HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-24 .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ Job Location: 5"3 (S- /~&;~~...v#c N J 1)1) Qc{)8 24 . " :??::>:5 Taz Lot -, onl rlYj AODeSOOl'Z Map Subdiuision: a.mer: ~(:< /J;;47r#~~ Addreos: 5#/7,E City: SZ/^,Ln/ .d~. ~, n--Additicn n Remodel n ,'.JobHe !lama Phon.: 7'-17- <:'//9'<:::::> Zip: <::7?'7) 8 Describe tl'ol'l~: ~~a5 ~~cfc-r :5bY/'1 Jf:1y///c; ~ r4>?-6?f"5 Date of AppZicaticn Contractors . General 6'lb-B~ /'5/':.:". "'.~-~ Value 5~9~ V~ Rcoe';pt N I 34.r() acf! \ III ~, .' . Sirmed: Date: C1Lv 'v O!::J.l.J!)(t1 I ., Exoires Phf"nlJo ArlrlrPBR Li~c. 1/ .Bldrs Board R~~. YOUl' City Deaigr~tcd Job Number [0: D INSULATTONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be roode aftsr> all. iJ18UZ.:zti.?n and required vapor cCUTiel'B a:J'B in p laoe but I:efare any lath, uypeum board or r.xzll. covering, is applied, and bofors any inauLation is conceaLed. ; Plumbing i Hechanical I El"ccrical ,I SupervJ_"Ing Electrici:l" It iB the reoponoibility of the permit hoLder to soe that all inopeationB are made at tho prop4r tlmc# that ~coh =dareBs is re~~ab:a J~om tho streetj and that the PCl'mit oard is located at the front 01 the property. ~Bui~i~ Oivi=io~ ap?rovcd plan shell remain on the Bu~lding Sit$ at al~ times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION R~OUEST~CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state y~ur City des~9na.ted job nun:berj job addrcs8j typo of in3pec-:icll requcsted a~d w~en you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners name and phone number. Requests receivBd befere 7:00 ~ :a.'ill be made thi: samo dCYj r:equosts made after 7:00 ern LJilt b3 made the ni:xt :.JOrki"J.day. Rp.f1J,i"'Ptj r"fln",.tir:".q D~ SITE: INSP!::C'J'ION: To be made after excav~tionj but prior ta Bet up of IOI'mB. D. UNDERSLAB PWI,ffiIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is .:Jovcred.""':L .~ 7 Ixl FOOTINC & FOUND,iTION: To be rrr:zde after tl'tmchco are excavated and forma are erectedj but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRCROUND P:'UM!JINC; SStlE,t?, W.4TE.ri. DRAINAGE: To be rrr:zde ploior to fi~- L-ir.g trenchae. o o o UNDERFLOOR PLUf..'8I,VC ,': MEC!lANICAL: To bo made prior to in3ta~tation of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pf'ior to insta~lation of floor insr.;lation or decking. (...{). ROUG1I pr.wmI!!cnr:~.fl!c.it).~ MECH- ANICAL: No work.in co be ~overea ur.ti~ these inspections have beer. made and approve=. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir.g facing mcterialB and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA}1INr.: ~~~t be requcoted after approval of rouah plwr.bingj alectri- ca~ & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing & chimncysj et~. ,",..lst be : completed. No ~rk is to be con- , cealed ,untU thio inspection has . been mad~ and approved. [X] o ~ [l] o DRyr'ALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamDj grouting or vartioals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOOD$TOVE: After- instalZation is ccmpleted. ~/?' /R::l. . I DEMOLITION OR !/OVED BUILDINGS ~ Scini~y BtAJer ~applU! :it p:.opcrtE/' l.ir:e :=J Septic tank pumped. and fi%lad uith .No,l , J Final':' frhen above items are completed , . and lJhen demolition is oonrplste or Btru;o- ture moved ~ prcmiBBs cleaned up. I Nobile Hemas ~ Blocking and Sat-up ~ Plumbing connections .- scwar and water I Eleotrical ConnBotion - 'B1.ockingj set-u; --' and plumbing connsotions nl".lst te apprcn:ed before requesting eleotri~al inspac-:io~ :=J AoaesBoJ'"J Bui~~ng J Final - Aft?r p..,rcr.esj skirt-i-ngj deoks, 6'4'. are oomplstcd. D FINAL PW/.!8I/1G :At"L project condition8j Duch as the ~:nstal.laHon of s"-treet trees, co.":'TpZotion of t;,e . ..' required landsccpir:gj etc. j. mus~ be satisfied before tJo08 BUILDING FINAl. C:~n .bs requast:Jd. o o ~ o FINAL f.fECIIA.'IICAL 1'7 e; FINAL BUILDINC: Tho Final Building Inopeotion must be requeoted aftor tho Final Plwnbing Elcctrioalj and Mechar:ical Inspectio?D have been made and approved. FINAL ELECTRICAL Vt"1 'ALL UANIICLES AND CLF-ANOUT:; /lUST 8E ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE IL1DE AT II~ COST TO CITY I Fa!," ! of ~ o o D CURB & APPROACII APRON: After' forms a:re created but prior to pouring .:JOn.3l'ete. SIDETIALK ,f DRII'ETlt.Y: FOr all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcYj to bc made after all sxca- vating complete & for.m lJOrk & cub. base rrr:zteria1. in pla:Je. o D PENCE: f..'her: co;pleto -"': Provide . gates or movable scotions thl'ough P.U.E.. o I JOB NO. ffiOJSZSOLAR ~CESS REQ.- I Zona: W 12: . Occuoonc" G. Lot Sq, Ftg. LOT TYPE '. .' I Lot Facee - ~ f L t ~ Inte-J^~ <. Setbacks \) 0 l".:J1)eragc .'ON"_ I P. L. ,HOUBe Caraqe g of Stories Corne~ INorth Toto! Height PanhandLe IEost ISou th i Topography GuL-de-sao I",eet I I I TTr.M I Main I Gr...rar.e I Carnof't I ACCeS801'lJ I I Is.D.c. I I I I '. I 1/~/ol5'~ y..ol I I I I I I I. ISQ.FTG i I I b't:$1 I TOTAL VALUE (1JCI.uc) 1.5 :J: .... ,. Bui !ding Psrnri t .State Sla'ahargs . TotaL CM.1'(JSS lITEM I Futures I Residsntia! (1 bath) Sanitary Set.Jel' Water !ND./ I I I I I I I I PLlI1!IMng Psrn:i t State SUI'c1-.a:ttge Tota t ChaMd8 I ITEM . NO., j Ren. Sa. rta. I N..,/E:rtsnd Circuit. - .,.':ltcl I T'emporary Seruics I I ~ \l.nor II I ( ~~e:;tj.ioaZ. Permit State Surcharad .. Total CharC68 IITSM I F"urnaoe !!TU' S I Ezhaust Hood I Verzt Fan I I WoodstO:JB I rOo i I I I I I I Pemrit IssutZMS Mechanical pf1l'm'i't State SJJrc.hizrae 'rot" l cna,.('tflft. I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SG'C"..4rit~ D::0O3it, '>J.' ll. I. , I Stor~g8 ....., ~,;u;.,l\i''''''- , l .........1....' . ,',..,. ~ ' ..;" '1' :.-, '-'I'~/ 1,"','1'.' 'I", "",- I Main tenanae I Permit Curbcu-: Total Chaf"(fOB Sidewalk PCP1:38 EtQot~ical LabGt I MoM Le Hems I roTA." AJKJUIn' fJI111!.~. T,;'pe/Cor:s t.' . . L-COC-1,/ Badrooma.' Enerau SO;lrccB Heat Titre Access. Watm' .'If!atrl' RanGe Fircnlace Wood~ tot:e II I I j Fees x Value Building Value & Permit This. permit in Granted on the arpreDn condition that the Mid cOllnt1'Uc't.ion shall, in all ronpccta, cOl1for:m to ~hc qJ'diwl/;'Cfl :u!opt".J hll dla Citu of Springfield, ine!udina the Zonina Crdinmlcc, rcaul/zLillr/ thrJ eXllat,'u.::ticlI and UGe of buitdingr" alld m::.y bo 6ucpcndcd or l'elloked at CI:!J t~mf: UPOIi vic- lation of ally proviaior:s of naid 'Ordir.allceG. " FEE I '2:..:5<01 . - .z -B3" r- "2-- 593351 ' I CHARGE I I: '. I I I I I I I I I CHARGE I :I!:)A .~O I I IIS.co .1 ~?'. <;"0 ---l1 I /,.@~ 1-=39.<BI, I Permit ., , PLan Check F~r,: <;',6.7--., Oatc 'Paid: -:) ";1&-'t:I1 Reodpt H: 13!3fjC; ISig"ed: ~ I 'j/ Plumbing Permit No pel'con ohaU conatruet, inst.al!, alter 01' change any nelJ Cl' c::iating . plumbing 01' drainage syatl2.il in whale or in part, W:lClJ8 such pt::l'8on io tho legal pOOOCOROl' of.a valid plumber's liccnac, axcapt that a pa:oaoll may do plumbing lJork to propal'ty which is owned, leaDed or opcl'atad by the appli- cant. I I I I, FEE Electrical Perm it Where Soots LazJ requires tr.at the electrical work be dona by an Ele~t;rical Contractor, tho' electrical pOl'tion of this parmit shall r.ot be valid until the label has bGon. Digned by the Electrical ~Olltractor. FEE C/lARGE Mechanical I I I I I I L I I I ~~~--'"> )'1-)'1' Exam,,,s.' t ~ /' .~-:?3-B9 lJalfJ - I I / ' I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the campLsted appLication for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:fo:mation hereo'l is trull and cor~cct, and I JU~ther cel'tify that any arn all work pSl'for.ned shalZ bs done in acco~- danco with the Ordinanceo of the City of Sprin{]ficld, and th~ Ur.J8 of tho State of Orc{]on pzrtaining to tile work desc~ibad herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be mado of any Dtruotura-witho~t p3rmiDaion of ths Building Di- vision. I furthor certify that o~ly contl'actors ar~ eilp~yae8 who are in complianca with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project I I I I I $' ~~. 7/ ~~Juu--'~At.J Sign.d II .$'..l-y. J''1 Dots