HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/24/2007 ; City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Application, Type II Application Type (Applicant: check one) Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: o ~ Subdivision Replat Tentative: Partition Replat Tentative: o o Applicant Name: Company: Address: Ron Thienes IAmiQOS III, LLC I P.O. Box 25, Walterville, OR 97489 Phone: Fax: Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: James A. Branch, P.E., P.L.S. Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR Phone: 746-0637 Fax: 746-0389 97477 Property Owner: Amigos III, LLC Company: Address: 32929 Roberts Ct. Coburq, OR 97408 Phone: 726-8795 Fax: 736-5181 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-34-32 Property Address: Size of Property: 1.19 Proposed Name of Subdivision: Description of Partition TL 1400 (or Parcel 2 of Partition Number 2007-P2089) into three Proposal: parcels. TAX LOT NO(S): 1400 Acres [8] Square Feet 0 Existing Use: Vacant # of Lots/Parcels: 3 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 17279 sf Density: dujacre Required Property Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 Associated Applications: Pre-Submittal Case No.: ?vc 2&> f -(S~-:t Date: Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 Case No.: Application Fee: Date: Postage Fee: Reviewed by: 9s! 2-4/"01:..- (initials) f Reviewed by: (initials) Total Fee: ~~~ ~~ '~!~l /OTt Ib'('d\JIl~ ,\ r, , '. Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application IS mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifYing the items required to make the application complete-If It isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decIsion, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff If certain Issues need resolution before the final land use decision IS Issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for b-oth the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages In the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. Case Number:(Y)K.26b1- ,. EX5bLj1 Date Submitted: Z 2--4 I C:i -=r , I The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling Of~~rt~1 Meeting." . Owner: / y~u/~1/ ,!ghk4/ Date: 6/;)/07 (/srgnatul . -... . I I Ron Thlenes Print , -'" ;~ r I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meetmg, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herem or the mformatlon will not be provided If not otherwi?~. contamed within the submittal, and the City may begm processmg the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as wntten notice pursuaht to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaming to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Ron Thienes Pnnt . ~. ..' } Land Division Submittal Requirements Checklist *If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department. The applicatIon fee and current postage fee IS collected at the time of complete application submittal. , 2. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner, wntten permission from the property owner IS required. 3. One additional copy ot the Land Division Plan reduced to 81f2."x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required nelghbonng property notification packet. 4. Right-ot-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facIlity. 5. Stormwater Management System Study-four copies of the study with the completed Storm water Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. 6. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer In accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic Impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system In terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and Immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also address, If needed, City, metro plan and state land t1se and transportation policies and objectives. 7. Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the following plans must Include the scale (appropnate to the area Involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 3D', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation. All p-Ian sets must be folded to 81/2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. a. Site Assessment ot Existing Conditions [gI Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer [gI VICinity Mal3 [gI The name, location and dimenSions of all eXisting site features Including bUildings, curb cuts, trees and impervIous surface areas, clearly indicating what IS remaining and what IS being removed N~ 0 Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for eXlstrng structures to remain on site ~~ 0 The name, location, dimenSions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required npanan setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file In the Development Services Department . r . . rgJ The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundanes on the site, as speCIfied In the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map RevIsion I . rgJ The TIme of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development ~ Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department rgJ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" In diameter or greater when measured 4 '/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, npanan areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings / rgJ SOIl types and water table information as mapped and specified In the SOils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently If the SOIls Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable sOils and/or a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Plan rgJ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 ?6SiY'(), [gJ Location of all eXI?t,ing and proposed easements I yY\\ [gJ DimenSions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimenSions of each bUilding .' site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale -[gJ Location and type of eXisting and proposed street lighting fXl- Location, widths and names of all existing and propose,d streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division [gJ Location of eXlstrng and required tra~flc control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox unrts and similar public facilities [gJ; Location and Width of all eXisting and proposed Sidewalks, Sidewalk ramps, pedestnan access ways and bike trails rgJ Locatlqn, size and type of plantlngs and street trees In any required planter stnp -rgJ Location and size of eXisting and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanrtary sewer mainS, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection pOints. Where multiple panhandles are proposed, the utility plan must Include any utilities located In the dnveway(s). Phased Development Plan required If redlvlslon IS proposed. The plan must Include the boundanes and sequencing of each proposed redlvislon. Any redlvislon must progress In a sequence promoting street connectivity between the vanous phases of the development and accommodating other required public Improvements. c. Grading and Paving Plan [gJ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer [2?" Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system Arrv-ove.c{ f{"rd~ P31L! 73 [gJ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations [gJ PervIous and ImpervIous area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain Irnes, catch baSinS, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural dralnageways to be retained AfP('G~ ~rc~ PJ:J473 [gJ EXisting and proposed spot elevations ana cpntours lines drawn at 1 foot Intervals (for land With a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot Intervals) D Amount of proposed cut and fill \\/t\ l " ; , 8. Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: ~/A , '7 D Proposed deed restnctlons and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement D Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster SubdivIsion proposal as specIfied In SDC Section 16.100(3) o Rlpanan Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tnbutanes of WQLW D A Geotechnrcal Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently If there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present D Where the development area IS within an overlay dlstnct applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay dlstnct o If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified In SDC Article 38 D A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there IS a wetland on the property rgJ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or eVidence the permit application has been submitted for review D Where any grading, filling or excavating IS proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application D Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Vanance or Modification of PrOVISions as speCIfied In SDC Article 10 or 11 . S.E. COR. L ~"'\ J. ~ANN /~' oY~~-f).LC. 74 II I ~ I E ~ J J ') / ul J f= o . o i- Jo t I ,"-"'/ << . . "' va: oJ '" rt') I-N O"? ...J APPROX [MA TE 1/ L6 TH CORNER ~ ~ \O"q"""""o ~~ oJ-\O ~Q~ V qLn';~~PRINGFIELD . ?17-02/3~-32 TL 1400 . t 12~lfd/ (Ur( il,,9i53'lf2'1: <'981'7'/ /MIf[Af-' 6'\ "'''\' - '" 5384' I\' 'YI , POI "'- .-.. ~ , "/~S -2e8- 1300 NT _ "-.IN\"'I'^I- .. ~ 5383' ~ I 00, 04 AC "~1>ol"n ~ g N89'58'14''o' tIS. . In 'IJ J...: 000' ~ 5382' ~.,.}{ ~ 1 400 .. 1"'400' 1.19 AC I I ~ RCLE 2 1 /~ '''\~...~.s~~w ~ PA \li,::;::>l I; 1'10 ~ ~(Q) "I S,.,..'9(j1(j, iil,~ R.'V.o ....c..>-"..o ;;; if))~ ~:~ It::l~~~~ ,-.,~,. :;" (!:? ~, r R.. 't'~~.,. .;'j... I~ " "': ~ ~ ~ ; :SITE !~ if))~?J cu ~q: ,'\ ", ; ~ : =' (0) (!;p g ~~~~~~~e i.. 1.g Ir-\r ~ ". ..10 o b lit '" ; I ~ ~!i.:/ U 1/ EASl ,1''''45' u / '- ~ 51~J / ~ " I 400 ~:: \'1/""' 0 ~ ~ l'~ 0,76 AC ;e ~ 11 % " : ~' _ ()J9J 4?44'31;~-L)085C.:J ~ I. : %;~~O_E- t ')0 /1.1'1, 4 ~ z ~ ~ 300 <>,'li','Io '" z ~ "'-' " ~ 7. 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J ~ 01' q: 11 00 ~ o 0 29 AC.", o J peL 1 ' J j~ rfJ'~\ ~ \l\v.";~ --1m. P.' :.....ll.~.e III G !' o o " " lr '=>32..:,' ~ou.,t'o. .. '0<'..0 \ / ~ ~'\'_E.. "''<om ~ w~ <:c~.....'-... ~ 'D c,.",-,\(.~ 'D l. C. N.o """" oJ o O. PCL.2 .., b 2:: ~~ ~..'~till Z ." ..,,~, t ~ f ~ \O~ ~\~ ~O. ~J>-~J>. ~ ..... tt 17- ~'v . \'~ l III ,... "" ~I='I=' UAP if' Amigos m Partition Written Statement August 24, 2007 This land use application is to propose a three lot partition of Parcel 2 of Land PartitIOn Number 2007-P2089, or Tax Lot 1400 of Map 17-02-34-32 The subject property was also included 111 a recent public improvement project (P30473) The public improvements consisted of extending "A" Street, to connect 58th Street to 60th Place, and the installing public utilities to serve lots fronting this extenSIOn The access for the three new parcels will be provided by the" A" Street and the existing private drive Proposed Parcel 3 fronts McKenzie Highway and Main Street. The adjacent Tax Lot 300 uses the frontage of proposed Parcel 3 to access McKenzie Highway Sanitary sewer will be provided by the existing 15" main that runs through the site One six inch tap will be made directly to the main for each proposed parcel A ten inch stormwater stub was extended to the subject site as part as the construction of the "A" Street Extension A connection to the stub could be made for proposed Parcell Proposed Parcer2 would connect directly to the said stub Proposed Parcel 3 will connect to the existing stub on the southern portion of the parcel, which discharges into the onsite swale The "A" Street stormwater system discharges to the 24" main directly north of the entife development. A stormwater study was submitted as part of the "A" Street Extension PIP permit detailing runoff flow rates for Tax Lot 1400 and pipe sizing for the "A" Street Extension stormwater system A stormwater study showing site specific stormwater management will be submitted with the site plan permit application each individual parcel as they develop Other utilities such as gas, water and power are available through "A" Street. Laterals for Tax Lot 1400 were provided for with the construction of "A" Street. There will be no cut or fill with this partition PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG .2 3 2007 THURSTON IUGH SCHOOL ~Sl(.' SITE ASSESSMENT AMIGOS III, PARCEL 2 OF EXISTING CONDITIONS LLC. PARTITION OF LPP 2007-2089 ~ N I -SU-' II ",-tP ~1..;' ,'v ..."" ""'-' " '" ... " '? r... -~ / . ~ ~ '" " ->f!JoI ~ it', f ~~# I ....../ " e!!J ----. ~ If; .. ,,<, (=--------- ) , NBs-....'3I"W ... " -,..- _ IMJ!J --~._-~---~- = ......--. l.DfTPOtE'II"''''' /69..c: ~, " .. ill '!' VICINITY MAP LEGEND . WA.1'JrB QUJJJrY UIII7'BD rL.....~.............. ACCoRcw; fO ~ 07\""6 f'AfEn OI.JAUTY LNrrD f'AffRCtUISE /IIAP 11ERE ARE NO WAffRCCUlSE$ OHCR ADJACENT fO TJE SrE 108.5Z c # ,v nil1&' or T'lU.m. ZCJNJm ACCORDMi fO ff€ arrs Im..LJEAD Pf/OrECrr:w IlAA"Ni. nE" 9TE IS IIf1HW 1l€ 20 YEAR r.. OF rRA\IE'1. lOlE. : \ SOlI.. 'l'YPRS AcctR)WG ro TI€ SOl. stII'lfiY FOR LAtE COlIWrY Cfi(GOlI nE FaLOllNi SOL rYPE" EJaST8 ON TI€5(fE, "" BAl.EN-U'l9AH LAM>. THe: D€1'TH fO H9i WATEll fABlE IS GREATEllfHAN6FEET ~ ", ,,, f'UJODPWN PEJl FOIA FPJI "AIEl. 4lOJ9Qr62 F DATED >>E 2. 1999. TIE srr IS E:NmELYIl'mfiZOf€l(IOUfSIJCOF1JE500I'EARFtOOOJ. UN'CBlWlK DA'I'DJI OTY CF SPRNSFnD DAfLM FaN) 0fflEU]) SOUARE ~ TOI' FACE fF Cl.fl8 AT ThE"NlJRTHEASTCCRNeRfFCLfI8N.ETATI'fE"IITERSECTICWOF CCMlEROAL AI'QU: AM) 42M) STREET aEVATm 4aJlI ~.- BA..9I9 0' 8bR1N'~ EASTERLY /JARGft fF 42n1l STREET W nE" Sl.Il\'EY FUD BY Gf'OMAl( ON *Y .. 2004 II COLM'Y &fiVEY FIE NO. m79 1lEc:awm II TIE ~S OFR:E fF LAIC) CCJ<<MTY McKENZIE HIGHWAY 'AIA" STRun (PAVtJ(3 WIDTH AND RIGHT OF WAY VARESJ , , /1 -----------------#~ TAX MAP /7...()2-34-32. TAX lOT /400 PRE-SUBMlllAl REC'O AUG 2 3 2007 r .- 1 ..,"''''''"~ LAH).SUI'iEYOR i.:;-t:j " C.l o~ I :. llH E 5~1: Q) s:;e:! S g~ ~ ~ 1 f~i i : Gi;~] ~ (,.l ~.e.~.a ~ :~=~ ~ ;;:-.;5 @)~ DArt I AUGUST U. Z007 I SCALE I '=JO I DR:r" I WJR I DESIGNER I JAI,I, I CHt/fltD 1 JAB I ~RJ',t5i:! 05-Z(UJ S"Her"O 1 OF ~ SHEET(S) DI'G Ml. ~\a5-204J r-1I1111tl ~, ~ 2 5B1Il . ....\~ 204J TENT PAll.TrTION Pl.AN.D1JG 0&'16101 THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL '-~ ~,c ~.I I..a.. ,~'"".".,~~ NORTH \ fT - ., PARCEL 1 ;I 9B69 SOFT <. ~ # '" ,. _1l ~ 15<, ,t ~~ /; · p7!l ~" ~ " ~ ~ _ 27344 SQFT . ~ 'l, :=J- N89.44'i'." 10d52 ,p> ,. IMm ~ ,U \ ""I TENTATIVE PARTITION PLAN FOR AMIGOS III, LLC. PARTITION PARCEL 2 OF LPP 2007-2089 ~ ~l ~ ; -:~JU.....J ''''''' ",< 9~; . ~ ~ "'~o......Al~.t .. MAP NOT TO SCAl.E" ,f ,f}(~ ,r' ,. of ,. '? GRAPHC SCAlE 9 I? 3!J '"' r..r_-~ LEGEND fi1 = /69,45 ) ~' '" " i I \ ", II ,. I .1 ~ l..WfI'l"Q.,(lIDf_ '" lii c # \. ~ r ~-- 1 ~~ c(- 1/ t;...{,- III ..:..~" J .wE9~BRANOI EXI"IlEgo~31lOO1 McKENZIE HIGHWAY IMAN STREET! {PAVrJ(j WllTH AM> RIGHT OF WAY VARESJ rAX MAP (7-02-34-32. rAX LOT /400 ~ I i ~~ a~ 5' . ~ 8 ! ~ ~ I :0: 0 :0: ;:: ~ ;:::0: Q:O Cl.. ~f:J :0: Q: 0 UO ~ -J -J ci ~ :::Lj Q<., .. ~c;: kJ~ ~ ~ :gl:: " 0<':> 0 ~ <.:>:i!: Ii' Cl..;:::': -Q: '" 0:0: 0 <Cl.. ~ Q:kJ ::: "'" Cl..i-- ,/~ e" "I ." ~ :;. H j "I D. - 5i!-!, E fi;~~ il ~'.Jie I ~ ]~...: ~ .d .,;~! ~ ~ ~i~~ J5 t~n @) DATE AUGUST U. 2007 SCAL.( ,'::: 30 DR::'N WJR DESIGNER JMA CHECKED BY ~RJ'Jiff: 05-2fUJ SHE<T HO 2 or.....!.. SHE[T(S) JAB PREmSUSMiftAi" REC',O- nNTPMn~UMm -~"' AUG 2 3 2007 SITE UTILITY AMIGOS III, THURSTON I "': HIGH SCHOOL PARCEL 2 OF LPP l- - - - - ~==-=-~--=--~~;.--=---=---=--~--=-..::;--=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=--.::,:.::--=--=--=--=--= I - .J ---- -~ ~~~ -- -----5U-' , " ,'... -, ,f - _ NORTHI'\ "A" ~ REE7' ,i ---~=-=-==-----=<l., """"~ of.(1I' ::::::-- , ~ ' tcQ:'::'::'::~--_-::'-~~=..C~I)/ \ ~,.' I -'5'------. - --,l~-- ,~ :: , ,~~ I' ~! &. PARCel' ,I ~ "il? 9869 SQFT ~~~~~..~""~: / II, ~ ~! I' I -:i N~i" ;A~_~ ~~ I ~i~' MENT ~ ~~ "" PA L J ~ ~ ~ : ~ _ Z7344 SOFT ;E: l:::;:Iii : ~ ~ {- -fC:~~Z~E I ~ ~ l; UTUrr EASEAENT : . ~ ~ ~1 I ~ ~, I r~~ ~ I LA:' I . i> : nu_n_n____unH ~ 1, !.,I"'- - ~ ~---=- - ~- -'~; ;'>J II "' NBS"44'31" 108.52 C ~ '... :i ,y1l' '/" 1\ II II i I i I ~ I ,,--3 - - - -- ~--=-=- -c-mr=-~ ~-~-~:-~'-_J~----'-_=_::~:'~ ~:" '" -----------~~ ---- II McKENZIE HIGHWAY""'" slRfETJ ~~~~~~~~~~~l[~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~--- I --- & LLC. . of ,y of '" . 169.45 ,~ ,y EASEMENT VARIABlE Wf)TH - "PRIVATE UTL.ITY EASEMENT = ,11' ,y # ,y I r 1) II I I ! ", ,y ~ ~ -2-=-~ LI ~ >>'1111-; _ _ TAX MAP 17..o2~34-3Z. TAX LOT /400 EASEMENTS PARTITION 2007-2089 ~ N I '!' .._oc.ou '! l~ ~ ,-........~ LEGEND -60 @ = -+ ILl ~ PREmSUBMlTIAl REC'O L\UG 2 3 2007 NOT TO SCALE '" 1 EJa/l'JM w..,rew..1'O SElIfl' EJlIJl'NJlJr~_snElt [1ClSTNl'rEl.D\'fOfIIE'lIME -b-~ ""',......... '-"";r"'~ Il-'';.~J e ~! "" -6 ~~ ~ 1== ~ I i .. ... ;: " z o ;::: ;:::z <>:0 O':~ <>: uo -J -J . Cl ===d ;;;G: o~ ~3:: -<>: ~ll. <(lIJ .z: :3 ll. ~ Z .... ~ .... lIJ i::5 "'ll lIJ .... ;::: :::; ;::: ::;, ~ ~ .s ,J 1 .; Hi 2 S.[-a ~ Q) !;:;e ~ 5 g~l i ~ -: t"lIoi i :: a;~j ~ ~ ~t~i i &:i ;~!i j @)a VATe AUGUST 24 2007 SCAl.! ,= JO f)R:~H WJR OeSIGNER cHcirro I ~'tDJ5fI I SHerr NO J"A JAB 05-2rUJ 4 or ~ SHCET(S) 01& NO. \2OC15\CJ5.zo.fJ pg-U11on .f IVM Z 5B1Il I: Mc*II05 Z04J TENT PAkrrT/CW I'l..AHDI'G 08116107 ~ N I ij;: VICINITY MAP \ / ';;] ;/_..u I .!-;r- I ::: ~:~ ~ ~I ~Il~ar ~l~l ID8T . M IAsrl -rVAR1A1iCri5iHhiVATE-:"=";' toIGRESS A/'I) EGRESS "'SEM<NT ~ ~. 1 . . ~ ,,, EASEMENTS AMIGOS III, LLC. PARTITION THURSTON '^. i HIGH SCHOOL PARCEL 2 OF LPP 2007-2089 - - ~~::::-~~.::.-~;;.-.::.-.::.-.::.-~-.::.~-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-:.,:':::-::.~-::.~-::. ---.U-' .~ ~!~ ',,, SITE UTILITIES & ,,1 )/ ,~ J____ of ,,, NOT 10 SCAl.E' ~ ~ i .. /$' ':> GRilPtiICSCALE 15 30 '" ElO!ITlIGWASTEYil.TEJl8EVER O'lIHMIISrOlWllI't..-SCKl'l EXlSf1fIUrtlD'I<<:lIllE"LIiE .z: ~ :5 0.. 0 j:: ~ j::~ ~ <>::0 W ~~ ::E w <>:: Vl uo ~ -J -J ci :::Lj o\l ... ;;;c;: Vl ~ ~ W " O~ j:: ~ ~~ Ii: ::J ~ -<l:: i'3 ::Eo.. j:: <<:Vl ~ :::> --""I'i!'~ LEGEND PARCEL 2 /4 '123 SOFT ., OI:ifTl'lGEl,.ECrRlCtl'€ EXl5'JNJ~1OOWOt ,- " .0 m ~ . 169.4' ) " @ ~ = ,# ,,, # " '" ,,, j 0-4 IIJ .9 ,J l .; iln ~ J:~1: Q) ~;e ~ ~ ae.~ ~ bi: :..:.~ ~ l>o .;J!~EI j ~ i!i;,a : ~"~~2 J! cis; ;a-!.. ~ ~ I, I, I' \ 1\ 'I II 1\ i% I I - - :I~ .~'~-l~-~ . , " .J1~", -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- II McKENZIE HIGHWAY ("", stRrrT! ~~~~~~~~i[~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ VARIA&E lIVTH PRrVA TE - ISIESS .MC EGlESS EASOENT all ", ,,, , I 'T ~~ ;-.."-- '-=------=---= ..LI -= ii'$1tI- -iQr:. :.:..= :::. DArE" AUGUST 24. 2007 TAX MAP 17-02-$4-52. TAX LOT 1400 SCAU I DRtfH IDeSIGNERI I ~-- 1 I CHeCKEO :~ 8Y I ~':J:f:i: I fm-2fUJ t JI(. DA- SH(fT HO 3 V' l _.r!";;,.. J - ^ IL REr.'fr.....:. "" OF ~ ,"m(s) ~Rt.SUBM\TIr\ . - ....,~'OOZO<J..,..._,...._'OOZO<J~.AR_"'"".. 06A~T I\UG 2 3 2007 I = JO WJR J.' JAB First American First American rdie Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 FOIR All QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT, PLEASE CONTACT:, Ronald Denton, Title Officer Phone: (541)484-2900 - Fax: (541)484-7321 - Emall: radenton@firstam.com Branch Engineenng 310 5th St. Spnngfield, OR 97477-4643 Order No.: 7199-1096851 August 15, 2007 Attn: Renee Clough Phone No.: (541)746-0637 - Fax No.: Emall: renee@branchengineenng.com Re: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG 2 3 2007 Preliminary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage Liability $ Premium $ AL T A Owners Extended Coverage liability $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage liability $ Premium $ AL T A Lenders Extended Coverage liability $ Premium $ Endorsement Premium $ Other Cost $ We are prepared to Issue Title Insurance Policy or Policies In the form and amount shown abo:ve, Insunng title to the following described land: ~ PARCEL 2, LAND PAR IiI iON PLAT 2007-P2089, AS, PLATTED AND RECORDED FEBRU,C4.RY 12, 2007, RECEPTION NO. 2007-009319, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNlY, OREGON. and as of August 10, 2007 at 8:00 a.m., title vested In: Amigos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Subject to the exceptions, exclUSions, and stipulations which are ordlnanly part of such Policy form and the follOWing: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 a hen due, but not yet payable. 2. Easement, including terms and provISions contained therein: Recording Information: In Favor of: For: r.1ay 16, 1962, Recept;on No~ 69803 City of Spnngfield -sanitary sewer This report IS for the exduslve use of the parnes herem shown and IS prelimmary to the Issuance of a title insurance policy and shall become VOid unless a policy IS ISSUed, and the full premium paid Preliminary Report Order No, 7199-1096851 Page 2 of 5 3. limited access provisions contained In Deed to the State of Oregon, by and through Its State Highway Commission recorded August 27, 1962, Reception No. 81290, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon, which provides that no nght of easement or nght of access to, from or across the State Highway other than expressly therein provided for shall attach to the abuttmg property. 4. Covenants, conditions and restnctions contained in Deed. Executed by: George L. Mendenhall, et al Recorded: August 27, 1962 Recording Information: 81290, Deed Records of I ;:;ne County, Oregon ~ -- :~~.. ~c:~sss :::-:r;\;.~r:~ ::J"'.ta~r~: .~~ iJeee :~ :::rEe S:a~e of Oregon, by and t;,rough Its State ~~4;"'_'-~:::"i ::-~_.:::::.~- -~::~:'2j O~o~e' 02, 1962, Receptior. t~o. 85207 Deed R4ecords of Lane __ _.1... ~_ _~!._ _!._ .__._ ~.;...:::. .L.!._~.L .__ -' '-!..-t.L _t:: ;....:;:..::!:..__._.:___ -._'" ..-!-_.L rC ~.---:e..-- -- .c_=_~.___ .-- -=...r_.-.r- -J I "'" -::;.. - . t -. - - .- - :;:;- ~_: :::.:.=. r. --_-;...'$ :-::!~:::~~:- ::~=..... :=::.:. 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J' __-..-:1:: ,:;; "" . ~;-~ --~~ --C--!........- _~!- ......=-=..-e...A ------- ,,- --' -~! ",- --. Gf":::J-~:-~. A.""'" ::-5 !!I LLC ~~ 'J-~=::r tl~.~-=j ~la=,t ~ -;::.E::.~::';;-- ~- T"'~=~e=' r:w~ ~O""\"'\=:~:C::.... ,,~~ If"'\S~"'::f"'\_~~ ~~~"""~="'H-! -:f t)_~:,-::"'" . - :::e!;~ ~:::~~~ :}:r 2}[-~ Q~~~~c~-:~ ~E:~"'~~"_L ')r ::!0~E ~e:.f'-'"'"""~ L....... ....r"".,.C~ -"~------'.':'.;o"'" _~<o. J~~~_fV:,:~:::1L ~........-~ .........-.....-....- ~--*j !:".=.-=~~.:~-::~. =e-:."~::::.rF 22" 20::-5 Oc...-.....r.-t....- Ti,f-.t"..-=-t..-- "'-................. :::=.... ..... ............... ;:"\f':::'_(1"! ;'1ht:. ~............ ........:-.......~ Rrst Amencan Tttle Preliminary Report Order No : 7199-1096851 Page 3 of 5 11. Assignment of leases and/or rents and the terms and conditions thereof: AssIgnor: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limIted liability company ASSignee: LlbertyBank Recorded: February 07,2006 Recording Information: 2006-008516 And Re-Recorded: Recording Information: February 22, 2006 2006-12067 12. FinanCing Statement, indlcatmg a Security Agreement Debtor: Amigos III, LLC, an Oregon limited !.abi!.ty company Secured Party: LibertyBank Recorded: February 07, 2006 Recording InformatICiii: 2006-008518 And Re-Recorded: February 22, 2006 Recording InforrnatIo;;. 2006-12068 ::::i:;2~e-:. Tc~:.;d:f"~ te~m5 and prOVISions contained therein: ~.::::'-:'~ :"'""0-"'2::'0" 5epteiliber 12, 2006, Reception No. 2006-066524 ::y :L: S: ...-;r2:':~ ~ ;-- _ -...:.;:_=' ::::::. -~: :.... --- ----- -- -~- -------~ - -- -- ~- - - -- -- - -..~- - - - - - - -- ----- ..... .......- ... -- .......... ---.... .... --- -- ...... -- -- ....- ....- .... --- -- --- -~- -.,.-" - - - __ ~_ ------_-0 _ __ ____ __ __ --~-- - - - - - -- ....- ....... ~---- ...........- .- ........ --:;... ..........- ..... .-.-....- ---.-....... - - - E~~-c--~:-~ __:t _~~ -=; :S--= 5-:: :-:" := :~-~ ::-~3 -~: :t...~.-S- ----- -- ..----------- ......- - : ,"-"'............ ~ - - ...... ...... - ~ _ '4':;:Y"; -...... _::::_~,--r.=.-- ~_ ___~ --____:=,____, "'- -F _ '-_ I.:;, __ _2 _ ,.'i...< -:r-'-- .....J....._ -A......... ; - - -- - - - - - -- E~=~-~-:- .-- -- -; :-=---~ ;::-:; :-: -; 3.:::-: =:.-:~ -~: :....-2;-:=- ----~-- ----------- -- - ~-:}:,=:. -- ..~ -:........- ------ - - ..............- -..(~..-- .......... _ r _~_ _...._........~... ~ ~--. -_...~ ...- .-......... -_ :-'_ _. _.c. ;::?.... ... -- ~ - .... . -- -- -- --....- - - -- - --- -----.-.....-- ~-, - - - -- ""- .... r ~ ...Jr":: _ __ - ~ ...... _ - -' .....'- - - I - _ '- , l ---- - - - -- ------ ------ -_.-- --- ~ -~-- ....- --~-- - - ------- ........--- - ..- ...... --- .........-........-- ---- --.... -- ............ -----.... -.-..... ----.... - = _-.-....~ -:; "'~ - -- ~,,;:;.......: ~...... ~;& ':;:- - -:::...;;;: . A ~ ...............- _ ~- -~~ .. ~ - - -. :::;....... - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - """"'....'r...... ";l...- ,I =.- -:::.->:::; """" __ -~ -- -- ......- ~ ~ -,5[ ~'-i 2-':= -, D::' Prelimmary Report Order No ' 1199-1096851 Page 4 of 5 19. Declaration of Pnvate Joint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company And: DaVid M. Hangsleben Recordlilg Information: June 18, 2007, Reception No. 2007-041304 - END OF EXCEPTIONS - i~OTE: Taxes for the year 2006-2007 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $936.57 i\12p No : Prope~y ID ~ Tax COde No : 17Q234320~2:'0 0140382 OiQtlli .1.......,\.1 NOTE. f\J2v~ tat:.: lot for 2007-2008; 17023432G140G. S:~:lS ,;dd-ess 2S d'sclosed on Lane CQunty Tax Roll. r.n 1 ~ vt".... -------- - - ------ - - -- --- - - -- - -- ~tG~ ~D~ ~H0~5~NG FIRST A.~lERICAN -rl-rLEl Jj_='- _-"___...__';:...-..,,, ==I::.$__.(D. .....aa.........__c ~-;:: ~~~~u~r~ -ru~ D~W~ R ~MUll.i:! '::rl~_ ..: Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1096851 Page 5 of 5 First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon I SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE .. .- .,.. -. .-" ALTA LOAN POLICY (06/17/06) "fr'le follov.-.ng matte.""S ale i;Apressly excluded fiOm the coverage of this polrcy, and the Company _illl not par' IOS5 or damage/ costs, attomeys' fces, Vi expenses that anse by reason of 1 (a) Any law, ordinance, perm't, or governmental regulatIon (Indudlng those relating to bUIlding and zonrng) restnctlng, regulatIng, prohIbIting, or relatIng to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land, (n) the chaiOCter, dlmerlSlons, or location of any ImprOvement erected on the Land, <ltl) the subdrvlslon of land, Vi (IV) enVIronmental protectJon, or the effect of an, vlOlat,on of these laws, ordInances, or go,ernmental regulations TIlls ExcluSIon l(a) does not modIfy or I.m,t the coverage prOVided under COJered RJsk 5 (b) Any governmental police power ThIS ExclUSIOn l(b) does not modIfy or limit the covel age pro"ded under COvereo Rls< .; 2 Rights of eminent domaIn ThIS ExclUSIon does not modify or limit t'le co;erage prov,deC under Covered RIsk 7 cr 8 3 Defects, !leiS, encumbrances, adver~ clalms[ OJ other matters [d} createo, surrereu, assumeo, or agreea to Dy me Insureo Claimant (b) not KnOoVl1 to the Company, not recorded In the Public Records at Date of PolICy, but Known to the Insured ClaImant and not dIsclosed In wf'tmg to the Company by the Insured CkHmant pnor to the date the InSured Claimant became an InSured under thl5 polICy I !..C) resulting Iii no lOSS 01 oamage to tnp Insul ed Claimant (d) attachIng or created subsequent to Date of pol.cy (however, thiS does not modIfy or limIt the roverage prov,ded under Covered RISk 11, 13, or 14), or tel resl.llurrg In lOSS or aamage maL wOlIla nor havE oeen stlsta,nea If me Insurea Galmanr naG palO value for me InslJrea 1"'lOr..gage 4 Unenforceablhty of the hen of the Insured Mortgage because of the Inability or failure of an Insured to comply WIth applicable dOIng-bUSiness laws of the state ",here tne Land l5 situated 5 Invahdl'" or unenforceablllrv In vJOole or in Dan: of me hen of me Insured I~orrgage rloar aroSes our of me transaCi:lon evldenceo DY tne Insureo folo,lfjage and IS based upon usur, or any consume' credit protection or truth-in-lendIng law 5 Anr clc.l1m, by reason of the operation of fedeiOl bar;~ruptCyi state ,liso:...enC'yj or SimIlar creditGis' tights lcJ.w'S, that the transactfon crealJn.g the ~len of the Insureo iv1orrgage, i5 (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential tci1sfer fOi ani reason not stated In CO"."era:i F-.ISf... 13tD) or thiS pollCy 7 Anv lien on the Tine for rear estate taxes or as.sessments Imposed OV gO\iernmeni1h authol iCv ana create:! or dt-..aCOWig berween Date of ?OllCv ana tne date of recordIng of the Insured Mortgage In the Public Records ThIs ExclUSIon does not modlf, 0' limit the co{erage prOVided under Covered RJsk 11(b) ~_..'~'.-~.~ ~ ALTA O\~N5R'S POLICY (06/11/06) The follOWing matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thIS policy, and the Company Will not pay loss or damage, costs, atto'neys' fees, 0' e.....peil325 thai: ar62 Dr reaSOi1 Or (0) M.il\< laW, orOlnanCE, permlL or govemmem:al rEgUlauGn (liicluGlng moSE: re-loLlng IG oudu,ng ana LOiiUlg) reSLrlCLlily, rEgUlaLlngl pi0l11ulttng or relatlflg to \11 tile OCCupancy! use or enjo\,me,H: or me Lan:!, (uj D.~e c,1aracrEi, u,mens,ons, or locatiOn or any Improv"anem erecreG on me Land (III) the subdIVISIon of land, or \I\j etlvlronmenLaIOrOle:::UOflr 0'" me effea of arty VIOI3tl:Jr or mese !aIMs, orOlpances, 0'" gouernrnenBI regulatIons Tpls ExClUSion lla) aces rtot modify or IlfTllt !ne touer-age pro\lIoea under Covered Risk 5 tD; Aiiy gOvernmo.ltal pOlice PO"I'€i -;-;ilS c'l.CluS(Jii 1\b) aGeS not ffiood"y or limit tIe cOveiage provIOeG unoer ~oveiCQ NS" 6 2 Klgnts of eminent domaIn Tms EYcluslon aoes not modli)ror limit tne coverage provlOed unoer Coverea Risk 7 or 8 3 Defects liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters \0) createG1 suITe;ea1 assumear or agreeo to Dr me ~i1SuieG ~,almai1t, (bl not Known to me Company, not recoroed In tne PubliC Records at Date of POliCY, bllt Known to tbe Insurea Claimant ana not olsclosea In wnong to :~: c:o~p~nY~b~~::~:~:d :~~~.."~~~~'~~~O _~e~d_a:: the Insured Oalmant became an Insured under th's policy, \\:1 IC';'U'UI'~ II' nv 'V.:J:J v, UO"IOQC lo.\..' U'C lr,,;,ul~ ......'OI1'lCI'II.., (a) auacOIng or createo suoseouent ill Date of POliCY (nowever mls ooes not modIfy or limit me coverage proVIOeo unDer Coverea RISKS 9 ana 10), or ( e) resulbng In loss 0' damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured ClaImant had paId value fo' t~e TItle :;:. Ar,y Claim, by reason. of me operauoii of federa, banl\.i'Up;:q, state InSOlvency, or 511i'i, ar creditors r,gms lavvs, ma;: me IraiiSaCtlOii ",estlng me -;-;tle as snown In ScheaUle A, I~ (al a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or \D1 a preren:ntlo. ticiilsfei rOt any' reason not srateG II ':OvEi€G ~rS" ; or trltS policy 5 Anv lien on the T.t1e for real estate taxes or assessments '!noosed hv governmentai aumonty ana createo or attacmng between Date of POIICV and tne date of recording of the deed or othe' Irstrument of transfe- In the Public Records that vests lltle as sho...n In SChedule 'I . SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPT!Ct'"iS The lien of Real Estate Taxes or Assessments Imposed 0' t'1e title by a governmental autJ"torlty ttlat are rot S~O\Mn as &.IStlilg lIeliS In me r&.."GrGs of aily ~'lg auLilOilt'r mal leVies ta....es OJ aS5e5smem:s on rea, piODEi'Ly or ,n me PUOh: i8:0ruS 2. .....ny Faas Klgms, intere::.-c5, 0;- UOlnlS (iiar are not snOl1Vn In tfie ptJDIiC recoras our mal coulo be ascen:alneCi by an Inspection of the land or by makIng InqUiry of pel sons .n possessIon of the land Easements, ':,otffiS of Easemems or tilCumiJi-arlces Ul,n: are not sno.m .n me Duuue r2C')iQ$ ......nv cncroacnmem, cncumorance vlolallon l1arlanOll or At,1verse ClrOJmSlance affecTing me i)ne InCIlJolng ~~:~~~c::s~ ~o~~~, ~~o,u~:.da_~~Ii~~,:s: ,~~o~::g:~:n :r:a:~~r~ a~f_ ~~::...:~cts that would be dlscloseC by an accurate a~d L.....""t...'l1;:;l.e 'O'IU :;lUI""::,! VI ule lOllU, O'l'-! !-IIOI. o'e II''''''' ;'tIV'Vlt III Lt\:: IJUUI'L 'C\..VIU,;, unparent:eo 1"lInlng Cl(1lffiS; neselvouoilS or cxceotlon,;;; In ;:arem.-s Of lf1 aeLS autnOflLlng me ISSrJance rnereor \/\Iater RIghts, Claims or Title to Water F. t...J1" ,.--,en or ;:{Ii]hi rn M L,en fjl Serqces L3:-7" or f';';T~ndl u'1eretofc.. e lir n-=re8fter fllril Sh5i Irr,D')sed b" J3\'~ 2nn 110':. snown In me puolic records -~~_ .....c ........_= -..... ....~'- ~..........~ - ,. ,- ,....--, -- ~,= =; ~ -~':"_:::- ': ~.. ~..=~ ,==- ,::,-~-",,""n First ArTIer/Can rde :~.. ~/ \I~ ... f."; ~,'-t... I,. " ., ~~ ~ THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE PRE.SUB~ 'ITTAl REC'O AUG Z 3 2007 After recording return to: Western Pioneer Title PO Box 10146 Eugene,~ 97440 Unol a change IS requested all tax ~~<O,' 0<.,';" shall be sent to tile following address: Amigos III, lLC P.O. Box 25 Walterville, OR 97489 Division o( Chief Deputy Clerk Lana CDunty D..d. and Records l~O~m03~109 $36 . 00 , File No,: 7191-521781 (csl) Date: May 12, 2005 . ~ .: ~ . . .1,' '1B9~3292005003470se'3~~39 APR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=8 cJf~~tops 09:10:32 Ah $15,00 S11.00 $10,00 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Wayne A. White and Evaline J. White, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Amigos IU, llC, Grantee, the following described real p...........l:y free of liens and encumbrances, except as specifICally set forth herein: See legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit A and by thiS reference incorporated herein. This property' is free r. . m liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR AO..!:'" liNG THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WID! THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAGlCES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. The true consideration for this conveyance is $325,000.00 paid by a qualified intermediary as part of an IRe 1031 exchange, (Here comply With requll'el'l1ellts of ORS 93.030) Dated this 12 day of May ,20 05 . Page 1 of 3 ....._."-"-""_ "-..c.~''II.$~__.nai!l:!''J.<f~I~W.........c1-.'''''''''''''~~~' .-. ..-....-""..__.~.~, -u."o.:.:..M>>' . ""- ',.." ,,,,,~,.~;;,:,,,~"',;...,,,,,'.;', -X~'.;'1.;r.a;:;~,.:;":';":G::.;-~'..'.~'';'::')',' "~k'."..,;-:.o:..2----~-:"'-'-:'--::'-':';-- '~-'-------:-:--- , . ~'d .!tt 1 .. ~ APfIl'0137347 Statutory Warranty Deed - continued File No 7191-521781 (al) Date 05/12/2005 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point on the North right of way tine of the McKenzie Highway, said point being 452 feet SOuth 00 r West and SOuth ago 44' East 837.1 feet from the Northwest corner of the S. D. Gager Donation land Claim No. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South 890 44' East along the North line of said Highway 13.25 feet; thence North 456.74 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the Thurston Road; thence West along said centerline to a pOint North of the point of beginning; thence South to the point of beginning, in lane County, Oregon. Ehu:1" I the following des::ribed tract: Beginning at a point on the North right of way lire of the McKenzie Hfg:1iIGf as ~ existed finer to August 1, 1%2, said p-Jint being 452 feet Sotlth 00 l' 'Nest and South 890 ~~' =ast 837.1 f~=~ f;--orr; ~1= ~~o~v';~ CCrrf€~ of t1..;e S~ D~ G2;:;- D-or.a~::-; la~~ C~a:"7'; N:;~ ~5 i:1 7c~t\.=-:sh~;:; ~7 S:):!t~1 Ra~~;e 2 Vies::;;;1: ~he \^Jlfjarn€~e ~1encHan; ru!; t~~n:e Sct.:r: a90 44' ~a5t a!O:1; the N::th ~ine cf safe Hig~\!;ay 13.25 fee!; t!-:exe ~J:).~t: 137,,58 fee:; tn~::e N:;'tn 390 44# V{~ 13.25 feet tc a p.=~~~ rJ~~~ cl! t~ ;:_:;i~t c~ b:~g~!"f'i-,~; then~e SoutP 137.5~ f~t [0 ~= ~k"}i!1t ~~ be~innf:1g :If la'ie C'j:;~f.:y; Oregoq~ AL~ EXCEDTIl\IG that [Bit conveyed to the State of Oreg.:)!;, State Hig111A"CY C-Omrr.issiof' by deed recorder! October 2~ 19'i2; Clerk's Fire No.. 852C7, lane Counrf Or~on Deed R~rdsr In !...a~e County~ Oregon. PA.RCEL 2: Beginmng at a point which is South QO l' West 452 feet South 890 44' East 850.35 feet and Nortli 143.58 feet from a stone marKmg rhe Northwest cornei of the Gager Donation Land Claim No. 45, In Sea:ion 371, Tov'msnip 17 South, Range 2; wesr. of me ~'vihamelU: j.lerlcilan, Wlilcn sate pOInt: 15 the true point of ~rming; runm'lg rnence North 3i3.16 feet to tfie center ime of t"le Thurston Road, thence East 1GB Ci fueL; th~;1~ 5~hjj-i 313,16 fe~ti ~i1ce vvest lilS"D feet to ~~e p-:Jil1t of be;inr;i;;i;ji ,r~ Larr:e CCJi1:-y, 1""\.--............... V,~V!!. Page 30f 3 I IZ:I.____""'~__....._~."""~,~.-_ .~I'ftI~. ~.~ .. , APN: 0137347 Statutory Warranty Deed - conbnued ftle No 7191-521781 (cst) Date 05l.t2/200S I1d~ ~d{~D STATE OF Oregon } )ss, County of Lane ) Th~ Instrument was _ed befOre me on 'i'r' C flay of A. by Wayne A. White and Evaline ,. White. ~J. · J Cindy Leary Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: .20D~ "1.".II.'.,,,.~ "';"'~'''__.U,II'.''........_. Or:FICIALSEAL ];;;fDV . ,y NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO.364069 flfCOMMlSlD8lPH5l1lB11ER29.2006 Page 2 of 3 .." '_...."..,"...._~ .~,-. .... ,.J........, .."'....... .....H~~ ....~..,'"'...,..",... .."..b.;~_'........".,'~"-~. .~- ...."""'., -.-_.....~-~ !j ) I 08/20/2007 ~0:11 FAX 541 736 1n~1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW AUG-16-2007 THU 09:35 AM JRANCH ENGINEERING 54174;9 ~002 p, 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / 'Engineering Division Fax; (541) 736-) 021 STORMW ATER MANAGE~NT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK -- (Aroa bE/OW tl1i... iiill!Jilht4lmt "y Ap/,!iNJnl) - (please r<<tllm '0 Mtm Scou"w@ City o) Sprillgfi(t[(i PublFe WOl'/r.r Engintlmur;; Fax ~ '/36-1021, Phone 1# 736..1035.) Project Name: Amigo's m . Applicant: Ami~o's In Assessors Parc:eI ~ 17-02-34:-32. Lot 1400 Date: 08-16-07 LauJd. Use(s): Co~l_ Phone #:. Jcaanctte AppJauso @ Branch 746-0637 Projed Size (Acre$): 1.19 acres Fax #: :Branch 746..()389 Apprvx.lmpervious Area: <SO% Emai1: )~t:ttC(iijbrancbewtinet.l~.com . - . -. . ..& Project Description (Include a copy of Aase!lsor's map); This proposal is to divide Tax Lot 1400 into three parcels, - Drainage Proposal (Public ooo-...,~......(s). discharge 1ocatiOD(s). etc. Attach additional sheet(t) if DQCeSSary~ Drainage for me proposed parcels win be direetly l'()uted to the newly constructed City stonnwaror S)~.. in tlw 'A' Street extension. Proposed StonDWlIlter Best Manao"'o.Il.ent .Practices: ._" (Area beum this llrtt!. filletl out bllche CiJ.y (IIT(IRdpf'llild '1(1 th~ Al'nllt!aIJt) - (.4./ a ifill/inri/wI (7/1 b~.s' c"c~fro:d Ily t/lt: (""f)! Clllllefrtmr 'lfld bock ofrl1is sheet slla" he' s'lI/wTINqr;! /iJ,. (III appliaoriQrl Tl> be cC1II/phW ftl' .rmbmlftal. aI/hough ~)rl/(:r l"eqtllremlJlI": m(/)l /)lJ I/fJCe,<isary.) Drainnve Study Tvoe (~DSPM Section 4.03.2\: lNote. UH may be substituted forlUtio'lUll Method.\ iii Small Site StJUdy - (~ R$tional Method fGr calculations) o Mid~Level Development Study - (use UDitHydr"&io.<&t'h Morbod rorc:aJculatiODS) o Full Drainage Devcl",t'...em. Study - (use Urtit Hyd,..o....rb Method for calculations) Environmenw Consid.... ...":OIlDS::, iJ Wellhead Zone; ~ ~ D(.. i1 Hillside Development; III WetlandlRiparian: -cliP. ~ FloodwaylFtoodplain: " Soil Type; ":? ~~. Ur ~ ! s.tJl1iI Other Jurisdictions: J)owmtream Ana.vsm: J u ~ iiI o o lib, tllA N/A Flow line for starting water surface elevation.: Desip HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o ManhoieiJunwon to take analysis to; _ Rctum to Matt Stouder ~ City ufSprin~fil:'ld. email: m5touder~ci.sprinefield.or.\Is. (l'AX: (54!) 736~.1()21 PRE-SUBMITIAl REe') AUG 2 3 2007 08/20/2007 10:12 FAX 541 736 In?1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW "AUG-16-2007 THU 09: 36 AM JRANCH ENGINEERING 54174r '9 ~003 PI 02 ", COMPLETE STUDY IT~MS , ~od)lt1cl~J'II~~Qnly: Y1AS' "/JQNa(1 upan rhe tnJormalJ.on provided on thefrotrl al'hls shut, thtfollowing ...l',...'..nt3 a minitmlm of what i~ needed.for an application 10 be complete fo" submiJial with re-.f~~t tt> drainqge; hf)WelleJ', this lisr !Ihordd ,",ot be U86d In Ifell ()frh(J .9prmgfield Developmitrtf COr/If (SDC) or tire Ciry~ Engmeenng D...~~;. Manual. Cbmpli,......_'- witlt these requi1'e1llenLv does not consfitule site Ql'J'" ... .'fil; A ddiliOllal site .."...",;fie infwmllU<m ntt.9' be 1't!.lJtl1PBd. NDte: Upon scopUtg sheet nsbmit1(lI, elfSUl'e COI1IpJeJed form h<u br:r:n ~ig"fi1d in the s~e provided ~low: .lnterim DeSign StandardsIWalef Quality (EDSPM Chap.ter 3) Reg'd NIA o Id Allllon-buiIding rooftop (NBR) Unpmious sur.faces SbaD be prIM.,....."", (e.g. multi-charob<:ml cortcbb.,sin w/oil filtration media) for iItOnnwater quf1ty. Additicma1ly, a lIliniUlCl.01 ol.~ ofdte NBR. impervious aunacc shall be tI'C4l~by ~ted ~ o II Where required. veg~.~ ~~. ,..1, al'tr dc:2lign sball be consi5fCDL wilh interim design sIaodards (BDSPM Sc:d:ion 3.02), set forth by l'hc B...-.. of'Eavironmental Savices tDc.~J or Clem Wamr Services (CWS), D !i For Jtew NBR. im.perviousarea less than 15,000 square teet, a si...,..c:::lll design approach may be followed as specified by the BES forvegewive tres~......J, D ~ If.. stomlwau:r trea.............. swaIe is pIOpOSCd. ....t.....:~ calculatious'speclfk:alioDs for sizing, velocity, :t1ow, side slopes, bottom slope, an4 SCQ(J nUx Q)fIsistlmt with ettber .BES or CWS tCq\Jl..........,1s., o iJ: Water Qual:ity oatCt!T~l;ons as Jequired in Section ~_03_1 ofu.c EDSPM o W All bt.1ilding rooftop Luol1lllcd eqUIpment. or othertlllid containing eqltipme.ntlocatcd o\lf$id(l (Jfthe building. shaJ1 be pfOridcd with secondaIy ~wmunltKlnt or weather re$islaau: cnclo$Qre. General Study Regui. ..........~ (EDSPM Section 4..(3) Sf] 0 Drainage StOOy ptepat<:d by a r .":~onal Civil EU6i;'- ~ in the state ofOrcgon., o (fM A I..,,_~cte drainage study, as required in EnSPM' Section 4'()3.1. iDcluding 3 hydrologi.cat study map. tiI 0 Calculations sbDwing system capacity for a 2-year storm CYCI1t ami overflow etfects ora 25-ycar srorm event.. ii ~ The r.ilncl of ~exl1r.llion (fe) .shall be dc:tcnni'l.led usi,n: D. 10 minute start time for c1evelapec1 basins. Review' of Downstttcam System (EOSPM Section 4.V3A.C) o 6iI A downst:reiIm drainage anaIysis:is described in EOSl?M Sec-LlOli 4.m .4.C On~stiO draknage ~n11 be governed by the OWSOll P1Ull'\billg Specialty ('.ode (OrSC). o JiM Elcvab~ns of tile HGL llDd [law lUICS for boUt Clty and prtvalc systems wlu.:re applicable. Design or Srorrn SY5tl!lDS (JIDSPM Sec~i()1I 4.04) II 0 Flow liDes, slopes., run eI~tio~ pipe '~lpe and sL~ clearly iw.Si~t~ 00 the pl311 sel. o Iii Mi:;;~;;;,i :;;;~ "yo'C;; llh;,H te: j~, :nch('r- ~{,j j~.i7:f:;':":e: pupe :md 36 inc~ for plain CClI'ICreu: :m,d plastic pipe matenals, ,)i prop:;. ;;~I~jn(;'lUl'hlg C(,lc-..lalim.:; strdH be pl'ovidOO wbnllloss.. 'I'hi:; CG"~ sbBll be suLrl.C1CJU lo loupporL an go.OOO 1b load wm"IQ~rt f'.illl.!!'e ,)f th<~ ~!~ gl;tl~I:!~\1'~ D ~ MlIiUliuB'S "Jl" .;a.1u...'"S Cor ~ap:s Rl'1llU 'bi; CO:i:ii~Si(;;t'.i <,;';~h Tf,hw +-1 ::lIC :h<: EOSP. AU S~1~m pi.liL:.~ :.lil<11 lie dcsigl'icU~) Jcl>jeve :I mloJ,Dl.~m "eloci~1 ofilirer. 0; feet pel' ~.,!)d l!~ !J5 ~lpc tt.:ll)ased Nl Tltbl-= ~-! t!~ \,\,(:IL Other/M'JSC' fit 61 o o LJ ~x.lsting and pr~ c:cmlours. i~:n. 0tK: 100(, mli:r'Jai. inc.:il~ spot eil!VaUons and sile gnrdes snowmJ,t how sne dt1iin" L.J ,.."""me ~rmw<'ll.er ca.'lC1ncnIS /Il\lU/'1:!C clearly acplC1cd on pl;:\nl5 when 'Private IjtQrmw:'lt"er flow:; from one property to /trIo/her !i1 D1ywCIllt 'lh.'l1l1~0I ;re~ivc UillOfI' from <Uly suc.thcc wto, bcill~ I.rca~cd !ry erne or lllDre BMPs, wil1t the cxc:cpLim'l or residel''tIinl bn!ldint! /'Oofll mDSP &:ctioJ'l :;,O:;.4.A). Adt,fition31 OTovifQono; apply to tIllS W; T'ClQuirc:d flY 100 D'F-Q. Rcrcr 1(J tilL: wcb~ilc: ,...w\V.dl.m.~t~IC or.tt!!/wa/!!TOundwa/lllchomc,hml for w'U'C infol'l1lalion, ~ ~tclili()1I ~(lncl~ 1:1t,IU be dc.';if~n,"d (0 limit l"IH'lc:rl'fto rrv-dcvcioplllcr;f rat!;.'!: for: the') thrQlw;ft 7.~.~lcnr storm ClVen1~ erhi.<; form ,'1hall be ifjcmfled fL..-< tI;I (Ut4chment,. inwidc rh~ front ~rrw, if the t"'{J,.mW~,. ~t.U4I' I ...., f ":II: iM.Pf/R~i AlVl'.~ EN( ;iNEER Pi,EtiSE R.iiAlJ J;EL()"~ AriD .~iGlv! ..".n.,.. . . As lh~ ,"1r.r;.I~Wl' 01' (Wu..J, I hcrcl>y ccI.tif)' tile above l-e<}uu-ed items are completel:ll\d included wIth the $ubmiu.ed Sl.OO\IWikUlt' s!'m'!~' llnd phH'I set - ~---_.j :;lgnat"Urn~ Date: 08/20/2007 10:11 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW ~001 SPAINGFII!LD ., City of Springfield Public Works 225 '5th Street SprlD.gfield, Oregon 97477 Phone: '541-726-3753 Fax: 541-736-1021 \ j;'AX Date: ~(wl 0=7- Total Number of Pages (including cover page) '3 TO: Name: CI~I'\,.L jT~ l\~ Organization: ~,V'\~ Fax Number: ~tD -:-D<:$t ~ FROM: Name: ~vI <:~~~ Phone: '":1-~ ~ -tv3 5 MESSAGE: ("'''f1p-<.V) S'L.-~)') ~-'i:. t-lJ..s: ~~ ~{~~j .......Jr..;2\ lA ~ ~I,J"L~J a-t'" ~~ ~1C4-Y\ rLVlW s~'Z., v v , :225 Fifth Street ',Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone (" of Springfield Official Receipt L~:'I' elopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200700000000000569 Date: 08/24/2007 2:36:17PM Job/Journal Number PRE2007-00057, DescriptIOn CTY PartItIOn TentatIve Plan Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By RONALD THIENES Item Total: Check Number AuthorizatIOn RecClved By Batch Number Number. How ReceIved tJ 2443 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 33600 $336,00 Amount Paid $336 00 $336.00 \~ ~ cRecemtl Page 1 of 1 8/24/2007 I City of Sprmgfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00057 Date Submitted: 8/24/2007 APPLICANT: AMIGOS III LLC PO BOX 25 W AL TERVILL OR 97489 Proiect Name: Project Description: Pre-Submittal Meeting for 3-parcel tentative partition on south side of A street east of 58th. Application Type: Job Address: Partition Tentative Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 5815 A St 1702343201400 DISCLAIMER: ApplicatIOns wIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tIme of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal ofthe ApplIcatIOn for Development RevIew Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 wIth any questIOns or concerns A Planner will be assigned the following busmess day and wdl contact you to confirm the meetmg date and time. PlanJobPnnl rpl 8/24/2007 2 34 42PM Pre-Submittal :Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, August 31, 2007 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00057 (pART TENT) AMIGOS m Assessor's Map: 17-02-34-32 TL 1400 Existing Use: Vacant Address: So ofN "A" St & N of Main Applicant submitted plans to plat a three lot partition Meeting Date/Time: Friday, August 31,2007 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Planner: Linda Pauly 2, PRE-SUBMiTtAL MTG #PRE2007-00056 (PART PLAT) WHiTE $336 Assessor's Map: 18-02-06-11 TL 600 Existing Use: Residential Address: 4080 North Street Applicant submitted plans to plat a three lot partition Meeting Date/Time: Friday, August 31,2007 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Andy Limbird LAFLEUR Karen Subject: Location: PRE2007-00057 Pre-Submittal Mtg (Part Tent) Amlgos 111- LInda _SP _ConfRm616 Fn 8/31/2007 10'00 AM Fn 8/31/2007 11,00 AM Start: End: Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Required Attendees: LAFLEUR Karen; PAULY linda, Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-Submittal Meeting for a Partition TentatIve has been scheduled for Fnday, August 31,2007 @ 1000 -11'00 a m in DSD 616 The planner assigned to this application IS Linda Pauly, The applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into three parcels Please confirm your attendance at this meeting. Thanks ,Karen 1