HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/4/2008 " (:- . . City of Springfleid Development Services Department 225 fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 FEB - 4 2008 Date Receiveu: land Division Application, Type ~riginal submittal Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: o ~ Subdivision RepEat Tentative: Partition Replat Tentative: o o Applicant Name: Ron Thienes Company: Amiqos III, LLC Address: P.O. Box 25, Walterville, OR 97489 Applicant's Rep.: /James A. Bra~~h, P.E., P.L.S. Company: IBranch Enqmeennq. Inc. Address: 1310 Fifth Street, Sprinqfield, OR 97477 Phone: 726-8795 Fax: 1736-5181 Phone: 1746-0637 Fax: /746-0389 Prnns:.a-Fv OU'Rs:.... 11'1 minl"'\e pT I I r ~~;;;;~~y; .~ .._.. ,.-". ..~v__ ~~, L-"-'- Address: 132929 Roberts Ct. Coburq, OR 97408 III"JII----. ... nUll'!:. IFax: 726-8795 736-5181 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-34-32 TAX lOT NOeS): 1:-4-ee- 2-d L Property Address: Size of Property: 1.19 Acres [:gj Square Feet 0 Proposed Name of SubdivBsion: I ~J' Description of Partition TL 1:"4"0'0 (or Parcel 2 of Partition Number 2007-P2089) into three Proposal: parcels. Existing, Use: Vacant # of lots/Parceis: 3 Avg. lot/Parcel Size: 17279 sf Density: dujacre ZOl"long: &ro Overlay District: AppiicabBe iRef'iU'ilement Plan: pgan Designation: location: City limits 0 Urban Gro\,vth Boundary - 0 Associated AppHicatkms: ? ?~}l- ~SCJ Pre-Submittal Case No.; tJve... ~ l=j - ~ s ;.r- Date: g&:lV;GllllM~ri hyo .--_._..g-~ -1111 Case No.: ~ 6 '-zl]) ~ - DCxJ~.:t- Date: Postage Fee: (initials) ! Reviewed by~ -L '2... ~(/oCZ~ (initials) \~ Total Fee: Application fee~ JAN-28-2008 MON 05:13 PM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 P. 03 Submittal: Case Nu~ber: ~\,.JG ~ .- Date Submitted: I repre~ent this a~PIi~ation to be complete fo~~al to the City. Consistent with the comple~~ness check, performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, ] affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information wilt not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the.application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application /~ ( Owner: CSf'~ j~./~ Date: /, ~1.~ Ron Thienes Print Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number SUB2008-00007 SUB2008-00007 SUB2008-00007 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRecelOt 1 RECEIPT #: DescriptIOn CTY Partition TentatIve Plan + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $155 Paid By AMIGOS III LLC ( of Springfield Official Receipt Development Serv!f.es Department Publi~\wt.'tlks Department . _ a I;>r 2200800000000000150 r Date: 02/04/2008 2:46:47PM Item Total: Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received tJ 3171 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 4,72900 236.45 155 00 $5,120.45 Amount PaId $5,12045 $5,120.45 Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal Page 1 of 1 2/4/2008 Date Received: Amigos III Partition FEB - 4 2008 Wntt~n Statement February 4,2008 Original Submittal ThIS land use applicatIon IS to propose t,tEree lot PaIiItion of Parcel 2 of Land PartItIon Number 2007-P2089, or Tax Lot +4ee of Map 17-02-34-32. The subject property was also mcluded m a recent publIc Improvement project (P30473). The public Improvements consIsted of extendmg "A" Street, to connect 58th Street to 60th Place, and the mstallmg public utIlitIes to serve lots frontmg thIS extension The access for the three new parcels will be provIded by the "A" Street and Main Street through the eXIstmg pnvate dnve. Proposed Parcel 3 fronts McKenzIe Highway and Mam Street. The adjacent Tax Lot 300 uses the frontage of proposed Parcel 3 to access McKenZIe Highway. Please see the enclosed ODOT approach penmt number 52338 for the eXIsting Tax Lots 300 & 400. An addItIonal ODOT applicatIOn has been applied for that would allow the proposed parcels to access Main Street. Samtary sewer will be provided by the existmg 15" mam that runs through the site One SIX mch tap will be made dIrectly to the main for each proposed parcel. A ten inch st0l111water stub was extended to the subject sIte as part as the construction of the "A" Street ExtensIOn. A connectIon to the stub could be made for proposed Parcel 1 Proposed Parcel 2 would connect directly to the saId stub. Proposed Parcel 3 will connect to the eXIstmg stub on the southel11 portIOn of the parcel, whIch dIscharges mto the onsIte swale. The "A" Street stonnwater system dIscharges to the 24" main dIrectly north of the entIre development. A st0l111water study was submItted as paIi ofthe "A" Street ExtensIOn PIP penmt detaIling runoff flow rates for Tax Lot Mffl}~ga- pipe sizmg for the "A" Street ExtensIOn stonnwater system. A stonnwater study showing site specIfic stonnwater management will be submItted WIth the sIte plan penmt applIcatIOn each mdivIdual parcel as they develop. Other utIlitIes such as gas, water and power are available through "A" Street. Laterals for Tax Lot Met1 were provided for WIth the construction of "A" Street. 2..0 Z There will be no cut or fill WIth this partItion. " Date Received: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00007 So of North "A" St and No of Main Street FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal "'" ~ ~l.E Map 17-02-34-32 Tax Lot 202 North + , . ~.-ft ~ Branch Engineering I Inc. ~ 310 5th Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477. (541) 746-0637. Fax (541) 746-0389"\ PRINCIPALS. James A Branch, P E , P L S Rene Fabncant, S E , P E Michael Lane Branch, P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Renee Clough, P E '( February 4,2008 Molly Markarian Development Department 225 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 RE: Amigos III LLC Partition (PRE2007-00057) Original Submittal Ms. Markarian, The following is a response to the City comments made at the pre-submittal meeting on August 31, 2007. PLANNING Notes: 1. Please provide copies of all easements. All the easements associated with the proposal are enclosed 2. Provide a copy of the existing ODOT access permit for the joint use driveway which serves TL 300 and TL 400. The ODOT access permit number 52338for Tax Lots 300 & 400 has been included with thiS submittal package 3. Please include approximate dimensions of the building sites The plans have been revised to show the bUlldable envelope and its dimensions 4. Please include size and type of trees. The plans have been revised to show the size and types of trees on-slte 5. Please correctly identify number and location of trees on Site Assessment sheet (i.e. there are six trees on proposed parcel 3, one of which is a conifer, and there are no trees in the center of proposed parcell) The plans have been revised to show and updated account of the existing trees. ~ / CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING ~-,J 'j 6 Please note or Include In a legend on each sheet the symbols used on that sheet (1 e. fence, swale, MB, STM on sIte assessment sheet & tentatIve partItIOn sheet, as well as several Items on the utilIties & easements sheets) The plans have been revised to l11clude more symbols/hnetypes 111 the legend 7. Please remove eXIsting trees and elevations from the tentatIve pmiItIOn plan unless they are proposed to be altered. The Tentative Partltzon Plans have been revised to exclude trees and contours 8. Please explIcitly state whether all items on all sheets eXIst or are proposed All Items (inji-astructure, easements, trees, etc) are eXlstl11g on the Site Assessment of EXisting Condltzons Plan A II Items except (or the proposed property lllles and assoczated bUlldable envelopes are eXlstl11g on the Tentative Partltzon Plan All Items except (or the proposed property hnes and the proposed laterals are eXisting on the Site Utllztles and Easement Plans (the laterals are l11dicated as 'proposed' on the plan) Ad_ditional comments not related to the completeness of the application: . The site IS outsIde the 20-year tune of travel zone, not withIn It as stated on site assessment. The plans have been revised to note that the site IS outside the 20-year tune of travel zone. '. What does the "N0l1h" refer to on the west parcel boundary') "North" refers to the beanng of the parcel boundGlJJ. . The word "pmiItIon" IS spelled incOlTectly In the descnptIOn box on sheet 2 The plans have been revised . Please note that Occupancy (e.g use) approval for Internal Dnveways SIte Plan Case No DRC2006-00028 has not been granted The applIcant needs to request a FInal SIte Plan Inspection. The banicade proposed In the approved FInal SIte Plan IS not shown In the subject applIcatIOn. Please contact Lane Branch for requests or comments pertainzng to the Dnveway Site Plan Case No. DRC2006-00028 There IS no barncade on the subject sUe to date. The ownerlapplzcant has applzed for an ODOT approach permit to allow the proposed parcels to access Malll Street and 1-tilll be subject to fitlfill allY condltzons that ODOT mayor may not have regardl11g barncades to obtall1 approval o \ Use of the existIng dnveways to serve future development on the subject propeliy - (as stated in the applIcant's nalTative) will reqUIre approval of an access penlllt from ODOT. The owner/applicant has come to an agreement )Hth ODOT wInch l11cludes allowll1g the subject SIte (With the proposed partltzon) to have access to Mall1 Street The owner/applzcant has applied to an ODOT approach permIt to Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal " ',' r ../ facihtate tillS future access Please see the enclosed ODOT approach applicatIOn. TRANSPORTATION Notes: 1 An approved ODOT Approach Penmt ApphcatlOn for the proposed partItlOn must be approved. An ODOT approach permit, which would allow the proposed parcels to access Main Street, has been submitted The permit vvill be approved prior to occupancy or bllszness operatIOn. PUBLIC 'VORKS ENGINEERING Notes: 1. ProvIde approxImate dImenslOns of each bUIldmg site. The buzldable envelope and approXimate dimensIOns have been added to the Tentative PartitIOn Plan 2. ProvIde a note on the plan set regardmg cut and fill quantItIes. A Note has been added to the Tentative Partztzon Plans that there is no cut and fill wzth tins partitIOn proposal If you have any questlOns, cOlmnents, or need further mfonnation, please contact me. Thank you Smcerely, Date Received: Jeannette M. Applauso, E.!. FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal TA.X 1.""1' 17-02-J4-J2 TA.){ LOT 1400 TENTATIVE PARTITION I PLAN FOR AMIGOS III, LLC. PARCEL 2 OF LPP J llURSTDN WGH SCHOOL ".;f i!~;~ ',v _~~RT;I_~~~_ ST~~ .-,--< ! --~-:"'~ ~-,,----~:..:...:;,~(;. , "~"- ~ '" PARCeL'." "~: ~ ", ;9 I 9869 SOFT III 1''1- " ','\:;,~ ": l___-'"_____J y I~~:,,",~'~:" ___ 152' / ' "-"', - '''T 1---""---' /; / /.~, ~ u I I / (. ',.: is;" ~ I I' "'_ - ~ I I I - I PARCrL J ,I I, ., \ !'i' 27'" SOH I I \, 1 ~~eL2 I I I I I """ 50H 'I ' L___~___~ L____~______~ .. ,> #' " lfi945 ", ,> ~ Ii fi89'" J'''W 1D8.52 .p> 'v # ,) ,v ~ ~ ", ,> \ J' \ - _~:87rt':5'w SllOOI J--~-<' f--- McKENZIE HIGHWAY (U". SIR',f) (PA\.1NG WOTH AND RIGHr-QF-WAY VARIES) PARTITION 2007-2089 N I GAN'HoCSCALE ~ " 'i' .. , - - .......- (..,~ .... = <>-; @ I I) r--, ;1 ~I ~:L - I 1./. .."",..." I Gsr F, t; eel fsr '" '" ;~I'" HJ rl ~ k ~I' r" ~'-I.J __ ~~r 'iT . UAlNsr ~ . III ~ ~ " "~ i>=l VICINITY MAP Nor TO SCAlf LEGEND ~ I;lII$_~rRa ~= , AU llllGOof Itd P\..<IfII Al<<.o:srM.'" ~nv'_1lf" ..c'1'WCI"'O:iW_n'~ _ASS/XJA.1llI ~ADU: (H>OfUlf'L .1 nItJll:MLIlfHOCUJANl/U.IHn.s".....IlOOlol. Date Received: reD - ~ lOOO .)ngmal Submittal. f """""m~ 1 J-ANlJ,R-..noo -$-11- 6-Z- ,;:1'11 -~ JAM[S A :RANOt J t 1 ~ ~~ ~i ~ o t ~ o is ~ ~ ~ 0 :'i i::: n.. i:::~ 0::0 ~ ~8 0 i::: 0:: i::: 00 -' 0:: -' ci <( n.. :flj Cll.J ... VIi:: l.J:> ~ :gi::: " o~ ~ ~~ n..~ -0:: o~ ~ :::En.. 0::l.J "- <(VI n....... .9 cJ i -I H j ~! 5~i II QJ I 1;;~ .; ~ I e~;'! ~'.J~~ &. l:l I~~....~ ~ "" I.:~~ ~ ~ I.~.r;~~ ~ l:l~"3 as ,;:;&;1 ~ DATE JANUARY JO 200f SCAlf: I.::; JO DRAWN BY DESIGNER 'CHECKEO BY '::tfdff: 05-204J SHfET NO 2 OF ~ Sl1fn(S) WJR JU' JAB Olle NO. \Z005\~2lUJ poat,lll'f'I of Pole. 1 MUI .t U_\O)-ZD4J rrN1 PNlP1/fJIl PlNI.OIiG OB/16/07 " First American First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900Date Received: Fax - (541)484-7321 fEB ~ 4 2008 Original Submittal FOR ALL OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT, PLEASE CONTACT: ----------------------- -- Ronald Denton, Title Officer Phone: (541)484-2900 - Fax: (541)484-7321 - Email: radenton@flrstam.com Ron Thlenes PO Box 25 Waltervllle, OR 97489 Order No.: 7199-978077 January 15, 2008 Attn: Phone No.: (541)726-8795 - Fax No.: (541)736-5181 Email: RT878@aol.com Re: 1st Supplemental Preliminary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage Liability $ Premium $ AL T A Owners Extended Coverage Liability $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage Liability $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Extended Coverage LIability $ PremIum $ Endorsement Premium $ Govt Service Charge Cost $ Other Preliminary Title Report Cost $ 0.00 We are prepared to Issue Title Insurance Policy or PoliCies In the form and amount shown above, inSUring title to the following deScribed land: The land referred to In this report IS deSCribed In Exhibit A attached hereto. and as of January 09, 2008 at 8:00 a.m., title vested In: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Subject to the exceptions, exclUSIons, and stipulations which are ordinarily part of such Policy form and the following: ThiS report IS for the exclusive use of the parties herem shown and IS preliminary to the Issuance of a title Insurance policy and shall become vOId unless a policy is Issued, and the full premium paid Preliminary Report Order No 7199-978077 Page 2 of 11 1. The nghts of the public In and to that portion of the premises herein descnbed lYing within the limits of streets, roads and highways. Date Received: 2. Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein: Recording InfOrrnatlon: April 24, 1951 in BOOK 436, Page 577 FEB - 4 2008 In Favor of: George L. French For: nght of way Original Submittal (Affects Parcel VI) 3. Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein: Recording Information: June 01, 1960, Reception No. 723 In Favor of: P. F. Hampson and, Lara Hampson For: right of way (Affects Parcel VI) 4. Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein: Recording Information: November 30, 1961, No. 44750 In Favor of: City of Spnngfleld For: sanitary sewer (Affects Parcel VI) 5. Easement, including terms and prOVisions contained therein: Recording Information: November 30, 1961, ReceptIon No. 51892 In Favor of: City of Spnngfleld For: sanitary sewer (Affects Parcels III and IV) 6. Restnctlon of access provISions contained In Deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway CommiSSion recorded January 24, 1962, Reception No. 57171 , Deed of Records, which proVides that no nght of easement or right of access to, from or across the State Highway shall attach to the abutting property. (Affects Parcels I through V) 7. Easement, including terms and prOVISions contained therein: Recording Information: May 16, 1962, Reception No. 69795, In Favor of: City of Springfield For: sanitary sewer (Affects Parcel II) 8. Limited access prOVISions contained In Deed to the State of Oregon, by and through Its State Highway Commission recorded October 02, 1962, Reception No. 85207, Deed of Records, which prOVides that no nght of easement or nght of access to, from or across the State Highway other than expressly therein provided for shall attach to the abutting property. 9. Covenants, conditions and restnctlons contained In Deed. Executed by: Clifford Pease, et ux Recorded: October 02, 1962 Recording Information: 85207 First Amencan Title Preliminary Report Order No 7199-978077 Page 3 of 11 10. Restnctlon of access provisions contained in Deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission recorded November 23, 1962, Reception No. 90750 , Deed of Records, which provides that no nght of easement or right of access to, from or across the State Highway shall attach to the abutting property. Date Received: ; ;\;;;~,..~r u":n",...cJl"'" j rh....I'""\,lnh \/ '1 \nlll;;'-\,.:l r UI\,..\"'I.;:J.I. \.111'-''''''=,11 " J FEB - 4 2008 11. Easement, including terms and proVisions contained therein: Recording Information: Apnl 03, 1968, Reception No. 19607 In Favor of: City of Spnngfleld For: pole lines, anchors and guy lines (Affects Parcel II) Original Submittal 12. Covenants, conditions and restrictions contained In Deed. Executed by: Richard E. Miles, et ux Recorded: November 21, 1974 Recording Information: 74-49658 Modification and/or amendment by Instrument: Recording Information: August 18, 1992, Reception No. 92-46405 (Affects Parcels I through V) 13. "Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and/or easements; but deleting any covenant, condition or restnctlon indicating a preference, limitation or dlscnminatlon based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national ongln to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recording Information: August 18, 1992, Reception No. 92-46405 (Affects Parcels I through V) 14. Easement, including terms and provISions contained therein: Recording Information: September 06, 1996, Reception No. 96-60486 In Favor of: U S West Communications, Inc. For: telecommunications faCIlities (Affects Parcel V) 15. Line of Credit Trust Deed, including the terms and provisions thereof, given to secure an Indebtedness of up to $1,755,500.00 Grantor: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company BenefiCiary: Liberty Bank Trustee: First Amencan Title Insurance Company of Oregon Dated: February 01, 2006 Recorded: February 07, 2006 Recording Information: 2006-008514 And Re-Recorded: Recording Information: (Affects Parcels III, IV and VI) February 22, 2006 2006-012066 First Amencan Title '. Preliminary Report Order No : 7199-978077 Page 4 of 11 A document recorded November 16, 2006, Reception No. 2006-082736 of Official Records provides that Evergreen Land TItle Company was substituted as trustee under the deed of trust. Modification and/or amendment by Instrument: Recording Information: November 17, 2006, Reception No. 2006-082978 Modification and/or amendment by Instrument: Recording Information: September 25, 2007, Reception No. 2007-066573 16. Assignment of leases and/or rents and the terms and conditions thereof: Assignor: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limIted liability company ASSignee: LlbertyBank Recorded: February 07, 2006 Recording Information: 2006-008516 Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 And Re-Recorded: Recording Information: (Affects Parcels III, IV and VI) February 22, 2006 2006-12067 Original Submittal 17. Financing Statement, indicating a Secunty Agreement Debtor: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Secured Party: LlbertyBank Recorded: February 07, 2006 Recording Information: 2006-008518 And Re-Recorded: Recording Information: (Affects Parcels III, IV and VI) February 22, 2006 2006-12068 18. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements; but deleting any covenant, condition or restnctlon indicating a preference, limitation or dlscnminatlon,.based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national ongln to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recording Information: February 14, 2006, Reception No. 2006-010212, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 19. Improvement Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: City of Spnngfleld And: Amlgos III, LLC an Oregon limited liability company Recording Information: March 24, 2006, Reception No. 2006-020022, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon (Affects Parcel I) Arst American Title Preliminary Report Order No.. 7199-978077 Page 5 of 11 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Easement, including terms and prOVIsions contained therein: Recording Information: March 10, 2006, Reception No. 2006-016439, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon City of Spnngfleld, a mUnicipal corporQ1:J.ontln Lgne CQunty..!.l State of Oregon ua e KeCelVeu: public utilities In Favor of: For: (Affects Parcei IV) FEB - 4 2008 Easement, Including terms and provIsions contained therein: Original Submittal Recording Information: March 10, 2006, Reception No: 2006-016440, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon City of Springfield, a mUnicipal corporation In Lane County, State of Oregon public utilities In Favor of: For: (Affects Parcels III, IV and V) Easement, rncludlng terms and prOVIsions contained therein: Recording Information: March 10, 2006, Reception No. 2006-016441, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon For: pnvate surface drainage ditch Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and/or easements; but deleting any covenant, condition or restnctlon rndlcatlng a preference, limitation or diSCrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national ongln to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recording Information: March 23, 2006, Reception No. 2006-019880, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon Declaration of Pnvate JOint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: And: Recordrng Information: (Affects Parcels I to V) Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company liberty Bank, an Oregon Stock Bank July 26, 2006, Reception No. 2006-053319 Declaration of Pnvate JOint Use Storm Drainage Easement and Marntenance Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Recording Information: July 26, 2006, Reception No. 2006-053320 (Affects Parcels I and V) 26. Easement, including terms and prOVISions contained therein: Recording Information: September 12, 2006, Reception No. 2006-066524 In Favor of: City of Spnngfleld, a mUniCipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon For: public utility (Affects Parcels III, IV and VI) First American Title Preliminary Report Order No 7199-978077 Page 6 of 11 27. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor/Trustor: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Grantee/BenefiCiary: LlbertyBank Trustee: Evergreen Land Title Company Amount: $1,648,000.00 Recorded: November 16, 2006 Recording Information: 2006-082739 (Affects Parcels I, II , V and additional property) 28. Assignment of leases and/or rents and the terms and conditions thereof: Assignor: Amlgos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Assignee: lIbertyBank Recorded: November 16, 2006 Recording Information: 2006-082740 Date Received: (Affects Parcels I, II , V and additional property) FEB - 4 2008 29. Financing Statement, indicating a Security Agreement Debtor: Amlgos III, LLC Secured Party: LibertyBank Recorded: November 16, 2006 Recording Information: 2006-082741 (Affects Parcels I, II , V and additional property) Original Submittal 30. Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein: Recording Information: March 10, 2006, Reception No. 2006-016439 In Favor of: City of Spnngfleld, a municipal corporation In Lane County, State of Oregon For: public utilities (Affects Parcel IV) 31. Easement, including terms and prOVIsions contained therein: Recording Information: March 10, 2006, Reception No. 2006-016440 In Favor of: City of Springfield, a mUnicipal corporation In Lane County, State of Oregon For: public utilities (Affects Parcels IV, VII and VIII) 32. Easement, mcludmg terms and prOVIsions contained therem: Recording Information: March 10, 2006, Reception No. 2006-016441 In Favor of: Amlgos III, LLC For: private surface drainage ditch (Affects Parcels VI, VII arid VIII) 33. Covenants. conditions, restrictions and/or easements; but deletmg any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, Iimlta~lon or diSCrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin to the extent such covenants} conditions or restrictions violate Title 42} Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recordmg Information: March 23, 2006, Reception No. 2006-019880 First American Title Preliminary Report Order No 7199-978077 Page 7 of 11 34. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: March 14, 2007, Reception No. 2007-017165 - In Favor of: City of Springfield For: public Sidewalk and Ingress-egress 35 Declaration of Private JOint Use Access Easement Agreement and the terms ond conditions thereof: Between: Amlgos III, LLC And: Amlgos III, LLC Recording Information: May 8, 2007, Reception No. 2007-030860 36. Declaration of Pnvate JOint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Amlgos III, LLC And: David M. Hangsleben Recording Information: June 18, 2007, Reception No. 2007-041304 - END OF EXCEPTIONS - Date Received: NOTE: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $1,326.53 Map No.: 1702334102502 Proper.ty ID: 0137305 Tax Code No.: 01900 FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal NOTE: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: 4,474.33 Map No.: 1702334102600 Property ID: 0137321 Tax Code No.: 01900 NOTE:. T,?xes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: 6,604.99 Map No.: 1702334102601 Property ID: 1398849 Tax Code No.: 01900 NOTE: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $324.23 Map No.: 1702334102602 Property ID: 1398856 Tax Code No.: 01900 NOTE: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $7.99 Map No.: 1702334102900 Property ID: 0137347 Tax Code No.: 01900 Arst American Title Preliminary Report Order No . 7199-978077 Page 8 of 11 Situs Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll: cc: cc: Amlgos III 5799 A Street, 5814 Main Street, 111 58th Street, SpringfIeld, OR 97478 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal First American 77tle Date Receivel Preliminary Report FEB - 4 2008 Order No 7199-978077 Page 9 of 11 Original Submittal First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE _. .. ...__". .".__. .".,....___w . ALTA LOAN POLICY (10/17/92) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thIS policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which anse by reason of , (>=I) Anv I~w nrrlln~n,..p nr nnvprnmpnt:::.1 rpnllbhnn (Inrlt\nlnf1 hilt" n/"'lt lzmrtpri tn hllllnrrV' :::Inri 7/"'1nrnn blAlC' nrrlln:::ln....o..e 1"'1.. rOl'lllbh",ne' roc....'rt'nn r.c.nllbtlnn n..nh,h,hnn - ,-, or ;el;b~g- k; (I) th~ ~;~P;ncy, -u';, o;';n;~;me'nt -ofth~ I~~d, (I;) the'~h~~act~r: d;;"~n~,;~s 0; I;cat:o~ ~f ;n;~;;;;rov;:;e~t -n;~ ;;he~~after-;r~;t~d"~; the la'nd~ (III) a separation In ownership or a change In the dimenSions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land IS or was a part, or (IV) environmental protection, or the effect of any Violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a Violation or alleged Viola bon affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy, (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exerCise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a Violation or alleged Violation affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy 2 Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exerCise thereof has been recorded In the public records at Date of POliCY, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred pnor to Date of PoliCY which would be binding on the nghts of a purchaser for value Without knowledge 3 Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse clal ms, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the Insured claimant, (b) not known to the Company, not recorded In the public records at Date of PoliCY, but known to the Insured claimant and not disclosed In wrlbng to the Company by the Insured claimant prior to the date the Insured claimant became an Insured under thiS policy, (c) resulting IrI no loss or damage to the Insured claimant, (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (except to the extent that thiS poliCY Insures the priOrity of the lien of the Insured mortgage over any statutory lien for services, labor or material or the extent Insurance IS afforded herein as to assessments for street Improvements under construction or completed at date of policy), or (e) resulting In loss or damage which would not have been sustained If the Insured claimant had paid value for the Insured mortgage 4 Unenforceablllty of the lien of the Insured mortgage because of the Inability or failure of the Insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequerlt owner of the Indebtedness, to comply With the applicable "dOing bUSiness" laws of the state In which the land IS situated S Invalidity or unenforceablhty of the lien of the Insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which anses out of the transaction eVidenced by the Insured mortgage and IS based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth In lending law 6 Any statutory lien for services, labor or matenals (or the claim of PriOrity of any statutory lien for services, labor or matenals over the lien of the Insured mortgage) arising from an Improvement or work related to the land which IS contracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and IS not financed In whole or In part by proceeds of the Indebtedness secured by the Insured mortgage which at Date of Policy the Insured has advanced or IS obligated to advance 7 Any claim, which arises out of the transaction creating the Interest of the mortgagee Insured by thiS pOlicy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or Similar creditors' rights laws, that IS based on (I) the transaction creating the Interest of the Insured mortgagee being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (II) the subordination of the Interest of the Insured mortgagee as a result of the application of the doctrine of eqUitable subordination, or (III) the transaction creating the Interest of the Insured mortgagee being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure (a) to timely record the Instrument of transfer, or (b) of such recordation to Impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (10/17/92) The follOWing matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thiS policy and the Company Will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which anse by reason of 1 (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to bUilding and zOning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restrICting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land, (II) the ,haracter, dimenSions or locabon of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, (III) a separation In ownership or a change In the dimenSions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land IS or was a part, or (IV) environmental protectJon, or the effect of any ViolatIOn of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a Violation or alleged Violation affecting the land has been recorded In the publiC records at Date of Policy (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exerCise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a Violation or alleged Violation affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy 2 Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exerCISe thereof has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred pnor to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value Without knowledge 3 Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the Insured claimant, (b) not known to the Company, not recorded In the publiC records at Date of Policy, but krlown to the Insured claimant and not dIsclosed m writIng to the Company by the Insured claimant prior to the date the Insured claimant became an Insured under thiS policy, (c) resulting In no loss or damage to the Insured claimant, (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy, or (e) resulting In loss or damage which would not have been sustained If the Insured claimant had paid value for the estate or mterest Insured by thiS policy 4 Any claim, which anses out of the transaction vesting In the Insured the estate or Interest Insured by thiS policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or Similar creditors' rights laws, that IS based on (I) the transaction creating the estate or mterest Insured by thIS policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (II) the transaction creating the estate or mterest Insured by thiS policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure (a) to tl mely record the Instrument of transfer, or (b) of such recordation to Impart notice to a purchaser for value or a Judgment or lien creditor ....- ~-_.~.__.~..,-~.__.~---~--~~-----~~~_.- SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS The ALTA standard policy form Will contain In Schedule B the follOWing-standard exceptions to coverage 1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXisting liens by the records of any taxing authOrity that leVies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, proceeding by a public agerlcy which may result In taxes or assessments, or nobce of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the publiC records 2 Facts, rights, Interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons In possessIOn thereof Easements or claims of easement, not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptions In patents or In Acts authonzlng the Issuarlce thereof, water nghts, claims or title to water 4 Any encroachment (of eXISting Improvements located on the subject land onto adjOIning land or of eXISting Improvements located on adjOIning land onto the subject land), encumbrance, Violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be dISclosed by an accurate and complete larld survey of the subject land Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnIShed, Imposed by law or not shown by the public records NOTE A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE POUCY FORM (OR FORMS) WILL BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST" TI 149 Rev 6-06 Arst Amencan Title ~ Preliminary Report Order No 7199-978077 Page 10 of 11 Date Received: Exhibit "A" FEB = 4 2008 Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, descnbed as follows: Original Submittal PARCEL 1: Beginning at a pOint which is South 00 01' West 452.0 feet; South 890 44' East 619.10 feet; and North 137.58 feet from a stone marking the Northwest corner of the GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 45 In Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Mendlan, which said pOint IS the true pOint of beginning; running thence North 90.0 feet; thence East 109.0 feet; thence South 90.0 feet; thence West 109.0 feet to the pOint of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL II: SITUATED In the Southeast one quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, of the Wlllamette Mendlan In the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon and described as follows: BEING all of the lands that were conveyed to Cecella E. WilliS and Mack L. Bates by that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded May 16, 1956 In Reel 80D, Reception No. 85115 in the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. TOGETHER WITH the Southerly 20.00 feet by perpendicular measurement of the lands that were conveyed to Cecelia E. Willis and Mack L. Bates by that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded February 05, 1958 In ReelllOD, Reception No. 31445 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. PARCEL III: SITUATED In the Southeast one quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian In the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon and descnbed as follows: BEING all of the lands that were conveyed to Cecella E. WilliS and Mack L. Bates by that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded February 05, 1958 In Reel 110D, Reception No. 31445 In the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Southerly 20.00 feet by perpendicular measurement of said lands. Excepting therefrom that portion conveyed to the City of Spnngfleld by Deed recorded September 12, 2006, Reception No. 2006-066523, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL IV: SITUATED In the Southeast one quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, of the Wlllamette Meridian In the City of Spnngfleld, Lane County, State of Oregon and descnbed as follows: BEING(l) all of the lands that were conveyed to the Bond First Family LLC as "PARCEL 1" In that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded Apnl 29, 1997 in Reel 2289R, Reception No. 97-29069 In the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, (2) all of the lands that were conveyed to the Bond First Family LLC In that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded Apnl 29, 1997 In Reel 2289R, Reception No. 97- 29070 In the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, and (3) all of the lands that were conveyed to the Bond First Family LLC In that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded Apnl 29, 1997 In Reel 2289R, Reception No. 97-29071 in the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. Arst Amencan Title ~ . Preliminary Report Order No 7199-978077 Page 11 of 11 EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Southerly 50.00 feet by perpendicular measurement of the lands that were conveyed to the Bond First Family LLC as "PARCEL 1" In that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded April 29/ 1997 In Reel 2289R, Reception No. 97-29069 In the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. Excepting therefrom that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield by Deed recorded September 12/ 2006/ Reception No. 2006-066523/ Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL V: SITUATED In the Southeast one quarter of Section 33/ Township 17 South, Range 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian In the City of Sprlngfleld, Lane County, State of Oregon and described as follows: Being the Southerly 50.00 feet by perpendicular measurement of the lands that were conveyed to the Bond First Family LLC as "PARCEL 1" In that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded April 29/ 1997 In Reel 2289R, Reception No. 97-29069 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. Excepting therefrom that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield by Deed recorded September 12/ 2006/ Reception No. 2006-066523/ Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL VI: Beginning at a pOint on the North nght of way line of the McKenZie Hlghway, said pOint being 452 feet South 00 l' West and South 890 44' East 837.1 feet from the Northwest corner of the S. D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Meridian; run thence South 890 44' East along the North line of said Highway 13.25 feet; thence North 456.74 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the Thurston Road; thence West along said centerline to a pOint North of the pOint of beginning; thence South to the pOint of beglnnlng, In Lane County, Oregon. _ EXCEPT the follOWing descnbed tract: Beginning at a pOint on the North right of way line of the McKenZie Highway as It eXisted prior to August 1/ 1962/ said pOint being 452 feet South 00 l' West and South 890 44' East 837.1 feet from the Northwest corner of the S. D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 45 In Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Meridian; run thence South 890 44' East along the North line of said Highway 13.25 feet; thence North 137.58 feet; thence North 890 44' West 13.25 feet to a pOint North of the pOint of beginning; thence South 137.58 feet to the pOint of beglnnlng, In Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPTING that part conveyed to the State of Oregon, State Highway Commission by deed recorded October 2/ 1952/ Clerk's File No. 85207/ Lane County Oregon Deed Records, In Lane County, Oregon. Tax Parcel Number: 0137305/0137321/ 1398849/ 1398856 and 0137347 Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original submittal Arst Amencan Title ~S'".- fO/ \1-- .? ..~'( _'\.t.. .,(. ... -, ~~ ~ THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE Date Re ceived: FEB - 4 2008 After recording return to: Western Pioneer Title PO Box 10146 Eugene. OR 97440 Original Submi :tal Unol a change IS requested all tax statements shall be sent to the foUowing address: Amigos III, LLC P.O. Box 25 Walterville. OR 97489 DivIsion af Chie' Deputy Clerk LanG County D.eds and Records te I .. iH .~ . " , ,II I ~' 1ugS4329200S003~70sej30039 RPR DEED C t 1 st. 8 05/13/2005 09:10:32 M - n = n= CASHIER 01 $15.00 S11.00 S10.00 , 2~~~..oJ~109 $36.00 File No.: 7191-521781 (csl) Date: May 12, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Wayne A. White and Evaline J. White, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Amigos III, llC, Grantee, the following described real pc\......o:..lf free of liens and encumbrances, except as spedflCally set forth ,herein: See Legal Descriptlon attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this .dc. ence incorporated herein. This property is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERlY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE L6.ND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY liMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTlCES AS DEANED IN ORS 30.930. The true consideration for this conveyance is $325,000.00 paid by a qualified intermediary as part of an IRe 1031 exchange. (Here comply WIth requirements of ORS 93 030) Dated this 12 day of ,20 05 . May Page 1 of 3 ..".,.."......="'-'.""'"-"-,,,,, _,_ .____ . ~ h.'_ ~ ~""'...........................__~_~~..."....~=-<<'"""....~"'-'...''''~~.,.~.~,._,.,..''''...,.......''''._.''-'''''...~-~'''_._''".____.,''r:~''"'~''...''H...'''''."<M',...J 0::=. __. _______ L&>n..-_~____ ~. -.. ~ ~ APN'0137347 Statutory Warranty Deed - continued File No 7191.521781 (csl) Date 05/12/2005 Date Received: EXHIBIT A FEB - 4 2008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Onginal Submittal PARCEll: Beginning at a point on the North right of way line of the McKenzie Highway, said poInt being 452 feet South 00 l' West and South a90 44' East 837.1 feet from the Northwest comer of the S. D. Gager Donation land Oaim No. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South 890 44' East along the North line of said Highway 13.25 feet; thence North 456.74 feet, more or iess, to me centeriine of the Thurston Road; thence West along said centerline to a pomt North of the point of beginmng; thence South to the point of beginning, in lane County, Oregon. E} LeI'" i the following described tract: Beginning at a point on the North right of way line of the McKenzie Hi9~,"iZf as k ex:sted ;:;ri:F to August 1, 1962, said point being 452 feet Soi.lth 00 l' IrVest ard So:.;th 8~o ":"":' East S37 1 feet f:~:r: t~= tJort~ \'.v~ CC-;le cf ~e S. Df G=;er ~o~;a~~-: l:;;-;:: ~rai~ ~-!o~ ~5 ii -:-cvlr;s;~:p 17 S~t;~'f Ra;ge 2 V;ot;;;~ ~e ';"':1!!3:nette Msid~an; xn the:1i:E S-~uth 390 44' !:Gst a:~:l; !he ~J~~ !~:'":e cf safe h!;hV'.;ay i3~2~ feet; (~e~.ce N~~ :37~5S !es~; tre:l!1ce Nc~ 890 44. Olves: 1} 25 F~t!C 2 pG!": ~4::"":~ -::/ t~ ;JCr~:: D~ ~.e~~f'ri""";; ~~nce S.~~T 137~~~ f~: Ie:n':: po:~t::J& be~r,~ir1g ;n larte ~un~i O:-e-JCH1~ AlSO EX~~ f !NG u"'at Dait a:~pv:yed to t~e State of Or~FQ:"1. Stat:? Hig"\.~~-av Commi5Si~:'i tv de~d rea:h~ O~ober 2.... 1952. Cle~'s Fife No 85207 lane County Oregcn Osee Reclms. !~ la~e C~untvf Oregon. PARCEL 2' Beginning at a point which is South 00 l' West 452 feet South 89044' East 850.35 feet and North 143.58 feet fro;n a smne r:1arKmg the ~arthwest corner of me Gager Donation Land ClaIm No. 45, In SectiCm 33, Townsnip 17 Scum, Range 2 West of the v'viHametre MerlQlan, WnlCI1 selld pomt IS i:.le true polne or oeg!nmng, run,ung thence Nor~ 313.16 feet to lhe center iine of u1e .nl.liston Roao; tnence: Eas:. 108 0 f~t; tfiEf1ce SouG1 312,16 f~~; ~~ce ~ivas~ 10:3~C reeru; ~ie ~:ii1t: 0; ~;jiiHiiligJ iala;1e C~~ri:-rr Cregon. Page 3 of 3 ~.,_.~~...,.~~~....,"""""'.."....,. ....~ - ."''''''''''.......... .. , APN:OI37341 Statutory Warranty Deed - conbnued File No . 1191-521781 (cst) Date. 05~2/2005 M~;J:k wayn6 A. White r &9~~.;,d [mJU County of Lane ) )ss. ) STATE OF Oregon This Instrument was admowledged before me on ~ of by Wayne A. White and Evaline J. White. { Cindy Leary Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: IV1 /_. 'J ,20~ ~~_',_.::' ',;.-.:""";,,,,,. .....,_u,' ; - omCIALSEAL !;;:fDV . ,y NorA.qyPUBUC.ooEGO~ COMMISSION 00.364069 Fl'fCOMMlSSllN EllPlRES IEB&R 29, 2lI06 Date Received: FEB - ~ 2008 Original Submittal Page 2 of 3 ,,"A_L~""'_~'--'-- _ ~ ,""'........ '-' ..................~_... ~. ~-' . ...........,-... =- .,.,,j .... Date Recewed: FEB - 4 2008 Original submIttal , .' -'.-t.o-~.r,~ '"..- ...-l__-" ~ i ~ ~~ .s~. __:...., t J' _ J \ ~. IASIKB!! ~ -------- . . ." m.s ..........."..... .-de InI! eDtared 1nto this ;:'7 day ot Fn,<lI'4.C( .J 19~ b1 and be-- ~__~' '_;. n."".~~ 11,' p_\"_,, ......C. A. Youmans Ci'....~s_'C'.j..."'''lkreiJla'ter re_.....1 to u tbe ur~, and fll:o ~Ll oV SrRI:.GflUJ.l, a 1IllU11c1pal corporation, 111 r.aa- CoaDtJ, On&ClIl, Mre1.na!ter "'erred to lU the Grantee. ~ J i . , I \ t VIt!BSSEtlJ -.,-------- \ J~ ., .... !!la' tM (InIl't.clIN, tor _ 1n consideration or One Dollar to th8lll 1n hand pd4. do .. ,'" ~.' ~, baJ'lain. sell and carrrfl'/ IJl\to tM Grantee, & perpe'tual utUity _ " ,., 20 feet ,11\ vidtb, together with the ri<;ht to go upon eaid e&selll8l1t. ... be~r cIII~bt(\ tor t~e purpoae ot canatructing. reconatruct1n&, maint.a1niJlg ..1:.81nC a aezdt&r1' .-1" u..'1. 1Ih1cb v1ll 01"0118 the toUaving deac:rlblld property, ~v1tl A tract of ta..allll0 faet iA width 1A the S D. Gager Donation Land Calm No. 4S. NodAcallca No. 7079. Townehip 17 South. Range'" .~J. matte Mer\d\&n. the center UDe ol'tfbkhut'-. part\cularlY d...crlbed al follow I; Be~& at a poUlt 011 the !:ad l1ne of a tract of land. Cotlveyed to Clifford L. Poaae. aSMl LUll. Pfl.... bl1lband ad wue. by deed dated August 13. 1945. Book 19'1. p&g~ 654. De.d Record- of t.ane CO\U1ty. OregOll.. llaid pOint MUlg 3Z0 feet North of the Southeast co..-r of ,,14 tract. aa1d corner be inll on the North line of the McKenzie Highway. thence nmalAl North 89" SO' Welt. parallel to the North line of tho McKenzie Hlah",ay. a chltance cd 108 Ia.t. _d than tensunatUtl, I ~ ~ ~ I ! ~ 'ID lIlft A!ID t'O IIlLD tbe abaft euelllllnt. to the sailS Qratltll8. ite hllira and aasipa r..~, ,,,. ~ , _ 11 Iu...u-- .t;oW-A.'" Ule Grantors do hereby give and .._o..L unto the City or Spring- ~ a cODatZ"llctton ~t. ot 10 teet in width along and abu+.t1ng the North a. StJUth .we _ for tbe hlllengtb or th8 aron~ntioned and described perpetual ease'non~. ' ~ OQI28tZ"llc:UOlt Ule City guarantees that all Ill1ch propertY used ror conatruction 1dl1 be re.t.ared w .. go04 concl1t1on a.s it 11&5 prior to thll conatruction, and turth8T'- .... tbat. _oulrl ., ph7dcal cSamIge to ...~.....LJJ 1.11 thia deacribed area, occur duriJIg ID4 rnult.1JlC traa the construction work, the property. .,.."" v1ll be proper17 aP4 equi~ ab1:T ,,, "...tad tor tllcb ~. _ t'D BAft JJID to 1IJU) eaid coaatZ"llctiClll ea.."" .,.,t and the right-01'--t unto the aaid C1tr of ~, IIlCl too ita lIUcceaaors and aasigna, dI1rirtC the eoall~~iml or the 1III1tu"J ...,.. A. :r:a lMtd1t!1l1l to the ~ta1'7 cans1deratioD ~ eltPrltseed, the arantee llllall u.d l:r7 ~u. e.. .~ ' ..' of ~ pomt., a;reea to do the roUCIIfin&; ~ 1.'" renJ1 111 .xcant.1~ .. SOOI\ as pract1cabl... attar Clp&nin& .... J. ,.. rep1..Ii/:4I !II 11ke candi t1Gft all iJDpraRllIllntll, trHs. Of'"O&IIIIllntal sh1'I1ba and. CIft9a. if pnoUc:able, or to cmnpel\lJ&te the Grantors, their heirs or a.1S1;!lA, tDIt U. ~~ "flIlu thereat. 3. tt. QnII" IIlaJ.l ~ or all the ~ &Dd debris rl'Oll the ea. ,,, ..,t,a and ~ tile _un ....,.nt area 1:1 .. aoad conditiOl\ .. it. vu betare the -"t. D ~ lIIDICP, ftIe QnntGn allCIft ~ haft 1 ." . ...to ..t. tbeir banda - eM1a ~J" dq of "r1UoI~ > 1963e. \ .{sm.} tt' d;;;r:.., , ~ (swJ .(SEAL) .l/j v{.. If? ~ _-AA_..&WL) .4!J&4," () II'J.!S or CIlJl[.ol .. "'~.1 w " ,.,. ~ - - '0":-"."" """:.' -pr"~'"";;';Y "",,""""""''f.'"'''' ~,,,",~'),.1"o"'"""""'':s.,~.,,...ct-",,,,~,,,J;~''''''''~'''',"'''; !:"'f!' i.JP-\'j,C."".\.'~~"'-~'';'''''' .;'" ", ,.i.'" .'!-' , -' ":- Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 )nginal submittaL "'. .~ ~1..IIZlI!tSw...-iI"""""".'~.'''''''-'' ,- _. ,,_,~~, .".'~~ ~iG,-~IIIi--~"" :..;:._~_., - .,,' ":::':'~i ~~..... -~ ~.... ",:, ~~ ~. &,,1'; "t ~ ~" ~.- . ";.. " ~..., ... *' r I" __ . f-"";,c.., a - . ~ 1 . _....~ ,~." 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Jar tr.. l"On&Jdontiun cI J I the sum of 1kle .1hallAall4.Six..lI\l1ldnl.d WtoY_and .B1l/la:L!n..6SO~_=--_ ...~_. ~_..DOU..ARS to,.wI. paId, have barg&lDed and sold and br th_ preselIU do barpln. seU and..".., unto the STATE OF OlU.'CON, by and lhroueh 11.1 STATE HIGHWAY COMMlSSlON, the 10U""""1: cIacrlb<'d r ..... _. to wit: A parcel or land lJ'ing in the S~"""~ n...L. C, IlJ5, ToomshiD 17 ~th. R..._ . 2 West." W. H., Lane Count.y, Oregon, and beiDg a portion or that. property deacribe4 111 I . ..~. """'-"111 deed t.o George L. Mendenhall and Grace t1endenh&l1, recorded 111 Book 1.37 'J' Page 305 or Lane County Recorda of Deeda; the aaid parcel be1ng t.hat. portico'or .ail. propertT included 111 a st.rl~ of land variable in widt.h, lying CD the NortherlJ' a1d. of the center line ot the lIeltenzie R1.ghway, which center line 18 deaeribed .. lbllOOf., Beg1nn~g at En~ineer'a center line Statim 268+117.86, uid Statico belnc SJ9 JO . teet South and lS66.il feet Ea$t. ot t.he Southvest comer ot the Je15i$e X. X- D. L. C. nlJ, Township 17 South, Range 2 West., W. M.j thence South 88- 06' 20- Eut.. 1722.14 feet to Station 285+SO. The NortherlJ' line of aaid at.rip ot land cro8llea t.he Weat. aDd. East l1.nea of eud property approxiJDately opposita center line StaUcos 281+23 aDd 262+)0, rsapect.1V11lJ'. , '!he Widths in teet of the st.rip or land aba.e referred to are as tollow.. Stat.ion t://+uJ t.o Stat.lon t:o:r-:>u Y.ldth on Northerly Side ot Center u.. /u iaper to 4U (Bearings used here11l are based u~ the Ore~ CO-Orl1nDt. o;~t_ Slmt.ll Z- \ The parcel or land to which th18 deSCript.iOZl applies contains 1,700 square tefl., IlIOre or leas. As a part ot t.he consideration here1.llabove suted, there is alao bargained, aold, conveyed and rel1.llquished to t.he Grantee all enst11lg, future or potential c.-n lair 01' st.atut.ory abuttar's easement.s or access t.et.llcen t.he parcel herein described and aU or t.he Grant.ora' remaizwlg real propert.y. Reeerving, tar semce of t.he aud rell\81n.1ng propert.y. rigbt ot a~cell8 rro. Grantora' ~1IIll11l1.llg property to the lughway rlght of wsy, at t.he. 10ll.ov1nc pace aDd for the tollowing Widt.h. j' f Rvy. Enr-r's Sta. le;+e; ~.. Um-estr1cted Side of Rvy. ~orther~ Wldth ~; feet. Grant.ee has the right t.<> construct. or othe:-vise pronde at ~ futUN ti_ . public frontage road or roads; vnereupon all right.. of access herewabove resened to and from t.he highway that are on or adjacent. to any such frontage road or roada sto.aU cease, b\lt. t.he Grantors, their heirs and assigns, shall I-ave access to the frontap road or roads for 8/lY purpose upon obtaining a permit. frOfll t.ha State lInder t.he appllcab.1a statutes and regulations govenung the same. Said road or roads shall be connected to the ...11\ highvB7 or to ot.her publ1c vays only at such placn as t.he Grantee ~ select.. It. is expressl.r intended that these covenants, burdens, restrictions and rell....- vat.1ons shall !'WI vit.I' the land and shall forever b11ld t.he Grant.ors, their hsir. aDd assigns. PIt; ,~....,I ,"' .... ~ ,\. ". I, r ~ ' ... ~ .. I' ~-~ .2.1 -....... ~ ~. , ; Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal l~ ~'.. 81290 > TO HAVE AND TO HOLD U1t Wd p.~ wlth tbelr ll,.,..,., _ III fee sl.IIIpl~ lIIlto the said 8taW 01 Or~IDI1, by and throu&h Ita State Jfi&b1l'ay ComDuaIoa. lu ....... .... nd aulpa fonmIr. ADd _' lIB ___ the saki erantor 1._ do bereb1 COYaWlt to aud 1ri%h the aaId State 01 Orep. by aDd throup Its State High....y CozDml........ Ita ...__' ... aDd aaIpI. ~ - .... the O'IltDerL , - " , In fee sl.IIIplt 01 said p~; that lhey are free from aD ~ and that _ _ IlIL _ _ __ . _ wW ....lIIT""! and o:IrleDd the _ from all lawful clalma -.bataoeft!'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF., __ __ lI'I _ _ _ have h_to Nt _ .om:__ .. _ hanctI_ aDd aeti..L this -P2_ day of ___~..- _"_ ~ 1a.6L Done In ,.. "." .. of: .. [Seal] [SeaJ) __ _. __ __ __ __ [SeaJ] __ _____ __ _ [Seal] [Seal] _ [Seal] \ ~--- - '~ ~ ~ ...~ i ,~ ~ ""-" ~ J ~--~ Date Received: ~ bCv!Y.t..~LL J../lj 11 h""~...d/ - ~J1~ - I \ \'<O~ 'fEB - ~ 2008 .. .. .+taL ... " J ~ I ,\. 2 [Seal] [Seal] ~ -....... .. ~ , 1 . ! i ~ .' " ~, , , - " ~,~ ..~I ., .:.) . ' ~...' ........v ,~ . J.......V , 852m WARRANTY DEED (1ndiv/(~ual) Date Received: . .I ., I _ i{notu ~U .men bp ~btS't lBrt$tnts, 'l'~.J! FEB - 4 2008 the sum of 0" I SlIh itt I , 'fIfMM ""nfPlIt(\~v..~"L"" m v,. to pal(~i. hd\ c bargamed and sold and b:- thl.':.c pri':;C''lts do hargdJn. sell and I.'on\'(') unto the STATE OF OREGON, by ,md lhrou/{h Its STATE HIGHWAY COM'tISSION, the follOWing d('~cllbl.'d premises, to wit. r- '. A parcel of l~nd lying 1n the S. D. ~ger D. L.-C. Ho. 45, Township 17 South, RJlnge 2 Weat, W. H., L~ne County, Oregon, -.nd being" POrtion of the follOwing described t~ct: Beginning At -. point on the North right ot way line ot the McKenzie HighwRY, aRid point being 452 teet South O. 1 t West 11M South 89. 44' Lat, 837.1 feet from the Northwest corner ot the S. D. ""gel' Dorvtt.ion LInd Cllla No. 45 1n Township 17 South, &IInge 2 West ot the WlllAJllette MeridiAn; run thence South R<]o 44' EAst dong the North line ot .".id hig_y, 1).2., teet; thence North- 456.74 feet, more or less, to the center line ot the 'nlurston fto3d; thence West Along sdd center line to '" point North ot tbe point ot beginning; thence South to the point of beginning in LIIlne Count)', Oregon; the Mid Pltrce1 being ttmt portion ot the foregoing described t~ct included in III strip ot bnd V'IIlr11llble in width, lying on the Northerly side of the center line of the HcKende HighWJlly JlS Slid higbwJly hAs been relOCAted, which center 11ne is de"cribed . s follows: Beginning lit Engineer's center lin~ Stllltion 268+27.q6~ SAid Stlllti~n being 539.)0 feet South flnd 1566.n teet &tst of the Southwest corner of the Jesse M. HAM D. L. C. No. 74, Township 17 South, !totnge 2 West, W. M.: thence South 880 06' 20" &tst, 1722.14 teet to St,,qtion 28<'+50. The Northerl,. line of .".id _trip of ...lInd crones the Westerly -.nd &oster1y lines of add foregoing described tl"lct JlpprOxi.llll~tely oppnsite lrngineer'a center line Stfltions 2B1+10 Jlnd 281+23, respectivel)'. The widths 1n feet of the strip of 111nd Above reterred to lire 118 follows: StAtion 2077+00 k StAtion 2/35+50 Width rm.1!2rthfll"lY Side fJI CP.l'lU! r L~ 70 tAper to 40 (BeAr1ngs used ~erdn IlIre blllsed upon the Oregon Co-ordi11llte System, South Zone.) The PArcel of Iflnd to which this descript1nn IIpplies contlll1ns 200 squ~re feet, mnre or less. ;'S a part of t-he co~side':-!lt:.o', here.loaoo'.e stat-od. there is also b.lir!:,I'I.l.I,ea. sold, c~nveyed and rel~uou1shed to the 'rnrteu ell p.xist~~. !utu~e or poterti~l c~u.u~n law or :::t.e.tutory abutter's easp' ents oJ-access between the parcel hereu. descr~bed and all of the ~ra~tors' ~ma~n~'~ real property. Reserv~ng. for service of the sald r~air.ir~ property, r~ght of ~ccegs fro~ Grantors' remairo11ig property to the h1ghway right of way. at the folloWJ.q: place and for the folloWJ.ll,Il: Wldth: Hwv. ~rls ::;tB.. 2:11"'16 Side of Hwv. Northerly "id tll 13.25 fee~ Purpose {Jr.restrlctea Grantee has the r~ht to construct Or otherwise pro\ide at any fut~r~ :_~~ ' public frontage road or roadll; whereupon all rights of access here~m'bo' e reser.ed to and from the highway that are on or ad.iaeent to any such frontage road or rc:.c!s shall cease, but the Grantors, thelr hell'S and ass~ns. shall have access to the frontage road or roads for any purpose upon obtaining a perrr~t rro~ the :tat.e ur.der H520,' ~ t the appllcal:le statutes and regulations governing the Slime. Said road OI" .oads shall ~e connected to the main higbwa;y or to other public ways only at such places as the Grantee ma;y select. It is express1;y intended that these covenants, burdens, rest~ie~or.a and reservations shall run with the land and shall tor~ver bind the Grantors, their heirs and assigns. met! Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original submittal. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises with their appurlt namt'~. 111 fee ~lmplC'. unto thl' ~.lId SI1te of Oregon, by and through Its State Highway Commission. Its 5U{'CE-:,.<;ors and a~lgn~ fore\'('r And .'~ the said grantor do hereby covenant to and With the said State of OreRon bv and the ownN through Its State Highway Comml~slon. Its SUCCC'Sloors and aSSigns, that In fee simple of said prC'mlsc=>, that the~ are free from all encumbrances and that IN WITNESS WHEREOF, w1l1 warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims wha~oe\'er. and s(>al / thiS f.tp day of Done an presence of: c:2~~ _ ,19 =} ~ ......... ....5 1l~-5 "11.- ;. . i!.5~'! ..!I .j e Y t- e ...lii~.. is :'i:~ iUll yo..... ,CJ.t,t- ~I ~ e ;'8 .! ~ !;o:l ro.]~. .",b_ ,!t l!g = o oE .oYe -]:!- =s 11.5 'tS G) CD Q :>. - c ~ ... ... ~ a: \ I I i -"I " ~ 'ii t 'j ~I I f "lJ _ II: .. ~ o !- !1 s- o '8.... .ii -::0 .so lilY I \ - 'I ..... , ':1'1 ! ' . ~ .. w E ~ .. have hereunto set t ) > ~~. -j-i/~ x,....~,<.., -- "'~ .>- .... \0 , -'\ ......... of o 'Ii ~ ) 0': 'j >>> c"- l ii g \0.. Y Z l' ~ .'J l 'I " o )- ~ " ("I. ., ), ~ II 0: .. o Y ~ c ~ 9 ,...,.J ~ o. .': .:. ...;,. II:: C\I t; o ~ ! STATE OF OREGON ....,c County of ,~ ~ ~-- On thl:' (; day of ~ ; . t.A"( ,; a NO~I~~o,i~ and for said counl~ and stale. the Within namN! ....'II. ~~J.~. '1, ~,,, &" ..~~~'7A. 't" __,J ( , 55. hand ISEALl ISEALI I z Sl <Ij j ;:> - ~ " < 0 .sit~ .. - ~ ! ~ c .. - - " - ~ ~ .2 ~ ... ". " " o . c E . . v. 7- C C '" II: C ,19 !,er"m,dl:- (..m" ~('rnr(' me ~"Il: n tf'" Date Recei~ed: FEB - 4 2008 . Original Submittal -' , ' I~ ~ - ~i-:-J. /: , , ~ RICHT -OF -WI. Y EA SEMEN! " Claw /ILL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, FISK_ JAMES K_ 6. VERLl!: E., for a good Ilnd velWlble eoas1derstion, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grent unto the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through it. SPRINGFIELD UTILITY B~RD, and unto itl successor. aqd assigns, the right to enter upon the land. of the undersigned aituated in the City of Springfield, State of OrelOD, and more particularly described lIS follows: Beginning at 8 point which is S. 0" I' W. 452.00 feet S. 890 44' E. 850.35 ft. aDd N. 143.58 ft. from a stone marking the N.W. corner of the Gager DLC #45, in 5,ec 33i. T 17, ~,' ~ 2'L~' which said point is the true point of beginning, running thence North 313.16 ft. to the center line of the Thurston Rosd; thence East 108.0 ft. thence South 313.16 ft. thence West 108.0 ft. to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Q ti- p.. Ie. <'~... J .t 'C.I/ -~ ., r This easement for slanchor and down guy, 24 ft.! South of the N. W. corner and 20 ft.t East of the West property line of the above described property. -. ... ~. , AP R JfJQrlJlif 19606 APR 3 1968 And to place; construct, operate, repair, mainta1n, relocate, and replace therein an electric transmission or distr1but1on line, including poles, guy wires and other necessary faCilities, and to cut and trim trees and shrubbery to the extent necessary to keep them clear of said electric line. and to cut down from t1.me to time ell da8d,weak, leaning or dangerous trees that are tall euough to strike the W1res in f~lllng. The underslgned coven~nts that he is the owner of the above described property and thet such property is free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character except: IN WITNESS WHBREOF, tbe /..:>r clay of AI"'" I undersigned haa set hia hand aod seal thi. , 19 t: X' . / ~_'A ,1 7<hd. /,;! A / A C' -:-' // l~-1.-/~ CO. ;' ~ STATE or OREGON) ) liS. COUNTY OF LANE ) BE IT RlHEMBEBBD that on tbe .L<;T'" . day of 4~'.," / " 19..l1r:. before me, the undersigned, a Notary PubllC in and for the S{ate of Oregon, personally appeared the within DBmed ~ _t! So k, ~ <. J. b. u.d ~ \' It! E. FJ.5:. if who ;4,.., known to me to be the identical person.<;' described herein', aod who -executed the within instrument and ackaowledged to me that nl!. L.,executed the same froely and voluntarily. / IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the day aDd y~.r lsst above written. /'/" };'l;-"..,~_~ /~_. ~. ~ I I.. I 1. ~ I ~ ~-! -" ... , -~. -.. ....._;.. r \ i '. r......' 81290 - ........-.- STATE OF O~..H'. Countyof~. On'thlo -di'z. day of __U/"""'~ . 19 61. perlIOnalIy came befcre -. a Notary Pubhc ... IlIlLI for aid COUIlty and slate. tile w1lh1D named.J.dna Hi "k'lld.....m..JillIlItt1Jll. ......,.-......,.... l!1l!IllIl\>--.._--.ND"j...._ _ l!iilIf. ;:,,,,.,,.,,,, to IDe t -~::':;I!t'~~~'1?e the ldenllcal peraon _ desttlbed II>, IlIlLI who executed the wttbJc tNtf'lllDel>t. aDd ...h~ g. . - "~o,,'ledCed to DIe that .he_ ezecuted the AIDe freel,. IIDd wlWlW1!r b- the usesEa.1 ~ -'- t'!ll9il:uDed. ~\Bt...o 'F \ ~"j Y./,,;u ~ the day aDd yur Jut .bow wtteD. ;, '". 0"'40 'tf4".l.' . -'.+ ....~. ':'~" ..J ',+;. "~-_..,\~/ ilJ .y . - ~ . a .. ~~ ~""""-Or..- llIF __ npIrw ;>-r/.t;.~ --- I ~ - () "1 - ......1 1Il r4 11 1 ~ ~ -; ~ ., =' !J111 ~ 5!1 :I. ~k! ~ -a ~ E :E. Q -8 S r 1Il !,tl ~~ = II: : 81 III :I! o , u; i! ... tl I~t Z~ ~ .. < I ;~I .. ~ 0 ~I <~ ~ ; ~I ==~ f1 t; ~'I ~h~ == ~ =' o.ti ~ .!l ~' " r , <, I! .. ~ I IO~ I .. I ! I 11\ '" t ! I ~ ~ I I! ; ! ~ ~~ ~~ ~ :: 5i II ~ ~ ~ To .. !' . I I STATE OF o~. fa County of _~. ~ On tIus._ ri1~::' day of -- -__. O?,b" : ~ 19 h2.. penooaDy camr be(Clft -. a Notary Pubhe In and lor said coUllty aJld slate. the wlthln named _ ..lle<<&B- I.....1lImdeDh&ll. -- -- -.-- - -..,... - - - -- - - -- and __Grace.llend::I:h&U _ _ __ _ .__ _. hJo wife, \0 me person.lIy,~""".1t:m be.the .denl1cal penDA.ll deac:nbed m. and who executed the WIthin instnuDeat. and who ....ell ~',aJ:~ledged to me that t.heJ' executed the Jame fnely and volualarlly fDr the \I.SeS and ~~. '!.~ WJUle$s ~ i.'."_"$'l.::; ~ iiNal the day and;year Jut.bow wtteD. : \~~......... ~io z - \~\ 0,,_ ~).~l..;i... . _ r\ ':7. .(f'P .</-. "';!-' 't.;..-, '?A-'--- \. ~_ _~, __ ..#-6"---'" ..~..:\.. ~""''''Orww. - . .,.,...~...:...~~,:''', 1lI7 -~ ~- ?/,.:.? 11_ , A " '- " 18- r J ~ 1 "'0 Q) 00 ! > (:) (:) 'Q) C'I a; 0 -:I'" :::: ~ -- Q) I "E 0::: CD .0 ! Q) LU :J +-' L.I.. en ro -a; Cl c '0> .t: 0 . ~~ 4pO / '7 - d - -2? .) '" J?slte Received: FEB - ~ 2008 ,..,~ ,I ,,~.. '. Original Submittal__ "' DlvlS10n of Chi., Depuly CJerk 2005-10t302 laM CounlV Deed. and Records I I . $51.00 joo ,6712S2&S6101302 '10!500!4 12/21/2005 01 :20:53 P" RPR-ESI!T Cnl::2 Sln=l CRSHIER 0!5 ".00 m,oo $10.00 $11.00 ~ " Recorded at the request of and after recording return to. Branch Engmeenng, Inc 310 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 DECLARATION OF PRIVATE EASEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT J The true and actual consideration for thIs decJaratlon is other than monetary KNOW ALL PERSoNS BY I JU.SE PRESENTS, that Anugos UI, llC, an Oregon Ltmrted LIabihty Company, hereafter "DECLARANT" hereby declares the followmg- RECITALS WHEREAS, DECLARANT, is the owner of (a) the lands conveyed as"nACT I" and '"TRACT 2" In that certam P ~""i LIne Adjustment Deed that was recorded Decel-kber ,~20Q..'=asRecorder'SNumber2005 101301 .mthe Official Records of Lant: County, State of Oregon and (b) the lands that were conveyed In the Warranty Deed that was recorded Apnll, 2004 as Recorder's Number 2004...023227 in the OffiCIal R......"'.oA of Lane County, State of Oregon; WHEREAS, DECl.ARANT desires to create easements and define mamtenance ;;["'....."bditJes on certam areas. for the benefit of future owners of said tracts as descnbed beloW; WHEREAS, DEClARANT desires to relocate an .....:,;.ng easement for ingress and egress that was created by that certaIn Declaration that was recorded May 16, 2005 as Recorder's Number 2005~35540 in tbeQfficial Records of Lane COUDty, State of Oregon. WITNEssETH NOW lHEREFOR. Owner declares the followmg l. R~itals The recItalS set forth hereinabove are made a part of this declaratIon as though fully set forth herein. 2. ~tJQn ofEASEMFNT "A,"" DEClARANT hereby creates a vanable width ..........Jal easement for povute Ingress.egress and pnvate utthty purposes over that certain area that is described In "EXHJ'1jrr A" attached hereto and made a pan hereof for the common benefit of the above three tracts ofland 3. NullIficatIon of meviQ.u.<; t;:i.o;ement' DEClARANT hereby nullIfies and VOIds In its ellt1rety that certain Declaration ofEasement for Ingress and Egress that was recorded May 16,2005 as Recorder's Number 200S..()35540 m the OffiCUI.I Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 4 Declarntlon ofEASEMl=NT "B'.:; DECLARANT hereby creates a 10 00 foot wide ...~,,,,..~.1al easement for pnvate unltty purposes over that certaln area that is descnbed m ".t:.N1U:iIT B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for the common benefit of tlle above three tracts of land. DECLARATION OF PRIVATE EASEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 10fS t Rece\ved: Dae. FEB - 4 2008 bmi404-'J:l\ ~~' , "prigina\ Su ," 5 fxtmmpshrns:nt c,~ That portIon of EASEMENT "B" as Created herem that lIes northerly of the future margm of North A Street WIll extmgwsh 10 Its entirety without further action upon completion and acceptance by the CIty ofSpnn$field of all of the followmg" (I) dedicatIon and collStructton of North A Street, (2) COnnc:c1lon ofpnvate utlhty hnes from the south that he m EASEMENT "B" to future public hIleS In said .......,,<, and (3) abandonment of the pnvate utilIty lines that he In said EASEMENT "B" northerly of the new COMectlon pol11ts, 6, Exclusl12D of PU~ NotwithstandIng any other lauguage herem., these easements do not allow the placement of private UtlhtIes WIthin any Pubhc Utility Easement 7 Use nfEASEMENJ "A" The easement as descnbed heremahove may be used for velucular. eqwpment and pedestnan mgress and egress pwposes by the owners of the above three tracts. No owner shall have the nght to park, load or unload any velucle m the driveway, such as to block the mgrCSk.&".... of the other owners other than in emergency condItiOns Use of the Easement shall be on a regular , continuous, nonexclUSIve, nonpnonty basis., benefittmg the owners, thetr successors, asSIgns, lessees., mortgagees, mVltees, guests, customers, agents and employees &wever, none oftbe owners' nghts hereunder shall lapse In the event of that owner's failure to use the Easement and dnveway on a continuoUS basIS The owners or OCCupIers of the tracts affected by these easements shall have the ngilt to use theIr tA'UI'''uj, lIlCluding the areas descnbed as the easements, for any purpose as long as the owners or OCCUpIers do not interfere with the use of the easements as granted by this instrument 8. Mamterl\Q.f"..e and Repai~ The dnveway established Within EASEMENT "A" shall be mamtalDed m a conditton which WIll allow a standard passenger car to pass across saId dnveway Wlthout sustauung any damage, other than normal wear The cost of periodtc mamtenance and rep;urs to the dnveway wttlun EASEMENT "A" and the pnvate unhnes WItfun said EASEMENT "A" and EASEMENT "B"sbal! be t"".;urmed and patd for as follows' a. In the event that repatrs to the driveway become ~ due to the acts of one of the owners, then that owner shalI pay for and perform such repairs as are required under thts ~,,~..,ent. b. In aU other events, the cost of repairs and maintenance for the dnveway shall be shared equally by the owners of the above three tracts c In the event that rep&u'S to the pnvate ul1httes LwuOC necessary due to the acts of one of the owners, then that owner shaH pay for and perform such repaIrs as are required under this a.:,.. ....~.ent. d In all other events, the cost of repaIrs and mamtenance to the pnvate utJIJtJes shall be pald by the owner(s) of the respective utility e. In the event that an owner fails to perform any such necessary m81ntenance and l'eplUrs as required, the other owners, upon IS days pnor WOtten notice to the n..... ..:otmJng owner, may cause such work to be done WIth a right of reIDlbursement for all sums necessanly and properly......"..ded to remedy such tiuJure, If the nonperfornung owner fiuls to pay such relmbur.;cment on demand, the owner(s) causing such work to be done shall have the immediate ngbt to record a lien agamst the nonperfonnmg owner's ..' "t'"..j benefitted by t1us ~ ~"...ent The owners agree that such hen shall be treated as a construction lien pursuant to ORS Chapter 87. subject to foreclosure and pnonty as set forth In the constructton hen statutes.. 9, InsuJ'1lllce, Each owner shall maintain public habdlty JDSUrance at all tImes relattng to all actJVltJes. condtnons, WI' .....lions and usages on or about the Easements and dnveway Each owner sbaJI ~ and hold harmless the other owners from any liablhty ansmg out of the I&gc of said Easements and dnveway by s:ud owner, their tenants, agents, employees, guests and lDVltees. 10, A.DDt1rtenaIV'.P' Tbe Easements set forth herem are not personal or m gross but are ~I'....enant to each-and every portion of the three parcels benefitted herem., as more particularly descnbed and set forth heremabove. DECl.ARA nON OF PRIVATE EASEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT , Page 2 of 5 ....\,,' t, ~~ '" Date Received: " , ,. " --: ~ ,', 1. FEB - 4 2008 , f)riciin'~I"~1 Ihmitt'::lil , '. ~ 11. SuccessoC; apd ~ The Easements declared herem shall run WIth the land herclD descnbed and shall be bInding on and ShalllDurc to the benefit of the partJ.es hereto, their hellS, successors and assIgns" 12. ,~relUth and Remedies, In addition to the remedies set forth above. a ~ure by any owner, thelJ heIrs, successors and assigns, to perform any of the conditions or obhgatlons specified herein, shall coDStltute a breach of tins lltr.."...ent In the event of a breach, the nonbreachmg owner(s) shall have the nght to pursue any and all remedlcs aV81lable, both at law or in equity, specIfically mcluding but not limited to, lDJunctlVe rehef, It bemg acknowledged that there may DOt CXlSt an adequate remedy at Jaw, 13. 'tV ajv~ All nghts bcreI..... ~... are cumulative, and no waiver of any breach oftlus 8e,.""u,ent shall cffect any subsequent breach. No exercISe or partial exerCIse of any remedy shall be construed to preclude the excrc:ise of any other remedy or of the n:mamdec of any such partla.IJy exercIsed ....~...Jj at a later time, or of the samc remedy at a later nme 14. Effect of Aereernent If any part ofthts contract IS adjudged mvalid, the renuunder oftlus contract shall not thereby be invaltdated 15. Lltieanon qpenu In the event tins declamtton IS placed in the hands of an attorney for enforcement of the provisIOns contaIned herem, the prevaIlmg party shall be enntled to reunbursement from the other party a sum equaJ to alIlega1 costs, mcludmg but not limited to, costs of tnal, any appeal therefrom and costs of execUbon of any Judgment, mcludtng reasonable attorney's fees mcurred by 5ald prevaUing party as a result of the breach. IN Wl1NESs WHEREOF, we have executed tlus DECLARATION OF PRIVATE EASEMENTS AND MAlNTENANCE A\.1l<..ttMENT on this q . day of 1)<3' e,." t-J-- . 200-; Limited Liability Company Signed'. " ., Ronald~. STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On u~~e,:f'''''''\)e.r ~ ,200S-p.;....~..ally.:.yI'--...dtheabove--......JRonaldE. Thienes, who bemg duly sworn 5ald that he is a memller of Amigos III. LLC, and that the above mstrurnent was SIgned on behalf of 5ald linuted liabIlity company and acknowledged the foregomg mstrumcnt to be Ius voluntary act and deed. '!' -~-=--~~-,.. :''-~'-~OFFIC~\L;E;t-- '-~1 ~ C/:LAh..t'~I;~~4 .~ P/Clf.'l{f-'JB<.i> (",[I,PN t:~ COMMI~S,O", NO 370001 MY CG.VAISSIOIl EXPIIlESJUlY:8, ~ilO7 -~~~~~---~~-----~ ~(j, W ' Notary Public for Oregon DECLARATION OF PRIVATE EASEMENTs AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 3 of5 Date, Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original submittal ).. EXHIBIT A EASEMENT "A" PRIVATE INGRESS AND EGRESS AND PRIVATE l1Tll..In' EASEMENT SITUATED m the City of Springfield m the SouC>. ,...., 1/4 of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WIllamette Mendtan and descn"bed as follows BEING a portIon of the lands that were conveyed as "TRACT I" and "TRACT 2" In that certam P."......j Lme Adjustment Deed that was recorded D~c eY"\. \.,~".. ZL 20()l;'as Recorder's Number 20..oc; I D I 30 \ 10 the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of 0....0"... SlUd portion bemg more paIticularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most southeasterly comer. of S3J.d "TRACT 1 ~ whIch POINT OF BEGINNING lIes on the north margIn of the McKenzie HIghway as estabhshed in the conveyance to the State of Oregon that was recorded March 4, 1963 at Recepnon Number 1546 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; BuNCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING and along SaId north margm of the McKetlZle Highway the followmg one numbered course, (1) NORm 87' 43' 15" WEST 5000 FEET to the most southerly southwest comer of wd "TRACT I"; .l.I:U.NCE, along the southerly west line of SlUd '"TRACT 1" the foUowlOg one numbered course (Z) NORm 86 12 FEET to a point of non-tangent curvature to the left; Bu..NCE, crossIng IOto said "TRACT I ~ and along the follOWIng three numbered courses' (3) along SaId non-tangent curvature to the left havmg a radius center that bears North 05' 44' 21" West 10,00 .t'~l, al...."u.J angle of 84' 15' 39" and a long chord of North 42' 0749" East 1342 feet, an arc distance of 14"71 1'1::..1:.1 to a point of~....; line that lIes parallel WIth and 12.00 feet v......,....ly by perpendiCular measurement from the north segment of the west line of S8Jd "TRACT ZW; (4) along said tangent/parallel hne., NORTH 104.63 FEET to a polDt that lIes on the westerly extensIon of the north line of SlUd "'TRACT 2"; and (5) leavmg S3ld tangent/parallel hne and along said ......".....ly extensIOn EAST 12.00 1<J:Z1 to the northwest comer Ofsald "TRACT 2"; and .I..lu..NCE. along SlUd north line of "TRACT 2" the following one nwnbered course" (6) EAST 12.00 rJ:.J::.1 to a pomt on a hne that lIes parallel with and 12.00 feet easterly by t'..<"..ndIcular measurement from saId north segment of the west line of 'TRACT 2", I.t1J!.NCE, leaVIng said north lme along the following three numbered courses' (7) along last wd parallelIine and its southerly prolongauon. SOUTH 100 81 .t.t:J:,1 to a point on a hne that hes parallel with and 12.00 feet northeasterly by t' ...I'....d:Icular measurement from the south segment of said west line of"TRACf 2", (8) along last S81d parallel lme., SOUTI-l 16' 0728" EAST 61.07 r t:.t 1 to a point that lies on a lIne that bears North from the POINT OF BEGINNlNG; and (9) along lastSald Ime, SOUTH 43 21 r.t:.t:.l RE11JRNINGtothePOINTOFBEGINNINGandcontaming 6,859 Square Feet more or less DECLARA nON OF PRIVATE EASEMENTS AIm MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 4 of 5 fk.( GI. 2M <;: / REGI.ucn,;u , PROFESSIONAL lANj) SURVEYOfl . h/Y7 t:?/?'/ - OREGON JULY 20, 1993 REX A. eeTZ " ..I2f>M '" L-,,< E",,?- 17-/3,!OS Date Rece'ived: FEB - 4 2008 , Original Submittal . ."-,,, ";;i, EXHIBIT B EASEMENT"B" I , 10.00-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT SITUATED in the City of Spnngficld m the SouthW\:St 1/4 of Section 34, Townslup 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette MeridJan and J........bed as follows: BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed as "TRACT I" In that certatn Property Line Adjustment Deed that was recorded 'i)€t" e~ ~-e"... _ t.\ , 200Sas Recorder's Number 20 Os. --lO 1_30 I In the Official Reco ot Lane County, State of Oregon, said portion beiiii a strIp ot llll1<1 of uniform width of 10 00 feet by ........."ndicuIar measurement the centerline o~ ~ch stnp IS more partlcuJarlY,descnbed as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of SlUd "TRACT 1"; uU!.NCE,leavmg S8Id POINT OF BEGINNING and crossmg SlUd lRACT 1 ", NORTH 243 69 l"~ 1 more or less to a point on the north line of said "TRACT I" and the TERMINUs of the described centerline. The sidelines of S81d strip being lengthened or shortened so as to terminate (l) at S81d north hoe of "TRACT I" at the north end of said stnp and (2) at the north lIne of lRACT 2" of saId Property LiDe Adjustment Deed and the westerly \".."......on thereof at the south end of S8Id stnp tj 1k Co g, 2cu <::, ( REUQ.cncD "\ PROFESSIONAL LANI} SURVEYOR /"!//Y> /}~ OREGON JULY 20, 1993 REXA DC:I" " .I.WB / LtC- e)c,// 1"[../~(lo{; ,'J 'I DECLARATION OF PRIVATE EASEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 5 ofS r ......~...._- Branch DSE,User FA 11 Comment: 'l . Station ld 'CUlM ",,~~::..... I oate Rece\\Jed'. fEB .. ~ 1\}\}~ " ~ 5ub11\\tta\----- I' onQ,na LANE,OR Document Document - Year,DoclD 2006 10212 " Division of Chief Depuly Cl.~k Lane Counly Deeds and Reco~d. - II I - - I 107blj2'2'~~0jl'412,le1~~~ 02/14/2006 03:26:34 PM RPR-REST Cnl:1 Sln=6 CASHIER 07 SSO.OO $10,00 $20,00 $11.00 200Q-01~212 $91. 00 Page 1 of 10 Pnnted on 8/15/2007 1'25.44 PM -J v--- I. ~ ! . Branch DSE,User:F A 11 Comment: StatIOn Id .CUlM tilta ~9&oi":ed: 1ST~1 7199-757097-C . ,d ^.' FEB - 4 2008 ~ S<Y \0- ./ \' S d-\) t' Original Submittal DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THURSTON CROSSING THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, is made by Amigos ill, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company (the "Declarant"). RECITALS: A. Declarant is the owner of real property commonly known as Thursto!,! Crossing which is described on Exlubit "1" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (the "Property"); and B. Declarant deems it desirable to adopt covenants, conditlons and restnctions for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirabIlity and attractIveness of the Property. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS: Section 1. Definitions The following words shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth wherever used in this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restnctions ("'Declaration") unless the context clearly requITes otherwise. 1.1 ''Declarant'' shall mean and refer to Amigos lIT, LLC. 1.2 "LibertyBank" shall mean and refer to LibertyBank, an Oregon stock bank. 1.3 ''LibertyBank Parcel" shall mean and refer to the Parcel of real property described as Parcel 10 on Exhibit "I." 1.4 "Owner" shall mean and refer to the person or entIty who holds fee simple title to any Parcel, or who holds any interest in any Parcel, or a purchaser of any Parcel under a contract of sale. "Owner" shall not include, however, any mortgagee, beneficiary of a trust deed, or any other party claiming any interest in any Parcel for the purpose of secunng an obhgation unless such person or entity acquires fee simple title to a Parcel or any part thereof. 1.5 "Parcel" shall mean and refer to any lot or Parcel heretofore or hereafter eXIsting In accordance with applIcable law within the Property, 1.6 "Property" shall mean and refer to the real property described on Exhibit "I." DECLARA nON OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS - Page 1 After Recordmg Return To First Amcncan Title PO Box 10146 Eugene. OR 97440 ,~:c:,':d or Fi~t Amanczn TIle lm:urance Compi,"Y of Oregon BlI an &ccommodatlon only No liability a=pted for condition of title or validity, sufficiency, or effect of c1ccumo:V LANE,OR Document: Document - Year.Doell 2006.10212 Page 2 of 10 PrInted on 8/1512007 I 25.45 PM Branc~ :DSE,User :FAII Date Rece,ved: fEB - 4 2008 Comment: . ~ Station Id 'CUIM , rigina\ submittal--=, Section 2. Limitation on Use Except for the LibertyBank Parcel, neither the Declarant nor any Owner shall construct or operate a commercial bank, credit union, or savings and loan institution on eny Parcel witlun the Property. Section 3. Set Back There shall be a fifteen foot (15') set back requirement from the property line that abuts Main Street (the "Set Back''). WIthin the Set Back, there shall be no future development of any kind or nature except as follows: 3.1 The Declarant may install or allow for the installation oflandscaping as necessary to comply with the Springfield City Code. 3.2 The Declarant may install or allow for the installation of one (I) monument Slgn not to exceed six feet (6') in height and six feet (6') in width within the Set Back. 3.3 The Declarant may install or allow for the installation of a sign for Dutch Bros. Coffee, provided that such Dutch Bros. sign shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in total height and seventy five inches (75") in total width, It is further provided that such Dutch Bros. sign must be located on the western one-half (Yz) of Tax Lot 300 along its frontage with Main Street. 3.4 LibertyBank may develop or cause to be developed any part of the Set Back that is located within the boundaries of the LibertyBank Parcel. 3.5 The Declarant may develop other portions of the Set Back upon the prior written consent of LibertyBank, which consent may be withheld in LibertyBank's sole discretion, Section 4. Architectural Controls 4.1 Approval of Plans Required. Except for the LibertyBank Parcel, no improvement shall be constructed. erected or altered until final plans and specifications shall have been submitted to and "'I"t',..,ved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee (the "Committee''), 4.2 Basis for Approval. Approval by the Comnuttee shall be based upon, among other things, the adequacy of structural design, conformity and harmony of external design with neighboring structures, effect of location of and use of proposed improvements upon neighboring Parcels, and conformity of the plans and specifications to the purpose and general plan and intent OfthlS Declaration. If the Committee has any objection to any of the plans or specifications, the Comnuttee shall notify the Owner of such objection In writmg withm thirty (30) days of submlssion of the plans, and the Owner shall modify the plans and specIfications sufficiently to DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDmONS AND RESTRICTIONS - Page 2 LANE,OR Document Document - Year DoclD 2006 10212 Page 3 of 10 PrInted on 8/15/2007 I 25 45 PM ~ . Branch DSE,User FAll Comment. StatIOn ld CUlM Date Received: ':'< FEB ,- 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal satIsfy the objections of the Committee. The improvement shall then be constructed only in accordance with the plans and specifications as modified to satisfy the Committee. . 4.3 Result of Inaction. If the Committee fails to either approve or disapprove plans and specliicatIons submitted to It within thirty (30) days after the complete plans and specifications have been submitted, it shall be conclusively presumed that the Committee has approved such plans and specifications. 4.4 The Committee. The initial Committee shall consist of Ronald E, Tluenes, Roger W. Langehers and Gary A, Davisson. The Declarant may remove or replace any member of the Committee, at any time and for any reason, or for no reason at all. The members of the Committee shall not be entitled to any compensation for services rendered pursuant to these Covenants. The Committee shall disband, and its powers and duties shall cease and terminate, one (I) year following completion of construction of the last improvement on the final Parcel to be developed within the Property, unless extended by majority vote of the Owners. The decisions of the Committee must be communicated in writing and shall be based upon the , deCIsion of one (1) of its members. Section 5. Enforcement 5.1 Breach. Every act or omission whereby any covenant, condition or restriction herein contained is violated, in whole or in part, shall authorize the Declarant, LibertyBank, or any other Owner to exercise any and all remedies available under applicable law against the offendmg Owner, 5.2 Other Remedies. The remedies provided in this Declaration shall be cumulative and in addition to any and all other remedies available under applicable law. 5.3 Attorney Fees. In any legal or equitable proceeding for enforcement ofthis Declaration, or any proVlsion hereof, whether It be an action for damages, declaratory rehef, or injunctive rehef, or any other action, the losmg party or parties shall pay the attorney fees of the prevailing party or partIes, at trial and on appeal. - - 5.4 Nonwaiver. The failure to enforce any covenant, condition or restriction - contained herein shall in no event be deemed to be a waIver of the right to do so thereafter. Section 6. Amendment 6.1 By Declarant. So long as Declarant owns any Parcel, Declarant reserves and shall have the sole nght to unilaterally amend this Declaration if such amendment is necessary to: 6.1.1 Cure any ambiguity and/or inconsistency between the provisions contamed herein, DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDmONS AND RESTRICfIONS - Page 3 LANE,OR Document Document - Year DocID 2006 102 I 2 Page 4 of 10 Prmted on 8/15/2007 1 25 46 PM Branch :DSE,User FAll : Date Recelved: Comment: I ~ St~tIon Id (:UIM '1.' f ngina\ Sub01ltta\- 6.1.2 Bnng any provision into compliance with any applicable law; 6.1.3 Enable any reputable title insurance company to issue title insurance coverage on a Parcel; or 6.1.4, For any purpose provIded the amendment has no matenal adverse effect on any substantIve right of any Owner, and/or does not adversely affect the title to any Parcel, without the written consent of its Owner. 6.2 By Owners. This Declaration may be amended by the affinnative vote or written consent, or combination thereof, of Owners of seventy five percent (75%) of the Parcels provided, however, that Sections 2,3 and 4,1 may not be amended without the written consent of LibertyBank. Section 7. General Provisions 7.1 Severability. If any provision of this Declaration shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceabil1ty shall not affect any other provision of this Declaration, and such other provisions shall be construed as If the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this Declaration. 7.2 Successor in Interest. This Declaration shall be appurtenant to each Parcel WIthin the Property, and shall run With title to each Parcel and shall be bmdmg upon and mure to benefit of all present and future owners of each Parcel within the Property, 7.3 Liability, The Declarant shall not be liable to any Owner by reason of any alleged mistake in judgment, neghgence, nonfeasance, action or inaction in connection with the Declarant's rights or duties under this Declaration, or for the enforcement or failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration. By acquiring a Parcel, each Owner agrees that it will not file any action or suit agamst the Declarant to recover any damages or to seek equitable rehefbascd on the foregoing, The undersigned Declarant has executed this Declaration of Covenants, ConditIons and Restrictions on the /-' day of February, 2006, AMIGOS III, LLC ...--;J - 0JI./t#~ ~ ?:.R9M~ E. THIENES, Member DECLARA nON OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. Page 4 LANE,OR Document Document - Year.DocID 2006,10212 Page 5 of 10 Pnnted on 8/15/2007 1 '2547 PM ~, , Branch :DSE,User FAll Com!!lent StatIon Jd CUlM Date Received: , Io~: . FEB - 4 2008 STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) ss, Origrnal Submittal This instrument was acknowledged before me on February 1..3..-, 2006, by RONALD E. THIENES, as a Member of Amigos III, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company. ~~~ NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Exprres' I 01 J 0 ) 0 q , OFFICIAL SEAl ~ ~ DEBBIE 8EBERE!~.... 1I01ARY PUBLIC .OR~ " COMMISSION NO. 39761~. tlf C(IMI4SSION 9lWS QC1lIER -;.... .; DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS - Page 5 LANE,OR Document Document. Year DocID 200610212 Page 6 of 10 Printed on 8/15/2007 1 2548 PM Branch DSE,User FAll Comment. . So Station Id CUlM ,.. >.. -~ -. J-.-,~'" ~ ..~ ,~'"J FEB -_ 4 2008 .' Original submittal Exhibit "1" Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: , PARCEL 1: _' _-Be9lnl]r9 at a pOint on the North right of way line of the McKenZIe Highway, said POint being South 890 44' East 709 1 feet from a point In the center of County Road No. 452, said last mentJoned point being 452.0 feet South 00 01' West from the Northwest comer of the S D. GAGER DONATION LAND ClAIM NO, 45, Township 17 South, Range 2 west, Willamette Mendlan, from said beginning point run North 137.58 feet; thence South 890 44' East 128 feet, thence South 137.58 feet to the said North nght of way hne of said Highway; thence North 8go 44' West along said nght of way 128 feet to the place of beginning, belng a part of said GAGER DONATION lAND CLAIM In Secbon 33, in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT THEREFROM that part conveyed to the State of Oregon, by Instrument recorded January 24, 1962, Om's Rllng No, 57171, Deed Records of Lane Count'i, Oregon. PARCEL 2: The follOWing descnbed tract of land lYIng In the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of ltIe Wlllamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, to-WIt. Beginning at a POint marking the Southeast comer of that certam tract of land conveyed to the Southland Corporabon by deed recorded November 21, 1974, Recepbon No, 74-49658, Offiaal Records of Lane County, Oregon, said pamt being 619.09 feet South 890 44' East and 8006 feet South 870 42' 43" East from a point where the Northerly margin of the Md<enzre Highway mtersects the centerline of County Road No 452; running thence North 117.19 feet to the Northeast comer of said Southland tract, thence East 10.0 feet to the Northwest corner of that ~rtaln tract of land conveyed to Richard E, Miles, et ux, by deed recorded October 03, 1966, ReceptIon No. 40708, Offidal Records of Lane County, Oregon; thence South along the West line of said Miles tract to the North hne of said Highway; thence West along the North hne of said Highway to the place of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 3: Beginning at a point on the North right of way hne of the McKenZIe Highway, as It existed prior to August 01, 1962, said paurt: befng 452 feet South 00 l' West and South 890 44' East 837.1 feet from the ' Northwest comer of the S. 0, GAGER DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 45 In TownshIp 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan; run thence South 890 44' East along the North Ime of said Highway, 13.25 feet; thence North 137 58 feet; thence North 69044' west 13.25 feet to a pOint North of the point of beginning; thence South 137.58 feet to the point of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPTING that part conveyed to the State of Oregon, State Highway CommiSSion by deed recorded October 02, 1962,Oerk's Rle No. 85207, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, m Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 4' Beglnnmg at a point which IS South 00 aI' West 452.0 feet; South 890 44' East 619,10 feet; and North 137,58 feet from a stone marking the Northwest comer of the GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 45 In Sectlon 33, TownshIp 17 South, Range 2 West of the WlIIamette Meridian, which said poInt Is the true point of beginning; running thence North 90.0 feet; thence East 109.0 feet; thence South 90.0 feet; thence West 109 0 feet to the point of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 5 LANE.OR Document Document - Year DocID 2006.10212 Page 7 of 10 Prmted on 8/15/2007 1 2549 PM ..-I, . . Branch'.DSE,User 'FAll Comment: Station Id CUlM . ".IC'I L Iiii.., ,."""J,.,.. ....~t.It.J,.... '., u3,,~w,""I~. 1-." . FEB ~'4 2008 '. 1ft " 4 , Original Submittal . ..: ~. Beginning at a pOint which IS South 00 l' West 452 feet and South 890 44' East 837 10 feet and North 137.58 feet from the stone marking the Northwest comer of the GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 45 In SedJon 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Mendlan, which said pOint 15 the true point of beglnnlngj runntng thence North 890 44' West 109 feetj thence North 319 feet, more or less, to the center hne of the Thurston Roadj thence East along the center hne of the said Thurston Road 109 feet, thence South 00 l' West 319.16 feet, more or less, to the pOint of beginning, all In Lane County, Oregon. , -PARCEl: 6' -' The South 90 feet of the following des01bed property: Beginning at a paint which Is South 00 01' West 452.0 feet and South 890 44' East 619 10 feet, and North 227.58 feet from the stone marking the Northwest comer of the GAGER DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 45, In Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Mendlan, which said pOint Is the true pomt of beglnnrngj run thence North 227.79 feet; thence East along the center line of the Thurston Road 109 0 feet; thence South 227.79 feet; thence North 890 44' West 109.0 feet to the point of beginning, all In Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 7: Beglnnlng at a point which IS South 00 01' West 452.0 feet and South 890 44' East 519.10 feet and North 317.58 feet from the stone marking the Northwest corner of the GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 45, Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Mendlan; thence South 890 44' East 41.5 feet to the true point of beginning, thence North 137.79 feet to the center hne of Thurston Road; thence South 890 44' East 67.5 feet; thence South 137,79 feet; thence North 8go 44' West 67,5 feet to the place of beginning, In lane COunty, Oregon. EXCEPT THEREFROM the Interest in the North 30 feet conveyed to the Oty of Spnngtield, by Deed recorded October 30, 1963, Reception No 31235, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 8. Beginning at a pOint which IS South 00 01' West 452.0 feet and South 890 44' East 61910 feet and North 31758 feet from the stone mar!<Jng the Northwest comer of the GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 45, Township 17 Soultl, Range 2 West In SedJon 33, Wlllamette Meridian, which said point is the true point of beginning; thence North 8 25 feet; ltlence North 890 44' West 25 feet; thence North 129.54 feet to the centerline of Thurston Road; ltlence South 890 44' East 57,5 feet; thence South 137.79 feet; thence North 89044' West 415 feet to the place of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon" EXCEPT the North 30 feet thereof. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT premises conveyed to the Qty of Springfield far 57th Place, by deed recorded September 20, 1966, Reel 295, under R"''''''i-';'on No. 51288, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the aty of Spnngfield by deed recorded October 03, 1975, under Recorder's Reception No 75-42720, Offiaal Records of Lane County, Oregon. Exhibit "1"-2 LANE,OR Document: Document - Year.DodD 2006,10212 Page 8 of 10 Prmted on 8/15/2007 1 25 49 PM Branch :DSE,User .FAII Comment. ,II .~ . II I I II. Ii II i I . .1 .1. 1..1 I I " _I"'" I Date Received: 'fEB - 4 2008 Original submittal. Parcel 9: '-; J.. StatIon Id GUIM Beginning at a poInt oa the North right of ~ Une 0( the Md(enzIe H1!JhwaY, SlI/d.polnI being 452 feet South 00 l' We$. and Souttr 89" +t' East 837.1 feet (ram tI'Ie Northwest amer of the S. D. Gager Oonallan lJmd Oalm No, 4S In T~p 17 Soul!I, Range'2 We$. at the \IIIlIamelt!!.to1et1d1an; run Illence " South 890 "". East along the Nonn lIne.oC 5iIld Highway 13.25. feet< l!IeIlce North 456J4:feel, mare or len, to the centerline of the Thurst<ln Road; tt1enc:I: west aIang.sald center1lne II) lr polntNorth ot the '. point of beginning; lhence South lD the point at beginning, In Lane County, Oregan. EXO:Fl" the foJIoYM9 desalbed tract: Beglnnlng '&t a polnt on the Ncnh right of way Rne of the Mc:KenzJe H1gtlway as It exlsted prlor III August 1, 1961,..saId- polnt"lieIng "52 reet South QO l' West and South 69" 44' East 837 .1 feel: from the IfortI'Iwest comer at the S. 0, GIlger-Donation ~ Calm No. 45 In Township 17 SoutI1, Range l West of the walametk Merldlan: nm tIlenc:e South 890-44' East alOng tI'Ie North Rne cI said Highway 13,;ZS reet; thence Narth 13r.58" fed; thenal Nartl1.S90 """ West 13.25 feet III II pDfnl Nortn ot the paint ot beginning; ~ SOUtIl13T,Se feet IIllhe poInt ofbegl/llllng, In Lane COunty, Oregon, . ALSO "^""'" I.NG that part COIIYe'r'ed III the Sta~ of Oregon, State Highway CcmInlSSIon by deed ri=rded OclDber 2. 1952, Oel1(s RIe Na,1l5207, lAne Collllty Oregon Deed Recx>rcls, In lane County, Of1!gon. Parcel 10: SC:UATEDJD.\lIe City ofSpriDgIicId ill dlll Soalllwcsl 1/4 otScctiaD.34, TawmhIp 17 SoulIl, 1Wrp 2 Wu: orlllc WiJlImclIe M:zIdlaIi llII4 4escl:lbcd IS fllIIoowI: , , .......Q ~ partIllIlotllu:lal2dl1hstW=~lIIJ.mlgo1m.u.cbylblltaauin Wamzsr;, Occd __roconlc4lU:y2.1.2IlIl4,,~,Noi:IlllQ'2.0Q.4..03&460 lDlIloOmdlJ~oa.ue CGIII:\Y, Stala ofOzepl, :. ". .:.-afllld IallII.l bolD&lIlOtC p&nlDuIal.yclc=ibc4as lbl1awl: ~atlh"'oulhwo:ot_ot"uJdl&Rd.tIuIl- "'_", .~lIIltcoorC<t'sN"",bcr2004- 03&460. wluoh palDll1cs Ill1lbc Dadh mo:r;la of l!lo ~ mp'W)' u ........1l.~-d III tl..o "_'" -'0 to tho Slo1a otOrcp 1IIst _ .. ...~.lMl:cb', 1963 atR=pdonNumber 1.S'611l \lie Olf!oW.Re.:anls otLsll.a Colml:J. S~ or ~"O'- . .............", I=Yma ~d paiat vi CO"l"'.,;..-;..~ allllll JAld narthmargil! cCdlll McK.omOo mzhwsySOtmllt7" 43' ~EAST 50,OOl'BSf ID 1Ilc'I'RO&1!OJNTOJ'~"...i~ \ I. .. ._ '.......l&:ImlIg IIlld muE" .......... o,lri....:."'.......... aD41l1l4 ma:gII1 aD4 ~ b= said 1aDds.1IIst _ 00IM'JCi Izt.B.caoaI='I Nmllbct 2OC*Q3846l1 aIlmg1ho liIIlawlllg1bar ~ CDIlnCE (1) ,__ld'l11' 2S" WPST94.01 PSrto ~paIat afllql:at gumluro to \hI::igbl;~) doq hili =w CD 1ho dglItbaYlllgaad!lls cc:m= CatbelDl{d 73~ S% 32' EASt 72.00 Pe<<, ~0CIIlnII1D&Io aftlS" I11'W ~&lGIIIobgnj otNmdaOl'~' "'" Wg;2O.2ll Fca._4I&;tm:o IIOO.26PPSrtoa {lOlnt,--':-ll=. whIdI JIUIPlIIIIa 1Ics panIld. m1hcdZLOO!o::t caslClly by r ..._.::cuJar ____..;.1ltmtl&D 'M:It1lao otlllld IIalktbat ,,_ .....ll\'qIed ia~1 NlIlIIbc:r2Q04.Q3848l;-(3)-wa:sdd~ liaa, hvA.L<:L9Z.3u'""" III ~ ~&md(4) 1eoMngalillL....... r ....a.U!=, E,ASI: 169 4!PBB1"1llllnt od=to ~ palat OIllbc CIl>tIillo oCSlWI. W1d,ubat WCl'll . ... 'J' iillIl.._J _ . N1Ialbcr20G'-43aA6O; .......,.:%, oIaq...ut _laultho lbllowlDg 0llC IIII:IIIlxm1CG111Jll: (5) Sotrm20UI PEBt' _ <<lea to tho s=hcut_ at. 1AIl uId IandJ as said paiD111c1 011 JAld amm lIUqla4l1hdlcK~lz:lil Bia\l'Mlf ~No. 1$46); Alld.1lIENC&, aIoac 1lie JOII\h Ii1le ClC1ast I1114Im1t III4.aid IlClrtluaarg!D lhe fil1lDwlg 0Cl0~~(t)Nal.msr--4r \S'ViEStl~. ~_. _orlco:s.........,...NJNGIO lbc 'Ol.mr.l'OlNTOl'BEu.."....a&IllL.-hl:ag33,2SlSquanll'oct(ll.76A=)= "!' 1=. - ..~ ~... - - - - - -- - - ~ -- Exhibit "1"-3 LANE,OR Document Document. Year DocID 2006 10212 Page 9 of lO Pnnted on 8/15/2007 1 25 50 PM .. .. Branch .DSE,User -FAll Comment. Station Id .CUIM Date Receive-d: FEB - 4 2008 Parcel 11: Ongin~1 S4bmittal . ~ - "Cl71CZUDq or a poi.a~' "" I:h.o:. Ilortll. ripe 0," ""'y ;t.1l:l.I! or. eba ICcJWah lI1qhvay, odd l"'lnt.},1>iD9' 11_~ U' U' .....r. In.n t...< &0. .. po1At ia tllc center ot (~- 110. ,IS:. .dd tue ....u~~0De<l pailL~ bdJ>a 45%",0. t...J: BouCh O' l' lut fnlm l:hl> IlOr-..l>vDot como;- ot_ t:1lo 5",P. Q~.:: oona= Lab4 Claia Ko, .5. , O__~I' 13 .....u.._ 1.01"1& ~ "on., lIill__t<o Hor.l4i.ul.. Croll '.aid hog.l.DtL\ng ~1A< rwI. llortls 14J .SI C'O<-l tl&.....,o BouCh agr 44-' It;>.~ :tCa:O' hc<. tb""".. Ol>tll 14~ ,51 tue 1:4 tAIl :rortl1..dghr: of 'Ay liJle of ootd h;!,sll.lrarr ~ac.. ::n:.t. I'" "'I "D.~ ..l.cq-_Ud. r.1ght of ""r ro..o eclllll~ t.G tJ:io.opl.a.e:1l of ~, baing &:p&:'l: of" ",l.4' Qoso,," Do:l.o.lem ~CIa:U.. LA Secti=. !J. 111 Coune-r. O=gcu:. l!Zl:lln:llG t:Iw:: put .. "" ,_ad to l:h.o, SCUJ>. o~ ~'ao", l:Iy- and.. c.'u'ocgh. ic.:-.6u.ea. KiiOhnr O::IIIIIIi..tGu~ Iir- 4eed z:eoo:dod .~t: 17, un. Xaoopt:W.lfo-. 81Z~O. x.&Ao Co\m:;y- '_0__ Ilaed_llec=d.s, il:I Laa ---IJ _..~.._.. :' Parcel 12: SlTt1A'IXD in a;c;-ciy'OC Sprii1gfIcld in tho Southwest 114- of Section 34, ToWnship 17 SOUfh. Range 2 West oftl!a V(i11amctteMcrldian and dcscribedlL! wllaw3: BEING all of the ptopc:rty 1hst WU ........, "')~ as "PARCEL 2" In that ccrlIlln StIltlrtOry WII1lII1ty Deed to Amigos m. I.LC that wu reoorded May 13, 2005 lIS Recorder's Number 2005-034709 in thcl OfficullRccoIdsof'I.anc Collllty. SllItCafOrcgOll. tDgetl:lerwitha ponlonof"tbc llmds thatw= conveyed to Amigo, m. LLC by that ecrtain Waaanty Deed that wa" recorded May Z1, Z004 as ~rdcr's Nur:cb<< 2004-038460 m tho Officlal Records ofI.anc County. S~ ot Oregon. the pt.rUnetor of said Im1ds being mora pa:ticularly d="bed as (D1l0~ BEGlNNINGst1iul SDUthwestoo=g{aaidlandstbstw.:rccol1~II1R:c4td4t'a Numbor2004- 038-'160, which !'OINT OJl' BEGINNlN'G 1Ic:a Ol1lbc narth ma:p of:tlIc v~'" ---lo HlBbway ao enllb1ishcdiuthe~ tot!ul Slalcof'O~gonthatwasrecardcd.Match4. 1963llt~ NllIl1bcr 1546 ill the Official Rccor& of'Lano Cotmty, State ofOreaon: uu,l\a, I=ving ai4l'OINT OF BEGlNNlNG lIDd alolll: said northllW'l:in of tho McKemie Highway the follawmsauo 1Illmbcred comsc:: (1) Svu U:18'r 43'1S~EAST 50.00 PEBI'to a poim; l.&;U\o11W!i, 1_. .:....... Jut said margin and cm~ BaJ<lllmd3 that Wl:l'l:.alavcyed .lnRceotdcr's Numbcr2004-038460 alo.agthc followillg foarll.umbere<l comes: (2) NORTH 16' 07'28" WEST 94.08 reeL to a pohu oftangcnt ClIrnltatolD the rlgbt; (3) along Wd cun'e 10 the dgbt having Ii !lldiu! Cl:Iltcr 1bat bclU'3 North 73. 51' 32~ BAST 72.00 F~ a centml angle of 16' 07' 28". and & long c:bcm1 of'Nor1h 08' 03' 44- West20.20 Feet. an arc distance 0(20.26 EEET to a poilltof1aDgeo1 Iillc, wbl.ch taIl8dJt IW Ii=. paualIcl 'M1l1 and 21.00 fcct.e&stc::Iy by to -l'....dloulBr m.e&SUrelIlClIt Uoll1 tho , _liDC ofsaLi 1IIDcb thstWl:Z'O c;caycycd1l1~sNumboc 2004-438400; (4) d'wIi aai4~ar/pa:8IlciU=.NORm92.31.FEBTto&polnl;md(S) lcmngsaid~ line, EAST 169.45 I'E8T melO ot: 1= to a point on tbc =t line of Wd Ia.n& thIl1 wc:rc =eyed in Recordet'$ Number 2C~38460; THENCE, aIollg said east line tho follilwing otle =b=d comse: (6) NORTH244.031lEETlI1llroorlcss tothcnorthea.stcorneroflastsaidlandi; .L.tUW\u., alol1i the lIOrth. IW at la.st said 1s:nds lIDd the Ilc:th line of'aaid. lands that wer= c:onveyed as "'P ARCEI.2" inR.-"":':':_ iNllIDhcr200S.$47Q9 the foDowingOllC n~com:so: rn scum 89' SJ'02"WEST291.97 ~C,QL tothcll....:..._.__ ofsaid"PARCEL2"; U1Al.",.,Il,.~lbe wm lIDd sOllth 1in::s 0!8IIid "1'A1tCBL.,," tho foIlowiultwo r-'t.~"Cd CClIICI=; (8) Svu..n.31 1-46 FEEl' and (9) Svu .nag" 44' 31-1iAST 10&.32.l'ee I. to a ~OII. the w= liIl.o afsaid bnds ihst were l:O~ m Rccardcr'a NllEIIbcr 2004-03&460; and U1J,..m...~ a!mlglast said west line the follilwillg 0lI.O IIlJlIIIlemd Co\lr3C: (l0) SOUTE: 132.18 FEE! Rz..L uMoNING to the Pu.u.u.. OF BEGlNNING and M_inlnf 85,939 Squm ~cct (1..97 ~) molO or leu. Exhibit "1"_4 LANE,OR Document. Document - Year,DocID 2006 10212 Page 10 of 10 Pnnted on 8115/2007 1.25 51 PM Branch ,~tRooeived: Comment: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal PUBUC UTILITY EASEMENT TaX Map & Lot Numbers Map 17-02,3~1 Lots 2501. 2502, 2602 and 2900; Map 17-02.34-32 Lots 200 and 400 (on the date of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entllfllll '"to tIus 241t.. day of :r '^- \. '1 ' 2006 by and between Am'gos III, LlC, an Oregon L,mrted lIabillly Company, hereinafter referred t09S the Granlor(s) and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, 8 muniCipal corporabon, 111 lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee WITNESSETH In ConslderatJOn of the acce~;"'.._ by Grantee and the use or holding ofS8ld ........"....tlor prasent or futUIe publte use by Grantee, Granters hereby grant, bargan, sell and .. .,: un\l) the Grantee 8 perpetual easement 7 00 feet In WllIll'I. togelIler WIll'Ithe nght to go upon said easement area heremafter described m Exh,blt'A'lor the purpose of ~~. '... .JdIng, recons\rudJng, mmnla,",ng ancllJSlO9 PU8UC U'TILJTES which may hereafter be Installed on \he foIJowmg de$enbed property, to-wIt. SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO A.ND IMC~...., ~.....ATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement unto the said Grantee, lis successors and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantors above named have hereunto setlhell' hands and seals this 'Z 4 i\.-., day of -:T v.. \ 1.1 . 2006 I AMIGOS III. lLC, an Oregon llmrted lJabllrty Company /~~.dmbe~' STATE OF OREGON } ss COUNTY OF LANE BEITREMEMBEREOlI\atonthlS t.q dayof ~,",-\.... .2006, before me, the understgned. a notary public in and lor sald County and Slate personally .'n -". .,j the WIll'Im named Ronald E Thl8nell who&e tdentJty was proved to me on the basis of sabSfadoly ewlence and WhO execu!lld the ~ Instrument and acknOwledged to me tIIat the allOve IIISlrUment was SIgned on behalf of SlIld lmlled liabdily company and acknowledged the ;. ,..,.,.g instrument III be hIS wIunlary act and deed IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixeel my offiCIal seal the day and year last above wntten. -~-- ------------1 OFFICIAL SEAl , Of.IL A WAlSM1EN : ~"'';'',.: I:OTI'C{ r~3,1t., OPEG^ll . ~ '" ;' > cC'. "~~I()tr w') ::nO~l 1 ~~ ~c U\'t.\)~""4;;,~~~.t~'1.~~2=:;j #{} a? Notary Public for Or~on ..l-uJ,...... 2.. El, 7. DO, My Comhusslon ExplTes ' THE CONVEYANCE set forth In thIS mstrumenl COO\I8)'Ing btIe or mterest III the Crty of Spmgfiekl, a MunICIpal c...~_.~~_n 0' \he State of Oregon, 1$ hereby ....~._ ,eel and the IIlle or Interest conveyecllherelO 1$ hereby aeceplad CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By J;, ,~~ Denms P Ernst - Crty of SpnngIield SuNeyor 5~P~~IUt.. 5j 2~ Data Dlvi..IOft of Chi.f Depu~v Clerk ltMf ~~~l L.e... Ceun\v D..ds and Reo~da ,uw-w~,. 1llllllmlllllllmlllll~ 1IIIIIIIIIIIUlI $31.00 ~l!l :4331l!l20l!l .e0ll6!24002 '028 09/12/2006 01:13:47 PII RPR-ES"T Cnlot Slno! CASHIER 06 S10.OO S10.00 Slt.OO RETlJRNTO CITY OF SPRINGFIElD, PUBUCWORKS DEPT . 225 FIFTH SlREET . SPRINGFIELD OREGON97<ln z..WNUE~ . ~laDICIIr~""~ --..... ._- LANE, OR Document EAS 2006 66524 Page 1 of2 I .. Station Id .q.JIM Prmted on 8/15/2007 1 2338 PM ri ".. Branc,:h DSE,User FAIl Comment: StatIOn Id :CUIM Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 EXHIBIT "A" 7.00-FOOT PUBLIC UTIUTY EASEMENTS Original Submittal SITUATED In the City 01 Spnngfl8ld III the Southwest 1141lf SedIon 34 and the Southeast 114 of Section 33. Township 17 South, RaI198 2 West of the WlIlamette Meridlllll and descnbecl as follows BEING two potbons of the landslhat were conveyed 10 A1rNgos III, UC, an Oregon lJrnl!ed lJablll\y Company, (1) as "Tract 1 after Property une AdJuslment" In "ExhlbltA.ofthat(;&(la1ll Property Lme Adjustment Deed that was"~~,w&d December21, 2005 at Recorder's Number2005-101301Itllhe 0fliclaI Records of lane County, State of Oregon, (2) as .ParceI1.m .Exhlblt A. In the Sta!uloly Warranty Deed that was recorded May 13, 2005 at Recorder's Number 200$-034709 in the OfficIal Records of Lane County, Stale of Oregon, (3) III "Exhlbrt 0" IIllhe r.. . " , ;, llne AdJUStmenI Deed that _18COIded March 20, 2006 81 Recordlll's NUI11ber 2006-018447 III the Oftiaal Realrds 01 Lane County, Slate of Oregon, 8nd (4) In .Exhiblt CO In the Property line AdJustmenl Deed that was I'llOOIded March 20, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006'()18448 II1Ihe OffICIal Records 01 Lane County, Slate 01 Oregon, said"., ~. .,~ belng more partx;ularly deacribed as follows BEING two slnps of land each 7 00 leet In wtcIth ~ ad)llClellllD and northerly of and SOUlherIy of the nof1h and south margms of, res,."- .ly,the Norlh"A" Slreetnghl.of.-y1li9ran1edlDlheCltyofS,. .,70 : III that , Bargam and Sale Deed as recorded <;'Ppt 12, '2oa'... alRecorder's Number ~u 5'23 Lane County OfIicaaJ Records The easterly margin 01 sad stnps being the easterly boundaty of said "Tract 1 after ~\." ~ li Ule AdJ1.~. ,"'. (Recorder's Number 2005-101301) The wesIsrty tnargltl oflh8,.. .,,' 7 00 foot stnp betng the W8St8fly boundary of said .ParceI1"1Il "ExIvbtt A" CR.-.. .J.. 's Number 2OQ5.()34709) The westlll1y margin 01 the SOUtherly 7 00 foot sb1p betng the wesIetty boundary of said "exhibit C" (Recorde(s Number 2006.(18448) J: I Zo. UJO~ .; R~IS'icReO 1 PROFESSIONAL !.At4p SURVEYOR /~~d"ff- O~E6ON JULY20.1ll93 REXA. BETZ ... ~ / L, C f:1"/' III J Iv 7 l.~2OW ~ . ", '" ~"'ARTII'JQNDOCuME~......... &......fDc RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT .225 FIFTH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 974n Rf\a(o ,2OOIlI LANE,OR Document. EAS 2006.66524 ........... _" ... "... - -.. ~,... ....... Page 2 of 2 Printed on 8/15/2007 1.23 39 PM t:l t""' g ~ ~ . g 0 1'1 ;:d tv o o -.J \0 vJ ...... \J:) '"tl J'6 (1) tv o '"" J:o. 4' 5 ..- (1) P- o ::s ~ Ul hi o o -.J tv w N '"'0 3:: LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER 2007 -P2089 ..'lr- R,E COR D E D 0All! /2 rJJ '07 t.i- ~[ COUNTY 5URVlYORS ornCE C S rilL NO r- UHO OAtt 1-, NARRATIVE flE" Pf.R>OSf. ~ rHS stltYE"r IS ro Ft.A r AJI) atAAf( lftTH mOPER ~Nr8 Ii AiCCORD.aNa II1IrH 0flE~ ~(\1SEO fHA11JlfS ClfAPrER 92 NtIJ l.OCAL C1Rf)ftANC(C M ,,"'UlrnN fLAr 'OR AMG09 .. uc. orr CF SfflMYnD CUE NO SW2006 00026. A. GNrH JeNlAfwr APPROVAl. ~ 19 200G By JI'E an r:F, '. '.. ,:_D. fl€ POIITS AM) lUG SHOWN ON T,..g P/uwr."., PLAT W(RF nTABtJ9€O A8 FCllOwt) nc 9f'.>>l)APY or r1fS PAIIIfJ/CW 6 OM: MD Jl-C BA'" "9 fHAT ImCH rAS SlIOWH AS TR~cr, ArTER A[UJS'rJJl[Nr~ ON TI-E' 6l.fiY[r MAP 9r .wrBEV' RfX A. BErt 'HAT rAS FLED ora""'" a 2'005 AS cg N..I&'R '"91 fREF II ALL ~Nrs AtOM;: TIE 9Of.U}ARY OF T~ l AMJS PAlHlTIOHf.() lEREON 1l'fRf" fotH> N ''* lOCA"""" 9lOIt1V II SAC st.R~r All I'(RM(rE.R UES liRE' Ifl.D A8 AMt)'ArlD 0I'l SAO 9.1un IMP HE.: Bf"RNi. NOIUH 89- ,J OZ- EAst tY HaHH tIrE' CF fIE. lAM;l$ AS pAA,nrPfEO IERECW rAS ~D rOR rw fIIASS OF ~AJlI<<i A8 SAD LIE AID fI(~ ARE. ~ CIIt ArmfSAC fitIlYfT MAFt RECORD OArA rAICCN FROtA ANOfI€R SW\I'EY By MYsnr ruM WAS n..m It4Ra4 22. roo6 AS cst MAIBE1I. ,,7J1 CREr Jl "AS mo "OR CSTAIllt5H'<<J IlE lOCAlPI cr 58TH frAffr IEfffcw' rl€ FOlN) M9AP WITH 'fUlOW Il.AS~ CAP oMARlIlltl "9O'H:R . ASSOC- .n TIC NrUfSECTKJN CF floE CQiTFRlK a- foPIrH -A- STREff '1TH TIE !tEsr A.AT 9Ot.NWfr << "'BlJ)A M"SJi- mrr 2J WAS ACCEPTED AS RENG S..w fflEJV3CCroN AS 1HJrtN CW JK M~r ...,. 8r $'tE~ f WCJ(XIS THU "AS FUD M:J\'O&'R 29- 199' AS CSF M..IeER 3161" TJf:: CfNTEtIL"*. ~ SAI) smar Mill IftM EASJIRt.r nww SM;I POftT "AS UTAa..oO 8r Hf.J...DNG MCCflO AMill9 ANJ rxsTA.\Q"S AS lAtIDt 'RfM f>MJ SlIl'V[Y Br WOCXIS. TJ.E alr1ERt.1<<' OF 6AO StArET .16 " RfNJ waTER!. r fJUI SAD 1II1{R!'ECrOC OE IDA PI AM) SOUrH IURGIl1S' a: SMJ BrAffr AID nE. NJ"E"RJOR PARCfl LKS ME ESrAlllDflJ ~ .19 P(A 1J€ M'MOYfD TENTATfYE MAP At Jll': (JIlfCIOI Of lIE OIfER. SURVEYOR'S CERT/F'ICATE , AU A. 8HZ A ~lJSlUIED I'RCIf'(SSIl"W. LAN] su:no~ llEJI<<j OlI..r s.ow Qif 0.""" ro HrRIDr aRrry If' mAr TI-€ HTW. POIIT AS SM>1t'H 'CReON IS' IfAAKfD 8Y Ar Il(M I'J'E" WHOf IfTW. PONt OC'('\ft"S' T~ NORrtEAST cmrER or rJoE lAN;)9 PMrJtQ#:1) 'ERiON AM> AlSO AWlJCS UE Hrw. I'f)Nr AN) Ml11lMST tOPMR CF "9t.O.4,WSA AS fl.....T1(D AID AtCMOED .AI€ 26. 2980 1# Fl..E 7J AT 9.llE J8S Pi rl-E PlAT REC(ftJll' (Y LME COCIITY srArl (F CflCt:nf. J<<) (21 T'HAr, HAve C'tfR.cn. y 5Unot'D AM) ~ .,-rlf FfnJ'ER IOI.M:Hrs M rcuOfN,; DfsamEl> PAln~ (fJUA lID If nc an IT Sf'RNTnb " TK SOlfflIW'f57 114 or SECIOI J.f rCJI'N9fIJ , 1 !>(I(/J)( RANGF 2 1'(5r OF JJ.I: ., AAE'TTr ~ AIIJ....;.......\.-'"'-... AS Fa.LOI"S> p("Mi All cr rl€' l""'S lHA T 'KRE COtM rrn TO AUGOS . LlC, AN ORCGON LMffD U681llTr COWANY .16 "TRoller I AfTER PRMlfrt' LIE ,.o.nsrJENr- Ii uer A- or JH4r C(1(fAlV PROf'fItTt LA(' AD.AJSrKN1 ttnJ mAT rAS ,',~ .'~ '...:... ct"CEMl'CJt 2f ZOO, Ar MCMDlRS ~ lOO5-101Ja Ii 1r-€ OFFlCtU. RECORDS cr LA'€ C'eXNrr STAtE OF OREGCW. CQNTANNG 859J9 8OtJAR!: ,rrr '91 ACRfSl ~ ~ LEss. PARTmON PLAT FOR AMIGOS III, LLC s.". 1/4. Re. 34. U'IS., R.ZW" ",)1. SPRlNcmew. LA.NB COUNTY, 01lBG{)N 1XBRU.4RY 6. ft07 DECLlRATION KHO_ ALl PERSONS S'I" TIESE" f'REIENTB THA 1 AMOOS . LLC OJ OOfS ~8Y ('[RTf" rHAT IT II 11€ OlM[~ Of THE; LMI;l oIlS HtRf.ON DE8CRfKO AJIJ oon CAUS( nE I'ROf'['TY 10 Be "Jtn~ N ACC'CM'OAM:( .,TH TI'€ moVISfCNI OF CHAPT(R " OF TJ.E Cll[QtW RE'.-o SrUU1ES AIJ IE.fffOl'l SHPJrN, 'l' DOE'B "R(BY CJlf"AT( ~ AO(f<<)IIta<< M Acasa K8mcrm mow NOIITH A' 61fff:H ro P'ARea 2 069 Stl71'N fVI[(>>t r)1 oaf9 ~RE8r AC1O'1IOM,El'<< rHAt lOCArnY cr TN: FUrtlfE Mt)'fI'AY FOR fAA'CEL ( A[QlRS Al"PROVAJ OF J)E' otr OF 6I'ffflGf€lO {.., DOES IEROY AOC'1<<IIft.UlGT 1JE "CCESS AfS1RICrtw mOIl ftE 6Ol{lIi'l(' U(jHI'AY TO PARCrL 2. lty ~Aftl..rE' NSrRl.M:Nf .19 lH>trH ~RfOlIC (,, ()Cfil t€RfBY .4ow::Jl'l. CDGE floE ~OICATr.w BY SEPARATE HSfRfAlENT OF CAI 1Of.rn A' grPEET (9' rJE 700Foor FUJLr UllJh' CA~H' AOJAC[lifT 10 saD NO/HH A" SMEET ICI TIC PAW. rc .xJNT U5l' Aiccrss U6EJCNT JIiI. r RIJIrI$ ACltOSS' "ARm 1 AM) CDJ floE' PRNA Tr JOIN1-1J6l srOR" DfIA.H4~ U~.wNf 'HAr U:S IItm., P.4RCEI. 1 AU AS S.oWN ~ AN) 1&1 Cl(("S ,p('Ir Al')CNQIfl[l)(i[ TfoE' ~ CA9E'1IWTS C'F RE'CORD AS SHCIH ~REOH AMtS09 & tic. .a (M('GOlV LIlJEl) ti49tJrr COW'ANY ~I: ,:.,L, .. RQtIW.erE tJ.I('1.ER. oWEll&ER ACKNOWLEDGMENT srA rl OF OftEGCW , COtMTr, oF lAAE' I 89 ~ ~ ~~~ r::r~O: :=X/_>;':'A:: ~~Y AM) sf:'ri. :r~'fr IJ'P[ARfD rJ.€ II'IThW HAME.D ROlCAI.D E. r"€~ I'P<<JS( (J{Nrlry "AS fROW:O 10 K ON nc BASIS OF 8AlliF"AcrOAY tw::E'M't' A/ID .,.., O'ECUfE>> f'toE 1f1l~ IlGJRtM1ifT ..", .m.olllDGC> lD iE' fH,4r JlE ABOtt:" NiTRf.MCHr I'A8 ~ ON Ii\rn.o\I: F " SAD lMrELJ lWII.ITr tatlfJANY ~ .fICJI(M)tItfll<<O rNE t:OR(GONJ IISrRtNENT ro fIE 1<<3 vtX..lM'AIIY ACT AN) DUD. 4.-/ d /./L-- NOrMY s.:w.rutE ~A~ M:lrARr PUJlJ: FM MfGON COUWSStCW M'1 ~Q..I NY.. =~:;,;;:J.lLf~!y"';;~ y,TAX IdA~" /7'~2'34"~ ,.TAX lOT 200 4 PORTION OF TAX LOT 100 I CITY OF SPRINGFELO CASE NO SUB 2006'000261 I'LOJ fER' ,..,. DE.SlGf<JA-' 650C M' IF 5f64011 UYlAR 91.(.LFROO ENTfRNlISE.S <f "., N< E'T DOL9LE K4HE 8F7ao.4JJ lNfE COUNTY CLERK 6: ...,.......".....R or COHVtYANCES Of'PlJTY~ ~~.~: ~:: =~~:. >>J7.o:sm 1DlJ!UlllIllllllllL'11111111 111 ~ .....f'MT e..b1 ..... ~,~ OJ ~ 01 '" ",0011010.1110 o TfNER AlWtGOB . lL c. 4070 NOR rl1 tTRFU SPRr<<TELD OR 97411 RESTRICTIONS fHIS PARnroN a; fUI.EC1 TO covtruwrB. COIOTCNS 10M) Rt"9rm;ra::ws RE'Ct)lU)(D F'[BRUARY,.. 2'006 Ar RCCOWlA'9 NtMJER 2OQ6-a02'll. N tANE ccu.fr 0ll{G(W anw. R("",,", CONCURRENCE C'CK1JWJlU'$ GIUJITM Ff1fltJS9DN FTSf M PMrm.::r.N; AN) n.A, JIG r:K TJE movtry AS ...:v.....'>oh".. JEREON tDI. ,,',<..,....,.,rz~~ 200r Ar ArctfmrR'li' ~R 200'-..1n~ 2007 ~U AM) z007-~~ W UIE COl.Nry 00["GQif OF'fD4L 1lEa:RJ9.. APPROVAlS CITY OF SPRlNG1TEW OT~~~ Ale. -11... ~ OTY st.RV(y~ ~;l r'A 7 .~7 [JArE /ANlI COUNTY" ;;.,~ 13. J,n~ A "It ;J./o,?- DAire r AECiIIT(R6) 1 PROfESSIONAL UI,N) G\.f1VEYOR /a.r d,f/ L ....<n:; ,.., J REX .~ETZ EllPm. D[C[1lIIJOl 5 lOO1 ~Brll.~~~~~ec~inl!~ ~' :uo FUt.. s~.t. Spriqcndd 0......0 ..,.n (641)7.8-0831 FU (&4t".8-038. 'n.~h.4mtlll.hruH:!la.a(ba_rt~ OCJIlQ Ctt11 " Stnletm.. " T'nDaporlaUoa " S.......rtnt PRQ.EC r NO ~ 2040 I PAGE 3 OF 3 .. -- -.. ....., _..:...lll. OlfCl NO\2005\OS~2o...a ,,.,., porllllon\ORAI'M\PLAT\01:-Z00fD PlArOWG 2/'-'01 GPIf Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Subm,ittal I to .... ~ o ::r o en tY1 C en (1) .... >rt ~ (') o a 3 (1) ::s .- en a <5 ::s ...... 0- n c:- i ?5' ~ o ~ ~ - n> 0 P ~ tv <::> <::> --.J \0 w 1.0 ." P> (JQ (ll w o --., .;.. 4' ~r (ll 0.. o ::s CO .~ '-" -- I.... <::> <::> --.J I-J w ..... tv '"Cl 3: Ji 2007 -P2089 p. ~Nr COUNTY SURVtYOA! orrlCE C5 nu NO r-- UNO DAJE I , , LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER RECORDED 0I0T( ---L.Z..& '07 ..,., ~ I Pj" .low;:qAU. '1.'1 Oolr4 fU1Jt[k(/l (A!OVt1 O(TAlI. IDI[, QIl'lif' r.w..r lElDf) AM) N)F}(. IS 1'4CJ .IMI'[ r.-a.l. Rf7TRl1<<ES I:AltU..ATEP . IlO'UD'T omII...AP <<J4I. AN) (AQ!1lO7 LUALll I"!,WI' ..ll' '0 lVl.Aa'~ IrAC' 'IUt'CI'Q1'8 crnrflCAf'E.IWVIATnE REBJRC1D'C ctJ<<:t.IIflf;1 ~Cl.NUn::w ~ Af'fflQ'fALaJW",IQMr II"' If'C IIUM8 a . ~~,.,~nuJQf LANE COUHTY C\..ERK a: ~..unl.lUl NORTH "A" STREET /"':!- -. " . .,."" BASIS OF' BEARINGS.. Of ~.I~, ...-' '~ 15M ~ It""" " ~'J t9&,,,, "-7', &I...hl.., ., Chid '-tv Civil '-~ --- II -:::...,---. -..:~R~:::::::~~I~.t1 ~------:----__ r ::--_""'" '-<-1,_ ......-. 1Ol7~11 a / '-'-'~-~~~~~l!~~~;f.'~~:~~r."~;"',,, ,.~ PARCU I ~'I ~"9~ ~!U~j~~~:~otU::: I ------_ ~_ /~..<" ",,,--.I~ ...... ,.""-' -I~"-"""'''- ''<" ,,,... f>"JF1 i -;:;;;]:~~~lAT FOR )~ - ---~~---____'1."I______':._____'" ,.'-''-{>~ '..: ; j; AMIGOS III. LLC I. ,.,;9 """~' ~ , S.". 1/4, tmC. Sf, T.I?$., R.I"., ".JI. 2 ..., .... " ""'.. , .. . '" , ~ l SI".....,....... ft, tANK COll1#n. OR.rC<lN liIQIOf-fllltetlAa1OT ~ t--:::- " . ~ "',,"' '.... ...,...."'..UUAI, . .n.,. "" mill..." -;:::::: , , .. , V~!!!:.- nalRUARY e. 2001 t """'.IoIIrmwIlU6M1 ~~.. ~ ............ I =~~~~",. SCAU: ,..= 40' F ~~= A ~".. ~~ --_-, n:m:ClI"'.....cwrltllll.' CUIfVE TMlU I ) "Q.IIli'f In'" 'A'AlU ARC ltwO 0t:W:) I R 1.A.... ...............Qt -. I: : 8 . a a~nn8" 1r),0(IZI 1'J17 RMi-ztll,n 'S'i I .J. " ~~!!I'!r".-'''.'A'' I_$~ ~Il ..... '...__ I: :Q 1ert4i'.IlmII'" rtl;~ll U.m'flJrse!."n,'!:/!P!t.!".., c.IkQ; ...... _ ~.-...v~Ql' ~.,.... c, __... __ D a "'''TOn' : C2 J6'7''''' IN}. IW' ""'Ofi'T ,n" I ~~~~~~~ [~kf'lI ,~ ....,,~ _~ ~~~~...=r -- ~ j~:: 'I~O: I~~~ :~~::~: ~~ I =~~::-.,,",-::'::_::--::::,,~-=, .~-'~_.' .~' .~..A.RC.ct Z, 7'....~ i D _'._'HI '" ,ow.,.- "". ."'"' mo"".Yrm, I I ~------.......: ~...............................~~ -- - w, ~ .....-....____ r ~~~:n~ ell "'''OO''OlY Inco U144 Mi7'"2""">>t4' 1 /! i i{ \ ....""'.... :~ ;.-:, ::;, ~:., ::::::::::::., I LEGEND I ~ ~ "I"'''''' ,..... I...... ...,...... /IUI I I : ~~"..~ ~".':" rw... ,urn; "";;':';:Al 1 : I :'~~ ~':: '~': tI~~JJ l " eN' IWlJ([D '8WIIDI (Mj fL.'" \. oz I O"'S-ffl6. I JOO..OO C,18 s.M"JnH'" 4NJ ~ ~ If1H MAlt ..,u,o JMIJO -.-_\ :.' t...~ MVE't'QR, . 0' I '6"'3 I ...,,.. "8M att.,.nJ:'t,,~ , . FOtND-"1J"~J(J'"~"",M"tMUMll ~~o--- I OSIM'l'5WIIOOO 114." IHrOrft'[U<Q I 1iJWIIOflJfSHt:. A'.flfliUl tJ'{t.UON O~ 1_!O"CJf1fXrI~" 156 ,.. ..~. u (J CAtCtU rm ""*, M)~,0tNJ lOt ., l .u. 'I 20 I'" J I ClO I 36 <fRlZ" I ca U1 liNil' 'un <Ue R. ,. mfOmt IUf 1ft:. REX ~~8ETI ! C21 I "-4I6"W I 4.8 4.11 SQ-">>T UO ~I It ~ fAX lor M..NlER en I 9O"W'OlT ~"I!I 7.56 ~'OO'OO't &81 CU' DEJCJTErl' lI(:NIlDW lAMI a.... IIIIJlftJ' I 0J'Il(8I 1lEcve:R )l lOU' . aJ I O"'D't'd4148OO J114 BnAJI?J'W .M. n i ~ :::~ ::~ ~ar~:.nr ,J I ~ : ~~' ~:::;;:. :=:;o;:~:::. ~ :;,:::::;:; = FU. ~s I tI) lCOJl' [l('M}1fD lNE C'GtN1r Clf'J1lAL JlFCOlDa I I BlInn JMJI BY 110 A. .fl FUD 0(alQ'W 1J .;roo, AS ct/F NO '''92 I ::t! LCMl'.. =~ ,==!-~~~:CfSIfJfI._ L 1ItN tlI(AA '8 'UHro AID KCUl<<D AI€lC.IMOftlru 1J AT 1!I.1f'.JM lCtPR I ~ rT ~ -.u n - " llUM"r ....,. ,r lIO' ~ IlIffl RiD ~ 22. 200S All CfF NO J9ur . :g :.u'M,=rr:.:::~II~= f~ ~~A-:~~:~/~~::='::'::~r I R(tQllI:l(O .u.r Z& 2006 ., R('~1i' M.Nlm lOO6~ln. lCOlt ~ "@Rll,BranChEn2,meerinl.tlne 12 ~~A~~:s~~:c::=:r~=~ a 'I ~ . 10 ,.1 tJAMUM IKJ lAtE DatI 10 "t: an OT ~no I(f~ 8EJI'1lIeE1I' II, lOOt 110 rtttlL I!ftn.t . Ar f€C'tWlfiR1i' M.I4l[lt lOOIiJGCSll taR. fl.~~~'1:: (~1,""-.... toLU._-J, '4 Pl.tIX urwn ~ !If;torav rPf(Wl{'JI' 11. 1006 Ar A[ctAl('Jt'IlIlMlIJII -u-,........ . -u..... ~-()SI5ZC. LCOR I o..u . 1tnIat~ 4 Tn..,.n..U.. . ltu.r-.rt-I ~ Rf:ST/l/CTlONS :",.:~~~:::;--....:,..",,.,,,~,'---'-" If."", ..,............. "'" .u.'uu._, .'...... " ea "AGe "Ol N'"~mwOlfCl)ltO~ nUmf)lQWIJt..IA,... ~ I =-~, ~ ~'''~IfESrAC1kM ~"IWI"/IIOI'I'JI 1'1IOU nuD!ir~ tl:;t , McKENZIE HlGHrrA)'1 - "Ran --:'..4........ ~'S 1_.__. '-'-'-'- .-,-.-.-.-.---.-........TO.....-.~.... :::rl-----'-.-'-.~'-.-.-----:-.,. I . "~ II fUU7J[8 ~ TAX MAP 17-02'34-32 lAX LO' 200 & PDR/ION OF TAX LOT 400 I CITY OF SPRtNGFELD CASE: NO Sl.fI 2006-00026; , NOns I II) 1lIAtNi. 8T11fX1lIil(. FRETS. B'fllt:BSfRr'" OrKJlt 09SntLt~ " ::::~::;~~r """J) Q, CA.UIla ,-.w:u: ~, AMWI1lJ 1If' . rCl/IH IllII rHf SI"'RIIIl7Il.D Olr lXllI( .5 M "MflJ'llIIIl . "En ro ~ , . It(smt'rr;JIlS NI fir' FOIl'" " IN" I'MIlM'rr DaD M("CIIll:O (M tuROI ... f!il6j Olf ,l([U 11>> U I'll5T~Hr fs.t&, lcor AID umt ~ Dr 1Hl ~ OF .aCQS3' ~C'OQ:l(p at .IP1ll. I" 1005 AS f/lECD'rraI ..........,. 2'Cil7-I-aJ01Di!llCt7ll PRo..Ecr NO ~~ZO" I PAGE I OF 3 - -.. - ... - --a OWG NO\Z0CY.5\O!I 20110 T/Jrilc, t"OI'lIl1on\DRAlft.K;\Pt.An05 2040 pt AT.DWG 21'/01 GP~ .or FLOrTEA t-fJ UfBlO1U:.r 650C N( ~ $f640A "'YL~R' BU..lF~OG lNrERPRIS€S 4 Ml 1M JEr Dot.GlE MATTE anS04IJ s;\, tJ:j: ..... ~ o ~. b Vl tTl C:: '" (1) .... :.f1 > - - -:; (') o E3 a (1) ::s '"! 0 ;:R m <D m I ;;:0 ...e- CD OVl ~ CD fa <s. CD:' a.~ "n c: ~ l=' ~ 0 0 s:: 3 C\l "0 ::s - i'" hi 0 0 -J \0 w ...... '-0 "tl ~ (ll ~ o ...., ~ .~ REFERENCES I lUI'If"r iW ,r 1tO A.. liEU fl.ED 0(lDII(Jl 11 lOO5 n a;r .., m" If MvEy..,.,r .no r I'OCO$ lUll M:ltnaft 27 ,m ..8 aT NO ,ft.. 5. ~rr IN" ,&o.UjrMENf [l([1) McmotD ClrCDIP " 2005 A r fIl[C'r.fU'II'1t H.MlEP .tQ05.fOl)(l L~ I. NOrlAl:'D 7 I'lIll.C lJAHrMr SEIIVt EMil("'" A[ctJK)[J) *' '" 'Ml ., In!. ,~ AI' RECPtJ:1N IlU&:FI 5,.,J LCOlII' & I'laa: GAHTM'I' S!1Vt EA8nlEJfr ItfCOR!lCD IUor,,, 19S1 '" ~ f950 AT 'lfCV'n:w MMlVI 6!~ LCO't " nwAFr MMT""r BEWlI (A~r Il(ClR'EV AtIiIJ9r 10. ZOO5 AT ~'8 fIUIlE1II ZOO!HIQfZ7 lctJl /Q <<O.AIL"" (F ""'A1f CAJEJt/ENT8 AID IMAlfrtlWltt AIJIftlI:Jff A(t'OIJO(D MtDIJfW 1J 2005 AT I,;..."..." IlUeElIlOO5-403OZ, LCCIl rA 1'tJI'7DII1 tr M l'M'.4ltt un.."y r.lBf1ll1llr COIiIrAI\C~" rH$ DOCtfI("IIfJ *' D'1'NI.ISI0l aT DClCUlOff rtJI P.MmLNlSl ,s. IINIGUI UD M.Z DUP ro M my tJF ~ ~ .,~ I!. .2'IJOI: A' ,,~. ," MMO' lOO5001C>>J. laR HOTfiS I M ,.."~: .:",tJItII4ltJUlfFOttNtf,a.lilA(llff"UGWffIlO.Wl((.n..rr IUVV<( I 1 DE ~'<J! 'Ar lABDD'T rOR A f'OIfJt P"Ol.l NG DOIifIf QJJ K(tIII'O '" N'lIN. .I. tt68 ..., ~n:w M.MIR IJI50fi . CtJIIf1UCl IIITHW M IlOfrH A..'~r(J(tiOmtIl i i- I' ~ - C\l 0- o ::s 00 ;:::; Vl ~ o o -J all'" o a C' C< '" '" CI <<l 0' 0;- o. 01 c. c:< cz, cz, C29 CURYL TABLE. In r. IIAOUr AN: 57B18. Inc:;QlJ HUT WI';" '-MJ. '.sa!9 t$"OO'OO" 1,0,00 II'. "11T...... HlJ. flUJ Jf"'Ol\)8" 12JJSI 15LO' nw'OlT ,lWO ",P.. f5W'ro" '1S001 Ml1 J6"omr 12.00 I 1021 J~" 11)J' .121 ..'H, 11'iiJT11UO &i"""" 10.00 ,...", r..,-oM. m.ClO 511 M6'ZJ J'2iOi}- ". f."'S ~111tJ &.~ l'w.... '-'"S rs.1O 1l""W 'rUff Jl0J .J.f"i7\79. 125.00 71/5 "'"' 001> ~.z~nN 1!i16 "f"06:9,[ ,n" ., 7"2"4" ~.. 96J .J1lXiT Jld" BG4'79'e'l I49JJ N67W1n ("-'4 "7"'29'W' "'61 6DrCJJ 44'1 zo.;o 84rJ1"OO't 1120 BSl.4200't 1650- lMl"Or..,t" IH1 ..,..."CI61Z....6JT H!lI',Jn&1r 6.4 """.9'lU'Y ".., ~N9l6'" ~ 5r&'"OII'78Y J6.96 N7r..'Jt'W' '''04' ~.... ~i - I ; i ) ,. ....., PA/lCn z ",n" I/JFr 15fiI.tO,Jl1GO ,..ATr ""Ml1' ,,-- .. .-... lQ.OCll'M'..rr l1fIm ........ ... -........ ..;;il:AX MAP 17'02"4"'2 ~OT 200 4 PORTION OF TAX LOT 400 I CITY OF SPR/NGFIHO CASE NO SlI9 2006-000261 PloTTER ~ OE.SlGNJEJ 650(; - f(I(. I#' 516"'04 MYLAR' OlU.FROG (NrC'FfPA,ISEB of .. H< Lr DOOOt,r MAH~ sr180.'J N w N ~ "tl ~ 1 R E COR 0 E 0 t\01'E~''''7 to ~ o ::r o tf.l tTl C:: r; ..., ~ > ~ - LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER ~ Dra~ch . E~~meennl1. Inc. ~' :Jto nnb Strnt fI4~m~!~~Nl::: (&~~)~.-D38D Ilnftcb_dmJ..b,.ach.n4lta..rtl1l CftD Clnl . S'tn1ctu.... . 'hallo1torlaUGD . 8",..,.,JiDa FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal PA/IC(L , ,l54l!I1" 90Tr om ...." ) -+- 'fJ ,'~ . .., I"tHE COUI(TY CURl< . RECOROER Of CONV[YA.Ncts 7MJ~O !~'i' .l--- \i I I AJlt'dos Ul, toiLe i! Iii S,,,. 1/4. BEC. 34. T.l~.. R.2"., ",II, g! SPRINGnBLD. LAl'lB COUNTY. OUGOH ql ~ IDRUARY IS, 2007 t BeAU: J ".. 40' . ....' -I _-. '_ ~~t}~; /~!TI\\\ /-~~~_ . --..0- ! i_V ~...n.- a:1U ...J I 8 ';:;'~"",;; --;-- __........ "", ~ I ~~'~ =.,I:"'d.....,..,"'" (, ~I~, \ 'I ,_001.........._ . ::: ~":;1~' I J "-... -""..... fJF .. __'.--/1: / -"".. '1lIf'1T I ~ I - . \ ~iD"=i1-~':.,"':'.u. \/ ~\~I 1iI/-..-", '...._ M2l1N.. .nuT ~- -~ JJIJAIL... . '" I<AU II...hl_ ... Otle' ~y ct.1I. .....c....t".~~._. lm.altl IlIDlImlUIIIIIIII1I111I1I III ~ ..-..\. Ol/lllllm III II 011\11 .....,.,.., e..".. tu..e CMMIIJI en MO 00 tll eo 'II 00 () o 3 3 ." ~ ( A(~t[RQ 1 PROf ESSIONAL lA~ SlJtvH~ .e...~ l .u.~~", J REX A BEll .,"'" [1lJ'R(.9 D{([1iI8ER 11 1001 LECEND o 'CUCl IICNM:N1 .. M)1[D ON ,AGC , @ ~~'<1''''::K'r11-LOWI'l.Al1l: eer ,. ...... 11TH MAB8 'AtfD ....wD ..,.." ootr 'OI,H) W'" . VI" OA,II Imf J1'C' tIUlilBt '(Iq'A.'lIC'ff (MI M:.' A'll[l llRU' CALa.urm PMr . ,.,FYftt fD(II).... liI('r tf"M)R:! Mal PFE D(1C)rra ,.... lOT .... ~f["I.l;OIII&flJH LfH) a.A.1UIfiIDI' 1OO1t1 m UW fllJ.Srr: CAP IOOr[1I I"UI..C U1lITT [.4...,- tOUTtI m.M'Y IiIl.Jn'(r nL DfX)fE'S /1101 '0 SCAE coorn lAM" ccurrr or~ fECQU. DO~Hl.I lAJI(' COl.Im' (IIIf'GOfI' I'LAr Afctllt:l& L9IO'fFl MJIIIlAVfl t.I5I'O '0 CllAa.1iH 8AS CT .......... , J fV<<)1[J Nt.. OF II[tQIIIl AU.. PllSr.uc;a ~ NI( It flIr . o r n I1C ~ OW err """ ,"'" ''''''' U PROECT NO. ~.20"D I PAGE 2 OF 3 ~ DWG NO\ZOO5\O~h2040 rMfnft pcrlltlM\MAIfNG\PLAnO' 204D PLAr.DlfG 21'107 9"1" Date Received: tf.l e \3 ::s 0:: ~ ~ - 3D Brimtit :DSE,User 'FAll Comment. EASEMENT Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17-02-34-32 TL 2oo&ww.~".. 400 (on the date of executton) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered 1110 thIS 1'31\... day of te.IoYlAAo'... ,200L...byand between A1TlI~os III LLC en 0feQ0n LJmrted lJabllllV Companv. hereinafter referred 10 as the Grantor(s), and the CITY OF SPRINGAEu5, a munJQpal COlpOrabon. In Lane County. Oregon, heremafler ,~;~,,~J 10 as the Grantee WITNESSETH In Consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or hoIcflllg of saKI easement for present or future publIC use by Grantee, G.....;...~ hereby grant, bargain. &ell and convey unlo the Grantee, a perpetual easement together 'Mth the nght 10 go upon said easement area heretnafIef described III ElltIIbIt' A' for the purpose of construdm9. recon8lructlng, mslntall1lng and USIng DUbflC sidewalk wInch may herealler be Installed on the followmg descnbed ...~..~;I, to-wrt: , SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE ~D TO HOLD the above easement unto the said Grantee, Its sua:essors and BSSlIlns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grantons abolle named have hereunlD set lhetr hands and seaJs ttus I'?-\l..- ,day of Fe1oY'l.<A ... '1 .2001..- /f:~/,~ V ( _ (SEAL) ;11E~ N R." (TITLE) (SEAL) (TITLE) . STATE OF OREGON } 55 COUNTY OF Lane BE IT REMEMBERED that on lIus ( ':3 tt.. day of "Fe bvl.<\. A ... '1 ' 2007 before me, the UndeTSlgned, a noIaIy publIC II and lor said County and Slate, perSonally G......-~J the W1tlnn named . _. Ronald E Thelnes ! . ~, Idenbty , .', was proved 10 me on the ba8Ia of lI8bsfaclOf)', ,.:, ." and who by me duly sworn, did say ihat he lSIare a member of the WlthIn named Umrllld Liability Company and does acknowledge said ITlSlrUmenllo be the free act and deed of said limned lJab~1ty Company IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCIal seal the day and year last above wntIen - /) ~.=>-'''>>'''~f.r~}l~~i~-l- .! -/( /' Id- '. IIOTMYPUBl.'C'OREGJIl.,. ~ubIlCIOrOregon . . COUMISSION NO. 37UOO1..... . lIl'(;lllBIlSilOllEXPIs;.!SJlA.Y26.~' I \ _..': = ~cr.- ..-. _...- '- h IA 1 ~ 100'1 My ComInISSlOfl ExpIres . THE CONVEY /\NCE set Icrth III thIS lIlSIrument conveYlIlg title or IlIllfest 10 the CIty of Spnngfield, a Muntapal Corpora!Jon of the Slate of Ores/on. IS hereby "~,,.l, and the title or InteIesl .. -.. ".J thelllm IS hereby ecx:epted CITY OF SPRINGFIEW Br~ ~11 ZO.",.2007 Date Dennis P. Ernst. City of SpnngfieJd SuNeyOT Division o( Chi.' D.pwly Cl...k 2001-"12652 Lan. eo....ty D..cIa and R.c_cIa "\I 1lIIllmll~llm IIImll~ IIIIIII/lllm III~ $31.00 1U8618720117il01Z6S2fl021l021 02/2Jl2007 01 :05:25 PII RPR-ESMT Cnlsl SlnD6 CASHIER 07 $10 00 SiD 00 $11.00 RETURi'lTO CITY OF Sf>RINGFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT .225 FIFTH SffiEET . SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97<477 Z'\2CXlI51D5.20040n-..~EA.....~"".'--=l ...... . ctJ; 1lEWIfO_ ..... i.ANE,6R~' ". - '..'~ ,...","-,......."."...,~"... ._~.- "......."... Document EAS 2007.12652 " Station ld 'CUIM Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Onginal Submittal Page I of2 Printed on 8/15/2007 1 2325 PM Branch DSE,l.!ser :FAll Comment: ,~ .' EXHIBIT "A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION SItuated III tile Cilyof S.." '" "." I. Lane CountY. SlaIeorOlegOl\ In tile N,l ",,1114 of !he SouthWeSt 11~ of SedKln 34, Township 17 South. Rallgll2 west or tile WIlJamelle Mendian end delIailed IS followS. BEGINNING at the ~comer or Parcel 2 orland PartJbolI Plat Number 2007..f'2089 as pIalled and rec:cnled on FebnJ3l)' 12. 2007111lhe Lane CounIY Ofegon Plat Rec:ordS. THENCE along a 223 18 foot radIUS curve to the nght, the long c:hOrd of which bearS NORTH 83"24'09" WEST, 4 70 feel, 4 70 feet, lD a potnt; THENCE aIOn9 a non-;,., . .', tine SOUTH 34.10'48" EAST. 375 feet, to a pOlIIt; THENCE SOUTH 89"3729" EAST. 2 56 feel, to a pomt on \he east Una or said Pan:el 2, THENCE NORTH. 2 56 feel, RETURNING 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original submittal RET\JRNTO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD.PUBUC WORKS DEFT .225 FIFTH SlREET ,SPRINGFIElD. OREGON 97'-77 z..~~ _ ," -~...............! .~... -",- LANE,OR Document' EAS 2007 12652 .. Page 2 of2 Stati~n Ip. 'C}JIM Printed on 8/15/2007 1 23 26 PM -"~Branc~ :DSE,User .FAII Comment. Station Id CUlM Date Received: PUBLIC SIDEWALK AND INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENT FEB - 4 2008 Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17.m.34-32 TL 200ll.portJon JlDO and ~1 T1 ,QO.Q&2flO2 (on the date 01 execubon) Original Submittal THIS INDENTURE MADE and ~..","~ inlD IhIs 7"/1, day of I!J.~ ,200Lbyandbetween AnllOOS 111 LLC an Oreoon Llllllled lJabillIY Comoanv, heremafter referred ID as the Grantor(s), and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a mumapal .., ..,; "', 111 l.aneCounly, Oregon,l1erecnafler .01", dID as the Grantee WITNESSETH In Cons ~. ,., ., of the ac;cepIanCe by Granlae and the use or holding of sax! easement for present or future publIC use by Granlee, G.",_~ hereby grW1l. bargalO, selland caNf1'/ unto the Grantee, a perpetual easemenltogell1erWllh the nghtlDgo upon llaICI easemenlarea : "', 0," :;. ';"..-., ~IflExhlbil'A' for the purpose of construcbng. reconsI1udJng, ~",ng and USIng DubllC SIdewalk whoch may nereatler be I1I$l3IIed on the following dl....... ,;'''';, ";', and ID use Ihe dnveway apron for 1Illlress-egre5S purposes, to-wrt: SEE EXHIBIT -A,- ATTACHED HERETO AHD INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLO the above easement unto the llaICI Granllle, Its IlICCeSSOnl and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHERS)F, Ihe Grantors abolle. named have hereunto set \heir hands and seals tillS . ,., 1L , day of .hE,(. ";f!..tr4' H j>, 1<' r 14 , 2007 -y!PI- / . , - Amigo. HI, LLC ( ~~ - konalOY 1 fifeiies ST....fu OF OREGON } SS CouNTY OF Lane (SEAL) Member (TITLE) BE IT REMEMBERED IhaI on lhas 1 day of M 6. r-c-"'" 200'7 before me, the , undeni19ned, a notary publIC IfI and for S8Id Courty and Slate, personally appeared the WllhlO named Ronald E. Thlenes d"...~ --~",:".:, was proved to me on the basls of sabSl~";"., ' ~".., and who by me duly awom, did say that he IS a member of the WIlhIl named limned liability Company ancl doeS aclu10Medge salClln$lrUmentlD be the lnle act and deed of said lImll8d liability Company IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my lland and affixed my offICIal seallhe day and year last abcwe written Notary Public for Oregon ....) 1.1- \ \-j 1.l!J "ZLJo 7 My Commission Expires THE CONVEYANCE set forth In thIS nstrumenlC:OfN'By,"g bile or nteresl to the CIlyof Spnngfield, a Mumopal Corporabon of the State of Oregon, is hereby 8,., ,J, and tile blIe or Interest conveyed theretn IS hereby accepted , OFFICIAL SEAl 10 GAl\. AWAISASEN NOTARY PUBLIC OI\l:GON I , COMM,.SION NO !7UOOl l:~ ~ ~,~.~~~E~~~JU~a.2007 ,L:f a tV ---== CrTY OF SPRINGFIELD By- fl__~~)(- DennIS P Emst. Crt)' of J,. "J IlId Slneyor HA~H ~. ZClOZ Dale Dlv1aion ., Chia' Doput.y Clark 2001-nl11ec Lane County Daads and Ra~orda -U UJ Ilmnlllll" II """11 "111111111111111111 $31 00 888918862J0,au17l651020e21 03/14/2007 03:45:04 PrI RPR-ESRT Cntal $~! CASHIER 05 510.00 S10 DO 511.00 RETURN TO CrrYOF SPRlNGFIELD-PUBUCWORKS lJEPT,22,5 FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIElD OREGON974n S"ItoEr Rk"__'" Z:~n.no.. """~": ..uc.E".:: ..~ 1:IIc-'8'd~~ib:. __ ZIOM 'LA~~OR' , .". ,,~,...," ...,. ,_...",. ." ,., Document: EAS 2007.17165 Page I of2 Prmted on 8/15120071.2327 PM Branch :DSE,User :FAll EXHIBIT 'A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Comment: Stat\o'ln ld . G'AJIM Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Situated 1<1 the City of S,. 0;; _Id, lane County, State of Oregon In the SoulhlIBlIl1/4 of C~__.. 3311lld . the Southwest 1/4 ofSecbon 34, Township 17 Sou1ll, Range 2 Wf1fit of the WIIIamelI8 Merldsan IIlld Original Submittal descnbed as folIow$ , - BEING II poItlon of (1) Parcel 2 of Land F,,::;.. Pl8l Nlnber2007-P2089.. platted and,.. :Jd 01\ February 12, 2007 mille Lane County Otegon PIal Recorda, (2) Parcel 'S' Mer AdJI.,.. .- las desaibed In lhat property line Adjustment Deed /9CXII'ded 01\ March 20, 2006 II R. ....;... Number2()()6.()18447III the Lane County Oregon 0fIiaa1 R_..L., and (3) PlIIt:81 1 of that SlallllDry WlIlTllnly Deed recorded on May 13, 2005 as Rec:ep\Jon Number 2Q05..()34709l1the Lane County Oregon 0fIIcI8I R"__.":"', bemg more partJaJlarIy described 86 foIIcwIl BEGINNING at the noIIhwest comer 01 Pan:e12 of I3Id partJbon pial; THENCE along the IOIIlh marglll 01 North 'A' Street SOUTH 89"58'14' EAST, 10.23 feet 10 II poIllt; THENCE SOUTH 67"3'21' WEST, 12..19 feel, 10 a point; THENCE NORTH 89"58'14" WEST, 24 41 feet, 10 a potnl; THENCE NORTH 66'50'34" WEST, 12..11 feet, 10 a pCIII1t on the ~ I5CUIh '''. of Nol1h 'A' Str8el; THENCC along said llOulh margin SOUTH 89"58'14" EAST, 36 53 feet, RETURNING 10 1he POINT OF BEGINNING .....~...,....... ...-n..-~,.. "'.. 'IX. ,.~ '... ..,:, ..................': RETURNTO: CITY Of SPRlNGRElD.P\JBUCWORKSOEPT -225 FIFTH 0>' ^=. -SPRINGF1EUl, OREGON 'iJT477 I I - I I J , . ,,2ClO4 ..""Q;/I;I:.r;;o;Il;........ ......~............'__..I..".......~~_..:.&:I...._..." 1..."r.......~.........~,......io,o.l.'-.~_lKiloolloI.._.j...;....I.....I......~_.lO~IIo,...IL.~1 ...--:,II~ll...,II..~1 1...,.1.. .00....wl LANE,OR Document" EAS 2007.17165 Page 2 of2 Pnnted on 811 5/2007 1.23.27 PM Ll';;VB+,an",h ,DSE,User .F All Comment StatIOn 1d ,CUlM Date Receive~~: EASEMENT Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17"()2-34-32 Tl200&. " :. -- 400 (on lhedate of execution) Original Submittal 11115 INDENTURE MADE and enterechnllllhis 7~.! day of jf; I( ~ , 200L-by and between Am,RDS III, LLC an greaon Umdecl UaIIIity Company,_ hereulafter refemld Illss the Gnlntorts}. and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a munICIpal co,~~'_U'" n Lane County, Oregon, heremafler refened III as the Grantee FEB - 4 2008 WITNESSETH In ConSlClerabon of the aa::eptance by Gnllrtae and the IIlIe or holding of said easement for present or future publIC u&e by Grantee, G.., _ ;. ., hereby grant, bargal11, seD and convey unllllhe Granl8e, a perpetual easemenl togeIherwrlh the nghllll go upon said easement area berelllllflerdesaibed In ExhI:lt'A' for the purpose of construcllng, ,....._.~JCbng, mantaJmng and USIflg DUbllc SIdewalk whICh may hereafter be IIlsl811ed on the follaw1ng cIesalbed . . .~, " , lo-w1t SEE EXHIBIT MAR ATTACHED HERETO AND lHCaU'ORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above,~~_ _ 1 unIolhe said Grantee, lis successors and 8S$lQfls forever. IN WITNESS WHER~ the Granters above named have hereunto set lhelr hands and seals thIS ~.daYof -:- L~~t>.~ ,200~ I . ~. , Amigo. III, LLC ~J!~ STATE OF OREGON } COUNTY OF Lane SS (SEAl) Member (TITLE) BE IT REMEMBERED lhallllllllls , day of r{\I1,lr(, ~ ' 2007 before me, the undetslgned, a notary public: III and 'for said CcullyandSlale, ........,...:ya,...~ ,Jlhe wrlhll1 named Ronald E Th18nes whose Idenbty was proved III me on the basis of sL..;~_.;, ,~... ., and who by me duly sworn, did saylhat he IS a member of the Wllhln named I.mrIIld lJabddy C....r....., and lloes acknowledge said mtrumenllll be the free act and deed of sad ulmted lIablllty Company, IN TESTlMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aflixed my offiaal seal the day and year last above wr1IIen. J-=- ~~""~':"OFF1C.AlSEAL--':r'~:' . GAlLA WAISANEN I ' ,NOTAllY PUBLIC. OREGON I ' c" COlAM1SS10t-l NO 370001 . uY COMtoilS61Oll EXPII>a JUly 2$,2001 ~"'Cl::r '=' "":"_.__~ A--:f a u/ -Notary Pubhc for Oregon '- \ lJo. \lA 'ZF, ~<O I My Comlnldslon ExPI~ I THE CONVEYANCE set lorth In thIS IIlSlrumentcorweYlOg tillea': ,'", :.:1. Illlhe Cily of S, ' .:".Id,aMUOICIP8l Corporabon of the Stale of Oregon, IS hefeby approved, and the lItle or interest conveyed Ihereln Is ,......:., accepted CITY OF SPRINGFIELD B'f -.fl. ~~ ..!!AIC(.~ q.. ? t]QZ Date Dennis P Emsl- Cdy of S~'H,,,f.WJ SL, ',' DI..1&lo" of ChI.' D.puLy CI.rk LAn. CounLy D.ed. .nd R."orda 2007-011lD6 IIIWIIII!IIIIIIIIIIlJIIIIII"""IIII1111 III $31 00 ~916By200700171660020027 03/14/2007 03:45:04 Ptl Rl'R-ESIlT Cnt.=1 SL....s CASHIER 06 S10.00 S10.00 Sll.00 RETURNTO CITY OF SPRlNGAELO,Pl,IBUCWORKS DEPT -225AFTH STREET .SPRlNGF1B..D,OREGON97..n . _f"SIfcnM- .......--.....J-.J.....:J"....... .. ...,.,- :. ",~EAIBiE "',' ,. _~"""'2__CIIlC -" :IllOO ,.. ..............-........ -._..._.........-....... .~.,..,...~.._-................,. .~_I....~._..,-" .'. ... . LANE,OR Docwnent' EAS 2007.17166 Page I of2 Printed on 8/15/2007 1.23.28 PM Branch :DSE,User :FAll Comment' EXHIBIT 'A' LEGAL oeSCRIPnON SlluaIed in the CIty of s~ ..."LId, Lane County, Sta18 of Onlgon In the ~ 114 of SedJon 34 Township 17 South, Range 2 West of Ihe Willametle Mendlan and described al fcIIows. BEGINNING at a pamt on the sw1h margin of North 'A' Street at the 1OUlh88sterly tennlnus of that C8ItaJn tine that has a beanng and dlslance of SOl1TH 44058'14' EAST, 31 40 feet as Ihown on Und Partlllon Plat Number 2007 -P2089 as platted and I'8ODI'ded on Febn.laly 12, 2007 In the Lane County Oregon Plat R_~.,.Ji., THENCE along II 223 18100tmclIUS CUM III the left. the long chord of which bean; SOlTTH 47"54'19" EAST, 22 85 feet, 22 86 feet, to a poIn~ THENCE lIIong a non-langent line NORTH 74.'5'24" WEST, 10 371l1e~ III a poln~ THENCE NORTH 44.59'29" WEST, 25 581ee~ to a po;nl; THENCE NORTH 18043'33" WEST, 885 feet, III a point on the IOUtham margin of NllI1h 'A'Street; THENCE 8Iong SlIid SOUIhem margin SOUTH 44058'14" EAST. 17 48 flIe~ RETURNING III the POINT OF BEGINNING RETURNTO crrv OF SPRINGF1ELO. PUBUCWORKS OEPT. 225 FIFTH STREET -S"RINGFlELO 0REG0N97477 .........,.~2JIIDT'tIaIMa~tII.~ .. .., ~~""J"'dDc --- or . '.), Station Id CUlM Daie Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal LANE,OR Document' EAS 2007.17166 Page 2 of2 ~-~',~~,--..ow''''';.'~''~.I.._Ill',,''Il. ._-_........-...~..._.,~,........,..~........,......;I,o....,.-',,_....,. '''._,....,..''........,..I.._.~ll .., .1."";1".."...",,,,., I...ilL.. ..,I Printed on 8/15/2007 1 :23 29 PM ,. . / J Bl'an&h DSE,Use~ 'FAII Comment. Station Id CUlM b, IS~ 7191-1021285 !.to" 10" II.... ~ Dlvlalon .r Chi.' D.pu~y CI.~k L- Counly Do" and Rocorcls 2001~1~ '\ Recorded at the request of and after recording retum to Brandl Englneenng, Inc 310 Filth Street Spnngfield. OR 97477 ~ 111111 1111 1m IIIII11 In 111111111111111 $61.00 0JI.740002121..7e04130....;e712107~ 06/1812001 01:46:14 PlI RI'll.cSIIT Cnl-2 Sl...S CASHIER 07 $! 00 $35,00 110 00 $11.00 Date Received: DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FEB - 4 2008 The true and actual conslderaUon for t1us dec1aratJon is other than monetary Original submittal KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that (I) AMIGOS III, LLC, aD Oregon Limited Liability Compauy, aud DAVID M. HANGSLEBEN, hen:mafter "DECLARANTS" hereby declare the followmg RECITALS: I WHEREAS AMIGOS III, LLC, an Oregon Limited LIability Company, belDg a Grantor/Grantee bereln, is the owner of (a) the lands that are described In "Exhibit e" In the Property Line Adjustment Deed that was recorded March 20, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006.()18447 m the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, (b) the lands that are described In "Exhibll D" in the Property LlDe Adjustment Deed that was recorded March 20, 2006 at Recorder's Nwnber 2006-018448 ID the OffiCial Records of Lane County, Stale of Oregon, (c) Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat Number 2007,P2089 that was recorded February 12, 2007 10 the Partluon Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, (d) the lands that are descnbed as "Parcell" 10 "Exhibit A" m the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded May 13, 2005 at Recorder's Number 2005-034709 10 the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; (e) the lands that are descnbed in "Exlublt A" In the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded Apnl I, 2004 at Recorder's Nwnber 2004-023227 tn the OffiCial Records of Lane County, Stale of Oregon and (f) the lands that are descnbed as "Parcels 1,2 and 3" in "Exhibit An in the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded February 7, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-008513 m the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; 2. WHEREAS DAVID M. HANGSLEBEN, also betng a Grantor/Grantee herein, IS the owner of the lands that are descnbed In the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded on June.J.L, 2007 at Recorder's Number 2007- "C/ 1.:/9% III the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, 3. WHEREAS AMIGOS m, LLC, and DAVID M, HANGSLEBEN deSire to create a- pnvate Jomt use access easement and define mamtenance responslblliues on certain areas and faCilities fW" the benefit of the present and future owners of the above lands as descnbed beloW; and 4. WHEREAS AMIGOS III, LLC and DAVID M. HANGSLEBEN deSire to modtfy portions of that certam "Declaration of Private JOlnt.Use Access Easement and Mamtenance A&..~...ent" that was recorded July 26, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006- 05331910 the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, as Sllld portIons relate to the proportionate share of the mamtenance and repillr costs as setforth 10 Said docwnent WIth regards to that portion that was deSignated as the "relJl1lllll.ng mnety percent", WITNESSETH: NOW THEREFOR. the above Declarants hereby declare the followmg I. Recitals The recItals set forth heremabove are made a part of thiS declarauon as though fully set forth herein. 2. Declarauon of EASEMENT DECLARANTS hereby create a van able Width perpetual easement for pnvate ingress-egress over that certain area that IS described m "EXHIBIT A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for the common benefit of the above tracts of land Should any mmor discrepanCies occur L ~" '~.o the as-constructed locatlOn of the dnveway nnprovements and the courses called herein, the as-constructed locauon shall supercede the locauon as called 10 this lIlStrument 3 Use of EASEMENT The easement as descn'bed hereinabove may be used for vehicular, eqwpment and pedestnan mgress and egress pwposes by the owners of the above tracts DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page I of7 Allot R,...d... Rctum To FIBI Ametam Tille PO Il6l:. 10146 Eua-. OR 9UtO .ll ,~...... 1~~"Iio:I.I~~11III1 ~..;....li"; ,II.. ._. .01.1.. 10._"" ...~~..,.." .'.'.II,~. ....~.".. LANE,OR Document EAS 2007 41304 Page 1 of7 Printed on 8/15/2007 1.23 30 PM Branch :DSE,User :FA11 Comment: ~. and as granted by previous instruments No owner shall have the ngbt to park, load or unload any vewcle m the dnveway, such as to block the ingress-egress of the other owners other. than in emergency coDlhtions Use of the Easement shall be on B regular, COntInuous: nonexclUSIve, non-pnonty basIS, benefiting the owners, thelf su=sors, assigns, 1 ., . _ mongagees, mVlleeS, guests, customers, agents and employees However, none of the owners' nghts hereunder shalllBpse m the event of that owner's failure 10 use the Easement and dnveway on a contInuous basIS The owners or occupIers of the tracts affected by these easements shall have the nghl to use their property, mcludmg the areas descnbed as the easements, for any pwpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not mterfere WIth the use of the easements as granted by tIus instrument. MaIntenance and RePlllIli. The dnveway establIshed within the easement shall be malDtamed m a conmtIon which WIll allow B standard passenger car to pass across S81d dnveway without sustauung any damage, other than normal wear. The cosl of periodic maintenance and repairs to the dnveway Wlthm the easement shall be performed and paid for as follows a. In the event that repalTS to the dnveway become necessary due to the acts of one of the owners, then that owner sha1l pay for and perform such repairs as arc reqwred under this &.e,.. "...~ent. b, In all other events, the cost of repairs and malDtenance for the driveways sha1J be shared as follows' I) the owner of the 1ands that are described ID the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded June 30, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-046082 ID the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon shall be responsible for ten percent (10%) of the total costs of repalI'S and maintenance as setforth ID that Declaration of Pnvate JOlDt Use Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement recorded on July 26, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-053319 m the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, 2) the lands sctforth in Rcc1ta1 1 shall be responsIble for a total of 82% of the remalDIDg 90% (74% of the total costs) being calculated as follows (a) the lands that are described m uExhibit C' m the P..r-':' Line AdJusunent Deed that was recorded March 20, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-018447 in the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon shall be .~,....sible for ll% of the remallling 90"10 (10% of the total costs), (b) the lands that arc described m "ExhibIt D" m the Property Line Adjustment Deed that was recorded March 20, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-018448 m the OffiCial Records of Lane COWlty, Stale of Oregon shall be responsIble for II % of the remalDlllg 90% (10% oflhe total costs), (c) Parcel 2 of Land PartJtJon Plat Number 2007, P2089 that was recorded February 12,2007 In the PartitiOn Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon shall be responsIble for 36% of the remauung 90% (32% of the total costs), (d) the lands that are described as "Parcel I" m "Exhibit A" m the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded May 13, 2005 at Recorder's Number 2005-034709 in the OffiCIal Records of Lane County. State of Oregon shall be respo.l15lb1e for 2% of the remaining 90"10 (2% of the total costs), (e) the lands that arc described m "Exhibll A" ID the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded Apnl I, 2004 at Recorder's Number 2004-023227 In the OffiCIal Records of Lane CoWlty, State of Oregon shall be responsible for 10"10 of the remalI11llg 90"10 (9% of the lotal costs). (1) the lands that are descnbed as "Parcels 1 and 2" m "ExhibIt A" m the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded February 7, 2006 sJ Recorder's Number 2006-008513 in the Oflicla! Records of Lane County, Stale of Oregon shall be responsIble for II % of the remwning 90% (10% of the total costs), and (g) the lands that are descnbed as "Parcel 3" m "Exhibit A" m the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded February 7, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-008513 m the OffiCIal Records of Lane County. State of Oregon shall be responsible for 1% of the remammg 90% (1% of the total costs), and 3) the lands setforth in RecItal 2 shal1 be responsible for a total of 18% of the remaming 90% (16% of the total costs) bemg calculated as follows (a) the lands that arc described m uExlnblt D" in the r.o,._.,; Lme Adjustment Deed that was recorded March 20, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-018447 m the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon shall be responsIble for 9% of the remammg 90% (8% of the 10tal costs), (b) the lands that are described m "ExhibIt C" m the ?'.r-"'" Lme Adjustment Deed that was recorded March 20,2006 sJ Recorder's Number 2006-018448 In the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon shall be responsIble for 9"10 of the rema.uu.ng 90% (8% of the total costs) C In the event that an owner fBIIs 10 perform any such necessary mamtenance and 4 DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 2 of7 LANE,OR Document: EAS 2007 41304 Page 2 of7 Statton Ad "OUIM Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original submittal Prmted on 8115/2007 1.23.31 PM '-&-1\. ,~ Branch'DSE,User FAll Comment: rt:paus as reqwred, the other owners, upon I S days prior wntten notice to the nonperforrnlOg owner, may cause such work to be done with a right of rt:lmbursement for all sums necessarily and properly expended to remedy such failure, If the nonperfonnmg owner fails to pay such rt:imbursement on demand, the owner(s) causmg such work to be done shall have the unmed1ate ngbt to record a hen against the nonperfomung owner's property benefited by tlus agreement. The owners agree that such lien sball be treated as a construction lien p=t to ORS Chapter 87, subJcct to foreclosure and prionty as set fonh In the construction hen statutes 5 insUrance. Each owner shall maJntam pubhc liability insurance at all bmes rt:laung to all actIVlties, conditiOns, OperatIOns and usages on or about the Easement and driveway, Each owner shalllOdemnify and hold hannless the other owners from any habihty arising out of the usage of S81d Easement and dnveway by SiIId owner, tbell" tenants, agents, employees, guests and mVltees 6 Appurtenance The Easements set fonh herem are not personal or in gross but are appunenant to each and every portion of the lands benefited herein, as mort: particularly descnbed and set fonh hert:ioabove 7. Successors and AssIgns The Easement declared hcrem shall nul WIth the lands herem descnbed and shall be bmding on and shall mure to the benefit of the parties hereto, theIr helI'S, successors and assigns. 8 Breach and Remedies" In addluon to the remedtes sa forth above, a failure by any owner, thell' hem, successors and asstgrtS, to perform any of the condibons or obligaUons spectfied herein, shall COnslltute a breach of this agreement In the event of a breach, the non-breaching owner( s) shall have the nght to pursue any and all remedIes avatlable, both at law or m eqwty, specifically includmg but not litmted to, mJuoctive rt:hef, it being acknowledged that there may not exist an adequate remedy at law. 9. Watver All rights hereunder are cumulattve, and no waiver of any breach of tlus B..t,- _~cnt shall affect any subsequent breach. No exercISe or partial exerciSe of any rt:medy sbaIl be construed to preclude the exerctSC of any other remedy or of the rt:mamder of any such partially exercISed remedy at a 1atcr time or of the same remedy at 8 later time, 10 Effect of Agreement If any part of tlus OOottacllS adjudged mvalid, the remamder of thts contract shall not thert:by be mvahdatecL II. Lltrgauon Expenses' In the event t1us declaration IS placed in the bands of an attorney for enforcement of the proVISIons contained herein, the prevatlmg party shall be entItled to rt:unbursement from the other party a sum equal to all legal costs, includtng but not IUUlted to, costs of tnal, any appeal therefrom and costs of executton of any Judgment, Including reasonable attorney's fees mcurred by S81d prevaihng party as a result of the breach. DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 3 of7 LANE, OR Document. EAS 2007.41304 Page 3 of7 Station Id CUlM Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal Prmtea on 8/15/2007 1 23 32 PM Branch DSE,User:F AIl Comment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed t1us DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT on tlus ~day of June, 2007. AMIGOS m, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company ~A .j~4J ,. RoFId E Thienes, Member DAVID M. HANGSLEBEN ~t~ Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal STATE OF OREGON ) )15 County oC Lane ) On tIus ISn., day of June, 2007, personally appeared the: above named Ronald E T1nenes, who bemg duly sworn S3ld that he is a member of Armgos ill, LLC, and that the above instrument was Signed on behalf of said limited liability company and acknowledged the: foregomg instrUment to be Ius vohmtary act and deed. . ClFFlCW._ -~~~. CQM8IlICIIlIlO._ tit..., ....,.. ~"'Yt7._ 0~1~ Notary Public ~Vc;7'D STATE OF OREGON ) )sa County oC Lane ) On thIs ~ day of June, 2007, persoDll1ly appc:an:d the above: named DaVId M. Hangsleben, who is known to me to be the idenucallruhvidual who executed the forgoing instrumeot and who docs hereby acknowledge S3ld instrument to be luslm:r voluntary act and deed. 0Fl'ICl0I. SEAl. CINDY FOSlCR NOTARY ,IllUEliUC.lo,,~..._.. co .,,'~. 1Cl.ll>>11lO7 t/ff.... .....lCJr(fJPIIII!J:au.",,.._ ~A Notary Pub~regon DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 4 of7 LANE,OR Document. EAS 2007.41304 Page 4 of7 Statton'Id"&JIM . PrInted on 8/15/2007 1 '23 32 PM - fl'..rr~ rjf .. - Branc.;h :DSE,User :F All Comment: EASEMENT "A" PRIVATE INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT SITUATED m the Clly ofSpnngfield In the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33 m Townslup]7 South, Range 2 West and the Southwest 1/4 of Secbon 34, Township ]7 South, Range 2 West of the Wdlamette Mendlan and descnbed as follows BEING a portion of (1) lands of AMlGOS 01, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, as saJd lands are descnbed (a) as "Tract I" m "ExhIbit A" of that certam Property Lme Adjusunent Deed that was recorded December 21,2005 at Recorder's Number 2005,10130] in the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; (b) as "Parcel ]~ In "Exlnbit A" of that certain Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded May 13, 2005 at Recorder's Number 2005- 034709 m the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, (e) In "Exlublts C and D" of that certain Property Lme AdJustmenl Deed that was recorded March 20, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-018447 in the OfficlIII Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; and (d) m "ExhibIts C and D" of that certain P.v!,v,,; Lme Adjustment Deed that was recorded March 20, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-018448 In the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, Sta1e of Oregon, aad (2) lands of LIBERTY BANK, aD OregoD Stock Bank, as said lands are descnbed m that certaIn Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded June 30, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-046082 in the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, said portion , being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most southeasterly comer of "Tract I" as described m "Exlublt An of S81d Property Lme Adjustment Deed that was .~w.';ed at Recorder's Number 2005-]01301 m the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; wtuch POINT OF BEGINNING hes on the north margin of the McKellZ1e H1ghway as established in the conveyance to the State of Oregon that was recorded March 4, 1963 at Recepbon Number 1546 m the OfficIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, . THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING and along said north margm of the McKellZ1e H1ghway the following one numbered course' (1) NORTII 87043' IS" WEST 5000 FEET to the most soutEedy southwest comer of S81d "TRACT 1". THENCE, along the southern-most west Ime of S81d "TRACT I" the following one numbered course (2) NORTH 86.12 FEET to a pomt of non-tangent curvature to the left, TIlENCE, crossmg mto SaJd "TRACT [" and along the following four numbered courses (3) along saJd non-tangent curvature to the left havmg a radius center that bears NORTH 050 44' 21" WEST 10,00 FEET, a central angle of 840 IS' 39" and a long chord of NORTH 420 07' 49" EAST 13 42 feet, an arc dIStance of 14 71 FEET to a pomt of tangent hne that hes parallel with and 1200 feet westerly by perpendicular measurement from the north segment of the west !me of the lands that are descnbed In the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded at Recon:Ier's Number 2006-046082 In the OffiCial Reco~ds of Lane County, State of Oregon, (4) along saJd tangent/parallel hne, NORTH 7475 FEET to a point of tangent curvature to the left, (5) along SaJd tangent curvature to the left having a radiUS center that bears WEST 4 81, a central angle of 900 00' 00" and a long chord of NORTH 450 00' 00" WEST 681, an are distance of 7 S6 FEET to a pamt of tangent hne, and (6) along said tangent1me, WEST 1 OS 68 FEET to a pomt of tangent curvature to the left, THENCE, crossing mto "Para:II" as described m "ExhIbit A" of S81d Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded at Recorder's Number 2005-034709 m the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, along the followmg one numbered course' (1) along S81d tangent curvature to the left havmg a radIus center that bears SOUTH 4.81, a central angle of 900 00' 00" and a long chord of SOUTH 450 00' 00" WEST 6 81, an arc distance of7 56 FEET to a pomt of tangent hne that lieLparaJleJ WIth and westerly 0 79 feel more or less by pezpendlcular measurement from the east line of SlUd "Parcel I". THENCE, along S81d tangent/parallel Ime along the following one numbered course. (8) SOUTH 44 15 FEET to a point on the north line of the lands that are descnbed as "Parcels I, 2 and 3" in "ExhIbit An in the Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded at Recorder's Number 2006-008513 In the OffiCIal Records of Lane DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAlI\'TENANCE AGREEMENT Page 5 of7 ".,_. .". ...,..,-~ .......-.-.-, .."" .......,~., ..,-.-.. ~""._'."-'''..., LANE,OR Document EAS 2007.41304 Page 5 of7 Station ld .CUIM Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submitt~1 Pnnted on 8/15/2007 I :23.33 PM Branch :DSE,User FAll Comment. " ..!'"'"\';'" Station ld CUlM , . County, State of Oregon, THENCE, along SllId north !me the following one numbered course' (9) NORlli 890 44' 31" WEST 30 00 FEET to a point on a hne that hes parallel with and 30 00 feet westerly by perpendicular measurement from aforecalled course number (8), THENCE, crossmg lOto the lands that are descnbed lo "Exhibit C" of the Property Lme Adjustment Deed that was recorded at Recorder's Number 2006-018447 III the OffiCial Records of Lane County, d State of Oregon and m "Exlubit 0" of the Property Lme AdJUS\ffient Deed that was recorded at Date Receive : Recorder's Number 2006-018448 III the OffiCIal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon along the followmg four numbered courses (10) NORTII 144 18 r ee 1 to a pomt of tangent curvature to the left, (11) along said tangent curvature to the left haVIng a radiUS center that bears WEST FEB 4 2008 1500, a central angle of 900 00' 00" and a long chord ofNORTH4So 00' 00" WEST 21.21, an - arc dIStanCe of 23 56 FEET to a point of tangent Ime, (12) along said tangent lme, WEST 173 86 FEET to a pomt of tangent curvature to the left; and (13) along S8Jd tangent curvature to the left 'u I baving a radius center that bears SOUTH 20 00, a central angle of 350 26' 46" and a long chord Original Subml a of SOUTH 720 16' 37" WEST 12 18, an arc distance of 12 37 FEET to a point of non tangent !me Iymg on the east margm of 58th Street; THENCE, along said east marglll of 58th Street the follOWIng one numbered course (14) NORm 33.23 FEET to a pomt of non-tangent curvature to the left; THENCE, leaving said margm and crossing into the lands that are described "Exbtblt C" of the Property LlOe Adjustment Deed that was recorded at Recorder's Nwnber 20Q6..0 18448 10 the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon and 10 "Exlubit 0" of the Property Lme Adjustment Deed that was recorded at Recorder's Number 2006-018447 in the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon along the folloWIng four numbered courses (IS) along sBld non-tangent curvature 10 the left havmg a radiUS center that bears NORTIl 430 37' 22" EAST 2000, a central angle of430 37' 22" and a long chord ofSOUm 680 II' 19" EAST 1486, an arc distance of 15 23 FEET to a point of tangent !me wluch line lies parallel wllh and 24 00 feet northerly by perpendicular measurement from aforecalled course nmnber (12), (16) along Said tangentlparallellme, EAST 174 66 FEET to a pomt of tangent curvature to the left, (17) along said tangent curvature to the left having a radius center that bears NORTH 18 00, a central angle of 90. 00' 00" and a long chord of NORTH 450 00' 00" EAST 25.46, an arc dlstance of 2827 I' r.e 1 to a pomt of tangent lme which line lies parallel with and 24.00 feet westerly by perpendicular measurement from the northerly exteDSlon of aforecalled course nnmber (8); and (18) along said tangentlparallellme NORTH 83.85 FEET to a point on the south margm of the future extension of North "A" Street; THENCE, along SBld margin and croSSIng lOW "Parcel I" as descnbed m "Exhibit A" of SBId Statutory Warranty Deed that was =rded at Recorder's Number 2005-034709 m the Officml Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, along the following one numbered course' (19) sourn 89" 58' 14" EAST 24,00 FEET to a point on a Ime that lies on the northerly extension of aforecalled course number (8); THENCE along said hne the folloWlDg one numbered course. (20) sourn 177 39 FEET to a pomt of tangent curvature to the ~ft, THENCE crossing into "Tract 1" as desenbed in "Exhibit A" of said Property Lme Adjustment Oeed that was recorded at Recorder's Number 2005-101301 m the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon and along the following (SIX) numbered courses (21) along said tangent curvature to the left havmg a radiUS center that bears EAST 4 81, a central angle of 90" 00' 00" and a long chord of SOUTH 450 00' 00. EAST 6 81, an arc distance of 7.56 FEET to a pomt of tangent lme wlnch hne lies parallel WIth and 24 00 feet northerly by perpendicular measurement from aforecalled course number (6), (22) along said tangent/parallel Ime, EAST 108.68 FEET to a pomt of tangent curvature to the left, (23) along S8Jd tangent curvature to the left havmg a radiUS center that bears NORm 4.81, a central angle of 90" 00' 00" and a long.chord of NORTH 450 00' 00" EAST 6 81, an arc dl5l.8nce of7 56 FEET to a point of tangent line which Ime hes on the northerly extension of aforecalled course number (4), (24) along slUd Ime, NORTII 6700 FEET to a point of tangent curvature to the right, (25) along Said tangent curvature to the nght havmg a radIus center that bears EAST 48.00, a central angle of 450 02' 45" and a long chord of NORTH 220 31' 23" EAST 3677, an arc distance of 37.74 FEET to a pomt of tangent Ime, and (26) along said tangent line, NORlli 45002' 45" EAST 3557 FEET to a pomt on the south margm of the future extension of North "A" SU'eet, THENCE, along SBId margm the follOWIng two nmnbered course (27) SOUTH 44" 58' 14" EAST- 10.76 FEET to a point of tangent curvature to the left and (28) along SBld tangent curvature. to the left, havmg a radiUS center that bears NORTIl450 01' 46" EAST 223.18 FEET, a central angle of 03" 24' 04" and a long chord of SOUTH 460 40' 16" EAST 13 25 FEET, an arc distance of 13.25 FEET to a polIlt on a lme that Ites parallel WIth and 24 00 feet southeasterly by perpendicular measurement from aforeca1led course number (26), THENCE, along said parallel Ime and a lme that IS DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEME!'o<'T AND MAnITENANCEAGREEME~~ Page6of7 LANE, OR Document EAS 2007.41304 Page 60f7 Printed on 8/1512007 I 23.34 PM ifC; " ~l _ Bran~h :DSE,User :FAll Comment. '1'~~ , > parallel with and 24 00 feet southeasterly and easterly by perpendicular measurement from aforecalled course numbers (25) and (24) the followmg three numbered courses, (29) SOUTIf 45.02' 45" WEST 35,97 FEET to a pomt of tangent curvature to the left, (30) along SlUd UlIlgent curvature to the left having 8 radius CCIIter that bears SOUTH 44057' IS" EAST 24"00, a central angle of 45002' 45" and a long chord of SOUTII 220 31' 2)" WEST 18.39....ancarc distance of 18.87 FEET to a pomt of tangent lme wlucb tangent Ime also hes parallel WIth and 12.00 feet easterly of the north segment of the west Ime of the lands that arc described in the Statutory Wananty Deed that was recorded at Recorder's Number 2006-046082 in the Official Records of Lane County, State ofOrcgon, and (31) along said tangentfparallellme, SOUTH 70,74 rt:t:.L to a point on the north line of last said lands, and THENCE, leaving said north Ime an'crcrossing Into last said lands along the followmg three numbered courses' (32) contmwng along last SlUd tangent/parallellme, SOtITH 100.81 FEET to a point that lies on a Ime that l1es parallel with and 1200 feet northeasterly by perpendlcular measurement from the south segment of said west line of the lands that arc descnbed in the Statutory WlllTllIlty Deed that was recorded at Recorder's Number 2006-046082 in the Offic18l Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; (33) along SlUd parallel line, SOUTH 160 01' 28" EAST 61,07 FEET to pomt on a line that bears North from the POINT OF,BEGINNING; and (34) along last said lme, SOUTH 43.21 FEET RETURNING to the POJlll'T OF BEGINNING and contaming 24,959 Square Feet more or less. " DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEME1Io'T AND MAINTENANCE AGREEME1\'T Page 7 of7 LANE, OR Document EAS 2007.41304 Page 7 of7 Station Id CULM Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submi~tai, Pnnted on 8/15/20071 23:35 PM ~ J PERM~T NO: 52338 ^rpllc.llion Id: 4-iU~, IhyhwilY Number: 01ti Applicant infonlluHon N:nrKi Mlkaei Shields Gl1111P~"Y; Elnl1.hhmr lJ. hubbl'lrd ^rJlk""" 100 Went 13th ^V~lI1UC P.o. GQ)t IOJ47 L:lJfJl:lna OR U74J1.0 Ph<<IB' (G<41) Gflfi-8471J .1,,1_11. F fI)(. (541) J4!:i...'1303 Immram:o Infmmation Cnrnp'my: ~\PO Inmunmce, Ill{:" Prn.'Yllo fJlo 0653315809 Po!Jr.y B.>qfn: 0111 OlilUO!i ,'mount '~1,000,OOO pollt")' End: 01/10/2006 i Performance Bond Infl[)nnation . c:...."I"'I\y: lJouoJllo ^mount: Property Owner linformatiou 11.1111>: HDO "nleio!ll!t Cowpony: Nllligo~ 111, Ltc Adclnu :r.Q. HOl( 25 Wl\11~li'lfillu I:.m 914110 larllll rhLm, ((\.~1) 111'l-Il'fl}t;; F/\X. , ) . flMnl1 ^1'1,lIelml ~'ijIII1R1UIO Lo,,:>II\f1erry ^PIJlIIVI11 (II 16llllirf\'\l) PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A. STATE HIGHWAY APPROACH MiI~Point: 6.50 Oregoo lJepar1went of Trans Completion Date:I07/31/200il.~ Reilson fUlf Request: Improvemenl Plan View Property Information ^d~r..... 68.-4' Main Street SPlinQfield OR 974711 County- llJlna HI~trl'l"r McKenzie MllePolnL Engine~nnD Gtal1ol1. 0.50 282+65 LQndm~ri<J:,' . J95' Eallt of 58th Street Re"b~' ORE126 6111001111'11: lIall fOI!\.rt: L N Tax Lot Infonnation Tllwmhip fungo Section Tnll.LIlI I 17 92 34-32 300 8. ;00 ,[ J"" '" c ~'tJ t 1fv ..... "\ \), ' ,/ ,rf\. ~ 1UfY\1 Specification I Wldlh (w)' 35.001't I Wing Width ~: 7.00n " Pll,1og lmIIPlJ, ,ooft SuI! (0..)' aO.Qoft C\Jli<lrl:. Nont'l Sub n."" ellle' 1.ngla (AI: 90 Curb-SQwlk II<): .lIon Pavil1ll Lmt IP:lJ: .con Dlam: .DOnn Len; .OOR ThloluJasi: 13.....c""" l1d"'kn",", I L~Ciw. W...rCml: -B.eln!or~ Concnrte nllcklle66: ~ a.OOln hu;tructjall~ h,roulng of pIIrmll$ under l/Jese regulallons Is not a finding of compltmce with the Iilalew1de pl;!nnll1lJ OO!ls or the BCknowltdged comprehensive plan for lhl) area. Pem,l!s srlllS-llUeQ subject to Ulilll1pprollal or city, county or other governmental a!;ICn~ hlIVlng aulhorlty 10 rllQuliite land usa by ml'lJns of zon11ltl and/or bUilding regulaUons. It iU1311 b& lhl!l iIIpp~nt'lIll'l!5ponslblllty to oblilln any auuh ilppnrnJ:a Including, where lIppIlCi:lbll:,locull./oVllrnJTKlnt Wclerrnlnallon:o (If compUanc.e With statewldc planning gl>>ls. All rlIOilerlals and wcrNnanshlp ehlll be 1\1 6Cco[ttQn~ with (;urrent Oregon Sl.and,lId 6~lncatlQll:a tor HI~hW8y C':omtructlon. file Pprmllllllssued subject to Ihe proVisIOns of OreflOll AdmlnlstraUve Ru~ 7'34-05~-0045 through 734-051.0355, which are by rtilel ence made a parI 01 lhIs pennlt; and which are in effect at any p~rtlcular Umllln the dUfistJon of the permit -o;ll.l " TlJ/s pemrlt Is not valid unUl signed by a duly Blllthorized repl'esenlative 01' tlre. Ore[:fon Department o-FTr:Jnsporta-tion, [)alii AuUIO'~a" cpoT ;rQ11111Ura 2~' ;7 .....'(10 loll n 'N,'P~ .1I_'1._IJ<'nl1,l_'~i'PILh._"nll w~ Dalo --U1.-/!J0 I PllnllPd: IJIlI/02nOOO 01:20:22 PM " '. 0 --, (2: :::l 0 !!. m (J) "'" r+ m <D c CO CT ::u 3 0 ;:;: CD .- ~ 0 !!. i'o,) <D. c;:) < c;:) CO (D 0.. PERMBT NO: 52338 PERMIT FOR ENCROACHMENT, CONSTRUCTION ON OR USE OF STAtE HIGHWAY Oregon Dep11tmefJt of TmnsflQltEIlJon ^pplicatlon ill: 4.1\1)4 HIghway Numbt:!r: 0115 Mllepoint 6.50 PROViSIONS Reason for Request: ImproVl!fIll!rrt Applicant: Milllnel Shields C~ny: Balzhlnr & hubbanl '1<10.30'1 ConstnlCtlon Plans are approved In general only. The District Manager or representative may require fielcl changes. When revisions oare made.!n the field, as-constructed l1rawings must be submitted to the District. . 1!jO.101 Tlla pewmiL and.ell specifications, detail!., typical drawings anrJ standard drewlngs attached to the permit shall take precedence over all plans, drawinl~s and speciflclltions producell by the Architect or Engineer representing tlia Applicant or Contractor. 150,201 WIUlIn 40 hours before beginning permit work and again aftor completing perr,nit wor~ the Applicant (or flgerrt) shall notlry the DIstrict permitting fi'lpreslc!ntahva. 1S0.411 Applicant (or agent) shall have on lheJob site, at all times, B oopy ofths permit and all atlachments. The permit shall be readily available for illGpccliion. I 'I GO.G01 The p!\rmlttad work Is located Within the Oregon Utility Notification Center (OUNC) area. The OUNC Is a utilities notification system to notify owners of utllilles about excavation Vlork performed In the vicinIty of their facilities. The utilities notification system telephone number Is 1-600..332-2344. 150.701 MaintllIn all f~)(isting highway signs. If Gny signs are uamaged due to Contractors operations, replace thosa signs before the end of that work shift- Avoid operations whose methuds, conditions, or timing may injure people or dal1)age properties. Damage includes stainIng surfaces With such thIngs as lTlud and asphalt. When damage occurs, the Distnct Manager will deterrnino if it is to be corrected by repair, replacement, IJr cumplmsatOlY payment. If compensatory payment is required, the District Manager wlll determine the amount. 150.702 Do nu'l pallt on state right-of-way unless permitted by the Dlstrtct Manager. Comply with ORS 810.230, B10.160. I 'IGO.703 Remove aU dirt and debris from the highway at the eml of each work shift ar more frequently If a hazard to the traveling public exists or as directed by ttw District Manager. " 1 GO.80 I All ar~las of excavation shall be returned to "pre-canstl uction" condition or better. Repair natural draInage so no water Gtands or collects In excm,'iJtot\ f.lfBas, when practical. Slopos shall be tnmmed to blend with the adjacent b~rra!n. Replace tile vegetative cover to bland with the mUm:lCnt natural growth, 200.02\ The work area during construction or maintenance performed under the permit provisions shall be protected in accordance with the cllIrrent Manual un Uniform Traffic Ccmtrol Devices for Slreets and Highways, US Department of Transportation, and the Oregon Department of Tram;portation slIpplements thereto. Floggers must have certification and must carry proof indlcatin[l their completion 9f an approved worl20ne traffic control counl6. Allllaffic control devices shall be maintained acoording to the ATrSSA Qualilty Standards forWorkZono Traffic Control Devices handbook. 225,051 SUbmit the follOWing In wnting five days before the permitted activity. , .. Prnposod Trame Control Plan (fep) showing all Traffic Control Measures (TCM). Include the proposed order and duration of all TCM. Do not start worl{ on any stage of construction untIl all rCM are in place and Ille TCP Is opemting satisfactorily. 1.000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS . 2,000 ApphcDnt shall ramove all eXlsLlng approaches La Tax Lots 300 & 400 and replace with one single approach lo salve both. Cl IJ\t/f'S -,I 1~~_rJlI.N_Jlm~b P;jIlC I ~II Plinle{l: {)(W2JZOO5 02:28'27 Pt.ll 0 I.U :r 0 ~ "'" Q) en m <D c m C" ::0 3 . CD := ..z;.. 0 ~ ~ CD c;::) <' 00 CD a. I Reset Form ,j I Print Form I D 7)0, A-:fJiJ1 i tA f;>m ::::V (IJd,r~ APPLICATION FOR STAT'E'F~IIGHWAY APPROACHffi 1/ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY' Pen~lIt ?p~cla"st Permit fype' 0 New Modification ote!(lsbng: Notes, ,,"', Date received stamp o Change of use o Yes '0 No' o Temporary 0 Restncted DeviatiOn. '. 0 Yes 0 No Hwy,#.' . ,Mllepomt Station CHAMPS 10 #" Required Information The applicant must submit the followmg information with the Application for State Highway Approach ODOT Will notify the applicant If additional mformatlon IS required . All attachments reqUired by answers on the application form, including applicant signature . If the applicant IS not the owner of the property to be served by the approach, then the property owner must authorize the applicant as a deSignated agent The applicant must have the property owner complete the AuthorizatIOn of DeSignated Agent block on this form OR submit a Signed letter from the property owner authorlzmg the applicant as the deSignated agent . Site plan and VICInity map approved or currently being reviewed by the local government . A Land Use Gompatlblltty Statement (LUGS) for a State Highway Approach (page 4 of this application) must be completed by the local government e A copy of the current County tax lot map for the property served by the approach Map must highlight all property that would be served by the approach and list all owner name(s) on adjacent properties Make a note on map If ownership of adjacent property IS same as subject property Identify the location of the proposed approach on map . A copy of the recorded easement(s), If the subject property has an eXisting easement(s) for access to the property . A copy of any eXlstmg state or local government approach permits for the property In addition to the above submittals, the applicant may be reqUIred to place stakes or markmgs near the highway shoulder at the proposed approach location Definitions for commonly used terms are In the attached brochure The brochure IS also available on the ODOT webslte located at htto !/www oreaon aov/ODOT/HWY!ACCESSMGT! IState OR IZIP 97477 I County Lane I Branch Englneenng,lnc1 1 1 1 I 1 IARplicant Information: I Last name Gilbert I Street address 310 5th Street IClty Springfield I MaIling address Same IClty 1 State IZIP IPhone (541)746-0637 IFax (541)746-0389 IE-mall damlen@branchengmeering com Is applicant working as an agent of the owner? [g] Ves 0 No If yes, the owner must complete the AuthOrization of DeSignated Agent section below, OR the applicant attach a letter from the owner authorlzmg the applicant to act as his/her agent I Approach, Location Highway name - May be a statewide highway name, such as PaCIfiC Highway, or a local name, such as East Main Street Route name - The posted highway number, such as 1-5 or US-84 Highway name McKenZie (15) Route number 126 Mrlepomt 6.50 Side of highway [g] North 0 South Is the highway In a national forest area? 0 Yes [8J No I First name Damien I Company I County I Cell/pager County Lane o East 0 West Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 734-2680 (9/07) Page 1 of 4 Onginal Submittal I Authorization of Designated Agent I, Ronald E Thlenes ,authorize Damlen Gilbert, P.E PRINT NAME OF ~ PRINT NAME OF APPLICANT to represent me In the matter;>f1liis ~ghway app,'oa?h perm~ca"6n I:;t~~~n:~~:,~,( /M1tP~ --? y/M' L-: Date 1-30-08 NOTIFICATION TO APPLICANt The ODOT District Office will contact you when your application has been reviewed If additional documents are required to continue the application process you will be notified When all of the necessary documents have been received, the application will be deemed complete If your completed application IS approved, preliminary construction speCifications will be Issued A performance bond and liability Insurance will be reqUIred before any construction work can begin on the highway right of way For the complete rules regarding approach permitting, see OAR Chapter 734 DIvIsion 51 The Applicant declares, certifies, and affirms under penalty of applicable state or federal laws that all information provided on this form and attachments are true and complete to the best of his!J r knowledge. Print name Damien Gilbert, P.E Signature x~ Date 1-30-08 IAeJditional Approa~h"lnformation - f o New Approach - There IS no eXisting permitted or grandfathered approach road at the location requested In this application Temporary Approach - The approach requested will be removed after a specified penod of time EXisting Approach - ThiS application affects, or may affect, an eXisting approach Restncted Use Approach - The approach requested IS for emergency services, government, utility access or similar speCific uses with limited traffic I Vehicle Turning Movements Turn movements requested lEI All OR check all that apply 0 Right 0 Right out 0 Left In 0 Left out Property Owner In'tormatipn " I Last name Thienes I First name Ronald I Street address 87830 Upland Street I City Spnngfleld IState OR I Mailing address PO Box 25 I City Waltervllle IPhone (541)726-8795 I E-mail RT878@aol com Are there additional owners of the subject property? ~ Yes 0 No If Yes, attach the same contact mformatlon as above for each of the co-owners on a separate sheet PropertY Information' Subject property address(es) 5850 Mam Street IClty Spnngfleld IState OR ZIP 97478 ICounty Lane Townshlp(s), Range(s) Sectlon(s) Tax lot(s) 17 02 see attached list see attached list I Current zOning CC & GO I Proposed zOning same as existing I In the boxes below, deSCribe the eXisting and proposed land use(s) on the property, Includ!ng square footage or acreage o ~ o /Company Amigo's III, LLC IZIP 97478 I County Lane State OR !ZIP97489 Fax (541 )736-5181 ICounty Lane I Cell/pager Bank Dnve-thru Coffee Proposed Professional Offices Commercial/Retail Car Wash Date Received: EXisting FEB 4 20B6 734-2680 (9/07) Page 2 of 4 Original Subrruttal Site P1at:'_ & Vicinity [\(lap Requirem~nts L~l(~al g6Y:~rrlmel}t slt~ -rHa:n - _ - _ _ : _ _ _ _ -- Has the local government approved a site plan or IS the local government currently reviewing a plan for the proposed land use? DYes 0 No If yes, attach a copy of the plans being reviewed by the local government ODOT site J?lan requi_tements Submit drawing(s) no larger than 11" x 17" In Size Site plaR{s) shallll1c1ude all applicable Information listed below Property location and property lines, Including o North arrow CJ Show all lots or parcels that are part of the property or development with theIr corresponding tax lot numbers Identified iJ DIstance from the property lines to the center of the proposed approach Using solid lines, show o Proposed approaches with requested width and turning movements shown o Proposed & eXIsting bUildIngs and structures to be retained o Proposed use of eXisting bUildings and structures to be retained o Other proposed equipment or facllttles and their proposed use o Proposed access or "cross-over" easements with neighbOring properties o Nearest approaches on both sides of the highway within 500' of the proposed approach center-line USIng dashed lines, show [J EXistIng approaches with width and turning movements shown I] Place an "X" on approaches to be removed o EXisting bUildings and structures to be removed o EXisting equipment or facIlIties to be removed o Other eXisting facilities to be removed o Existing access or "cross-over" easements with nelghbonng properties Show proposed on-site CIrculation, includIng o Travel lanes with travel directions Indicated o Travel lane widths :::J Parking spaces or parkmg areas o Access locations to the parking spaces or areas Show nearest landmark or cross street o Provide nearest cross street name =.J DIstance from the requested approach tocat1oll to tre n9arest crOS3 street [J All public streets that abut the property(s) Page 3 of4 Date Received: 734-2680 (~ 1/07 - Dlstnct 5) FEB ~ 4 2008 Original Submlttai ~ Date Received DATE RECEIVED BY ODOT CHAMPS ID# FE~ - ~ 200@ LAND USE COMPATIBILITY STATEMEHigIUa~i},ittal What is a LUeS? A Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) IS the form ODOT uses to ensure that Highway Approach Permits are consistent with local land use requirements Why is a LUeS Required? ODOT Coordination Rules, OAR 731-015, Identify Highway Approach Permits as permits that affect land use State law requires ODOT actiVities that affect land use to be consistent with acknowledged local comprehensive plans When is a LUeS Required? An ODOT LUCS must be submitted with every ODOT Highway Approach Permit Application How to Complete the LueS: The applicant completes Section 1 Section 2 must be completed by the local JUriSdiction The applicant then submits the completed LUCS to ODOT as part of the Highway Approach Permit Application SECTION 1: Applicant and Site Information Applicant name Damien Gilbert, P E for Amigo's III, LLC Applicant signature X ~ ~ Property owner name Amigo's III, LLC' Subject property address 5850 Main Street Site description Thurston Crossing DesCribe the proposed actiVity, use or development, Including type and volume of traffic It will generate Commercial, Retail, Professional Offices Townshlp(s) Range(s) 17 02 Date 1-30-08 Sectlon(s) See Attached List Tax lot(s) See Attached list Section 2 must be completed by a Local Planning Official. SECTION 2: Determination of Compliance with Local Land Use Requirements The subject property IS ~ Inside city limits D OutSide city limits D Inside UGB D OutSide UGB Current Comprehensive Plan designation :\ j cthi. Il17)f-... Current zOning (/C rJ11(..L 00 Is a Comprehensive Plan or zOning amendment proposed? DYes ID No If yes, list the proposed plan designation Proposed zoning Does the actiVity, use, or development require land use review to determine compliance With regulations? ~ Yes D No If no, It means that no local land use review IS reqUired Skip to Local Plannmg Official Information section below If yes, what IS the status of the land use application? [XI Approved 0 Denied 0 Under review ~ Not yet receIved List file numbers De (J.,.Oct'l-r:a5L~$J-a:0- CC()r{ Is the_deCISion f!nal? ~'Yes 0 No Comments 1't'1- '\ me ~ O' rvYJ". ~\l.~^ ( ..... '~JY7 _- Il^f-)' t::~ -1)(; C ,)ff)-.J j [l(Yvtf I Jt...\.->-...7''''{)V G,) l-<...l'O . I~J nL....-, _,..... l_'! J' _J I ~/ r Y '-'" ..' v f I Local Planning Official Information (ReqUIred) IJUrlSdlctlon ,'" /li}/ 1>: r <( r,,',.'1 i I): I \. / ~ v~ r \ ~,..:.:~ t I~ l i!{lo-- \' \.... " \,.. \..- I PI ff I'd t' I t- t ~ Ii r t 'If..... 'r'~.... anntng 0 ICla na~e an \ it e ';_.:e: ~ V t I [t (: I Mailing address ~~, ,-- -;: 1,1 '~"~' ,vt f.~' _,I ',,_,- '.'1' ...J," It '""~ ,;....:.....~.. ~ _:~ t- . '-..~ __ ..::... Ie ~ ~ _ "-~~. [~ ~ r ~ V l ~ L \. I t",., , ^'~'8 710 r ( ~ I vlLY ulOl I L..II ~ I Phone,' ;:-},f ',I ! ___:r \.I/~ " 1 'l...n I I Fax " <'\.I t t ))" I, . 2J /' I/C? _ t f.... (t{ ,v"'~ -A f , ), . t I ,I'"-ll ~.Jf/ d t IE-mal'-! n,:\d\.f(- 0) (>i, \\)(!,1.~I1\:tld, ir- u\ . . .~ 'I I Ii Plannmg offiCial signature X ';"7\ /i" ) f' ' f' 1"1/1 ,,- '....f' r ~ j... t t \,." J".". ,J /1: ~ ....... -~- :'1 ~-"t -:--, { / =1 f f~~ I Celllpager I, 'J ' ,A!: I r ('It 11/1/\ _- Date 1 I"", I ~ I I ("it! {)~l ,~ I 734-2680 (9/07) Page .:1 of 4 08/20/2007 10:11 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PIT AUG-16-2D07 THU 09:35 AM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417 ;89 ~002 P, 01 PVBLIC WORKS DEPART1\tfENT / Hngineering Division Fax; (541) 7;30- J C21 STORMW ATbl<. Mj\NAGEtvtENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF 'VORK -- (.4.J'l!t1 below tEli., lilu!fillt!(! ()ut by Ap/,liNlnf) - (please return f() Marr Sroud,'r@ elly (1) Sprillg/iffM Puhfic Workt Engin"~. :..({; Fax;# 136-11)21, Plumt: Jt. 736wi03S.) Projet:t Name: .Amigo'!: ill Applicant: Ami,go's III A.!sessors Parcel tfJ! 17-O2-34~32. Lot 1400 Date; 08-16-07 LaIJd. Use(s): .c:~~~ Phone #: Jcatmette AppJauso @ Branch 746-0637 Project Size (Acres): 1.19 acres Fax #: Branch 746..D389 Appro". Imperviou& Area: <50% Ernail: ..ii.lM.m.'ttti41bran~inet:~.com "..~-,~.- Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): This propoS3l is to divide T&x Lot 1400 into three parcels Draintlge Proposal (Public conncction(s). discharge 1ocation(s}. etc, Attach .wditiona! sheet{s) if noccssary: Dramage for the proposed parcels will be dir~y routed to the newLy oonsttuetcd City stormwatcr S)'~.....u in the 'A' Street ~s.ion. Proposed Sto~ ~~ ,.. ater Best Management Practices: ._~ (Area helolf' thisLLlt1! fillel' out 1111 tire Cilr (f.lTrlRdur'at1d to tltl! 4""fit:anf), - r-4r a IflIairmlrr/, ,rlt b~.s' checked hy flit: C:'lf'Y olllllsjnmr tlrtd back ofrh/s_shr!et st;aN he' ~1[bl1Tlffecl fill' all :;pp/iaariorl ro b<! cCIIl/p;r.wf(1f' li'110nl1ftal" altlrouglr arher reqtllremdm~ nwy bet I/r:CI:.<,Mll")J.) ,DrainnJ:!le Studv Tvoe (KOSPM Section 4.03.2,: fNute. UH may be sub~litu'ed for", Rsttional Method\ til Small Site Study - (~ Rational Method fo-r calculations) o Mid-Level D.,lavelopment Study - (use Unit Hydrogrdph Motbod for calculations) o Full Drainage Devcl....i"meIrt Study - (nse Unir H,)'dro-graph Metlmd. fo.f calculations) Envkonmenw Consid.... cl<l;OD~ il Wellhead Zone; ct& TlirY ~ ex... il WetlandlRiparian: NIP} ~ SoH Type; ~t.~ L-O~ .DO\l'll~~JlLJ\.n;lvsis_~. J iJ Hillside Development: ~ Flood~~lFloodplain: U, ~\ /"" NJ! Iil Other Jurisclidions; 0~ r/~ II/A i@l D D I ( N/A Flow line for starting water surface elevation: Design HG-L to use for starting 'water surface elevation" Manhole/hmc:tion to ~ analVSlS to" -~--~-~- ....------- -- ---- ------.-_. - RctUnI to Matt Stouzdet (LV City of Sj),inl!fi~ld, ema(~< m"touderJVd.spriIi~elc:!'o-r.us. FAX; ($4!} 736-J (l~l__ ~ Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Origi<'~" ' Jbmlttal 08/20/2007 10:12 FAX 541 736 1021 ' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD P" , ATIG-18-2007 THU 09:36 AM BRANCH ENGINEERING 54174 38 1ft] 003 P, 02 COMPLETE STtJDY ITEMS I t>od)fficl~!,[I~CO~Y-MAS' I I( JJa,wd upon the il1formotron provIded on rhe.fr'clttl afthis sheet, thefallowJng repre.>ent3 a minimum a/what i~ needed/o" an applicarion lo be complete for Suhnn'1ta/ With ~.~pt-Cf to droiltQge; h()w~~er. this list $zowrJ 110t be used In lieu oflhft Springfield Ikvelopmitrtf Code (SDC) ar llre (:jfy's Engineenng Dc:;J"gn MflIruoL Compliance witlt these requiraru:nL<; does not constitute site approval; AddieiOFlal site 5pecijic infwmaU(m Mt;}' be reqrllyed. Note: Upon saoping :>heel .ruhmittal, ef1SWe compieledfonn h~ berm ..ign(Jd in t.he spt1ce provided below: !n'tcrim Dcsi~ StandanisfWatef' Qlralliy (EDSPM C"napter 3) l?eq'd NIA o ~ All Don-building rooftop (NER) im~ioo.s SI1Ef.aces SbaIl be p~ (e.g. ~tl-chambcml ~ttchb.lsin. w/oil :filtration metf...ia) for IitOnnwater qti:ill1y. AdditionalIYl a mi.niUJ.u.m. or SG-/tt or the NBR impervious aunaor.: shall be. ~~~ve~ted~ o " Where required. veget.ath>e sw.. ......iller deSign shall be coasist.:n1. with interim design standards (EDSPM Section 3,02), set forth by tbe Bureau ofEnvi.ronmental Senices (BES) or Clean Wa:mr Services (CWS). o 1!j For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 sqw:.'C fuct, a stmplliioo design approach may be followcO as sp:;:..-ified hy the BES forvege~ t.ro2tmenr. o ~ I r 6 Sfom1wa~ trcaunenr. $Wale is }I> ~ SlJbmit calClllations',,~ far sizing, velocity, flaw, side slopes, bottom slope. and SlXXf nUx coosiStent with either 8ES or CWS rcq~tl;.. o ii Water Quality oalcurations as . "":t....:.ed in Section >.O:U ofilie EDSPM o Ii All mlllding rooftop luonnlcd t,:qmpmem. or other-fluid containing equipment located ootslcle of the bl.lilding, shalL be pl'O\ idcd with secondaIy contruwnont or weather reslsuuu: cnclosup:. General Study Rcq'Qiremen~ (EIJSPM Section 4.M) riI D DIainagc Study pre~cd by a F ,vf~naI Civil En$;''-'' ~ in the !;tate of Oregon, O Gi1' a. . \....,... "'-:;fM"''' .........., ~ ft><"!,.i...I'l ;" ;n~?M I::ed'i...... ~ 0:; t ;T...~ijd!n.. '" qudro1o&!,,",*1 "h'd\.! ,nap, ~ "'...._....~..........w:.;.g :t:2""Qii.....,:-,-.........--.--.....II--- ....- --.. ........ ....,,_... "b-.'J.... c--.......... ~ ..,. iil 0 Ca1cula1ions showing S}'stem c.;spacit:y for a 2-year storm cvart and ov~ effu..,"is of a 25-year storm evem.. Ii [4}. The lirne of coocerl1r.Uion (Te) shall be dctcrroin..--d U$i,r.g I.t 10 minute stan time for ~'elO?=d basins. ReView or Downmcam System (EDSPM Section 4.t13A,C) o 1j A dawnstream dta.l.Mge 3Dl1tysis :IS des::nbed ill EDS.PM SCC"&.:oIL4 m 4 C On-siw dml1lage 1ihnH be governed by the Oreson f'lu.mbing SpecialLy C'..ode (Orse). o ~ Elcvabons of till; FiGL aM flow linc.s for OOl.ll Cl.!:y anti puvalc ~stcrns wb..:re applicable. Design Qr SroFID. S)'/il~ru; (lIDSPM SecHoa ...~4) '. , ' IiCll 0 F'~" It"~ "lon;>~ ........, "."""....10"'.. ...,...... '.,,""" "",..I .""..,., ,..y.",-Ir, .nA,>,,..,.-.1 nn- -~.. n.lwn c'-" .. ' I\Tn UJ,~ Q -f:"'---r li~JO.L C(o;J,),I;,;.~C .1-...,. .t""y- "",T~" ...u...l..~ ~...-- ......:;.tllLrl' ......._..._...~ v..~ .,~ r.li.i"~ w\woi\. n Iii ~.ifi~;;:;:;I'i ::;;IJC CY'''r,i :;'l;1n be !~: ~:::c::('= re,:, -if:;;i';,:":~: ?n~ line!. S6 ir.;;~ for p!~in coj:Cl'lm: :md.pLa5iic plPlC.malenals, l~r prop~.r ;;:.;;ir,(/Iwt'i.lg C<liO;uldtiuH" st-dH be pl'cr..ia...~ w~t lo;s. The CG;r,::::;: gball be suffiCIClll Lu ~upporL an 80,(;00 Ib lo<ld '\"'lhl)~!~ f'..Jh:!!",: ,~nh-~ :'i~ s:-rl~l:f\lI'l~ o t!S MatHtkUi;" ~ ~.u 'I) \-:,.1u-.:.s r~: '~~l~~ ~'haB '~ C;}f&:;tSi~itE "Pii~ 7~.ti~ .+-. I ~ fil.~ EDS~. AU $t\p~ai pil~; ~.;1ih1; i;;:: dw'gii~ 'U:, :rC!U'.;V':;:t \n;~,tOlt'~~ ~'e~o-=;~} of~-e- r~3; f"eer ~t' ie.c-(\~d ~\" ~j <; ~l~~ fi.H ~E:~::--d ,)!.1 Jrubl~ ~-L V~ \"(;1%. OfherlJ\f'"J:;C' iit ~ I I LJ Existing ami pr~ ccmlours.. k...'?'.....,:u ~ 1001 ml{:nlaL lm:htili: s~1 /iij~lttio;:s and sil~ gr<IOes showr"l~ how slte- dr;!im L.J t"ri'llate Rlormw..'1.ter ca.'l'.:mcni$l r-;1\1U1l;>:; cl~~ly (lcptClod on p!;:tn,') wtl(in pm7ite st...IlItl>,'"ter Aows f.-c>m one property to Itrlafllcr ~ DrywcU, Shill! nO! r(.'~ivc Hl.oolI fmlll ally sur,t:h~ wlo e:~!llg f.t'G3~Gd b:'~' Clue or ~t:Jre BrvH's. Wil!ll~ c~c!,licm or resideminl hl1rldim:: roor.~ mDSP Scali"!" ::;'(1,1 4"A). .J\df,litioI'..3! PTovis:on<; upplJ 10 tIllS .:!; roClnircd Ilj' lh~ OF-Q, Rcrcr u. tilt.: \\'cb~ili; }'rww.dcn.:sllllo or tts!wC1/~rotmdwa!l1JchQmeJE!1 for U1(\"'I.! hllOH.l.l~tJcn ~ rNtoHlfrrll p"nd,r, <;Imi'/ be dwif>;I1QG t,Q lrml( -Il:'l"nfv rrc-d~iopr;lc;;f rat,_,:: for: tfrc 7, tIH"Oll,:;;h I:-)-ycnr sr.~~m ovcnt~ n fJifrF!i.~ fi1rm 1"(1t~(f h~ tffa!utled a:..: a;: (1f!,"1.~*mwft., iw'1r,.;!fJ t,~;;ft"ONt: a~'i:rT cf:ke. ;.,1.(Jrffl't.~f~l'" sr.udy I'''.' ...----. ! 1,,,. .......' ~ -= fMPi'RJ'AiV1: b"N(;il-tEER FI,,~4.SE 1~4li lJEL()J}~ Ai"'!) L\~lG.\",t ---- -----j ~_ _~.._______M._. ~.._~_'._. ~ A:'i ~h.; "'r.stll~' 01' (r.;;;""llJ, f ~\~rcl>!' ,"'C1.tify the al,,)\'e (~u{!'~d it$tlls are C'O!llplere and induded. with the $'.Jbmt~ ~(lm.WlillJ( :imJ;' nn~i pl'1l'i g..~t tlJA / L~ ~!2niltvr~: V n U/J. lP..tc: !J l -0 if -() l) - I --/ . H___ Date Received: FEB - 4 2008 Original Submittal