HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 17 Planning Commission Appointments AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: S PR I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS May 5, 2008 Regular Session Development Servi~Q\., Greg Mott ~ r ~ 726-3774 (/-- 5 Minutes ACTION REQUESTED: Ratify appointments of Mr. Frank Cross and Mr. Steve Moe to serve four year terms on the Springfield Planning Commission. ISSUE STATEMENT: The seven member Planning Commission has two vacancies; one as a result of Mr. Bill Carpenter completing his second 4-year term on May 4, 2008 and the other as a result of Mr. Frank Cross completing his initial4-year term on May 4,2008. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Application of Mr. Frank Cross 2. Application of Mr., Steve Moe 3. Planning Commission Roster DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City received two applications for these vacancies during a tWo month recruitment process. Mr. Cross resides at 2580 D Street in Springfield and is employed by Marathon Coach Company. Mr. Moe resides on Franklin Boulevard in Glenwood and is employed by Intercity, Inc. The Council interviewed both candidates on April 28, 2008. Formal ratification by the Council must occur during a Regular Session. '-' ~ APPLICA TION fora City of Springfie~d Citizen AdvisDry,Board./ Commission / Committee City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfieldl OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 Please print or type: Board I Commission I Committee applying for: 71a nf\'\ . ,'-A. I. ~', bv'\ ust be completed for each board I tommission I committee) Name: .rr~k First 1> &b~S Middle initial last Home address: z5eo ' D S+r-../ZL1- Street . . 5?ci~~tJ:l City 9?4'Y7 Zip Day phone: ~ - ~ z.f - 2C(ef7 Evening phone: Do you live within the Springfield city limits? ~es Q If yes. how long? J 2fz,. 1 t-~ . o No c> 'if nOI do you live inside Sprtngfield1s urban growttl boundary? . DYes 0 No' Ward number (city residents only): Are you a Springfield property owner? ~es.' DNa Are you a Springfield business owner? DYes rz'No Are you a registered voter? ~es DNo' Occup'ation: 7~ · lace of employment Ma(a~ Wkk. , Business address: ATTACHMENT"1 - 1 ~ ~. :;::UCA nON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board I Commissk?~ I Committee Please print ar.type: ! . 1. What experience I trainin~ I qualifications do you have for this particular board I commission I committee? :r:W\~'~'P~~~k,,", C-> Q.. -~~.J 4:"~'''1~ ~~,~U';"- tt' '-:!. ~<'". 2. What specific contnbution do you hope to make? -=t...1~ -kJx. a.. ~,-h~ .l';"~lJL1.\,<-- L..rdS it..... ~~ t Nell-be"lei ----J ~('\"o.cwll ,... ....~ c.:.~~\~ t.. N.e.l..J. ....t~. . . 3. Briefly describe y,our involvement in relevant community groups and activitie~. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily di~qualify you from consideraijon.) \c::M ;,oj.\.. ~ IS' +,0- \o\.cJel tM +L c::~~ ~'s.s;u- ~~;k~ -'L' :t 4. What communi~ topics concern YQu tha~ relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? .. ::I: -h~ IILV~ .."...,(~ c.,..:...a.r"" / -t,rn f'.\- -b- ~~ ~ l4wft. "^' ',>~,~ I '~J~A~~ ;-h ~:s~::.'~~~ ~~~~~~~\~~~~. . 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet" more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recom~ended YfJU attent;l a meeting before submitting the application. Check th~ times when you could attend meetings.. . o Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) D Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) ~ Late afternoon (4-6 pm) l8' E~enings 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? D' Newspaper ad D Newspaper article D RadiolTV O' Mail notice D Word of mouth ~ Board I commission I committee member 0 Other' 4jlk , , Date ATTACHMENT, 1 ~ 2 Questions for Planning Commission Applicants (Frank Cross, April 2008) 1. What is your personal interest in applying f~r the position? This position provides me an opportunity to use my knQwledge and experience in supporting of our community. . . 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? I see an exciting opportunity for continued growth, even with the economic struggles faced. As a planning commissioner, I hope to be a positive influence while providing the support necessary in helping the city staff, officials, and citizen direct this growth to benefit all of Springfield for years to come. 3. Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions? I have been on the commission for the past four years, this last year as the chairman. During thattime I have also s'erved on the Citizens Advisory Committees for Community Development and the Justice Center. 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic developrt:lent with neighbor.hood preservation or environmental values? Unfortunately, it is not possible to please everyone all of the time. Such is often the case surrounding economic development. Yet, it is a critical part of a community's growth, which is an important aspect of a sustainable community. However, equally important are the neighborhoods that form our community and the environment that surrounds its. A perfect balance is nearly impossible. Thus, it is important to consider all the facts provided and to carefully form a decision. based on their fit to the appropriate criteria. While being as fair and object as possible. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adopted plan or the Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the conflicts? By working with the other commissi'oners and staff in applying the facts' provided to the criteria specific to the issue at hand. Although ( may draw on past experiences when forming a decision, ( try to approacn each new case or issue unbiased. I I 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or i~ how we review development proposals in Springfield? No, I believe the city staff as well as the present and former commission and councils have done a good job in creating and maintaiping our current system. 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. Yes ATTACHMENT.' - 3 City Manager's Office .'. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 974 n (541) 726-3700 APPLICA TION" fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / CommIssion / Committee Please print or type: Name: Home address: Day phone: 7Jt~761s p<) f?o~ J?47 Street Middl~ initial :~Jrtl Evening phone: 7S".. 4 0 J7 S- 4 Last 0; 7'-17 7 . Zip Do you live within the Springfield City limits? DYes Q If yes, how long? ~NO Q if no, QO you live inside Spnngfield's urban growth boundarY? -d Ifij Yes D No' Ward number (city residents only): Are you a Springfield property owner? ~Yes"' DNa r;.. Yes DNa ~Yes Are you a Springfield business owner? j:(~;J~C-... 8/" J Edu~tion: -a1'~ ~~, Q~<- Are you a registered voter? Occupation: 0J"J~er Business address: 56 9g DNa Place of employment" J;;/ererl1, " ~-r7K ," ATTACHMENT~2 - 1 ~ ~~ _ :;'fCA nON ~ a City of Springfield Citizen Advi~Ory Bo~rdl Commission I Cmnmittee Pluse print OI'"type: board I commission I committee? . 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activjtie~. (Lack of previous involvement " will not n~SSarily;JliSqUalify: you from consideration.) ~ 2 6l1f;o,)e. 4. What community topics concern you th~trelate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? .... , /J I M 7t70~!~~::!N9;r; /~~t a~ ~~r M .the~ ~ . 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet 'monthly.Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended ypu attend a meeting befQre submitting the applicatiot:'. Check the, times when you could attend meetings. :" . . ~ Early moming (6:3~:30 am)' }i' Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) ~ Late ~moon (4-6 pm) tiE~ning. c. How did you hear about this vacancy? o N wspaper ad D Newspaper article D Radionv 0 Mail notice ~ Other d i commission I committee member IJrto. Applicanr~ signature 4- 1-_ or bate ~ Retun~ this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, O.R 974n ~~~'fmo.t~ information please call the City Manager's 'Office at 726-3700 l ATTACHMENT.2 - 2 Printed on recycled paper 0 Questions for Planning Commission Applicants 1. W~at is your, p~rsonal interest in app!y~~ for th~ position? I /' . /Q', c~""p Irll';fJ~cIJlrlojJ /"'" rAe' i<JlI@yp./"1..wr '01 fJNIJfJe 1.'1, . 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning . Commis~i9'neU} help !o reapze ~hat future~, I / . lfe/'rt7 (roJAJfh .avd h';2c1/U"" ('f?ue INcomlf 3. Des.c~be your experience in working as a member of a group t~at wakes deCISions" T J",st .sr....+ fl1eA 0')" ~ '1h~ WI"' ie,1/ j.tJJt~f~7 COl?-JmIJJlol.JJ AtI.J kk"'t ""'1 r,(l.pcl~o~ 14,,1, I/OS/11.J"'< f.. .JA.e o'/hUf. / 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhoodtP~7servatior or environmental values. ./ _,/ .. . -. 1.tpIJ'!7,rlild /YIVf]' 1.J.,!JW '!'~'OJ'J?J~4 Or,' wJ/ h '" I~r:-L IUleJ/l/4 WI// move, ,ow1'! M.., .., f /I~C for .I,. #eIJr1/JIJOY/JQ~ds ~JV' I ~(/Jr(l;;y,p,4,.(1 Yt'qt/?~:>~.... 5. When a proposed developmerft conflicts with an adopted planar the Develop~e~ Code" hO,. wo~d you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the conflicts. , --rr:r f... {.~_,. w~l ~ C A ~ '1),e. rt ve jq, ~-I ~o lA'r~ (f- ko C'o,Jffc-~ . . r 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in h9w we ,I review dev~lopment.proposa!s in Springfield? t/'t/~ .A1-eed f, ec;J1/AJuc '/0 woo r/ &-V.' ~~~ '1h'( t!~,uJ1_ .rr~aJ.J fa th-e lIe II rlomelf · eA/df (/r J1/t/h ~ rSJ1,h. <Z.Jtr"""~ . 7 ~ Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of prep'aration time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. ~J - NO (rojo/i4Yl. 'ATTACHMENT~2 - 3 Note: Springfield Planning Commissioners serve four-year terms. Two members may reside outside the Springfield City limits and two members may be employed in real estate. Representatives to the City Council are on a rotating basis CONTACTS: SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Bill Gr:ile, Development Services Director 726-3671 Greg Mott, Planning Manager, Planning Commission Liaison 726-3774 Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary 726-3610 Edited 1/2/2008 BJones ATTACHMENT~3 - 1