HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1989-8-4 . SPRlltLD Jo~ ',' or.,' .... PLANNING I BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STAEE T SPRINGFIELD. OR 97~ 77 (503) 726,3753 ADMIN/STRATION DATE OF LETTER August 4, 1989 APPLICANT Mike Watson Vernon Swenson 111 Mai n Str eet Springfield, Oregon 97477 Raelynn Weiseth Springfield Downtown Association P.O. Box 1498 Springfield, Oregon 97477 . SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL NUM8ER 89-07-122. Type I Site Plan requesting approval of a change in use fr om a ti res tor e to Watson Gl ass and Ryder tr uck r enta 1. The site is located at 111 Main Street (Assessor~s Map 17-03-35-32 Tax Lot 6100 and 6101 owned by the State of Oregonl. The property is zoned Community Commercial and is located within the boundary of the Downtown Refinement Plan; the Metro Plan Oesignation is Downtown Mixed Use. Staff reviewed this application of July 27, 1989. ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL SUBJECT TO: Requirements under Site Plan Review Criteria of Approval (See Attachment A). WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL: 1. A Final Site Plan drawn to scale is required within 30 days of the date of this letter (Septemb~r 5, 1989). The following revisions need to be shown on or included with your Fi na 1 Site Pl an. a. The individual property lines for tax lots 6100 and 6101; b. the parking layout; defined by striping and wheel stops, where appropriate; c. a landscaping plan to include details of landscaping and irrigation system; d. the chain link fence or bollards at 5 foot intervals where truck,rental areas abut sidewalks; and e. the Vision Clearance area needs to be located; (the Vision Clearance' area is in the shape of a triangle, two'sides of the triangle are measured along property lines for a distance of 25 feet. The third side of the triangle is a line across the corner of the lot adjoining the non-intersecting ends of the other two sides. [see attached drawing)) . . . , " "J. ';'). 2. a. A signed Development Agreement will be prepared by staff upon submittal of your Final Site Plan. This agreement needs to be signed by the app]j cant. b. A letter from the State of Oregon approving the use of tax lot 6101 as the State of Oregon is listed as the property owner. If the State of Oregon does not approve the proposal a new plan needs to be submitted with development occurring only on tax lot 6100. c. An Improvement Agreement needs to be signed by Mr. Swenson for the alley. 3. Installation of irrprovements ITllst be corrpleted within 60 days of this letter (October 3, 1989). This property has been in violation of the Springfield Development Code since April 1988. APPEAL If you wish to appeal this Type I Site Plan Review decision, you ITllst do so within 10 days of the date of this letter (August 14, 1989). Your appeal ITllst be in accordance with Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. QUESTIONS Please contact the Development Services Department at 726-3759 if you have questions regarding this review. PREPARED BY N / CA.-r?(~ d' y-va/tty1ffi-- Cynthia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator copy to: Bill Morrisette, Mayor Bruce Berg, City CounCilor Tom Atkinson, Planning Commission Chairman Mike Ke 11 y, C Hy Manager Greg Winterowd, Development Services Director Jackie Murdoch, Code Enforcement Officer Cynthia Pappas, Business Advocate DRC Me roer s c' Go- t . . ATTACHMENT A JOURNAL NUMBER B9-07-122 - FINDINGS CRITERIA OF APPROVAL DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE. When the applicable Development Standards below have been met, this application will have demonstrated compliance with the applicable standards of this Code. PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN' SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. When the applicable Development Standards below have been met, this' criterium will be met. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO BE MET (MDS) THE DEVELOPMENT MUST CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. The site is connected to public utilities. THE DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES. The applicant submitted an application for an Occupancy Inspection on 6-16-89. The applicant must follow through with the Building Safety Division in obtaining necessary permits and inspections regarding the following items: 1. The wood stove does not meet code standards and has not received City approval. The applicant must obtain the appropriate permit and inspection or the stove must be removed. 2. The tonet' seat must have open face. 3. Remove all exposed or open splices to light fixtures. If cord is used, then an outlet and cord cap is required. 4. Ter mi nate a llr omex, fl ex and cor din appr oved fitti ngs and rranner. 5. Provide covers for all unused panel openings. 6. Secure flex, romex and conduit at appropriate distances. 7. Label all breakers.' 8. Install outlet & switch covers. 9. Protect romex on outside office wall. PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND WHEEL STOPS MUST BE INSTALLED. The striping and wheel stops need to be shown on the Final Site Plan. The parking and storage area for the Ryder trucks is currently paved. The alley is uni mpr oved. An I mpr ovement, Agr ee ment is r equi r ed for the all ey. The app li cant is r equi r ed to pay the Lane County r ecor di ng fee for the I mpr ovement Agr eement. . . , ~ '11, ..'~ CURB CUTS WHICH EXCEED THE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE MUST BE CLOSED AND REPLACED WITH STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK WHERE NECESSARY. The Downtown ~mprovements whjch were completed last year ~ncluded the closure of curb cuts wh~ch exceeded standards of the Spr~ngf~eld Development Code. SIDEWALKS MUST BE INSTALLED WHEN THE SITE ABUTS A CURB AND GUTTER. A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT MUST BE REQUIRED WHEN THE SITE DOES NOT ABUT CURB AND GUTTER. S~dewalks were ~nstalled as part of the downtown ~mprovements whjch were completed last year. A 4 FOOT WIDE LANDSCAPE PLANTER STRIP WITH PERMANENT IRRIGATION MUST BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE STREET SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTURES. IF STREET TREES'DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE INSTALLED IN THIS PLANTER STRIP. A 4 foot wjde planter strjp needs to be jnstalled along South A Street as shown on the proposed sae plan. The Fjnal Sae Plan needs to jnclude a plantjng plan and ~rr~gatjon system (or a letter from a landscape archaect or nursery person verjfyjng the plants are drought resjstant and can be ma~ntajned jn accordance wjth Sectjon 31.040(4) of the Sprjngfjeld Development Code). The jnstallatjon of thjs landscap~ng (on tax lot 6101) needs to be addressed jn the approval from the State of Oregon. A 4 foot wjde planterstrjp needs to be jnstalled jn the desjgnated area as shown on the plan subrrr.tted along Majn Street. Landscap~ng wjll not be requjred to extend to the east property l~ne (jn the area where wheel stops and strjpjng exjsts) because the appljcant has jnd~cated a catch basjn exjsts jn the area the landscapjng would be requ~red. The appl~cant needs to provjde for the same square footage of landscap~ng to be relocated elsewhere on the sjte. A 4 foot planter strjp needs to be jnstalled between the bujldjng and the corner planter area on the property. One street tree needs to be ~nstalled ~n the planter strjp (jn the rjght-of-way) between Mnl Street and the sjdewalk. The exjstjng trees are undersjzed. Mjn~mum tree sjze ~s 2" caljper and 6~ jn hejght, and a ljst of approved street trees js avanable at your request. Plants located jn the vjsjon clearance area must not exceed 2 1/2 feet ~n hejght. The plantjng plan needs to be submjtted addressjng all requjred planted areas jn accordance wjth Sectjon 31.040 of the Sprjngf~eld Development Code. For every 1000 square feet of landscapjng a mjnjmum of ten shrubs, fjve gallons or larger must be jnstalled. STREET LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED. No addajonal street ljghtjng js requjred at thjs tj me. ..~ 1 , . . TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS MUST BE SCREENED. There are no outdoor trash receptacles or outdoor storage areas on this site. ADDITIONAL STANDARDS SECTION 18.100(2)(a). ALL TRUCK RENTAL FACILITIES SHALL HAVE APPROVED CONCRETE WHEEL STOPS AND A 4 FOOT HIGH FENCE (EXCEPT IN THE VISION CLEARANCE AREA), PREFERABLY CHAIN LINK OR CABLE, WITH BOLLARDS PLACED AT 5 FOOT INTERVALS AND SECURED IN THE GROUND WITH CONCRETE FOOTINGS OF APPROPRIATE SIZE AND DEPTH TO PREVENT TRUCKS FROM DRIVING ON SIDEWALKS OR OVER CURBS. THESE BARRIERS SHALL BE LOCATED BETWEEN THE SIDEWALK AND THE PAVED PARKING OR TRAVEL AREA. The chain link fence or cable with be shown on the Final Site Plan. needs to be addressed in the letter placed on tax lot 6101. bollards' at 5 foot intervals' needs to The installation of this ilTproverrent from the State of Oregon if it will be The wheel stops and fencing or bollards need to be located outside of the vision clearance triangle at the corner of Mill and South A Street. SECTION 37.030(8) TEMPORARY SIGNS. Banners and pennants shall be permitted at the opening of a new business in comrrercial or industrial zoning districts for a period not to exceed 6 months. The pennants must be removed from the property as this business has been on the site for over 6 months. FINAL SITE PLAN DRAWING REQUIREMENTS The Final Site Plan shall be submitted in accordance with Section 31.050 (attached) of the Springfield Developrrent Code. The plot plan which was submitted did information and the Final Site Plan will drawn in conformance with Section 31.050. not include the necessary not be accepted unless it is '.