HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Reorganization Plan for the Ownership and Operation of the Wildish Community Theater . . e Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: May 5, 2008 Work Session . City Man.a ger's~ce Gino Grimaldi V 726-3700 "4 15 Minutes . AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: REORGANIZATION PLAN FOR THE OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF THE WILDISH COMMUNITY THEATER ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking direction related to the proposed reorganization plan for the ownership and operation of the Wildish Community Theater. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Springfield Renaissance Development Corporation (SRDC) owns and operates the Wildish Theater. While current revenues have adequately supported ongoing operations, no significant progress has been made to retire approximately $600,000 in debt. SRDC has proposed the creation of a new non-profit organization to operate the theater and believes that the elimination of the debt is a key to long-term success. The SRDC proposal would have the City, Springfield School District and Willamalane each contribute $200,000 toward the elimination of debt. In consideration, each entity would become an owner of the facility, is guaranteed priority use of the theater, consistent with current use patterns, and would appoint members of the new governing board. At its meeting of March 24,2008, the City Council discussed the SRDC proposal and provided guidance to staff regarding the future of the Wildish Theater. That guidance has been used to prepare four alternatives (Attachment I) for City Council consideration. In addition to the four alternatives listed in Attachment I, the City Council has the option of not contributing to the retirement of the debt or accepting the original SRDC proposal. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Council Options Attachment 2: Draft Reorganization Plan for the Ownership and Operation of the Wildish Community Theater Attachment 3: Wildish Community Theater Budget Attachment 4: Willamalane Proposal to Manage and Operate the Wildish Community Theater Attachment 5: City of Springfield Contributions to Construction of the Wildish Community Theater DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMP ACT: Resources are available from the funds collected related to the rezone of the former Chambers property. Those funds were dedicated to the construction of South 32nd Street improvements and other economic development activities. Approximately $2.4 million remains, with about $2 million committed to other projects. Wildish Theater Alternatives Note: All alternatives result in the creation of a new non-profit organization consisting of representatives of SRDC, Willamalane and the Springfield School District. The City of Springfield would not be a member of the new non-profit and would not have any ownership interest in the theater. The following alternatives secure lower rates for partner use of the theater in recognition of their participation in the project. Each alternative leaves the new non-profit with a note payable to the State of Oregon (Community Investment Fund) in the amount of $93, 327. This is a loan with an interest rate of 1 %, with the potential to have the debt forgiven by the State of Oregon. Under all of the alternatives, all of the parties will work toward lobbying the State to convert the loan to a grant. With the exception of the loan from the State, the new non- profit organization would be debt free. Main Goal of Alternatives: To insure the long-term financial health and management of the theater while keeping rental rates reasonable and the facility accessible and affordable by a wide variety of non-profit performing arts groups and individual patrons. It is also recognized that a goal of these alternatives is to maintain the theater as a catalyst for the continued renaissance of downtown. Alternatives 1. Willamalane, the City of Springfield, and the Springfield School District would each contribute $200,000 to retire SRDC's $600,000 note payable to Siuslaw Bank. In addition, SRDC would continue to be responsible for the debt incurred for the purchase of the piano and this debt (approximately $10,500 currently) would not be transferred to the new non- profit organization. . a. Benefit 1. Retains approximately $100k of SRDC funds that would be transferred to the new non-profit agency as a contingency and opportunity fund for maintaining, managing, and marketing the theater through its initial years of operation. These funds could also be used to leverage other grant funds and gifts. ' 11. All bank debt is paid off and rental fees can be focused on operating the theater and not debt retirement. b. Con i. Largest financial commitment of all three agencies. ii. Does not recognize the signific~nt investment of $622k in City funds. 2. Wi II amalane and the Springfield School District would each contribute $200,000, the City of Springfield would contribute $150,000, and SRDC would contribute $50,000 to retire SRDC's note payable to Siuslaw Bank. In addition, SRDC would continue to be responsible for the debt incurred for the purchase of the piano and this debt (approximately $10,500 currently) would not be transferred to the new non-profit organization. a. Benefit 1. Retains approximately $50k of SRDC funds that would be transferred to the new non- profit agency as a contingency and opportunity fund for maintaining, managing, and marketing the theater through its initial years of operation. These funds could also be used to leverage other grant funds and gifts. 11. All bank debt is paid off and rental fees can be focused on operating the theater and not debt retirement. - ATTACHME]~T 1 - PAGE 2 iii. City portion is lower in recognition of their previous $622k investment in the theater. b. Con 1. Reduces contingency and opportunity fund and the new organization's ability to leverage these funds for growing the financial capacity of the theater. 3. Willamalane,. the City of Springfield, and the Springfield School District would contribute $180,000 each to retire SRDC' s note payable to Siuslaw Bank:. SRDC would contribute $60,000 towards the debt. In addition, SRDC would continue to be responsible for the debt incurred for the purchase of the piano and this debt (approximately $10,500 currently) would not be transferred to the new non-profit organization. a. Benefit 1. Retains approximately $40k of SRDC funds that would be transferred to the new non~profit agency as a contingency and opportunity fund for maintaining, managing, and marketing the theater through its initial years of operation. These funds could also be used to leverage other grant funds and gifts. 11. All bank: debt is paid off and rental fees can be focused on operating the theater and not debt retirement. 111. Lower financial commitment of the three public agencies. b. Con 1. Reduces contingency and opportunity fund and the new organization's ability to leverage these funds for growing the financial capacity of the theater. 11. Does not recognize the significant investment of $622k in City funds. 4. Willamalane and the Springfield School District would each contribute $200,000 to retire SRDC's note payable to Siuslaw Bank. The City of Springfield would contribute $200,000 consisting ofa cash donation of$100,000 and a loan of$100,000. The loan would be a 10- year no-interest loan, secured by security interest, by placing a lien on the building. In addition, SRDC would continue to be responsible for the debt incurred for the purchase of the piano and this debt (approximately $10,500 currently) would not be transferred to the new non-profit organization. a. Benefit. 1. Retains approximately $100k of SRDC funds that would be transferred to the new non-profit agency as a contingency and opportunity fund for maintaining, managing, and marketing the theater through its initial years. of operation. These funds could also be used to leverage other grant funds and gifts. The funds could be used to pay down the city loan if receipts do not coVer the payment. 11. All bank: debt is paid off. b. Con 1. A $100k debt remains and the City will have a lien on the building. 11. Does not recognize the significant investment of $622k in City funds. 111. Rental fees may have to be raised to'cover the annual payment to the City. ATTACHME]~T 1 - PAGE 1 . e e DRAFT REORGANIZATION PLAN FOR THE OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF THE WILDISH COMMUNITY THEATER Concept: · Form a new nonprofit tax exempt corporation to own and operate the Wildish Community Theater (Theater) Proposed Members: · Springfield Renaissance Development Corporation (SRDC) · Springfield Public Schools (SPS) · City of Springfield (City) · Willamalane Park and Recreation District (Willamalane) Goals: · To pay off the $600,0001 of long term bank debt owed on the Theater by December 31, 2007 or soon thereafter; , · To ensure the long-term financial health and management of the Theater; · To ensure the original mission of the Theater Con tributions/Benefits: · SRDC - Transfer all assets and liabilities related to the operation of the Theater. The value of such assets is estimated to be approximately $3,235,277 consisting of: . Land and building: $2,773,290 (Assessor's 2007 Real Market Value) . FF&E: $238,799 . Cash & Undeposited Funds: $166,170 . Receivables: $57,018 The related liabilities are estimated to be $762,397 consisting of: . User Group Deposits: $6,955 . Note Payable - Music Acceptance: $62,070 . Note Payable - Oregon Housing: $93,372 . Note Payable - Siuslaw Bank: $600,000 · SPS - Provide $200,000 to reduce the Theater bank debt ensure its long-term stability and availability for the A3 program and other school use. As an owner, SPS would be assured 10Qg term usage. The basic agreed use times (Paragraph A. 1. and 2.) and operating agreements (Paragraph D.) stipulated in February 2007 Memorandum of Agreement between SPS and SRDC would remain in effect The balance of the agreement would be renegotiated as part of the reorganization plan. · City ~ Provide $200,000 to reduce the Theater bank debt to ensure that the Theater is maintained as a community performing arts facility and part of the economic renaissance of downtown. An agreement allowing the City to use the Theater for special events, public celebrations, puppet shows, etc. would be part of the reorganization plan. 1 Except as otherwise indicated, all monetary amounts are from SDRC'sBa1ance Sheet dated August 31,2007. 1 - Summary of Wild ish Theater Non-Profit (151511BK) _. ~ - ATTACHMEJNT 2 - PAGE 1 . · Willamalane - Provide $200,000 toward reducing the Theater bank debt to ensure its long-term stability and availability to improve and enhance programming in the area of cultural arts including such programs as drama camps and classes, lectures, community concerts, talent competitions, battle of teenage bands, and Sharps & Flats concerts. Willamalane has been responsible for booking and arm lengths management of the Theater for the last I 7 months at no fee to SRDC. Willamalane is willing to submit a proposal for long-term professional management of the Theater's day to day operations, scheduling, accounting, and marketing activities. Equal Representation: · Each member would have equal representation on the Board of Directors and provide equal control and management over the Theater. · Each member's ownership interest will be established in direct proportion to the value each member contributes to the new non-profit organization. · The proportional ownership interest would not affect the equal control and management of the Theater or the new non-profit. · As a practical matter, the differences in ownership interest would only affect the members upon dissolution of the organization and the subsequent liquidation and distribution of the organization's assets. · Upon dissolution and after paying the debts, the remaining money would be distributed in direct proportion to each members' ownership interest. . Mutual Cooperation: · All four members would work collaboratively through the Board of Directors with user groups to determine appropriate levels of use. · All parties acknowledge that the Theater is a community theater and is committed to ensuring that this organization will maintain the Theater as primarily a community theater (e.g. 30% member use vs. 70% community use during prime time). . . Theater Board of Directors: · This Board would be established to provide general oversight responsibility for the theate~. Each member would appoint two directors to the Board of which one shall be the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, and one other person to be appointed by the member. Four or more at-large directors would be appointed by the directors appointed by the members. The at-large directors would represent previous donors, theater enthusiasts and experts, community leaders, downtown businesses, and/or user groups. · The Board would be specifically responsible for the following: . Ensuring that the Theater is operated consistently with its original mission; . Preparing an annual operating budget, overseeing ongoing revenues and costs consistent with the budget and ensuring the overall fiscal health of the Theater; . Preparing and implementing an annual operating plan reflective of the wishes of the members and targeting groups that best fit in the Theater and ensuring an opportunity for a wide range of entertainment at the Theater. Marketing should be structured to ensure the overall revenue targets/days booked is consistent with budget needs and projections; . Establishing other support committees as deemed appropriate and consistent with the mission to include a "Friends Group" which could be involved with memberships, 2 - Summary of Wild ish Theater Non-Profit _ _ _ __ _____n ATTACHMEJ~T 2 - PAGE 2 (151511BK) ;! . . e overseeing volunteers, gala event, and otherwise providing a range of support for the theater; . Ensuring policies adopted for overall operation of the theater are adhered to and/or updated as needed. The Board will be the arbitrator of questions regarding the policies that "management" needs further clarification on; . Reporting to the members on at least a semi-annual basis the progress of the Theater to include financial health, bookings, any capital needs and other similar issues important for the members to be kept aware of on an ongoing basis. Revenue and Expense Priorities: · As undedicated revenue is received from rentals, donations, grants, memberships, etc., these funds would be committed in priority of the following areas. . First Priority ~ Direct Costs Associated with Operating the Theater, such as: a. Utilities b. Insurance c. Technical staff-technical director d. Support staff - building attendant, custodial, and webmaster e. V olunteer support f. Marketing/publicity costs g. Maintenance and repair, .including HV AC maintenance h. Materials, supplies, and services . Second Priority - Management Costs Set rate to be negotiated. The estimated cost of contract management as outlined in the business plan was $18,000 per year. Willamalane is expected and encouraged to submit an initial theater management proposal for consideration by the WCT Board of Directors. . Third Priority - Operating and Capital Reserve and Endowment a. At the end of the fiscal year, after direct and m,anagement costs are paid, 50 percent of any excess funds would be transferred into an Operating and Capital Reserve Fund. The remaining 50 percent of excess funds would be transferred into the Endowment Fund. The Reserve Fund and Endowment Fund would be managed by SRDC. Shortfalls: · If operating revenue does not cover the first or second priorities listed above, the WCT Board of Directors will consider using reserves and/or donations from a variety sources (private, public, fundraising events, in-kind services, etc.) to cover these expenses. 3 - Summary of Wild ish Theater Non-Profit ATTACHME]~T 2 - PAGE 3 (151511BK) Attachment 3 > ~I ~' >: O! ::C1 a:: ~ :z:; ~ ~, I ~; >; Q. tz:l Willamalane Park & Recreation District Wild ish Theater Management Proposal Proposed Budget - February 2008 Revenue Base Year Notes Buildina Rentals Weekday Daytime $2,823 Estimate based on 4% of community time rented at $50 per hour. Sundays $10,080 Estimate based on 50% of community time rented at $70 per hour. Friday & Saturdays $25,696 Estimate based on 55% of community time rented at $80 per hour. Other Weekdays or nights $8,760 Estimate based on 20% of community time rented at $50 per hour. Subtotal Building Rentals $47,359 t Other Fees . AudioNisual Equipment Rental $12,195 Estimate based on 50% of community rental time using audio visual equipment @ $35/hr average Miscellaneous Fees $260 Incidental fees and charges estimate AddlSchoolUse $16,439 SPS Rate = Two times the base hourly cost; building attendant by agency; tech operator extra @$21/hr Estimated WPRD/City Use $8,779 WPRD/CITY Rate = Two times the base hourly cost; building attendant by agency; tech operator extra @$21/hr Subtotal Other Fees $37,673 Fundraisina . Family Memberships $4,000 160 families @ $25 - Increase with projected use Grants for Operations $1 ,000 Donations Jor Operations $1,000 Annual Gala Event (Net) $10,000 Net donation from event sponsored by Friends of the Wi/dish Theater Subtotal Fundraising $16,000 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUE $101,032 Expenses Base Year Staffina . Contractual Management $33,180 ManagementlBooking/Finance/Marketing/General Tech Staff. Custodian Services $4,608 8 hours per week average/supplemented by SPS Janitorial Svcs. Anticipate inflation increase of 3% annually Building Attendent $7,990 All hours rented by outside groups and based on $11.47 per hrlall costs Tech Equipment Operator $7,317 Techni~1 Director @ $21/hr (all costs) 50% hrs rented by community Subtotal Staffing $53,095 Material & Services Anticipate Inflation increase of 3% annually Office Supplies & Mailing $1 ,000 Custodial Supplies $2,000 Marketing/Advertising $5,000 Insurance $4,000 Newsletter $1,500 Volunteer Training/Recognition $500 Miscellaneous $1,000 Subtotal Material & Services $15,000 Utilities T elephonellnternet $3,300 No annual increase expected E lectricitylWater/Sewer $7,400 Anticipate inflation increase of 3% annually. Anticipate Water increase estimate at 5% annually Natural Gas $3,200 Anticipate inflation increase of 3% annually Garbage $750 Anticipate inflation increase of 3% annually Security Alarm $620 Anticipate inflation increase of 3% annually Subtotal Utilities $15,270 , I-' > ~ ~ > (')1 ::c a: tz2 z ~ e,., I ~ > Q tz2 ~ Attachment 3 Maintenance/Reoair Building Maintenance $1,500 Anticipate inflation increase of 3% annually Equipment Maintenance $2,500 Includes routine HVAC Service. Anticipate inflation increase of 3% annually. Subtotal Maint/Repair $4,000 Contingency @ 5% $4,368 Debt Service $0 . TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSE $91,734 Base Cost $57,062.2 $11.43 Per rentalable hour Base Costs = 100% Mgmt+50% custodian+50% M&S+66% Utilities+100% Maintenance & Repair Balance for Debt Reduction or Reserves $9,298 For reserves/endownment I I I ~ (J) 'E E :r: a. E n; (J) Q) ~ 0 ~ 'E "0 "0 en Q) ~ c..> ~ c: Q) Q) Q)::J :0. Est E . > ~co en enD E ~ Q) :r:"O 0::: 0 co en :r: n;~ o a. &0::: 0::: - ::J >< e:m ~ :; Estimated % Occupied by Rented Hourly o c: Sg ~~ c: c..> Q) (j) o~ Base Year co ~ ~ communityaroups Hrs Rate ~ ~ Iii ~o :! a.::J w 1-0:: Weekday Daytime 2,080 621 48 1412 4% 56 $50 2 28 $2,823.00 725 34.85% Sunday 416 48 80 288 50.00% 144 $70 6 24 $10,080.00 272 65.38% Fri/Sat 832 136 112 584 55.00% 321 $80 6 54 $25,696.00 569 68.41% Weekday Evenings' 1,664 352 144 1168 15.00% 175 $50 3 58 $8,760.00 671 40.34% 4,992 1157 384 3452 697 $68 164 $47,359.00 2,237 44.82% *The community hours are less 31 % reserved for SPSIWPRD/City I *The est. # community events is based on current stats from Sept 07 through Aug 08. I Prime Time Rental Day' Community. GrouQs 136 I I I I I Proposed SPS Use Hrs Rate Fee % of Use Days Weekday Daytime 621 $23 $14,186 29.83% 4.25 hours per school day 146 4.25 hr/day Sunday 48 $23 $1,097 11.54% 6 Sundays during school year [ --- - ~ 8 hr/day Fri/Sat 136 $23 $3,109 16.35% 17 days during school year 1718 hr/day Weekday Evenings 352 $23 $8,047 21.15% 44 evenings during school year 4418 hr/day Total 1,157 $23 $26,439 Less Pre-paid lease -$10,000 23.17% r _:.: 'Prime Time Rental Days - - 1,157 $14 $16,439 6~ Est WPRD/City Use Hrs Rate Fee % of Use Days Weekday Daytime 48 $23 $1,097 2.31% 2 daytime lectures per month 12 2 hr/day Sunday 80 $23 $1,829 19.23% 10 Sunday events per year l" --198 hr/day Fri/Sat 112 $23 $2,560 13.46% 14 days per year 1~ 8 hr/day Weekday Evenings 144 $23 $3,292 8.65% 18 events per year 188 hr/day Total 384 $23 $8,779 7.69%r - Pri'me TfmeRentafDays 42 I I $231 $35,2181 Combined 1,541 30.86% .I2!.al Agency' Prime Time Rental DaYL------1Qg SPSIWPR/City Occupancy 30.86% Estimated hrs 1541 Community Occupancy 13.96% Estimated hrs 697 Prime Time Agency Occupancy 29.95% Estimated hrs 872 Community Est Prime Time Occupancy 21.99% Estimated hrs 640 :> ~I ~ :> n ::r::' ~ ~I :z: ~ W, I ~ :> Q tz:1 W Estimated % Max Total Available Occupied by Est Rental Proposed Agency % use by Event community Rented Hourly Total Total % Base Year Events SPS Use WPRD Use Use Agency Units groups Units Rate Events Occupancy Weekday Daytime 260 146 24 170 65.38% 90 5% 5 $50 175 67.12% .Sunday 52 6 10 16 30.77% 36 50.00% 18 $70 34 65.38% F ri/Sat 104 17 14 31 29.81 % 73 50.00% 37 $80 68 64.90% Weekday Evenings 208 44 18 62 30.00% 146 10.00% 15 $50 77 37.00% 624 213 66 279 44.78% 345 74 353 56.56% Value of SPS Use Weekday Daytime Sunday F ri/Sat Weekday Evenings Value WPRD/City Weekday Daytime Sunday F ri/Sat Weekday Evenings Rate 146 $17.50 $10,220.00 4 hr min 6 $53.50 $1,926.00 6 hr min 17 $63.50 $6,477.00 6 hr min 44 $33.50 $5,896.00 4 hr min $24,519.00 $10,000.00 $14,519.00 Rate 24 $17.50 $840.00 2 hr min 10 $53.50 $3,210.00 6 hr min 14 $63.50 $5,334.00 6 hr min 18 $33.50 $1,809.00 3 hr min $11,193.00 o !~I!!!!l~l!!e Proposal to Manage and Operate the Richard E. Wildish Community Theater .',", Background: to. ,,- ~ ~ The Richard E. Wildish Community Theater was developed by the'Spnngfield Renaissance Development Corporation (SRDC) as a quality performance v~l}Ge in "D{>W~!own Springfield. Based on the original structure of the old McKenzie Theatet~ "'F4e Wildish" is now recognized as one of the best small performance halls in the area. ~ .... ........ " "- . ~ The Wildish Theater's mission is to "Provide Eugene7Springfiekj with hig~-quality thepter facilities at reasonable prices to assure access ana.use by.a wifi..J variety of non-proji(performing )J " ... ,J '" ~'? arts groups. '\ ... ... ~ SRDC never intended to continue as the,primary operational~enti!y for the Wildish Theater, and is interested in transferring ownership of the property to a 501(c)(~) "non-profit agency composed of SRDC, Springfield Public Schools, Willa~alane "Park and Recreation :DiStrict, and the City of Springfield. This non-profit agency would e's)ablish.a~goveming B o'arl of Directors, and assume financial responsibility for the Theater. The nbh-profi1-age~cy"wouid also contract for \' ,.. .... ,- management, technical, booking,..and marketing\sirvices to nandle the day-to-day operation of the theater. For the purp~ses of-thi;'proposal, we,will call the{on-profit agency the Wildish Community Theater, Inc. (WCT)~. ' \ \ A Steering Committ~~tablished,bi SRDC to expiore'long-term ownership and theater . ~ ,.. . t' operatIons also recolJ.1lIlended~,,, ...~ :--- --~-...7 . T~ansferof'ownership to~CT should not change the mission or the focus of the theater as originally d~igned and represented to its donors and the public. ..,-.... ..,.. \ / · RGgardless of ownersHip, the 136ard of Directors for the theater should represent the community and not e\clusively private interests. ~ ~ I · The Boar~ s4.?uld co...nf~ntrate on oversight, policy, and fundraising and not the day-to- day operatio~oftJ1~theater. This is the reason to contract for management services. · Marketing andlp&king should be key areas for management services. This is to facilitate revenue gene~tion and financial sustainability. · Wherever possible, volunteers should be used to supplement the operations of the theater. In addition to the Steering Committee recommendations, Willamalane also recommends the following: · If requested, theater operations staff can assist renters with technical assistance, ticket sales, or marketing tasks. Rates for these additional services will be set to cover'direct costs and proVide revenue to the theater. www. willama/ane.org Community Recreation Center · 250 South 32nd Street · Springfield, OR 97478-6302 (541 ) 736-4544 · FAX (541) 736-4025 ATTACHME]~T 4 - PAGE 1 . It is expected that rental fees will cover the majority of the direct operating cost of the theater. Consequently, the first priority of the WCT is to generate revenue through rental by outside groups, specifically the "prime time" slots (evenings and weekends). Willamalane has already demonstrated it's commitment to the success of the Wildish Theater by dedicating hundreds of hours of staff time to booking and managing much of the theater operations over the last 20 months at no cost to SRDC. The District has also hired the Technical Director (Skip Hubbard) as an employee of the District for accounting and supervisory purposes. Program proposal:/~ Willamalane proposes to provide operational management, technic~.t~Si;tance, booking, acc~un~ing, and marketing services to the WCT Board of Dir~c~p~~o)-',~~ initial three-y,ear period begInnIng July 1, 2008. The contract may be renewed for addIti9nal three~year terms WIth the mutual consent and approval ofWCT and Willamalane. Thes~"dontractual'~ervices will be provided in compliance with the WCT approved POliC.i~S~d:pSdcedures. The'se~rvices encompass the following specific elements: /// ~~, ~ STAFFING A."'.} \ / · Assign a Wildish Theater Coordinator who will o~rs~e,,~e da0to-day operatioI1 and maintenance of the theater. The Theater Coordinator '\viII li~ the person designated to direct Willamalane staff who are assigned ~o"the Wildish Theitcr, n~~otiate performance schedules and fees, general oversight the mainteJ;l~e't!ld upkeep ofth~ b4ilding, and collect data on attendance, revenues, and operational licleds. tliis.,Rosition wiU"be'prbvided through the Cultural Affairs DepartmeIifat Willam~~e~'''--.....,. ,.~::< . )// \\ L ", <./ · Assign a Wildish Theater-SuQ.ervisor who ~ijl Sti~is1>~-~technical Director and Theater Coordinator, manageftte-op~ratip.g budget, .an4 report to .tIfu Board of Directors of the WCT. This position will'l)e~providea through the Cri.tural Affairs Department at Willamalane. ;~~'- " ,,! \ \,---./': BUDGET & REPORTING"''''' ) L--., ) // · Submit m()J1thly~ finan~ial ~n4/use (~e~1ts-to-thtVBoard of Directors. Accounting and bookkeepjng.funCtions will,b~'Rrovided through the Finance Department at Willamalane and wil!.c~riform ~sta~~d'ar4 acc<:)U~)in~ report formats. Theater use reports will be generated ~<>.u~~ the use. ofWi~a.m~lane "s\CI~~ Registration Software, ~h~ch can p~ovide .some additIonal user informat~on\for marketing purposes. Based on thIS InformatIOn, WIllamalane will piovide"a yearly revie~ of th'6 fees and recommend any adjustments to the fees to the WCT BoiLrd. .......'" I ; · Attached to~s'''prQPo~jt: an estimated budget for operation of the theater. The budget is based on actual ~xpens~ during the first year of theater operation, estimated management )/ costs, a conceptual/rental fee structure for WCT partners, and current rental rates for community groups. OPERATIONS. MANAGEMENT. & SCHEDULING · Supervise day-to-day inspection, maintenance, and repair of the Wildish Theater to keep it in optimal operating condition. The Board of Directors will define these operating standards and provide sufficient funds to cover the cost of operations to these standards. · Prepare and maintain a schedule of events and activities at the theater. This schedule will allocate operating hours according to "prime" and "off-hour" slots. Previously reserved hours by Springfield Public Schools (SPS) through a Memorandum of Agreement dated February 21, 2007, will remain in effect. Changes or additions to the requested hours by SPS must be ATTACHMEJNT 4 - PAC;'E 2 - approved by the WCT Board prior to Willamalane scheduling these hours. The Theater Coordinator will supervise bookings and reservations of the theater to meet the mission and policies of the Board of Directors. . Provide general technical operations for the Wildish Theater (lighting, sound, facility tours, operations, etc.). Lighting, sound, and production needs for individual performances (including rehearsals) will be provided by the Technical Director or assignee at additional expense to the renter. The Technical Director will continue as a Willamalane employee. . Work with the Academy of Arts and Academics (A3) to develop and implement a plan to actively use students and instructors of the A3 Program as building attendants, technical equipment operators, ushers, ticket office workers, marketing assisjants, etc. These positions may be paid or volunteer. Any costs associated with using stud~p.~/or~tructors will be recovered through user fees. // ~ -,/.../"..... \.. . Willamalane will sell tickets for scheduled events at the ~~l~m~lap.~"<<ommunity Recreation Center during regular business hours at no cost to the )V,CT~or evertts" dir~ct1y sponsored by WCT or a "Friends" group. Willamalane will offerJ(fmart,!g~ Ticket s~tles'for other renters for a fee./// "'''",''' / ~ ~~, ~'--~, . Willamalane will make necessary physical repaif~ t(htfe theitter building at a qreei cost for staff and materials. With the exception of safety-relate<t~s4esj-'epairs will be(lifuited to a maximum of $500 per instance without prior approval-by the WCT Board. \'>, ~, .. '" MARKETING \. ~ ~"'~' · Provide general marketing services fo~\~e,~ildi~h Theater. ~is"in91udes preparing an annual marketing plan for the Wildish ~yaier"'~~lch-;describes )Jf6motional strategies to . f h th ~\ / ~ //1 al d . I . Increase awareness 0 t e eater as a pel.Lormance/venue'among oc an regIona artIsts, \\ // ......., / . promote the theater a~/a-prefe!!ed place to attend cultural) eyents by the general pubhc, and build positive p~rc~pt,iol1s-(:)( the\theater amdng potential <oenefactors and granting . organizations. SOnle(specific ~ldJlents of the h13:rketing program include preparing the ' Wildish TheatefNewsletter, ttiatiaging the Wilfush/Theater Web site, and preparing facility marketing materials. Itnple~e~~ion-ofJ~~E~,~9/~ill be provided through the Public Affairs Department arWiltamalane. MarKeting-~ed~,-for individual performances (posters, tickets, f1yer~(~dvertising) 'Win be lJfovided by the renter, or contracted from Willamalane staff at a;!dit(6na1 expense~ \ ~,,~ · Wih~lane will wor~'wiih the WeT Board to establish a "Friends" group that will be respo~il?~'{or fundraisi~g,\mem6~rship and volunteer recruitment, producing an annual gala " ' I . event, and'pro~oting the lt4eater through presentations and advocacy. ~"" "'-"> /// "\ 'v'/ Staff Allocations,:' (/ Willamalane will provide all staff necessary to execute this proposal. Primary staff support will come from the Cultural Affairs Department at Willamalane. Additional staff support will be provided by the Willamalane Finance Department and Public Affairs Department. Technical support will be provided by Willamalane staff, or through specialized talent contracted by Willamalane. Maintenance and custodial services will be provided by or contracted through Willamalane. Monthly time estimates for specific services are: Theater Supervisor: Cultural Affairs Dept. 20 hours ATTACHMEJ ~T 4 - PAGE 3 Theater Coordinator (Tickets, booking, custodial, etc.): Cult. Affairs Dept. 80 hours Financial Services: Finance Dept. 10 hours Marketing Services: Public Affairs Dept. 16 hours Tech Services (Non-event lights, sound, stage, etc.): 5 hours Custodial/Maintenance 32 hours MONTHLY ESTIMATE 163 hours ,-Willamalane's Experience and Reliability: //~ / / "'v // Willamalane Park and Recreation District is the acknowledged e,~ti~rf'at developing and implementing high-quality special events and recreation prografn{i'll"'SPnngfield. Throughout its 67 year-history, Willamalane has managed large outdoor eye~tsJ~uch ~'th~mEGGa Hunt, C~l~ren's Celebration, Living His~ory Festival, ~aunt~d)fa~d~, and .co)c~~s{n the park. The Dlstnct has produced hundreds of Indoor events Including dances, musical performances, plays, lectures, classes, and workshops. Willamalane ha~_(i(s6,provide~~ent coordina1io~adylce and assistance to many local and regional OrganizatioifS.~ ~ l r~~ )/ Willamalane's Cultural Affairs Department has been specifi~n( created to provide additional support to these many events and activities~ Willamalane staff liave broad experience at booking performers, scheduling venues, setting u~\siage&,and perform~ce"llil.lls, creating advertising and public relations materials, ticket sales, entix\~~agem,ent, security\c6n~essions, budgeting, and finance. \,\ ~. ",~~ y \ \ ~ /'-.. . -_ /"0. . \ / "",' -/ /--~ \\ /' V Budget/Fee ///--'\ \ \ <\ Th . /' ~ ~ "'11 lb' .d d \ \ I .c. . .d d b eater operatIOns management w, ) e proVl e at a~ear y rate J.or servIces provl e y Willamalane staff. As specifi'ed, al)ov'e;-theJ<?llowin~/itaff will be assigned responsibility for management and-operati.on df~th~:~ih~.eateE-~1iie.'.-mOiithlY estimated costs for staff are: /' " " ----'. J / . .~._---~ ,.,""' ". - /' // ."'-.'", ~ ,.,"-, . The~t~~Supervisor: ($~5 p€(r hr for 20J!f~) /;-:... ""'. \ \ ""\ / Theater CoordInator: ($17\ per hr fOIj 80 hrs) ~" \ \ ~'/ Tech Direcio}(non-rental reldted): ($21/hr for 5 hrs) "", .~) ! CustodiaI/Mailitenan~e: 9:~ per he for 32 hrs) Marketing Servi:;2s\ ($40/per hr for 16 hrs) \// Financial Services: ($20 per hr for 10 hrs) $500 $1,320 $105 $384 $640 $200 MONTHLY ESTIMATE . $3,149 Materials and supplies necessary to operate and maintain the theater will be charged at a direct rate. Examples include custodial supplies, printing costs, and utilities. In addition, technical and building attendant services associated with building rental will be charged at a direct rate. Based on this estimate, Willamalane proposes to manage the Wildish Theater for an annual fee of$37,788 per year. The management fee will increase by 5% per year for year two and three of the contract. ---- ATTACHMEJ ~T 4 - PAGE 4 Direct costs associated with rentals (building attendant and technical director) and other direct costs such as utilities, maintenance and repairs, supplies, printing, insurance, and advertising will be covered by the revenue received from rentals and fundraising. The management fee will be paid annually after all direct expenses are paid. If revenue does not cover the cost of management after paying for direct expenses, Willamalane will bill WCT for the difference on an annual basis. Payment must be received within 15 days of receipt of the bill. If at the end of the year, revenue exceeds expenditures for direct costs and the management fee, WCT and Willamalane will split the excess, 70% WCT and 30% Willamalane. Capital repair and replacement costs in excess of $1,000 will be not be used in this formula and will be covered solely by WCT. If this proposal is accepted, Willamalane will establish a separate fund}b~rack all expenses and revenues associated with managing and operating the theater. AJD9nihiYfinancial statement will be prepared and presented to the WCT Board.. ////, '~ , . / "".~ . (r ~.~ /<~~ ~\ ~'~~u ",/ .~ ~ // "" //\ ~ """/ ~/"~ ~. ) "'~ \ // ''',\ "~/r-~) tY/ "" . / ~. ~ \"~" ~ ~ \ \~'" ~'\. ~..-1 \\ ~ ~ '" / \' "'-.. ~~ ) // \ '') >, (./ /-~ \.,~.Y~~7 //"---~ ~ , v /~ \ \ \\ ~~.~ \ I \~ . "'--'.' . ~.~~~,,~.~.~:.-....---...-.............. ~ / ..~ ..~ ---.~- / . ~~-~" . ~~- /~.. "" .~... '~"-.4 o .,'" '\, \ \ / ~ \)~. ~;I/ <" ATTACHMEl ~T 4 - PAGE 5 FYOO FY01 FY02 FY03 FY05 . FY06 FY07 Purchase Agreement Electrical Repairs Theater Purchase Grantwriting Services Grantwriting Services Renovation Design Services Grantwriting Services "Rehabilitation Expenses Demolition Construction Payment Construction Payment (Chambers) Architectural/Design'Services Construction Payment Construction Payment Construction Payment . Construction Payment Construction Payment Construction Payment Construction Payment Construction Payment Construction Payment Fund 2102 Fund 20Sf COSG EOI Grants Fund 4203 : $7,200 $65 : . $42,800 . . . $10,000 . . $10,000 . . $12,274 ~ . $25,000 $79,034 : $18,267 : $113,000 : $58,520 : $7,250 . . . $2,750 : . $75,000 : . $3,241 . . . $53,310 . $19,070 . $2,500 . $151,050 : . $297,000 $21,289 $10,000 $494,936 $396,410 $107,274 All Funds - All Fiscal Years: 1 Transient Room Taxes 2 Federal Grants 3 Pass Through from Booth-Kelly Fund $1,008,620 ATTACHMEJ ~T 5