HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/2/2005 ~ " .' J \.t! .ritv of <;nrinnfiplrl ---I -- -r-- ..-::JI- -.- n_,._I_._____.&.. r__,.:___ f".___~____~ U~V~IUJ..HTI~rJl ;:'~I Vll.~:S U~pdlllTl~rJl 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD T " Ii ... ..... I II Ail - -- ~...... Land Division Application, Type II Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: ~. D Subdivision RepBat Tentative: Partition Replat Tentative: :. '" 00 0 ... Il i > . Applicant Name: Company: Address: LV2.b<o f"u.'.'\. <;-\y.ut.. Sf""\~f~l/..\J...., C)(L crl\tl~ Applicant's Rep.: fv\u..,~\)""" \l~..s..'" Phone: -.bBc:'-'U1/ Company: 'K.V'uS,,^- ~ML ~<-~U~ fax: y~t{- Qb'3 I Address: S4 c..tt:u V\l-~\ Loo\c; ~-.R...I t\(L 0, 7'-101 Property Owner: Is '(i'l^)f~ r\(t- ~_.~.. '- \\rJe,~S~..... }.l~~ Phone: lL{l-'l 01 Company: I fax: 141- k.B~1 Address: I fl.c. ~"'" l1'6~1 ~~r"'~f;-.:..l~/)(J.. 4/4.,1 \ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: \1-b)'-~2-41 TAX lOT NO(S): 2,c)C; '3c'2..1 ~> Property Address: 4'6Wo Mu..",- s."b-~ Size of Property: l \~I.{ Proposed Name of Subdivision: MJL..JU,If' ~w-L , Description of \-=- a.~\)\~ ::'V\.t- lEJe.J. \.;t t?> ~ lo~} \~ 1:Z \.ey~ \C~. \~ e:.+ Proposal: ...{k. \~ 6..M- 0... '-~%~ -t'"'\'t'(.... ~.....\A~u~\<:;.'\ _ \\u.... ~\r' 2.. I~ CJ..iIrL ~~ c: e. Existing Use: -e..e.-,~~~~J....... S'i'jl: ~\~ no~ # of lots/Parcels: \;t Avg. lot/Parcel Size: '5.2?.J.... sf Density: c6.:' dujacre Acres ~ Square feet D :~ ~ :"l! 0' Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: location: City limits 0 Associated Applications: Pre-Submittal Reviewed by: -'---. Case No.: ~~ f:- ('f1:)b! Date: "'7/&:-:;:.~~ (initials) lJ f-_ . Reviewed by: Case No.: ~2D:::6-~ Date: (Z-/Z./o-S- (initials) ~ Application Fee: Postage Fee: ~. Total Fee:Jf'3L.jL/~.,cf( * /h" ~ ~~ ?f ~ f)tf, aq -c/,vt. ~ ~ (-::rC6 36. 4L/)' 5 (. % UJ O.a ()..:>tU-. V (b/ k -tTh-\:::>:-n.::t cfv \-'\Dmt:\- ~~ fw- ~ \ '('\ c.o\'1^-A- h ~ ~ C'lb . fY6S ~ u.. )..::;> \ n c)..v~ i n -+W :s. 2- 5<J'Y1 S f;T7~ to ~6n ce-! ~ L-, Oveday Distf"ict: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary D " Bnf~Jfif~~WI~_'~~',~~~~'M~.'],~iII 'WI' li....~,. _ "'" '....,''- AAloJ.I \1~...1.:<' -"rJI. :t Submittal: Case Number:z.o5-;Jl05 ' ~L) Date Submitted: 12- 6 z... /0) / I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is proVided herein or the information will not be proVided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: .i~'( j~(~ }jJJj_.=_ Sign~r~ .01 I /I6~;Z;/~?c/- e k"'... .)~/ J-kItJz~ .J )<'IYl<;YZ . Print Date: I J- <:, 0 - (} ;:; FJal,;... ~ --- I VI. v-- '- <:r""\ \ " .' " '.., ,"\J . " , , . ~" .' , , 'I " J ,/ , Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory but there is no additional review fee for this service. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner Will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting. Owner: Date: Signature Print /;. ,f land Division Submittal Requirements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~/ Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services ~'Department. The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. 2. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the / property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. \/~. One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to 81f2"X 11", which will be /mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. y('/ Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. ~ Stormwater Management System Study-four copies of the study with the completed StoTmwateT Seoping Sheet attached. The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metro pl~n and state Ja,nq use a(1{\ traosportatjon polici~~~nd objectives., ~,., ~~'O&:~",,-.,,^- v.>' (\o-t ~~"f,f~ s i~t'\'~, c.~","-c -+v-....~+-,'-, Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR ~ighteen copies of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal f'I JA- 6. All of the following plans must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to 8112" by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. a. Site Assessment 6f EXisting Conditions S Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer , Vicinity Map The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly mdicating what is remaining and what is being removed ~ Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site ~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of fiow and top of bank of aii watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department , " [].. The lQQ-yeaf f!QQdplai!1 ~!1d f1QQQw~y 9QI::!!1Q~r!~!? Qfl t~'~\it~; ~!? ~!?~<;;if!~Q !~ th~ !~t~~t _....__...._..... 1::'1::"" ^ 1::'1__..... T__. ._____ n_...._ ..,___ __ CC"II ^ ___...._..._..... 1_........__ _t: 1\"__ ^ ___.....___.... e1UUlJlI:::U '-'::1'11"\ nuuu J.II~UI ell 1....1::: "'e1ll::: 1"lellJ~ UI ,1::1"'1"\ eIlJlJl UVI:::U Ll:::lll:::l UI 1"lellJl"\llll:::llUllll:::lll or Letter of Map Revision m- The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Deve!opment Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas rvlap on file in the Development Services Department ~ PhYSical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings Eil Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Tentative land Division Plan rn Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 ~ Location of all existing and proposed easements ttJ Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale ffi Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting ffi Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division E11 Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities m Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails EfJ.. Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip ijl Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including samtary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Phased Development Plan required if redivision is proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision. Any redivision must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the vanous phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements. c. Grading and Paving Plan is- Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer m Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system 5SJ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations ffi Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained [2g EXisting and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) 9Sl Amount of proposed cut and fill - ..J. ' ,. l! 8. Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER. UTILIZING !EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR. THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN sec 31.030: ~ Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement '\~ Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as ~ specified in SDC Section 16.100(3) , [J] Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ~[J A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there ~" are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ~ [J Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district LJ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling PermIt as specifIed in SDC Article 38 [J A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ~Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the /permit application has been submitted for review ~ VCJ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application ~ \J'.V-J Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 ~ ~ Operations Maintenance Plan for Bio Infiltration & StOU11 Water System Meyer Park Cluster Sub Divi~ion After grass has taken good root and solid mat has fonned ~he bottom & ramp of swale will be mowed once a month during wet months Nov. - April as weather permits. Once every week during dry season by as assigned person. As trees mature & shed leaves, the leaves shall be removed at least once a year. Other vegetation that may grow on base or sides of swale will be trimmed and removed as needed 2 to 3 times a year. The trees shall be maintained in a healthy state. The bark boarder around the edge, 5', will be renewed at least every 2 years. The existing catch basin and any future ones that may be added to service Lots 11 & 12 will be serviced at least once every year by a qualified person as will the sediment pit at the base of the 24" rhan holeat,fue south end of the system. \. - ::>uGG.; s rE~ Vegetated, Grassy, and SfreerSwales . H~_____I 21)_eratio~~~Maifltef1~nce. Plan_____.= ..__ .___ _.__ __.__~__ _. _J Swales are planted or grassed open channels that trap pollutants by filtering and slowing flows, allowing particles to settle out. The swale should drain within 48 hours of a storm event. All facility components, vegetation, and source controls shall be inspected for proper operations and structural stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each major storm event. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: . ~-,_.. --~~. ,~-~. - ....- , . .-. . . Swale Inlet (such as curb cuts or pipes) shall maintain a calm flow of water entenng the swale. · Source of erosion shall be identified and controlled when native soil IS exposed or erosion channels are forming. .. Sediment accumulation shall be hand-removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control measures. Sediment shall be removed if it is more than 4" thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation. · Inlet shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is plugged. Sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and corrected. · Rock splash pads shall be replenished to prevent erosion. Side Slopes shall be maintained to prevent erosion that introduces sediment into the swale. · Slopes shall be stabilized and planted using appropriate erosion control measures when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming. Swale Media shall allow stormwater to percolate uniformly through the landscape swale. If the swale does not drain within 48 hours, it shall be tilled and replanted according to design specifications. · Annual or semi-annual tilling shall be implemented if compaction or clogging continues. · Debris in Quantities that inhibit operation shall be removed routinely (e.g., no less than Quarterly), or upon discovery. Swale Outlet shall maintain sheet flow of water exiting swale unless a collection drain is used. Source of erosion damage shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming: · Outlets such as drains and overland flow paths shall be cleared when 50% of the conveyance capacity is plugged. · Sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and c:arrected. . Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. Mulch shall be replenished as needed to ensure survival of vegetation. · Vegetation, large shrubs or trees that interfere with landscape swale operation shall be pruned. · Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be removed. · Grassy swales shall be mowed to keep grass 4" to g" in height. · Nuisance and prohibited vegetation from the Portland Plant List (such as blackberries and English Ivy) shall be removed when discovered. Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced. · Dead vegetation and woody material shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when swale function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced within 3 months, or immediately if required to maintain cover density and control erosion where soils are exposed. I Spill Prevention measures shall be exercised when handling substances that contaminate stormwater. Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified. . I Training and/or written guidance information for operating and maintaimng swales shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. A copy of the O&M Plan shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. I Access to the swale shall be safe and efficient. Egress and ingress routes shall be maintained to design standards. Roadways shall be maintained to accommodate size and weight of vehicles, if applicable. I. · Obstacl~s preventing maintenance personnel and/or eqUipment access to the swale shall be removed. I . Gravel or ground cover shall be added if erosion occurs, e.Q., due to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Insects & Rodents shall not be harbored in the swale. Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/rodents are found to be present. · If sprays are considered, then a mosquito larvicide, such as Bacillus thurendensis or Altoside formulations can be applied only if absolutely necessary, and only by a licensed Individual or contractor. · Holes in the ground located in and around the swale shall be filled. If used at this site, the folJowinq will be a/Jplicable: Check Dams shall control and distribute flow. · Causes for altered water flow shall be identified, and obstructions cleared upon discovery. j · Causes for channelization shall be identified and repaired. Stvuuwater Management Manual Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1, 2004 Page 3-14 , \ 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone .,.. " J-:ity of Springfield Official Receipt velopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200500000000001654 Date: 12/02/2005 2:59:11PM Job/Journal Number Description SUB2005-00065 CTY NonLDR Sub Tnt PIn Per Ac Payments: Trpe of Payment Check Paid By SPRINGFIELD-EUGENE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tJ 1003 In Person Amount Due 3,448.91 $3,448.91 Amount Paid $3,448.91 Payment Total: $3,448.91 ,\ . '~ :~., :! .. , ': ~J 12/2/2005 Page 1 of 1 ^ 'j After a family submits an application, the Family Selection Committee reviews it, does a credit check and makes a home visit. If the family application is approved by the Family Selection Committee, it is presented to the Board of Directors for their review and ap- proval. When the family is chosen as a Part- ner Family their name goes on a waiting list and they begin working on their "sweat eq- uity" hours. After 200 hours have been reached the Board assigns a site and the proc- ess of building the home begins. The process of becoming a Habitat homeowner can take as long as 1-2 years. A Word about Money and Helping Others So You're Interested in Buying a Habitat House... How does the process work? You and the volunteers helping to build Habitat houses have many other responsibili- ties and are donating time which affects the rate of building. Money donations do not always come in as fast as we would like, causing delays. Suitable building lots are hard to come by in today's market The whole process may take a lot longer than you expect. Please be prepared to be patient, and know that we will do our best with God's help, to meet your expectations. No Favoritism The family selection process is impartial. NeIther age, sex, race, marital status or relig- ion playa part in the choice. We are looking for people with inadequate housing, who are unable to buy a home of their own. We want people who will help spread the good news of Habitat to the rest of the community. Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity P. O. Box 488 Springfield, Oregon 97477 We hold application sessions once a month at our office. Please contact us by phone or email for more information, to review the requirements and to register for the next ap- plication session. Special arrangements can be made if needed. Information on qualify- ing for our homeowners hip program is also available on our web site Phone: Fax: Email: Web site: 541-741-1707 541-741-6743 habitat@efn.org www.sehabitat.org Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity is a Christian- based ecumenical ministry building simple, decent homes In partnership with people in need. Application Sessions Located at the comer of 12th and G Streets in ~pringfield, OR. ow are ~'ami~ies C- J.osen? Habitat Families We're glad you're thinking about apply- ing for a Habitat house. One wonderful aspect of Habitat for Humanity is that It builds more than houses. It builds homes, lives and communities We hope this bro- chure wIll answer some of your questions about what it will mean to become a Habitat family. Need A. You must have lived and/or worked in the Eugene/Springfield service area for at least a year. B. You will be considered for a Habitat home if your present housing is inadequate, and if you are unable to obtain adequate housing through other conventional means. Lack of adequate housing may include inadequate size for the number of family members or an unsafe structure. C. You and your family will be considered if your total income is between 30 and 60 percent of the median family Income as established by HOD. The 2005 guidelines are listed below. What is Habitat for Humanity? Habitat is a non-profit Christian organi- zation that helps low-income families build their own homes. Since its found- ing In 1976, Habitat has built more than 190,000 homes in 100 countries around the world. In the United States, home bUIlding IS gOing on in over 1700 differ- ent locatIons. Habitat volunteers from all walks of life and all religious traditions work together as partners with families who cannot qualify for conventional home loans. Habitat is one of the largest home builders in the U.S. 2005 Income Limits Hou~ehold Minimum Maximum Size Income Income 30% of median 60% of median 1 $11.400 $22.800 2 $13.050 $26,040 3 $14.650 $29,340 4 $16.300 $32.580 5 $17.600 $35.160 6 $18.900 $37.800 7 $20200 $40.380 8 $21.500 $43.020 Habitat's Goal... Is to show God's good- ness to those who need a decent place to live. If your Income IS within this range, you may be considered to become a Habitat partner! .~ ~ .111. '-- -I ;'~~: ~,I,I ~ll.;: .~. ''::: w'.l. .', "'" ',1..~ ' . .'. . . G:r We are pledged to the letter and spmt ofU S polley for the achievement of equal hOUSing opportunity lhroughout the natIOn We encourage and support an ammlal,ve advert,slng and mar~_etlng program In which there are no barners to obtaining hOUSing because of race, color relig- IOn ~cx handicap, faJllIhal status, or natIOnal Ollt.on ',\"',~-:!:"b~ ..... ~., (. ~~-. ~fI-i'!l"'....;f~ )01 Ability to Pay Smce you wrIl actually be buymg ~ our home from Habitat. you must demonstrate your abd- Ity to pay the monthly mortgage payment. Tlus payment \\111 mclude not onl) the mortgage payment but the payment of real estate ta....es and Insurance Tlus reqUIres satisfactory credIt, a good payment history on monthly debts and no bankruptCies m the past four years -. Willingness to Partner with Habitat A When selected. you become a "Partner Fatruly" in the Habitat movement Your asSIS- tance m constructmg your home and the homes of others IS called "S\\ eat eqUlt~;' and may m- c1ude c1earmg the lot,.. pamtmg, helpmg \\'Ith construction, provldmg food to volunteers, or workmg m the Habitat office As a partner famlh-. ,ou must complete 500 hours of sweat eqUIty pnor to move m Y our fat1l11~ can re- ceIVe credIt for up to 250 hours b~ applymg time put m on your behalf by fnends, relatives, and other volunteers who .10m the work B You \\'111 be expected to budget ~ our money wIsel~ smce you mIl be responsIble for monthl~ mortgage payments and the mamte- nance and repair of) our ne\\' home C After 1110VlIlg lIlto ~ our home. \\ e \\ III de- pend 011 ) ou to lend ~ our SUPPOlt to other ne\\ famIlies Those \\ ho have been through the pi ocess are the best helpel s /'> ., ,~ -~ - Sorinl!field. OR 97477 Grantor's Name and Address STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ss. I certify that the within instrument was received for record on the day of 2005_, at_o'clock _M, and recorded in book/reel/volume No. . Record of . of said County Trust Deed S pringfieldlEugene Habitat for Humanity P.O. Box 488 Springfield, OR 97477 Beneficiary's Name and Address affixed. Space for Recorder use Witness my hand and seal of County affixed. After recordmg return to SpringfieldlEugene Habitat for Humanity P.O. Box 488 Springfield, OR 97477 Name Title By , Deputy TRUST DEED This Trust Deed dated this day of .2005, by and between as Grantor, Western Title and Escrow Co.. as Trustee and SpringfieldlEugene Habitat for Humanitv ofSorinJrlield. Oregon as Beneficiary. Grantor hereby irrevocably grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Trustee in trust, with power of sale, the property in Lane County, Oregon, described as: See attached exhibit A together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances and all other rights thereunto belonging or in anywise now or hereafter appertaining, and the rents, issues and profits thereof and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with the property _ For the purpose of securing performance of each agreement of Grantor herein contained and payment of the sum of $ Dollars, with interest thereon according to the terms of a Note and Loan Agreement of even date herewith, payable to Beneficiary or order and made by Trust Deed Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity Page 1 Grantor, the final payment of principal and interest hereof, if not sooner paid, to be due and payable 5,2025. The date of maturity of the debt secured by this instrument is the date, stated above, on which the final installment of the note becomes due and payable. Should the Grantor either agree to" attempt to, or actually sell, convey, or assign all, or any part, of the property or all, or fillY part, of Grantor's interest in it without first obtaining the written consent or approval of the Beneficiary, then, at the Beneficiary's option, all obligations secured by this instrument, irrespective of the maturity dates expressed therein, or herein, shall become immediately due and payable. The execution by Grantor of an earnest money agreement does not constitute a sale, conveyance or assignment. To protect the security of this Trust Deed, Grantor agrees: 1. To protect, preserve and maintain the property in good condition and repair; not to remove or demolish any building or improvement thereon; not to commit or permit any waste of the property, 2. To complete or restore promptly and in good and habitable condition any building or improvement which may be constructed, damaged or destroyed thereon, and pay when due all costs incurred therefor. 3. To comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the }JJ.\Jperty; if the Beneficiary so requests, to join in executing such financing statements pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code as the Beneficiary may require and to pay for filing same in the proper public office or offices, as well as the cost of all lien searches made by filing officers or searching agencies as may be deemed desirable by the Beneficiary. 4. To provide and continuously maintain insurance on the buildings now or hereaf1er erected on the property against loss or damage by fire and such other hazards as the Beneficiary may from time to time require, in an amount not less than $135,000, written in companies acceptable to the Beneficiary, with loss payable to the latter; all policies of insurance shall be ' delivered to the Beneficiary as soon as insured; if the Grantor shall fail for any reason ,to procure any such insurance and to deliver the policies to the Beneficiary at least fifteen days prior to the expiration of any policy of insurance now or hereafter placed on the buildings, the Beneficiary may procure the same at Grantor's expense. The amount collected under any fire or other insurance policy may be applied by Beneficiary upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Beneficiary may determine, or at option of Beneficiary the entire amount so collected, or any part thereof, may be released to Grantor. Such application or release shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. 5. To keep the property free from construction liens and to pay all taxes, assessments and other charges that may be levied or assessed upon or against the property before any part of such taxes, assessments and other charges become past due or delinquent and assessed upon or against Trust Deed Springfield/Eugene Habltatfor Humanity Page 2 the property before any part of such taxes, assessments and other charges become past due or delinquent and promptly deliver receipts therefor to Beneficiary; should the grantor fail to make payment of any taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, liens or other charges payable by Grantor, either by direct payment or by providing Beneficiary with funds with which to make such payment, Beneficiary may, at its option, make payment thereof, and the amount so paid, with interest at the rate set forth in the note secured hereby, together with the obligations described in Paragraphs 6 and 7 oftms Trust Deed, shall be added to and become a part of the debt secured by this Trust Deed, without waiver of any rights arising from breach of any of the covenants hereof and for such payments, with interest as aforesaid, the property hereinbefore described, as well as the Grantor, shall be bound to the same extent that they are bound for the payment of the obligation herein described, and all such payments shall be immediately due and payable without notice, and the nonpayment thereof shall, at the option of the Beneficiary, render all sums secured by this Trust Deed immediately due and payable and constitute a breach of this Trust Deed. 6. To pay all costs, fees and expenses of this Trust including the cost oftitle search as well as the other costs and expenses of the Trustee incurred in connection with or in enforcing this obligation and Trustee's and attorney's fees actually incurred. 7. To appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee; and in any suit, action or proceeding in which the Beneficiary or Trustee may appear, including any suit for the foreclosure of this Deed or in any suit or action related to this instrument, including but not limited to its validity and/or enforceability, to pay all costs and expenses, including evidence of title and the Beneficiary's or Trustee's attorney fees; the amount of attorney fees mentioned in this paragraph 7 in all cases shall be fixed by the trial court and in the event of an appeal from any judgment or decree of the trial court, Grantor further agrees to pay such sum as the appellate court shall adjudge reasonable as the beneficiary's or Trustee's attorney fees on such appeal. It is mutually agreed that: 8. In the event that any portion or all of the property shall be taken under the right of eminent domain, or condemnation, Beneficiary shall have the right, if it so elec~, to require that all or any portion of the monies payable as compensation for such taking, which are in excess of the amount required to pay all reasonable costs, expenses and attorney's fees necessarily paid or incurred by Grantor in such proceedings, shall be paid to Beneficiary and applied by it first upon 'any reasonable costs and expenses and attorney's fees, both in the trial and appellate courts, necessarily paid or incurred by Beneficiary in such proceedings, and the balan~e applied upon the indebtedness secured hereby; and Grantor agrees, at its own expense to take such actions and execute such instruments as shall be necessary in obtaining such compensation, promptly upon Beneficiary's request 9. At any time and from time to time upon written request of Beneficiary, payment of its fees and presentation of this Deed and the note for endorsement (in case of full reconveyance, for cancellation), without affecting the liability of any person, for the payment of the indebtedness, Trustee may: (a) consent to_the making of any map or plot of the property; (b) join in granting Trust Deed Sprmgfield/Eugene Habltatfor Humamty Page 3 any easement or creating any restriction thereon; (c) join in any subordination or other agreement affecting this Deed or the lien or charge thereof; (d) reconvey, without warranty, all or any part of the property. The Grantee in any reconveyance may be described as the "person or persons legally entitled thereto." and the recitals therein of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Trustee's fees for any of the services mentioned in this paragraph shall be as stated in its published fee schedule. 10. Upon any default by Grantor hereunder, Beneficiary may at any time without notice, either in person, by agent or by a receiver to be appointed by a court, and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured, enter upon and take possession of the property or any part thereof, in its own name sue or otherwise collect the rents, issues and profits, including those past due and unpaid and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable attorney's fees upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Beneficiary may determine. 11. The entering upon and taking possession of the property, the collection of such rents, issues and profits, or the proceeds of fire and other insurance policies or compensation or awards for any taking or damage of the property, and the application or release thereof as aforesaid, shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. 12. Upon default by Grantor in payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in , Grantor's performance of any agreement hereunder, time being of the essence with respect to such payment and/or performance, the Beneficiary may declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable. In such an event the Beneficiary may elect to proceed to foreclose this Trust Deed in equity as a mortgage or direct the Trust~e to foreclose this Trust Deed by advertisement and sale, or may direct the Trustee to pursue any other right or remedy, either at law or in equity, which the Beneficiary may have. In the event the Beneficiary elects to foreclose by advertisement and sale, the Beneficiary or the Trustee shall execute and cause to be recorded a written notice of default and election to sell the property to satisfy the obligation secured hereby whereupon the Trustee shall fix the time and place of sale, give notice thereof as then required by law and proceed to foreclose this Trust Deed in the manner provided in ORS 86.735 to 86.795. ' 13. After the Trustee has commenced foreclosure by advertisement and sale, and at any time prior to 5 days before the date the Trustee conducts the sale, the Grantor or any other person so privileged by ORS 86.753 , may cure the default or defaults. If the default consists of a failure to pay, when due, sums secured by the Trust Deed, the default may be cured by paying the entire amount due at the time of the cure other than such portion as would not then be due had no default occurred. Any other default that is capable of being cured may be cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed. In any case, in addition to curing the default or defaults, the person effecting the cure shall pay to the Beneficiary all costs and expense actually incurred in enforcing the obligation of the Trust Deed together with Trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by law. Trust Deed Sprmgfield/Eugene Habltatfor Humamty Page 4 14. Otherwise, the sale shall be held on the date and at the time and place designated in the notice of sale or the time to which the sale may be postponed as provided by law. The Trustee may sell the property either in one parcel or in separate parcels and shall sell the parcel or parcels at auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable at the time of sale. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser its deed in form as required by law conveying the property so sold, but without any covenant or warranty, express or implied. The recitals in the deed of any matters of fact shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, excluding the Trustee, but including the Grantor and Beneficiary, may purchase at the sale. 15. When trustee sells pursuant to the powers provided herein, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale to payment of (1) the expenses of sale, including the compen~ation of the Trustee and a reasonable charge by Trustee's attorney, (2)to the obligation secured by the Trust Deed, (3) to all persons havirlg recorded liens subsequent to the interest of the Trustee in the Trust Deed as their interests may appear in the order of their priority and (4) the surplus, if any, to the Grantor or to any successor in interest 'entitled to such surplus. 16. Beneficiary may from time to time appoint a successor or successors to any Trustee named herein or to any succe:ssor trustee appointed hereunder. Upon such appointment, and without conveyance to the successor trustee, the latter shall be vested with all title, powers and duties conferred upon any tmstee herein named or appointed hereunder. Each such appointment and substitution shall be made by written instrument executed by Beneficiary, which, when recorded in the mortgage records of the county or counties in which the property is situated, shall be conclusive proof of propeJr appointment of the successor trustee. 17. Trustee accepts this trust when this deed, duly executed and acknowledged, is made a public record as provided by law. Trustee is not obligated to notify any party hereto of pending sale under any other deed of trust or of any action or proceeding in which Grantor, Beneficiary or Trustee shall be a party unIe~is such action or proceeding is brought by Trustee. , , The Grantor covenants and agrees to and with the Beneficiary and the Beneficiary's successor in interest that the Grantor is lawfully sei;zed in fee simple of the real property and has a valid, unencumbered title thereto, except as may be set forth in an addendum or exhibit attached hereto, and that the Grantor will warrant and forever defend the same against all persons whomsoever. WARNING: Unless Grantor provides Beneficiary with evidence of insurance coverage as required by the contract or loan agreement between them, Beneficiary may purchase insurance at Grantor's expense to protect Beneficiary's interest. This insurance may but need not, also protect Grantor's interest. If the collateral becomes damaged, the coverage purchased by Beneficiary may not pay any claim made by or against Grantor. Grantor may later cancel the coverage by providing evidence that Grantor has obtained property coverage elsewhere. Grantor is responsible for the cost of any insurance coverage purchased by Beneficiary, which cost may be added to Grantor's contract or loan balance. If it is so added, the interest rate on the underlying contract or loan will apply to it. The effective date of coverage may be the date Grantor's prior coverage lapsed or the date Grantor failed to provide proof of coverage. The coverage Beneficiary purchases may be considerably more expensive than insurance Grantor Trust Deed Sprmgfield/Eugene Habltatfor Humamty Page 5 might otherwise obtain alone and may not satisfy any need for property damage coverage or any mandatory liability insurance requirements imposed by applicable law. The Grantor warrants that the proceeds of the loan represented by the above Note and Loan Agreement and this Trust Deed are primarily for Grantor's personal, family or household purposes. This Deed applies to, inures to the benefit of and binds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. The term Beneficiary shall mean the holder and owner, including pledges, of the contact secured hereby, whether or not named as a beneficiary herein. In construing this Trust Deed it is understood that the Grantor, Trustee and/or Beneficiary may each be more than one person; that if the context so requires, the singular shall be taken to mean and include the plural, and that generally all grammatical changes shall be made, assumed and implied to make the provisions hereof apply equally to corporations and to individuals. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrun1ent the day and year first above written. , Grantor STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ss. This instrument was acknowledged before me on .2005_, by and as Grantor(s). Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires Trust Deed Sprmgfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity Page 6 REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE TO: Western Title and Escrow Co., Trustee The undersigned is the legal owner and holder of all indebtedness secured by the foregoing Trust Deed. All sums secured by the Trust Deed have been fully paid and satisfied. You hereby are directed, on payment to you of any sums owing to you under the terms of the Trust Deed or pursuant to statute, to cancel all evidences of indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed (which are delivered to you herewith together with the Trust Deed) and to reconvey, without warranty, to the parties designated by the terms ofthe Trust Deed the estate not held by you under the same. Mail reconveyance and documents to the Grantor at the address supplied to you by Grantor. Dated . 2005_. By Dennis Arendt, President for Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity Beneficiary Trust Deed Sprmgfield/Eugene Habitat for Humamty Page 7 ~.f1( Habi~at for Humanity International Building houses in partnership with God's people In need October 1, 1990 Irene MacDonald HFH -SpringfieldlEugene 655 North "A" Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Irene, This letter will confirm that HFH-SpringfieldlEugene lias been added to the roster of exempt subordinates included in Habitat for Humanity, Inc.'s group c~emption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code effective on October 1, 1990. The enclosed copy of the group exemption letter received from the IRS provides evidence of Habitat's group exemption. That letter, together with this letter which confinns )lour affiliate's exempt subordinate status, provide evidence of your tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Code. Both of these letters should he retained ~3rt pf vpnr affiliate's permanent records. Please note that if your gross income is normallv more than $25,000, you are required to file Form 990, Return of Organizations Exempt from Income Tax, by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting.period. Form 990EZ mr:1 be used if 1) receipts are less than $100,000 and 2) total assets at year end are less than $250,000. Also, note that a significant penalty is imposed when a return is filed late. (To assist ir. the consolidation of your affiliate's financial data with that of HFHI, it is requested that you use a calendar year-..January I-December 31--accounting period.) The group exemption number assigned to Habitat by the ~RS is 8545. This number may be provided to prospective donors, foundations, and other gram organizations as they request it, and is required on any Form 990 you may file. In partnership, -{YlrMl- Mark Sloan Afftliate Assistant --Administration MS/mr cc: Sally Evers Enclosure _ ,.;~ !ll('r ^., G ^ 3 I I 0 1 I J\ x: e r ~ }' , :f e 1: 1: 0 I V , V I 3 3 7 .' 5EP. 30. ~7 LiP.OC H 56-1t85159~ 0000 00 000 00003 "^nITAT rOR. llUM^}(ITY IXC Ill, n I i 1\ T l. C II U II ells T ^MERICUS GA 31709 Employe~ Identification Mumbe~' 58-1185159 O~ilr Sirs' Your. orgnni2~tion Rhd subo~dinntes hove been assigned a Group Exemption Nu~be~ fo~ tax exempt status. We have assigned 8545 to YO\Il: group. Please keep this letter :fo~ :futu:z:e. xeferenoe. Sincerely yours. ~ , c..P'/ . ;;{d--<.~~. ~.to#C/ Sandra L. Green Chief, TaKpaye~ A8sistanoe seotion I ,. (t).. . ~ . '. ,...../ JAMES E MOUNTAIN, JR DIl'UTY ATTORNEY GENERAL T)A.vE )'RQHNMA YER , 'A TTORNIY GENXRAL DEP ARTMENT OF JUSTICE PORTLAND OFFICE 1515 SW 5th Avenue SUIle410 Portland, OR 97201 Telephone 15031 229.11725 FAX: (5031 229.5120 February 28, 1990 Habitat for Humanity - Springfield/Eugene c/o Charles Ellis PO Box 488 Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Registration Under the Charitable Trust and corporation Act Annual Report for the Period Ending December 31, 1990 Ladies/Gentlemen: This will acknowledge registration of your organization under the Charitable Trust and Corporat,io.n .A.ct... Your registration number with this office is,35-14~19~ Our records have been noted that your accounting period ends December 31. Annual reports which may be required by the Act are due not later than four months and 15 days after the close of your accounting period. Please note that our annual reports are in addition to and different from the annual reports that nonprofit corporations must file with the Oregon Corporation Division, Office of the Secretary of State. If you do not receive forms within 60 days prior to the due date for filing your report, contact this office to obtain the prescribed forms. We also request a copy of your Bylaws and IRS tax determination letter to complete the file. Please keep this letter with your permanent records as it contains your registration number. ~;~ Aaministrative Assistant Charitable Activities Section JR:lr 33491/16 r ,/ ~;' Note and Loan Agreement Date: Parties:Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity (Lender) P.O. Box 488 Springfield, Oregon Springfield, OR 97477 Due Date: Agreements The undersigned Borrower agrees to pay to Lender or order the principal amount of$ as specified herein at 0% interest on or before the fifth (5th) dav of each month. in installment payments on the dates specified herein. In consideration of the covenants and conditions stated herein; and also secure payment of the property described herein, the parties agree as follows: / 1. Descrintion ofProneqv. Lender agrees to sell to Borrower and Borrower agrees to; purchase, upon the terms and conditions stated herein, the following described land and all improvements thereon at Street. which identified as Tax Lot on Assessor's Map is Springfield located in Lane County, Oregon. 2. Purchase Price and Terms. The purchase price for the property, which Borrower agrees to pay is ~ payable as follows: a)$O.OO which has previously been paid as a down payment or earnest money: b) Installment Payments. The remaining balance of the purchase price is$ Part A of this purchase price is _ and Part B of this purchase price is ~ (= diffl:iJ.l:iuce between Part A and appJ.cdsed value). Part B of the purchase price is equal to the diffcJ.l:iuce between Part A of the purchase price and the fair market value of the property as determined by appraised value at time of sale: ~. The intent of dividing the purchase price into two parts is to prevent Borrower from profiting from Lender's non-profit status and its program by immediately selling the property at a profit. If the property is sold within twenty (20) years of the date of this agreement, Borrower shall pay to Lender Part B of the purchase price as well as Part A of the purchase price. Part B shall be forgiven 1/20 each year until fully forgiven. If the property is sold within 20 years of the date of this agreement then Part B of the purchase price is equal to the diffcJ.l:iuce between Part A of the purchase price and the fair market value of the property as determined by the appraised value at time of resale. If the property is disposed of before the twenty (20) 'year period has passed pursuant to one of the other provisions of this agreement, Borrower shall pay to Lender the remaining balance due under Part B of the agreement (the part that has not been Loan Agreement Sprmgfleld/Eugene Habitat for Humanity Page 1 forgiven yet) with l/20th to be forgiven that year being prorated up through and including the date of sale. Part A of the purchase price shall be paid in monthly installments of $ each, including no interest at the rate of 0% per annum. The first of these installments shall be paid by the fifth ( 5th) dav of the month following the month beginning after the date this agreement is signed. Subsequent installments shall be paid on or before the same day of each succeeding month thereafter until the entire balance of Part A of the purchase price shall be paid in full. c) Unit No Longer Used as Principal Residence. In the event that the unit does not continue to be Borrower's principal residence for the period ofthis agreement, Borrower shall promptly notify Lend~ of this change and make the property available for resale by Lender to another qualified buyer. The Borrower shall receive from the resale of the property, its investment to date, including capital improvements, and its pro rata share of the excess resale price in accordance with the formula in Paragraph 2 (b), Part B, above, based upon the number of years from the date of this agreement. 2.1 Tax Reserve. Borrower shall, in addition to all other payments required herein, pay, on the due date of the monthly installment payment, pescribed in 2(b) above, a sum of 1/12th of the real property taxes levied against the property together with l/12th of the annual payments required for all public, municipal, and statutory assessments against the property, and l/12th ofthe annual insurance premium due for the property. such sum shall be paid to and deposited in a reserve account and the funds so deposited shall be withdrawn to pay the real property taxes and assessments levied against the described property. The tax reserve payment shall be adjusted from time to time to reflect increases or decreases in the property tax, assessment and insurance payments. Upon full payment of this agreement any balance in this reserve account shall be paid to Borrower. Borrower shall also pay a monthly fee to S/E Habitat for this arrangement. 2.2 Lender's Security Protection Disclosure. Lender hereby states, and Borrower acknowledges, that the reserve arrangement provided for herein was not and is not a condition to the sale of the described property by Lender to Buuuwer and that the parties have mutually agreed to such arrangement. 2.3 Late Charge. If. Borrower shall fail to pay any installment payment and/or tax reserve payment within fifteen (15) days of the due date, Borrower shall be assessed a late charge of $ 10.00, which late charge shall be due and payable in full to Lender or, at Lender's option, shall be automatically added back to the unpaid balance of this agreement. In addition, the Borrower's sponsor will be notified of this delinquency and the sponsor will contact the Borrower about it. If a second payment is missed, in addition to another $10.00 late charge being assessed, the sponsor will meet with the Borrower to review the Borrower's circumstance. Lender in its complete discretion may, after this meeting, require Borrower to appear before a designee of the Board of Directors of Lender to work out an acceptable schedule for bringing the account up-to-date. 2.4 Prepayment. Borrower may increase any monthly installment or prepay all or any part of the purchase price at any time without penalty. However, no prepayment shall be credited against regular future payments nor excuse Borrower from making the regular installments provided for in this agreement. 3. Covenants of Title. Lender covenants to Borrower that Lender is the owner of the described property free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except: Loan Agreement Sprmgfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity Page :1 a) zoning ordinances, building and use restrictions, easements, covenants, conditions and restrictions of record; b) conditions and restrictions apparent from a visual inspection of th~ property and restrictions and regulations discoverable in the public records of any governmental agency; c) (list any other liens or encumbrances) 4. Reconvevance. Upon full payment of the purchase price and Borrower's satisfaction of all other covenants and conditions of this agreement, Lender shall forthwith execute and file a Deed of Reconveyance reconveying to Borrower the described property free and clear of all liens and encumbrances created or suffered by Lender except: a) zoning ordinances, building and use restrictions, easements, covenants, conditions and restrictions of record; b) conditions and restrictions apparent from a visual inspection of the properly and restrictions and regulations discoverable in the; public records of any governmental agency; c) (list any other liens or encumbrances) 5. Title Insurance. Lender, at its own expense, shall furnish to Borrower a purchaser's title insurance policy in an amount equal to the purchase price of the real property insuring Borrower against loss or damage sustained by Borrower by reason of the unmarketability of Lender's title to said real property, or liens or encumbrances thereon, excepting matters contained in the usual printed exceptions in those title insurance policies, easements, reservations, conditions and restrictions of record and those encumbrances, if any, which are to remain against the property following closing, as specified in the paragraph entitled Covenants of Title (paragraph #3 herein). 6. Possession. Borrower shall be entitled to possession of the property from and after the date of closing; provided, however, that the Lender or its agents may enter upon the property at reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the property. 7. Risk of Loss. Risk of loss of all property subject to this agreement shall rest with the Borrower from and after the date of closing and the loss or condemnation of the property, or any part thereof, shall not relieve Borrower of the obligation to pay the full purchase price. 8. Advances bv Lender. If Borrower shall fail to pay any amounts required of Borrower to be paid to third parties, when due, or if Borrower fails to perform any obligation to a third party under this agreement, Lender may pay any or all of such amounts or perform anyone or more of such obligations. Lender is not required to make any such payment or perform any such obligation. If Lender pays any such amount or performs any such obligation on behalf of Borrower, the amount of the payment or the cost of performance shall be due and payable for Borrower to Lender upon demand or, at Lender's election, the amount of such payment or the cost of such performance shall be automatically added to the unpaid principal balance of the purchase price. Lender's election to make any payment or perform any obligation of Borrower pursuant to this paragraph shall not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to declare Borrower to be in default of this agreement. 9. Imorovements. Reoairs and Maintenance. All improvements, buildings and landscaping now locate~ or which shall hereafter be place, on the property shall remain a part of the real property Loan Agreement Sprmgfield/Eugene HabItat for Humamty Page 3 and shall not be removed at any time prior to the satisfaction of this agreement without the prior written consent of Lender. Borrower shall not construct any new improvements or buildings, nor alter any improvements or buildings on the property without Lender's prior written consent. Borrower shall not commit or suffer any waste of the property and Borrower shall maintain the property and all improvements thereon, and all alterations thereof, in good condition and repair. Any improvements, additions or alterations permitted shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with all ordinances, rules and regulations of the governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof. Borrower shall promp~ly comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, directions, rules and requirements of all governmental authorities applicable to the use or occupancy of the property. Borrower shall promptly abate any nuisance, remove offensive debris and vegetation, and make all required repairs, alterations and additions. Borrower shall keep the property clean and free of trash and debris and keep the roof and sidewalks on the property reasonably clear of snow and ice. Borrower shall also take reasonable care of the yard, including but not limited to regular watering, mowing, and raking of the lawn and care of shrubs, trees and other vegetation. 10. ResDonsibilitv for Assessments for Public Improvements. Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this agreement, Borrower shall be liable for any and all sewer, water, street light, paving or other assessments by any appropriate governmental agency which may be assessed against the above described real property. Borrower acknowledges that (description of improvement) has been previously installed which benefits the described property and that an assessment for such improvements will be levied against the property. Borrower shall be liable for all such assessments that may be placed against the property, notwithstanding the fact that the assessment may be based on an event occurring prior to the date of this agreement and n~twithstanding the fact that such assessments are not listed as an encumbrance in the paragraph entitled Covenants of Title (paragraph #3 herein) or as an exception in the Preliminary Title Report. 11. Prooerty Taxes and Liens. Real and personal property taxes levied against the property for the current fiscal tax year shall be prorated between the parties as of the date of closing. Borrower shall pay, when due, all real and personal property taxes and all public improvement assessments which are thereafter levied against the property and Borrower shall keep the property free from all private, public, municipal and statutory or other liens which may be thereafter lawfully imposed upon the property. Borrower shall indemnify, defend, and save Lender harmless from all loss, damage, claim and expense, including attorney fees, arising from the existence of such liens or assessments, including, without limitation, the foreclosure or enforcement thereof. 12. Construction Liens. Borrower shall not allow any construction liens to attach to the above described real property during the existence of this agreement and such attachment shall be a material breach of this agreement. Furthermore, Borrower shall indemnify, defend and hold Lender and Lender's interest in the property, harmless from liability for any and all construction liens, claims for labor and improvements, renovations, alterations, construction repairs and/or other work performed on the property. Borrower's undertaking of indemnity shall include the reasonable attorney fees incurred by Lender in any suit or action involving the property of Lender's interest in the property, including; without limitation, any attorney fees and costs Loan Agreement Sprmgfield/Eugene HabItat for Humamty Page 4 incurred by Lender in seeking the release or discharge of any such lien, and the payment of all or any portion of the lien claim. 13. Fire and Casualty Insurance. Borrower, at its own expense, shall keep and maintain all buildings and improvements now located or hereafter erected on the described property insured against loss by fire and other casualties covered by a standard policy of fire insurance with extended coverage endorsements, in an amount not less than full insurable value. The insurance policy shall be in a form acceptable to Lender and Lender shall be named as an insured or a loss payee. A copy of each policy shall be delivered to Lender and each policy shall have an endorsement requiring not less than ten (10) days prior written notice of cancellation to Lender. Lender may make proof ofloss if Borrower fails to do so within fifteen (15) days of the casualty. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give immediate notice to Lender and to the insurer, and Borrower shall make proof of loss in the manner required by the insurer. 14. Fire Insurance Proceeds. In the event of loss from fire or other casualty covered by insurance, all proceeds received shall, at the option of Lender, be applied to repair of the damaged improvements to the extent necessary to reinstate said improvements to good, usable condition, or said proceeds shall be applied to the balance due Lender on this agreement. Any and all insurance proceeds used for the repair of the improvements shall be placed in escrow and disbursed from time to time as the phases of construction are completed and lien releases are obtained. 15. Smoke Detector Certificate. Lender hereby certifies, and Borrower acknowledges, that at the time of closing and prior to Borrower taking possession of the described property, all smoke detectors as required by applicable city, county and state laws are installed in the described property and are in proper working condition. 16. Borrower's Warrantv of Insoection. Borrower accepts the land, buildings, improvements and all other aspects of the property in their present actual condition, AS IS, without any representations or warranties, express or implied, unless they are in writing signed by the Lender, Borrower acknowledges that Lender has made no agreement or promise to alter, repair or improve the described property. Borrower warrants that Borrower has ascertained from sources other than Lender, the applicable zoning, building, housing and other regulatory ordinances and laws and that Borrower accepts the }'w}'erty with full awareness of these ordinances and laws as they may affect the present use or any intended future use of the property, and Lender has made no representations with respect thereto. Borrower acknowledges that Borrower has not relied upon any representations of Lender, or any agent of the Lender, relating to applicable zoning, building, housing or other regulatory laws or their effect on any present use or any proposed use of the property. '17. Statement Rel:!ardinl:! Use ofPropertv. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT MAY NOT BE WITHIN A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTING THE STRUCTURES. THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS WHICH, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MAY NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITING OF A RESIDENCE AND WHICH LIMITS LA WSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 IN ALL ZONES. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT OR VERIFY APPROVED USES AND EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES. 18. Borrower's Warrantv-Financiallnformation. Borrower warrants and r..:.}'...:.sents to Lender that all information, oral and written, provided to Lender concerning Borrower's financial condition was and is true, complete and accurate as of the date it was prepared or provided to Lender. Borrower further warrants and represents, as of the date of execution of this agreement, Loan Agreement Sprmgfield/Eugene Habitat for Humamty Page 5 that Borrower's financial condition has not materially changed from the condition disclosed by said financial information. 19. Lender's Renresentations and Warranties. Lender represents and warrants to Borrower as follows: a) Lender has received no notice from any insurance company which has issued any policy with respect to any portion of the improvements and personal property located on the above-described property or from any board of fire underwriters or body exercising similar functions claiming any defects or deficiencies or requiring the performance of any repairs, replacements, alterations or other work. b) Lender has no notice or knowledge of any pending condemnation, assessment or other similar proceeding or charge relating to the above-described property or any portion thereof. c) All buildings and improvements, including all utilities, have been substantially completed and installed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the appropriate governmental authorities and are in full compliance with the provisions of all superior encumbrances, to the extent applicable. 20 Borrower's ReDort on Insurance. Within sixty (60) days after the close of each calendar year, Borrower shall furnish to Lender a copy of each existing policy of fire, casualty and liability insurance showing: a) the name of the insurer, the insured and all loss payees; b) the risks insured; c) the amount of the policy; d) the property insured, the then current replacement costs of the property and the manner of determining those costs; and e) the expiration date of the policy. f) A copy of this Land Sale Agreement; 21. Closinl! Escrow Provisions. This sale shall be closed in escrow at Western Title and Escrow. in its office in EUl!ene. Oregon. At closing, the parties shall execute and deliver into escrow the following documents: a) The Trust Deed b) Note and Loan Agreement; c) The Warranty Deed specified in Paragraph #4 herein; d) Request for Reconveyance e) Escrow Instructions . The parties shall instruct the escrow agent to record the deeds and agreement at closing and direct that the title insurance policy be issued to Borrower within fifteen (15) days after recording. Loan Agreement Sprmgfield/Eugene HabItat for Humanity Page 6 Lender and Borrower shall share equally the escrow closing fee, recording fees and incidental closing expenses. 22. Collection Escrow Provisions: An escrow collection account shall be established by the parties at SoringfieldJEugene Habitat for Humanity for the collection of installment payments due hereunder. Upon full payment to the Lender of all sums due hereunder, the escrow agent shall file the Deed of Reconveyance. All monies to be paid hereunder shall be paid through said escrow agent. Lender and Borrower shall share equally all set-up, collection and tem1ination charges. 23. Restrictions on Assienment. The parties agree that this agreement is personal to the parties. Lender is a tax-exempt, charitable organization whose purpose is to sell houses to qualified persons who would not otherwise be able to afford them. The property is being sold to Borrower because Borrower has been identified, pursuant to Lender's selection process, as a person qualified to buy the property on the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. to permit Borrower to transfer all or any part of their interest in this agreement or the property itself without Lender's written consent would be inconsistent with Lender's intent in entering into this agreement and with Lender's charitable purposes. Borrower's agreement to obey the restrictions in this paragraph is a material inducement to Lender's agreement to enter into this agreement. Any assignment, transfer, conveyance, alienation or other divestment, voluntary or involuntary, of all or any portion of Borrower's interest in the Agreement or the described property shall be deemed in. breach of this agreement and Lender may declare the entire unpaid balance of the purchase price immediately due and payable in full and may, after fifteen (15) days written notice of their intent to do so, exercise any remedies available upon default, or, at Lender's option, Lender may consent to such a transfer by Borrower or by Borrower's previously approved transferee, subject to Lender's rights in Paragraph 25 unless those rights are expressly waived by Lender. Lender's consent to any transfer shall not in any way release, discharge or otherwise affect the liability of the Borrower, or any other person obligated hereunder, to pay and perform this agreement. In connection with'evaluating an assignment or transfer of the Borrower's interest, Lender may require such personal and financial information concerning any purchaser, assignee or grantee as a prudent institutiona11e~der would require of a prospective borrower. 24. Nonwaiver of consent. Consent by the Lender to one transfer shall not constitute consent to other transfers or a waiver of the restrictions on assignment. 25. Rieht of First Refusal. If paragraph 23 is held to be unenforceable, or if Lender gives its consent to a transfer as provided in paragraph 23, Borrower may not sell, agreement to sell, transfer, exchange, grant an option to sell or lease, or to otherwise dispose of a substantial portion of the property to anyone other than Lender, unless Borrower shall first for: a) Property to be sold or transferred within sixty (60) days of agreement date. Deliver to Lender a written notice setting forth Borrower's desire to sell the property. Lender shall then have sixty (60) days in which to accept Borrower's offer by giving Borrower written notice of its acceptance and by paying to Borrower all payments received by Lender for Part A of the purchase price. Taxes and other prepaid expenses will be prorated at closing. b) Property to be sold or transferred after sixty (60) days of agreement date. Delivered to Lender a written notice which specifies in commercially reasonable Loan Agreement Sprmgfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity Page 7 detail the price, terms, amount and conditions upon which the Borrower is willing to sell (hereinafter called the "Borrower's Offer") . Lender shall have a period of thirty (30) days from the date on which such notice is delivered to give Borrower written notice that its offer is accepted. the parties shall then be obligated to close the sale in accordance with the terms of Borrower's offer, except that the purchase price shall be that stated in the offer less a credit to the Lender for any amounts still owing to the Lender for both Parts A and B of the purchase price in this agreement. Closing shall occur within sixty (60) days following acceptance or within such longer closing period as may be specified in Borrower's offer. Taxes and other prepaid expenses shall be prorated at closing. If Lender does not accept the Borrower's offer, the Borrower may sell the property to any other party, provided that such sale: a) must be consummated within sixty (60) days following the earlier of the c,,,,pJation of acceptance from the Borrower's offer or the date of any written rejection of Borrower's offer by Lender. and b) for and upon the same price, terms and conditions so specified in the Borrower's offer (or for a greater price and upon terms and conditions more favo~ble to Borrower). - All proceeds of such sale, to the extent of the then outstanding balance of Parts A and B of the purchase price, and any other amounts owed under this agreement, shall qe paid to Lender. If Borrower fails to close the sale to the third party within the period herein specified under the conditions herein specified, the Lender's right of first refusal shall remain in full force and effect. If, however, such a sale is consummated, Lender's rights under this paragraph shall be automatically and forever extinguished. 26. Successor Interest. The covenants, conditions and terms of this agreement shall extend to be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. However, nothing contained in this paragraph shall alter any restrictions against assignment contained in this agreement. 27. Default. TIME OF PAYMENT AND OF PERFORMANCE ARE OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. Borrower shall be in default under this agreement if: a) Borrower fails to pay any installment or balloon payment required hereunder within fifteen (15) days after the date of written notice from Lender stating the delinquency. b) Borrower fails to pay any insurance premium for fire insurance coverage on or before the due date and at least ten (10) days prior to cancellation of such policy. Lender shall not be required to give notice of such default for failure to pay insurance premiums. c) Borrower fails to perform any other obligation imposed by this agreement within thirty (30) days after the date of written notice given by Lender specifying the failure with reasonable particularity. d) Borrower files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or fails to set aside an involuntary petition in bankruptcy within ninety (90) days after its filing. Lender shall not be required to give notice of such default. ' e) Borrower makes a general assignment for benefit of Borrower's creditors, a received is appointed to hold and manage Borrower's assets or a levy of execution is made against Loan Agreement Sprmgfield/Eugene Hab,tat for Humamty Page 8 Borrower's interest in the described property. Lender shall not be required to give notice of such default. f) Borrower defaults in payment or performance of any superior encumbrance to which the property is subject. Lender shall not be required to give notice of such default. g) Borrower defaults on any pnmJssory note given to Lender pursuant to lot release provisions specified herein. Lender shall not be required to give notice of such default. 28. Remedies. In the event of Borrower's default, and subject to Lender's compliance with the notice provisions stated herein, Lender shall be entitled, at Lender's option, to: a) declare the entire unpaid balance of the purchase price, including accrued interest, immediately due and payable; b) strictly foreclose this agreement and Borrower's rights in the described property; c) foreclose this contact and Borrower's rights in the described property by judicial sale; d) specifically enforce the terms of this agreement; e) seek a money judgment for any and all sums due; f) instruct the collection escrow agent to refuse to accept any payments thereafter tendered by Borrower. The acceptance of any payment by the escrow agent in contravention of such instructions shall not constitute a waiver of Lender's declaration of default. g) no act or omission by the collection escrow agent shall affect Lender's rights or remedies. Any tender of payment made by Borrower to cure any delinquency under this agreement shall also include all attorney fees and costs incurred by Lender through the date of such tender. Any remedies provided for herein shall be in addition to those other remedies which Lender may have at law or equity. Lender may elect to combine any two or more of such options and remedies. 29. Attornev Fees. If this agreement is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection or for enforcement against the Borrower, the Borrower agrees to pay Lender's reasonable attorney fees and any collection costs, even though no suit or action is :filed upon this agreement. The amount of such attorney fees incurred by Lender shall be paid to Lender within ten (10) days after written demand or, at Lender's option, be added back to the unpaid balance of the agreement, and shall bear interest at the agreement rates until paid by Borrower. The escrow agent is hereby instructed to add such fees to the agreement balance upon receipt of a request to do so from Lender or Lender's attorney which includes a statement for such fees. ' 30. Liti'!ation Exoenses. In the event that suit, action or other legal proceeding is instituted upon this agreement, or any matter arising therefrom the prevailing parity shall be entitled to recover from the other party, in addition to costs and disbursements allowed by law, all costs of evidencing title, all receivership expenses and such sum as the curt may adjudge reasonable as an attorney fee in said suit, action or other proceeding, including appeals therefrom. All attorney fees shall be secured by the lien of this agreement. Loan Agreement Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humamty Page 9 Any award of attorney fees in favor of Lender shall include an award of attorney fees which Lender estimates will be incurred after entry of an interlocutory and/or final decree in connection with the completion of foreclosure proceedings and the collection of any judgment which survives the foreclosure. 31. Choice of Law and Venue. The laws of the State of Oregon shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties under this agreement. All litigation arising under the terms of this agreement shall be commenced and tried in the Circuit Court of Lane County for the State of Oregon. 32. Resolution of DisDutes. Except in the case of nonpayment, in the event of any dispute or disagreement between the parties affecting their respective rights and obligations, the disputing party shall set forth its position and disagreement in writing and give notice to the other party that such dispute exists. the parties will then make a good faith attempt to resolve the dispute or disagreement. If the dispute cannot be resolved within fifteen (15) days after sending of the notice, then at the option of the Lender, the matter shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association before and arbitrator or panel of arbitrators in Eugene, Oregon. Judgment may be entered upon the decision of the arbitrator(s) in any court having jurisdiction. The arbitrator(s) shall be bound to the strict inklp1.etation of the terms of this agryement. The prevailing party to any arbitration proceeding shall be awarded all costs, arbitration fees and attorney fees incurred in the arbitration proceeding. 33. Indemnification. Borrower shall indemnify, defend and hold Lender harmless from any claim, loss or liability arising out of or related to any activity of Borrower on the property or any condition of the property. If Lender is made or becomes a party to any suit, action or proceeding involving an impairment of Lender's security interest or involving this agreement or any occurrence on the property conveyed hereunder, Lender shall be entitled to recover from Borrower all expenses incurred therein, including, reasonable attorney fees, to be fixed by the trial and/or appellate court. 34. Notice. If any notice is required to be given to either party according to the terms hereof, it shall be sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the respective arty at the address shown below, or to such other address as is furnished to the mailing party. Any notice to Lender shall be mailed to: Springfie1dJEugene Habitat for Humanity P.O. Box 488 Springfield, OR 97477 Any notice to Borrower shall be mailed to: Springfield, OR 97477 If notice is mailed in accordance with the terms hereof, receipt of such notice shall be presumed 48 hours after the mailing of such notice. 35. Prior Al!reements. All conditions and contingencies to the closing of the sale of this property have been satisfied or are hereby waived. No provision of any Letter of Intent or similar agreement shall survive execution and delivery of this agreement except as expressly provided herein. This agreement is the entire, final and complete agreement of the partiesjJertaining to the Loan Agreement Sprmgfield/Eugene HabItat for Humamty Page 10 sale and purchase of the property and it supersedes and replaces all oral and all written agreements, including the any Letter of Intent, heretofore made or existing by and between the parties, their predecessors or their representatives insofar as the property is concerned. 36. Modification. This agreement may be modified only in writing signed by the parties hereto. 37. Survival of Ae:reement Provisions. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein to the contrary, no provisions ofthis agreement shall survive delivery of the Deed and Borrower's acceptance of the Deed shall constitute the fulfillment of all obligations of the Lender. 38. Nonwaiver. Failure by Lender at any time to require performance by Borrower of any of the provisions hereof shall in no way affect Lender's rights hereunder to enforce the same, nor shall any waiver by Lender of any breach hereof be held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach, or a waiver of this nonwaiver clause. 39. Condemnation. lithe described property, or any part thereof, is taken by condemnation, Lender is empowered to demand, sue for, collect and receive all compensation which may be paid for any property taken, or for any damages to property not taken. All condemnation monies so received, less the costs and attorney fees involved in litigation, shall be applied, at Lender's election, upon the unpaid balance of the purchase price in reduction thereof or to the repair or restoration of any property so damage, and any excess over the unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be paid to Borrower. 40. Severabilil~. If any part, term or clause of this agreement is held by a court to be illegal, or no effect or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining provisions and clauses shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the agreement did not contain the particular part, term or clause held to be invalid. 41. Covenants and Restrictions. Borrower acknowledges receipt and inspection of a copy of the DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND COMMON MAINTENANCE for the described property as recorded on at Reel and Reception Number of the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon and a copy of the official plat showing the existence and1location of all public utility easements. A breach by the Borrower of any ofthe terms or conditions in Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Common Maintenance, or any term or condition of any public utility easement affecting the property, shall be a material breach of this agreement. 42. Counteroarts. This agreement has been prepared and may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. 43. Miscellaneous. As used herein, the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular. the masculine and neuter gender shall each include the masculine, feminine and neuter, as the context requires. All captions used herein are solely for convenience of reference and shall in no way affect the interpretation of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement as ofthe day and year first above written. Loan Agreement Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanzty Page 11 Lender: Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity By: Dennis Arendt Its President, Board of Directors STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ss. Borrower(s): On the day of . 2005, personally appeared the above named and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his/her/their voluntary act Before me: STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ss. On the day of ' .2005, personally appeared NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Co~ission Expires: President, Board of Directors of Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity, an Oregon non-profit corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Before me: Loan Agreement . NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Expires: Springfield/Eugene Hab,tat for Humamty Page 12 f Branch Engineering, Inc. PRINCIPALS James A. Branch, P E Rene Fabricant, S.E. P.E. Michael Lane Branch, P.E. 31 0 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 " August 2, 2005 Attn: Steve Jokinen Vaughn/Habitat for Humanity 4866 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 Re: Storm Drainage Evaluation for Meyer Park Cluster Subdivision, Springfield This letter was prepared to address the storm water disposal and infrastructure proposed for the subject project. Calculations and a design of the proposed infiltration facilities as well as the.overflow pipe system are included. "t ~ . Run6fffron1'~e site will be directed mto a privately maintained infiltration pond located on the e~s(sip~ of the site that has been designed to retain runoff through the 25-year storm event. An on-site percolation test was performed by PSI at the proposed location of the pond' and the results indicate a measured infiltration rate of2 minutes/inch or 30 inches/hour (see attached test results) For the pond design, an infiltration rate of 12 mches per hour, or 40% of the measured rate, was assumed A typical cross section of the pond is illustrated on the attached figure. The bottom of the pond will be approximately 16 feet wide and 120 feet long. Angular quarry rock is proposed on tpree sides of the pond to minimize pond footprint. Access for maintaining the pond is proposed at the north end via as: I side slope. An overflow inlet is proposed for the pond at 1.5 feet above the bottom for runoff in I excess of the 25-year event. It is estimated the maximum water surface elevation in the pond during the IOO-year storm event will be 491 feet (or 6" above the overflow rim). The inlet and piping system has been designed to convey the 1 OO-year storm event , ' " CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING / SENT BY: SPRINGFIELD PW; 541 7361021; JUL.14-(I... ~i:25j I~ME ~/3 PUBLIC WOR/<$ DIiPARTMENr. Hingln~ Division .~"'"~~ -t..-a~I_IUllll: Phone: ("1) j'2IJ...;n5~' F.tJl:: (641) 'r:r!J.1021 , ,) I STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT SYSTJ~M Se:.)PjE OF' ~~VO~RK r;t~ Ptl 'r,' :"', , MM,'t'';''f',i;.,f.."." r ',,\I .,..t,.J;,r1~I",nI1J\ "..oI/"\".I~'1 \',.~' 'j II I ",\'n""';"'''~~''',I'.~1 'VI'" '.'\'id~~U: ;'\ .r1)1l t ~\'''''''~r.~~~.'''''' ;~':~~'r~"."" }.;~/::i~~I::Jr::~~~\~'", . '.-:,n . "',~~.~_~~=~~!I~~~~4j~'~~~~~>~~~~,I"~~~~(",' ;.;:)i.~':' ~~~l"'" "'~ 'i:iJ>>' ' ." ""~Nt.~"-&: ",', 'll"'.oII"_IJ;I~li?J~,'~~r.:;.~p:lilI,~~~M:~~ J~,- " . >J t#' .,.~~,.t~~~1I .... . .'~' 0" I, 'A.J'..~' ' " '.~~f.MI!I' w~~ . I ~, ,... , ',",~ 'lfr, ,,, 1~'r':~r'lr ~'i "\; 'Jl/S....~..,."~.d'l,,I....\):i'u~'~M,\N.,'r:."I".r:'.:.. fIM{I~,~'''''~q~'r~.' .~"V...,...,'.jl . , ., ~I\'~ . ~" ,.. 11, ." " '" '" :~.., "~.'. . ,'"" . ..~.'lli, . ',. " .... " . ' . ~ I' , I. "...;,.~.;;;;........,_..:...;..~.....,............ti:...............' PrOJill\:t Name; t1JWft ~B '~&r S~I. Applicant: lAMI i5r~It"~"f A:sseSllorrJ Partel /j-t:JJ.-II....,t _~ "'J" ~C-], Datl~: Land Use(s): ~gg D~ 4 ~M.lfUIA4w Phone #: lI'rojM Size (Acres): Li. 'I i4~1 , }'ax #: Appr,)1(. Impelrvi(tufI Arta; ,. 'S: pc.U~ Em!dl: ! Projl&tCt Description (Include a oopy of A9sellllOr's map): 12"'~YA(". C(.,l,'5 ntkA ~1."'il~OJ"'lld'jV ~...~ ,.,ltJ.V.t1::...... -----~_._..J- ~i~a;l~..,....I.....II__........M.__. ... 7V~ -(,!W~~. _ ......_.. _.._...,......~~._._ .L&tb~LW~~.~!:~":!fJ~..t~.M". '00 ~1._ 'Dlrahtsgl: Proposal (Public connection(s), dillChargc location(Il). etc. Atta,h tlL!dition;d shl~l(s) ifmce~:;al'Y~ I"'~/~~"'I-"" po~. 1.wI1'fI/ ,t/~t4"., ~ P.,~,-/ '" irlfr..lr~'" I,,,",, M"~J''''' ~t,,~ , , ,I. ~ ~r .~' \l/l!t(tt~ ~~ '-F ~~H <j I \l'~ ' ..----- ---...-- ....~.._-_... ...." ~w , v~'I:1'I~nr() 1('J~/f;.T'IlATi'1-I D'A~IIJ 'I' "[ ~ l' 'II v ,>> (." I~' I k~ ~~~~l.....1 . +,~"'~""""""'_.__t1 " , " I , " , l' " . \ \ ~ q \", t " \ ,~ . h ~\ __.__.....-.._...........--........-a...._.. .,"lill', Jh~I"" f,\~~ .,J" , , ., '&JII!; ". , ~~t."~l~,y"", . \ ,I, ~ I ~ ,I "1:: g~:l~:,:a'~, f r.t' '," " "Ifi~" ,.- "'l~~ ".;"";' .qIil. 1. ~.. .~~ I Ill' . \ ,';1';:, ;':;"n, .,.: I , r I J I - j~ ~ I . . " '!ijt.' . ,I "Iij" ~~., "gj~'~"l' ,n." \ .' I ., '. '~l'd: iii " .I, \/ ... ~ I.., "'. .,: ... =1 r I_""I~,I' ',' ........~.,..l I , ; ~,.., ~ ."-""~~~:qJ'~1, ~.....,? I)>,~}~,\;l.~~t~lt'} ~ ~r 'l'~l I, j,'~ ~ \' It,\ '.. $,. fir ;1\, DrBIllUllle StQdf Tvne (ED8PM Section"4.f):J.il:' (Note. UH may be ll~tiMc:d .fatl41~~!!!LM$'.~l :J' Sw4till\ Site Study ~ '( ~~'filiti~~al Method for calwllltion.) :J Mid...Level -Developmont.StUdy - (ust .unit Hydrosraph MOlhod flJr C4lclllall~r.l;) ] F\ill J)~inage Develo~_S~~"'7 (~ep~.I~ Hydragrllph Method for calcul/ltior..ll) ~('(. " I~ 1 .. Igylrolillmeflbil COllllSlderat1lollfl! . ;a....".~" .. 'li)~ 1t ~.J' _ '! "II' ' ~ I.WeUh~,Zone: ZJ>~'" - h.t."- ~ GwI'rr.4:.wr, i1 H1J1~,ide Deve;,opr.'lem: _.._.H~t,,-~-_- WetlaitdlRiparian: Nlfq _ FJoodway/Floodp'lain' _..J~fi____, , Soil Type~ J) ~ -~ ~ ~ (.~~( O1her Jurlsdic:thms. Ql~"'~:____. J}..Quttremm AlulDnlll: ~: N/A . Flow line for starting ,water smare elevation: ir 6esi~~Hqfto use 'for starting water surface elevation: MWolC/1unctiOil to lake analYSIS to: , REltum to Matt 5ltou'der@ City of Springfield, em,lI: tp~foude~/,sDrlrd1llldl.J~h r:Jt;(: 0:4") 1'31r 1fJ;H :~i'~t.it',Jf.'):L' f 'J'l,::,,"~I~ ...~ l'dl ~ SENT BY: SPRINa~!ELO PWj 541 7361021 j JUL.1l,.(j5 1~:2l;j ~Mc ~/~ CO~WLETESTUDYITEMS I "Oll omcM u:Je~;'- ~4S-'----1 -----..........-------.... It ilasrd upon 111ft informarimt prO\lldfd on 1M from c/rhts sheel. the follOWI1Jg "'pNJfnts a minimum vl',,'IIQt t..~ ""er/,d .'''/' ~1Il 'lPplkatJa" tu be complore lor JlIbmittal with 1'(JSpeC/lo drain agi!o' ho\Wvt1r, t"ir list ShOllld nr>t b t uud ;:,!!,qu (if lite Sprlll~'/IeM D'D'Vf11opme,,' Code (SDC) or (he CII)''' Englneeriflt De.r/gn Malfuul. Comp/um,'fJ l'/J1h lh~lfl r-er,uINt'lelllJ dQ~," fI!)( ('()~'(/IW6' ,rile apPfO\1Q/i Addlllonal $fIe ,pee/lIc ii/fOrmat/on may he , equirecl Notc.' Upon reoping .fht!tll,fuh",Jt1a!, t'.'ISWfJ a1Tl'lriotNiJorm /101 1 [I()~" slt(f1ed in the JpactJ provided helow' !lll_lllIl Dei!11g111 Si81ldardaIWater QaaJlty (E'OSPM Chapter 3) ~'d lV/A WItt DAD nol1..bulldlne: rooftop (Nail) Impervious surfaces shall be pre-(reated le.~ mulri-c.hembcred Cl1tchb,uln w/c,tI flltt'8rion 1'IIedla) for &lotmW8ter quality. Additionally, a mhtlmum or 50% 0( the NBR impm ious St.l:1"a;c aha!! te. t/'cJf.tI:d by vogll'latcld methods. Sid 0 Wh~rc rGquiI'od, vc.id8f1Vc ..~.......~lJter design shall bel consiatllnt with Interim de;;ign :1talld.'lll'd$ (EOSPfv; Secllern S.C2;. :Iet furth by the bureau of BnvlronmenTaI Services CBBS) or Clearl Water SCMUI)6 (CWS), o ellor new NBR impervlollf afoR less th/lll 15,000 square feet, B simplified desian approE.ch may bl. fQllowc:<1 G,~ :~peoi1llrd hy tbcBESforv!:getative~aanent."'lA")&..u '~"""1\ lr-,O~O sf. It! 0 If a SlormW8~ treaemcnt :lwa1c ill propoied, submit ~lcuhltl0nlJ/5pecific~tion8 for lIi:Zlng., Yell,1C'jlY. fJow, ~ltl~ lIk1pc:!, bl>ltoTII slope, and seed mix conrris1c:nt with either BES or CWS requirements ;..1] J W8~ Quality oaloutatiou M required iu Sclltion 3.03.1 of 1M EOSPM ] If All building rooftop mounted equipment) or other fluid contaIning equipment located '~uf!l\de of lh" bullning, :!hlln Ii)C prOV1I1od with :il~ondary tontall1n'lel\l Of weather resistant enc!OlIure. COBoral Shldy .Req.uredllellt~ (lDSPM S"tloIl4.0J) j 3 Dl'\linll8e study prepared by a ProfeSliliol1al Civil EnSUletllicCf1Bed In the strste of CtreBoll ~- m I TiiT~' ~W'Pa~~tt,~AA14Y,~'t~ In t!P~PM ~Cb()rt 4.03.11 mc1ucJln8 ~lhyd~Il)~)tlllklL~ I':ll\p, , c;aicuJatiQftS sJicwfns syaklm capa<:l(y fOf It 2'Yl!ar ~lonn event and nvmlowetfocfa of IS 25 "year 5tO)ll1 (IVllTll , fl' J The tlm~~f OODI'OI1tration (To) sh4lJ be detonnined using 810 minute Btatt lime fOl dClvlllcr)ll~ bi8n\6. Review oflDoWl1strtlilm System (E.DSPM Seclion 4.6J.4.q o iJ ^ downsllClun umlJ1l.lJ~ IIMIY8itlll~ dc:llcribtld In EDSPM StiClwn 4.03,4,/:'. On'llllll UlltInH,JC shaH "'~ gO"L'f'lICtJ "Y thl: , j .' ,~&~nn~.~I~IZSp~1aJty ~ f?PSC). ' (J iiI'~8Vlltions ofthl' HOL and now'llnes for both cItY and private systclllIl Whertllippl]cRllle, "1CQ ""Of,~~1'ftl Syst4ms.,(tPs~ ~..'4.~) , iQ ~ ;J~;~ "~Il~~~~~,'ri~ el~va~W! ~l~c t)'pI: ~d liizcB cllllUly indicated Oll tbel plan Rei. , ' W:t-( ],Mmi1'nUmPjpa ~Yer Il\'lalltle' ~~~t\chO$ for relnft'l~etl pipe and 16lndl~t for r'ildn CCl:lcnlt,~ :Inrl plt,~llc p:PIl rll:lfl!rialt, ,.,.. . I, I, ~ I,) ~,~ 'lI',.!"'~incerin,. calculations shall be provided when leoss. The COver Lhall be Suffil:JCnt 10 SUJlpOr1 an ~i),OCK) IiI J(lId without tli.lIuPe of tho plpo struCtUre. G'.',~'~S~\mlnB'~'+lh'iWlui!f fOf plp~s $b.1JI~, tdtl~iNt~f1t with Tlible 4.1 ofthe 'WSP. All ~~:lIm pip!!" sha,) bt, f,l:SllJI1QQ III .\' '';'';' ,:,JiCbIClVt: ~ mmimum velocity ot'tbm (3) feet per HCcond lit 0.5 pipe full based on Titbit "..Ius wc:1I jJll~! :" ,tJlltlJ1J,IIIJi~L,lul JJj1..1 ~t I OtberJ1\ftuc >'1 Jlo;P''.:;:,J ,~ t'~" ". P I \,~ I ' Ii) 0 ElisiIDt'81'Id~oied contOll;';, IO~led at One foollnlcrval, Includlllpct C11t;vatiol'UI :tnd 'll~ gncjl:\\ !;hoWlnS how Rife: r l," .driiM,1 1fl; T l~.. I' , t iil 0 ~1e-sto~wattr'OlJIememf. ~Il 'be clearly depicted on' plan~ whcm private ~tnrmvV:\ter flO\/5 fro'Tl Cl1" l)r(1p~t:f :0 r ~~titb.\' 1~,~ ~J'; \ ',jl~ } 'II',.' ~L I ' I'". I , o ~~illldJill11otr~eiVC rumMfioom any IUrfocc 9110 beirlg t",clIoted by one or mOle DMI/ll>t vith me ~r~ptiolll)(reJjd~~tilll Lilli. .J,uUdi1l~rrobfsl(EDSP ,SectiClrt.~.o])4IA). Addltion;!,1 pn:t\1IUmI4pply to this ss 'requiff1d by 'the l)EQ. Refer~" Ibo 'f/.Jb.:.te: ,..( . ~'dea..riltUi.dr.I,Ifi:lwqtllfOU.~Uch(lmd."Clrn (or i'Ilcjro lllf~rmado", , Q~ettrition pokkJ. shftll tie de8ian~.!o limit TUn off to Jlreodeveroipmant nne. for the 1 through 2S.yellr stonll eVl:nll' 11: J 1 j r 11 J.J I, ~ 'I ' ~ I j 1 I , I I ,.. .' }': "..rftl~J"~m"'hf'lI b. ~I!(~~d III '''I uttUlJh"""1J itlN/lIl. ,". /",II,t C:UVIlf"I' vf tht' NWNQWt<fe1 NtI/lCly I ." ...t;IJiIlI.iir~li:i\ii<ltil..~l\o~.MwIilia''''''''''' ,11r"'liI..!Ift~~"'.'} ,.,lliw,II'l." Il1 "" j~.l: lJ ~;I ~<il~",. I l~,~~~:J~r;.q,> t:4~~'''~fiwn~~;J~~11~~JS'B~,..~"~r.v.wl~Q"nrf II , \ i t '.. ' j ~ ,~,~ ,,' ~,.,f I'.'~ , ~ ~, __ __......o...-.....~...~...__._._ 't,-t \"1 i'l " " ~the~rofmconi:.,J;h~~by~f);,,~abcwertqwredltem.Unl " , ~~lnpl~~~~JDl~1u.d~\,lAtl'hc lIU~,tQ1f~l9tm,waler stud)' IInd plan .t:lt Signa'~rre -=:::::=:-._"==~==Dat:'=::~J %~:, ',':,' dO' , )(. ,., " I" fonn'V(!r6ion 2: Mru'Ch 1004 " . " , , , MAIN STREET/HIGHWAY 126 lilt, .I.IL_,.. ...U.... ,.",11" ,..... I II, . l\j ..../ .. Ilj .... .....,;....'..oIlOll,IlI'I....IW "., , "..., d '" ".,~....~",.~..". / . \ .C. STREET 0.. 0 9 BEAVER ~1t(1:J:.1 ~ V :tl / 1:: I) .8. ST ~ .~ t:i I.J.J ~ .~ ~ ~ '/ ~. 0) "l:f' VICINITY MAP ~ NO SCALE w ~ 0.. ~ "l:f' \ I: ',' fro: I I.. , n. " , . ~r "11' \, '/It; ..11.11. LIJ, ; / V ~~ I.J.J ~ c.. ~ It) , BLUEBEll.E WAY - ... t;- -....;... .-........ _ _ _ _ _ ~ I ! I I \ .. I ~ , I J" I \ I Feb ,16 27 03:21p 02/13/2004 13:37 Te,..l Joklnen 5417 63 (541)726-6721 ' PSI PAGE 02 p.2 :J./, 7/"- ) ~IJ · --u!tI", .1t '"'.''l''' Febfuary 10,2004 Project: 722-40047-1 Mrs. Tm Jokinen 4866 Mam Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 , , II Subject: PercolQnon~te DClCnT\IlllIltOI1 Report 4866 Main Sticel Springfield, OJCgon Dear Mrs. Jokinen; Weare pleased tl) prCl'Cllt the resuha of C'W" Percolation Rate Determination testing conducted Dn Febwa:ry 10. 2004 al48!l6 Mam Sucelm Spnngficld. On:g:>n. The Percolalion Test locatioG WllS selected by our client. TIle Perc....latlon Rate was determined m accordance with Ihe KlJIg Connty, W8shmg1Oll SlIlliu;c Waler tk,lgn ManuAl. TAble of Per-enlation Ratcli Telit Pit Te!t Locatic n rut Elevation Vi81lJl Soil CJaulf'keticll MGllUuJ'ed percollltioD ibte (minllncb) IS' S, SO' E ofSE comer ofbol; 5e 3 112' bg Red-Brown Clayey Gravel WIth Cobbles (bar-run) 2lma/inch Nute: ) . No high winter watez levels were mdicat.ed in the above listed pereolahOD hele. 2 No ground water was encountered In the above listed percolation bole at 3 ~ feet below cxi:Jllog grade. 3. bg = Below Orade Jfyou hllve any qucshons or lleed addihonal infoInlAU<m pl~aSe ca\l Ray A1ipeni at 746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, PROFESSIONAl. SERVICE INDUSTRIES. lNe. b&t~~ D€:parll'llent Manager ProlMSO'lIlI 5&rvte 11Idua!n1li. Int.., Q40A Staley Sl. . Springf18ld. OR 97~71 · PI10nlI &41/746-9649 . Fax ~1f7*7'G3 XP-UDD2000 ; Version 7 55 t. ~~~ht. (C:X~.~.".~:. Pond PONf) 4~\hl-l Zc;. - ~)(. S\O~ I I I I , I I Outflow I I I I I I ~ Outlet 25-Year Storm i Vaughn/Habitat for Humamty Licenced To Branch Engineering [66-750.0285] ~!J(~ , , I 05/17/04 Page 1/1 'POt-Jl':> r~o:;.)6rJ Z<- '-IlL ~\()lLM o/tu Input F~le C \SWMM F~les\03-285\~nf~ltrat~on XP Current D~rectory C \XPS\XP-UDD-l Executable Name' C \XPS\XP-UDD-l\swmmengw exe Read 0 l~ne(s) and found 0 ~tems(s) from your cfg f~le *===============================================* XP-SWMM2000 Storm Water Management Model I Vers~on 7 51 I 1===============================================1 1 Developed by I 1===============================================1 I I I XP Software Inc and pty Ltd 1 I 1 1 Based on the U S EPA I 1 Storm Water Management Model Vers~on 4 40 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 EPA-SWMM ~s ma~nta~ned by I Oregon State Un~vers~ty 1 Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. 1=============================================== I XP Software October, 2000 1 Data F~le Vers~on ---> 9 0 *===============================================* Or~g~nally Developed by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc Un~vers~ty of Flor~da Camp Dresser & McKee Inc September 1970 Vaughn/Hab~tat for Human~ty Proposed Cond~t~ons 25-Year Storm ###################################### # Ra~nfall ~nput summary from Runoff # ###################################### Total ra~nfall for gage # 1 ~s 4 8000 ~nches ~ ZS - '1 f. I '1. ~ K 'Q.C>r\ 'J~p.,,-,-- 01{.(71 '1- ################################################### # Table R1. SUB CAT C H MEN T D A T A # # Phys~cal Hydrology Data # ################################################### Subcatchment Number Name 80'/. I rY'\nf{v"=7=;~~~;7===== ?-OCr. ?fl( \/- 2 pond#2 Channel or ~nlet W~dth ft Area ac Per- cent Slope "n" Imperv ft/ft Imprv Deprs Deprs Prcnt -s~on -s~on Zero "n" Storge Strge Deten Perv Imprv Perv -t~on Pond Pond 50 000 100 00 1 5000 38000 100 00 0 020 0 014 0.030 0.000 0 000 o 00 0 020 0 014 0 030 0.000 0 000 o 00 o 00 ; 88 t""'fc;.1Z fS r~.r";"A \... ############################################################################################ # Table R2 SUBCATCHMENT DATA # # Inf~ltrat~on Data # # Inhltrat~on Type Infl #1 Infl #2 Infl # 3 Infl #4 # # SCS -> Comp CN T~me Cone Shape Factor Depth or Fract~on # # SBUH -> Comp CN T~me Cone N/A N/A # # Green Ampt -> Suct~on Hydr Cond In~t~al MD N/A # # Horton -> Max Rate M~n Rate Decay Rate (l/sec) N/A # # Proport~onal -> Constant N/A N/A N/A # # In~t~al/Cont Loss -> In~t~al Cont~nu~ng N/A N/A # # In~t~al/Proport~onal-> In~t~al Constant N/A N/A # # Laurenson Paramters -> B Value Perv~ous "n" Imperv~ous Cont Exponent # ############################################################################################ Subcatchment Number Name Infl # 1 Infl # 2 Infl # 3 Infl # 4 1 Pond#l 2 Pond#2 98 0 69 0 o 167 o 167 'Po....,o Pi.<;'/br-J tc. '11L 'S;"'i(j/HV\, 11& o 000 0 200 o 000 0 200 ############################################################ # ,Table R3 SUBCATCHMENT DATA # # Ralnfall and Inflltratlon Database Names # ############################################################ Subcatchment Gage Infltrn Routlng Ralnfall Database Inflltratlon Database ,Number, Name No Type Type Name Name =============== ----------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------------- ---------------- 1 Pond#l 1 SCS Method SBUH SCS Type 1A SCS TYPE C - Horton 2 pond#2 1 SCS Method SBUH SCS Type lA SCS TYPE C - Horton ####1############################################# # Table R9 Summary Statlstlcs for Subcatchments # ################################################## Note. Total Runoff Depth lncludes pervlou~ & lmpervlous area PerVlOUS and Impervlous Runoff Depth lS only the runoff from those two areas Subcatchment. . Area (acres) Percent ImpetVlOUS..... Total Ralnfal1 (In)... Max Intenslty (In/hr).. Pervlous Area ;"Total Runoff 'Depth (In) Total Losses (In) Remalnlng Depth (In) Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total ,Impervlous Area Total Runoff Depth (In) 4 54282 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) 1 89106 Impervlous Area wlth depresslon storage Tota~ Ruryo~f,D~pth (In) 0 00000 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) 0 00000 Impervi6u's'~Area wlthout' depresslon storage Total cRun'off Dept'h (In)'' 0 00000 Peak Runoff ,Rate (cfs) 0 00000 Total ,Area ,'. , ' 'To'd'!" ',RJri'M f ~De'pth (HI)" Peak RuAoff'Rate (CfS)lt I 'Unit ,Runoff ('In/.hr,l.... , ! 1 I , ~ .... I 1 ,T ~', 1 I I I pond#l 1.50000 100.00000 '4 80000 1.55520 o 00000 o 00000 o 00000 o 00000 '4 54282' I 1 89106 1,26071 pond#2 o 38000 0.00000 4 80000 1 55520 1 79904 3 00096 0 00000 0 15213 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 1 79904 0 15213 0 40034 (. I IF' (I I ,_ I, ~l=~' ~vnoff slmulatlon 'ended normally ~_\ 11 -c :: ' :I I;;:. I #,##11# # ## # ### # 0#,# # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Entr~ made to the ,HYDRAULIC Layer (Block) of SWMM # ,#, ,;,Last 'updated October, 2000 'by XP Software # ') l~, ,T '-' ~ ~.... . ( l' ,~'I yaughn1Habltat for Humanlty 25-Year 'Storm J' ~'.;;. It:; 1," I __} I ~ 4. ), J" ~ ,Pond . ! I, I,"';r I , I: I 'I ) I I .~ .I ,/ q Punted o,ut;PIt,t =f~f thE;', :followlng 1 Junctlons .. l...~I' .. T ~ _, f 1 I ~ ~ j _ =======F~9=~~==~(==~=~~====~===~=J============~====== Input'Informatlon from Internal Ratlng Curve Inflltrate ===~:==:~~==:======================================== ~ I ,( ~ t '. r \ -:, I ! I J J;'qlnt " Data Da ta !'lo:" ". -C~lunin, Column ~, ~, ,; ~.- '1 ~" ,# 1, # 2 L'ld>.'.. \ 1'-------; 1, / tol,l, " "O.}OO "0 c2, ,'],,r;rq.5Q,O l 'e, ~,3, ,..<3 OpO,; (I ~" II'~ I, C""a" I ~~,/~~ -1t{-~,_...., ~' J~ ~ ~ ~lr 1/ n I ~ t _ " .', .r 6 r--l-D -: , ',', WI>tTt:il- $u~r-A(J( \ ';' I' D1{J)-n-t~ (F-t J "(~'" l I 'i' ' 0.000 0.000 ~.OOO . , Data Column ,# 3 0.400 0.550 0.750 Data Column # 4 o 000 o 000 o 000 ''\' I t-lf'I(;rmriOW ~"lf, cF~';;) 'Po uD Di <;\G;.....> 'lr. 11 'l 1'';16 \1. \'.' o/Jt, *======================================~~===~======+ Table El - Condult Data *==================================================* Trapezold Inp Condult Length Condult Area Mannlng Max Wldth Depth Slde Num Name ( ft) Class (ft^2) Coef (ft) (ft) Slopes ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ------- 1 Infl1 tra te 300 00 Closd Cnd 0 00 0 01400 3 00 3 00 Total length of all condults 300 0000 feet *===================================================* Table E3a - Junctlon Data *===================================================* Inp Junctlon Ground Crown Invert Qlnst Inltlal Num Name Elevatlon Elevatlon Elevatlon cfs Depth-ft -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- 1 Pond 492 0000 492 0000 489 0000 0.0000 0 0000 2 Ou tl e t 402 0000 401 9900 400 0000 0 0000 0 0000 *==========================================+ Storage Junctlon Data *==========================================* STORAGE JUNCTION NUMBER OR NAME JUNCTION TYPE MAXIMUM OR CONSTANT SURFACE AREA (FT2) Pond Stage/Area 2700 7200 PEAK OR CROWN DEPTH CONSTANT VOLUME ELEVATION STARTS (CUBIC FEET) (FT) FROM --------------- --------- ----------- 6715 3702 492 0000 Node Invert *==================================* Varlable storage data for node IPond *==================================* Data Elevatlon Depth Area POlnt ft ft ft^2 --------- --------- 1 489.0000 0 0000 1437 4800 2 489 5000 0 5000 2003 7600 3 492 0000 3.0000 2700 7200 Volume ft^3 o 0000 856 4006 6715 3702 It.- 'PO ND A\2Vt1- ~ 1z.'IIHlL iNH\....\\ZJ\TtOrJ ::: K~ *================================================~ FREE OUTFALL DATA (DATA GROUP I1) BOUNDARY CONDITION ON DATA GROUP J1 *================================================* Outfall at Junctlon Ou tl e t has boundary condltlon number *================================================* INTERNAL CONNECTIVITY INFORMATION *================================================* CONDUIT JUNCTION JUNCTION FREE # 1 Outlet BOUNDARY *===================================================* Boundary Condltlon Informatlon Data Groups JI-J4 *===================================================* BC NUMBER.. 1 Control water surface elevatlon lS I o 00 feet ?o"-.){) Di:'S\~,...; o/T~ 2c; ,Lj tl... <":;'-(t)IL.'\ 11 0 0 489 8576 0 8576 2103 4844 2103 4699 1590 8248 0 3665 0 5786 11 10 0 489 7963 0 7963 2086 3879 2086 3732 1462 3825 0 3592 0 5737 11' 20 0 489 7347 0 7347 2069 2032 2069 1885 1334 3254 0 3567 0 5688 11 30 0 489 6736 0 6736 2052 1678 2052 1533 1208 4193 0 3561 0 5639 11' 40 0 489 6133 0 6133 2035 3697 2035 3554 1085 2808 0 3561 0 5591 11 50 0 489 5540 0 5540 2018 8414 2018 8274 965 1043 0 3563 0 5543 12- 0 0 489 4958 o 4958 1998 9772 1998 9676 848 0254 0 3567 0 5487 12 10 0 489 4399 0.4399 1935 7536 1935 7442 739 3034 0 3570 0 5320 12 20 0 489 3875 o 3875 1876 4108 1876 4020 640 2593 0 3574 0 5163 12 30 0 489.3386 o 3386 1820 9448 1820 9367 550 3318 0 3578 0 5016 12' 40 0 489 2930 0.2930 1769 3255 1769 3179 468 9522 0 3581 0 4879 12 50 0 489 2430 o 2430 1712.7503 1712 7407 382 3313 0 3157 0 4729 13 0 0 489 1856 o 1856 1647 6749 1647 6648 286 0548 0 2957 0 4557 13 10 0 489 1278 0.1278 1582 2802 1582.2705 192 9538 0 2886 0 4384 13 20 0 489 0726 o 0726 1519 7692 1519 7602 107 4075 0 2860 0 4218 13 30 0 489.0211 o 0211 1461 3759 1461 3676 30 5704 o 2853 0 4063 13 40 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437.4838 1437 4838 0 0048 0.2851 0 4000 13 50 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 o 2852 0 4000 14 0 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437.4838 0 0048 o 2853 0 4000 14 10 0 489.0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 0.2855 0 4000 14 20 0 489 0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 o 2857 0 4000 14 30 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 o 2859 0 4000 14 40 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 o 2861 0 4000 14 50 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 o 2661 0 4000 is 0 0 489.0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 0.2568 0 4000 r5, 10 0 489 0000 0.0000 1437.4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2535 0 4000 15 20 0 489 0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0.0048 o 2523 0 4000 15 30 0 489 0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2520 0 4000 15 40 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2519 0 4000 15 50 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2520 0 4000 16 0 0 489 0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2521 0 4000 16 10 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2523 0 4000 16 20 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2524 0 4000 _ ,0/'..::oL - ~-, ...1'6'.30-.'-0- 489-0000, -0 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2525 0 4000 ,"'" "16"40 0 489.0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2527 0 4000 16 50 0 489.0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2238 0 4000 17 ,10 0 489.0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2103 0 4000 17 10 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2053 0 4000 17 20 0 489 0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2036 0 4000 17 30 0 489.0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2030 0 4000 17 40 0 489.0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2028 0 4000 17 50 0 4.~J9. 00,00 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2028 0 4000 18' ,0 0 4~~.qooo 0.0000 1437_ 48,38 1437 4838 '0 0048 o 2028 0 4000 IS: 10, a: 489,.0000 0.0000 1437.4838 1437 4838 o 0048 O' 2029 0 4000 18 20 0 48.9.. QO~O 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0,048 0.2030 0 4000 18' 30 6 489 0000 0.0000 1437.4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2030 0 4000 18' 40 0 4,89, 0000, o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838, o 0048 o 2031 0 4000 18 50 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2032 0 4000 19 0 0 4:8,~ 0000 o 0000 1437.4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2033 0 4000 19 10 0 489 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 483'8 o 0048 o 2033 0 4000 19 20 0 489.0600' 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 ,0.0048 o 2034 0 4000 19 3.0 0 4'8'9.0600, 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2035 o 4000 19 4.0 0 ,4,~0~ 0000' o 0000 1437 4838 1437'4838 0.0048 o 2036 0.4000 19 50, 0 48,9;. QOO,O 0.0000 1437 4838 1437.4838 o 0048 0.2036 o 4000 20 0 0', 489..0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 .0 004 8 o 2037' o 4000 26, 10' 0 4~:9,'. QO,O,O 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2038 o 4000 20 20 0, 4,89" 0000, o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2039 o 40.00 20 30 0 4,8,~J OQO.O 0, 0000 143'7, .4.~38 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2039 o 4000 20 40' 0 48,~.. 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 0.2040 o 4000, 20 50 0 4,89 00000 o 0000 1437, 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2041 o 4000 21 ,0 0 4,89.00.00. 0.0000 14'37 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2041 o 4000 21 10 0 489j 0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2042 o 4000 21 20 0 489.0000 o 0000 1437 4838, 1437 4838 0.0048 o 2043 0.4000 21 30 0 489, QOOO o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2043 o 4000 21 40, 0 ,48:9.. QOOO o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2044 o 4000 2~ 50 0' 48;~, 000,0 o 0000 1437. 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2045 o 4000 22, 0 0, 48~9. 0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 00,48 o 2045 o 4000 22 10 0 4,8,9..0000 o 0000 1,437 4838, 1437 483,8 o 0048 o 2046 o 40'00 22, 20 0, 48.9,.0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 0.2047 o 4000 22. 3,0 0 48,9,.0000 0.0000 1437.4838 1437.4838 0.0048 o 2047 o 4000 22 40 0 4,89..0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0.0048 0.2048 0.4000 22 50 0 4.89,.0000 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0.0048 o 2049 o 4000 23, 0 O. 489..0000 o 0000 1437.4838 1437.4838 0.0048 0.2049 o 4000 23 1'0 0 489'.0000 o 0000 1437.4838 1437.4838 o 0048 0.2050 0.4000 b~ '<-t 23,- 20 O. 489'.0000 0.0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2051 o 4,000 23 30, 0) 489.00,00 o 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 o 0048 o 2051 o 4000 , r j I' ,- ' , , l, I -,' l 1111 ?;-} '''(J1' -, 'I lli'l u' \' = \ I J ;' \~ ,. . ' ?{)~D 'Dfsl,"'/IJ 0/,(; ;'--,. If.' cJ'~.>\' A'" 23 40 0 23 50 0 24 0 0 Mean Max~mum M~n~mum 489 0000 0 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 0 2052 0 4000 489 0000 0 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 0 2052 0 4000 489.0000 0 0000 1437 4838 1437 4838 0 0048 0 2053 0 4000 489 22 o 22 490 48 1 48 489 00 o 00 *======================================================* I Table E9 - JUNCTION SUMMARY STATISTICS I The Max~mum area ~s only the area of the node, ~t I I does not ~nc1ude the area of the surround~ng condu~tsl *~=====================================================* Uppermost Ma^~mum T~me Feet of Max~mum Ground P~peCrown Junct~on of Surcharge Freeboard Junct~on Junct~on E1evat~on Elevat~on E1evat~on Occurence at Max of node Area Name feet feet feet Hr M~n E1evat~on feet ft^2 -------- --------- -------- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- Pond 492 0000 492.0000 490 4862 8 43 0 0000 1 5138 2278 6865 Outlet 402 0000 401 9900 400 0000 0 0 0 0000 2 0000 12 5660 *======================================================* Table E10 - CONDUIT SUMMARY STATISTICS Note The peak flow may be less than the des~gn flow and the condu~t may st~ll surcharge because of the downstream boundary cond~t~ons *======================================================* Condu~t Max~mum T~me Max~mum T~me Rat~o of Maxl'mum Depth > Name Des~gn Des~gn Vert~ca1 Computed of Computed of Max to at hpe .ETnds.--.-- Condu~t Flow Ve1oc~ty Depth Flow Occurence Ve1oc~ty Occurence Des~gn Upstream Dwnstrm Name (cfs) (ft/s) (~n) (cfs) Hr M~n (ft/s) Hr M~n Flow (ft) ( ft) ------- -------- -------- ------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------- -------- -------- Inf~ltrate 0 000 0 0000 36.0000 0 6289 8 43 0 8144 8 43 0 0000 490 4860 400 0000 FREE # 1 Undefnd Undefnd Undefnd 0 6289 8 44 ===> Hydraul~c model s~mu1at~on ended normally ===> SWMM S~mulat~on ended normally. ===> Your ~nput f~le was named C \SWMM Flles\03-285\lnflltrat~on DAT ===> Your output f~le was named C \SWMM F~les\03-285\~nf~ltratlon.out *==============================================================* SWMM S~mulat~on Date and T~me Summary *==============================================================* Start~ng Date .. May 17, 2004 T~me. 13 46 1.54 End~ng Date. . May 17, 2004 T~me 13 46 2 86 Elapsed T~me.. 0.02200 m~nutes or 1 32000 seconds *==============================================================* XP-UDD2000 VersIon 7 55 Copynght (0) XP Software Pond Oy"'<}~LU ~ ?\~ 10..... LtTL <;\U~VV' 12" Jlpe , MH1 I 10"f'Pe Main SI ~. ........ .......... , Vaughn/Habitat for Humanity :'00- , ~.Year Storm Licenced To Branch Engineering [66-750-0285] . 05/17104 Page 1/1 o/-J{g Input Flle " C:\SWMM Flles\03-285\Plpes.XP Current Dlrectory. C:\XPS\XP-UDD-l Executable Name" C:\XPS\XP-UDD-l\swmmengwexe Read 0 llne(s) and found 0 ltems(s) from your cfg flle *===============================================* XP-SWMM2000 1 Storm Water Management Model 1 1 Verslon 7.51 1 1===============================================1 1 Developed by I ===============================================1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 EPA-SWMM lS malntalned by 1 Oregon State Unlverslty 1 1 Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. 1 1===============================================1 I XP Software October, 2000 1 1 Data "lIe Verslon ---> 9.0 I *===============================================* XP Software Inc. and pty Ltd Based on the U S. EPA Storm Water Management Model Verslon 4.40 Orlglnally Developed by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. Unlverslty of Florlda Camp Dresser & McKee Inc September 1970 Vaughn/Habltat for Humanlty Proposed Condltlons 100-Year Storm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Ralnfall lnput summary from Runoff ~ ~~#~~~~#~~~~###~###~#~~~#~##~~#~~~#### Total ralnfall for gage # 1 lS 6.0000 lnches ~ iOO-'l1L Z '1 ri.t:- g p:,,Zfr} 0 <.. J: ~ "~ ~ .,,' c t c ~ E- o. ~ ;> ##~#~##~~~~~#####~#~#~###~~~~#~~##~~#~##~########~~ # Table Rl. SUB CAT C H MEN T D A T A # 11 Physlcal Hydrology Data ~ #~#~~###~###~###~#####~####~##~#~~#~~~~##~##~#~#### Subcatchment Number Name Channel or lnlet Wldth ft Area ac Per- cent Slope Un" Imperv ft/ft Imprv Deprs Deprs Prcnt -Slon -Slon Zero Un" Storge Strge Deten Perv Impr~ Perv -tlon ~~, I "'" P 7,L)'t; '?f.r...J ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 pond#l 2 Pond#2 Pond Pond I 50 000 100 00 1.5000 .38000 100 00 0 020 0 014 0 030 0 000 0 000 0.00 o 00 0 020 0 014 0 030 0 000 0 000 0 00 - -::::- ~ ##########nnnnnnn#nnnn######n############################################################### # Table R2. SUBCATCHMENT DATA # # Inf1ltrat1on Data # # Inf1ltrat1on Type Infl #1 Infl #2 Infl #3 Infl #4 # # SCS -> Comp CN T1me Cone Shape Factor Depth or Fract10n # # SBUH -> Comp CN T1me Cone N/A N/A # # Green Ampt -> Suct10n Hydr Cond In1t1al MD N/A # # Horton -> Max Rate M1n Rate Decay Rate (l/sec) N/A # # Proport1onal -> Constant N/A N/A N/A # # In1t1al/Cont Loss -> In1t1al Cont1nu1ng N/A N/A # # In1t1al/Proport1onal-> In1t1al Constant N/A N/A # # Laurenson paramters -> B Value PerV10US "n" Imperv10us Cont Exponent # #####################################################n##############################n####### Subcatchment Infl Infl InU Infl Number Name # 1 n 2 # 3 # 4 --------------- --------------- 1 Pond#l 98 0 0 167 0 000 0 200 2 Pondn2 69 0 0 167 0 000 0 200 n~~~#######*#~#######*###n###n######*######~########~###*### # Table R3 SUBCATCHMENT DATA # # Ra1nfal1 and Inf1ltrat1on Database Names # #~#########################################*n#*###n#####*~## Subcatchment Number Name Gage Inf1trn No Type Rout1ng Type Ra1nfa1l Database Name Inf1ltrat1on Database Name ----------------- ----------------- 1 Pond#l 2 pond#2 1 SCS Method SBUH 1 SCS Method SBUH SCS Type 1A SCS Type 1A SCS TYPE C - Horton SCS TYPE C - Horton ##~##########n#####~n#~##*#~###n##########~#####~# # Table R9 Summary Stat1st1cs for Subcatchments # #################~#######################~#~#####~ Note Total Runoff Depth 1nc1udes perv10us & 1mperv10US area Perv10us and Imperv10us Runoff Depth 1S only the runoff from those two areas. ~ C) o ~ N r ~' 'f ~"""5J ;~ .r Subcatchment Area (acres) Percent Imperv10us.. . Total Ra1nfall (In) Ma^ Intens1ty (In/hr) Perv10US Area Total Runoff Depth (In) Total Losses (In) Rema1n1ng Depth (In) . Peak Runoff Rate (cfs). Total Imperv10US Area Pond#l pond#2 1 50000 100 00000 6.00000 1.94400 o 38000 o 00000 6 00000 1 94400 o 00000 0.00000 o 00000 o 00000 2 69295 3 30705 o 00000 o 2516-1 '- ~ ~ Total Runoff Depth (In) 5 73599 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs). 2 37242 Irnpervlous Area wlth depresslon storage Total Runoff Depth (In) 0 00000 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs). 0 00000 Impervlous Area wlthout depreSSlon storage Total Runoff Depth (In) 0.00000 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) 0 00000 Total Area Total Runoff Depth (In) Peak Runoff Rate (cfs). Unlt Runoff (In/hr) 5 73599 2 37242 1.58161 ===> Runoff slmulatlon ended normally o 00000 o 00000 o 00000 o 00000 0.00000 0.00000 2 69295 0.25164 o 66220 ####################################################### # Entry made to the HYDRAULIC Layer (Block) of SWMM # # Last Updated October,2000 by XP So:tware # Vaughn/Habltat for Humanlty 100-Year Storm Table El - Condult Data *==================================================* +==================================================* Trapezold Inp Condult Length Condult Area Mannlng /oIa,{ Wldth Depth Slde Num Name ( ftl Class (ft^2) Coef 1ft) {ft} Sl::>pes ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ------- 1 12" plpe 290 00 Clrcular 0 79 0.01300 1 00 1 DO 2 10" plpe 20 00 Clrcular 0 54 0.01300 0 93 0 83 Total length of all condults 310 0000 feet Table E2 - Condult Factor Data *==================================================* *==================================================* Inp Junctlon N'JJll Name Ground Crown Invert Qlnst E1evatlon Elevatlon Elevatlon cfs Inltla1 Depth-ft c c., c <: -r~ ro ~ (- V'\ C ~ f 1(1 - ~ ::;v ,A Tlme Low Flow Depth at Condult Number Entrance EX.1.t Exp/Contc Welghtlng Roughness Whlch Flow Name of Barrels Loss Coef Loss Coef Coefflcnt Parameter Factor n Changes Routlng ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- 10" plpe 1 0000 1 5000 0 0000 0.0000 0 8500 1 cooe 0.0000 Standard - DynaInlc Wave Table E3a - Junctlon Data *=================================================;=* +---------------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------- --- ~ ~ 1 Pond 2 MH1 3 Maln St 492.0000 492.0000 492 0000 490.0000 487.6000 487.2300 489 0000 486 6000 486.4000 o 0000 o 0000 o 0000 o 0000 o 0000 0.0000 *===================================================* Table E4 - Condult Connectlvlty *===================================================* Input Condult Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Number Name Node Node E1evatlon E1evatlon -------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- -------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- 1 12" plpe Pond MH1 489 000 486 600 No Deslgn 2 10" plpe MH1 Maln St. 486 600 486 400 No Deslgn *================================================* FREE OUTFALL DATA (DATA GROUP II) BOUNDARY CONDITION ON DATA GROUP J1 *================================================* Outfall at Junctlon . .Maln St has boundary condltlon number 1 *===================================================* Boundary Condltlon Informatlon Data Groups J1-J4 *===================================================* BC NUMBER 1 Control water surface elevatlon lS 487 10 feet *======================================================* I Table E9 - JUNCTION SUMMARY STATISTICS I The Maxlmum area lS only the area of the node, It I I does not lnclude the area of the surroundlng condultsl *======================================================* Table E10 - CONDUIT SUMMARY STATISTICS Note The peak flow may be less than the deslgn flow and the condult may sOlll surcharge because of the I - ~ ~ (') < . ~ ..r p F ,~ 0 t ~ 1( :t \" M .J Uppermost Maxlmum Tlme Feet of MaXlmum Ground PlpeCrown Junctlon of Surcharge Freeboarq Junctlon Junctlon Elevatlon Elevatlon Elevatlon Occurence at Max of node Area Name feet feet feet Hr Mln. Elevatlon feet; ft^2 -------- --------- -------- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- Pond 492 0000 490 0000 489 6917 7 52 0 0000 2 3083 12 5660 MH1 492 0000 487.6000 487 9413 7 52 0 3413 4 0587 12 5660 Maln St. 492 0000 487 2300 487 1120 7 52 0 0000 4 8880 12 5660 *======================================================* ~ ~ ~ I downstream boundary condltlons. *======================================================* ; , Condult Maxlmum T lme. MaxJ.mum Tlme RatJ.o of MaxJ.mum Depth > Name DesJ.gn DesJ.gn VertJ.cal Computed of Computed of Max to at .PJ.pe Ends Condult Flow VelocJ.ty Depth Flow Occurence VelocJ.ty Occurence Deslgn Upstream Dwnstrm Name (cfs) (ft/s) (In) (cfs) Hr MJ.n. (ft!s) Hr Mln Flow ' (ft) , '( ft) ------- -------- -------- ------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------- -------- -------- 12" pJ.pe 3.241 4 1268 12 0000 2.6007 7 52 3.8720 7 50 0.8024 489.6917 487"9413 10" plpe 2.168 4 0064 9.9600 2.5961 7 52 4.9837 7 52 1 1976' 487' 9413 487.'1120 FREE # 1 Undefnd Undefnd Undefnd 2.5961 7 52 *===============================================================* I Table E13. Channel losses(H), headwater depth (HW), taJ.lwater I depth (TW), crJ.tJ.cal and normal depth (Yc and Yn). I Use thJ.s sectJ.on for culvert comparlsons *===============================================================* ConduJ.t MaxJ.mum Head FrlctJ.on CrJ.tlcal Normal Name Flow Loss Loss Depth Depth ------- ------- -------- 12" pJ.pe 2 601 0 000 1.857 0 691 0 678 10" pJ.pe 2 591 0 518 0 274 0 712 0 830 HW Elevat TW Elevat *==========================================================* 489.692 487 938 JL. APr~DX 487 939 487.112 ;:- C 'iZ- . M'J.ld .~.. . . ~~r;.;4 __, .r..-,..._ Mlld, Steep Mlld MJ.ld Slope Slope TW Slope TW Slug Flow Slope Slope CrJ.tJ.cal D Control Irslgnf Outlet! TW > D TW <= D ConduJ.t Outlet Outlet Entrance Entrance Outlet Outlet Outlet Name Control Control Control Control Control Control Control ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 12" pJ.pe 0 000 7.000 1433 000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0 000 10" pJ.pe 0.000 12 000 0.000 1399 000 0 000 0 000 29 000 ######################################################### # Table E16. New CondUJ.t InformatJ.on Sectlon # # ConduJ.t Invert (IE) ElevatJ.on ~nd ConduJ.t f # MaxJ.mum Water Surface (WS) ElevatJ.ons. . # ######################################################### ~~ I Ii. J i ( Max Flow Max Flow (I ~ I C;: M';:A l) , K€q D 10"-' .. 1"- SIC'-,^,- :0~~ .i"'''''''!. ~-- ... ... ~_ '" J-_Wt' I \ - Inlet Inlet -Control ConflguratJ.on 0.000 None o 000 None j _, _~ I ~ I, J" "r I ,-, ~ ~ t . ,_, ..... ''': 'Jl, .... - ~ - ,~. ' I ' :_ -l' 1-1 - ~.... - ~ - !., ::= ..... ... ConduJ.t Name Upstream Node Downstream Node IE Up ~ IE Dn WS Up WS'Dn ConduJ.t Type ------------ ------------- --------------- -----t ----- ------------ 12" , Pond MHl 489.0000 ~ 486 6000 489 6917_ "487.9413 . "CJ.rcular pJ.pe . ,l' i l . ~~ 1, JI' ,I'; ~ ~I r J -, !. I '\.-r - 2 ~ L F r~ ,~: r.~- \ r :,", ~ J , ~, , Y~-.J: I .......J. '" _,.., -, =, ... o <. 11-1 .r rc r- -r\ r' IP, 0 (J t -rd ,:e, 5~ ~ ~ 10" p~pe MH1 Ma~n St. 486.6000 486.4000 487.9413 487 1120 ===> Hydraul~c model s~mulat~on ended normally. ===> SWMM S~mulat~on ended normally. ===> Your ~nput f~le was named C \SWMM F~les\03-285\P~pes.DAT ===> Your output f~le was named C \SWMM F~les\03-285\P~pes out *=====;=============================~============~=============* SWMM S~mulat~on Date and T~me Summary *================================================~=============* Start~ng Date End~ng Date Elapsed T~rne.. May 17, 2004 T~rne May 17, 2004 T~rne o 05383 m~nutes or 14:57 53:46 14 57 56.69 3.23000 seconds *==============================================================* C~rcular Q <:: F' ~ t'- rJ ~ r .f) c -. t (' ,,- I. "3- Y ;'y - ~ ~ MAIN OFFICE 1570 MOHAWK BlVD.' SPRINGFIElD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGFIElD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541 741.1981 FAX. 541 741.061Q BRANCH OFFICE 1509 WllLAMETTE ST. ' EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX' ')41.687.0924 '~~ ~X~!g{~~n 3rd SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT November 15, 2005 EL T-47155 Krush & ASsocIates Estimated Premium for: 54 Centenmal Loop PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn: Marv Krush ADDITIONAL CHAIN $100.00 Dear Marv: TOTAL $~OO.OO We are prepared to write Title Insurance covering the following described premises to-WIt: SEE A TT ACHED Showing fee sImple title as of November 7,2005, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: G. STEPHAN JOKINEN AND TERI L. JOKINEN, husband and wife (as to Parcell), and SPRINGFIELD-EUGENE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY (as to Parcels 2 and 3) Subject to the usual printed exceptions, and 1 Taxes, Map No. 17-02-32-41-00300, Code 19-00, Account No. 1667052, as follows: (Parcell) 2005-2006, a hen in the amount of$1,840.69, now payable. 2004-2005, a lien in the amount of$1,805.39, plus interest is unpaid. 2. Agreement, mcluding the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded May 21, 1999, Reel 2551R, Reception No. 99-045884, and Re-Recorded June 1,1999, Reel 2555R, Reception No. 99-048681, Lane County Oregon Records. (Affects Parcel 3) 3. Easement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded September 8, 1999, Reel 2588R, Reception No. 99-077683, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. (Affects Parcell) CONTINUED TITlE INSURANCE SERVICES . ESCROW ClOSINGS "IN OUR I3U)/N[~S, YOU MATTER MOST" www.evergreenlandtitle.com ELT - 47155 Page 2 4. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Teri L. Jokmen, as Grantor(s), to Valley West Escrow, as Trustee, for the benefit of Prudential Preferred Properties, as Beneficiary, Dated January 30, 2004, Recorded February 4,2004, Reception No 2004-007598, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $4,00000. (Affects a portion of Parcel 1) 5. Ingress and Egress Easement as contamed in Bargain and Sale Deed Recorded Apnl2, 2004, Reception No. 2004-023666, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Affects Parcell) 6. Private Irrevocable Joint-Use Storm Water, Utility and Maintenance Easement as contained in Deed Recorded September 16, 2004, Reception No. 2004-072450, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Affects Parcels 1, 2, 3) 7. Private Utility Easement Agreement as contained in Deed Recorded September 16,2004, ReceptIOn No. 2004-072451, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Affects Parcels 1 and 3) 8. Private Use and Landscape Easement Agreement as contained in Deed Recorded September 16, 2004, Reception No. 2004-072452, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Affects Parcels I and 3) 9. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by G. Stephan Jokinen and Teri L. Jokinen, husband and wife, as Grantor(s), to Evergreen Land Title Company, as Trustee, for the benefit of Brandt Financial Services, Inc., as Beneficiary, Dated December 17, 2004, Recorded December 20,2004, Reception No. 2004-096427, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $14,747.17. (Affects a portIOn of Parcell) 10 Improvement Agreement and Application for Sewer Hookup, including the terms and provisions thereof, between G. Stephan Jokinen and Teri L. Jokinen, and the City of Springfield, by mstrument Recorded December 30,2004, Reception No 2004-099063, Lane County Oregon Records. (Affects Parcels 1,2,3) NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-02-32-41-00302, Code 19-00, Account No. 1645025, 2005-2006, $1,119.06, paid in full. (Parcel2) Taxes, Map No. 17-02-32-41-00303, Code 19-00, Account No. 1667060,2005-2006, $540.55, paid in full. (Parcel 3) NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIEN SEARCH was done for the name(s) G. STEPHAN JOKINEN AND TERI L. JOKINEN, SPRINGFIELD-EUGENE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, and as of November 7,2005, none were found. NOTE: As of November 7, 2005, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. CONTINUED EL T - 47155 Page 3 NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT AND SHOW 2005-2006 TAX AMOUNTS. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE // '. ~ (I '\ -( \ By: :' 1 \ 1\"",--, )(\"'\~'- '( ( \ \ ,,',,' ' . ~ . Kimberly A. Ditlefsen TItle Department Manager CC: Steve Jokinen NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLA TION FEE OF $230.00 WILL BE CHARGED. EL T - 47155 Page 1 of3 Legal Description PARCEL 1: All of the following described tract lymg South of the Westerly extenSIOn of the South hne of North "A" Street: Beginning at a point on the North line ofthe A.W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 10 51 chains East of the Northwest corner of said claim; thence South parallel to the West line of said claim 1216.76 feet, more or less to the North line of the right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway; thence South 89044' East along said highway 173.415 feet; thence North 1217.66 feet, more or less, to the North line of said Claim No. 38; thence West 173 415 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a parcel beginning at a point being East 693 66 feet from the Northwest corner of the A.W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette MerIdian; said point being on the North line of SaId Donation Land Claim; thence along the North line East 173.42 feet; thence leaving said North line South 921. 5 5 feet; thence West 173.42 feet parallel to the said North line; thence North 921. 5 5 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the North 80 feet thereof as conveyed to Springfield- Eugene Habitat for Humanity by Bargain and Sale Deed, Recorded June 28, 2000, Reception No. 2000-036830, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. ALSO: Beginning at a point on the North line of the A.W. Hammitt Donation Land ClaIm No 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 10.51 chains East of the Northwest corner of said Claim; thence South parallel to the West line of said Claim 1216.76 feet, more or less, to the Nort~ line of the right-of-way of the Mc~~nzie Highway; thence leaving said North line North 00 18' 05" East 214.86 feet to the True Point of Beginnmg; thence North 00 18' OS" East 10.14 feet, thence South 890 44' 00" East 173.08 feet to the Westerly boundary ofMIRA~l?A, as platted and recorded in F!I~.73, Slide 93, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; ~hencela~vng said Westerly boundary Sout~OO 18' 21" West 1 0.14 feet, thence leaving said Wysterly ,boundary North 890 44' 00" West! 73.08 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane c:,ounty, Qr,egon. -'/- . \+;- CONTINUED I I" ~ c - r ELT - 47155 Page 2 of3 Legal DescrIption PARCEL 2: All of the following described tract lying North of the Westerly extension of the South line of North "A" Street: Begmmng at a point on the North line of the AW. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of Willamette Meridian, 10.51 chains East of the Northwest comer of said claim; thence South parallel to the West lme of saId claim 1216.76 feet, more or less to the North line of the right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway, thence South 890 44' East along said highway 173.415 feet, thence North 1217.66 feet, more or less, to the North hne of said claim No. 38; thence West 173.415 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a parcel beginning at a point being East 693.66 feet from the Northwest comer of the AW. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; SaId point being on the North line of said Donation Land Claim; thence along the North line East 173.42 feet; thence leaving said North Ime'South 753 55 feet; thence West 173.42 feet parallel to the said North line; thence North 753.55 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 3: The North eighty feet of the following descrIbed property: All of the following described tract lying South of the Westerly extenSIOn of the South hne of North "A" Street: BegInnmg at a point on the North line of the A.W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WilIamette Meridian, 10.51 chains East of the Northwest comer of said claim; thence South parallel to the West line of said claim 1216.76 feet, more or less to the North line of the right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway; thence South 89044' East along said highw~y 173.415 feet; thence North 1217.66 feet, more or less, to the North line of said Claim No. ~8; thence West 173.415 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a parcel beginning at a pomt being East 693.66 feet from the Northwest comer of the AW. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; Said point being on the North line of said Donation Land Claim; thence along the North line East 173.42 feet; thence leaving said North line South 921.55 feet; thence West 173.42 feet parallel to the said North line; thence North 921.55 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. CONTINUED ELT - 47] 55 Page 3 of3 Legal Description PARCEL 3: continued... ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM' Beginning at a pomt on the North line of the AW. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West ofthe WIllamette Meridian, 10.51 chains East of the Northwest comer of said Claim; thence South parallel to the West line of said Claim 1216.76 feet, more or less, to the North line ofthe right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway; thence leaving said North line North 00 18' 05" East 214.86 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 00 18' 05" East 10.14 feet; thence South 890 44' 00" East 173.08 feet to the Westerly boundary of MIRANDA, as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 93, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along said Westerly boundary South 00 18' 21" West 10.14 feet; thence leavmg said Westerly boundary North 890 44' 00" West 173.08 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. , . ~ "-- 7 ~ I ~ \ \ ' " ... ~:... t ~ l i f J) \ l i I ; II \ \ -' .. I ~... :......... ... \ , 210-,,,1 o o () 10 Y\\ f\i/ ~ ...Ll/.1! c...... \').:"", 'l-. O~~ 7=9--L\\ t /79.31 ' : , j , ~ ~ 202 0 0 '0 ~ 2 0 0) 302 0.63 AC. ^ \0 Cl) ~ \D ~ '-' \ 303 0.31 AC. a co , ~ ~ 300 0.85. AC. ^ lf1 \D lf1 (}\ (\J '-' ~) ~- ll'l ,.: \1'" 13 V1 ~ 10 ~1 ' * r.,S~~ ~ rr,' 4+11;' Iqll';~ oq"40"W '1'1' ("."r O/I1i1.l-.._ln" 7/11"\(,3..0' S 1'1 't0209 () ~ 00 0- ~ ~ 211 ':) o Q 0 z. 11 N 89"44'00' 'vi (17342') HIG;WAY . ~ 0.. r 5 +- \ 1m rt1 ~ ~ 12f ~ 00 ii . , "~1 ~ IfD~~; ~ ~ J'~A- 1 ~\. 3d' ( .Jl/J\~I~ ~ fr'~;:;::L7& ~ /~d' \~I U. S. \L ZlZ -...... "en ::l: r-o'o 8~ -f;; 14 .liC ~ '-' <T- o o 9. 12 'J, 207 - dJ - 4'!. ^ ;;j <r U1 r-{ !: - -rot) \0 - 7 en ~~ ~ ~ ~"" '-'r ~ <.... 4~ "to:. ... , '. \(\ N 99044'''' "' QO'g 40; 8 00 0 Q N r- o.JI "",,,' \ 1. ~ 0.&1,-).., ;:i NORTH '~" t ~ ;~~ eo 0 CO""" co IT' 205 .. - <r -- 't 0- cr- 0[7' rO - <r '<t" cr- ;t 6 5 ~ , ,~ '. N 89"44' V 7242' 800' ..Jl' ~~7~,2l'~ I 7621' ! ~ -293- I 204 ~ ,~ ~.. 245 oL 0.1 Z AC. a ';l a ala .. 0 ^ gO.l 7 AC.&lI~ g ro .. 1_ C) 0' 10 ~ ;;, 10 4 ~ Jt' -t-_~5.:..0~'__--gJ 7621' 76 21' 3~ . j N 89"44' \.I 152,42' 0- '"t ~ J [; ~~ 201 \ \ ~ {."\ 4'l":'/J1(.J. 11111' -...... 17,l-+.1' ?l41o a3' 1 'Os' "./.I.J./ ..s 8 9 04.4' E ~ ~ ~ I I ,t!' ~ 12: ",' CIo, 6 ,rd' 12i 4 (0' , 12E " "Il 3 8'0' 12i " ~ 2 RtJ 121 -; ,I. . c, :.... ~'~ ' i ',. ,~'i. , t' ~' t ~:~ \ ~~ ;jJ-}~ 1~' t1-:' ~,. 'cL 1__ ~~"~' ", , ':'~' ("" ~. ;~:'" ',. .~ ~~ .. - {: 'Ii' ~;:: 1@'! ~ I, .~ . ',~~ c.~ {t ~ I, "i":'-' ." .'." ~ft, ' ~. . 0 ~ '. ,~~~ . f.1\ . .~ ,:\:;1. ... .~~''''h..~;.,'' " w.)~'~~'i~'" f~ ' .,1 \ \ .,; , , '/ -~r;\' I .f ~ '!( ~' .r ~t;i " r...........l 'fi' ~rl' , ,,1, o.;!..''\:, "J';~ " il.r~~h~' f' ~ ~>(..~ "!'t' -'t'<'; , ,;. I'" ......&~~... 'I ..'. '{d..:.' .<:' "'f,,,,...:'fZ;~'" 1'.. tl.,......:,~:l . - : ~ ';7".t~'L~<I ~t''''~ 'j"l~JS~..'f l '~~~: <~ 'f. ., -~ " ,r./ ~ t." ~ ... ":;', it:Slt.,' ,;:.1-,( :~c, ~.;j';~: ~l,,~.. , " ,';i'^ . !,\.- ~1~ ..., J ~11 \:~~~ " '!i :,\ ", ~ ~ , " ~: r ~ ~' ii! ., ~... ,...hl> ~.. .. ., ~t.:'f - 31..171 ~ NfO...... nlto,.......... ~ REJURff TO E\ CA\uo\WllNfll TIn! CO BAROAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW AU MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. 7?ItJf RORY DONOHO, ~",'ttqf/~r callflrl gralll/)(, ji" 1M c",,,loIn-at/"" MlYltttt/lrrr rtaHd, do.I Iwnhy"...,. harp"" ...11 tmd COIM1 111110 TKRII_ V AveNN, Iotrclnaftlr callrd /(ra"'",,, and unto fNI'IIH'. M"'" IV<<~ tI1ItI tlUlf'V "II 0/1"'" Cflrtd/ff fWlI,< ',' . wlllt 1M "_'"'' ""nJlla",cIIIJ tmd n"".r'",o""LI IhDwnto ~/tJttglllg Of' In curywUe tIpIW11alnlltf. ~/lIKJlcJ In IItt COllnty o/lAn, SlOI' 0/ O~/(Ol\ rkscrlhcd (1! follow< I,.. w/I AS PER ATrACHED EXHIBIT "An To Haw tmd 10 Hold 1M la_ _i 1M .ald granln ~ grottln.. Min. I1ICc;"jon and =/gN forrwr T/w ~ and achKJ1 COIUkkratloffpaldJor IhlJ~, "aled /11 1fti'm. o/dollar" IJ SI9~,OOO 00 'H~r, IJwJ ochlal COMftkNztlOff eorullll of or 11IC/lIda OIMr proptrty or wUlI' 8MII or prnm/.Jed whIch I, the wlto/~ cOfUld.ratloll. . III cOlll/nllng Iltl, dntJ tmd wIttro I_ context '0 M{lIIru, 'Itt 1/ttgrt1",. 1IICIlIdu I~ plural aN all grQlflmollcnl clttm/(a ,/tall'" ItttpIIttJ 10 maW 1M ~IIIotu /wmJf t1f'ply tqllQ/l1 10 c_ ~., .:10111 and 10 11Id1v"Juou III WIt_. W1weo/. 1M grant/Jf' "'" tDltICul11d IhlI butrlullcIII thll lIST. day a/ JUNE. 1000. 1/ a carpornl~ grnmar II /tal CtrN.rtt4 /" _ 10 ", ,'pd tmd,. qfJ/:<<tl by III offIcen. duly OIIllrotlzftllher~lo by,vdu 0/111 boor" a/ dlrrcltJr. nus ',",",UMIm' WILL PlOT AJJ.t1ft 1111 or TIll PIlOrlATV DUClUHD IN THII mTlllIMaIf1' III VIOLATIO.'I or ArrLlCAILI LAICD UlI UWI APm RICUlATIOICI. _I 1I01<1ltQ OR A_. < ... ," TlIlS Ilcr11lU/ItIl'IT, THI PGI80lC ACQ\II1INC PlI TITU TO lln' PIl0rutTY IIItOVLD cmClC wrrn THI Al'PROI'IUA Tt crrv OR I OIJNTY P\..A~'MNO DUAItTJlUlotr TV VlJUFY A". ". USU ""... TO DITUMIm /IJ{'( LIMITS CX'l LA~ AOAIIGf PAlIMrr'C OA POJlUT PIIACI1CU M DUII<ZD Il'I OIl' M.O)R, srArcOFOUOON ) " }a. c COMly.' 1_) 7~~~_<<W~ d.y.U....l 61.~ 0 " '} , N-,o"'" Jttr or.,... (1L4/J 1>11-""'...." /I...e.~ ROR\ IAIIIV"O CllWITOII1_ __It TERI L. VAUGHN 0lWlT!l't _ N<D HXlIlfll - -... VoIh1W"'_ 111/(4'. 8lrftI, roO ... lOSS SprIlIIlIdd. OR "m __ZIP v... c.................. au .....-.........................-. Trrl LV..... au MaJ. 8Irtd SprI"IfIdd, OR "m __ZIP .. ....,.. .... ...... ",..., ~~h RORY 110NOHO ~- --.......-.......... . o;~ sEZ:' d, u.., ANNA MAt IIIQUOAIITtO ' . . C~CU~~~ICNO' ORrOoll ~ . "'lll'_..,~ ,05elIII . . ...'....'''.t'i'I!p.'''''' f'J MlIl_cei ) DIVISION Of! alt!JI DUUTY CUIIK LANE CClUIfTT ODDS AND ltEco.lOS ---- H.M tlJU'WjlllUIN .... 1:42:59 PII 861211281 '"'" IlHD 1 - 3 C$lSIIIU 82 18."-11.61 t8 em " " . c, ~.. ~.-; :;~~: '., " ' j f., '. 1 ..~ il ,., j .' ~ " , J , l....~ ,I '"' '. " , .," '. d " i1.. I .\. " i~4'-' ~ -t~ij I'C-Io ... I . ~. J,~) l t \ ~... .. t';: ~'.. ,I ~ 1f4~' - ,,)": ,. ::",,,'( , y..,:.... "'\ ';/,:.1 \ I ~fJl"" .. :(l[!'~~l, tp;.::__,.: ".(;;\j:..h..1tt I l;.t,'(,},,~ ~.:. :/' ~~; 'j.!;: " '(j;:ff( ,'..,1",;1.1, ~,' " ..,." hi," .Ill"; .',?f...'f t'.. _ ~ ~ \ I J 1 ! 1 .. <,~.,...-_.~:~.. - .. '. I ..,. n l' I j ~ t I' , .,1'''''''''' t 1"\"'1":.. , " " 1 ' IXBIBl'r "A" All of the following described tract lying South of the Westerly croension of the South line of North "A" Street: Beginning at a point on the North line of the A. W, Hammitt Donation Land Claim No 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WilIamette Meridian, 10.51 chains East of the Northwest comer ofs.aid claim; thence South parallel to the West line of said claim 121676 feet, more or l~ss to the North line of the right-of-way of the McKenz.ie Highway, thence South 890 44' East along said highway 173.415 feet; thence North 1217.66 feet, more or less, to Lbe Nonh line of said Claim No. 38; thence West 173.415 feet to the Place of Beginning. in Lane County. Oregon. ! EXCEPTING TIIEREFROM a parcel b,eginning at a point being East 693.66 feet from the Northwest comer of the A W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No, 38, ToWDBhip 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamettc Meridian; said point being on the North line of said Donation Land Claim; thence along the North line East 173.42 feet; thence leaving said North line South 921.55 feet; thence West 173.42 feet parallel to the said North line; thence North 753 55 feet, ilience West 173.42 feet parallel to the said North line; thence North 921.55 feet to the POlOt of Beginning;- iDLaDe County, Oregon., :.-:: . .--. , , - - ,~ ,- .". ",.. <.. t 'I .' ,1 01 i, ; \ I ~f -I (~ r -" ~ ,~l, I, I (- C Y 11-,~ t'l,) \ J ~ f,li~]~\,~ ' "( 1 'I. r ( " ,,' " I 1: 1, I,. I'" ~ I " I' ,J j ,; ,., ..,' ,,1 ,~J.' ... \ ~ t .,1, l!' 't J ,) 1 ~ T 1 ~ I I " , /j' 1 I i~ PiT. I' \ ~: I ./l~. ~,'\, i, I I ,~~ I ! ;. I -I: ~ r ,-~ .{ it}, ,- Jl I\. I' fl'. '1'-- '>- - t,~. 1 ..."It.: ,i'lll 1~~i.'~I"" 1, I.. . :'~},'l" Iflo. :tl~!t~lf'\ ;\" I..' ,:~,' ,f '\ IL" ;- \'\, t'M" - {-'\ ,\ .' i';,~, ~. l,"p I ~ I ,(. I' i I' .f "~ '" ~ l}l ; f')r '..rill \ I,,' \ / _ I . 1 't) f ,~ r .'. ,'i J : -. .r J 1 q .., ' I {, .t,1 1 'I ~tl e)~ ,)t! \..,,)~'\."lt-'l ,11 f : j ""::1' . / I I .! ., 1 (' r \ " ~ ~ ,: "~ I .'. i I ,: 1 , , 't . ~t 111 ~ ') ;I\I~~ '/~J~ :ttl~)~ I 'd.~~' .)~:) ,''.. r\' ( I' " " ~\~, ~~./'J~' C',! ~l J~ .~~ I \ ! I I \ 't" I j ~ j rf t~ ~ S II V \-:' \:;: ~.. .... 1\ " " r ~1)~ .. , ~,. " , I ~ r)l\,~ fI,~\}(),,_j '~~..I_r~ "',, I, ",,- I J ,Ad", <' I ~Il~ i ..~:~ "~t,t' ... 'I.. l~ 1 (~ . I,:'. 1,/ jjl..~...,' ',, ...' )I ';~' ,,~~~ I ',t "~\: I~ I ' II J. IL "J, l' :I\~ }l~l, \v.... 'Jo '. ~ r, ,^>~v\ -_L>:~ ~ 1 '\ ~ ~, ;- J . .",.." . "I :..,' ': (1 '.,,1 " I ,,, " , c 1 , , " " , . , , ,,' " ~~~ \ , ,.f i I ""'1~"'h~'l>rf~\{.!)~.-j l~ "'"' p /1 / ~ . " :t~ I " 'I I' <:' I t, l' "-'-1'--- - --......-- -- -, 8 255:jj REnJRN TO EVERGREEN lJIND TITLE CO, 1- 99 {6 - 10 . G. STEVEN JOKINEN 4866 MATN STREET SrlUNGFIELD, OR Gronlor', Nam. and Addt_ HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 4866 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR Grom"', Nom. .nd Addt... ACltr reeordln! rll....n 101 EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO. P.O, BOX 931 SPRlNGFIELD~ OR 97477 UnW . C!WI&. II roquat'd, AIllu ,llIlom.JlII ,Ilall '" "nllo lb, 10Uowlna .ddt.... SAME AS GRANTEE !i2!HAY,21'99NOqREC 10 00 ~~Y.21'99NOqPFUND lD.DC ~~!KAY.2I'Y9NOqA&T FUND 20,00 99045884 99048681 TITLE /10, ELT.30544 ESCROW NO 51'99-10171 TAX ACcr NO, 119153 MAP NO 1701324100300 ~ZJUN.Ol'99UOqREC JO.OO ~ilZJUN.Ol'99UOqPFUND 10 no x:~- /; . tJ- WARRANTY DEED. STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) KNOW ALl, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That G, STEVEN JOKINEN lureinafltr called grantor, for the conslderallon hereinafter sta/ed, to grantor paid by HABITAT FOR HUMANITY hereinafter called grantee, does hereby grant, bargain, 1e1l and conyey unto the said grantee and grantee's /lelrS, successon and assigns, that cet1alll real property, wllh th, t,nem,nts, hereditam,nts and apput1enances thereunto btlOllflll1: or appet1alnlng, siluated in Ihe County of lANE and Stott of Oregon, described as lollows, to-wit, 'eeWallllcbed Oil exhlblt A ***THIS DOCUMENT,BEING RE-RECORDED TO ADD AGREEMENT ,'I,,: "~G~RDI~~lh'i!'1~~Ii,-~~,,.,~~!;H~,,-,,~'!:~H_L IMPROVEMENTS" 1 '", To Hay, and to Hoid the same unto the said grantee and grantee's hein, suceesson and awgns forever, And said grantor hereby coyenants to and with said grantee and grantu's heln, successon and assigns, thai grantor IS lawfully seltid In fee simple of the aboye granted premises, In'lrom all ,ncumbrances ,zcept Subject to any and all easements, restrictions and Coy,nants 01 record an(t~~:gJ!GlllI1r"wlU warrant andlormr d'lend Ih, sold ,,,,,,1111 ond ''liT] pat1' and pared thmof against the io"1,,1 c1liJhi1iM4fdiniilnth 01 all p.nons whomso''IIr, IUfpl IAolI clalmlng und" th. abol'f descrlbtd .ncumbrancu, 71Ir~ti{lMd actual consld,ratlon paid lor thl, tranl/", Itat.d In t.rmI 01 dol/an, is $15,000,00, -;'/\ .,.)...,.....J~.,...."ctt..., t~v(,JI)~J1 .",lItl tI/ (), ;"t;~:"'(/.~~ :;~tt~~ ,.....,.....;..\ ._"~'. liJ'......~. j-J/'.;'iJrrd-whkh-H-(Jh( ~',,' ,)-.,6Rtld'lf4tio/l (J/fI,"06If-W1tlc~. (171' "nt,nc, b.IWlln the symbols., If not applicable sho"ld bt de1,'tld.~~'$" ORS 93,030,) - , J" ~stlilng thl, deed and wh,,, th, cont'xt '0 "lIul"" th, singular Indud" th, plural and all grammatical challKC! IIuilI 5,' l"iJilUd to mak, th, proY/llonl h,no! apply ,qually to N~roJIon'lUId 10 IndMduall. 'M" ,~~!~ ~n'eof, th, grantor htu uleut,d thl, Imtnlment thll ~ I, drq 01 M 11 I" __ 19 . (/(J cOrporal"rantor, It hal cauSld Irs nam, to b, sl,n,d and stal,JjJ!ztd by its oJ1ltt~oriltd rhmto by 0 , oj Jt, board 01 dl"cton, ! J TIllS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW lISE opnlE PROPiRTY DESCRIBED IN mls INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICADl F LANI'> cU$t LAWS AND REGlJU,nONS, BEVORE BtGNlNO OR AC..... ...~O mls INSTRtJM!NT, nlll'USoN ACQUlIl.lNG nE TITL~ TO 'TIlE PROPERTY SIIOULD ClUCK wtTH nm APPItOPRIATI CITY OR COtINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO D;jr MIl' LlMm ON LA wsum AOAINST ,ARMING OR PORP.5T PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 9JO ~~'! - ' G, m:~V'Jb~ ST~TE OF O~GON, COUNTY 0' l AJ ~ lea. nI. 'I~:~~UMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDOm BEVOR! MI ON c;- ~ I .19$ BY G. STEVEN JOKINEN . ~ 0 ~ M, COmmJmOD expJml ~! {~ !2k13 GOlArJ "f>\IbUc tor OrtllOa .~-"l ~~_,""" -~ ---ro..,.....___L~'~- -, 6 I-M ,/ /' 2555 / ['LT-30544 PROPERTY PflGE 1 OF 99045884 99048681 fill at the following de lcribed tract lying North at the Westerly extension of the South Ilne of. North '"A" Street, Beginning at a point on the North line of the fI.W Hammitt Donation Land Claim No, 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of Willamette Meridian, 10.51 chains East of the Northwest corner of said claim, thence South parallel to the West line of BAid claim 1216.76 feet, more or less to the North line of the right-of-way at the McKenzie Highway, thence South 89' 44' East along said highway 173,4l5 teet, thence North 1217.66 feet, more or less, to the North line of said claim No, 38, thence West 173,415 teet to the Plac>! at Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon r ;. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a parcel beginning at a point being East 693,66 teet from the Northwest corner of. the fI.W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No" 18, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridianl said point being on the North line of said Donation Land Claim; thence along the North line East 173,42 feet; thence leaving said North line South 753.55 feetl thence West 173.42 f.eet parallel to the said North line; thence North 753,55 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. . :;, ~-~..J . "I .. ,4 I~ "M~i'f~\l'll\'lI<rB.~~"~:Qe /)If~'l.....'...'-~-~"~ ~ ~......~ ~ ~ l'4l1?t bA ~,.,~ ~ ~ Along with the agreement aftecting the most Northerly A0 feet at the remaining property of the Grantor herein that said Grantor hereby agrees to pay 1/2 of the cost for the Westerly extension of. North "A" Street should said stt~et ever be improv!d' across the property as described herein. This restricl;.ion shall apply only to the Northerly 80 feet of the remaining property owned by said Grantor herein. t t If '99 JUN 1 AK10154 jJ ,);~, J:I State 01 Orllgon County 01 lane - IS I thl County Cllrk, In Ind for thl .Iid Counly do h".by certlfv that Ih, ~lhl" Instrument we' Ttc.t....d for r,cord al Slatl.c '01 Oregon County 01 lane _ II, I, thl Counly Olrk. In Ind (0' thl .oid Coun'y, do h".by '''"ly ,hltth. within In.INmon( wat ,.c.I....d lor r.cord II R"f 2555R R..I '99HAV21PK 1:1B 2551R Oy a;,p4..d.~~ County CI"k Lanl County OnlCIAL Rlcord, Lan. County Cltrk a;.p A ,,?..f_..Y lIy County C.htrk LAnl Counly OFFICIAL RlcOrd, Lan. County C1"k ~\ \ 'rn- . 'l~~l t~ ~, l';~ .- t,~ ~,~ . \ ~ ..-i I ."1 . ...1,: 'I' '~, I:..~ /~ ~. J ~ \~ .' , ~ { "'",\ q,: ~ ~ .~L , " 1- '" , c ~ , , 'f ,} " ',)" ,"""1'~~~. , ~~~il'.li.iJ.'lIli~1a l~ I, " . I I \ & .. ~ >I k ~ ~ ~. ~ l; 1\ ~ ... .;. ) .. I~NCJIW..'~II:',.........,...e.no_1 BAROAIN ANO SALE DUD KNOW AU. MEN rot' T1I"'.~t; PRESENTS. TII<It T1:JU L. VAUGHN, I. ".fI.. callfil ru",or,for Ih~ comkkrat,,,,, M..",,,I'<1. slal,t/, d~. MfYby Vam. ~I" nil mwI COffW)/IUIIO SPRINGFIELD-EUGENE HABIT A T FOR HUMAI'OTY ~Inaftttr callfil Va"'ft. cmd ""'0 grmrtftl'. !win, 1IICC'U.orJ __'gru all oflhat _'al" NO! ~'I)I "",h 1M I._~nI.. MfYdlltmt....,. and l1ppurl,NUlCeJ lhenwtJa ""'CHlgllIf or In tJrI)'WIH ttp~rl'1llll..,. Sll\ltlled III 1M CawIII)I of lane. Stal. af 0'''1\011, drsc.I/."J os follows, Io-wlt As per attacbed bhibit "A" Tn Haw and 1'1 /lolJ 1M St17'M 111110 IhtJ.a'-I D' ."'" mwIgranl..., Mlrl, I1ICCUSDn and tJS.IgrufortJW!l' 7'IHt "u~ and actual cofUldtuallOft paltlfiv lid... .".j. . .,ated III la"". of dollar., Is SI5,ooo,OO .H/ltWVU, 1M actual cOflS'dn'OIItJIl COMU" of or Indwla 0I1wr,. 'j" ,,.. Ot' WJlw 11M" Of' prllmlsttl wlrlch Is 1M MtoI. ~on,ltkratlon " In cOfUtrUI"8 IhLt dHd and wMro 1M collltfXI,a reqvll'U, 1M ,'ngw'ar 'lIClud... ,'''' plu,aI and 011 grammallcal cltattga slrall "" Impllfil /D moM 1M pr<rVLtlom Mrfttf apply.qvally 10 CDTp</'aIloru and 10 Indlvlduul. III W/fMSS Who-.,,/. 1M granl'" has exrcv/ed Ihls IfIS/rlIIINIII Ihls 16t11 day nf June. 1000. 1/ a corp<>roJ' grantor, /I has cau.ed lIS IID_ '" be "lfMd and ICal afflud by lIS oJ!kvl. duly _"",!zed lhuela by fINk, of lIS b()DtT/ of dlrcclnn. r ,', ;l1na.I~\IM~ Wil', /far AIJ.ow llal Of nil ' ',. , DillCllliCU'11I 11m IHJ"~'MI'/ft IJ'l V10LAnOll Ol' APP\.ICAJU: LAI'D \laC '.AWS AA' IlllC\ll.Anom. lUOU lICH1/1O OIl An:unl'O nlls Ires10 .MmT, THI rauoore ACQUlaIHO nl1TTUl: ro Tilt I'R". .~" IlIOULD OBCIC MT1l T1R AP?II.0I'Il1A1"t CTTY 011 COUI'<TY I'l.AI<NtNO DI...T1olll<T TO VVUrY APf'IlOV7D UIU Alii> 1 ~ I>UtIlOCI"1 N<Y UMmI 01< LA Wlftl1T11 ACAlI'CST 'A_ 01\ POl\U'T rAAC11CU AS Dlnh'tll III OIlS JO.,lt. SI A T1i OF' OUOOJl, (SF.A!J C""'IfY'II L.a.. c 71w fort,.~ , ~.r I~~ JUQ~ Ib,. T MJo_lu/"".."".. /J.;f.~. ,t..;.Ili.' ..1iIU'~Iu.....-' ..uti L. VAUGBB ClIWl'IOl'I_ _ AllOM" ..~.__. '" _ _~ SrlJJfGfllUltllJGJD. BABITA! FOU HIDWIl ty ()IIW(T'!n NAMf AHa JrDOfllUI ,.,.. ,---. V,Il.,.WIIl F_ 112,., 4ttb Slrm, r.O.IoII055 St>ri..n.hl, OR nm --.-..... L..aI................. all.. ... ......" lilt,....... ........ P. O. box 488 SpriugUeld, ~ mJk.m.zp ;aa ~,_ ...... ... tvJWP ~::z~/- TERl L. VAUGHN l'.'~ .,......~i~tAR5~~~ .' =SSION NO.068lIll . ~.:a'-.."nJ!~.. ) DIVrlrOlt 01' aliII' DIPUTY CUIIC LIllIE COUNTY DllDI AND IllCOllD1 t'J.llliLLUIIII __ 9:41:45 M 1/24/. ~Il8D1fi,ie 1.~ee 4 CMHIIJI 11 31.81 .F., ~' 'f. l.!""a:.tth~';:f'P:.- (.' ~, , .,flt..J L li 't' I \ f '" . ) I } I .'(' II, I ,;,"r ;,.;' ~ft~~#.,...%"t'~'~"nl:~...1'it) <'~I~;-q '~;J.ro";t "'-' ..~_.;o.",~'t*'-~ '........,~..~~~;.;~~~.~.',#,f..~,~<:-' ~~.,,-;-, .~ -"ii" ,'''''>''I~ ',' ""'.1.'7.",',.," " ) t ~c i tJ. ~, ! 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" j ,j Ii 1 j EXBlBlT "A" tHE RORtH EIunu Fllu or TBB FOLLOWIRG DESCUIED PIOP!.RTY: All of the following described tract lying South of the Westerly extension of ,he South hne of North "A" Street' Beginning at a point on the North line of the A.W, Hammitt Donation Land Claim No 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1051 chains Ea~t of the Northwest corner of said claim; thence South parallel to the West line of said claim 1216 76 feet. more or less to tI,e North line of the right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway, thence South 890 44' East along said highway 173.415 feet; thence North 1217,66 fect, more or less, to the North line of said Claim No 38; thence West 173.415 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING TIIEREFROM a parcel beginning at a point being East 693.66 feet from the Northwest corner of the AW, Hammitt Donation Land Claim No 38, Townsh!p 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamettc Meridian; said point being on the North line of saId DonatIOn Land Claim; thence along the North line East 173.42 feet, thence leaving said North line South 921.55 feet; thence West 173.42 feet parallel to the said North line, thence North 753 55 feet, thence-West 173 42 feet parallel to the said North hne, thence North 921.55 feet to the POlOt of Beginning. in Lane Connty, Oregon ,14'; ,\' . ~"""'''''" - ~-"-:....;,;r.A.-~ ~.l'''~1\'i11Ar.'~_,.,'1t\~1q' J!G1m.jj~;;~~J:'''.\'''!l"rjJr.;l.h\~jj/;'1\i.l14!.I!~'l~_. . , '.'1 ~ .'f. . I~ ~\~ ~ 11..tl I' '-,,,;!,, 'I". \'\1' P, tt....,. :(,., ~ ~~ ' ~~. I ,j p. ~) ~ J., I:~ ':~~;I"sk::'$;'f~~:~~ ',:' ::c ' ,.". t 'lie I.~'''' \1 . ..1., t..... ~ ~ 1'"1: J . ..J-~t :-~ is ~:)~ ".~'.'-:~ ~-~~I ,~,' ~' ...-....~ =-..II,,.."\~ ~n~r ~~~:::' , , , illj':~ ~.~~ -, " ,'< '" c '" " . ;.: ,'r ~:. " ;' '. *t~l , " " ~". ' , 1.~ i;1 "too( , \ 1t: " , : ,. , '~1 ., I' 'u .'\ '~!, \1: .~. \, , \:..'i . : , <\ ~ '.J " ~ " \1 '1'''''-' .....,...........~~1!..'~.. : t .,.~.'''' ;,.. \ ' I .J [1 :j . I '. l' ~U"~ All of the following deacribed tract lylng South of the Westerly extensi9D of the South line of North "A" Street: Beginning at a point on the North line of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of~e.Wil1ametto Meridian, .10,S1 chains East of the Northwest comer ofaaid c~; thence South parallel to the WCIt Une ofaaid claim 1216,76 feet, more or 1~ to the North Une of the right-of-way of the McKenzio Hiahway, thence South 890 44' East along said bighway 173.415 feet; thence North 1217.66 feet, more or less. to the Nonh line of said Claim No, 38; thence West 173.41 S feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THBREPROM a parcel beginning at a point being East 693.66 feet from the Northwest comer of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38. Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamctto Meridian; said point being on tho North line, of said Donation Land Claim; thence along the North line East 173.42 feet; thence leaving said North line South 921.55 feet; thence West 173.42 feet parallel to the said North Une;'-th..w. ~ilrtk 1v-_"lw~t, ~..4~ '\ '.....; thence North 921 S5 feet to the Pomt of Beginping;-in U!i,e County" Oregon. "". , '; '.;" ,,. ,N",' /' r, , "' ',y _<.... ~. _\,~:<l~z. l ~\ , ,~'t, ~ I, , ' t .. It,', J':\.~I~Jl't 1,}1~1 {'~I. .l~" ",Ij' 11~1''''li(~~/J'1 )\l'~,- ; (~ I . 1 , \ i ~ ~ , \ t ~ ~.. I ~~ '/' t q' !, ,:; 1 \t, '.... ~~'f~:~tl',_l l~ 1 ~ \~r~I_1~' ,.... _~~~ \ j }~r " , ~I fl, l;~\~.. ~ l~\/1 ~{.. ,~', ~'I 'r.<, ~ " 'i't -"'~~I;-';i . ' r~t)rr:.J.!.""J-'[~" , 1..~j\ :~ J\ o:;>~, ';.11" ":';'i~(' ~ ~_~I...., ('.,. "-\~,-;~~ ; r~~ \ 1 "~;\,,' V,il~ lJI~q ~ ~r ~I' 1 Irft~( '1L~ fAt 'r',n ~ ..;\) ~l~l ~Jjl~i'l~ ,1 ,'Ill rl~,l i!" , . 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" ',{~ I if_'L t/. li':")l .:~~ fJ11! ~l l' r ~ I ( '" " j, ,"~Jf; 'f, . ~~ ) . j I V', - , ...; 'J,':' , ~ r1, , I' II ; ,. . DECLARATION OF COVENANTS CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND COMMON MAINTENANCE THIS DECLARA nON is made this day of , 2005, by Springfield/Eugene Habitat for Humanity, of Springfield, Oregon, and its successors and assigns as Declarant. RECITALS 1. Habitat for Humanity seeks to create low cost homes for qualified homebuyers in an environment of hope, dignity, and truly human existence for all people for lots 1- 10. The qualifications for ownership of these homes include economic need and participating in a minimum number of hours of service on Declarant's projects as specified by the rules of the Declarant. 2, This Declaration is a condition precedent to the award of certain grant funds and/or governmental approvals of Declarant's programs and shall be executed and recorded in the official land deed records of the jurisdictions in which the property is located in order to create certain covenants running with the land for the purpose of enforcement of the affordability requirements of applicable grant programs. 3, Declarant is the owner of the real property described, herein on which there are now located or being constructed ten (10) affordable residential structures containing a total often (10) living units. 4. It is contemplated that individual units within a single structure may be sold to and held by different qualified owners as defined in Declarant's rules,. , 5. Declarant desires to provide for the preservation ofthe values and amenities in the described development and for the maintenance of common facilities and elements shared by unit owners. 6. Declarant, under this declaration, declares and covenants that the regulatory and restrictive covenants set forth herein governing the use, occupancy, and transfer of the units shall be and are covenants running with the land described herein for the term stated herein and binding upon all subsequent owners of the units and for such term, except as provided herein, and are not merely personal covenants of Declarant Covenants,Cond,t,ons & RestrictIOns and Common Mamtenance Agreement Meyer Park SlIb-dlVlslOn Lots J - J 0 DECLARATION NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant, for the benefit of itself and its successors and assigns, hereby declares that the real property described herein shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, possessed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions and obligations herein set forth, 1. Definitions, A. "Unit" shall mean the residential dwelling unit and the parcel on which that unit is located, together with all other improvements now or hereafter located on that parcel. B. "Parcel" shall mean the legally subdivided lot on which a unit is located. There are 10 lots in the subject plat. C. "Owner" shall mean the record holder of fee simple title or the holder of equitable title under a Land Sale Contract of any unit, including the Declarant with respect to any unsold unit. Every owner shall be treated for all purposes as a single person for each unit held, irrespective of whether such ownership is joint, in common, or as tenancy by the entirety. 2. ProDertv Subiect to Declaration. The real property subject to this Declaration is described as follows: Meyer Park Cluster Sub-division, Springfield, Oregon. 3. Persons and ProDerties Benefited. A. The Covenants, conditions, restrictions and obligations set forth in this Declaration, except as specifically provided to the contrary, shall benefit and be binding upon all owners, parties and all persons claiming under them, their successors and assigns. Such covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and be effective for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of recording of this Declaration, after which time said covenants, conditions, and restrictions shall be automatically extended for successive periods often (10) years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the then owners of the units has been recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part. B. Ownership of the units shall be subject to the affordable homeownership housing requirements of Declarant for the term of the declaration, Any sales, transfers, or exchanges of the units at any time during the term of this Declaration shall be subject to the requirements of this Declaration and to the requirements of applicable grant funds used in the transactions. Any buyer or successor or other person acquiring a unit must Covenants,CondUlOns & RestrictIOns and Common Mamtenance Agreement Meyer Park Sllb-<ilV/slOn Lots 1- 10 agree in writing to the terms of this Declaration and the affordability requirements of the applicable grant programs, 4. Use ofProoertv. All lots shall be used for residential purposes and no buildIng shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than a single family dwelling, No manufactured home or manufactured dwelling shall be permitted on the property, and no recreational vehicle may be used as a residence, either temporary or permanent, on any part of the Property. A. Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat. B. No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, partly finished house, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used on any lot at any time as residence, either temporary or permanent. C. The yard shall be landscaped not more than sixty (60) days after occupancy, except when occupancy occurs after October 1 and before May 1, All yards shall be maintained in a net, clean conditions and grass shall be watered and mowed regularly. ' D. No nuisances shall be allowed upon the property nor shall any use or practice be allowed which is the source of annoyance to other residents or which interferes with the peaceable possession and proper use of other properties by other residents, Each unit shall be maintained in good repair and over-all appearance. _ E. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot except one (1) professional sign of not more than one square foot, and one sign of not more than five square feet, advertising the property for sale or rent, both of which signs must be located not less than twenty (20) feet from the front property line. " " F. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot except that a maximum of three dogs or three cats, or a combination of cat(s) and dog(s) which totals three pets, or a total of three of any other household pets as defined by city code may be kept, provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose, are kept under control, and do not create offensive or objectionable noise or odor. Any outside animal must be contained in a kennel or other enclosure. No accumulation of waste will be allowed on the yard, parking areas, or any common area. G. All valid, laws, zoning ordinances and building restrictions of all governmental bodies having jurisdiction of the subject property shall be observed and complied with, H. No fence, wall, hedge, shrub or other obstacle shall obstruct the line of vision between three (3) feet and five (5) feet vertical, within fifteen (15) feet of the front lot line, except trees which shall be trimmed of foliage not less than five (5) feet above the Covenants, CondItIOns & RestrIctIOns and Common MaIntenance Agreement Meyer Park Sub-dlVlslOn Lots J- JO ground. Foliage on young trees not sufficiently tall to trim shall be excepted. All fences shall comply with city code. I. Trash, garbage or other waste shall be kept in sanitary containers, emptied at least bi-weekly. All incinerators, garbage cans or other equipment for the storage or disposal of such materials shall be kept in clean and sanitary location. Storage of any goods, chattels, merchandise, material, fuel supplies, or machinery shall be within the walls of the structure or enclosed by tight fences that screen such property from sight. J. Any home businesses conducted on the property shall be in accordance with city regulations and code, K. All environmental regulations shall be complied with particularly concerning disposal of motor oil, paints and other hazardous materials. L. Each owner of a unit shall maintain, repair, and if needed, replace the perimeter fence within their property line for so long as the fence is required by the city. 5. Common Maintenance The following common maintenance obligations shall benefit and be binding upon the owner of a parcel as against the owner of the adjoining parcel of the same lot, his successors and assigns. It is the intent of the Declarant that the common maintenance obligations described hereafter constitute a binding and subsisting covenant and agreement between the owner of each unit within a single duplex. However, such ~ovenants and obligations shall not be enforceable by an owner of a unit against the owner of another Wlit when those owners do not own Wlits in the same duplex. It is the purpose of these common maintenance obligations to enforce uniformity of appearance, quality of materials and maintenance within an individual duplex, but not between separate duplexes in the development. " The owners of units shall have and perform the following common maintenance obligations with respect to the adjoining units: A, The roof, exterior siding and exterior trim of the units shall be, within such categories, constructed of the same material and be of the same color. The exterior windows shall be of uniform design, B. The exterior of the unit shall be painted a uniform color. An accent paint may - be used if the entire duplex is accented in a consistent manner. No more than three (3) exterior paint colors shall be used on a single unit. C, The roof, exterior paint, exterior siding, exterior trim, common wall, common fences a unit shall be maintained in good condition and repair. Covenants, ConditIOns & Restrictions and Common Maintenance Agreement Meyer Park SUh-dIVlSIOfl Lots J... 10 D. The cost of maintaining such common facilities shall be share equally by the owners of the affected units, If such authorized repairs or maintenance are paid for by one of the unit owners, the other unit owner shall pay his one-half share thereof within ten (10) days from the date of written demand for payment and presentation ofa written accounting of such expenses. Construction, repair or maintenance of common facilities shall be authorized if the affected unit owners have mutually agreed as follows: i. The decision to institute common facility maintenance and repair, and the decision of who shall perform such work, shall be by mutual agreement of the affected unit owners, subject to the requirement that all units, including the common facilities, be maintained in good condition, repair and overall appearance. ii. Materials, colors and designs to be used in construction, repair or maintenance of any common facility shall be selected by mutual agreement of the affected unit owners, E. In the event the affected unit owners cannot agree as to one or more of such matters involved I common facility construction, repair or maintenance, such matters ' shall be decided by an arbitrator mutually selected by both owners, If the affected owners cannot agree upon an arbitrator, such arbitrator shall be appointed by the Court, and such arbitration shall be carried out in the manner set forth in Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 33, All such Arbitration shall be commenced and held in Lane County, Oregon. any award of the arbitrator may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. F. Common area and storms water system shall be maintained 50% by lots 1-10, 25% by lot 11 and 25% by lot 12, 6. Enforcement In the event, suit, action, legal proceeding or arbitration is instituted to interpret or enforce the terms of this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover his reasonable attorney fees incurred therein at such arbitration, trial and appeal, with such fees to be determined by the arbitrator or the curt, In the event of arbitration, the losing party shall also pay the reasonable compensation of any arbitrators therein. 7. Governing Law This Declaration shall be governed by laws of the State of Oregon. 8, Miscellaneous In the event any term or provision of this Declaration is found to be unenforceable or unlawful for any reason, the remainder shall be carried into effect as Covenants, Conditions & RestrictIOns and Common Mamtenance Agreement Meyer Park Sub-dlvlslOn Lots 1- 10 though the unenforceable portion was stricken herefrom. As the context requires, the singular includes the plural, the plural the singular and the masculine includes the feminine and neuter. All captions used herein are solely for convenience of reference and shall not affect the interpretation of this Declaration. WHEREFORE, this Declaration is executed effective the date first above written. DECLARANTs: , President for Springfield/Eugene HFH STATE OF OREGON) ) SS. County of Lane ) Personally appeared on the day and year first above written, . and acknowledge the foregoing instrument to be his/her voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires: _ Declaration of Easement I, The undersigned, hereinafter Grantor( s), states that the property more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby declared, granted conveyed and created to be a perpetual and non-exclusive easement for access, ingress and egress, and driveway purposes. Covenants,Condlllons & RestrictIOns and Common Mamtenance Agreement Meyer Park Sub-dIVISIOn Lots I... JO . 2. Said easement is not personal or in gross but is appurtenant to each and every portion of the property more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3. Said easement shall run with the properties herein described and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors or asSIgns. 4, Said easement is made for the purpose of complying with the Springfield Development Code regarding the division or partition of land or any other development of land, As such, the City of Springfield shall also have the right and standing to secure judicial recognition and enforcement of the rights granted by this Declaration, and this easement shall not be affected or negated by title or the merger of title of the dominant and servient properties in a common owner, 5. Grantor (s) shall at all times, and without restriction, have the right is use the easement for purposes not inconsistent with the easement EXHIBIT A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Meyer Park Cluster Sub-division, as platted and recorded in Book page Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon EXHIBIT B EASEMENT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. See Attachment "8" Covenants,CondltlOns & ReslrlCllons and Common Mamtenance Agreement Meyer Park Sub-dIVISIOn Lots /- /0 PERMIT NUMBER oLlCATION AND PERMIT TO OCCUPY ,....~ [--- ------------- ------ PERt-uRM OPERATIONS UPON A STATE HIGI._,AY I 0 5 M 3 8 5 6 7 ______~ee ~regon AdmmlstratlvlJ Rule, _c~a~ter 7~3~_,_~~~~o~ 55 --==--J ZLASS --O~~~_ _~ --- -~ --; - - --~-- -- - - -- PURPOSE OF APPLICATION GENERAL LOCATION (T~~Q~STRllg!L9PERAT~MAINT6INl__ ____ HIGHWAY NAME AND ROUTEf,fuMBER --- - - -- -- - - --- --- ---- r- ~1 :~J: - TYPE I MIN VERT ~/~ARANCE MCKENZIE HIGHWAY (126) N/A - HIGHWAY NUMB{R----- - COUNTY 015 20 = LANE - -- -- --. ------- BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS j -/3URIED In -JcABLE TYPE N/A 49th STREET HWY REFERENCE MAP PIPE (Z] LINE TYPE STORM WATER DESIGNATED FREEWAY IN U S FOREST FEE AMOUNT lZJ NO l~j ~~~COMMERCIAL $0 00 MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS AND/OR I \ZJ FACILITIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW I ~OND REQUIRED REFERENCE AMOUNT OF BOND L 0 YES [Z] NO ~:5~~34-55 $0.00 HYDRAULIC STUDY PROVIDED BY BRANCH ENGINEERING I INSURANCE-REQUIRED REFERENCE SP~D COMP DATE 310 5th STREET, SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 (541) 746-0637 : [Z] YES 0 NO ~:5~1~34'55 ~ 12/01/2006 DETAIL LOCATION OF FACILlTY(For more space attach addItional sheets) 8B-34-25 [J YES [Xl NO [J YES APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS STEVE JOKiNEN 4866 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 MILE POINT TO MILE POINT ENGINEERS ENGINEERS STATION TO STATION SIDE OF HWY OR DISTANCE FROM BURIED CABLE OR PIPE SPAN --------- ---- --- --- --~ ANGLE OFCROSSING CENTER OF PVMT R/W LINE DEPTH/VERT SIZE f.ND KIND LENGTH 541 224+94 NORTH 34'-0" 6'-0" SEE CON!;TRUCTION i'LANS "~"\-r) DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF NON-COMMERCIAL SIGNS OR MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS FACILITIES PERMIT IS FOR STORM WATER AND WATER QUALITY AT THE ABOVE LOCATION, SPECIAL PROVISIONS (FOR MORE SPACE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS) TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED - OPEN CUTTING OF PAVED OR SURFACED AREAS ALLOWED7 . 0 YES [OAR 734-55.025(6)] ~] NO . [] YES IOAR 734-55.100(21 lZJ NO (OAR 734-55.100(1) . AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK, THE APPLICANT OR HIS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AT TELEPHONE NUMBER (541) 726-2552 OR FAX A COPY OF THIS PAGE TO THE DISTRTCi OFFfcf7..'f-- (541) 7.26-2579-- --- -- SPECIFY TIME AND DATE IN THE SPACE BELOW . --~ - - . A COPY OF THIS PERMIT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION . ORS 757 54 TO 757.571 REQUIRES EXCAVATORS TO LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES YOU MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR DAMAGES CALL FOR UTILITY LOCATES CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. 1-800-332-2344 COMMENTS - OOOT USE ONLY PERMIT & PERMISSION FOR STORM WATER DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY WITHIN ODOT RIGHT OF WAY AS PER PLANS SUBMITTED, REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY ODOT HYDRAULIC DESIGN ENGINEER, LUIS RIVAS, P E - ANY OEVlATION FROM APPROVED PLANS MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM ODOT BEFORE CONSTRUCTION __ SEE REVERS-E SIDE FOR GEN~RA/,., g,~PECIAL PROVlSJJJN_~_ _ _ IF THE PROPOSED APPLICATION WILL AFFECT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, THE APPLICANT SHALL ACQUIRE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL'S SIGNATURE BEFORE ACQUIRING THE DISTRICT MANAGER'S SIGNATURE. LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIA-LSIGNA TlJRE -~-- --~TITCE--- -- I DATE X Air 4 APPLICANT SIGNAT~RE APPLICATION DATE TITLE TELEPHONE NO XI.JJ.l1.1 /I 11/04/2004 PROPERTY OWNER 71..(,-1&, ?2..,L When,\hls .;P~pprOVed by theoepartment, the apphcant.s subject to accepts and approves DISTRICT MANAGER OR REPRESENT;' TIVE --- APPROVAL DATE the terms 000 prOVISIons contolned and alloched and the terms of Oregon Admlnlstrat,ve Rules. LYNN STUCKRAJH W 0 V Chep,t~.'734.DrvISlon55,whIChISbY th,sr.ference made a part of th,spermll X rx'~\~~------ __ [______~_6 2005 734-3457(5-03) ?AG: 0: ~ -- C'" . . 05M38567 GENERAL / SPECIAL PROVISIONS STORM WATER MCKENZIE HWY (126), MP 5.41 'APPLlCANTIPERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND LIABLE FOR (1) INVESTIGATING PRESENCE/ABSENCE OF ANY LEGALLY PROTECTED OR REGULATED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE(S) IN THE ACTION AREA, (2) DETERMINING ANY AND ALL RESTRICTIONS OR REQUIREMENTS THAT RELATE TO THE PROPOSED ACTIONS, AND COMPLYING WITH SUCH, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE RELA TING TO HAZARDOUS MA TERIAL(S), WATER QUALITY CONSTRAINTS, WETLAND, ARCHEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC RESOURCE(S), STATE AND FEDERAL THREA TENED OR ENDANGERED SPECIES, ETC, (3) COMPL YING WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS, REGULATIONS, RULES AND ORDINANCES, WHETHER ENVIRONMENTAL IN NATURE OR OTHER, PERTAINING TO THE PROPOSED ACTION, AND OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED AND NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS . IF APPLlCANTIPERMITTEE IMPACTS A LEGALLY PROTECTED/ REGULA TED RESOURCE, APPLlCANTIPERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH IMPACT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL COSTS OF MITIGATION AND REHABILITATION, AND SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS ODOT FOR SUCH IMPACTS AND BE RESPONSIBLE AND LIABLE TO ODOT FOR ANY COSTS OR CLAIMS THAT ODOT MAY HAVE' DIRECT QUESTIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS TO LOCAL ODOT CONTACT, DENNIS JOLL AT 541-686.7526 ORS 570 570 STA TES, 'CONTRACTORS DUTY TO CLEAN MACHINERY BEFORE MOVING, WEED INFESTED RESIDUE NOT TO BE MOVED, NO PERSON OPERA TlNG OR HA VING CONTROL OF ANY MACHINERY SHALL MOVE SAID MACHINERY OVER ANY PUBLIC ROAD WITHOUT FIRST THOROUGHL Y CLEANING IT' NOTHING IN THIS PERMIT IS INTENDED TO GRANT RIGHTS OR IMPL Y APPROVAL NOT FALLING WITHIN THE AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION OF ODOT IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR AND TO OBTAIN SUCH LICENSES, PERMITS OR OTHER FORM OF APPROVAL WHICH MA Y BE REQUIRED BY OTHER STA TE AGENCIES, FEDERAL AGENCIES, CITIES AND/OR COUNTIES OF OREGON, UTILITY OR RAILROADS OAR 734-055-055 GENERAL PROVISIONS ~1 'li!C'GENERAL PROVISIONS FORPO"LE LINE, PIPELINE AND BURIED CABLE ARE APPLICABLE ALL WORK SHALL BE ACCORDING TO , YOUR PLANS APPROVED BY ODOT & MEET ODOT AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY I STREET CONSTRUCTION 2002 SHOULD TRAFFIC CONTROL BECOME NECESSARY IT SHALL BE ACCORDING TO CURRENT "MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS," USDOT & ODOT MANUAL, "SHORT TERM TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK, 1998" A DETAILED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALI.i'I3E SUBMITTED TO THIS OFFICE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK SUBMIT ATTENTION TO LYNN STUCKRATH At FAX (541) 726-2579 . ODOT PERMIT SPECIALIST SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND UPON COMPLETION OF PROJECT PHOt;JE LYNN STUCKRA TH AT (541) 726-2552 THIS PERMIT SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WORK AREA DURING WORKING HOURS SPECIAL PROVISIONS EXISTING PIPE SHALL BE SAW CUT OR CORE DRILLED , ANY DEVIATION FROM APPROVED PLANS Ml)ST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM ODOT BEFORE CONSTRUCTION NO TRENCH IN GRASS OR LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO REMAIN OPEN OVERNIGHT LANDSCAPE AREAS DAMAGED TO BE RESTORED PERMITTEE SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SEED DISTURBED RIGHT OF WAY WITH WEED FREE CERTIFIED GRASS, NATIVE TO THE AREA ANY DAMAGE TO ODOT RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE RESTORED TO THAT CONDITION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND fa TRF SATISFACTION OF ODOT REPRESENTATIVE ADEQUATE COMPACTION OF TRENCHLlNE IS REQUIRED TO INSURE ABSENCE OF SINKAGE' (Y-" ,- i....,... 1 ':\ ,""1 ~- ''':\ )AG':,';:) J= a , ~ J' (a ~,~"W" D-~"" " ~r PERMIT NUMBER ?lICA TION AND PERMIT TO OCCUpy PERFORM OPERATIONS UPON A STATE HIGI1VVAY 05M38566 HIGHWAY NAME AND ROUTE NUMBER See Oregon Admmistratlve Rule, Chapter 734, Division 55 ClASS . 05 I KEY' GENERAL LOCATION PURPOSE OF APPLICATION !TO ;ONSTRUCT/OPERATElMAINTAIN) D POLE TYPE MlN VERT CLEARANCE LINE McKenzie Highway (126) HIGHWAY NUMBER COUNTY r--J!URIED LJCABLE PIPE D LINE TYPE 015 20 = LANE BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS TYPE 49th Street and 48th Street HWY. REFERENCE MAP DESIGNATED FREEWAY 8b-34-25 0 YES 1ZI NO APPL!~ANT NAME AND ADDRESS Steve Jokinen 4866 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 D NON-COMMERCIAL $OFEEOAOMOUNT 1ZI NO SIGN . MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS AND/OR 1ZI FApUTIES AS DESCRIBED' BELOW BOND REQUIRED ncr~CE: AMOUNT OF BOND IZl YES 0 NO :~2~66 $5,000.00 INSURANCE REQUIRED lkn:;nmCE: SPECIAED~MP. DATE 726-6721/ Cell 513-0417 IZl YES 0 NO ::r1~66 I f!!!) jj/1/06 DETAIL LOCATION OF FACILlTY(For more space attach additional sheets) IN U.S. FOREST DYES MILE MILE ENGINEERS ENGINEERS SIDE OF HWY OR DISTANCE FROM BURIED CABLE OR PIPE SPAN POINT TO POINT STATION TO STATION ANGLE OF CROSSING CENTER OF PVM1 RJW LINE DEPTHNERT. SIZE AND KIND LENGTH 5.35 221 +62 North 33' T xxx xxx xxx ~~.. _ ~ ._.ea:~::' -"'~ ro', , DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF NON,COMMERCIAl SIGNS OR MISCelLANEOUS OPERATIONS FACILITIES approach at above location, ' Permit for removal of eXisting ,/ L t SPECIAL PROVI~p!"S (FOR MORE SPACE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS) TRAFFIC WNTROL REQUIRED ,OPEN CUTTING OF PAVED OR SURFACED AREAS ALLOWED? . IZJ YES (OAR 734-55-025(6)] 0 NO . 1ZI YES (OAR 734-55,100(2] D NO (OAR 734-55-100(1) . AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK, THE APPLICANT OR HIS CONTRACTOR SHAll NOTIFY THE DISTRICT ,',Io:,'.,,,.:SENTATIVE AT TElEPHONE NUMBER: 726-2552 OR IfAX'A OOPY OF THIS PAGE TO THE DISTRICT-ofF.~1C kT: 726-2579 SPECIFY TIME AND DATE IN THE SPACE BELOW. . A COPY OF THIS PERMIT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION, . OAS 757,54 TO 757.571 REQUIRES EXCAVATORS TO LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. YOU MAY BE HELD UAB~FOR DAMAGES. CALL FOR UTIUTY LOCATES. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. 7-800-332-2344 CO,r,1f1/1ENTS - OOOT USE ONLY P~JRMIT & PERMISSION FOR REMOVAL OF EXISTING APPROACH AND REPLACE WITH SIDEWALK WITHIN ODOTRlGHT OF WAY WORK TO INCLUDE SAW CUTTING GUTTER BAR AND CURB SEE REVERSE SIDE. OF THIS SHEET EOR GENERAL & SPECIAL PROVISIONS IF THE PROPOSED APPLICATION WILL AFFECT ,THE,'lOCAL GOVERNMENT, THE APPLICANT SHALL ACQUIRE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL'S SIGNATURE BEFORE ACQUIRING THE DISTRICT MANAGER'S SIGNATURE. LOalAl GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL SIGNATURE -:: , TITLE j(N'tu I A APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICATION DATE TITLE X .~~--:;tt~k..J. J 4' ~ 2/9/04 e~\\~ ~ ~~o ~\\A. o-W r\~" When thleeo:,~.":.- ,shpptOved the Ooportment, the oppllcont l88ubJect to, ecceptG ond epprovos DISTRICT MANAGER OR REPRESEta A TIVE APPROVAL DATE the termo ond ptOvlalOI18 COntol and attached and the terms of Oregon Admlnll,lrotlve Rules, LYNN STUCKR ATH ChePJ:er 734. DiviSIOn 66, which 10 by thla reforonce made a port of thla perm't X 1'\' NO V 1 6 2005 DATE ~'l\ TELEPHONE NO, 734-3457(5-03) JAG: 0=,;::; 05M38566 STEVE JOKINEN APPROACH REMOVAL & SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT MCKENZIE HIGHWAY (015), MP5.35 "APPLICANT/PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND LIABLE FOR (1) INVESTIGATING PRESENCE/ABSENCE OF ANY LEGALL Y PROTECTED OR REGULA TED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE(S) IN THE ACTION AREA; (2) DETERMINING ANY AND ALL RESTRICTIONS OR REQUIREMENTS THA TRELA TE TO THE PROPOSED ACTIONS, AND COMPL YlNG WITH SUCH, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE RELATING TO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL(S), WATER QUALITY CONSTRAINTS, WETLAND, ARCHEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC RESOURCE(S), STATE AND FEDERAL THREATENED OR ENDANGERED SPECIES, ETC.; (3) COMPLYING WitH ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS, REGULA 110NS, RULES AND ORDINANCES, WHETHER ENVIRONMENTAL IN NA TURE OR OTHER, PERTAINING TO THE PROPOSED ACTION, AND OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED AND NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS. IF APPLICANT/PERMITTEE IMPACTS A LEGALLY PROTECTED/ REGULA TED RESOURCE, APPLICANT/PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIA TED WITH SUCH IMPACT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL COSTS OF MmGATlON AND REHABILlTA110N, AND SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS ODOT FOR SUCH IMPACTS AND BE RESPONSIBLE AND UABLE TO ODOT FOR ANY COSTS OR CLAIMS THA T ODOT MA Y HA VE," NOTHING IN THIS PERMIT IS INTENDED TO GRANT RIGHTS OR IMPL Y APPROVAL NOT FALLING WITHIN THE AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION OF ODOT, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR AND TO OBTAIN SUCH LICENSES, PERMITS OR OTHER FORM OF APPROVAL WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED BY OTHER STATE AGENCIES, FEDERAL AGENCIES, CITIES AND/OR COUNTIES OF OREGON, UTILITY OR RAILROADS, OAR 734-056-055. GENiRAL PROVISIONS , ~ ALL WORK SHALL BE ACCORDING TO YOUR PLANS & MEET ODOT STANDARDS AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION 2002 TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT "MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS," USDOT & ODOT MANUAL, "SHORT TERM TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK, 1998," AND A DETAILED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THIS OFFICE FOR APPROVAL. FAX TO LYNN STUCKRATH AT (541) 726-2579 ODOT REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF WORK PHONE LYNN STUCKRATH OR MIKE WILBUR AT 54,1-726-2552 TO NOTIFY I '<1..-' A COpy OF THE PERMIT,a PROVISlq!;JS SHALL BE ON SITE DURING WORK HOURS ANV DAMAGE TO ODOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE RESTORED TO THAT CONDITION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND TO ~ATISFACTION OF ODOT REPRESENTATIVE . SPE~Jf\L PROVISIONS I L '" Y , n, GlJTT~R BAR CUTS SHALL BE FULL D~~TH CUTS JOINTS SHALL BE PINNED TO NEW SIOEWALK AND CURB PER ODOT STANDARDS. ALL JOINTS/CUTS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED, (ODOT QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST), MODIFIED POLYMER ASHPAL T SEALANT (CRACK SEALANT) , . SIDEWALK TO BE REPAIRED IN FULVPANEL SECTIONS (SEAM TO SEAM). IF PANEL IS PARTIALL V Rl:MOVED, CRACKED OR DAMAGE,O, IN ANY WA V, PANEL IS TO BE COMPLETELY REMOVED BEFORE REPLACED < r " I' ' , " , f .....11\ I 'J: l' , : /~ '-I, );\(': '} J': '} _,flU'.. ex ~ ,- -........",.."... - -';j" -'~ -, M VV T 'U -1 0 ' ' ',' " "'-'1 '<.;, MP," "," ,,'" -,"'-, - r*)"',r"";.-:_J..i~ ~\ ~~" In,,"1: ,.~'a b- .. "\';-~' [ , '~~.1 1 " ... f I ',,' ?-'t' PI. ji;..~ .;--::':" '1 4""'~ .. i'!~.. ~ b~V!l'.{"'~k"':'~ of ( ~:~ r I I ~ < ",I"~' li'".~.... ,\!l" -:. .-' t,,,,..,,,":/~l~-:'I r "r ,'"" Y~'<l~'{l"~~}...,,'f!fll~/"\l" !..4.Jl:.lN....,P.. ~"..~J'.,~l.;.' ,('I,> ,.. ,.<'1"( f"~'~3."if ..'" ~ ,,',,, "'f..t~~1iJ.J:~q';!,~3'~.,i"1JC'l-itf C~'N':~~~", ,_ ,,)~~~t " '~GOW "'EPAR1MENTi;:OEc'~DANSPOP"A'1(>NJ~:d_/~i_~^,~,,1 'M'~,;- ;,' . 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It ::t '., ~ -< 0 """ (J'I , .~ t~..~;.. ~ , 't ~ ..~,...~ ~ .... .! ~ l.} r: !, .~t ~-.'I'It>-~ ":'~"~" -ra,~ .J ~ j~~~fv: '1"'",~" . .:.." SighS , ' , , ,J..~.... ~;' ~ -~> , -- ',,<'"1--.-- __ + ~, , f , t .. -, I ~ .. >~ \', \ f" ~ -" Choosing Signs: The most effectIve work zone signing tells the road user ~'what action or direction to take Avoid general warning signs without any specific action or condition For Instance, follow a SHOULDER WORK AHEAD by SHOULDER CLOSED sign rather than by a CAUTION sign. The initial warning signs <I> should give an rndication of the type of work the driver can expect. Typical signs include, but are not limited to. ROAD WORK AHEAD SHOULDER WORK BRIDGE WORK AHEAD LITTER CREW UTILITY WORK INCIDENT AHEAD WORKERS ON ROADWAY SURVEY CREW WRECK AHEAD A distance may be substituted for AHEAD on any warning sign, or may be added as a rider. Use accurate signs to rndlcate the work berng performed Only the most commonly used signs are listed, the list does not exclude other signs, Work zone signs shall. · be clean, fully legible and rn good condition. be mounted so that the bottom of the sign is not less than one foot above the roadway · allow pedestrians and/or cyclists an unobstructed travel path. The follOWing slgmng enhancements may be used: · Larger sIgns than the minImum standard may be used any time. Larger signs can be more effective when the visual landscape is crowded or traffic volumes are high High-intensity sheeting may be used for the advance work signs, Consider upgraded sheeting for viSibility in dim conditions such as rain, fog or tree shadow · Add a flashing warning light to advance signing, If the signllightlsupport combination has passed crash testrng. To keep the road users' respect and maintain credibility, unnecessary work zone signs must be covered, turned or removed. IF "FLAGGER" , SIGNS ARE IN PLACE, A FLAGGER MUST BE ACTIVE, even if just as a . warning. Placement: Sign spacing and placement as shown rn thiS handbook are the standards for open, unobstructed roadway condItions Placement Page 22 of 134 ;~-~~-~~~~~a;~I~ control traffic and protect the work area The la~out m~g : be modified as necessary to provide vIsibility, allow safe passage of . Z < pedestrians and cyclists ~nd avoId interference with physical featu~es such III ; as curves, hills, intersections, driveways or other traffic control deVices .. Consider the followrng when determining sign layout. ~ rn . Place the initial work advance sign such as ROAD WORK AHEAD ~ - before entering a hOrizontal curve or before the crest of a hill if needed ~ i to provide adequate sight distance Adequate sight distance means yo,* tI can see the sIgn on your approach for at least 660 feet at 55 MPH and 0 ~. 1,000 feet at speeds greater than 55 MPH on approach. Space the Z ~ remaining signs leading up to the work close enough together to ~ maintain road user awareness and stili marntain the mimmum sign I. spacing for the posted speed. Signs may be spaced as far apart as .. twice (2X) the minimum sign spacing j · If a sign spacing needs to be adjusted, keep all the sign spacing dIStances SimIlar to maintain driver expectancy · If a driveway comes rn between the last work zone sIgn and the work, but the work zone is not apparent from the driveway approach, use a sign or cones at the driveway to alert users If vegetation overhangs and obscures a sign, move the sign out of the way .. Alter the sign spacing distances slightly when necessary to proVide a level area for sign placement If no level placement IS available, make sure the sIgn IS stable and the message IS fully VISible to approaching drivers .. .., c Co Signs at Night: When working at night, signs need to be highly consp'cuoUS and legible from as far away as pOSSible ConSider the follOWIng gUidelines for sIgns used at nrght. 1 Use standard message signs as much as pOSSible 2 Use signs larger than the standard size for greater VISibility 3. Use only retroreflectlve regulatory and warning signs In good condlt,~, I 4 Add extra guidance to offset conflicts with permanent signs and markIngs which can't be removed or screened 5. Steady-burn or flashing warning lights can be added to a sign for more VISibility If the combination has been successfully crash tested. Signs and lights can be placed on Type" bamcades for this purpose 6 Do not place flashing warning lights In a closely spaced series as thiS can make other traffic control or work zone elements hard to see OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT1C~1 l)ISTRIOT 5 PERMITS DEPARTMENT -:-PAFFIC CONTROL PL.A.N R~V1EW DAGE ;:) OF ( 0 f.ITi\i1 6 ?,005 Page 23 of 134 ( ~ T"" ~ " LQ Standard Sign Spacing: Sign spacing and placement set forth in thj~~:,:~: ,~,;~<' handbook IS a guide Intended for open and unobstructed roadway '\ ',~~t?~~- conditions. Placement should be modified If necessary to; :"_~:, control traffic, , -:" allow safe passage of pedestnans and cyclists, · protect the work area, proVide good VISibility of the sign and to avoid Interference with phYSical features such as intersections, driveways or other traffic control devices Placement may be modified based on good Judgment and traffiC patterns. If one sign spacing In a sequence needs to be lengthened, all the sign spacing distances should be proportionately changed Distance C IS the distance from the initial warning sign to the next sign In the sequence Distance B IS the distance between signs In the middle of a sign sequence Distance A is the distance from the last warning sign to the taper or work area If there IS no taper If only one sign IS used, the placement will be l.O based on distance A ~ o Table 2: Sign Spacmg " Suggested ,..... A B C ~ Posted Speed* Buffer --~--- - -- -... ~.- -- J: 30 MPH or less 100 100 100 50 - 100 35 MPH ' 40 MPH 350 350 350 250 45 MPH - 55 MPH 500 500 500 350 60 MPH and higher ^ 1000 1500 1500 - 2600 550 ~ All distances In feet Z II: * 'posted speed or statutory speed If not posted I/J III ~ncludes all freeways and expressways, regardless of posted speed ZJ~ ..Ill.. lI1:lU 0-:) "~a: lYQ'" >...~ W>Z~ I-(OZ UlCU.. O~....n' l.'SPOR1'A11O\"i EI~1 t \ ni'>I' OREGON UE.PAR1\J\ERfl/1\1S DEPARTMt;.Nl DISTRICT S P I'ROl- PLh\~ REV\~W TRAFFIC CON ' PAGE A 0\; l.Q.. ~~OV 1 U 1.:003 P::lnl'> ?Ll nf 1 ~ .. ".- "' "'-. "'- ii EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS All traffic control deVices used on st~te highways shall be listed on the ODOT Qualified Products List ' t~gos<-~,j ~\., ~~_". ~~'~ ;: _~ -:~,.... ..:.: "';.'.._ _,~, ~_~ - ~ ..~,~: ~:~~:.. j~':.~ ;...~~_: ~.:_~~:..:;'r0.~~~";..:: ,~~ ',,:' _ Unless otherwise noted, all warning signs used for temporary traffic control shall have standard black legends and borders on an orange, fluorescent red-orange or fluorescent yellow-orange background except that' Signs for emergency response may be black legends and borders on fluorescent pink Temporary regulatory and gUide signs have the same shapes and colors as the permanent signs All warnmg and regulatory signs used for temporary traffic control Sh;:lll be retroreflectlve Non-retroreflectlve signs In good or better condition ma used dUring daylight hours until July 2008 to allow for replacement basea on useful life Only fleXible sIgns may be used on portable sign supports. Rigid signs may be used on barricades or when mounted on a vehicle EXisting rigid signs used only In unexpected emergency Situations may be used through their life cycle They must be replaced with the current standard The exception does not apply to sIgns used for regularly occurring flooding, slides, or Similar situations that can be expected In a particular location. Standard size of the diamond-shape advance warning signs IS 36" x 36" except on freeways and expressways Standard size of the diamond-shape advance warning signs on freeways and expressways IS 48" by 48". Except on state highways, 30" x 30" warning signs may be used on low volume roads or less wIth the permIssIon of the road authority. Signs on portable supports shall have two fluorescent orange or orafl....e- red flags at least 16 inches square mounted at the top of the sign Flal shall be mounted so that the entire sign legend IS visible All slgnr:; must have been crash tested as a combination wUh the sign support and/or any warning light attached and met the federal crash worthiness reqUirements, This can be researched on the Federal Highways Administration web Site, or through the COOT Qualified Products LISt. Sign Supports: Sign supports shall be crashworthy. Signs may be mounted on portable sign supports or barncades. For frequently moving work. signs may be placed on a vehicle. Place ballast on portable sign supports or barricades only on the bottom feet or frame Sign supports or barricades shall not be ,ballasted by non-deformable objects such as rocks or concrete blocks ~ , i I I ~ -2 "'l Page 25 of 134 ......,.:..;..........I""-~...irr....."",. , "l-*.-t'~r'\. .~~, ~~ ..~,. 1"'--- .~-"!.'""'1rlCl';S' ~ Work on Shoulder Diagram 210 Diagram No 210 covers stationary work wIth work operations and/or parked equipment on the shoulder ThIs dIagram does not cover work on a freeway shoulder 1 Vehicles should be parked as far off the roadway as practical 2 If eqUipment operatIon and activities are more than 15 feet from the fog line or completely off the improved or usable shoulder regardless of distance, signs and cones are not required 3 Use truck-mounted high-Intensity rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe lights. .1 For work that wIll take less than an hour, all signs and devIces may be eliminated if truck-mounted high-Intensity, rotating, flashing, OSCillating, or strobe lights are used 5 For work In place for more than one hour, It IS recommended that a minimum of 2 signs be used regardless of posted speed 6 If the work IS close to the travel way, cones placed parallel to the traffic may be used to delineate the work area 7 If the work WIll impact the Sidewalk, pedestrran area or bIcycle lane, pedestrran and cyclist needs must be accommodated In a manner approprrate to the activity 8 Arrow panels flashing In caution mode are recommended for work on roads with posted speeds of 45 MPH or greater and high traffiC volumes 9 If the shoulder is completely closed and cyclist actIvity can be expected, BICYCLES ON ROADWAY signs should be Installed after the inItial warning signs Signs shall be posted if there IS a marked bicycle lane which will be closed by work in place for an hour or more 10 For night operations, It IS essential that workers on foot are VISible to approaching traffic and work vehIcles and equipment Involved In the operation Work lighting should be placed and aimed so that they do not result In glare that interferes With the drrvlng or work tasks ')REGON DEPARTMENT at: T'-=\A~~SPORTA ""'I~-":'ICT '" PE:>=l\\I"TS DEPtl.RTMENT I,;:' \ f, ..... ~T8 (\ i-CIC CONTRO'... ~L tl.N RP/1~W PAGE 5 OF t 0 " 0 u ~ (1 ~OO~ -ne .., 2.0 )) ~z< Ill" ~ C: Work on Shoulder ;Urn C.. I ni: ~ .. III , ~ t OF' Zm ill ~ For A,S & C ~ See Table 2 ~ (Sign Spacing) ~ . V""k-mo"nted Attenuator J (Optional) ~ .0:: & I Taper 1/3 L * .- '- tl A .. or I, B J.lt .. Initial Warning Sign * Use as appropriate - see text * * Use if work IS In place Diagram No. 210 longer than 1 hour (J ,f:l, .... Pa08 c;c; f'f 1 ':l,1 ~ \__'..N:~'!1tt...~~. ""'....~.. ... ........ "'$llii'W ",mlfiil'f@p-~"IWiillil'~I1Iw:.. -~"~,,,,,.,,",,\'J.""""'''''''''''1,,,,,,,j,. -~, ,~,' - III ~~ -"';, :, ,"',\,-. 0" _ " _, -,; ','l,;;'r,,:.. e .. .. ... -" - ". ...._.~p ':'''~ .~.::::"f_.~' .(_~_'__ ;...." '" . - -q- , &0 .4tJ~e ~CI9?\m~ with FjaggJ!l.s _ _ :.... _ Di~9~m.~~9 __ l.O Diagram No 320 Covers closure of one lane of a 2-/ane, 2-way roadway uSing fJaggers The nght-hand drawing Illustrates the use of two flaggers, one for each approach The left-hand drawing Illustrates the use of a single flagger to control both lanes of traffic on low speed roads with good sight distances as discussed below Except for short interruptions such as for work vehicles to enter or leave the work area, continuous one-way traffiC IS maintained 2 Only the advance warning sign and the FLAGGER AHEAD sign are required for any of the following conditions a work that will close a portion of road for 15 minutes or less, or b roads With a posted or statutory speed of 40 MPH or below 3 PlaCing 1 to 3 cones on the shoulder at an angle In front of the flagger station Will help to draw attention to the f1agger (not shown) 4 Flaggers at each approach are required If any of the follOWing conditions eXist a Night Operations b Work area over 200 feel In length c Sight distance IS less than 750 feet from each approach through the lane closure ~ 5 Flaggers should be statIOned Within Sight of the active work area except at o curves or crests on the road Stallon flaggers for best VISibilIty for the Situation >- 6 Communications must be maintained between flaggers Where Sight distance IS limited, a pllOl car should be considered -:::.- ::;.. 7 The dlslance from the FLAGGER AHEAD sign to the flagger station should nol I exceed 1000 feet In length 8 The length of the work zone between the flagger signs shall not exceed 1 mile In length 9 When the FLAGGER AHEAD sign IS more than 1000 feet from the advance warning signs, additIOnal advance slgn(s) IS needed Maintain consistent sign spacing 10 On streets With a posted or statutory speed of 25 MPH or less, the Self- Regulating Smgle Lane Closure diagram may be used 11 Cones placed alongside the travel lane are required If traffiC can't see which oa Jane to travel 10 Cones are recommended when posted or statutory speeds are ~ over 45 MPH, when workmg under heavy traffiC and when travel lanes are Z Z narrower than 11 feet W ~:o You can add signs and/or adjust tlmmg when queues reach the FLAGGER :e al - AHEAD sign Extended queue slgnmg should be added when approachmg .. po traffic can't see the advance warning sign In time to stop I ! 3J When flaggmg close to, but not at, an mtersectlon be sure traffiC entenng from :;) the Side road(s) sees a FLAGGER AHEAD sign Place additional signs on Side I/llt roads If necessary to be sure all approachmg traffiC sees the full sign sequence. I' ~.t- For night operations, adequately IIIummate the f1agger statIOn to make the - In fl~gger VISible 10 approach traffiC, and positioned far enough from the work area > Z ~ be clearly VISible (OZ flQt)... .. .. !It Lane Closure with Flagging I OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 5 PERMITS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL ~)LAN REV1Eh' PAGE~ OF~ ., I~OV ~ b" 20u~ . - < . . . . ~ .~ . - -jJ r ..~. . I . ProtectJon Vehicle-- r. wi TMA . (Op~onaJ) . . . Low Speed OptJon 3u1ter lrrule maximum ~- Diagram No. 320 .a. t I . < . . . . ~-- ~~ ~~gp f'/ 8~ C ~ J. I t ~ ~ Standard Option ,r: 'F '" . ~ '" ~, :-. r '"' "1 "'" S !W54'SO' E : 13 09 !~1--~~~'~U- ~.. 'J~ ,',.'L, .,~ ~\~ ~ ~ ,., \ ~ < ..i ~ ,.g , 9; / $1: '" 9~ ~ ~ ~ Ii; ~ \ :1 "S 9~ N Pl~ IO....~ D IQtl to ... .. 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