HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1994-2-1 r , :~~~EST '- Jw 1)U f' ) \ !)l"o '(3~'" ~ I Of'll, ~ i CY'.:f:', f\'"Q\\~. ERTY - - .. - - >.:~;.i?::~; E. . 8th I\~'; E~ge~:~; OR .: :.;"...,.. ......,.. ..... ":':':<",:,~;" .......... . .. ..., . ~ PERMIT # /.5 J-9Y ... . C)'a IUOm'_''l1?)_I-'()4i)/ )'""...0.. OLOCK Ht:L;t:! V a:.u , S\)~\'l\.y.....t:\fL[J":~N ~ 21DC-4 m~~~l ::e...-;:~~~,~~ ::!l1 Ih . - ~ E5~t'm oO~7\rfLO tJJ (~(\d) rnu.than ~n _'UJ_\ -!S I fASl::fJ'(\~Y"1 ~.I\(.?,r- bfJ ~q.it) I ~A\JI_ 4~t~ nn '2-Ptn +0 Lr) I HE ADDRES ; - ~ tv\,.'I - f\ f',J ~%S ~'--~<,~ rIP V D t1 SdlClci P9~ - 2'9>c 7 0."" 'AM '.1-Jr-+rrp - ~ I \'~ A_ I . ,'.' PHON' - ~ - ~ - o:tZlO~ :t.\~~ +A<&~ ,~~\ 4AA":'F-i? ~ I/) l.'tff/tV:{fM~.c:::...rJjri m~'S l=-\.L~f) c.r.. ric\ ({'7 ttrl.' " ~~ \ ,,~\ ADDIlEBlIl '\ \~ I have carefully read BOTH sides of this apPI~~~h~bsrr\tIf!l--that all Information PRHTNAM& ~V\( oX. . ~, .( READ CAREFULL VI Vour AuthorizatIon Is Based On The .........::.:.,..:.........:....: . MINIMUM). SETBACKS' . . "'~:':": WATER IIISTAlLED MO. ~~OFlIE3 NO. OF EMPLOYED o ""0 PRoPOSED WORI( , Is true and c!'~iect 7-2-Q...,. ",no I FEES DUE: $ . APPROVED BY: ..P<'7~-,-- DATE_ c..-/-'lV CALL FOR INSPECTIONS (SEE BACK OF FORM F6Fi INSTRUCTIONS) 68704065 SEPTIC permits srs good for ons yesr. ALL other psrmlts expIre sftsr 180 dsys unlsss Inspecllons sre current. . ~ . ~ ""..\ \ .....\ \, , - .~ \'-.'J VIOLA nONS .,,1\ ~..- ~~Sn,.. ~l~f.-> ~ _ SETBACKS AA'D onmR. --..............J OF APPROVAl.. MUST BB STR.ICJ1.. Y OBSBIlVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION opnus PBRMlT. CITATIONS MAY DR ISSUED UNDPR nm PROVISIONS Of LANE COtoo'Y'S INFRAcnON ORDINANCE AND/OR onmR REMEDIES AlLOWED BY LAW. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN FOR INSPECTION REQUESTS Have the following information ready when you call: 687-4065 Permit number - Job address -' Type of inspection required . - When it will be ready Your name and phone nwnber - Any ~al directions to ~e site . PUBLIC OFFICIAL RIGIITTO TRESPASS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ORB ns.oao POWER TO BNIER UPON LAND. nIB COMMlSSION, AND ANY Of ITS MBMBERS, OFPlCERS AND EMPLOYES, IN nIB PERPORMANCE OPnmIRPUNcnONS, MAY &VI1iR UPON A..VY LAND AND MAKBBXAMlNATIONS AND SURVEYS AND PLACB ANDMAlNTAIN nm NECBSSARY MONUMHNTS AND MARKERS '''~'''. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after excavations for foolings are complete and any required reinforeing steel is in place. UNDERGROUND PIPING INSPECTION: To be made after all underground piping has been installed, prior to any backfill. CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or tinder-floor building service equipmen~ conduit, piping accessories and ~ther ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing insbuIed. including the subfloor. ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made after all ducling and gas piping has been installed and prior to being covered. ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION: .To be made after all plumbing rough-in is in place, prior to being covered. FRAMING INSPECTION: To be made after the all framing, fire blocking, bracing and roof are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections have been made and approved. INSULATION INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and vapor barriers are in place, prior to covering. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum boanl, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. ADDI1'IONALlNSp,ECTIONS MAY BE REQUrRED:such as but nOl.limited to; , BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforeing is in place, but before any grout is poured. The inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made just prior to the structure or remodeled area being occupied and prior to operating any equipment FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made just prior to the building, structure or remodeled area being occupied. FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION: To be made after fmish grading and the building, structure or remodeled area is completed and ready for occupancy. MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOMES: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system. prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setback requirements, blocking. tiedowns and plumbing connections. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. Minimum fmished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Management Tiedowns, if required, shall be installed and ready for inspeclinn within 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns shall be installed per enclosurc. APPROVAL REQUIRED No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated ~y each of the inspections required. \" . .- . ."- APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON TIlE JOB SITE AT ALL.TIMES DURING WOR'KINGHOURS. TIllS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN \YITlIlN-180 DAYS, OR IF-WORK IS ~ ..vrrc.D OR'ABANDONED FOR MORE TIlAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF TIllS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. , '. ANYONE PROCEEDIN~ PAST THE PO~ OFREQUlRED INSPE~ONS~"L'D? SO,t':T,!HE~~ ,O~N ~SK:#...; :_, Your signature on the front of this form verifies the following: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THIS COMPLETED APPLlCA TION, and do hereby certify that all infonnation hereon is true and COrrect, and that I have a legal interest in the t'~vt''''~'/ as owner of record or authorized agent. I further cenify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the laws of the State of Oregon per- taining to the work described herein. I further certify that if I am not the owner of the t'n"r~n./. my registration with the Builders Board is in full force and effcct as required by ORS 701.055, and that if exempt the basis for the exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on the job. SUBSURFACE & ALTERNATIVE SEW AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: When subsurface construction is complete. the permit holder shall notify the County Land Management Division by sl'bmitting the installation record fonn. An inspection will be made by a qualified sanitarian. If construction complies with all rules a cenificate of completion will be issued to the pennit holder. If construction does not comply with rules. the permit holder wilI.be notified. and all corrections shall be made before a certificate of completion will be issued. Failure to meet satisfactory completion within the alloned time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. SUBSURFACE SEW AGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANK From: Interior r--r-.... lines 10' Edge of road right-<lf-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells or other water sources 50' DRAINFIELD 10' 10' 10' 100' rJ ,. . e )?f - tJ :2- -C>G, ,/.3 iff ISlf - 9~ TL. IOOD[) N ZO'13 R:d,,_ iJf( J, .. .. ~ - - . I fO jSi I 3D' J.I:;,e .. .. g r.' , ~ v.d..~.l,~, - .;:;: "'-:::- f'~r,~", _ r _ _--=-._. -:::. " -1 Ii -':"-. -. ..:..- _-:. 1'<- h, ---....~-...'-..ie..... ~ ',0' ' .~\ --. -t ~...o\e> , - - ./ /\ ~\ \ ~ ~"ntt:* y~. Sl?Jrr . / Pl.Ol' p1Gl? /)ISPo . '" ~4.P~ ~~ . /) P'1ot- 10 Perr..i/ i, "'-. 1t 0 lrh_ I4rE~'/4"'; g';;::::""'d . ~ 81' <, -''''</i...., ~ . p .-", It^'~'''oty~ ,,~ '.aa""'7''''1..1'f~ "OJ" ....Sr 4 ....~l)j.. Itty~ 0 .... ..~" ~..,~ . If"'GO/V lVl./lf ....cr. .i5 T ./ ,r .>40, 15:-9 y .4.se. )." ,;,.. r...l;-k t 1/ k/~ 1(.' ..,_. \-, , . , . . . c. S. Krush, certify that this is an py of the final plat as shown. ~~ -4Y~ Marvin 5, KJ.ush P.L.S. LAND PARTITION' P FOUND 3/4" IRON PIPE MARKING SE COR. OF LOT 1, BLOCK 3, REDWOOD ESTATES PER REF. NO. 3 S SO' JASPF:R (S SO' 24' oO"JS' J8" t 40 ROAD E -405.00 PER5.26 rg,p ~d9J'/b RtF'. No. J) S SO' 24' PE:R Ror:rP'CAnON SO' 5J' lEER 20J.J4 PER E PER R~EF'. . JJ -S-SO'IJS'-.JS REF'.:... NO. l. NO. lJ l 20J.5 I- N 7.0 P.U.E. I ;:j PARCEL 1 I ~ 28,432 SQ. FT. I CD "! :;;: ------- ~7.0.P.U.E.____ "'; ~ --..1...5 ~ r- ei '--'t-~ 5J' 20" E__ I ei z 20J 49- -~:z .r:::: Ol 7.0 P.U.i::. ---_.~, 2 ~~ ~ PARCEL 2 r -g~~__ ~: e:. Ol 20,-076 SQ. FT, 8 t.: ffi:::! 0 <t d Ii ~ rl.o P.U.E. . .... n. ~ @ f-:Z <J r'b (--..(s-so: 20,1.5s 8 '" ~w ow.J ~:.... !" -5J~'20"_E:_ - 15 qb ~ f- - :,~., A 50.00 R.oW -- ').n.~", 3 ~::: e.EL !, TRIP il" ... - . . DEDICAnONoi '" ~ ;:-- ~ <l;.; b GE DRIVE "! ;;;....N "':1'" b:z \-i'-!!cJ---:1r3 0 ~bb H'" ~ ,'L 20J.6,?,"t---1 ~1Il__ > o II) '7.0 P.U.E. I 0- f ~ 1Il N PARCEL 3 8 ~b - 24,510 SQ. FT. ~ - U E - UNO 5/ff IRON ROD MARKING ---__r7.O P. '. I I P61NT OF FOURTH ADDITION TO KN SO' 5J' 2 - - - - - - I WI lAMETTE MANOR PER REF. NO.1, /lI\s/S OF' a 0" 'IV 20J 7J __ H LO f>S INrTIAL POINT N SO' 27' tARING Pf:R PER EF' -N-- N SO' 5J' 2g~ IVIV 20J.7J ~% NO. '1 2' 21 2) @ 2 . 20J/J REF'. NO, f1, .-!.- - .L --- -' _ -IA-"" \oI;~~:~E:;.oR jo ~ "J;~ ~::. .t.>. ' ~ 's. l. ""NOIt .t". . 1-0 Is- "". " ~ " <f. 6'''.s "6' -?I '''<!J <'.s .~ g' 21' 22" E 75.00 FOUND :t' IRON PIPE MARKING ['NrTIAL POINT OF REDWOOD ESTATES PER REF. NO. 3 ::J . ~ ~ FOUND 5/ff IRON ROD MARKING NE COR. OF FOURTH ADDITION TO WlLlAMETTE MANOR PER REF. NO. 1 (N rr 17' 50" W 10.13 PER REF. NO.1) N rr 21' 50" W 15.21 (S srr 53' 20" E 101.50 PER REF. NO. 1) S 8rr 3S' 38" E 101.50 b z ~ RO MARKING ~D A DITlON TO PER F. NO. 2 . I o I (-): I: F L L in thot Larry T. LeMoigne and Elfa N- LeMoigne ers of the hereon described property and they Iyout and partition the same as shown hereon hereby dedicate to the free Use of the public g~hown he?d27. ~' eMoigne / ~ N. Le~~e r \ EMENT: State of Oregon)ss ~nllnhl ,...( I "'h_\ - FOUND 'S' DIA BRASS CAP MARKING SE COR.. OF R. R. HARPER D.LC. NO. 66 IN T 18 S, R 2 W, W.M., SET IN 19S8 BY lANE CO. SURVEYORS OFFlCE r.; D I D' I ,