HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/11/2008 Date Recr~-'ed: ~~ , :C1ty of Springfield Development Services Department MAR 1 1 2008 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Original submittaL Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Prospective Applicant Name: Qumce Sterry Phone: 541-687-1010 Company: TBG ArchItects & Planners/rnc Fax: 541-687-0625 Address: 132 East Broadway, STE 200 Eugene Oregon, 97401 I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Phone: Company: Fax: Address: I Property Owner: CHILD CENTER Company: Address: I ChIldren Inc Phone: 541-726-1465 Fax: 3995 Marcola Road, Sprmgfield Oregon, 97478 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-20-00 TAX lOT NO(S): 00700,00200,00100 I Property Address: 3995 Marcola Road, SprmgfeIld Oregon, 97478 Size of Property: Approxllllately 8 4 Acres Acres [8J Square Feet D I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to this application Proposal: New OutpatIent! Acessment BUIldmg Existing Use: Nursery Schools/ EducatIOnal # of lots/Parcels: 3 Avg. lot/Parcel Size: 121,989 I Prospective Applicant: Qumce Sterry Print ~ sf Density: ?? dujacre Date: 3/10/2008 . Case No.:1on~~ -(jJ:J J Lf Application Fee: $ GOlo- nn Date: 31J11()~ Reviewed by: J./t1j)/\.- Technical Fee: $0 Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ I PROJECT NUMBER:~f<.:rz.oog-CWZ8 jII',' ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 . . Development Issues ~~ting Submittal Requireme.1\s Checklist ~ Application Fee - refer to the Develol2ment Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ [Y( Development Issues Meeting Application Form Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer , dUring the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list IS limited to five questions. o Ten (10) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested Information valuable for staff to review the proposal IS listed below. It is not necessary to Include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate With the level of detail provided In the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land Divisions - Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17-120, (?Ite Plan Review Submittal Requirements. i ~ ~ o o o o Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11"'x 17", Scale appropriate to the area involved and suffiCient to sho~iRt~~vj&Jdr:, and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 1 00' North arrow MAR 1 1 2008 Date of preparatIon Original Submittal Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number Dimensions (In feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points On-site drainage' collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch baSinS, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions o o " Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots o How streets In the proposal area connect With eXisting streets DIMs Related to Site Plan Review o Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between bUIldings, and height o Area and percentage of the sIte proposed for buildIngs, structures, driveways, Sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces o Parking and circulation plan ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 3 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone RECEIPT #: City of Springfield Official Receipt .Jevelopment Services Department Public Works Department 1200800000000000222 Date: 03/11/2008 Job/Journal Number DescriptIOn ZON2008-00014 CTY Development Issues Mtg Payments: Type of Payment CredltCard PaId By TBG ARCH & PLANNERS cRecemtJ Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 011912 In Person Payment Total: Date Received: MAR 1 1 2008 Original Submittal. Page 1 of I 10:56:15AM Amount Due 50600 $506.00 Amount Paid $506 00 $506.00 3111/2008 MRR-11-2008 09:51 TBG RRCHITECTS & PLRNNERS 541 687 0625 P.02 /~ 5 tfJU.JSt'/~OU) m~tfiflryCl~-t :v'<<luJ- ?-tlotAJ rUYl&tln i r\C/~O fJL ()\.r1s,UJ~((()- 'b t,YI\{ . 1e,r Yhlt-S L The Child Center 3/4/08 Date Received: MAR 1 1 2008 Submitted by: TBG Architects & Planners / Inc Original Submittal Questions for the "Development Issues" meeting with the City of Springfield: 1. On May 18, 2004 the Springfield Planning Commission approved1changing the zoning of the subject property from Heavy Industrial to Public Lands and Open Space. The staff report and findings for the Commission refer to the property as being designated in the Metro Plan as Parks and Open Space. The Metro Plan Diagram dated April 1, 2000 shows the property as designated Parks and Open Space. The updated Metro Plan Diagram dated 4/08/04 appears to designate the property as Heavy Industrial. Is that accurate? Is there a mistake in the map? If not, will the City interpret the Commission's action on the zone change request to provide the policy basIs for determining that since the Metro Plan Diagram is a generalized depiction of uses that the proposed project can be considered consistent? .:#5 2. The proposed project is designed to enhance the quality of services provided. The new offices will not increase the number of employees or youth being served. Will the City require any type of traffic analysis for the project such as a T.I.A. required per 4.7-195, A., (11) and 4.7-203, D.? .:ft 1 3. Can the City clarify whether the property is required to submit a floodplain application? The site elevation seems like it would be outside of the floodplain. 4. Per 3.2-710, what is the appropriate Use Category for this project? 5. Per 3,2-715, footnote (2), what is the future street right-of-way? If different than the current property line, how will it be located? What is the ,process for a Right- of-Way Dedication? ' ~"16. 4.2-105, G. addresses Additional Right-of-Way and Street Improvements. What is the status of the street fronting this property? If deficient, what will be required of this project regarding mandatory improvements? Will sidewalks, planter strips, street trees, streetlights, bikeways, pedestrian trails, etc. be required? 7. Per 4.2-130, Table 4.2-5, there is a required 101 vision clearance triangle measured from the property lines. How is this area positioned relative to property lines that may also adjoin a Special Setback for a future road widening? MAR-11-2008 09:51 TBG ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS 541 687 0625 P.03 . , . . ~Z 8. Parking requirements per Table 4.6~2 indicate 1 drop-off space per 750sf gross, plus 1 long term space per 350 sf gross. Per 4.7-195 (8),2 parking spaces for each "teaching station" and 1 parking space for each 1 OOsf of interior public assembly area are required. What is the correct requirement for this project? What constitutes a "Teaching Station"? 9. Per table 4.6-3, one bicycle parking space per 8 students is required for Schools _ public or private; ...or... one bicycle parking space per 3000sf is required for Mental health treatment facilities. Which designation is appropriate? {to 10. Specific Development Standards (4.7-100) are required by "Child Care Facilities", "Public/Private Elementary/Middle Schools", and "Wellness Center" designations. What is the appropriate designation for this development? 11. Per 4.7-125, B., (2) Outdoor play areas are to be screened by 6' high sight obscuring fence. Per 4.7-195, A, the code acknowledges the possible need for non-sight obscuring fencing/screening for security purposes. Which approach is required for this project? Does this screening apply to the meditation /outdoor exploration trail to the East of the proposed new building? 12.4.7-125, S., (5) requires a 10' front yard setbacks only in Residential districts for child Care Facilities. 4.7-195, A, (3) requires a 20' front yard setback and a 30' side and rear yard setback. 3.2-715 requires a 15' street setback for the PLO Zoning District. Which requirement is appropriate for this project? Are these "minimum" building setbacks? 13.4.7-195, A, (2), allows a maximum of 65% of the site to be impervious surfaces. Does this refer to the e,ntire development area? Z \PROJ\200621 Child Center\Corresp\Agency\Develpment Issues 3-4.08 doc Date Received: MAR 1 1 2008 Original submittal TOTAL P.03 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00014 3995 Marcola Road Date Received: MAR 1 1 2008 Original SubmittaL SITE Map 17-02-20-00 Tax Lot 100,200,700 North .. LAFLEUR Karen Subject: location: ZON2008.00014 Development Issues Meeting. Child Center - Andy _SP _ConfRm616 Thu 4/3/2008 2'30 PM Thu 4/3/2008 3 30 PM " Start: End: Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organrzer Required Attendees: LAFLEUR Karen, lIMBIRD Andrew; Engineering Group (DIMs); Johnson Tamara (TamaraJ@subutil.com), MCKEE Bart (SUB); BAJRACHARYA Shashl, WALKER George, GOTTFRIED Charles _SP _ConfRm616 Resources: A Development Issues Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, Apnl3, 2008 @ 2'30 - 3.30 p.m In DSD 616. The planner assigned to this application is Andy Llmbird The applicant submitted plans to discuss adding a new outpatlentlaccessment bUilding to the eXisting Child Center. Please confirm your attendance at this meeting. Thanks Karen . 1 "'U '0 "TI () .., CD Q) ...... CD c. :E ~ ::r c. CD C1l ::'\ "'U o "TI "'U o "TI ~ ., ~ CD ., I --l ., iii' TBG ^RCHmOS & PlANNERS f INC 1J2UotG~ Slcial>lf')l ~,~ '741)1 t'i-411bD7.WJO F.l_ (Yot"t 6ft;' -OblS CHECK SET JI~I*"~'" PRELIMINARY ....' 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(5.111681....25 CHECK SET 111"'1*.~~ PRElIMINARY ..,.., INCOMPLETE Ire ~i~rf,~'Ol '"' r.~ilunj("Jt.I lJ Z o -l ::) CO ~ Z UJ ~ rJ) rJ) ~UJ WrJ) I-~ Z~ Wz UUJ O~ -Ie: -l- I::) UO co " '<t' " (j\ "'C - (3 ~ O<:~ r:: "- 00 l::J2 ~~ LI'lt: C'\ .C (j\ c.. M Vl PERSPECTIVE VIEW PROlfCHt DRAWN (H[C~EO DAn SHIET ~ i c '" ~ .;: ~ ..c . .c \ j! ,...." liS Q .... ',"'~~~ ~ 8 .... j. ; V-3 _@ \ \~ . ~/ \ TBG: Date Received: IMAR ~ 1 2308 ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS / JNC / / / 1 32 East 8 road.... ay Suite 100 Eugene Oregon 9i401 (541) 687,1010 Fax (541) 687-0625 .. , Original ~Qmlttal - - CHEC< SET THIS DV',vIlNG tS PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE '" / ". "" IT 15 NOT TO BE USID FOR. ES1l.Mo\..nNG OR OONSTRU010'f I 8 I L,.", P ,A RK.IN G lJ Z o .....J ~ co I I I ) / / tI/ ;t/ " /~ ~ I ~ ~ , \ \ \ , "'-'.......... \ FUTURE ~ DEVELOPMENT AREA (3 1 7 ACRES) l- Z u..J ~ ~U') '. u..J tfJ p-~ ,Z--. 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