HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 4/9/2008 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: ,Cc: Subject: Karl MORGENSTERN [Karl MORGENSTERN@EWEB Eugene OR US] Wednesday, April 09, 2008 843 AM GOTTFRIED Charles, DONOVAN James L1MBIRD Andrew, LAFLEUR Karen, MILLER LIZ, JONES Terry (Tara) RE stormwater project Excellent...thanks for clarlfYlng the process. ThlS should work flne. I'll contact Andy...take care, km Karl Morgenstern Eugene Water & Electrlc Board Drlnklng Water Source Protection Coordlnator 500 East 4th Avenue PO Box 10148 Eugene, OR 97440 (541) 341-8552 >>> "DONOVAN James" <Jdonovan@cl.sprlngfleld.or.us> 04/08/2008 3:34 PM >>> >>> Karl, We have a process for review of flIes that is geared toward the publlc but I don't thlnk that is what you are interested In. As a revlewlng agency you may make arrangements wlth the planner to get a set of the plans made or let you take a set to the Ilbrary. Please glve Andy Llmblrd a call at 726-3784. In the future I wlll ask you can contact Chuck or Karen in our offlce for the name of the englneer on the proJect and acqulre caples of the plans and dlSCUSS your storm water concerns wlth the PW group ln a "one stop shop" approach. Then you can declde if PW can carry your concerns to the DRC or attend yourself. Let us know how that works!! JD -----Orlglnal Message----- From: GOTTFRIED Charles Sent: Tuesday, Aprll 08, 2008 2:14 PM To: MORGENSTERN Karl (EWEB) Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen SubJect: RE: stormwater project Karl - I'm forwardlng thlS to,Jlm Donovan, who should be able to gUlde you as to the best method to get caples to reVlew. This process Ilves ln our plannlng division, and I'm not famlllar wlth all the posslbllltles. Please let me know lf thlS doesn't come together for you, and I'll walk over and see what I can do to help. They're all busy as cats over there, but wlll do thelr very best to help you out. That's how they are. -----Orlginal Message----- From: Karl MORGENSTERN [mailto:Karl.MORGENSTERN@EWEB.Eugene.OR.US] Sent: Tuesday, Aprll 08, 2008 12:16 PM To: GOTTFRIED Charles SubJect: Re: stormwater proJect Hey Chuck..left you a VOlce message as well. I was hoping to stop by and make a copy of the plans for the Chlld care faclllty next to our lntake so we can reVlew and see what lS belng proposed. Would lt be posslble to check thme out so I can run large caples for 20-30 mlutes? thanks. . . km 1 Date ~eceived: Planner: Al q/?/toot I I Karl Morgenstern ) Eugene Water & Electric Boara Drlnklng Water Source Protection Coordlnator 500 East 4th Avenue PO Box 10148 Eugene, OR 97440 (541) 341-8552 >>> "GOTTFRIED Charles" <cgottfrled@cl.springfleld.or.us> 04/02/2008 9:06 AM >>> Karl - just a head's up to advlse you that we're revlewlng a proposed development at the Chlld Center, located upstream of the Hayden Brldge plant, that wlll requlre addltlonal paved parklng as well as slgniflcant new rooftop area. ThlS proJect wlll dlscharge to the slough, above the EWEB lntake. We're qUlte early in the process, and given that we're paYlng extra attentlon to sltes with a potential to lmpact the EWEB lntake, I wanted to advlse you. ThlS was scheduled before the recent OIL proJect, and so you llkely wlll recelve no other notlflcatlon. The proJect lS still in the deslgn phase; we'll ensure that stormwater pre-treatment measures are fully lmplemented, and wlll work wlth them to see lf there are addltlonal protectlve measures that mlght be approprlate at the slte. If you have questlons, please call me at 736-1023, or the Planner for the proJect, Andy Llmblrd, at 726-3784. Chuck 2 Date Received: '/!t.J9/J.tJ(}J____ Planner: Al ! )