front of the property. ~HlIf:!di.'1!l D!'vi~ivr: appr'ol.,'ed plan :J}u.:ll )'ematn on tlla Bldldin(1 Sit:: at all times. !,:~oc:.:nlJRf..' fOR ItI5PF.CTI(JN R.t;'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your' City dcsiV1UJ.ted job number, job addrcss, type of 1.1l3pec;iclI l'Ul/lw:Jtcd w:d w.';ell you will be ready fol' inspcction, Contractors or O/Jrters ncmc and phone nwnbcr. Requests received belcre 7:00 {:":'I :..'i!l bt! made t}le !;atne dc-yo requests made aft::r 7:00 am LJil.l. be made the next :.JOrkil1.] danO t f1 01 Your'City DeDigr~tcd Job Number 10: ~l ~ J.fi'(Jl/l: "",., r,!::!',~{: t lr.71f~ [J [] .'il'!',l.' JlI.';I'.~.'(::IDN: 'fo be made alter .!.J:cav:H.i:m, ~m~ pr.ior' ta set up of f..,)I'17l:1. U:I.').':U:;/,,\!J ['(.V,..tRING, E:LE:CTRIC,lL ,'1 ::ii.y.y.!.'jh:,ll.: To bi) made befol'oJ any l.J('1'k I~$ .:fovcred. 1:-'] .L'('{J'r!,'/(.' 1 FOU,VD.1TlC!I: To be rw.de ,lif,i'l" (l'i}I/(:ho::.I (/I'C cxcavated and feJl':n:; (lrc cl'ected. but prior to f"'lil'!'!I(j r:CllCN'et.;. (!:.,'.'.~r;jl!.;f!!..1JtUL!:l:.!!!P I (lS~'?, W.1TF:R.1 .'J.'/.l/.'/11':f:: '/'o ht! IIkdl! pI'ivl' to fil- {{!~U' '~-;:':/IC:ho}~. " I I,... IH.'IJ.'-:.':!.'[,OO.'? I'l.m..'Uf,W: ,~ MF:r:.'IANfC/lL: :~,-'f::; lIIold,: PI"LOI' to 'irl:.ltallation of ;"t,..II' lfl;JlIlGt.iOtI 01' decking, I'll:;/, ..tN/J {If,'A',f: To hc made prior to (;:-;~r.~Tr::ti(;-;;-o[ flool' insl~Zation aI' , [, ~, d,: :' .'I:,' . H,)",:'! !'(,t:::H/l.'C. f.'l.P.C1'R!CA!, ,~ MF.'ClI- .~i:.'!-:;'X!.~' -. ,Vo :"lol'k ia to !JC t:OI:ercd ~:,;'i'~'!- t h"lwi.ll:Jpe(:tior:D have beer. 'LI.:'" ,lit'! 'lpPI'r.ue...!. ,!,','{.,:.>,':',I:",.~""".>.>..,: }'I',:or to pZccir.{J facing _ ,ud !JClOl'C framing inspec- [-'I I~;I 4-'" [.I fill!" ~ ~~'~0"!+:~~: :..'i1~;t.!lC f'equc:Jted af:el' ':;'!'I'.'I":[ v]' ,'oltgh plumbing. electJ,i- c,d ..: ";,',:hlrti::aL 11l.Z roofing 1""",t!~1 :; cllit:m,:Y:J. et~. ImIDt be CO/ll!,.'.'fl"!. :'10 w.Jr'k i:J to be con- t:.:l:!"'! rillLi!. tl,{,o iw;pcction has . b.:,',: "1.1,i,: ,':n,! appr'ol.'ed. D INSlJLATIONIVlll'OH HARRIER I.'JSP,t;'C'1'lUN: To be made after all insul~ti~n a~~ required vapor bm'riers are in place . but before any lath. gypsum beard 01' LXlt:L covel'in!1 is applied, and befol'o any insulation is concealed. DElIOLITIO!l OR gOVE!J 8UILDI;JeS --, Sani :ary se-Jer ~apped :::t pl'opcrty Zir.e -l .', .","Io,t.I."I'hll~,,;""""\~"';11 i,';;V.,~ ~ Septi:) tank p-.;,.~cd and filled r.tith gT"Q:J2l :J Pinal - rlhen arove itc:.'1s are ccmpletcd and when :1er.rolitior. is complete 01' Bt:-'l.~- tUI'C moved and p1'emi3cs cleaned up. Mobile IJcmes :=J Blocking and Set-~p :=J Plumbing connections sewer and ~:el' --, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing conr.ections nr~st te appr~v2d beforc requesting elec:rical inspec:io~ :=J Accesco1"J Bui ld~ng ] Final - After r~rches, skirting, decks, etc. al'e complet~d. D DRYWALL IlJSPfXTTON: Tc be made aftcl' all dl'Ywal.l is in place, but pl'ior to any taping. ~MSONRY: Steel location, bo~d beamD, groutillg 0" vcrticals in accordallce with U, 8. C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'lE: After installation i.s ccmpleted. D . All pro.jec:t con.dit1~OflS, :.IIIC.': lW tlte ~'nlJtaLlation of stl'cet trees, -.co.":'Ipl~ti:m of tile l.eqllired lalldaccpir.g. etc., nn18t be oatioficd before the BUILDINC FINAL can be r3quest3d. iiV'! \~ f"lN,II. !'{U':,II1:U; D o o CURB & APPROAClI AP.WN: Afto:o f01'm!J m'e el'e:)ted but pr.io,: to pouring . eon(!rete. SID.":flALK ,~DRn'F.'r/,~Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-1JCY. to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & f01"::l lJOl'k & :;ub- base material in pla:!e. ~j"""l,'1I:1i"'.'I'1:1"1:,1[. %< PfNAf, BUILDINC: T}l(! filial Bllildina Inopeatioll nnlst be r.equeatetf alter t1te final Plwnbing EZcc:tl'ical. and Mechflr.icaL Inspectiono 1Ja.IJO been made and approv~d. o ,~'I:"..ll.!'!."(".".'!!(:,:{, D D ~ENCr.: Wher. complzte -- Provide gates 01' movable aectiono t}lroug}j P.U.E. ,.-IU, nl,'III(.'U".':,'lN~~,::::~'=.:.f~=-~':.m..,:."rnr.~. Af).fII."r!f~:/~ TO~.:~.1f.1rl" AT /10 r~ST TO Cr~Y I P"".' of ~ !-'j I , o SOLAR ~ESS OcCU')(lnc~ C_ UlT TYPE Interior' Corner I JOB NO. I Zon~: Lot Sq. Ft;;. % "I tot C,j1)61'ag& ,If of Stoneo Total. Height Topography PanhandLe Cut-do-sac . _,'v ,. L-COl;' REQ.- RAdrOOlTlfl : Type/Cor:at: . I I En:!r?!, So:a'celJ SetbackD l' !feat 1I0Ur-A r:araqa I IIccCIJO. 1 : II ' ~ TiWr. I c.oe Faces - I I P.~. INortl1 F:t"Jst South WeBt Watl!l' .'{t'!o.t(l1' Rall[ic fircolacf? Wood~tot:e IfTEM I Main I GeracI! I Caroort IIIoc68801'fJ I SQ.FTG ~ Is.D.c. TOTA~ VALUE IUCf,UC) 1.5 % BuiLdina Permit Stato Surcharge Tota Z Cha:-ge3 lITEM I Fi:t:,tures I ResidentiaL (1 bath) I sanitary SeLJer. I Water I N;'I FEE //;<5',) Plumbing Pami t State 5u.rcr.argo Total. Charaos I I ToM Res. So, rto. I NGaJ/Extend Circui tD I Temporary Service I IND. FEE El.o~trical Permit State Sur~hara8 Total Chargee IITSM I Pur11.::Ice !!TU' S E:hau.s t Hood I NO. I FEe Vent Fan W;;xJds to.,e "t)a. teft.. "~.,'" Permit IS8uanca Medumical. Permit State Surcharvrc Total Charaoo -- ENCRDACHMENT -- ISc~~ritu Daoo3it I Storage I '-hintm1I1n~~ I pcrmi~ ~ Total. Cha1"!1oS I Cur~cut ISideoJaLk I F~":;c I Electrical. wbet I Hobi Lo 1/01116 I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: 4 x Value Is. err -t$i.;) , IS. 00 .1S; IS.7S . CHARGE IS.6"tl 15,€O ;7S" IS. ~ CHARGE CI/ARGE /5.(f1) IO,6D F2e8 Building Value'& Permit This permit io granted on the erprec3 condition that tho s'll~li.,;,)1I::lr'/ldi,m shall, in all rospccto, conform to the ordinance adopteJ b'y ~Il., :'i I!; or Springfield, incLuding the Zonina Crdi,lGlIco, regul.atil1!l the ~(;.'l::1 ;':1,'/ (. rl land uoe of buildings, Gild m.::y be Guc;pended or rauoked at r:':!J I;::I~., :il""; ni,:- lation of any provisions of said ardi,umcos. 1 'I sroQQ I Plan Check Fee: Cate Paid: Rcc::ipt N: Sig"ed: Plumbing Permit No percon aOOH conotruct, inatat!., atter 01' change G.ny 'lOW CJ' (I::.:;t,r,"I~" plwnbing or drainag6 syste:n in whole or in partJ ur:Lcs$ such PCI':;O'1 I~:: U:.-' legal possessor of a valid plumber's licensoJ except that a parson mll:f (/',.1 plumbing tJO'1'k to property which is oz.med, leaDed or operated by tJ:.: a;:l,i.i~ cant. , Electrical Permit Wher6 State Law '1'equires tr.at tho eLect'1'ical work be done by QH EL.,d.J'i,-;al. Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall root be uuli.d Iml-'iL the label has been Digned by the Electrical ~olltractor. 1 I, I 1 Mechanical Permit /,;;zS' ~;u, ;2.5: 1; 57./15 .. if' Pl.<vt Excmt.ner uat< I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all i~formation hereon is true and correct. and I fUrth6r certify that any arA all work p6rfo~6d shaLL be do~e in ac~or~ dancs with tha Ordinanc68 of the city of springfield, and th~ Ltr..:s of t/ltJ .4 State of Oreg.:m pertaining to the lJOrk cB6cribcd herBin. end ::ha~ NO OCCU' PANCY brill be nt1.de of any struatura withOi4t parmisaion of the Building Di. vision. I furthor cBrtifY that o:1ly contractors <vui c:npz.:,YOCB wi:o are in compliance with CRS 701.05t wiLL be used on this project ~'/ 4/4.Pf':~':'" .., wul 1/ , ' :::~/ f!Po