HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 3/17/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE "" .' \ ql~TRIBUTlON DATE. Mat.... 17, 2008 to: Current Planning Staff G Karp, J. Donovan, LIZ Miller, M. Metzger, Kttti Gale. _ L. Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy lImbird, Dave Reesor, Steve Hopklns,~olly Markananj "Matt Stouder, Engineering - Public Works Department "Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EngineennglPublic Works "Chuck Gottfried, Environmental ServiceS Brian Bamett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) "Gary McKenney, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department "Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire' Agenda only "Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation Distnct *Tamara Johnson, Springfield utility Board (Electnc) "Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chinltz, Spnngfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) JIm Henry, Central Lane CommunicatJons 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) Dave White, U S.P.S. (Growth Mgmt. Coordinator) , Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for PartitionslSubdivisions) "Celia Barry, Lane County Transportabon Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utrlity District (EPUD) Jim Mann, Lane County Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] (if applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water Distnct(" only if in the North Spfld area) (if applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (If applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire Distnct (If applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable (If applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) (" If in Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ("If in Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water District ("If in GlenwoOd) Bill Gnle - Development Services Director (agenda) John Tamulonis, Economic & Community Development Manager CIndIe Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) "Dave Puent, BUIlding OffiCIal (agenda) Lisa Hopper, BUIlding Services Representative (agenda) " Greg Ferschweller, Keith Miyata, Bnan Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept. "CraIg Fitzgerald, MaIntenance PW Dept George Walker, Environmental Works Dept., (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Dept. (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) "Will Mueller, L TO Nonn Palmer, Quest CorporatIon (agenda Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda) Steve Barrett, Asst. Supenn. of Operations, Springfield School DIstrict (agenda) William Lewis, FInancial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda) Jack Moran, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Spnngfield Beacon (agenda) Joe Leahy, City Attorney Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTHlJUSTlCE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS ,.1 ( ~ 7. ~ ~ v:: -7 ~ -:7 * ~ ~ --;::/ ~ 7 :7: -7' ~/ ~ ~ -7/ 7 Date Received: MAR 1 7 2008 Onglnal Submittal (agenda) (agenda) A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been recerved by the Development ServIces Office. Specific concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed If you have comments or requirements of thIS proposal, please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development SeMces Department, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477" If your written comments are not receIVed by Friday, March 28, 2008 specific concerns of your diviSIon/department/agency will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on April 1, 2008. The Development ReView Committee holds staff reVIew meetings on Tuesday @ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday If you have specrfic concerns so that the Planning representative can diSCUSS them prior to meetIng With the applicant. If the Planner feels it is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she will let you know on Tuesday. " will receive a full packet AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: April 1, 2008 @ 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1. PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00016 BRANDT-DRURY 8 - 9 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-02-34-44 TL 1200 Address: 6595 Main Street Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into three parcels Planner: Molly Markarian 3. SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2008-00019 SCOTT/R82 LLC 9 -10 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-26-24 TL 3201,3300 Address: 1980 & 1990 Fifth Street Existing Use: MDR & Residential Applicant submitted plans to construct a 19-unit MDR apartment complex, "5th Street Apartments" Planner. Steve Hopkins 1 MAR - 6 2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Date ReCtmfed: Original submittal Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal: Partition Tentative Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Pre-Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Submittal: . , . - Applicant Name: Michael Brandt-Drury COmpany: Phone (541) 913-8039 Fax: Address: 7906 Thurston Rd., SorinJUjeld, OR 97478 Applicant's Rep.: Stacy Salladay Company: Branch Engmeering, Inc. Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax: (541) 746-0389 Address: 310 Fifth St., SorinJUjeld, OR 97477 Property Owner: Michael Brandt-Drury Company: Address: 7906 Thurston Rd., SprmJUjeld, OR 97478 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-34-44 I ~,~T Property Address: 6595 Main St., Springfield, OR 97478 Phone (541) 913-8039 Fax: I200 Size of Property: 3.95 Acres ~ Square Feet D Proposed Name of Subdivision: I Description of ProDosal: If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to thiS application. This proposal is to create a 3-parceI partition Existing buildings will remam. Existing Use: Residential Avg. Lot/Parcel ~ 57,354 rint our name and date in the a s Density ~ 2..25 dujacre riate box on the next Associated Applications: \)Q.( ~, ffQti- CSfK ') Signs: 71V<-<--to S~ i/ Pre-Sub Case No.: fu 260'3- e:1i" (> Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: ~6~e- QO'-J\ (0 Date: 3!e::. 1~'6 Reviewed by: ~ Application Fee: $ .LJ +"2 q Technical ,Fee: $ L ~"" Lf)" Postage Fee: $ / ') r- TOTAL FEES: $ G 1,'?r1' \ Lt ~ ~_ PROJECT NUMBER: fc) 26b5 - ~ DOS- ~ '..,~ - ..~~ ... !... ~, ".... L ,Y "'......_ , Date Received. MAR ~ 6 2008 N ARRA TIVE FOR THE Original SubmittaL__~_________ MICHAEL BRANDT-DRURY TENT A TIVE PARTITION ApPLICATION ThIS applicatIOn is a proposal to partition a multi-family development on the property at 6595 Mam Street (Map 17-02-34-44, Tax Lot 1200) into three parcels. Currently, the property has a single family residence, fourplex, two duplexes and parking area. The property contained in this proposal is much larger than the area developed. The remamder of the property is a future development that will be constructed when access becomes available via a neighbOrIng development or the construction of Dogwood Street. Patrick S. Thompson, Consulting submitted a wetland delineation to DSL as part of the previous Site Plan Review. A copy of the DSL approval report is included with this submittal. Since Main Street is fully improved, no off-site improvements are necessary now or in the future. Easements are proposed where one bUIlding's utility crosses the other building's property. There is an existing 7 foot Public Utility Easement along the north boundary line and a 5 foot Public Utility Easement along the west boundary line. All dwellings have existing utility services; no new constructions are antIcipated at this time. Once Dogwood Street has been constructed and the south portion of proposed Parcel 2 is planned for development all utilities for that area will be placed underground. No trees will be removed with this land use application A proposed Irrevocable Private Joint Use Access easement will be 29 feet wide and will meet fIre code. A Jomt UtilIty Trench exists along the south property line and connects cable, telecommunications, and power to all lots. The exact location of the trench is undetermined and will need to be field verified prior to connection for future development. The existing single-family house will continue to drain its gutters to the ground around the foundation. The roof drains from the existing fourplex and both duplexes will contmue to drain directly to the storm dramage system in Main Street. The runoff from the parking and driving areas flow through the swale between the fourplex and existing house before draining to the storm drainage system in Main Street. The swale cleanses the water then releases it to the Main Street storm drainage system. A pennit was acquired from ODOT to connect to the Mam Street storm drainage system. Refer to ODOT permit No. 51643, this permIt is only for access, there is another for storm. A copy of the permit is include~ in this submittal. Per a phone conversation with Mike Wilbur at ODOT, since the partition does not create the ability for new buildable areas to access Main Street, a Change of Use Permit is not required. However, the Final Plat will show a restriction that if any additional units are constructed to access Main Street, a Change of Use Permit will be obtained. The Lane County Soil Survey shows the site as having Dixonville-Philomath-Hazelair Complex (43C), Coburg-Urban Land Complex (#32) and Pengra Silt Loam (#105A) The SOli Survey indicates that the Dixonville-Philomath soils have a seasonalIngh water table greater than 6 feet deep. Hazelair soil has a seasonal high water table of 1.0 to 2.0 feet deep from Dec. to April, and Pengra Silt Loam and Coburg-Urban Land Complex soils have a seasonal high water table of 1.5 to 2.5 feet deep from N ov. to Dec. Because of the potential high water table, Ron Demck provided a Geotechnical InvestigatIOn with the previous SIte plan submittal that determined ground water will not be a concern for this project. A copy of the report is included The title report lists an easement to the City of Eugene (filed as Book 83, Page 377). However, this easement is on the north side of Mam Street and does not cross the site TIns application does not require any additional planning applications. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SOO2008-00016 6595 Main Street Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original submittal- SITE Map 17-02-34-44 Tax Lot 1200, North r: I ,~ "-..1 ... J' \. I I I: \ I : 9' - , \ 9 I ...0'\\ I I ',~::t..' r-i' ~ '\t1- : :':'umor I, I.~ "'~ "''\ Ii,!;; lJ J/~:-:= A\ /1 I' ~ .tV.. I it IIJlJTI' .. ~-/711 .,.L ""'- --. -_ ~_ Ji.,~.,...~ =-__-~-=_==-.::_=_==_~-'=~~~~~~~IJ:;.l!riiZr o;".~_ -.tt:~- 5Q7'rrarrw "..'.1 , -..". 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I, I ,-P ,......0 Date Received: IIJ/J/ M:C1I11B PrJf TI€ ooa~r IllUB' ~fNG DE UMJrH OF M FR( APfIMUU8 AaD:S' IIOAO flRfMR(lH) BOTDCIOl TO MalE a.OIilElr IlUT aMENT FRf CUll' REfU.A,1'I:NI. TENTATIVE PARTITION MAP FOR MICHAEL BRANDT-DRURY S.E. 1/4, SEC. 34, T.17S.. R.2"'., "'.M. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON MARCH 3, 2008 SCALE: 1- = 20' ~-. ~ -"""l!lll!'~ - - - - -~..""" _~rrI'r7_ __ _- -- - P8rM'" r71UJ'1' - DlIt1N'IIIIlLIMlI =::=-::= ~= ~ "" ....... ~- !.1!1!!!!!. 1(,!1 -~- -~- .... - -- _u~ ~ ~,~....- - =~... _ ~ .,"'_ - ~r.-~"1IlI . --- ~--- MAR ~ 6 2008 ........"""" NOCVTQltFlL.1"RCPOliIGI AT ~,.. . '? . Original SubmittaL II ~ Branch EDJIneerInR. IDe I ~:Ullftftb8trft\ 1 e~!~(~~7741-G31'_ ChU ~UoIlS\U'ft7IDI I ,.AGE J OF , ~cr M1 OJ-109A ~ 11II<~\OJ-j09A ...:HAa MAAU1-DRf,1fr\DIrG8\O,...09A TENrAnvE PARnOON Q()(OI1Dlt'G '(t.ll ".. rG8 IG1Im1 ~u.It_.-_ r . C=:J " \Hi ~nPrla.-_ ~_IU'd~ I:J ...... =- . . ----.... 11 ..~- SIN io~ ~~~7-02-,"'''''4. 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TNIJ PROPERTT IS .- lotrE x AN) IS OUTBIlE' DE: ~ rEAR FlOOD..AT /lOll. nPJIS ACCaIlfG TO nE" .... /l.ItWEr ~ l..MI!' CQMll' ,.,.. CJC8TMf liQ..t FOR nE" tIfIfO.EC1 AIIU AIlE tDOWUE.......C.UH.HllELAR COWl..D f4JOI'DBUi St.T LOW 10$iI ,. ..~ - ,,~ III lAM) lXIft.D (]21 llClCMI.U-fN..CIIIUH6OI.SHoI.~A IIl[ASalML HGH I'..JDl 'AILE CillEAJDl lHM , FfET /JEEP H&Z[LAIt SOl. H&8 A SIE.tSClIIW. HGH "AlP TAILE OF I 0 TO LO FHT DE9 FRtM D(c. TO AAlL AID 1'IJGIAa'lQUlMG~l..AIGCCIFl.EI' 80LB "'wE A ~ fOIl'AlB J.ta.E OF L.5 TO 2,j FIU <<D FROM NlN TO....' rAll'~/7-Q2"""" flU' Lor /zoo MICHAEL BRANDT-DRURY S.E. 1/4. SEC. 34. T.17S.. R.2".. W.M SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON MARCH 3. 2008 SCALE: 1- = 20' ~-. ~ =-~1(8 DIlml'IQ va JC.t.Tl-FAMl.rD~ ~ - IIDf /IIIEXlUI Q08TY RCliId'NTW. ~,.I'IIlftlI" ~ .... ~ .... "'" - -L W'- - .......... DnIO PUll JlISlQNAmut NlfI AelUI DENIITr ItE'SIl€NTW.. --Ul<T"'--~_-n-"1D 'If---~OIIIlICMII:lID rna aI 'J'JU.YBr.: 7H8 PJlOf'EI'ITY 18 OUTBIlE' TIE Zr:Hi OF COM:ENTIU JnN ," l'R. TOTJ -::=-....:---:~~ "1 - - -IWJMRP~"" D -- -- -- -...... JIlI'~"_ - ------- -------~-- ~~ --.---- ~l.M UNCBM.lRI"IYftJIfr an OF 5f'RNiF'E1.D MI1.IIo nuc lUD AIIJ lAD( AT M tmPOKT OF TJE QIIliI A€11IW AT 1l€ IOfJJMBT COIfO OF M ~rr;w OF 6iFH ........ --., aEVAn:w. 51414 [==:J '. a tu - ,,-- ,u_",,~ "'\StJtrI7'OO"'W' ".,., .>~ ',- I' I~ I ~ Ie 1! - --- - IIOIJ.B I'I'P. ,... ,c) I . 0- j ~"'_I'CU'_ 1'Il&T~_AIDOI_ ~"'IlJI'~CUII_ ~,... Dl'N1IM . -- """""" ... Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal "--.1 ...o\~ ,,, ~ "ofI' ,..J1 "'. ... '. ~' .. . ~ '~!\\ .... I:ll' 1::1 ;j, , , I ...~ i, I ... :'- 1 \ ! ! '- i 1 L.,;:;:"",--:it -7 ! ~-T~~ ! I ~ !--AlNWIlI_~tDr---J "- ! '. -! i i - -------; : .~ : '<,. "--. ,# ,..J1 ..... T.u LOT 1200 ..., 1Il...... ,<> .. ,~ ~ Branch EnflDeenof. Inc ~ :IlD PUt.b. StrHL S,rtDcl'leld On(OD. nnT L~~:~a:~_ a... ........... ... ''''- VlCINnT JUP ICALE NONE ~ PAGE , a: , ~CT Ml OJ-I09A ,..1.200J\QJ-I09A /<<HAC. IiJRAM)T-oRLRnolt'GSIW-109.A TfNTATNE PARmlON Q04oaDlI'G 11'.11 ~ ~ ~~~ f..-.... Jll.lfJl1I "I I I I I ~ \ \' \ / / / " / / / ,/ // ../ / / /' , / I' , < ':::/ I _ : '" \ I I~ I I \ \ / __,,' , /' / /" / ~/ / / / /~ <../ / / / ~ / I / ;.: .... '\ :l ~ i I!, '~~)J'"" I \\ \ !, / A-' 'f" / ,/ /," "/,, / -</;;-' /~< ,~:''/ /~><,/.,~~.', ~ I '1\ \t f" -~ I .. \ \ ! 1/;' 1/ /1// / / ./ /" ,,/' .~> /, /1-::.-:::.-/-::.?,/~1 "'/ ~ ~ "'" ,'~: "~"I1\ \ \) \ f. .f. / ' /, ): /, ,/,. _ / /' /__.'~//' /, //</....::...J:~,...~ " : ~'r ,\\'\,,\'\\ ,) .,.;f/~ " r / / ! /j. ;' /' ,'/ . / ,','~ ';'/:<'/:-'. ,.f, ,>.",/, "/~/';':/':<</17/ ~/.~.. "'" I ' '. ~ ..., I ( 'fa. ,/ '" ,/./" '" / ," / / -- I C' \ I (' ~ ' '\" \ i \ 1"/' ;' I! I ~~'I' / I / " /' / /' /. / /// / '/' . /' / / /,' / / / -- . 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RCO'LON . ------- ~I.M' &, _- - lIJI: fUTAlu. -r.f#tt ..... _ D,lYAlD """" - """ ...- "''''''' Date Received: l~1 ~ l~~ J -,~ MAR - 6 2008 @ ~,~a:.h ,rTeenn~. lne ~.l4. ON'" 1747'7 L~~~~~~;=D_ Ch1I Sl.na~. TraaapariaU= 8~ Original Submittal - I PAGE . CF .!. "",,,m I<<l aHa.. 'llIl fIp\l'OOJ\OJ-/OSA "ICH4a ...,.,r-OlAllfY\DlI'GS\OJ-I09A rENTA.rtVE PAlWOON ao-roaDlrG Wit ~TAX MAP ~-o2-"'-44 TAX LOT 12~-'-. .. ~ r. I '1'" \1$.,,# ,0 ," r / 88th ST .,.. \,19- &-rP 0' ,.." I ~~ TAX MAP 17-CJ2-3"~" TAX LOT 1200 ~ !;ii ~~ ~ ! , I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ [~~ i!i;U!i -- - ~.:ui ~ L-----rJ ! II I /?Miitl---------,----~~.:---------------~,: ~~~~~ ~ ! I /....'7.IlS1CnfDl... I II I ["1 ~ ~ _L_--"'/ J ~~IN'-_ ,t1:-i I .:=":r. I t Aa:EaUllJn' ~ I I I I ""'" I I -- I...J J I ,...,. I I ~ I : -- I L__~~_____ ----t-, I : :: I: !: tir '\------------T---: J r- I I I I, II 'I I I I I I I' I I ;r-7--" I I I --*'1 I IV~- I I I "="'~ll h ~ I : : um.r:...~-1:: ~ : Jl1 : ~.. : ...}~...1-\!' (MDDt : I ~AIP I ",'" JoAl-,-ftfI-JOl_-J1 I loooooooo;;ooooooooo~,,"oo~Jooooooooooe':":j_,,~,-;i_~;~::=:c~--'------' I ... UJrmn 1'0'''' I ....6Dllilmn _.r I I I I I I I I I I \,O,~ ,.. -- ,...- i J .j ,.p> ,...\.o ,cP ,0 ," EASEMENT DETAIL FOR MICHAEL BRANDT-DRURY S.E. 1/4. SEC. 34. T.17S. R.2W.. W.M. SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON MARCH 3. 2008 SCALE. 1. = 20' ~-. .. ~ __:II' ""A1I ACtDI ..-- ,..", ....-- --- .... .. ,.. ~MnGa -- -".-.0 ~ , ,.p ,0 ," , ,;P ,0 ," ~ ""1'7 ~ 1 :=,f:~r i i i j i i !---~ III _ OCEAIUI---J i ! TAX LOT lZOO ~ .<9- 0' ,.." ...,0' ,p ,,; ~ Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ( :"E-<. 1 l~~l e-~Jll,ll1fIII 1DlI'IlU>~Jl.2OOtI ~ Branch En6IDeerlD~. Ine ~':JIO ruua Slrnl 8priqn.1d On,... 874" ftotl)101O-oar FU 1641)7"-038' IionAcbMmla.lu'UlC:~""'" _ ct9U~Tr~Uoa~~ IPAGE'OF' t..\ZOOJ\OHQ9A AIl:HAEL BfIAMlT-DRt.RY\OQ\03-109A TENTATIVE PARnTlON a04'D8.DWG W.R PRo.ECT NO. OJ-I09A ,.1 i\.M .(. March 5, 2008 Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Molly Markarian, Planner II City of Springfield 225 Fifth St. Springfield OR 97477 Original Submittal Dear Molly, lIDs is a complete submittal for the Michael Brandt-Drury partition at the 6595 Main Street. A Pre-Submittal Meeting was held at 11 :00 on Tuesday, February 26, 2008. The items deemed incomplete at the meeting have been addressed as follows: PLANNING (Molly Markarian) The submitted title report was issued in 2004. Provide a preliminary title report issued within the last 30 days. A preliminary title report dated February 29, 2008 is included with this submittal. Provide documentation of the 60-foot ROW reserve strip for Aster Street and deed restriction. Indicate a proposed future location of Dogwood Street on the Tentative Plan sheet. A copy of the recorded Declaration of Restrictions dated June 28, 2005, Reception No. 2005-047488, for the 60-foot ROW reserve strip for Aster Street is provided. The proposedfuture location of Dogwood Street has been added to the Tentative Plan. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING (Eric Walter) Submit only one plan sheet for the Land Division Tentative Plan. Please only include the required information for the Land Division plan including property lines, all easements clearly dimensioned and defined, lot areas, and legal information. The Tentative Plan has been revised to show required information. A separate Easement Detml sheet has been added to clearly identify the locations and descriptions of eXIsting and proposed easements. Submit a storm water analysis and storm water plan. Note that the original report and plans submitted with the overall development may be submitted. A copy of the Stormwater Management Plan submitted for the previous Site Plan Review Application is provided. " / CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING . . Each lot drainage and roof drainage shall be piped and be contained in easements as necessary to discharge to the public way. No drainage may discharge onto neighboring proposed lots. The existing single-family house on proposed Parcell will contmue to drain Its gutters to the ground around the foundation. The ,roof drains from the existingfourplex (Parcell) and both duplexes (proposed Parcel 2 and 3) will continue to drain directly to the storm drainage system in Main Street. The ruhoff from the parking and driving areas flow through the swale between the fourplex and existing house before draining to the storm drainage system in Main Street. The swale cleanses the water then releases it to the Main Street storm drainage system. Drainage easements are proposed where storm water crosses or discharges onto neighboring properties These easements are shown and labeled on the Tentative Plan and Easement Detail sheet TRANSPORTATION (Gary McKenney and Jon Driscoll) Show sidewalk width. The sidewalk width has been added to the plans Light not shown on the NE comer of lot. The street light has been added to the plan. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 746-0637. Sincerely, s~?;ij::~~o Branch Engineering Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal