HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 12/8/2005 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVEL' 'ENT REVIEW CQMMITTEE I~ DISTRIBUTION DATE Dec 8, 2005 TO. ll' . - Current Planning Staff G Karp, S Summers, J Donovan, LIz MIller, M Metzger,CKLttl_Gale,_} C Stephens, L Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Llmblrd *Matt Stouder, Englneenng - Public Works Department *Enc Walter, Engineer Group, Englneenng/Publlc Works "Chuck Gottfned, Environmental Services Bnan Barnett, Traffic Englneer/PE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) *Gary McKenney, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department * Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only *Ed Black, Maintenance Manager, Public Works Dept *Rebecca Gershow, Planner, WIIlamalane Park and Recreation Dlstnct *Ed Head, Spnngfleld Utility Board (Electnc) *Bart McKee, Spnngfleld Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Spnngfleld Utility Board (Energy Conservation) Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (SubdiVISions. Street name changes) Dave White, U,S P S (Growth Mgmt Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Partitions/SubdIvIsions) *BIII Morgan, Lane County Transportation Jim Mann, Lane County Land Management [Urban TranSition Zone] Stan Petrasek, Lane County Sanltanan [Urban TranSition Zone] (If applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water Dlstnct(" only if in the North Spfld area) (If applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authonty (If applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenZie Fire Dlstnct (If applicable) Curt Kendall, TCI CablevlSlon (If applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electnc) (* If In Glenwood) Dick Helgeson/Mel Damewood, EWEB (water) (*If In Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water Dlstnct (*If 10 Glenwood) Bill Gnle - Development Services Director (agenda) John Tamulonls, Economic & Community Development Manager (agenda) Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) * Dave Puent, BUilding OffiCial (agenda) Lisa Hopper, BUilding Services Representative (agenda) " Greg Ferschweller, Keith Mlyata, Bnan Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept, - (agenda) Deanna Buckem, Englneenng Assistant, Public Works Dept (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) "John Pearson, BUilding Plans Review Engineer * Ken Augustson, L TD Herb Sumner, Quest Corporation (agenda Robert Heyman, ODOT, State Highway DIVISion (agenda) Steve Barrett, Asst. Supenn of Operations, Spnngfleld School Dlstnct (agenda) Wilham LewIs, FinanCial SerVices, Spnngfleld School Dlstnct ( agenda) Ben Lode, Reporter, Spnngfleld News (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Harwood, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Leahy, City Attorney Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor 1 A request for land use action, as descnbed on the attached agenda, has been received by the ServIces OffIce SpeCifiC concerns of your divIsion/department/agency should be addressed comments or requirements of thiS proposal, please send them In wntlng to Karen LaFleur, Clerk III, Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Development If you have Development If your written comments are not received by Fnday, Dec 23, 2005. speCifiC concerns of your diVISion/department/agency will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on December 27, 2005 The Development ReView Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday @ 800 -1000 a m, You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday If you have speCifiC concerns so that the Planning Manager's representatIve can dISCUSS them pnor to meeting With the applicant If the Planning Manager feels It IS necessary for you to partiCipate In the publiC meetings he/she Will let you know on Tuesday * Will receive a full packet '-. AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615/616 Staff Review: December 27, 2005 @ 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1. SUBDIVISION TENTATIVE #SUB200S-0006S JOKINEN/HABITAT 8:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-02-32-41 TL 300, 302, 303 Existing Use: Residential Address: 4866 Main Street Applicant submitted plans to create a 12-lot cluster subdivision, to be known as Meyer Park Planner: Kitti Gale 2. PAR IIIION TENTATIVE #SUB200S-00066 RAKOCZY/WELKER 9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-02-34-43 TL 402 Address: 6447 Main Street Existing Use: Vacant/Residential Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot Into two parcels Planner: Jim Donovan fitV' nf c,nnnnnpld -...., -' -r' '::J........... ....... _. _ I _ _ ~_ _ _,.\,. r _ _. _ _ _ f""I, _ _ _ -L _ _ _ _.L UeVelUplIlelll ;::H:::I VILe~ Ut.:::::~dlllllclli 225 Fifth '::,treet Spnngfleld, OR 97177 Land Division AppHcation, Type II ~ Subdivi:5~Oilil RepHat Tea~;ta'tSve: o Partitaon Repaat Ter.1.athJe: 0-,,~~^7~("~~~~~t~frJ.O?>>:<^, . - ....h-~~~~.,.w~-4br~"'*y..x..*-~~'7'~)<~i ~ ~f,,:' > ~_.::'...:...L:~\l'~i~L'1. ~~.i ~J.:~~3..::-~~ J.x.' ;t;---~t~-'1!' ..~~~~~~'!;~'-~~~~~~ o o Subdivision Tentative: PartH:ion Tentative: ~~-*< EA:l.. Appiican t Name: Company: 1J.-11\.t~ Phone: I !Fax: <\1 '\1'6 1 Phone: I IFax: qjl..[ol ~ -T~6 - 6'11l 4-1666 j\L,l.', '\. S+V-u\.. Sf,A'~~~fl/..\JL I 0(2... I AppHcant's Rep.:! fv\~v.' lJu/\. \C,~~ , Company: I \(V'~'^ "V\.,.l i\t,<.,cub.:. Address: I S4 ('Rv~.t.\V\l~J L~19 b",,?~ C\(L I' 0 I Property Owner: Is fl'\l^)-f~ (\~- b~y""~ ~~J" +t..... \.l.rn..~~ Phone: Company: I F;;:a:x: Address: I r.o., f',c--:~ '1f68, ~ ~f ~~1"~\~ I D(2.. c11lf./1 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: \1- D~ - ~1-41 Property Address: ~ 'SUo Mu..lf'. S"b-G<-t Size of Property: l ,'i:l\ _._____. Proposed Name of Subdiv!sacm: 1V\~1'<"v ~L",....L Description of \l.7 c\'\)"~ ::..'-L lej'J. \~* C3 -r'-4<- k*") \~ I ~ \-c)'~ \(:,-\-~. \~ b+ ,proposal: ...-tk ~~ WI'-L __~'- <..\.~~ ~~J)(... s......\:t\~..I~';)\.;.,,'_~~:tk1r Z. I~ G.K'L L->~ <:.; !ExistiJ-:iQ Us~: ~<-...,~L--.-\..J .:=._S.._~~~_~~ lrto;~ ,_~ 1# oi lo~siPiiln:eis: l;t Ai/y. 1.ot;23~-"':t:~ :;;Z~. 0! 2.?-:l.. sf Densily; ~,::' du/acre I V-.b.:P7H~ex./.~-_;.:&:,,~' <->>]v,*,'M~' ::'>'JV!' - .'jJ'.r:<:~""~.?1'~~_ ~~ "i'~_..-!p~t:"- "'1'?..t.(I/_t.";:j!'1."""'~!'Y,.,.......)<.t"".!-_"""'..J'~'''J'_''..'''-'t''!1 <>;i'''J(<,,'is::.>.>o<;.,.,.t,,~ "" ,'^' ~~;"~"",&0" ij;;~, '~o/'< N',:',*,~_<~:i!l'~'j.J~vz~' - MJ'{~<~__"'';''\tQo' ~ .......r:'r-rl'/' 1;t~..~~-::2L{,J9:,-yf."',-.1~'''rA.~rl,:or~?K'.l-~,:dG'' ,...r;~ -~~~;' . ~~~~~~,.~"" '. A.ddress: ~~ 9l-- 'b 1/ Y~'1.- ql,.3 I l~l-n 07 ILll ' L5~1 ~ TAX LOT NO(S): ~~ 30,2- T ~) Acres Kl Square Feet r1 _ LJ iZ " ! omng: Applicable Refinemeal! Pb,,: location: City Um~ts n 01l:edi:!Y DastJic~; I , I I I I R'S'JiBW'2d by: I Dars: 1'2. ,/; ,~,~ 'mna'-" ~ I _ ~_H_!__~/_'_H_ __ \." '~". If::>) __ ' 'P~_~___~ ~e'l.fg->::'lI\Ied bV: , r:;2;t~. (2-/2/6"\ (jt.dtiaas} i~ ~. ~'7 ; Application f~e: Postage Fee: (~ T~t~l F~-e,: 7L:..Jt!f'h" q/ ! -- -----' X-irL,'- ~ ~~:t., ""iL./c/v 62-fL.?v-Thh( (-::r-:"c36'-JLf)'S~'?c.'-^.l[v.:) C~cL'-'v'<2<; k m\?,-h..:tfv r\D\""t\...~-h.-, flJ-r L..",-,-, ,1(\ (c.r~ VI ~1, n,_l.., 9~s \-~ eN )...-, \ }\ c..\.0Lt:. -> ; n -j-lt.. J C/ 0 - 2- "L) (, ) t 7 S 5';-7~ 10 '-..ll. ~', _ _ ;J ~/ /\,,9-. ! Plan Deslgnat2or.: U:rb~in Growth Boundary 0 Assoda r€d Applkatao;ns: P!l"9'-Submitta~ Cas,s No.: Ci:3se No.: ~ LiId. C;-~J;JQ~:l_ - - ::)"L€-:>uc6 -6-~~'~ , \. Wntten Narratlve MEYER PARK SUBDIVISION Sprmgtield-Eugene Habitat for Humamty Steve & Tert .Tokmen 4866 Mam Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 SDC 16.100(3) Cluster Development 16.100(3)(a) Applicability. Cluster Development is a form of subdivision development that permits flexibility in dimensional requirements by reducing lot size, setback, street width and other developmental Mandards to allow more flexible design than' is permi.'\sible under the conventional subdiVlsion process. Cluster Development preserves . . open space andcre'dies irinol'ative residential designs that emphasiz'e affordabiliiy and home ownership. Cluster Development shall be permitted in all residential districts. The minimum development area shall be at least 1 gross acre in size. Cluster Development shall not exceed maximum density of the applicable zoning District and the Metro Plan. Density shall be calculated on the gross acreage. The proposed 12-10t cluster subdlVlSlOll, Ml;., YER PARK is located at 4866 Mam Street The proposed lots on the northerly portion of the property (Tax Lot #302) range ill SIze from 2,136 square feet to 4,246 square Teel. The homes bUllt on these lots WIll be between approximately 1,000 square feet and 1,368 square feet. Each home wtll be attached to the home(s) on the adja~ent lot(s). The Northerly portion of the property is zoned IvIDR and has an acreage of 1.0. The southerly portIOn of fue property (Tax Lot # 300 & 303) IS zoned Commumty CommercIal and has an acreage of 0.84 The total acreage oftrus subdIviSIOn is 1 84, We are not proposmg to exceed maXImum densIly, 16.100(J)(h) Purpose. TIle purpose of cluster development is to jully implement the goals and policies ojthe .Uetro Plan by The purpose of tlus cluster subdIVISIOn 1<; to CIcate a reRldentlal development Unique to the Sprrn' gfield area There "J"e ,.n!"v -(PTF c1,wt".. s"brl;,,;,,;o"''' ""th;... th" ('1..,......,,+;,,1,1 ""0" "" ''''..; .l\,ll"Y 1U.,"'....1 U UIVl~l ilL) \YIUllll 11\.1' UpJll1b11'wlU '-"1\.1'". The homes built on the proposed small lols Will be affordable to persons who may not be able to afford a home on a tradItional subdIviSIOn lot The proposed attached-dwelhngs will create diverse housing in the immediate area. .. "l C'I , " .." .. , 0 N ~ ... 0 . Q Cl ~ ex> C\I 0 0 Z """""'0+' ",,, "'. Coo 0' .<>.<> , "'.. "'. I "',,"zl' H.1B' 213 ~ .. ~ 21 6.~ ~,) ~ C'I/ i e 1} ':'J I!'~ ~, ~ ~ r'li'~l5 6 I,~~i-~'" V La",'. . 't...., ~l& '~ ~.._"" '."'0~.1~.... ; .V,'S1-W ..,.~;......./ ",\, rQJ50' ~ ,> + l/'~ . ,..n). 11 BII ST ..~'.,I . ~'l..'* I ", n' ~.lolo~' II -1' k > ~~~ "( ,I..U '\ ,J ". 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OR 9;-477 ~7-C2-32-41 93CC, JC2, <<RUS'" AND ASSOCAITS 54 CElITEIlIlIAL LeOP EL'CENE. OREGOtl 97~1 (54') 586-n', &: 30 ~JO,i10/'.. S'J~!EVCR.. lTL.TES. POWER-S U 3. 'IIA~-S U B SEN5l-CfTY CF" SF"'i'T<GF.El..2 "'HCIJE-CWS. ~S-'N1 IlATJP.'-l. :;..aU:-:CWGAS- :A~ \C\E\13ER 23 2CC5