HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaiver APPLICANT 11/18/2005 r,\ rY 4 ' ," -~, , ~' , j .../ City of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541)726-3689 SPRINGFIELD FEE WAIVER NON-PROFIT AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROVIDERS ApplicantName C.nri~/ft/J{"-f1'l fkMAAhone: 7 f./j - m1 -~"\l' lPnnt lame) , . Apphcant Address 1" 0 '~ 1/ ~ &" ,~~ .'l2!I?1 Property Owner Name ~ Ie. tkbt.J.d..- Phone: 2!IJ - / 7tJ 7 (Pnnt Name) Property Owner Address PO ~--lf*" ~'l~ ~~'t..t"1 Assessor's Map No. i 1- 62..-a 2~( ( TL 3' D L Tax Lot No. SJ1dIl))SIi~'\ ~ts )-1 b SLA.B 2.00.5 - D 00 {o5 Property Address I...I8'b0 M a. I~ J-'h.eiJ SA 'Pd . (JJC '17 lJ ) (f .J I ' Applicable land use application fees for affordable housmg umts may be waived by the DIrector m order to encourage the construction of affordable housmg. Affordable housing as defined below shall be either newly constructed rentals or home ownershIp housmg. WalVe fees for: ~OVl - pm?L+ - lo.u) t1tJU'u~ J.Liw ~ t9t1./rZ t{-jl, tp } U1J1!U11..L- - h~lJ~1 V'lCf' o (IndIcate affordable housmg categones that apply to proJect) (a) Rental housing, rented to households with incomes below 60% of the area medIan income, as determmed by the Federal Housmg and Urban Development (HUD) income hmits m effect at the tune of submittal. X. (b) Home ownershIp housmg sold to households wIth incomes below 86% of the area medIan mcome, as detennined by the HUD mcome lImIts m effect at the tune of submIttal. The property owner agrees to enter into a contractual agreement wIth the City for a five- year penod of affordabIlIty for each proJect to assure compliance wIth the stated mtent of the project. Cntena of,Agreement per SDC 1.070(3)(a)(l)(a through f) shall mclude the followmg' . 1 a. Proof of regIstered non-profit status; b. Adequate documentatIOn that the housmg meets appropnate standards regardmg household mcome, rent levels, sales pnce, locatIOn, and number of units; c. For rental housmg, adequate documentation that such housmg shall rem am exclUSIvely aVaIlable to low-mcome households at affordable rents for the 5-year penod of affordabilIty. d. For home ownershIp housmg, adequate documentatIOn that this housing shall be sold exclusIvely to low-mcome households at an affordable sales price, and addItIOnal documentation that If the housing is resold wIthm the 5-year penod of affordabilIty, such housing shall only be sold to another low-income household at an affordable sales pnce. e. Adequate documentatIOn that if, withm the penod of 5-year affordabIlity, the use of the property IS no longer for low-income housmg, the owner shall pay the waived development fee(s) from which the owner or any pnor owner was exempt; and, f. Recording of appropriate covenants and documentation to insure compliance with the reqUIrements set forth m thIS agreement. Certification and Acknowledgement; ThIS Agreement, entered mto this day of , by and between the City ofSpnngfield and jlf. ~,,~~ HoMf)~''!:k' heremafter known as the "Applicant", in accordance WIth Spnngfiel Developmell' Code SectIOn 1.070(3)(a). I, f Ic~L"q'i It)ui'Ul2 (applIcant's representative) certIfy that 1["1 1-krIo~~.J../d'-~JJv/VtfY1tli~ (applIcant's name) meets all cnteria for determming elIgibIlity for all applIcable land se application fee waivers as an affordable housing provider. ~L/-~~-~' F~~lr'--- -TUYUZ1/ G<t.ew4.Ou-l "l>OIl~ (Signature) (Prmt name) j/-Jr.. 0.1 Date IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ApplIcant and CIty have executed this Agreement as of this date: ( cont.) 2 ,A . A. APPLICANT REPRESENT A TIVE SIgnature By: ~.L/A) ~ '\ DATE: lJ - d- 3- 0 j (pnntname). r\nvdCL \L)V'~Vl1 u t> If: l~iLbi\~-t ~ t-J-u 111 aM /1Juj SIgnature By: DATE: (prmt name) STATE OF OREGON, County of L G....u...t.. iU(\II.li>..l-u..r ~ '3 , afi')<\' (date). Personally appeared the above named F! ,,"\ (' 'C ,'t.. Tu..:'\c..oAJ: , who acknowledged the foregomg mstrument to be theIr voluntary act. Before me: -;:zf)~ Notary PublIc for Oregon My CommIssion expires: S -::1--9-015 OFFICIAL SEAL SANDY DERRICKSON NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 380012 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 29, 2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REPRESENTATIVE SIgnature By: Date: STATE OF OREGON, County of (date). Personally appeared the above named , who acknowledged the foregomg instrument to be theIr voluntary act. Before me: Notary PublIc for Oregon My CommIssion expires: 3