HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 1/20/2008 ~ 'r t~.. r- ~~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE W: 1-20-08__ ,,~~e,tn' STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Clerk III for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Clerk III, I prepElred and caused to be mailed copies SU82.005 -oe>t:J~5 JOJ(/~l-HtJir1c ffIl..f- of No"'ItLLhFt'.:Jef~ SUB ~JV"'" (See attachment "A") on I/zo , 2006 addressed to (see Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. KA?i~~~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~o , 2006. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Clerk III, dged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: ~'mPN/J t /,It].. /z..0 oB . , My Commission Expires: r-------o~~~;~-----~! SANDRA MARX , NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO 385725 L~~~~~~~~~~~s NOV12, 2008 , ~ ~. TYPE II TENTATIVE SUBDIVSION REVIEW, STAFF REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Jokmen/Habltat for Humamty Meyer Park Cluster SubdIvIslOn Project Proposal: SubdlVlde one parcel (1 84 acres) 111tolO MDR, 2 MIxed-Use CommercIal Case Number: SUB2005-00065 (Pre-Subnllttal #2005-00061) Project Location: 17-02-32-41 One legal lot dIvIded for tax purpose only (300, 302, 303) Zoning: Currently CC and MDR Comprehensive Plan Designation: East Ma111 Refinement Plan MDR/MIxed Uses Area 2 Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: 10/14/2005 PRE 2005-00061 Application Submitted Date: 12/03/2005 Decision Issued Date: January 20,2006 Recommendation: Approval wIth Condltlons Appeal Deadline Date: 10- days from issue date Natural Features: none reported Development Issu,es: a.D.a.T. access approvaV Affordable Housmg/Cluster DesIgn Density: ApprOXImately 1 0 acre MDR (nllnmlUm 10 units - maximum 20 umts) Associated Applications: PRE2005-00025( expIred), PRE2005-00052(mcomplete) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION REVIEW OF I Project Manager Planrung I TransportatlO~ Plannmg Engmeer I TransportatlOn I Pubhc Works ClVll Engme~~ Utlhtles I Pubhc Works EIT Samtary & Stonn Sewer I Deputy FIre Marshall FIre and LIfe Safety I Commumty ServIces Manager BUlldmg APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM NAME KIttl Gale Gary McKenney I Steve Barnes Steve Barnes Mehsa Fechtel John Pearson PHONE 726-3632 726-4585 736-1036 736-1036 726-3661 726-3668 Owner/Applicant: Steve & Teri Jokinen 4866 Main Str., Spfld, OR 97478 Habitat for Humanity, Florrie Turconi P.O. Box 488, Spfld, OR 97477 Consultant: Krush & Associates (Arron) 54 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97401 "- (Currently one parcel designate 300, 302, 303 for tax purposes only) Assessor Map 17-02-32-41 Context Map: Meyer Park Cluster Subdivision and Mixed-Use Commercial DECISION: Tentative Plan approval, with conditions, as ofthe date of this letter. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of Subdivision Approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. Public and Private Improvement Plans, as well as the Final Plat, must conform to the submitted plans as conditioned herein. This is a limited land use decision made according to city code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document carefully. OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THIS LETTER: None. Future development will be m accordance WIth the proviSIOns of the SDC, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulatIOns REVIEW PROCESS: This application IS reVIewed under Type II procedures lIsted m SDC 3.080 and the subdIVISIOn cnteria of approval, SDC 35.050. This application was accepted as complete on December 3,2005. ThIS decision IS issued on the 49th day of the 120 days mandated by the state. 2 BACKGROUND/SITE INFORMATION The apphcant is requestmg approval of al O-lot affordable housmg, cluster subdivision and two, cOlmnunity commercial m1xed-use lots, from one eX1stmg parcel of 1 84 acres The current parcel has been presented as 3 lots (300, 302, and 303) for tax purposes; however, these are not legal lots. Access to the cluster subd1v1slOn (proposed Lots 1-10) w1ll be from 'A' Street. Access for proposed Lots #11 and #12 will be from Mam Street. The property 1S identified on Tax Map 17-02-32-41 as Tax Lots 300, 302, and }03 w1thm the C1ty lumts. The slte currently has one, smgle-fa1111ly dwellmg on what w1ll be proposed Lot # 11. The front half of the ongmal parcells zoned Commumty Commerc1al r (lot 300) and the rear, lots 302 and 303 are zoned Medmm Dens1ty Residentlal (MDR). The slte 1S designated Commumty COlmnerc1al M1xed-Use/MDR/HDR m the Metro Plan and East Main Refinement Plan. Adjacent propert1es are zoned and des1gnated Commercial M1xed-Use, MDR/HDR, and Low Dens1ty Res1dentlal. The apphcant 1S proposmg 1mprovements, wh1ch include streets, sldewalks, street lights, street trees, utlhtles, storm water swale, hydrants, and common open space WRITTEN COMMENTS Procedural Finding #1: Pursuant to SDC 3.080 and 14030, applzcatlOnsfor Lll1uted Land Use DeClSlOns requlre the notiflcatlOn of property owners/occupants withzn 300 feet of the proposed development and allowmg a 14-day comment perlOd. - The applzcant and parties submlttmg written comments durlllg the notlce perzod have appeal rzghts and are maLled a copy of this decislOn for conszderation. Procedural Finding #2: In accordance with SDC 3.080 and 14 030, notice was sent to owner/occupants wlthl11 300 feet of the subject szte on September 28,2005 Staff dld not recezve any wrztten comments m response to Notice of Surroundmg Property Owners CRITERIA OF SUBDIVISION TENT A TIVE APPROVAL SDC 35.050 of the Spnngfield Development Code states that the Duector shall approve or approve w1th cond1tions a SubdIVislOn Tentative Plan apphcation upon determming that Cnteria (1) through (9) of th1S SectlOn have been satlsfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the critena, the D1rector shall deny the apphcatlOn. SDC 35.050 Criterion (1) The request conforms to the requirements of this Code pertaining to lot size and dimensions. Lot Sizes and Frontage: Finding #3: The applzcant proposes an ,11-unzt-per-acre, medlum density residential, cluster subdlvlslOn on proposed Lots 1-10 (Lot # 10 wlll house a duplex) Cluster development standards permit reduced lot Slzes and setback standards for mdlvlduallots if the proposal does not exceed the maXlmum density provlslons of the applicable zonmg dlstrict and Metro Plan These standards are addressed under Cluster Development Critena later in thls report ~. 3 Finding #4: The apphcant also proposes two, comm.unity commercial mIxed-use lots for proposed Lots #J J and #J 2, whIch have Fontage along Mam Street. Proposed Lot #J J has 25 foot wide ingress and egress easement to Mam Street and proposed Lot #J 2 has approxImately J 73 feet ofFontage along Mazn Street. Concluszon This proposal satIsfies Cntenon J SDC 35.050 Criterion (2) The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram and/or applicable Refmement Plan Diagram, Plan District Map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Finding #5: The front half of the parcellS zoned Community Commerczal. The z0l1lngfor the rear portion oftlus property IS Medium DensIty ResIdentzal The sIte is also desIgnated Commul1lty Commercial MIxed-Use and MDR/HDR in both the Metro Plan and the East Mam Refinement Plan. The Metro Plan, refinement plan, and the local Z0l1lng designation are consistent, indlcatl11g no conflict. No change to the zonmg deslgnatzon or boundanes IS proposed. Concluszon ThIS proposal satisfies Cntenon 2. SDC 35.050 Criterion (3) Capacity requirements of public improvements, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and, streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded. The public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. General Finding #6: For all PUblIC improvements, the apphcant shall retam a pnvate civil engzneer to deSIgn the subdlvlszon Improvements in conformance WIth City codes, tlus decision, and the current Engmeering Design Standards Manual. The private cIvzl engmeer shall also be requzred to provide constructIon mspectzon serVIces General Finding #7: The Publzc Works Director's representatives have reviewed the proposed subdivlszon City staff's reVIew comments have been mCOlporated m findIngs and condltzons contained herein. General Finding #8: Cnterlon 3 contains elements With applicable code standards. The subdIvision applzcatzon complies WIth the code standards lzsted under each element unless otherwise noted with specific findmgs and condItions The elements and code standards of Cntenon 3 mclude but are not hmlted to. Public and Private Improvements in Accordance with SDC 31 and 32 o Public Streets and Related Improvements (SDC 32.020-32.090) o Water and Electric Improvements (SDC 32.120(1)) 4 ~ o Sanitary Sewer Improvements (SDC 32.100) o Storm Water Management (SDC 32.110, 31.240) o Fire and Life Safety Improvements (SDC 32.120(3)) o Public and Private Easements (SDC 32.120(1) and (5)) Finding #9: The Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed 12-lot subdlvlsLOn, and the surroundll1g pubhc serVlces Except Jor the followlI1g, the proposed pubhc and pnvate unprovem~nts are sufficlent to serve the proposed lots. Streets and Related ImDrovements General Finding #10: Mall1 Street (McKenzle Hlghway) abuttll1g the development slte lS a 66 Joot wlde, five-lane arterial state highway that lS under o D O. T. jurisdlctlOn The street lS fully unproved wlth asphalt pavmg, curb/gutter, sldewalks, and street lrghtll1g that support multl-l1'lOdal travel. Average Dady Traffic past the slfe lS approxunately 20,000 vehicles. General Finding #11: 'A' Street forms a tee mtersectlOn with 491h Street and extends westward 170 feet to the slfe boundal)l, abuttll1g that portlOn of the property proposed for the cluster subdlvisIOn (Lots 1 - 10) 'A' Street lS 28 foot wlde Abuttmg propertles are fully developed wlth Jour homes. EXlstmg traffic volume is approxunately 50 velucle trips per day General Finding #12: The adopted Conceptual Local Street Plan does not call Jor 'A ' Street to be extended west oj lfs present termmus as a pubhc street, there are several sound reasons for avoldl11g tlus extenslOn . The 28 Joot street width IU11lts traffic volume on 'A' Street o The planned traffic slgnal at Mall1/48lh Street that wdl extend 'A' Street to 48'h Street may mvIte cut-through traffic seeking slgnahzed access to/fi'om Mam Street. ' . A strazght-Ime extenslOn of 'A ' Street to 481h would pass through land zoned Commu11lty Commercial Such a dlrect 11l1k between commercwl uses and eXlsting residentwl uses would not be compatlble wlfh the narrow street wldth . To avoid such an alignment and allow for efficient resldential development on abuttll1g land, the 'A' Street extension would need to be routed further toward the north, however, a ,!lOre northerly alrgnment would create an undesirably short block length between 'A' and 'B' Streets to the north. Finding #13: For proposed Lots #11 and #12 approval w@ot result many potentwlll1creases m vehicular traffic that would not be dddressed later during a Site Plan Revlew process. For that portion oJthe property zoned MDR. app,"oval oj this apphcation may allow constructlOn oj reszdentwl Zll1lts wahout further land-use reVlew. Based on ITE Land Use Code 230 (Resldentwl 5 Condomimum/Townhouse) vehIcular tnp ge/1eratIOns fi'om tins use are estImated to be as follow . Average Weekday = 10 dwelling umts x 9 57 tnps per dwelling unzts = 96 trips . PM Peak Hour = 10 dwelll11g U/nts x 1 01 trzps per dwelll11g U/nts = 101 trzps General Finding #14: Development generates pedestrzan and bIcycle tnps Accordl11g to the 1994 "Household" survey done by LCOG, 12 6 percent of household trzps are made by bIcycle or walkl11g and 1 8 percent are by tranSIt bus These trips may have theIr ongl11s or destl11atIOns at a vanety of land uses, sllch as tlus Pedestnan and bIcycle tnps create the need for SIdewalks, pedestnan crOSSIng sIgnals, crosswalks, bIcycle parking, and bIcycle lanes Finding #15: The eXIstzng and planned transportatIOn facI lz tIes WIll accommodate addItIOnal vehIcular and pedestnan traffic volumes anticipatedji-om the proposed subdIVIsion development Utilities Includin2 Water and Electric Imorovements General Finding #16: Pursuant to SDC 32. 120(5)(a) an applzcant proposl11g a development shall make arrangements WIth the Czty and each utilzty provIder for the dedIcatIOn of utility easements necessary to fully serVIce the development and land beyond the development area The minzmum width for PUE adjacent to street rzghts-ofway shall be 7 feet The minzmum width for all other PUE shall be 14 feet General Finding #17: The proposed development IS withm the Sprl11gfield UtilIty Board serVIce dIstrict. Contact Tony Talbot, Engl11eermg Technician at SUB Electnc DIVISIOn, regarding the tap mto power 1111es that cross 'A' Street near the east end of the site. Easement locations and width shall be coordl11ated WIth SUB SUB reqUIres that the existzng overhead serVIce to the existlllg house shall be relocated General Finding #18: SUB Water Department serves the SIte Contact Water DIVISIOn Engineer, Bart McKee, pertaInzng to development requirements referred to 111 hIS December 22, 2005 letter Conditions of Approval: Condition #1: Pnor to Fznal Plat approval, the applicant shall determine WIth SUB the neceSSQlY easements, which include those indIcated by the applzcant on Sheet 3 of 4 an~ a 7 foot' street-sIde PUE along Mazn Street Easements shall be dedIcated WIth the Fl11al Plat. 6 Condition #2: The applzcant shall determll1e with SUB the necessmy relocatIOn of the overhead servzce to the existing house Note' Tony Talbot or Ed Head at SUB electTIc can be contacted at 726-2395 Sanitarv Sewer Imorovements General Finding #19: Pursuant to SDC 32 100 samtmy sewers shall be ll1stalled to serve each new development and to connect developments to existzng mains Finding #20: The applzcant has proposed a sanitmy sewer manifold of 11 new connectIOns wzth 10-20 feet, whzch wdl he witlun a proposed 14 foot PUE as shown on apphcatlOn plan Sheet 3 and 4. Due to tlus unusual design proposal, these new connectlons must be located 111 a pnvate lltzlzty easement of sllnilar proposed size. Otv Mallltenance will not accept responszbdzty for thzs non-standard connectIOn I Condition of Approval: Condition #3: Pnor to Final Plat approval, the apphcant shall provzde a prrvate utzhty easement for the new wastewater lme that zncludes connectIOns between the existll1g manhole and the new 6 znch cleanout Stormwater Management and Water Oualitv General Finding #21: Under Federal regulatIOn of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Endangered Specles Act (ESA), and NatIOnal Pollutant Dzscharge ElllnmatlOn System (NPDES), the Oty ofSprrngfield IS required to obtain, and has applied for, a Mumclpal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provzsion of tlus pernut reqwres the Oty demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution zn urban stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practzcable (MEP). General Finding #22: Federal and Oregon Department of Envzronmental Quahty (ODEQ) rules reqwre the Oty's MS4 plan address szx Mimmum Control Measures Mll1imum Control Measure 5, "Post-ConstructIOn Stormwater Managementfor New Development and Redevelopment, " apphes to the proposed development. . General Finding #23: Mll1imum Control Measure 5 reqwres that the Oty of Sprrngfield use an ordinance or other regulatOlY mechamsm to address post constructIOn n.moff ji-om new and re-development projects to the extent allowable under State law RegulatOlY mechamsms used by the Cay ll1c/ude the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC), the Oty 's Engll1eerll1g Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM), and thefuture Stormwater Faczhtzes Master Plan (SFMP) General Finding #24: SectIOn 3 02 of the City's EDSPM states the Pubzc Works r Department wdl accept, as interrm deSIgn standards for stormwater quahty, water quahty facIhtzes designed pursuant to the polzcles and procedures of eaher the Oty of Portland (BES) or the Clean Water Servzces (CWS) 7 General Finding #25: EDSPM, Section 3.03 3 B requzres all publtc and private development and redevelopment projects to employ a system of one or more post- developed BMP that In combinatIOn are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reductIOn m the total suspended solzds In the runoff generated by that development. Section 3 03.4 E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-budding rooftop ImpervIOus area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quahty improvement llSlng vegetative methods Finding #26: Pursuant to SDC 32.110 (2) the approval authorzty shall grant development approval only where adequate publtc and/or przvate stormwater management systems provIsIOns have been made as determmed by the Pubhc Works Director, which are consistent with the Engmeenng Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) Finding #27: Pursuant to SDC 32 110 (4) run-off ji-om a development shall be directed to an approved stonmvater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge The City's MS4 plan addresses MI11lmum Control Measure 5 regarding Post- ConstructIOn Stormwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment that shall apply to thiS proposal General Finding #28: Pursuant to SDC 32 110 (5) new developments shall employ drainage management practices that mi11lmlze the amount and rate of swface water run- off mto receiving streams and that promote water qualtty These practices shall be approved by the Publtc Works Director and be consistent with the Metro Plan policies and the Engineenng Desl'Zn Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM/ SectIOn 3 03.3B of the City's EDSPM states that the Pubhc Works Department will accept, as lIlterim design standards for stormwater quality, water qualtty facI It ties designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of eIther the City of Portland (BES) or Unified Sewerage Agency (USA), also know as the Clean Water Services (CWS) Finding #29: The applzcant has proposed that each dwelling U11lt be connected to the storm drainage infiltratIOn system m compltance With the requirements of the City's MS4 pennlt and the Springfield Development Code Their system consists m part of a przvate, 120 foot long grassy stormwater infiltration swale The swale has an 0 D.O T. Type-D overflow catch basm that is acceptable for stormwater qualtty treatment per the BES Stormwater Management Manual. Finding #30: The proposed grassy swale will be located in a common open space near the easterly property lme of the cluster subdiVISIOn and shall be for the benefit all lots within the subdivision A routine mallltenance plan shall be required to ensure a functIOnal water quality unit, which shall be In c,ontl11ued compltance with City standards. Finding #31: In SectIOn F of the applicant's DeclaratIOn of Covenants ConditIOns, RestnctlOns, and Common Mal11tenance (CC&R) the appltcant acknowledges that the 8 "common area and storms water system shall be mamtamed 50% by Lots 1-10; 25% by Lot #11, and, 25% by Lot #12. Finding #32: The apphcant has acknowledged on Sheet 4 of 4 of theIr proposal that the run-oJJFom proposed Lot #12 shall be treated pnor to dIscharge Conditions of Approval: Condition #4: Prior to Fmal Plat approval, the apphcant shall amend the first 20 feet of sod WIt/un the swale WIth clay, or mstall a lmer that WIll provIde blo- swale contact tune before the commencement ofmfiltratIOl1. One or moreflow I spreaders shall also be requIred wlthm the swale system The swale shall be planted WIth Grass Seed Mlxfor Bottom ofSwale that comphes WIth the Portland BES for fi-equently inundated condItIOns. Condition #5: Prior to Fmal SIte Plan approval, the apphcant shall provIde the City wIth an operations and mamtenance plan that ensu'res the long-term mamtenance and operatIOn of the proposed stormwater quahty system Condition #6: Prior to Fmal Site Plan approval, the applicant shall submIt to the Pubhc Works Department a storm water dIscharge apphcation that has been approved by Oregon Department of Transportation. Fire and Life Safety Improvements Finding #33: The FIre Marshal has determmed that both the proposed access and water supply meet wIth approval ConclusIOn As condItIOned, Criterion 3 IS satIsfied. - Public and Private Easement Improvements:. See CondItion # 1, Condition #3; Fmdmg #44; and CondItion # 11 SDC Criterion (4) The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. General Finding #34: City staff's reVIew comments have been mcolporated infindmgs and condItIons contamed herem. General Finding #35: CriterIOn 4 contains elements with apphcable code standards The subdIvISIOn applicatIOn shall comply with the code standards hsted under each element unless otherWIse noted WIth specific findmgs and condItions. The elements and code standards of Criterion 4 include but are not hmIted to' 9 Conformance with standards of SDC 31, Site Plan Review, and Article 16, Residential Zoning o Lot Coverage and Setbacks (SDC 16.040 -16.050) o Height Standards (SDC 16.060) o Off-Street Parking Standards (SDC 16.070 and 31.170-230) o Fence Standards (SDC 16.090) o Landscaping Standards (SDC 31.130-150) o Screening and Lighting (SDC 31.160) o Cluster Development (SDC16.100(3)) o Applicable Refmement Plans and Overlay Districts East Main Refmement Plan Procedural Finding #36: The Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed 12-lot subdivisIOn and the proposed improvements Except for the following, the proposal is in conformance with standards ofSDC Articles 31 and 16 Cluster Develooment Standards and Improvements General Finding #37: Pursuant to SDC 16 100(3)(c) all cluster subdivisIOns shall be reviewed under the subdiviSIOn review process specified zn Articles 35 and 16 100(3)(d) through (h) Finding #38: The cluster subdiViSIOn applzcatIOn as submitted and conditIOned meets al~ the crzteria set forth in SDC 16 100(3)( d) through (h) Finding # 39: The applzcant has submitted a Declaration of Covenants Conditions. Restnctions. and Common Mamtenance (CC&R) that is acceptable for this development proposal Conditions of Approval: Condition #7: When submitted, the buzldzng plans shall meet the specific development standards for sll1gle-famzly dwellzngs zn Cluster SubdiviSIOns lzsted zn SDC 161PO(3)(g) Condition #8: PrIOr to Final Plat approval, the apphcant shall execute and record the CC&R submitted for thiS subdivision proposal that bznd Lots I- 10 with 50% mal11tenance and Lots #11 and #12 with 25% each, mazntenance responsibilzty for the common area and storm water system shared with the cluster subdiviSIOn 10 Applicable Refmement Plan ReQuirements and Special Districts Finding #40: The sae is located wlthzn Area 2 of the East Mall1 Refinement Plan. which designated the development site Medium Densay Resldentzal and CommuTllty Commerczal Mixed-Use WIth a potential budd-out to High Density General Finding #41: WIllamalane Park & RecreatIOn District serves the development site. Pursuant to WIllamalane's current system development charge pohcy, each new szngle-fanuly attached dwellll1g unit would be subject to a system development charge for park and recreatIOn llnprovements The applzcant should refer to WIllamalane 's fact sheet, or contact Pat French, Park Planner, at (541) 736-4055 ConclUSIOn As conditIOned, the proposed satisfies Criterion 4. SDC 35.050 Criterion (5) Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and .public areas; minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector streets as specified-in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for state highways. Finding #42: The Development RevIew Committee reviewed the proposed subdiVISIOn Except for the followl11g, the proposed parking, driveways and access pOl11ts are sufficient to serve the proposed parcels. General Finding #43: InstallatIOn of driveways on a street l11creases the number of traffic conflict points. The greater number of conflict pOints ll1creases the probabilzty of traffic crashes. Effective ways to reduce the probabllzty of traffic crashes include reducl11g the number of driveways, increasll1g distances between l11tersections and driveways, and establishmg adequate viSIOn clearance where driveways intersect streets. Each of these techmques permlls a longer, less cluttered sight distance for the motOrist, reduces the number and difficulty of deciSIOns drivers must make, and contributes to l11creased traffic safety SDC 32.080(1) (a) stipulates that each parcellS entitled to "an approved access to a pubhc street " Finding #44: EXlstl11g access to the slle IS via two dnveways onto Mam Street near the east and west property lines. The apphcant proposes to close the eastern drIveway and mal11tain access to proposed Lot #11 vza the eXisting 25 foot Wide pnvate access easement along the west Side of proposed Lot #12, which has access to Mal11 Street Under thiS proposal Lot #11 Will maintain its reSidential use wllhin the Mlxed- Use zone 11 Finding #45: The applicant proposes both 'ugh density resIdential and commercIal use of proposed Lot #11. When the lot IS redeveloped wIth commercial use It wIll be znappropriate for commerczal development to take its access through the ad.;acent cluster resIdentIal neighborhood vIa 'A' Street, therefore, access to proposed Lot #11 Jshall contznue to be VIa Mazn Street as the applzcant proposed Staff concurs WIth thIS proposal because It will mlnIml=e the need to alter access arrangements zn the future as proposed Lots #11 and #12 are developed ' Finding #46: The applzcant proposes to provIde access to the cluster subdivisIOn Lots 1 - 10 by construct/l1g a 20 foot WIde pnvate drzveway extendzng from the end 'A ' Street mto the cluster subdIVISIOn A WIder paved area WIll be constructed ad.;acent to the end of 'A' Street to provIde for velucular turn-around. The turn-around area would ordznanly be zncluded Wlthlll publzc nght-of-way, however, zn thIS case, the applzcant has receIved 'approval to construct a non-standard sanztmy sewer hook-up connectIOn and CIty Maintenance WIll not accept mazntenance responSIbIlity for tl1lS non-standard connection Finding #47: As conditioned, mgress-egress po 111 ts WIll be planned to faczlltate o'afJic and pedestnan safety, aVOId congestIon, and to mmlmize curb cuts on public streets as specified zn SDC ArtIcles 3, 32, applzcable zonzng, and/or overlay distrIct ArtIcles, and applzcableJ'ejinement plans Conditions of Approval: . Condition #9: Pnor to Fl11al Plat approval, the eXIsting drIveway along the easterly property 1111e WIth access to Mazn Street shall be closed. Condition #10: Pnor to Fll1al Plat approval, the applzcant shall place a deed restnctlOn on Lots #11 and #12 prohlbitmg access to North 'A' Street. Condition #11: PrlOr,fo FInal Plat approval, the applicant shall execute and record a publzc access easement over the paved turn-around area at the end of 'A ' Street. Note Pnor to recordmg, the dImenSIOns of thIS easement shall be approved by TransportatIOn PlannIng Engzneer, Gmy McKenney ConclUSIOn As condItIOned the proposed access points, roadways and multi-use paths satIsfy CnterlOn 5 SDC 35.050 Criterion (6) Physical features, including but not limited to significant clusters oftrees and shirubs, watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas, ) 12 . wetlands, rock outcroppings, and'historic features have been evaluated and protected as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations. Natural and Historic Features Finding #48: The Metro Plan, the Draft Natural Resources Speczal Study, the National Wetlalld InventOlY Map and the Hydnc Sods Map, and the lzst of Hlstonc Landm.ark Sltes, have been consulted; the apphcant 's proposal does not negatively lnzpact any of these features. Finding #49: There are no inventoned lustonc features or archeological sltes identified on the development sIte If any artifacts are encountered dunng cOlJstruction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS 97740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390235 Ifhuman remains are discovered dunng constructIOn, It IS a Class C Felony to proceed under ORS 97740 l, t-, ,. ~ 1,~'" ~.. I . .- - ;" \\ ConclusIOn ThIs pFoposal satisfies CnterlOn 6 because the natural resource areas are protected, ' , . , '- SDC 35.050 Criterion (7) Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished in accordance with the provisions "-.../4 ~ ~ of this Code. ' ~ Finding #50: This criterion does not apply because the applicant proposes to develop all of the property under the same ownership. ConclUSIOn This proposal satisfies Cnterion 7. - " ;-"'\1\ SDC 35.050 Criterion (8) Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development in accordance with the provisions of this ( Code. Finding #51: This cr!tenon has been met because all adjacent land has access to publzc streets. . ConclUSIOn: ThiS proposal satisfies CnterlOn 8 SDC Criterion (9) Where the subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the following standards shall apply: . I Finding #52: A manufactured dwelling park or mobzle home park is not proposed ' Conclusion. Cntenon 9 does not apply to this applzcatlOn. CONCLUSION: The Tentative Subdivision, as submitted and conditioned, complies with Criteria 1-8 of SDC 35.050. No portions ofthe proposal approved as submitted may be 13 substantively changed during the public improvement or platting processes as stated in SDC 35.100. What needs to be done: The applicant will have up to two years from the date of this letter to meet any of the attached condItIons of approval or Development Code standards and to submit a Fmal SubdivIsion Plat If the Public Improvement Plans and/or the Fmal Plat are not m substantIal confonmty to the TentatIve Plans, the applIcant must submit an applIcatIOn for a modificatIOn The Final Plat IS reqUIred go through a pre-subImttal process After the Fmal Plat applicatIOn is complete, It must be submItted as a Type II applIcatIOn to the Spnngfield Development ServIces Department. A separate applIcatIOn and fee WIll be reqUIred No individual lots may be transferred until the plat is recorded and five (5) copies of the filed subdivision are returned to the Development Services Department by the applicant. 1._, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SUMMARY~~ S.fi .Jp~~l, Condition #1: Pnor to Fll1al Plat app4, the apphcant shall determine With SUB ~ the neceSSaT)I ecy.ements, which ll1clude those indIcated by the apphcant on Sheet 3 of 4 and a 7 Jlb~,t-sIde PUE along Mall1 Street Easements shall be dedIcated wzth the Fznal Plat Condition #2: The applzcant shall determzne With SUB the neceSSaT)I relocation of JtJIJ the overhead service to the exzstzng house J~ondition #3: Prior to Fznal Plat approval, the apphcant shall provide a private utzhty easement for the new wastewater line, zncludll1g connections between the - exzstzng manhole and the new 6" cleanollt ~ Condition #4: Prior to Fll1al Plat approval, the applzcant shall amend the first 20 feet of sozl wzthm the swale wzth clay, or ll1stall a lmer that wzll provide blO-swale contact tune before the commencement of znfiltratlOn One or more flow spreaders shall also be reqUIred wzthzn the swale system The swale shall be planted wzth Grass Seed Mzxfor Bottom ofSwale that complzes,wzth the Portland BESforfi"equently ll1undated conditIOns. fv) Condition #5: Prior to Fmal Szte Plan approval, the applicant shall provzde the City wzth ~ an operatIOns and mazntenance plan that ensures the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed stormwater qualzty system. Condition #6: PrIOr to Fznal Site Plan approval, the apphcant shall submzt to the Public {vJ Works Department a stormwater dzscharge apphcatlOn that has been approved by Oregon Department of TransportatIOn. ' Condition #7: When submztted, the buzldzng plans shall meet the specific development ~""M standards for smgle-famzly dwellings in Cluster SubdiviSIOns llsted zn SDC 16 100(3)(g) 14 Condition #8: Prior to Fll1al Plat approval, the applicant shall execute and record _ A the CC&R subnuttedfor thzs subdzvzszon proposal that bznd Lots 1-10 wzth 50% ttJ'-. mazntenance and Lots #11 and #12 wzth 25% each, mazntenan~e responszbzlity for the c071w1On area and storm water system shared with the cluster subdIvisIOn. ~ Cqndition #9: Pnor to Fl/lal Plat approval, the eXlstzng drzveway along the easterly \ property ll/le wzth access to Main Street shall be closed Condition #10: Prior to Fl/lal Plat approval, the applzcant shall place a deed restnctzon on Lots #11 and #12 prohzbztzng access to North 'A' Street. ~ Condition #11: PrIor to Fznal Plat approval, the applzcant shall execute and record ~\ a publzc access easement over the paved turn-around area at the end of 'A' Street Note PrIor to recordll1g, the dunenszons of tlus easement shall be approved by Transportatlon Planl1l1lg Engl/leer, Gmy McKenney 1~'f{~~ The Director has detenmned the TentatIve SubdIvisIOn Plan as condItlOned satisfies the reqUIrements of the Spnngfield Development Code. The followmg condItions are ..J necessary to satisfy the mtent of thIS Code. On November 18,2005, property owners HabItat for Humanity SIgned a Fee Waiver Non-Profit Affordable Housmg ProvIders agreement acknowledgmg theIr complIance WIth Cntena of Agreement per SDC 1 070(3)(a)(1)(a through f) Permits Requir.ed: . All new sewer taps WIll reqUIre permIts from the Public Works Department pnor to COnnectIOn. . SIdewalks and dnveway curb cuts and closures require penmts from the Public Works Department. . . An LDAP penmt IS required for all gradmg, filling and excavating bemg done. The location and depth of fill placed on the lots must be documented It is recommended by the Buildmg Department that fill not be placed on bUIldmg pad~ unless It IS properly compacted and documented by an engineer or testmg laboratory. Additional Information: The applIcatlOn, all documents and eVIdence relIed upon by the applIcant and the applIcable cntena of approval are aVailable for a free mspectlOil and copIes will be available for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Appeal: ThIS Type II TentatIve SubdiVIsion deCIsion IS consIdered a decision of the DIrector and as such may be appealed to the Planning COlmnisslOn. The appeal may be filed WIth the Development ServIces Department by an affected party. The appeal must 15 be in accordance wIth SDC ArtIcle 15, Appeals. An Appeals applIcatIOn must be submItted to the City wIth a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the appellant If the Planmng CommIssion approves the appeal applicatIOn. In accordance wIth SDC 15 020 whIch provIdes for a 10-day appeal penod and Oregon Rules of CIVIl Procedures, Rule 10(c) for service of notice by mall, the appeal penod for this decIsIOn expIres at 3:00p.m. on January 30, 2006. Questions: Please call the K1tti Gale m the Planmng DivisIOn ofthe Development ServIces Department at (541)726-3632 if you have any questions regardmg thIS process 16 ~i1'~ ~,~ ~\ ~ ~~ ~'~} ?~: ~~: ~ '" ,,; \: ,,~:~\f;~ l' ," ">~'~';<(~'ci:rv6F'SPRINGFIElD "f ' ~ t~ '" ~_I\~"r",....... -'"... ~, \~ ~:. ~ ;;' ,", ',~' ""'DEVEtOPMENT'SEfW1CES'DEPARTMENT.,, "- ~Tt~ ,i",;. c, """,V_ -~~ ...~J ~,~:.~,- ~\.:r~ , , ' 1'J;:' ,::.:225 5th ST", , " '" S~RI:~GFIE~D"OR 9'7477",~- 1-- - . \1' ij , !II , ... I , I ~ '- -, " '1 \ ~ ,\ '< " t1,.Y'OF SPRINGFI ... ,,~:<,' ;i<~}~:)\< - - > \ ~, \"', "'"'~, ..,. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMEN-r:-- <<~c .~;,",:<~ _ , ~,t _:: _ t '~~~:;. ";~~: _}'f- \:~'-,.~ '/ .".< "'"^,2255thST,, ~L",'-_;, ,< ~',SPRINGFIElD, OR 97477:' ~"<_: ?;:;;~~>c" ' , ", < o,,~' < ?~,': -_;':;,?~;. " < H < "~2~ S{'-" Krush & Associates Aaron 54 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97401 ~ f>\-" Habitat for Humanity Florrie Turconi PO Box 488 Springfield, OR 97477 , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVElOPME'NT SERVICES DEPARTMENT '225 5th ST. " SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . Steve and Teri Jokinen 4866 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 ~v~t- b