HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1996-2-22 'J . q~'~~':]VIE. JUL ~ !;n9Q~ u(},.n~ (Date received) ...J-\j~C.lAJ,Jj\J 1'1' . SEWAGE DISPOSAL SV'S'PEWi'ASEBHIL T" PLAN p~ to tho requi'-ementSwithin OAR 454.665. OAR 340-71-170 and OAR 340-71-175. the system WlstaIlef afldIOfthe pecmittee mustnolifythe department of - ',. ..'- alQuality (or its authorized AQent) when the constn.dion, altemtion or repair of a $)'Stem for~ a pcm'lit was issued is completed (except for 1he-b3d<filling orCCl'to'eMg of the ~ ~-.~-.--..l. The L.. 'r"" '. ..( or Agent) has scvon(7) day$ topctf<Xm aninspoctioncfthe compkrtod _._~. .-_._. afterChe offlCi8lnotica date. unless the - ....-......-.- (or Agent) elects 10 waivo the inspection end 8Ulhorizes the system to be badd"dladearfl<<. Rocciptancl aCc:eplanoe at this ~.,_'.._~"_.. form by the .... .....' '.", - (or PQenQ estab&shestheoffdalnotic:edateof)'OtK requestforthe~inspedion. pif!1KftmmolPt.. nn~~inr>softheform andretumtoLsneCountvEnvironmenl~~ 1?SF RlhA_" F..o:'~'W!_ ~ 974111 SECTION 1: BASIC INFORMATION Permit # /371/- 9i, ? J MapfTax-Lot # I <i?-n-::l.CJu,. J. ~ -/606;;). '1 ?V~( o It c:~ Dl Sp~ ~ LAlJ To Be Comoleted Bv Installer: PERMIT ISSUED TO: Name: .,--. f(. 7t If c. (!. .' Mailing ,Address: <;? 2. 7 . Property Address: ~& )" ~ en,..l ~. l t - ~\ I .\ TOTAL #: Bedrooms--,- Living Units ~ Ba:;'ement: ~s_ No WATER SUPPLY:. PUBLIC OOlndividual 0 Community 0 Other (Name) SECTION 2: Materials List (Identify and list all materials used in system): . SEPTIC TANK: ~ Con<t'~te 0 Poly 0 Metal . . . Manufacturer \~ ,\..LCI ",oJ);', ('.~ Total Liquid Capacity ~ 0 0 -C) Qal. Distance from Dwelling "ft.; Effluent :!lewer ASTM # ~~...s; .Distance from well. 8 ft. . DRAINFIELD: ~ r.lt ~1\ . C) Total Linear Feet ~ 0 a ; Drainfield Pipe (ASTM#W /'l"t I P... Header Pipe (ASTM#}.ol 7...J..\l Depth Rock Beneath Drain LineC'. in:; Depth Rock Over Drain Line.Q....jn. Distance of WELL from Closest Portion of DRAINFIELO..o . Mfg./Type/Size of Rock Filter Materia" PUMP SYSTEM: l':T: .- I (installer's name). ' certify/that a (Mfg_) Model No.'Pl!mp and Mercury Float Switch (Mfg. and No.) have been installed.wit.!! this sewage installation. (Complete as Applicable): Working Capacity of Chamber oal. Gallons per Cyc1e---9al. "Working Cap- - . remaining after alarm has activated qal. - ~~~~~\\ --- Signature Date 7 - I d- -0 b . . OTHER: (Materials not - ted above) FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: KSystem Approved. '0 System Disapproved 0 Needs Correction COMMENJ::?: _ --7bfc. 7C(.;-Y2(Ft~-a; /~5Uc/D ~gp uzPaA../ ~ //lJ<3>~>/'-?YI<; .'~RXJ7 /..Zr7PD~c.-'-rzP7fK/;' o System Corrected; Date:' / (1 ./ . . System Capacity .4 SLJ Signature' ~~ . Date ?/'Zc:../tC; .~~~._~~~=~~~. _......~-""""""..~_._* 454 665 of satisfactory compfetiOn of a Subsurface sewage disposal system at the above k>cation. . . ' (over) . V qaUday . . (over) Permit # I 3 7 <I ~ 9JL SECTION 3: AS-BUILT PLAN OF THE CONSTRUCTED SYSTEM. Show the following: North arrow, septic system referenced to a fixed poin~ such as, building foundation or property comer. property lines, wells and water lines within 200 ft., drive or walk-ways, all buildings, property dimensions, streams, ponds, cuts, escarpments (>50% slopes). lI).elude final grade shots of ends of trenches, distribution box, and septic tank outlet elevation. ....................................................................~..~........................................ \-' W r \ 2./_ q~ 3 0,1 ('oJ \_I\')I_-I~~ I - ( u' to J \,;c ( V', \r' -- '-=-. ~I VICINITY MAP -J~~ ~~..... 'l-(~ , \~.. \ J3:1' N I certify the information provided in this notice is correct. and that the constn,lction .of this system was in accordance with the permit and the rules regulating the cOnstruction of an on-site sewage disposal system. I have tested the septic tank for water tightness pe'r OAR 340-73-025(3) and ~ found it to comply_ Installer (Please'p~nt) E' "'" t" f.\N vv.l . . - (roUe as shown on OEQ license) Telephone ....,~ L - ~ ~ ~- ( license No. 3 ~ ~ lll... f' '. Bonding Gol)' ny ~:r-t. ~.(\ 1\ 1\-. . ~. l~ Signature I