HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-4-18
Office of Community & Economic Development
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Planning and Development Department
April 18, 1988
RESENT - ~mY 25. 1988
George R. Messer
5128 0 Street
Springfield, Oregon 97478
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for'225 Main Street. Electrical
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Subject: City License Application
Merchandise License.
Dear Mr. Messer:
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Your application was forwarded to the Planning & Development Department as
are all License applications.
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The Springfield Development Code requires that when a change in use occurs
in a structure or on property that the applicant submit a Site Plan Review
application. According to the City records the last use of this building
was for retail sales of second hand merchandise. Tnerefore, any use other
'than second hand merchandise needs to receive Site Plan approval prior to
I nave enclosed the appropriate forms for your use in applying for Type I
Site Plan approval. The application enclosed will provide you with the
information necessary to apply. The process takes approximately 10 days to
complete. If you are interested in attending a Pre-Application Conference
prior to a formal Site Plan submittal I have also enclosed the application
for this service.
, "
If you have questions regarding this process please call the Planning &
Development Department.
.~ L. Hannon ,
Development Pennit Coordinator '
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copy to: Lorne Pleger, Plans Examiner
Gary Karp, Associate Planner
Gregory S. Mott, Development Code Administrator
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225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 · 503/726-3753
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Office of Community & Economic Development
Planning and Development Department
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Apri 1 18, 1988
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i;:;>: : George R. Messer ,
, ", :.:",. 5128 0 Street
-;~;~it~,~!:i.~;Springfi e 1 d, Oregon,:~7~78, "
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Subject: City License Application for 225 Main Street. Electrical
Merchandise License.
Dear Mr. Messer:
Your application was forwarded to the Planning & Development Department as
are all License applications.
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The Springfield Development Code requires that when a change in use occurs
in a structure or on property that the applicant submit a Site Plan Review'
application. According to the City records the last use of this building
was for retail sales of second hand merchandise. Therefore, any use other
than second hand merchandise needs to receive Site Plan approval prior to
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I have enclosed the appropriate forms for your use in applying for Type I
Site Plan approval. The application enclosed will provide you with the ."
information necessary to apply. The process takes approximately 10 days to
complete. If you are interested in attending a Pre-Application Conference
prior to a formal Site Plan submittal I have also enclosed the application
for this service.
If you have questions regarding this process please call the Planning &
Development Department.
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Development Pennit Coordinator
copy to: Lorne Pleger, Plans Examiner
Gary Karp, Associate Planner
Gregory S. Mott, Development Code Administrator
225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 ·
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