HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11 Fiscal Year 2008-2009 One-Year Action Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development (City of Springfield Section). AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 5, 2008 Meeting Type: Public Hearing Department: Developmen~ervice~ Staff Contact: Kevin Ko \ ' tf f S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: 726-2302 .%j C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 15 minutes dP" ITEM TITLE: FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 ONE-YEAR ACTION PLAN OF THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD CONSOLIDA TED PLAN FOR HOUSING AND' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SECTION) ACTION REQUESTED: 1. Conduct a Public Hearing to receive testimony regarding the City of Springfield section of the FY2008-2009 One-Year Action Plan 2. Approve/not approve the Springfield section of the FY2008-2009 One-Year Action Plan ISSUE STATEMENT: . In May of 2005, the Cities of Eugene and Springfield submitted to HOD a five-year Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development, effective July 1, 2005 and expiring June 30, 2010. One-Year Action Plans must be submitted to HOD prior to the beginning of each fiscal year as amendments to the five-year Consolidated Plan, and are designed to indicate how communities intend to fulfill the priorities established in the Consolidated Plan. This is the fourth One-Year Action Plan under the current Consolidated Plan. ATTACHMENT: 1. FY2008-2009 One-Year Action Plan (City of Springfield section) DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City of Springfield receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds as an entitlement community and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds as a participant in a HOME. consortium agreement with the City of Eugene. CDBG funds are awarded to com,munities who carry out community development activities directed towards neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. HOME funding is a housing block grant program allocated to communities to be used for housing rehabilitation, new construction, acquisition and tenant based rental assistance activities. A public hearing was held on April 21, 2008, to hear testimony on nine applications for CDBG or HOME funding. Council approved funding for all nine projects. At a work session on April 21, 2008, Council directed staff to investigate the viability of using CDBG and HOME funds to provide limited relocation assistance to mobile home park residents facing forced eviction. Although there are currently no plans for any mobile home park closure in Springfield, the growth and redevelopment of much of the urban core of the city seems to make mobile home park closures a certainty in the future. The Council felt that it is in the community's best interest to begin discussing and analyzing the options and resources available. Under most circumstances relocation assistance by the City will be provided on a voluntary basis, and not as a required action under the Uniform Relocation Act, CDBG or HOME statutes. At this time, it is unclear how and in what capacity CDBG and/or HOME funds will be used to assist with relocation, but general relocation assistance as a possible activity is being included in this Action Plan as an amendment to the current Consolidated Plan. The FY2008-2009 One Year Action Plan includes the CDBG and HOME funding allocations for projects and activities and must be approved by both the City of Springfield and City of Eugene prior to submission to HOD. The City of Springfield section of the document (less final fund allocations) was available for a thirty-day review and comment period ending May 5, 2008. As of ,April 23rd, no written comments have been received. Oral testimony may be provided at a public hearing before the Council on May 5, 2008. The City of Eugene section of the Plan is being adopted separately by the Eugene City Council. The combined Eugene-Springfield One-Year Action Plan is due to HUD on May 15,2008. City of Springfield One-Year Action Plan for FY2008/09 Summary of the One-Year Action Plan Process -Reauirement The Consolidated Plan is a requirement of the 1990 National Affordable Housing Act and the Community Development Plan. The Consolidated Plan is required of entitlement communities that receive funds under U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) housing and service programs related to the needs of low- and moderate-income persons, including the Community Development Slock Grant (CDSG) program, the.HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). The One-Year Action Plan for CDSG and HOME is to be submitted annually as updates and implementation strategies of the Consolidated Plan. ESG and HOPW A programs, which are not entitlement programs, are not included in this document. Timeline The One-Year Action Plan must be submitted to HUD 45 days prior to the beginning of the entitlement fiscal year. A citizen participation plan element of the Consolidated Plan requires that interested parties have a 30-day opportunity to review and comment on the funding proposals and that at least one public hearing be held. Information received from the public hearing and during the comment period is to be attached to the document in summary form when submitted to HUD. This One-Year Action Plan combines information and strategies for the City of Eugene and the City of Springfield, under HUD rules that require consortiums of cities to create consolidated documents for the purpose of CDSG and HOME funding. The content of the One-Year Action Plan is mandated by rules and regulations formulated by HUD. The submission of this One-Year Action Plan is the fourth annual action plan to the Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan 2005. City of Sprinafield Process The Springfield Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) held a public hearing on April 3, 2008 to review nine CDSG and HOME proposals. There were 26 citizens in attendance. The CDAG heard testimony from 18 people who spoke in support of the proposed projects. After hearing testimony, the CDAC deliberated for approximately one hour before formalizing a recommendation for funding. Recommendations for funding were forwarded to the Springfield City Council. The Springfield City Council met on April 21, 2008 and held a public hearing on the CDSG and HOME funding recommendations for FY2008/09. 16 citizens attended the public hearing and 13 testified in support of the COAC's recommendations. The Council considered t~stimony and discussed the individual projects and community goals. After the public hearing, council voted 6- o to approve the CDAC funding recommendations for CDSG and HOME projects as presented. Attachment 1, page 1 WebsitelWhere to Obtain Cooies of the Plan The Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan 2005 and the current One-Year Action Plan are available on the Internet at: http://www.euaene-or.aov/development & http://www.ci.sprinafield.or.us/dsd/housina/housina.forms.htm Copies of the Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan 2005 and the current One-Year Action Plan are also available at the following locations: City of Eugene Planning and Development Dep1. 99 W. 10th Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 City of Springfield Development Services Dep1. 225 5th S1. Springfield, OR 97477 Attachment 1, page 2 Cityof Springfield One-Year Action Plan for FY2008/09 Community Development Block Grant Program Description The City of Springfield receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City of Springfield's fiscal year 2008/2009 (FY2008/09) CDBG allocation is $605,018. The Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) was established by the City of Springfield to make recommendations concerning program policy and project selection to the City Council. Springfield allocates CDBG funds annually through a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process. One of the funding criteria for project selection is the efficient use of the CDBG dollars. This is demonstrated in a proposal by the amount of additional resources leveraged by the CDBG commitment. Although this funding criteria is weighed against other funding criteria, it has been a significant factor in bringing much needed resources into the community. The CDAC also determined that projects nearing completion should receive additional consideration for funding, as these projects have the potential of providing immediate benefit to the community. It is anticipated that the FY2008/09 CDBG allocation will leverage other resources that will include but are not limited to the following: Springfield General Fund, other Federal resources, State funds, Lane County Road Tax funds, local assessments for public improvements, private donations, in-kind contributions, and contributions provided by the applicant agency. Activities Benefitina Low- and Moderate-Income Persons Generally, Springfield's CDBG-funded programs and projects are provided to low-income re'sidents living within the city limits of Springfield. Individuals participating in a CDBG-funded program are required to meet HUD Income Guidelines. In order to meet the CDBG National Objective of Benefit to Low a/')d Moderate-Income Persons, CDBG-funded projects must either serve a specific low-income area, or provide tangible benefit to low and moderate income clientele (services, economic opportunities). Funded programs and projects undergo periodic staff monitoring to ensure compliance with CDBG regulations. ' Activities for the Prevention or Elimination of Slum and Bliahted Conditions Another national objective of the CDBG program is the prevention or elimination of slums and blighted conditions in neighborhoods and communities, either by designating a specific area or by addressing conditions on a spot basis. Beginning in the fall of 2003, the City of Springfield began an inventory of structures in the downtown corridor to determine if the area would meet the CDBG qualifications as a Blighted Area. A total of 116 structures were inventoried and a visual inspection was made of the exterior of each structure. 68 structures were determined to have conditions of decay and deterioration. At a public hearing on December 1,2003, the City Council approved amendments to the 2000 Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan to designate a Springfield Downtown Redevelopment Area, in compliance with CDBG regulations. The Downtown Redevelopment Area has boundaries of Mill Street (west boundary), South A Street (south boundary), 10th Street (east boundary) and B Street (north boundary), excluding the residential areas on the south side of B Street between 8th and 10th Streets, and on the north side Attachment 1, page 3 - , of A Street between 9th and 10th Streets. The amendments to the Consolidated Plan also included provisions for reserving a portion of the City's annual COBG allocation for projects that specifically address the problems of blight in the Downtown Redevelopment Area. The amendments were sent to HUD for review and approval. The City received approval of the amendments from HUO on February 12, 2004. An' allocation table and summaries of each approved project can be found atthe end of this section. Funding for grant administration and planning, public services and housing programs was also approved by the Council. Anti-Povertv and Homeless Housina Continuum of Care Service System The City of Springfield works with its partners in local government, the City of Eugene and Lane County, in a collaborative effort to address anti-poverty and homeless issues. The intergovernmental Human Services Commission (HSC), composed of elected officials and appointed members from these jurisdictions, allocates funding to address these issues. The HSC is developing a work program that encompasses the following areas: 1. Crisis Access & Stabilization Service System. 2. Short-Term Basic Needs Services. 3. Transitional Housing Services. 4. Permanent Supportive Housing Services. The Continuum of Care approach provides for multi-point access to services and linkages among settings and services providers. Not all at-risk or homeless families and individuals will need access to all four components. The HSC will receive an allocation of $90,753 in COBG funds from the City of Springfield, which is equivalent to 15% of the City's FYOB/09 allocation. To further incorporate the Continuum of Care philosophy into its delivery of servi.ces, Springfield's Housing Programs manages an array of services that benefit very low and low- income persons. The five programs being administered by the housing,programs staff address homeless prevention and housing assistance, repair to dwellings owned by low and very low- income households and homeownership through the SHOP. These programs are described more fully in the following narratives (the SHOP narrative will be found in the HOME program section). The City of Springfield also partnered with the City of Eugene, Lane County and local non-profit service providers to create Project Homeless Connect. Springfield provided staff and funding and was represented on the'steering committee of this highly successful pilot project. The event was attended by over 1,000 homeless in our community. This project will continue on an annual or semi-annual basis. City of SDrinafield COBG Funded Housina Proarams · The City of Springfield continues to manage the successful CHORE program, one of five City-run housing programs. This program is designed to provide assistance to very low- income, primarily elderly or disabled homeowners in Springfield, and provides basic lawn care services and exterior home maintenance. By helping to maintain the appearance of their property, the CHORE program helps to keep the property and occupants from being identified as "easy" targets of crime and vandalism based on their age and/or disability. In addition to the benefit to the property owner, this activity also benefits the surrounding neighborhood. The City plans to continue the CHORE program and is using approximately Attachment 1, page 4 $5,000 of CDBG program income, if available, (not to exceed the 150/0 cap for public services) to provide services to homeowners who are unable to perform these services on their own. The program allows up to $250 annually to an eligible household for these activities. . The City of Springfield will continue to provide assistance to qualified low-income homeowners through its Emergency Minor Home Repair Program and the Springfield Home Improvement Program (SHIP). These programs are funded from CDBG program income generated through SHIP loan repayments (when available) and an allocation from the new CDBG grant. The City will allocate $120,000 from its new CDBG grant for this purpose. · Emergency assistance to very low-income renters is available through Springfield's Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). This program provides single episode assistance to qualified renters. Strict household and property eligibility requirements help to protect this program against abuse or misuse. Funds are very limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. ' Coordination Coordination efforts between public assisted housing providers and private and government health, and mental health and service agencies is an extremely important activity. It is important, particularly now, when a number of housing providers are including within their programs, service components for the residents of their housing projects. Staff also works closely with other resource providers; coordinating efforts with the Springfield Utility Board for energy assistance and weatherization, the Lane County Senior and Disabled Services, and the United Way. The Housing Policy Board (HPB) is an intergovernmental body formed by representatives from Eugene, Springfield, Lane County, and the Housing and Community Service Agency (HACSA) to develop countywide housing priorities. The HPB's mission is "...to increase the availability of decent, affordable housing for low- and very low-income families and individuals in Lane County." The HPB meets on a monthly basis. The meetings are regularly attended by HACSA, the HSC, Eugene and Springfield staff, non-profit providers, and developers. The agenda topics and information shared at the meetingsallows for a formal method of communication to occur on a regular basis. The housing and service groups have established coordination and integration of the total housing delivery system (capital needs and service needs). Fair Housina Plan (CDBG and HOME Proarams) The City of Springfield crafted a Fair ~ousing Plan in 1998 as part of its FY98/99 One-Year Action Plan. The Fair Housing Plan was revised and updated in 2005 for inclusion in the Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan 2005. A summary of strategies to address impediments to fair housing opportunities, responsible agencies and a timetable of activities is included as part of Springfield's Fair Housing Plan. The following are some of the strategies and programs that the City of Springfield is using to affirmatively further fair housing: Identifv areas of the Sprinafield Development Code that may unintentionallv restrict. inhibit or otherwise impede the development of affordable housina - A primary goal of Attachment 1, page 5 the federal Fair Housing Act and its amendments is to provide housing choice for everyone. Everyone should be able to live where they choose, if they can find housing in the area of their preference that they can afford. This strategy seeks to address impediments to housing choice and affordability that may be contained in the Development Code. Staff from the Planning Division is reviewing the Development Code for consistency and clarity, and is making plan revisions where conflicting language exists. A clear and consistent code will assist developers in creating and submitting complete and accurate plans and documents for review, with the goals being less time and money spent by architects and engineers on revisions and re-submittals and shorter review/approval times by City staff. This will result in lower project costs and lower prices to homebuyers and renters. Staff is also reviewing sections of the Development Code that, because of requirements or restrictions, may inadvertently limit the range and diversity of housing developed in Springfield. . Residential Lands - In 2006, the City of Springfield began work on a Residential Lands Study (RLS), which includes both an inventory and needs analysis of resideritialland in Springfield. The RLS addresses Statewide Planning Goal 1 0, which includes requirements for addressing affordable housing needs. Goal 1 0 requires cities to adopt policies that encourage housing at price ranges cqmmensurate with all income levels, including low income housing needs. ' The RLS includes an analysis of existing land use policies in Springfield, also referred to as "efficiency measures." These efficiency measures guide development in Springfield through Code requirements that dictate density ranges, housing types, etc. This project is likely to result in new or revised land use policies that further address affordable housing in Springfield. Some examples include: increase density requirements; encourage transit oriented development; allow more accessory dwellings units and duplexes; etc. While Springfield currently has many land use policies that that help address affordable housing needs, the City is looking at ways to improve. New or revised policies that result from the RLS will likely increase the efficiency of land use in Springfield, which in turn will help address rising housing costs in Springfield. By keeping abreast of housing needs, the City of Springfield can better ensure the availability of housing opportunities for all of its citizens. · Fair Housina Hotline - Our contract for a fair housing consultant and operator of a 24-hour fair housing hotline is a key component in Springfield's ongoing commitment to affirmatively . further fair housing. The fair housing consultant provides is a valuable resource to people who feel that their rights to housing in Springfield have been violated. The consultant is also a valuable resource for property managers and landlords whether or not they are the focus of fair housing complaints. The fair housing consultant is able to educate and train them in the current state of fair housing law, answer questions they may have regarding their enforcement and eviction practices, and mediate tenant landlord disputes.. By providing timely and accurate information to tenants, landlords, and property managers, the consultant is able to assist in the resolution of many housing related complaints, before they escalate. The City of Springfield's AI states under "Rental Practices" that the lack of fair housing training being provided to rental managers and landlords may contribute to the higher incidents of complaints in the rental market (relative to the ownership market). Our contract with the fair housing consultant addresses this impediment, and supports Springfield's certification to affirmatively further fair housing. The City of Springfield is contracting with the Fair Housing Council of Oregon to provide these services for FY2008/09. · Emeraencv Rental Assistance - In response to requests and queries from area housing providers, the City of Springfield designed and implemented the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in 2003. The providers identified a need for one-time Attachment 1, page 6 assistance to help households who are facing eviction for non-payment of rent, due to extraordinary or catastrophic circumstances. The program will pay 60% of the past-due rent (up to $400). Strict programmatic requirements help to ensure that assistance is provided where the need is greatest, and where the probability of long-term benefit is evident. By curing evictions and helping people remain in their homes, this activity supports the City of Springfield's certification to affirmatively further fair housing. . Sprinafield Home Ownership Proaram - The City of Springfield continues to administer the very successful Springfield Homeownership Program (SHOP). The SHOP provides downpayment assistance for low-and very low-income households. SHOP brochures and posters have been printed in both English and Spanish language versions. The cities of Eugene and Springfield combine efforts to provide ongoing lender and realtor training. In addition Springfield staff avail themselves regularly to agencies and organizations to provide SHOP training to their employees, associates and clients. Since it began in 1993, the SHOP has assisted 391 low-income households to become first-time homeowners. In FY95/96 the SHOP assistance was increased to $4,000 with a requirement that the buyer contribute $1,500 of their own funds towards the purchase of the home. At that time the average home purchased using-the SHOP sold for $64,700. In July of 2005 Housing , Programs staff gained approval to increase the SHOP assistance to $6,000. The average sales price for a HOME purchased using the SHOP was $123,000, a 900/0 increase in price from the homes purchased in 1995. In first six months of the current fiscal year, only eight homes were purchased using the SHOP with an average purchase price of $158,000. Not only has the price range of affordable homes increased nearly 30% but 2/3 fewer SHOP loans were processed in that period of time than in past years. In 2007, the City of Springfield increased the maximum downpayment assistance to $10,000. Through information gathered at counseling sessions with the Home Ownership Center of Lane County, City staff has confirmed three very important issues facing first time home buyers in our area. These issues were fnfluential in our decision to increase in the available assistance: Many first time homebuyers are buying their homes using lending instruments that are higher risk in order to make up a deficit of upfront funding such as interest only loans and 80/20 loans (two loans at different interest rates that make up 1000/0 of the purchase price). The SHOP cannot be combined with either loan type but, if increased, would provide additional funding at the point of sale to enable a buyer to qualify for a more stable loan type. Some lenders/brokers are unwilling to do the "extra work" required so that their borrower can access the SHOP funds. An increase to $10,000 would make the SHOP more attractive to those lenders and brokers and be enough of an incentive for the borrower to shop around for a lender/broker willing to use the SHOP. Young families looking to buy their first home are finding more affordable housing in outlying areas lik~ Veneta, Creswell, Cottage Grove and Oakridge. The additional down payment assistance provided by the SHOP may enable families to purchase somewhat more expensive homes in Springfield, allowing them to live closer to jobs and schools. Springfield staff continues to work to build relationships with lenders and realtors to increase outreach to the Hispanic population. Housing staff participated in an all Spanish speaking Attachment 1, page 7 homeownership event in November of 2006. In the first nine months of 2008, 270/0 of the SHOP loans have been to assist minority households in becoming first time homebuyers. Since its inception in 1993, 170/0 of the households assisted with the SHOP have been minority households, and 27%) were female-headed households. This activity addresses the specific areas of "Sales Practices" and "Lender Practices" in Springfield's AI, and supports the City of Springfield's certification to affirmatively further fair housing. Homeownership in Downtown - At a public hearing on April 3, 2008, the CDAC approved staff request to allow up to '$20,000 of SHOP assistance to eligible households for the purchase of a home in the Downtown Redevelopment Area. The purpose of this action is to encourage the development of affordable homeownership units in the downtown by creating purchase incentives to assist potential buyers. · Lanauaae as an Impediment to Fair Housina - The City of Springfield has taken great strides to mitigate the impact of language as an impediment to fair housing opportunities. A recent addition to the Housing Division, the City's Housing Planner is flue'nt in Spanish and will be available to interpret for clients and translate related housing documents. All of the current housing staff for the City of Springfield have participated voluntarily in a Beginning Spanish class offered to City employees. One staff member took two semesters of college level Spanish and is called on to assist with Spanish speaking citizens that visit City Hall. In addition, all of the various housing program brochures have been printed in Spanish, and our Fair Housing provider is fluent in Spanish. As mentioned earlier, the City also sponsors the "The ABCs of Homebuying" classes in Spanish. We will continue to develop our outreach capabilities as a means of providing fair housing opportunities. As an additional resource, the Fair Housing Council of Oregon provides all of their hotline, information, outreach and enforcement services in Spanish and in English. · Housina Outreach- Housing Programs Staff routinely participates in many community outreach events to inform low and moderate-income persons of the opportunities that are available to them through the City's housing programs. Beginning this funding year the City has been fortunate enough to work closely with the Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) in their role as the Homeownership Center of Lane County. They provide a comprehensive array of services that together help families achieve their goal of homeownership. The services include providing information on first time homebuyer programs, providinghomeownership education and counseling through the Threshold Homeownership Education and Counseling Program and the ABC's of, Homebuying class, working with lenders and real state professionals who have a mission to help first time homebuyers. Through the Regional Housing Center staff has had numerous opportunities to participate in Mortgage Broker/Lender and Realtor training as well as the Oregon Real Estate Symposium. In July of 2006 the City was the host site for the Homeownership Center of Lane County's Hispanic Homeownership and Financial Fair. · 2008 Proiect Homeless Connect for Lane Countv- The City of Springfield was an active supporter and participant in the first Project Homeless Connect for Lane County. Held at the Lane Convention Center, the event drew nearly 1200 homeless and at-risk persons and over 800 community volunteers and staff provided -food, medical, housing and other services. Springfield plans to continue to be involved with this event in the future. A link to the final Report for the 2008 Project Homeless Connect for Lane County can be found on the Housing and Community Development website at: http://www.ci.sprinofield.or.us/dsd/Housino/housino.home.htm Attachment 1, page 8 Reduction of Lead-Based Paint Hazard (COBG and HOME Proarams) . Backaround - The health risks to young children posed by lead-based paint in residential dwellings remains an important issue. Progress in research and technology during the past 25 years has improved the understanding of how children are poisoned and our knowledge of how to better protect them, yet lead-based paint risks to children is still a significant problem nationally. In an effort to address this problem, HUD published its Final Rule to Title'X of the 1992 Housing and Community Development Act in September 1999. This rule, referred to as the Lead Safe Housing Regulation, requires certain prescribed actions by HUD grantees to identify, stabilize, or remove lead-based paint hazards in housing receiving HUD assistance. The scope of activities required by HUD is largely dependent upon the type of housing affected and the amount of Federal assistance provided, with rehabilitation activities using in excess of $25,000 of HUD funds requiring the highest level of treatment. Initially, all HUD grantees were required to be in compliance with the rule by September 2000. Because of the insufficient numbers of qualified lead hazard contractors, an extension for compliance was given until April 2001. The rule only affects residential structures built before 1978. Currently, there is no plan for HUD or another section of the Federal government to provide funding to jurisdictions to help pay for the cost of implementing the lead-based paint regulations. · City Administered Housina Rehabilitation Proarams - It is estimated that, in the cities of Eugene and Springfield, approximately 55,000 units of housing were built prior to 1978, and may contain lead-based paint. This represents 70% of all housing units in the metropolitan area. Since the vast majority of the homes assisted through each City's homeowner rehabilitation programs (including emergency minor home repair) are in this age category, it is clear that dealing with the issue of lead-based paint will have a significant impact on these programs. Many facets of each jurisdiction's housing programs will ,be affected: · Costs associated with lead paint testing and treatment will increase the total costs of many small projects, meaning either an increased budget or a reduction in the number of units assisted. · Temporary relocation of residents while treatment/abatement activities are taking place will add to the project cost, and make higher demands on the assigned staff. · Contractors who can provide the services required for paint stabilization and/or abatement will need to be identified. Contractors who currently participate in city housing programs will need to be made aware of the new requirements. · City Administered Homeownership Proarams - The homeownership downpayment assistance programs currently being administered by each City will also be affected by the Lead Safe Housing Regulation, though not to the extent of the rehabilitation programs. Compliance with the new requirements will mean visually identifying deteriorated paint and stabilizing the affected areas using safe work practices. The unit must then be cleared by a certified lead-based paint inspector. It will be incumbent on the seller and listing realtor to take the necessary steps to present a "clean" unit upon initial inspection to avoid costs and delays associated with testing, stabilization, and clearance activities. Sellers and buyers may also choose to forego using downpayment assistance, if compliance with the lead- based paint rule is perceived as being to burdensome. · Non-Profit Housina Rehabilitation Proiects - Acquisition and rehabilitation activities of older structures undert~ken by area non-profit housing providers receiving HUD funds will also be affected. Since these projects often require HUD subsidies exceeding $25,000 per Attachment 1 , page 9 unit, the cost of treating lead-based paint may add significantly to the overall cost of the project. Additional funds may be required to offset the increase in cost, with the probable result of fewer units being rehabilitated. Key staff of non-profits will need to be trained on the lead-based paint rules, specifically project design, and administration and oversight. Ultimate responsibility for project compliance will fall on the local jurisdiction that provided the HUD funding to the project. Other Activities to be Undertaken Neiahborhood Revitalization Strateav Area (NRSA) - CDBG and HOME program staff continue to research the viability of obtaining a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) designation from HUD for the neighborhood adjacent to and including downtown. More specifically, the area is bounded on the south by South A Street, on the east by 10th Street, on the north by Centennial Blvd. and on the westby Water St. and Kelly Blvd. Creating a NRSA would provide the City with additional flexibility in the used of CDBG funds for community development activities. Certain activities that currently would need to be considered as activities "to eliminate conditions of slums and blight" could be considered as a "low-moderate income area benefit" activity if done in conjunction with a NRSA. This is an important distinction, because slum and blight activities address a secondary CDBG purpose and are subject to a 300/0 expenditure cap. Low-moderate income (LMI) benefit activities address the primary purpose of the CDBG program, and are not subject to any expenditure cap. A NRSA designation would also provide additional flexibility with neighborhood housing rehabilitation activities, by allowing the aggregation of housing units to meet the 51 % public benefit standard required by the CDBG program. Staff introduced the NRSA to the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) at a meeting on January 24, 2008 and provided updated information to the CDAC on April 3, 2008. The CDAC supports staff's continued pursuit of a NRSA designation. The City plans to have a series of neighborhood and stakeholder meetings to better understand what the neighborhood needs are, and what strategies can be used to address the identified needs. The City plans to have completed the NRSA process in time to include it on the 2010 5-Year Consolidated Plan. Purchase of Distressed, Undervalued or Beneficial Properties - Occasionally, the City of Springfield is made aware of an opportunity to purchase property that is distressed or undervalued, or whose location and features are such that its acquisition by the City maybe beneficial to the community. In the past, the City could not use CDBG and/or HOME funds to assist with the acquisition of such properties because that activity was not included in the current Consolidated Plan. When an opportunity presented itself, the City would, a) pass the opportunity to acquire the property on to area non-profit housing providers, b) allow the market to determine the property's disposition, or c) in the case of distressed properties, let the property lapse into foreclosure. With the rapid increase of land values in Springfield, the City may want to consider acquiring such properties with HOME or CDSG funds, and make them available in the future for purchase and/or development of an eligible project that would benefit the Springfield community. Examples of how this provision could be used: · Purchase of residential properties prior to foreclosure to be made available for affordable homeownership housing. · Purchase of vacant land for future use as affordable housing or neighborhood development. · Purchase of distressed downtown properties for redevelopment. Attachment 1, page 10 . Purchase of properties in Glenwood for redevelopment. Approval by the City Council will be required prior to acquiring any properties. Due to the scarcity of available CDBG and HOME funds, it is anticipated that this provision will be used very sparingly. However, inclusion of this provision in the Five-year Consolidated Plan is necessary in order for the City to consider acquisition with CDBG or HOME funds as an option. Relocation Assistance - At a work session on April 21, 2008, the Springfield City Council di~ected staff to investigate the viability of using CDBG and HOME funds to provide limited relocation assistance to mobile home park residents facing forced eviction. Although there are currently no plans for any mobile home park closure in Springfield, the growth and redevelopment of much of the urban core of the city seems to make MH park closures a certainty in the future. The Council felt that it is in the community's best interestto begin discussing and analyzing the options and resources available. Under most circumstances relocation assistance by the City will be provided on a voluntary basis, and not as a required action under the Uniform Relocation Act, CDBG or HOME statutes. At this time it is unclear how and in what capacity CDBG and/or HOME funds will be used to assist with relocation, but general relocation assistance as a possible activity is being included in this Action Plan as an amendment to the current Consolidated Plan. Downtown Redevelopment Area - With the designation of the Springfield Downtown Redevelopment Area in 2004, the City of Springfield took .a major step toward reversing the decades of disinvestment and decay that has plagued the city's central business area. The City Council has committed CDBG funds for three consecutive fiscal years to assist with capital improvement and redevelopment projects in the downtown core. Projects will need to meet the CDBG criteria for area "slum and blight" activities. FY07 -08 is the third and final year of the original three-year set-aside. Upon the recommendation of the Community Development Advisory Committee, the Springfield City Council approved an extension the downtown CDBG set-aside through FY2008/09. Attachment 1, page 11 Summary of Other Resources The following is a list of Federal and non- federal public and private funding sources which can reasonably be expected to be available for project development: . Oregon Housing Trust Fund. Administered by the State of Oregon. Eligible activities include acquisition, construction and rehabilitation, and pre-development costs associated with low- and moderate-income housing development. The full amount of Oregon Trust Funds invested into the project is eligible as HOME match. · Oregon Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program. Formerly called the Oregon Lender's Tax Credit Program; administered by the State of Oregon; provides below-market interest rates for low- and moderate-income housing projects. Maximum interest rate reduction is 40/0 below market, for a maximum term of twenty years. HOME match is calculated by applying the present discounted cash value to the total yield forgone by the lender. · Brownfields Economic Development Initiative grant. The City of Springfield has a pending application for a 2007 Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (BEDI) grant. BED I grants are awarded through a competitive application process. Springfield has applied for a BEDI grant of $1 ,000,000 to assist with the redevelopment of properties within and adjacent to its downtown. BEDI funds must be used in conjunction with Section 108 funds for economic redevelopment projects. If Springfield is successful in its BEDI application, an application for $3,140,500 of Section 108 funds will be made to assist BED I projects. Application for Section 108 funds is not competitive in nature. As this plan goes to print, the City of Springfield is still awaiting national notification of BEDI awards for the 2007 year. · . Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Projects Grants. The City of Springfield has been successful in the past in securing EDI grants for downtown redevelopment. EDI grants are project-specific awards by HUD to support and stimulate economic development. The Wildish Community Theater was the most recent recipient of an EDI-Special Projects grant from HUD. · Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). This is a federal program that can provide large infusions of capital to affordable housing projects. Tax credits are awarded to a project over a 10 year period. These tax credits are then sold or "syndicated" to private businesses or organizations at less than face value to offset their tax liability. The Royal Building project is the most recent recipient of an L1HTC award. · Section 108 Loan Program. Springfield continues to review the possibility of applying to HUD fora Section 108 loan to help with the development of CDBG eligible projects, including projects which address issues of blight in the downtown section of the city. Approval to move ahead with an application for Section 108 funding must be by Council action and requires public notification and an opportunity for comment. If approval is received, the City will be eligible to apply for up to five times its annual CDBG allocation. Section 108 funds are treated as CDBG funds, and projects are subject to the same national objectives and eligibility requirements. The City has a pending BED I application with HUD, and if successful a Section 108 Loan application will be made to assist with the development of potential capital projects_in and around the downtown district. · Local Permit and Fee Waivers. The City of Springfield, has in the past, allocated funds for the assumption of building permits, plan check fees, and system development charges for Attachment 1, page 12 non-profit sponsored low- and moderate-income housing projects. The full amount of this contribution is eligible as HOME match. Due to recent budget constraints, this program is currently on hold and is expected to resume at a later date. . Volunteer Labor. Area non-profit housing developers have been successful in utilizing volunteer labor in their developments. The Lane Community College Construction Technologies Department has contributed student labor for all phases of housing development. Architects, attorneys, and other professionals have also contributed their services to non-profit housing developments in Springfield. Volunteer labor is eligible as HOME match and is calculated at a flat rate of $10.00 per hour. · State Loan Guarantee Program. Although this is not a "true source" of funds, this program serves to enhance a loan by providing a warranty as security for up to 25%) of the loan value. Used as a tool by housing developers, it can allow lenders to increase their loan amount, and/or decrease the interest rate of the loan at little or no additional risk to the lender. Not eligible for HOME match. · Property Tax Exemptions. Exemptions from City property taxes have been allowed for qualified non-profit housing developers on a project-by-project basis to low- and moderate- income housing developments. Generally based on the benefits provided to the community and the duration of the low- and moderate-income housing commitment, property tax exemptions are eligible as HOME match. The amount of match credit is calculated as the current discounted cash value of the tax exemption. · Vertical Housing Development Zone Tax Exemption. In October 2004, the City of Springfield received a Vertical Housing Development Zone (VHDZ) designation from the State of Oregon. The VHDZ program allows partial property tax exemption for qualified new housing that is built over street level commercial space. An eligible project can receive 200/0 of tax exemption per floor of housing up to a total of 80%. This program can provide valuable incentives to develop new housing in Springfield's downtown corridor, which in turn will help support commercial growth and revitalization activities. · Private Contributions. Cash and materials have been contributed in the past by private businesses, corporations, and foundations to assist in the development of low-income housing in Springfield. It is expected that future contributions from private sources will continue to provide needed assistance. Private contributions are eligible as HOME match. A chart of the CDBG actiyiti~~9Pproved by the Springfield City Council on May 7, 2007 can be . found on page A summa of Springfield's CDBG-funded projects can be found on pages Activities were approved for funding at a public hearing before the Springfield City Council. Attachment 1, page 13 City of ~pringfield FY2008/09 COBG Funding Allocations Funding Amounts: New Grant Funds $605,018 Prior Years $45,866 TOTAL AVAILABLE $650,884 Applicant Project Amount New Prior Funds Years Head Start Facility acquisition for school and offices $50,884 $36,616 ShelterCare Interior renovation to increase safety and $35,000 0 Shankle Safe Haven functionality of existing facility Springfield School District Installation of subsurface drainage system $9,250 $9,250 at Brattain playground Lane Micro Business Micro-enterprise training and outreach $15,000 0 activities Pearl Buck Center Facility improvements - HV AC system $26,657 0 Springfield Public Works Installation of accessibility ramps $53,000 0 City Housing Programs $120,000 0 Human Services Commission $90,753 0 Grant Administration $121,004 0 Unallocated funds $83,470 0 . GRAND TOTAL $605,018 $45,866 Attachment 1, page 14 City of Springfield Summary of FY2008/09 CDBG Proposals and Approved Funding Amounts 1. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: Head Start Facility 1250 Main, Springfield Head Start of Lane County $ 87,500 $388,000 Head Start of Lane County is requesting $87,500 to assist the acquisition and rehab of the site at 1250 Main Street. Head Start is currently leasing the site which had been a long vacant used car lot. The site had become an attractive nuisance before Head Start began leasing the property. They have invested $50,000 in the property in interior repairs, installation of ADA accessible bathrooms, children's wash rooms and lighting, flooring and shelving. The plans for fully renovating the property includes developing and outdoor play area, expanding the facility to include meeting spaces for families and staff, and the addition of other modular facilities for classroom space. Head Start serves families with children 3-5 years old that meet income eligibility requirements related to the Federal Poverty line. Homeless and foster children automatically qualify for the program. The agency currently serves 863 children (61 % of the 1400 eligible children in the County). Of those families 307 are in Springfield. There are 211 children currently on the wait list, 90 of those are in Springfield. Last year Head Start received State expansion dollars which allowed them to serve 75 additional children in Lane County, 36 of those children reside, in Springfield. Many of the 36 children to be served live in neighborhoods close to the 1250 Main street site. The primary goals for Head Start are 1) to provide access and comprehensive services to eligible children and their families and to 2) be a leader in family and child development promoting quality early care and education. Head Start believes that purchasing this facility will help them achieve their goals and provide the opportunity to be a part of community and neighborhood pride by providing an attractive facility and a stable environment for children to learn and play. 2. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: Improvements to the Play Area at Brattain Elementary Brattain Elementary - 425 10th Street, Springfield Springfield School District $ 9,250 $12,500 The Springfield School District is requesting $9,250 to assist with the renovation of the neighborhood playground at Brattain Elementary School. This application is for the fourth and final phase of the project. The project includes removal and replacement of the curbs to ensure maximum use of the play area, add additional curbs to contain the play area, replace basketball hoops and provide drainage improvements that will enhance the performance and durability of - Attachment 1, page 15 the jogging/walking trail. Since 2003 this project has received $104,976 in CDBG funding. The approval of funding for this multi-phased project promotes a healthy, accessible play environment that balances fun, fitness, and outdoor learning throughout the year. Community partners and neighbors will have a place for recreation and gathering at the comm'unity school nestled in the heart of Springfield. The playground is available to members of the community and will serve the area children and their families. This project is located in a low-mod income area. The most recent Census information shows that 750/0 of the area households are of low- mod income levels. 3. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: Lane Micro Business -Micro Enterprise Training 1445 Willamette St, Eugene Lane Micro Business $15,000 $30,000 Lane Micro Business is requesting $15,000 to assist with the business development services to 15 to 20 low and moderate-income Springfield citizens. An Oregon IDA initiative account will provide an additional $20,000 to assist with the training. The grant also proposes to provide training in Spanish for the growing population of Latinos in ,the community. This service will provide loan funds and a variety of training from peer group meetings 'to one on one consultation, technical support, and intensive business training in a classroom setting, advocacy and community outreach. The service will be free to income eligible clients. A micro-enterprise is a small business with five or fewer employees that have capital needs of less than $25,000 and whose owner is financially and/or socially/physically/educationally disadvantaged. Lane Micro Business has been established since late 1998. In that time they have provided counseling, resources, referrals, education, micro-loans, and access to markets to hundreds of people. Lane Mfcro Business has been awarded funding to grow businesses in Springfield since 2001. 4. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: Pearl Buck Center Facility Improvements 3690 West 1st Ave, Eugene OR 97402 Pearl Buck Center Inc. $26,657 $42,995 Pearl Buck Center is requesting $26,657 in CDBG funding to assist with the replacement of the rooftop HV AC unit. Pearl Buck Center recently purchased the facility at 3690 West 1 st in order to consolidate operations. The new site doubles their capacity to serve clients in the three programs they operate; working for a better life vocational skills program, families with special needs and the life enhancing activities program. Although the facility is located in Eugene at least 62%) of the clients served live in Springfield. The project funding gap will be closed with $16,338 in funding from Pearl Buck and $2,950 in EWEB energy rebates. The Pearl Buck Center has not requested any assistance from the City in the past. Attachment 1, page 16 5. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: Shankle Safe Haven Facility 1545 South Brooklyn Ave (Glenwood) ShelterCare $35,000 $83,800 ShelterCare is requesting an allocation of $35,000 to assist with the renovations of the food service area in order to increase the level of safety, security, and sanitation for the growing number of clients served at the site. The project is further described as including sinks, counters, cabinets, kitchen expansion, increasing electrical capacity, commercial sprayer and sanitary hand washing area. In the past ShelterCare has received aCDBG allocation of $5,024 for the replacement of the HV AC system, $8,891 for replacement of heating units and air systems and $3,539 to expand the residential area of at the Shankle Facility and $15,000 to provide wheelchair accessibility and safety measures for the homeless individuals they serve. Shankle Safe Haven provides shelter and services to speCial needs homeless adults. The program opened in 1997 and provides up to two years of transitional housing for up to 16 individuals who have been chronically homeless and are diagnosed with a severe, persistent mental illness in its residential wing. In the other half of the building, daily activities, meals, laundry and showers are available for a larger pool of clients (up to 40). A day activity center for residents promotes success at independent living, increased skill level and income, and greater self-determination. 6. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: Downtown Accessibility Ramps A Street and 4th Street - Justice Center vicinity City of Springfield Public Works $53,000 $626,000 The City of Springfield Public Works Department is requesting $53,000 to assist with the installation of ADA standard curb ramps on A Street from Mill Street to 5th Street and 4th Street from Main Street to C Street. ,The existing sidewalks are in good condition and will not be replaced, but the current ramp configuration is not in compliance with ADA standards. This area is adjacent to the new Justice Center and on the pedestrian route between the Lane Transit District transfer station, the Justice Genter and downtown. The ramps will be extensively used as the area continues to improve. CDSG funds will only be used for to install the required pedestrian access ramps. Attachment 1, page 17 City of Springfield One-Year Action Plan for FY2008/09 HOME Investment Partnerships Program Description HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds are received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administered by the Eugene-Springfield Consortium for the metropolitan area. The primary purpose of the HOME program is to expand the supply of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing, with primary attention to rental housing, for low- and moderate-income families. HOME funds can be used for new construction or rehabilitation of housing projects which will be affordable to low- and moderate-income households, for the acquisition of eligible properties by for-profit and non-profit developers, for tenant-based rental assistance programs, and for first-time homebuyer programs. HOME funds can be provided to the project as a grant or as a loan, and the loan can be set up in various ways; low- or no interest, amortized, deferred or forgiven according to the needs of the project. Springfield's Fiscal Year 2008/2009 (FY2008/09) allocation of HOME funds is $421,298 and a special allocation of $3,297 in American Dream Downpayment Incentive (ADDI) funding to enhance the downpayment assistance program. In addition, $150,000 in program income is also available, for a grand total of $574,595. The HOME Agreement is a document entered into by the City of Springfield and the recipient of HOME funds. The Agreement fixes the amount of the allocation, determines the terms of repayment, defines the performance and monitoring parameters of the project, and certifies acceptance and compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. Attachments to the HOME Agreement include a statement of work, HOME affordability requirements, recipient's certification of governmental assistance, a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and the HOME Allocation Agreement, which determines the allocation of proceeds from the sale of a HOME-assisted project, should the sale occur prior to the expiration of the mandatory compliance period. A Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) is a special designation given to non- profit housing developers that meet certain specific requirements pertaining to the formation and stated purpose of the non-profit. A CHDO must have among its purposes the provision of decent housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income persons. In addition, a CHDO must have representation of low-income community residents on its governing board and must have a defined geographic service area. The complete definition can be found in 24 CFR 992.2. A minimum of 150/0 of the HOME funds must be reserved for use by CHDOs. The Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) was established by the City of Springfield to make recommendations concerning program policy and project selection to the City Council. The goals of the committee are: 1. To allocate HOME funds in a manner which will serve to expand and preserve the supply of decent, safe and affordable housing for low- and moderate-income residents of Springfield. ' 2. To ensure the long term viability of Springfield's Housing Programs through the efficient use, and return of investment of HOME funds. It is the City's preference to award HOME funds as a loan, with interest rates and repayment provisions matched closely with the needs of each individual project. Attachment 1, page 18 Other Resources The following is a list of non-federal public and private funding sources which can reasonably be expected to be available for project development: - . Oregon Housing Trust Fund. Administered by the State of Oregon. Eligible activities include acquisition, construction and rehabilitation, and pre-development costs associated with low- and moderate-income housing development. The full amount of Oregon Trust Funds invested into the project is eligible as HOME match. . Oregon Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program. Formerly called the Oregon Lender's Tax Credit Program; administered by the State of Oregon; provides below-market interest rates for low- and moderate-income housing projects. Maximum interest rate reduction is 40/0 below market, for a maximum term of twenty years. HOME match is calculated by applying the present discounted cash value to the total yield forgone by the lender. · Local Permit and Fee Waivers. The City of Springfield, has in the past, allocated funds for the assumption of building permits, plan check fees, and system development charges for non-profit sponsored low- and moderate-income housing projects. The full amount of this contribution is eligible as HOME match. Due to recent budget constraints, this program is currently on hold and is expected to resume at a later date. · Volunteer Labor. Area non-profit housing developers have been successful in utilizing volunteer labor in their developments. The Lane Community College Construction Technologies Department has contributed student labor for all phases of housing development. Architects, attorneys, and other professionals have also contributed their services to non-profit housing developments in Springfield. Volunteer labor is eligible as HOME match and is calculated at a flat rate of $10.00 per hour. · State Loan Guarantee Program. 'Although this is not a "true source" of funds, this program serves to enhance a loan by providing a warranty as security for up to 250/0 of the loan value. Used as a tool by housing developers, it can allow lenders to increase their loan amount, and/or decrease the interest rate of the loan at little or no additional risk to the lender. Not eligible for HOME match. · Property Tax Exemptions. Exemptions from City property taxes have been allowed for qualified non-profit housing developers on a project-by-project basis to low- and moderate- income housing developments. Generally based on the benefits provided to the community and the duration of the low- and moderate-income' housing commitment, property tax exemptions are eligible as HOME match. The amount of match credit is calculated as the current discounted cash value of the tax exemption. · Vertical Housing Development Zone Tax Exemption. In October 2004, the City of Springfield received a Vertical Housing Development Zone (VHDZ) designation from the State of Oregon. The VHDZ program allows partial property tax exemption for qualified new housing that is built over street level commercial space. An eligible project can receive 200/0 of tax exemption per floor of housing up to a total of 80%. This program can provide valuable incentives to develop new housing in Springfield's downtown corridor, which in turn will help support commercial growth and revitalization activities. Attachment 1, page 19 . Private Contributions. Cash and materials have been contributed in the past by private businesses, corporations, and foundations to assist in the development of low-income housing in Springfield. It is expected that future contributions from private sources will continue to provide needed assistance. Private contributions are eligible as HOME match. Leveraaina Federal Funds The City of Springfield allocates HOME funds through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The current housing and supportive services needs of the city are outlined in the RFP packet. Housing activities are categorized and prioritized by community need and fund allotments are made by category. Also outlined in the packet are the City's criteria for ranking projects. One criterion is efficiency of use of Federal funds, which can be demonstrated by documenting the status and maximizing the amount of other funding sources. Thus, the most competitive projects will have maximized the funds leveraged by Federal dollars. The City has not had to impose any threshold percentages for leveraged or matched funds; the RFP process has been self-regulating in this respect. The City of Springfield tracks HOME matching contributions on a continual basis to ensure compliance with applicable HOME program regulations, which requires a minimum 250/0 matching contribution. · Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). This is a federal program that can provide large infusions of capital to affordable housing projects. Tax credits are awarded to a project over a 10 year period. These tax credits are then sold or "syndicated" to private businesses or organizations at less than face value to offset their tax liability. The Royal Building project is the most recent recipient of an L1HTC award. The Springfield HOME Agreement contains a Subsidy Layering Certification which identifies all sources of project funding, and if additional Federal funds are being utilized or applied for requires notification to the City be given by the HOME recipient. This allows the City to monitor all current and future sources of funds, and to evaluate the project's need for HOME funds. The City will conduct an additional review of subsidy layering at the time that the HOME agreement is put in to place. The City will only contr~bute HOME funds to projects in the amount that is necessary to provide affordable housing. Activities to be Undertaken HOME Funds for Interim Financina - the City of Springfield has successfully utilized HOME funds for short term, interim financing of HOME eligible projects. Interim financing takes advantage of HOME funds which have been awarded to a project, but have not yet been expended for that purpose. These funds can be used for bridge, construction or other short term financing needs of other projects. The developer who applies for HOME interim financing must provide documentation of sufficient backup financing, and must sign a loan agreement that provides for immediate repayment of the HOME funds when requested by the City. Because of the immediacy of the need for interim financing, application for the funds is a non-competitive, administrative review process. Utilizing HOME funds for interim financing of projects multiplies the community benefit of the HOME program. Most recently, $200,000 of HOME interim financing was used to assist with the construction of the Office condominiums in downtown Springfield. Purchase of Distressed, Undervalued or Beneficial Properties - With the rapid increase of Attachment 1, page 20 land values in Springfield, the City may want to consider acquiring such properties with HOME or CDBG funds, and make them available in the future for purchase and/or development of an eligible project that would benefit the Springfield community. Inclusion of this provision in the five-year Consolidated Plan is necessary in order for the City to consider acquisition with CDBG or HOME funds as an option. (See "Activities to be Undertaken" in the Springfield COBG Section for an expanded narrative) Relocation Assistance - At a work session on April 21, 2008, the Springfield City Council directed staff to investigate the viability of using COBG and HOME funds to provide limited relocation assistance to mobile home park residents facing forced eviction. Although there are currently no plans for any mobile home park closure in Springfield, the growth and redevelopment of much of the urban core of the city seems to make MH park closures a certainty in the future. The Council felt that it is in the community's best interest to begin discussing and analyzing the options and resources available. Undermost circumstances relocation assistance by the City will be provided on a voluntary basis, and not as a required action under the Uniform Relocation Act, COBG or HOME statutes. At this time it is unclear how and in what capacity COBG and/or HOME funds will be used to assist with relocation, but general relocation assistance as a possible activity is being included in this Action Plan as an amendment to the current Consolidated Plan. Geoaraphic Distribution A project must be located within the Springfield city limits in order to be eligible for assistance through the City's housing programs. The City has developed a Springfield Community Housing Plan to identify areas of need within the city and to develop assistance programs that target these needs. Need is generally based upon income levels, public safety issues, and physical deterioration. The rationale behind such targeted assistance is to provide decent housing and a suitable living environment principally for low- and moderate-income persons. Such assistance may take the form of any activity described in this Plan. These areas will be limited in size to ) generally not larger than a census block group. Though assistance will not be limited to the targeted areas, it is anticipated that more comprehensive efforts will be directed at the targeted areas. With the designation of the Downtown Redevelopment Area, the Springfield City Council and local business leaders have made redevelopment of the core downtown area a priority. Creating a place where people work and live is vital to maintaining a thriving downtown. The City invested HOME funds in the development of the Royal Building apartments in the heart of downtown. The project provides commercial space on the ground floor and 33 affordable one bedroom rental units on floors 2-5. The HOME and CDBG funds invested in the project leveraged nearly 5 million dollars in other funding. ' Minoritv Concentrations - Data from the 2000 Census shows that Springfield has three census block groups that have moderate concentrations of minority/ethnic households. Census tract 21.01, block group 2 is located north of 1-105, south of Hayden Bridge Road, east of Pioneer Parkway and west of 5th Street. Census tract 32.02, block group 2 is located to the west of Pioneer Parkway and east of Kelly Butte and is more commonly referred to as the Meadow Park neighborhood. Census tract 33, block group 6 is located north of Centennial Road, south of 1- 105, east of Pioneer Parkway and west of 10th Street. All three block groups have 150/0 or higher minority households and 10% or higher Latino/Hispanic households. Please note that some of the households may have self reported in both categories. All three of these block groups have a high number of modestly priced apartment units and a majority of low- and moderate-income Attachment 1, page 21 households. Homeless and Soecial Needs Activities The City of Springfield plans to continue to provide support for homeless and special needs activities through the utilization of the HOME program funding. Current and past HOME projects that serve this diverse target population are: . Housing units for transitional and very low-income individuals. . Transitional housing for homeless families. . Group homes for developmentally disabled persons. . Security deposit assistance for homeless families exiting shelter. . Service enriched rental housing for special needs individuals. . Emergency rental assistance for very low-income households. . , Dedicated housing for low-income seniors The Consortium provides CHDO operating assistance for local non-profit agencies, two of which serve homeless populations in Springfield through counseling, case management, and other services. Other Actions In addition to the homeless and special needs activities described above, the City of Springfield plans to allocate HOME funds to support the following activities in the coming year: · Acquisition and Rehabilitation of existing housing stock for low-income homeownership. . · Rehabilitation of existing housing stock to be used for very low-income rental housing for persons with disabilities. · Downpayment assistance for low-income first-time homebuyers. . - New construction of rental housing. · New construction of homeownership units. In addition, a local non-profit agency also provides homeownership counseling and education to low and moderate-income families in Springfield. Soecific HOMEProaram Reauirements The City of Springfield currently provides assistance to homebuyers through two programs. Each program has its own resale and recapture provisions. · Sorinafield Homeownershio Proaram (SHOP) - This program provides down payment assistance to low- and moderate-income first-time homebuyers. The current maximum amount of assistance is $10,000. The HOME funds are provided to the qualified buyer as a no interest deferred loan which is recorded as a lien against the HOME-assisted property. The lien is repaid in full to the City upon the subsequent resale of the property. There is no expiration date for the lien. Successful completion of a homeownership preparation course conducted by a participating lender or an equivalent program conducted by a participating Attachment 1, page 22 CHDO is a prerequisite to qualifying for this program. All low- and moderate-income households who have not owned a home in the past three years are eligible for the SHOP. In addition to the assistance provided to first time homebuyers purchasing market rate homes the Consortium has elected to provide assistance to homebuyers purchasing homes in housing developments and/or subdivisions constructed or rehabbed specifically to provide housing for low-income homebuyers an increased subsidy amount up to double the customary SHOP subsidy. The City of Springfield is also allowing a doubling of SHOP assistance for eligible homeownership opportunities in its downtown. All other terms and conditions of the SHOP will remain the same. · Lease/Ownership Proaram - This homeownership program is operated by local non-profit agencies. The agency assists low-income families by preparing them for homeownership through a series of classes. In addition, a portion of their rent each month is set-aside to assist with the eventual purchase of the home. The HOME investment that is subject to recapture in this program is the amount of HOME assistance that enabled the homebuyer to purchase the dwelling unit. This recaptured amount is repaid to either the HOME Consortium Trust fund or the CHDO which developed the housing and is to be used for housing activities benefiting low-income households in Springfield. Recapture provisions mayor may not include language to allow the participating jurisdiction to share in the built up equity in the project. Terms and conditions of the recapture provisions are described in the HOME Agreement for each project. A chart of Sprin field's HOME activities approved by the Springfield City Council follows on page Springfield's HOME projects are summarized on pages ,r Three HOME projects, grant administration, CHDO operating support and housing program allocations were approved for funding at a Public Hearing before the Springfield City Council on April 21, 2008 and are included in this One-Year Action Plan. Attachment 1, page 23 Euaene-Sorinafield Consortium Homeownershio Period of Affordabilitv-HOME Recaoture Provision The required HOME period of affordability for homeownership projects is based on the amount of HOME funds per unit: under $15,000 - five years, $15,000 to $40,000 - ten years, and over $40,000 - fifteen years. In order to ensure affordability, either resale or recapture requirements must be imposed. ' The HOME Consortium, consisting of the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, has selected the recapture option for all homeownership projects and programs, as described in 24CFR 992.254(a)(5)(ii). The amount subject to recapture is based on the HOME assistance that enabled the homebuyer to buy the dwelling. This amount is referred to as the "homebuyer subsidy" and includes downpayment assistance. It doesn't include the amount of HOME assistance between the cost of producing the unit and its fair market value. This is referred to as the "development subsidy". HOME recapture provisions ensure that if; (a) the housing does not continue to be the principal residence of the family for the period of affordability, then all or a portion of the HOME assistance be shall be recaptured. When the HOME assistance includes the homebuyer subsidy, the Cities have chosen to recapture the full amount of the HOME subsidy whenever the initial owner sells the house. HOME affordability requirements will end upon recapture of the HOME subsidy. The recaptured funds will be deposited into the consortium HOME account and will provide assistance to future HOME projects. If the HOME assistance is only used for the development subsidy and therefore not subject to recapture, the resale option described in 24CFR 992.254(a)(5)(i) must be used. For many new yonstruction projects, a substantial amount of HOME funds are granted on a single unit. A "silent second" loan will be recorded against the property representing these HOME funds. This will allow the mortgage amount to be affordable to a family or individual. This amount would be repaid into the local HOME account at the time of sale by the initial homeowner. This recapture scenario assumes appreciation in the real estate market. If the full amount is not available, either due to market conditions or foreclosure, the cities will recapture the net proceeds available from the sale. Sprinofield HOME Allocation Aoreement In addition to the provisions described above, the City of Springfield includes in its HOME Agreement with for-profit developers an Allocation Agreement that describes the sharing of equity in a project proportional to each party's investment. This Allocation Agreement comes into effect only if the for-profit developer sells or otherwise transfers title to the property prior to the expiration of the HOME compliance period. All proceeds allocated to the City by this Agreement will be deposited into the HOME Trust Account, to be used for future HOME-eligible housing projects. The primary purpose of the Allocation Agreement is to protect the integrity of the HOME program by guarding against the taking of excess profits or windfall from the sale of a HOME-assisted project by a for-profit developer. Attachment 1, page 24 Monitorina Regulations state that the One-Year Action Plan must describe the standards and procedures that the jurisdiction will use to monitor activities carried out in furtherance of the Plan and to ensure that long-term, compliance with requirements of the programs involved. . HOME Proiect Monitorina - Client income certification sheets are submitted annually by developers of HOME-funded projects and are placed in the project file. On-site monitorings of income documentation are completed. Housing Quality Standards inspections of HOME- assisted units are conducted on a one-, two-, and three-year cycle based on the number of HOME units. The inspector summarizes the findings and any follow-up work required. These inspection forms are filed in the project files. . Consortium Monitorina - The cities of Eugene and Springfield recently entered into a Memorandum of Understanding which states the program responsibilities of the Consortium. Springfield participates in an annual monitoring conducted by the City of Eugene as lead agency. · City Sinale Audit - The Federal HOME program is reviewed by the City's external auditors annually. · Proiect Manaaement - A project manager is assigned to each project. The project manager reviews projects for compliance throughout the implementation of the project. Project contracts include a scope of work, timeline, and budget as well as regulatory requirements - use of minority business enterprises, environmental requirements, mitigation efforts, record keeping, etc. Attachment 1 , page 25 FY 2008/09 HOME Funding Allocations Funding Amounts: New Grant Funds Previous Years ADDI Funding TOTAL AVAILABLE $ 421,298 $ 150,000 $ 3,297 $ 574,595 . Applicant Project HOME Amount New Funds Program ADDI Income Opportunity fund to acquire NEDCO land for affordable $43,000 $150,000 0 homeownership opportunities HUD-811 Project funding Brethren for the provision of Community affordable housing for $215,000 0 0 Services people with severe persistent mental illness. Construction of five units in Habitat for the 1 O-unit Meyer $100,000 0 0 Humanity Subdivision on 49th and A streets Grant Administration $42,130 0 0 City Housing Programs $103 0 $3,297 CHDO Operating $21,065 0 0 Subtotal $421,298 . $150,000 $3,297 GRAND TOTAL $574,595 Attachment 1, page 26 City of Springfield Summary of FY2008/09 HOME Proposals and Approved Funding Amounts 1. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: Home Ownership Opportunity Fund Scattered Sites, Springfield Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) $250,000 $815,600 The Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) is requesting $250,000 to create . an opportunity fund that will allow them to act quickly to acquire land for the construction of five homes in Springfield. Given the current unstable real estate market land prices can fluctuate and opportunities present themselves in short order. Having the fund would mean that NEDCO would pay fewer loan fees, less interest on bank loans and the ability to respond to the market quickly. Once the land is purchased, NEDCO will begin the process of building affordable housing on the lots. The homes would be sold to low-income first time homebuyers that have gone through and extensive home ownership training program, Threshold Program, through NEDCO. NEDCO received funding in 2007 and completed one home and are near completion on two homes moved and rehabbed on two lots on H Street. 2. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: Meyer Park Phase II North A Street (west of 49th), Springfield Habitat for Humanity $100,000 $534,310 Habitat for Humanity is requesting $100,000 to assist with five units in the ten unit Meyer Park subdivision located on North A Street just west of 49th Street in Springfield. In last year's funding round they received an allocation of $60,000 to assist with three units for Phase I of the project. Habitat has already completed several major components of Phase I including development of the street connection and sidewalks to North A Street and service connections to all ten lots have been installed. In addition, the construction required a bioswale for surface water/storm water collection which has also been completed. Foundations for the first three lots have been prepared. They are still awaiting final plat approval from the City and hope to begin construction in early April. The houses will be two story 2 to 4 bedroom units (depending upon family size). Habitat for Humanity serves and works in partnership with low-income individuals and families with incomes from 30-6001<> of the area median. The families are selected based on need, willingness to partner and ability to pay. Habitat currently has three qualified families waiting for the Meyer Park homes. Two of the three families have already completed the required 200 hours of sweat equity necessary before their house can be started. The third family is nearing the 200 hour mark and will be complete when the third house in Phase I is set to begin construction. Attachment 1, page 27 3. Project: Location: Developer: Amount: Total Proj. Cost: HUD 811- Project - Special Needs Housing 1082 Main Street, Springfield. Brethren Community Services/Shelter Care $215,000 $2,900,000 Brethren Community Services/Shelter Care has been awarded $215,000 in HOME funds to assist with the construction of a 21 unit affordable rental housing complex for very low-income persons with psychiatric disabilities. THE HOME funds will be used as gap funding for this HUD-811 project. The housing complex will be part of a mixed use urban village, of which the HUD-811 housing will be phase I, the master plan for the site will include community service facilities, affordable housing, emergency services and commercial space. The project will help residents transition to independent living. Supportive services will be provided to promote interpersonal skills, income-generating skills, and greater self determination in affecting constructive life changes all towards the goal of successful independent living. Brethren Community Services owns the project site. Brethren housing has served 10 homeless persons with severe persistent mental illness in transitional housing, with a homeless community outreach facility, and retail outlet on this site for the past twenty years. Shelter Care serves over 1,300 individuals each year including; over 600 people with severe persistent mental illness; 38 survivors of traumatic head injury; and approximately 100 homeless families. In previous years the City's CDBG and HOME funds have assisted with projects at the Brethren site as well as ShelterCare's Shankle Safe Haven facility. Attachment 1, page 28