HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1996-10-30 . _. . ., addw.'55' \~ I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT October 30, 1996. . Robert J. Strickland 137 North Polk Street Eugene, OR 97402 Subject: Occu~ancy inspection at 100 Main Stre~t, Springfield, Oregon: . . Proposed Use: Food and BeverageService' Dear Mr. Strickland, .' 225 FIFTH STREET Sl'flINGf'lELD, .on 97477 . (541) 726.3753 FAX (54 1) 726.3GR9 *' At your request, the Community Servic~s DivisionlBuilding Safety conducted an insp~ction of the building at the above address. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the building for the proposcd usc as indicated.. Based on'the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building''Safety'Code.requirements.'. Corrective measures must be,taken 'prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the following itcms in order for thc building to conform to applicable safety codes: SIR! J(T! 1M!. · The requirements listed are based on an occupant load of 60 persons, ~nd a A-3 Occupancy Classification. Please submit a plot plan and floor plan of the building for plan review. Through this process we will be able to address requirements concernilig exiting, handicapped. restrooms, etc. The basement and se~ond floor area are not to be occupied. . I . The State of Oregon ,requires that twenty five percent of the project cost shall be designated to the removal of architectu~al barriers. In choosing which' accessiblc elements to provide, priority shall bc g'iven to those elements that will providc thc greatest access. Elements shall be provided in the following order: I. Parking 2. An accessible entrance 3. An accessible route to the altered area .4. At least one accessible restroom for each sex or a single unisex restroom , , A , , \, ...J.,' .- . I' Occupan,cy Inspection 100 Main Street 10/30/96 Page 2 . '5: Accessible telephones 6. Accessible drinking fountains . .. , 7. When possible, additional accessible elements such as storag~ and ~Iarms .. . - .. . Ple<\se submit a report Prepared by a licensed engineer or architect, that demonstrates the building is in compliance with seismic zone three requirem'ents. . · . Exterior walls less than 20 feet from the property'line shall meet one hour fire resistive construction standards. Openings in the w~1I shall not be permitted less than five feet, and protected less than ten. feet from any property line. . . PLANNiNG Anytime a site c1iangesuse, the site is required to comply with Minimum Development Standards,(MDS), The proposal to change the use at 100 Main Street to an eating and drinking establishment triggers MDS review. An initial visit of the site reveals no required' impr~vements,however, staff would like to see that parking and circulation is addressed. An eating establishment is required to have I parking space {or each 100 square feet of gross. floor area. In order to insure there arc no required improvements and the MDS can be met, an application must be submitted along with a plotplan of the site. Please contact Julia . . Powell Hajduk at 726-3753 to obtain an application. 'Building permits must be obtained for the above items which involve repairs or modifications to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems of the building and for any additions or revisions you wish to make to the building. If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact me between the hours of 8:90-9:00 a.m., I :00-2:00 p.m., or 4:00-4:32 p.m. at. 726-3759. . '. . ~ereIY" ~ ~ . Building Inspector- , / , cc: Harmony Properties e/o Beth Kurilo, P.O. Box'l 0053, Eugene, Oregon, 97440 Dave Puent, Community Services ManagerlBuilding Official Lisa Hopper, Bui)ding Services Coordinator Bob Barnhart, Building Inspector Julia Powell Hajduk, PI~nner I A I .. .. 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