HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1982-11-16 .. RESID'NTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Yorth 5th Street Spri~~field, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~) SPRINGFIELD biLl \ Y ,_ h\\. 0 Rtn nlJ1 .' \/ T'\ 2.. ') 2:'~U T= [,oU /)() R-n I ~"'-' v .lob r.ac~ti.?n: .48.768001''; .I!a? ,; SLi.bdi.:;-:.siCJ<:: . , , Rcae:':Jt ,iI. c:.aq'} Q \J~t/ (('V C>."er: ~ ~l ~ i \)~ :s:- W'r-n..J Add..eS3:rOQq~t\(\ \i ~ ~r<me: qq R- / & '7)-, City: fZ ~LLnl'.H ooC,i+j \ ~i?: cn448 I n.r....J n Add'it:icn n RemodeL n :~~{,!~ ~om~ rate of Applica:icn Desc'I"ibe fl'Ol'k: ckmoLLb'ofl./ VaZue ~/A- ~:::::3t).~. \ 0 ~ ~ r-. ~ ~~d~:S~ P!wnbing , (Uf . 0WlI 0 l . ~teatM.caL \ / .- NllChar.ic.::.L [: is the responaibitiey of ths permit holder to SGe that aU incpecnons are :i':ade from tM streo t, and that the pcrmi. t caztd is l.ocated at the f1"07f.t of the property. "3ui!di~.g ;:Xvi=io~ ~?:rot..ed pl.cn s;..clZ. remain on ern. BuiLding Sits at aU times. ??OCSDUPE POR [,'/SPECTIO" REQW'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) seata yOUI' City desigr.ated job nw;;bel', job ad&ess, type of i1".3t:'ec:::icn r(!qtl.cs"Ccd a;':d !J.':en you will. be ready for inspection" Contractors or Or...7ne;,8 r.cme end phone number. RequBsts received "c~fcre' 7:00 c:':i :.'iH DS made the same dcy, requ.~sts made aft~ 7:00 ern wiU bOl m::r.de the next :.;orkin:; daYQ f\J'""'\A07 Your City. Desigr4tcd Job lVumb€l' 10: ~ ()/~~~ Co~st~~c~ion C~~'el' ~P~I~:"'P,rl 1""7':'Pf"":~:r.,:q O SI?E I:1SP!C':':O!!: To oe mlce after excav.::ti.:m, bu::: prior t~ set up of forms. O U:JD~pSL;.a ?!..U,v3I.'JG. 2~;::C7'.t?r(".1 r oJ ".!ECH..!.tiiC:"Z.: To be rrad,z befo~€ any OOl'k is .:ovc:,ed. o FOOTI?;G ~ :OUI~IDAT:C.'l: To ce ::-ade af:,zr :rencr.es are 2:clTJated ar.d forms are erected, cut prior to pouz-~r4 ccnc~e:~. o fl.VDrRG.o/PJ.'!' p!.,r.;,'.{2 lo....e. DRAI.':AGE: 70 be r.:a;;e z. ir.g trer.ci:ea. S~.IF.~. ;,.'.1TE'R. pMor :0 fi~- o U.'lDE.~P:':)OR P!iJ.\'S.t":lG 4 N::CHA.VICAL: ro be maCe "Mer :0 -::n3tcUat::011 of f7.ocr insuz.C:icn. or decking. . P'JST .4,'1D 3EAU: To,;e rr.cde p1""';or =0 instcll.;::-i.c11 of' f7.oor inst,;Za:icn. or deoki"fi, o o RO'/G.:: ?!.J.r.~F!!'.rC. ~!..EC":'~!CA.!" ~ .'.PCH- A:'IIC,E: :;0 ~'or;-' :.3 :0 be cor.:ereci ur.:il ;r.esa :r~=ec~icr.s h=v~ ~eer. ma.:ie ~.d ,=??'[':rJ~d. FI.='::?!..~CZ: Prio'!':o plc::ir.IJ !~r.:inq mc::::eZ"iaz.s G:"'.d bejors frar.rir.g il1spec- ~ior:. o D FRA"~I.'Ir;: Mu.st ~e req-.J.e:Ji:ed cf'~e'!' C?prov~l of rough ;l~hing. ~~ec:~;- cal j mecr.ani.::c:Z. At! raoj-:.r.g bracir.g ~ chi.'m1~1Js, at..:. ::-r...lse !Je .comnle:cd. 50 .;;r< ia to b~ con- . cec."ZtJd ur.:il. :his instlec:icn r.as 'been ,T.ade end a?proved. J Lisc.# ~. c"~ ' ...tcmed. _ J ~ Data: . . u.o,t)rJI I I I i j I I rea:iahZe I Ex:;irzs PhOllS at =he proper time" tr~t ~~cn =ddress is D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I!iSP:;CTICN: To be made after aU insul~ti:Jn 0:'4 . required vapor ba::rriers ar'e in pZace :::J Sani~::! se-.Jer ::apped :::t p1'~P&!':--::i Ur;e but csfore any lath, gypsum board or - wt.z .coveri~g i~ c:ppZ.ied, tZr'.d beJors '~ePti.:! tank p:""7~d c:::"r. /:.ZZed :.nth E'f':::::eZ any ut3ulatum 't-s concealed. /' ~ D D.9.,!WALL INS,PE:CTION: Te be rro.aCe ~ PinaZ - mzen ~~e i~e::':s a!'~ ce:::ptei:.ec :::fter all. az..::!wa!l is in place, crr:d ~hen ie'X~:.ti..or. .tS c"",?t..e=~ or st~...~- but: prior "Co c:ny taping, I ture r.:oved ar.c: ?re::-:-...~es ::le,:zne::. u;. O ,~SONRY: SteeZ Zocation, bond bear.13, grou;ing or verticcZs in aacordancg w-~eh fl.B.C. Section 241&. D ilOODS'!"JVE: Aftar instal.latian -:'s ccmplee...d. DEllOLITION OR ;'.;'QV::;; 3UILDZi,tCS MobiZe HC.~2S ~ 3Zockir.g ~~ Set-~p ~ Pl~~ing cor.nee=icns s~er CT~ wc:er --, ~lectZM~ccl Ccnnec:-:.on . Blockina" 8et-~~ --.J c:nd pZwnbing connections r.r...st .;~ ap,:n'~n;ec be;orc request~ng eZec~~cal ins?ec=i.o~ ~ .4c.::eS'1c"~i 3uiZ-d-::r.g :J Fin.:;,l . Aft;:r ;~rcr:es, eta. are c~Z~=i.'d. 3,l(-:..!'~:.ng, dec/.3, D CURB & APP.9.0ACH AP.r:rJN: Afte=- forms are ere.:!red but pl"";or to pC".J.ring .;:on.::rete. SID"E'.IALi<. & DRn'EWA"1: For all CGn- crere paving wi~hil1 street right- oi-wey, to be mcde af;er alZ e:::cc'- vatina .::omoZe~e & fo~ ~rk & zue- base ,;'.c:teroial. in p~e. D AlZ project cor:ditiollS, ouc~ as ehe instaLZarioll of street ;rees, ~~~ta~~QI1 of :-he required landsccping, etc., must be satisfied bejars the aUI!DI~C Fr~AL ~cn be r~quss:~d. D. FIliAL ?!.UXBD'G []. FINAl. NE=HA:IICAL D. FI.'IAL Z!2C':'RIC/.:' [] o PINAL aUILDI.VC: The Final BuiZding !r:s?ection .-:-rust O"J requested::/:er tr.e ~':'iYO..::.l Plumbing Electrical, end Necr~~iccl Inspections have ~een made ar~ apprcv~~. o D :!NCE: ;;her. ~~pl.ota -- Provide gates or ;:wvabl.e aecticns through P,lj,E, >tAU, NANHCLcS AND CLEANOUTS NUST 3E ACCESSI3!.c, ACJUS';','f:::,"!' TO 3::: :.f/,UE: ..!T 1,'0 :::57" T'J CI':':! f ";1""-e of 2 D I JOB NQ,32!1f!i57 I i ZC7!e: SOLAR"CESS CCC"..I::'anc:J G1'O"..I=': Lot Sq, Ftg, ~ ~f tot C~erag~ .if of StOl"";es TotaL Heigh: i IT.,.", -,ny i I !'!'~:./ SQ.FTG ,~k:::in 'J..::!>~;J 1 ! Car':"ort I, I ..ic~e8S~!'".J ?OTA[' ;'ALVE: Is,o,c, I I :;c.:.UC) 1.5= EuiZding ?el"m"~t State Surcharge Total C1'.a:oge3 11':::.'1 I NO, i -,- '_0 I Fi--;ures I Resid2>lti.a1 (1 bath! I I I Sc:r.itar'j Sewer I I "at€.... I I I P?'wn1r;ng Pem t State Surcr~e T~tat. Cha'l'ces ~ 11'E.'1 I Res. Sa. fta. I NelJ/E:rtend Circui. t8 1,'0'1 I I I I I I Temporary Service Ele:::tricaL Pe~t St;::.te Sur:::harce Total C'na:rCBS I :~aq :TV'S I E=haust Hood I Vent Pan i . I ;foodsto:;e 1':0' I I I I I Permit I3suan.ca Me:::r.anic:::.l Perrrrit State Surchc:rac '!'"tr.l CYrrI!'''NI!J ~.'lCRCACHXE:!':' Se~~;~J D2::'031.: Stor!lqe I "1airttencT'~e I Fr!rrrrit TotaL C'n.al"1es C'urOC"..lt Side:Jal~ I ?e~e I G'lolc:ricaZ , ! .'%bi La Home f.c1;el I TOTAL A.....roU..1T DUE::" LOT TYPE: Ir.tert.or Corner Panhandle CUt.-de-sac x Value CHARGe I I. I C.iit=lG2 I I I I I I. CHARGE I I I I I I I I I I. ;":;'1;' r'~:' I I I. I I I I I I I i N()tc?I~ P::.ge 2 ~ I I I I I i I I I . . L-COC;} REQ,- T;Jpe/Cor..s::: 3BCr?GmS: I &of; Faces . I I P. E-ol Hou.se I/Ol'';h lEast iSou.n IWest II II II II II II II ~r:erau Sou.l'~es S.'eat dat'!:!' _:J~n'!;/!7" Range ?ireoiace Wooa:;to:.:e T:;:'8 5etbac,o:s CCll'cqe A.~cess. F:zes Building Value & Permit I I I I i. I I I I. This pel'm"'~t is granted on the e:::p1'8SS r.:ondition that the sa'id. aon8::1"..(c:::.on shati, i.n dZ !"8svects, conf'o~ ':;0 the Ordinar.ce :zc!o;;ted by ths. :::.t:; ~~ Spl'"";r.cf'~e~d. ....:nc~uc...:ng ;1:8 Zonir.a Cl'cir.c.Y'.ce, l'eG'..tLctir.a ti:1i CCr:3t":-:.tct-::cr. arrd u;~ of buiZdir~8J end ~y ce~~uzper~ed or r~voked ~t cr.~ tiwe u.;or. uic- La:icn of ~y ?r~Vi3ior.s of said CTdir~ces. . P'l.an Check Fee: Cate Paid: Rec~ipt No' I Signed, Plumbing Permit No person shaZZ construct, instaZ!, aZter or change any r~w cr e=isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such ;er80n is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:cept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do pl:.m:bing work to property which is owned, leased or operat~d by ths c.ppli- <:ant, ,/ Electrical Permit Where State LaJ requires tr~t the electr";cal /JOrk be done by an El8ctrical Contr'actOl', the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be valU! untU the label has been. signed !;y the Elecrncal. ~ontractol'. Mechanical Permit ? i.cn Z::::::::r:'/..l'!er Llat.a I HAVE CAREFULLY :;XAHINcD :.'uJ con:pL.atad :::ppz.::cation for perm":':, end do hereby certify that alL ~~;o~t~on hereon ~s true ard correct, ar~ I r..u'-<;r.er cer::.jEi that any c.r.d all. :.:ork ;~l'fo~ed sJt.aLZ oe do:7.e in. ::C=O:'- dance 'J':'th the Ordinances of tiw City of Springfid.d, and :h: Lc-..;s ot t;..3 State of Oreq.:m p2rt.::.ininq to ~r.e work descr-:'bcd herein, and =;..c.: :;0 OCC!)- P;'.:/CY lJ'ia ba .mde of czny .nrucz:ura witho",: parr.r:.33ion of the Euildir.g 0--:'- vision. I further ~ertif~ t;.~: onLy ~cn:rc.ctors and ~l~ye6s ~;.~ are in c~pliance with CRS 701.05E ,JilZ be used en this pl'~jzcz: _L. 5igr.3d J.// h tJ1)./ ~ Y::2.. Da!e