HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 18 Ratify Appointment of Library Director AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: S P R I N G FIE L D, Staff Phone No: C I T Y C 0 UN C I L Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: RATIFY APPOINTMENT OF LIBRARY DIRECTOR May 5,2008 Regular City Manager'~fiCe Gino Grimaldi 726-3700 r 5 Minutes ACTION REQUESTED: Ratify City Manager's appointment of Rob Everett to the position of Library Director, effective June 9, 2008. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City Manager conducted a nation-wide recruitment for the position of Library Director. The City Manager is requesting that the City Council ratify the appointment of Rob Everett to the position of Library Director. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Rob Everett's Resume DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMP ACT: Staff conducted a nation-wide recruitment for the position, opening January 25, 2008 and closing on March 14, 2008. The City received 23 applications, conducted telephone interviews with nine applicants and conducted on-site interviews with five finalists. Each candidate participated in four interviews as well as a meet-and-greet activity with all Library employees. All five candidates attended the Library's 100th Anniversary Celebration. The interviews were comprised of 1) a community member panel; 2) selected Library staff members; 3) the Executive Team (including the City Attorney) and 4) the City Manager. Based on input from each panel, a review of written submittals and reference checks, Rob Everett has been appointed to the position of Library Director. The City Charter requires that department head selections be confirmed by the Mayor and Council. The intent of the language is to give the Council the right to confirm senior management positions. Recommendation: The City Manager recommends that the Council ratify the appointment. Robert E. Everett I OBJECTIVE Library I?irector QUALIFICATIONS . Experienced librarian and manager . . Committed to excellent customer service '. . ;. .. Enjoy interacting with patrons, staff, and co!leagues . . . Completed 3 separate library building projects . . Participated in planning and passing 3 separate local. option levy's . . Accomplished public speaker PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE .' Principal Librarian, Public Services Manager - Eugene Public Library, Eugene OR December 2001 - Present Duties: Plan, organize, evaluate, and direct the operations of the following areas of the .Eugene~Public Library - Adult Services, Youth Services, and Branch Services. This ~:. assignment includes managing 3 supervising Librarians and 50 professional and paraprofessional staff located in three separate facilities. Advise supervisors on all personnel m3:tters involving both exempt and bargaining unit staff. All collection' development, reference service" and programming are generated from these work groups. Administer 4 million of the Library's 1 Omill~on dollar budget. As part of the' Library's . 'Leadership and Management teamshelp,develop Library policy; formulate strategic plans, advi~e on hudget preparation, and particIpate in personnel'decis.ions. S:erve on a city:..wide.Human Resources Advisory Board and on the'City's ServiceslBudg~f " Alignment team. Create and manage the Library's security program and act as'liaison with both coptracted security and the Eugene Police Department. Plan and manage the move of all library materials and equipment from the old facility to the new Downtown , Library (2002). Serve as Acting Director in the Library Director's absence. Speak at . governmental meetings, public functions, and to the media on library matters.' . AIC PrinCipal Librarian, Head of Public Services - Eugene Public Libiary, Eugene OR March 2000 - December 2001 . Duties: Supervision of ;Reference Services, Extension Services, and Children's Services. . Develop, staff, and open two bnmch libraries. Develop customer service training model. Update collection management policy. Develop phased recruitment strategy for adding .26 additional staff for new library facilities. Work with Bethel and Sheldon neighborhood groups to site and design two branch libraries. W ork..with architects and facilities manager on branch construction projects. Recruit and hire new Adult and Youth Services . managers~ Member of integrated library system software selection team. Member of automated materials handling system selection team. Served as AIC Director following departure of Library Director. Met with Downtown Library design team in preparation for and during construction of new Downtown facility. Met with city finance staff to structure levy proposais. Part of team evaluating & awarding coffee vendor contract for' new library. Advocate for library services through public speaking engagements to community groups and service clubs. Assist LRCS Executive Manager in the recruitment of new Library Director. Senior Librarian, Youth & Extension Services Manager - Eugene Public Library, Eugene OR November 1997 - March 2000 Duties: Plan, organize, and direct services, collections, and programs for children from birth through middle 'school and extend' services to citizens of all ages via neighborhood bookmobile service as well as outreach services to senior care facilities. Begin transition . planning for two new branch facilities. Create job descriptions for separate Youth and Extension Service work units. Supervise volunteer coordinator and volunteer program. As part of Library Management Team set policies, goals, and objectives. Participate in budget preparation and service priority setting. Assigned to staffMaY9r's Library Improvement Committee; a board of cit~zens and elected officials making recommendations for desired library services following passage of local option levy. EDUCATION & TRAINING Master of Librarianship, University of Washington, .1982 Bachelor of Arts (English), University of Oregon, 1981 Pacific Program, 2004 'City of Eugene Leadership Academy, 2005-2006 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Library Association Public Library Association Program co-presenter, Annual Conference, Boston2006 Oregon Library Association Secretary 1989-90 Executive Board - 2 terms Public Library Division Executive Board 1997-2000eBoard Chair - 2000