HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/29/2008 _.J City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 TEMPORARY USE - Emergency Medical Hardship, Type II , ,.. ??1~fI/ tJ~ Phone: !>Y/-6:?~-6f'3-:r 11:;);l~ i,- Sr: .5/,/'~ (J1f 771'177 Fax: >./ - Property Owner: I DtrYZ-nA:1-- /n. W?../~ Iphone: l6'ff :206-:749? Address: 11t>t(,o. ~~.-4. a I Fax: I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1;- tJ "3 - 3:r/~ TAX LOT NO(S): // / (J 0 Property Address: I:J ;;2.:K' ,t'". .:S 7: :SP4Y-?r/ f).f?,. 9 7 ~'7 7 Type of Living Unit Proposed: , 0 Residential Trailer .l8l!,"~1 11~i1;~..L . J(J RV ,1$1 Applicant Name: Address: Specific Description of Proposal: f 0 ~ ~ <-r ~;t-~ ~ ~.za:- ~ 7r~ 0-( <Jt,~oj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ A6-r-~~/l~~, /Ia-a- ~'-'3X ~ ~ ~ J-- ~ ~ ~~~ r o--r...--~ !~ ~ ~~ Erc-, w~ (/~ ~ ~ <<.. ~./ r ~ .vC ~J B-a-J ~~ " The undersIgned acknowledges that the informatIon In ~hlS application IS current and accurate. . Applicant Signature:???~ !lflJ ~ Date: 9'-;;) /-0 x:- If the applicant IS other than the owner, ~ o~ner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf. Owner Signature: Date: C1~:; (/,'JotJff , , - - Ca~ No.: IJ(ZCbn 0..- B:::P3 L- ....--- Date: ~I 2.q 11)5 ~ ReView~ Application Fee:$ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee:$ (\ Date Received TOTAL FEE'S $ Lu~ ~c~ 1'G2-< PROJECT NUMBER: GU(,-.A\t-Y" ..::tnu..-\r--e..J. ,a {1 ,.rVII"~ ei ~ J.. w.. 1~1.h. A DD ~ 9 'lnno ./ v. J ~ .woo 5-8-2007 BJones Onglnal SubmIttal "- CIty of Sprmgfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 Income Requirements-Fee Waiver Temporary Use- Emergency Medical Hardship APPhcantNamOJf~ ,;/ rJt1ffi~ Phone6....11-5~O-6C;35 Address I::J~~ 13/ ST.; s,~+4 /J~d 97-Y77 Property Owner Name ,j) 1"f">o7A'1~ '777, c1j 5-) ~ .." Address Cj IJ ~ ~ ~ ??/ A If? C c' ,,(;, - Jl:,f S/'R,'/t!.:J ;,~,<~ ~0 97 L/7!~ Phone6Y/'"--;( tJ G-~/fY? Property Address I ,;2 ~ dE. .$'/:,) 5,;r' /,,, 'rJj7 h.L<"# ~r <1 ? ~ 7'7 Assessor's Map No I >-1 -- 0 -0 -.3S II-f Tax Lot No Lj. / (J D cr1.. /7-03 - '3$// Annual Htlusehold mcome of Property Owner ) / 1,00 0 , 00 5 ~ ~ Annual Household mcome cannot exceed j f)....~ . kJi:? ../ '" 0 1 Person Household $19,150 $~ ~...-.......-~ / I~ ~OOr 2 Person Household $21,900 3 Person Household $24,600 4 Person Household $27,350 5 Person Household $29,550 6 Person Household $31,750 Current Pay-stub or Income InformatIOn SPR' GFIELD The underSigned acknowledges that the InformatJon JD J~,/Ufl VIS6~ APphcantSIgnature~d'?l~- ;f, LJcf~ Date /f-'d./- 0 Y' If the applIcant IS other than the g:er, the owner hereby grants permIssion for the applicant to act ID his/her behalf. r Owner SIgnature j?fo--,,~ In , 'Ua~~ DateD jOpwA :2.1,/ J ~ () 0 << .' ~ Journal No For Office Use Only: 0Q. C "2G-uCb- bUD 32... ReceIved By Tax Lot No ~ Map No Date Accepted as Complete Date Received: APR 2 9 2008 5/8/2007 BJones Onginal Submittal , " FORM SSA-1099 - SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT STATEMENT 2007 o PART OF YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS SHOWN IN BOX 5 MAY BE TAXABLE INCOME o SEE THE REVERSE FOR MORE INFORMATION Box 1 Name MONTYH WALLACE; Box 3 Benefits Paid In 2007 Box 4 Benefits Repaid to SSA In 2007 Box 5 Net Benefits for 2007 (Box 3 mmus Box 4) $13,200 00 NONE $13,20000 DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT IN BOX 3 DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT IN BOX 4 Pmd by check or cluect c1eposlt Benefits for 2007 ~13,200 00 ~13,200 00 NONE Box 6 Voluntary Federal Income Tax Withheld NONE Box 7 Address MONTY H WALLACE 1625 HENDERSON AVE SP Ell EUGENE OR 97403-2325 Box 8 Claim Number (Use thiS number If you need to contact SSA ) Form SSA-1099-SM (1-2008) DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM TO SSA OR IRS -0 -$2 Q) eo > ~ ~ Q) ~ -.J (i ... '" 0 '" en .oJ ... CD ~ .!. 0::: C'...a E D 0::: .a w ~ CD a.. ::::J -.J .... <t W ... m \D m '" '" 0 c: 0> t: 0 r> c '" "-.. ~ .. \D '" ... .!. :p w '" -.J ... ill '" '" (Vi 0 W f Y t/V A- ,{ L /+ v ,c if -d1-ty J-- ' /1 1- __ __-=-!~__~______~!~LC rt---- ~_(!_{1-e. t 116tt.C:( ~lk~~ 1- ,- < .-. I~_ J ~~:c;~_ r~7<lc7~ _ ;s- r.- ../u/. !Jt - ~ '\ <c ! \ f ,- c"= I ~~I - Tftf!'- iI: Y;!JJC; ----- ---- 'fm --tf -" fi/lCA:-r19/~- - __ ~ _~-- __ --Cc- -,__,1 I", ;j;- -~ -';:-- ~::P ~ '- - --- ~ ~S/ ~ $' ~ - ~ -- - -r ---- - ~--'V:;----{f.-' ---, ~ ~~{;;:-lVl?ij(6 i7PL~_-'- sewe~~, ~--~~__ 'f-!/f_--I-L- h'J'-'r.:--<V'0 .., ~ t::/.ec.-r \ --- -- - -----!f-c'.rr-lA..-j,G) - - -- 11/ C-'1 Ifb1f'=Fj ~, ~ ;---- '~I-~ , \---- --I. I -1- ~1'"4'O~~- 1 'flt~vJJI ~ '- "- ./ l;,1u~ iJo t: c.l r-k,)V 0 ~ J, ~ I 5 6 < / // . I f.-JII\, l~ N-(}~ tc vi, -----~ 'I . \ ~ \ ~ -_.~--- ~" '\J '0-., rk --~-\~ - -:t-- } \ -----1\,11 /~ ,-I 1 r ~ -- Icf G G/.-j -'L- ;C-jl--- I :2 ~ ~~ t s ( \ S pre; off r 7~'l? J ___ ---1--- <' - ---F7f " t17~;JttI ~ J--~I/, ~ 'V) ~ ----.- -- ----,~--___L--- ______L ~bOI.. ?: <<_d - -,--:~ t!J .J I -CA.....___ ',./1..) ~A {I . , /.:. --= --- -~- .- -- - -=- - - I ----l 0( /~ - f}-11/ D I~I'-S:T /f~-~~( ~ >' Date Received: APR 2 9 2008 . --7/---- --- ----- 5 Cr"//U 4 { Onglnal Submittal / ~1t:.:.il~!Iii.li ./ ComprehenSIve Healthcare Under One Roof John V Ahlen, M D PatncIa P Ahlen, M D Jeffrey D BeckWIth, M D Lana Gee-Gott, M D DaVId 0 HeItter, P A-C Anna C HejIman, M D Martm Hurtado, M D Douglas P Jeffrey, M D Sally S Mane, M D Mark S Meyers, M D Damel K Paulson, M D Eva R, SchmIdt, FNP- BC 2280 Marcola Road Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 747-4300 Fax (541) 747-0655 Busmess Office (541) 747-8576 www sprmgfieldfamIly phYSICIans com Springfield Family Physicians Apnl 22, 2008 Date Received: APR 2 9 2008 Re Harry Wallace Onglnal submittal To Whom It May Concern Mr Wallace has been a patIent of mme for over 20 years HIS current medIcal diagnoses mclude, HypertenSIOn, FIbromyalgIa and personal hIStOry of Colon Cancer At 96 years of age, Mr Wallace IS begmmng to have problems WIth balance and galt He IS also begmrung to show early SIgnS of dementIa, mvolvmg memory problems It IS my medIcal oplllon that Mr Wa1lace would benefit from havmg someone on SIte to help hIm With hIS actIVItIes of dally hvmg, mcludmg meal preparatIOn and transportatIOn Smcerely, ~~.~ John V Ahlen, MD DIplomate, Amencan Academy of Fanllly PhYSICIans Spnngfield Fam.1ly PhYSICIans ~\ FORM No 961 _ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - STATUTORY FORM tLA - Ltl-b 1..)6 STEVENS NESS LAW PUBLISHING CO PORTLANU UK WWWSlevel""">>~'" r-----m-- -----;:;aPART oF"- rEVENS NESS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM OF ~Y ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL MEANS ~ I 1d)iB__L~J~---------YJ!A-b-!=~-C--t----- --f--J:-J::-J..----/i-----~+;----Jf_F--Cj-CJJ.{J7-9-- . j ! ; : Alter reco~dlJ9' return to (Name, Address, ZIp) _J){L!-yj)J-i~-------WjJ,j=kl~-~-E---------- -f1-O-b-.(,-e---/4--A-R-&-tJ-LA-----ft-~J--------- ----~-~-~-----tf~-----~-fJ1-17-~---------------- Until requested otherwise, send all tax statements to (Name, Address, Zip) DIvIsion of Lane Counly ~~~~ ~~_~~~~~~-------------- } ss I certify that the wIthm mstrument was receIved for recordmg on -------------------------, at ____________ 0' clock _____ M, and recorded m book/reel/volume No __________ on page --------- Chief Depuly Clerk "nno nt' ~OAO. -" Deeds and Records 'UUg.U wg,g ~ ~ I . ' ------------------Grnn~rs-Nameand-AddreSS----------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ! 2 ~ ------------------Grnn~e-SNameand-AddresS----------------- :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;1 _11-1lf&-(i~~-------W/1-b-~Ac~Jr~~~~~~~~~~~~~-T~~~-~~~~~~-~~------------------------------------------- It ----------------1~-.:rv:-------^XTV------'\jl7rcT::A-C7::.---T/7:.CfF-O-\T---fJ-6!--------i\T--2T---q-x--' Grantor, ;,.1 c09{ey~ to -J~{/-j~---~- --~~J/;t~---------~------:-A------------~-r4---~-~J-\--__j__________12_L~_l______~~tJCL------- __~-/~~}Ct-~~~----~----~J----~------~~-:r-,L5-~~-------------------------------------------------------, Grantee, I the foJ\owmg real property sItuated In -L-A--W--E-------------------- County, Oregon, to-WIt I 1\ I I I c I I I ~6,OO 0'9842242'0:00158480010012 03/21/2008 10:41:16 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $5 00 $11 00 $10 00...... __ j : .. ' .9' ~ I ; I i 1\ ~ ill I ::;1 'I 1 I :1 I I I 1 -------------------------------------------------------- Beginning at a potnt on tne North line otnE" street in Springfield, LIDe Oounty. Oregon, &8 8st.bllsned by Registered Title Instrument No. 41630, 8aid beginning point being 1020 teet East ot tne East line ot loth Street; running thenoe East along the North line ot nBn Street, 60 teet; thence North 120.27 feet, parallel with the E..t lino or lOth Street to the Sontb line ot the olley running Beat end Weat between "En street, and "pH Street, thenoe Weet along tbe South line ot said alley, 60 feet, thenoe South parallel with the East lble ot lOth street, 120.27 toet to the plaoe of beslnnlng, in Lane Oounty, Oregon (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE) The true consIderatIOn for thIS conveyance IS $____Q____________ (Here, comply WIth the requIrements of ORS 93 030 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------DATED-~~_-_~~~w~~-CL~~~~~_=_~~~=~~=~~~~~~~~-;i~-~~~-;;;;~-~~~~t~~~-I~-h~-~~~~~d~~;-~~~-;;b~-~;~~d-~~d~;;~~~~-If any, affixed by an officer or other person duly authonzed to do so by order of ItS board of dIrectors BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFER- RING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197 352 THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OFTHE PROP- ERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRU- MENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERI- FY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTAB- LISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92010 OR 215010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES~ AS DEFINED IN ORS 30930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197352 La. STATE OF OREGON, County of __________[l_~___________________) SS ThIS ms~~~~was 'E~;:tedg~d before me on _____/'JIYA,~__-za~2QQlL_____________, by -----------Jl--------)L----------l~~----------------------------------------------------------- ThIS Instrument was acknowledged before me on -----------------------------------------------, by ______________________________________________________----------------------------------------------- as ________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N()~~~~~:ifi?~:::---cl--------------------~~~~o~'"~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::- MY CO~~~~II~;~~I~g ~~~~~~ 2011 . My COIIUlllSSlOn expIres ______5_~~t_~_2:Q1J_________________ ~-~~~~---------------------------- tLA)~_~_'i--------~Li'=-l:=ll-s-~------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISHER S NOTE If U~lng thIS form to convey real property subject to Oregon Laws 2007, Chapter 866, Section 3, Include the reqUired reference Date Received. APR 2 9 2008 Onglnal SubmIttal .~ ;l,tJ/~.., '1-~<j -0 <jr' " APR 2 9 2UU8 ~~,rl IlrA/tt tJ,z;L ~~ ~~" ~ -/l:~~ ~~~ ~ ~ 1ft!; T -, 7 --~/ (j n~te HeceiVeci: ..-----.. Orl9 Inal submittal W A I II ~ '-:-~ ~/ .~ ~, 27fv-- ~ ~~/-.. {/ ~U4 .. s., J- ~J.. ~U~ ~ ,;(.:5'-/ c:...-a,~ ,-5'-d L..J~? 1'. ~I A . ~~ d r C'_J3/-{ /?l.Aj tLe/~ Ci./Z~~.fi- ~_;::u~:z-///\ c7 r-'",. /2.,-mrr~ ~ Rf.r d/~ ?~~_ I ~ . ~d..T-hJ~, tL"1?-..Aktf. ~ a~~_ 1/1,,->- ~:: ~~. 1~ ~ 1f ~ .~ 0-0< I~ .1u~n-tAL-~~" ~f ~C J ~.,.~. IF~ d.- (~. luo-,. ~~.:t;-./ ;:z cr"l-._ I;:? ~~_ .1f/7.rl~ ~L~~ ~ 1 - Ci -~ - - {I- / j .II - - 41b-fAf37~-L. .~ ' , (j./-tVrT - fIerI - - - ._,;.......'- J4 Iu-. 6~f;k., r ?7.?L ~_I I c:1--n-,~~.A: ~ I~ L~/..p..bl'. o~ J ~~/l / .~ :;:- c..L ~-~~.. - I' Jj..L ~ ~ 1.-t/..p_A_ ~/1? c-~ h.JL- I~ I .{~~ 0,~~1 1-.J~ ~-,' ~ ~> ~ w~ ./Z~,j~ ~/I_R__ ~ ~ ~"'._ I ~ ~ ~tt-..;;C ~C/~ ..~ a.- ~ ~L A k ~ 0.1 ,_ "C <~ ~ ~ {/<1.PA"...; Ct-n-,..f ~ ~ ~ h.J.-- ~~ tv (,.-..,'~ ~n ~ - (/. . / -- ~ ~ I (Y{ ~.:( ,';1Aa- ~ ~ ~ m~-4 1A1d./0-"~ - ~-d?'--OY / y~ -, ~ /-t ~~') Vh.A~cj- ~s -f~ 1D ~ vc r" ~ I r--- l ~\/. ~ # ~ i )~ lIe i Z' Date Received APR 2 9 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ /600 -1-- . 3/00 <;0 6500 ~IOO SE 1/4 NEI/4 Sec. 35 TI7S. R.3W.W.M. LANE COUNTY J- , /500 60 I 90 /300 1400 '0 ",0 <00 /200 <00 11/= lOa' See Map/703 351' cAS T <00 ~ 48 4Z. , 100 1000 900 "0 ~ 4.8' "1-1. 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 .,;" (pO GCJ- 1.:101.:10/' 6400 6300 6" 6200 <00 .3tJ' I...."', , f4d' (#.:J -- 8200 ~ 8300 8400 8500 \)\> ?~ "0 ( 6/00 .00 90 8600 -"0 (,0 6000 <000 "1-5 45 8700 8800 "- '" " ~ <Ill GO r '"-0 "- ... " N , I- w w a:: I- en 800 60 Date Received" APR 2 9 2008 Onginal Submittal - 700 <00 ((,9 . 30 30 (",,0 STREET ~o 200 Ie 600 500 40/ " I\) f'- \) IIJ :!! ~ ~- " o '" r " ~ (- -../ ~ ,.. " " '" ~3900 ~ 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 o5l ~ 4000 '" ~ ~ "0 E;o I ~\ \ \"\ "'(' ~ "'\ \ \~ 59;"0 -. 0~ ~ 57~0 5600 I I~ ':J "- ... " ~ ,..5800 ,.. Ii: In III '" "J <;0 120 8900 8901 300 30/ r '" &0 30, \)1 ~ I, " " ~o 5 30~ ~O~tIIO;~ 526~~ j.dl '(JL.~I I 5500 5400 ",0 90 ~I 600 .s 89-.5" 27-' W r~ ,'/ ",.. IIq qs Ou -,,;.. . GO ~-9OOe 900/ t. ! 9/00 '= Ol7AC t ~ c ~h . 1.f!J. ~ 'd ~ '5700 'og t - ~ 9002 ) P! ~ ~ a 0 16 AC ~ 8 : ~ .... \()'O . ft ---;-- 9200 9300 ,. STREET 60 S5 -r- --- 5/00' 5000 4 C;O ~55 (,0 'Zo 9400 9500 WILSON HEIRGOOD INS PO BOX 1421 EUGENE, OR 97440 MONTY H WALLACE 1625 HENDERSON ST #E-ll EUGENE, OR 97403 Date Received: '.., 1 APR 2 9 2008 Onglnal Submittal Auto Insurance Coverage Summary This is your Renewal Declarations Page /' .dJ:W~. I NSIJRAtlCE FROM PRO!JRE1JIVE Polley number Underwntten by Progressive ClassIc Insurance Co November 24,2007 PolICY Penod Dec 18, 2007 - Jun 18, 2008 Page 1 of 2 541-342-4441 WILSON HEIRGOOD INS Contact your agent for personalized service dnvemsurance com Online Service Make payments check billing activity update polICY information or check status of a claim 800-925-2886 To report a claim The coverages, limits and policy penod shown apply only If you pay for this poliCY to renew Your coverage begins on December 18, 2007 at 12 01 a m This policy expires on June 18, 2008 at 12 01 a m Your Insurance policy and any policy endorsements contain a full explanation of your coverage The policy limits shown for a vehicle may not be combined With the limits for the same coverage on another vehicle The poliCY contract IS form 961 OA OR (06/06) The contract IS modified by form 7962 (03/02) Dnvers and household residents MONTY H WALLACE Outline of coverage 1994 Dodge Ram 25004x4pk VIN 1 B7KF26C5RS571182 Liability To Others Bodily InjUry Liability Property Damage Liability Personal InJury Protection Unlnsured/Undennsured Motonst Uninsured Motonst Property Damage Comprehensive ColliSion Rental Reimbursement RoadSide ASSistance Total premium for 1994 Dodge > FOfln 6489 OR (11/03) $250,000 each person/$500,000 each aCCident $100,000 each aCCIdent $25,000 $250,000 each person/$500,000 each aCCIdent $10,000 each aCCident ~~~~~~:"?f~~J*~A:~~~~" ~w ~SJ"R~CE111:!~!HffilC.I\I!Q~Mf~2~g:> ipohcy Number 66547944 5 Effective Date Ilnsurer Progressive ClassIc Insurance Co POBox 6807 Cleveland OH 44101 Your Drive Agent i'''l ;., WilSON HEIRGOOD INS .' '~ ~ 541 342-4441 1: II:" f;;' f,i1."'~ Naryte of InsLire{J~~~iVl,,'f;.*"~'<-.;?'-'-~-'-<.2; MONTY H NAlLACE Additional mformatlon Named Insured Limits Actual Cash Value Actual Cash Value Deductible Premium $215 $0 16 5 3 $200 $300 hit & run $500 $500 17 48 18 8 $330 12/18/2007 to 06/18/2008 Vehicle Year Make 1994 Dodge Model Ram 25004x4pk J it:;1 iF {~ j Ie r ""'I..~r; VIN 1B7KF26C5R5571182 Form 4950 OR (09/05) I Continued Date Received" APR 2 9 2008 Onglnal submittal CR00748 T~AVEL TRAiLER REGiSTRATiON CARD TITLE NUMBER FUEL TYPE IFARM 10 NO I 0117795222 STYLE MODEL VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NEW EXPlqATION DATE 'PLATE NUMBER HVUT DATE SEP ~O, 2008 FEE YEAR MAKE 1987 COLLI RT EQUIPMENT NO WEIGHT/LENGTH TITLE BRANDS LG 25 - NONE - $182.25 ODOMETER READING ODOMETER DATE ODOMETER MESSAGE *WALLACE, MONTY HARRY ---906-60-MA"RCOLA KD SPRINGFEE-LD -QR----97-4 7-8-=-8-7-04 1{7 'j - ~ 1//' r} N 1\ I. 1111 0 I{ t/ ct , c. ,;3 NEW ADDRESS (HOUSE flUMBER s-id~~T:C(TY ~~lfE ZIP ~~6E)7 J ". -:j COUNTY OF RESIDENCE LANE COUNTY OF USE VALIDATING STAMP V:l\';~ U NEW PLATE NUMBER ,'" \;-"- [11-- ;.. ~f~ p-i.. ~l II l0 l-- ~r-t tL::\~)tehl;?.1 NEW STICKER NUMBER L ~O'7~L6-J OREGON PLATE NUMBER TITLE NUMBER prSSB~GEE flEGI~TRA~10~ PROCESS DATE EXPIRATION DATE . FUEL TYPE ~ '";;, EQUIPMENT NO TSD33S 03237?~L~~ YEAR MAKE STYLE MODEL 0:26(8 ~~R O~.~C!O VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DTE::E.L WEIGHT/LENGTH J. :1 ':J tOO:)'::; TITLE BRANDS F'lJ r!'Z5 IB7K~2~C~R3~7~182 OWNERI LESSEE .1 t:q363::J ODOMETER MESSAGE ODOMETER DATE C2 '2:::/('2. 1\:0I\fE ...~ ODOMETER READING ~~LLACE< ~O~Tx ~AP~~ lS2e HEtmERS01~ J.VE 2PC ElJC,Ei,F 0R !:'7 t".) 3 0t1Sb~_2 9 R" , .1...> ..4.. COUNTY OF RESIDENCE L:.NE COUNTY OF USE NEW ADDRESS LII i OF SPRINGFIELD VICIl'.II i MAP DRC2008-00032 1222 "E" Street II I. F-Si f.- UJ I ~ f- €\I ~)J 1"'1. .~"." -CD =-~ -F-ST~ , - >. -- '" I I I I , , i ~ jJ: f.- - G\I +- SITE Map 17-03-35-14 Tax Lot 4100 North + Date Received: APR 2 9 2008 Original Submittal