HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 12/22/2005
II I III( 'I In Il I l I", 1:,202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477-5240 _ 5417262396 I CA 5417477348 I" '" SLOl" caCTl
December 22, 2005
KIttl Gale
CIty of Spnngfield
225 N 5th Street
Spnngfield, OR 97477
Dear KIttI.
17-02-32-41 TL 300,302,303 4866 MAIN STREET
LIsted below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal
The proposed development IS wIthm the Spnngfield CIty hmIts and wIll receIve water servIce from
the Sprmgfield UtIhty Board (SUB)
2 All new water system facIhtles and modIficatIOns to water system facIhtIes both mSIde and
adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed m street nght-of-way at a locatIOn and depth
of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Water DIvIsIOn
3 All water facIhty matenals shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water DlVlsIOn
4 All workmanshIp shall be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water DIvIsIOn constructIOn
5 SIze ofwaterhne and other facIhtIes, mcludmg water meters, must meet the needs of the SUB
Water DIvIsIOn and the long-range needs of the CIty These needs mclude, but are not hmIted to,
:Ilet:::;- !:)C:lt10rl ar>d accec:s, ~]zt's nfwater dIstnhlltlOn and transmISSIOn lines. pumpmg facIhtIes.
and commUnICatIOn hnes.
6 Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water DIvIsIOn for detmled mformatIOn on the
matenals and constructIOn standards, detmled costs for mstallmg SUB water facIhtIes, and a
schedule of constructIOn ConstructIOn expenses may be reduced wIth good plannmg of reqUIred
water facIhtles, good tImmg of facIlItIes mstallatIOn, and Jomt trench opportUnItIes
7 All water meters wIll be placed m pubhc nght-of-way at a locatIon IdentIfied by the developer
Each lot or parcel must have ItS own water servIce
8 Water serVIce facIlItIes WIll be mstalled upon collectIOn of development charges Development
pohcIes and charges IdentIfied m thIS letter are subject to change Actual charges wIll be those m
effect at the tIme water servIce IS requested
SIte Plan No SUB2005-00065
4866 Mam Street
December 22, 2005
Page 2 0[2
9. Spnngfield has several wellhead protectIOn areas. One hundred percent of Spnngfield's dnnkmg
water comes from wells In every mstance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater
contammatIOn Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsIble for the safe handlIng and
storage of chemIcals, petroleum products, fertIlIzers, and the preventIOn of groundwater and storm
water runoff contammatIOn
SpecIal reqUIrements may be necessary for groundwater protectIon at thIS development. Contact
Nancy Moreno at Spnngfield UtIlIty Board Water DlVlSIOn for detaIls at 726-2396
10 Backflow preventIOn deVIces may be reqUIred for thIS servIce Please contact Chuck DaVIS at 726-
2396 pnor to mstallIng water serVIce Chuck can help m the selectIOn of the most economIcal
deVIce and locatIon Water serVIce WIll not be provIded untIl a backflow plan has been submItted
to SUB Water Engmeenng and approved for mstallatIOn
SUB development charges are paId dIrectly to SUB Water DlVlSIOn and
:75~ ~. ~~~
Bart E McKee P E
Engmeer - Water DIvISIOn
BEM mkm
cc Steve Jokmen, 4866 Mam Street, Spnngfield OR 98478
Marvm Krush, Krush & AssocIates, 54 Centenmal Loop, Eugene, OR 97401
Spnngfield/Eugene HabItat for Humamty, PO Box 488, Spnngfield, OR 97477
S \slteplan\4866 Mam Street subdIVISIon 12-22-05 doc